27 years old is a fatal age. Janis Joplin. The fatal fate of the woman of fate

Chekov, Dmitry

Musician, member of the duet “MC Vspyshkin & Nikiforovna”. Death occurred in 2011 at the age of 27.

In 2009

Dike, Joby

Australian cyclist, world track champion. Death occurred in 2009 at the age of 27.

In 2008

Putsykin, Alexey Viktorovich

Senior Lieutenant Armed Forces Russian Federation, participant Chechen conflict and the conflict in South Ossetia, Hero of the Russian Federation. Death occurred in 2008 at the age of 27.

In 2007

Ponomarchuk, Alexander

Russian classical guitarist, laureate of international and All-Russian competitions, member of the Quattro-mandolino group. Death occurred in 2007 at the age of 27.

In 2006

Hunter, Paul

English snooker player; Cancer. Death occurred in 2006 at the age of 27.

Becerra, Elson

Former Colombian footballer, striker; killed (shot). Death occurred in 2006 at the age of 27.

In 2002

Turbina, Nika Georgievna

Russian poetess. Death occurred in 2002 at the age of 27.

In 2000

Zavadsky, Dmitry Alexandrovich

Journalist, television cameraman, in 1994-1997 personal cameraman of Alexander Lukashenko; kidnapped in Minsk and killed. Death occurred in 2000 at the age of 27.

In 1999

Gorenko, Anna

Russian-speaking Israeli poetess; heroin overdose. Death occurred in 1999 at the age of 27.

In 1998

Gurtyak, Dmitry Alexandrovich

Donetsk programmer. Death occurred in 1998 at the age of 27.

In 1997

Starkov, Eduard

Rock musician, poet, leader and vocalist of the St. Petersburg underground group "Chimera", member and one of the founders of the group "Last Tanks in Paris". Death occurred in 1997 at the age of 27.

In 1996

Nikulin, Viktor Mikhailovich

Correspondent. Death occurred in 1996 at the age of 27.

In 1994

Kholodov, Dmitry Yurievich

Russian journalist; murder. Death occurred in 1994 at the age of 27.

Escobar, Andres

Colombian football player; murder. Death occurred in 1994 at the age of 27.

Pfaff, Kristen

American bass guitarist, known for her work with the band Hole. Death occurred in 1994 at the age of 27.

In 1993

Chumychkin, Igor Vasilievich

Rock musician, guitarist, member of the group "Alice"; suicide. Death occurred in 1993 at the age of 27.

In 1991

Mikhailovsky, Nikita Viktorovich

Soviet actor; leukemia Death occurred in 1991 at the age of 27.

In 1988

Bashlachev, Alexander Nikolaevich

Russian poet, musician. Death occurred in 1988 at the age of 27.

In 1977

Price, Tom

British racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 world championships; died at the South African Grand Prix. Death occurred in 1977 at the age of 27.

In 1971

Morrison, Jim

American poet, rock musician, leader The group Doors; drug overdose. Death occurred in 1971 at the age of 27.

In 1970

Joplin, Janice

American singer, considered one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock music; The circumstances of the death have not been fully clarified. Death occurred in 1970 at the age of 27.

Hendrix, Jimi

American guitarist, rock musician, one of the world's greatest guitarists; choked on vomit due to an overdose of sleeping pills. Death occurred in 1970 at the age of 27.

Arguello, Patricio

Nicaraguan revolutionary internationalist, participant in the first political hijacking of an airplane in order to draw attention to the problem of Palestine; killed on an El Al plane over France. Death occurred in 1970 at the age of 27.

In 1969

Nefedova, Doris

Famous German singer, star of German chanson. Death occurred in 1969 at the age of 27.

Jones, Brian

Founder, guitarist, multi-instrumentalist and backing vocalist of 4th of July Mikhail Khergiani is a Soviet mountaineering athlete. Death occurred in 1969 at the age of 27.

In 1962

Chigirin, Yuliy Fedorovich

Soviet railway engineer, at the cost own life saved two women from death. Death occurred in 1962 at the age of 27.

In 1952

Hero Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1952 at the age of 27.

In 1950

Klyuev, Pyotr Nikolaevich

Aviation Captain, Hero of the Soviet Union; plane crash. Death occurred in 1950 at the age of 27.

In 1948

Nikolaenko, Ivan Dementievich

Senior Sergeant Soviet Army, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1948 at the age of 27.

In 1945

Likholetov, Pyotr Yakovlevich

Hero of the Soviet Union, squadron commander of the 159th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 275th Fighter Aviation Division of the 13th Air Army of the Leningrad Front, captain. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 27.

Ustimenko, Stepan Yakovlevich

Sementsov, Mikhail Ivanovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 27.

Avakyan, Gazaros Avetisovich

Soviet officer, participant in the Great Patriotic War, commander of a rifle platoon of the 1264th Infantry Regiment of the 380th Infantry Division of the 50th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), lieutenant. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 27.

In 1944

Grishko, Pavel Savvovich

Lieutenant of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War,

Sanfirova, Olga Alexandrovna

Squadron commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 325th Night Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, guard captain, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Zubko, Pyotr Naumovich

Major of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Ivasik, Mikhail Adamovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Akperov, Gazanfar Kulam ogly

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Zhdanov, Alexey Mitrofanovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Shibanov, Grigory Ivanovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Gaidym, Ivan Yakovlevich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Katkov, Fedor Leontievich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Kasaev, Osman Musaevich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Lapin, Ivan Georgievich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

Kondrashin, Andrey Kuzmich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 27.

In 1943

Barmin, Ilya Elizarovich

Soviet officer, participant in the Great Patriotic War, master of tank combat, commander of the 3rd battalion of the 14th Guards Tank Brigade of the 4th Guards Tank Corps, Hero of the Soviet Union (1942). Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 27.

Bondar, Alexander Afanasyevich

Captain of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War,

Sytov, Ivan Nikitovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 27.

Yartsev, Pavel Petrovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 27.

Gulyaev, Dmitry Timofeevich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 27.

Atsev, Mirce

Yugoslav Macedonian partisan, People's hero Yugoslavia (posthumously) (1945), killed by Bulgarian police. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 27.

In 1942

Emirov, Valentin Allahyarovich

Captain of the Red Army, commander of the 926th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 219th Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the Transcaucasian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 27.

Bandera, Vasily Andreevich

Ukrainian public and political figure, younger brother of Stepan Bandera. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 27.

Euper, Ernest

Yugoslav Slovenian intelligence officer of French-German origin, participant in the People's Liberation War, People's Hero of Yugoslavia (posthumously). Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 27.

Blinov, Nikita Pavlovich

Soviet officer, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Company Commander of the 6th Guards Tank Brigade, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 27.

Oplesnin, Nikolai Vasilievich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, junior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 27.

In 1941

Lavrinenko, Dmitry Fedorovich

Soviet tank ace, guard senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), the most effective tanker of the Red Army, died in battle. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Besednyak, Angel

Slovenian partisan, participant in the People's Liberation Struggle of Yugoslavia. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Seliverstov, Kuzma Egorovich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), flight commander of the 55th Fighter Aviation Regiment (20th Mixed Aviation Division, 9th Army, Southern Front), Lieutenant. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Hare, Denis Arkhipovich

Company sergeant major of the 257th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the 7th Army of the North-Western Front, Hero of the Soviet Union (1940). Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Kunitsa, Semyon Andreevich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Doniy, Zakhar Afanasyevich

Participant of the Soviet-Finnish War, commander of a communications platoon of the 124th howitzer artillery regiment of the 7th Army of the North-Western Front, sergeant major. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Ogorzof, Paul

German serial killer and rapist, executed Whorf, Benjamin Lee (44), American linguist, language specialist American Indians and the author of the so-called Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Quinones Gonzalez, Jose

Military pilot, national hero Peru. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

Baykov, Semyon Grigorievich

Commander of the engineer platoon of the 50th separate motorized engineering battalion of the 1st mechanized corps of the 11th Army of the North-Western Front, junior lieutenant. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 27.

In 1937

Vasiliev, Pavel Nikolaevich

Russian Soviet poet; shot. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 27.

Antonich, Bogdan-Igor Vasilievich

Ukrainian poet, prose writer, translator, literary critic. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 27.

In 1934

Sologub, Ales Feofilovich

Belarusian poet, representative of the “prison lyric” movement in Belarusian literature. Death occurred in 1934 at the age of 27.

In 1930

Tadevosyan, Maria Alexandrovna

Russian and Soviet silent film actress. Death occurred in 1930 at the age of 27.

In 1927

Ivan Savin

Russian poet, writer, journalist. Death occurred in 1927 at the age of 27.

In 1919

Mikhailichenko, Ignat Vasilievich

Writer and politician. Death occurred in 1919 at the age of 27.

Teddy Bear Jap

The famous Odessa raider. Death occurred in 1919 at the age of 27.

Ilmer, Karl Petrovich

Russian revolutionary of Latvian origin, Bolshevik, participant Civil War. Death occurred in 1919 at the age of 27.

In 1918

Weinbaum, Grigory Spiridonovich

Soviet statesman and party leader, authorized by the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Soviet Republic - RSFSR in Siberia (1917-1918), was shot. Death occurred in 1918 at the age of 27.

In 1915

Brooke, Rupert

English poet known for his idealistic war sonnets written during the First World War; sepsis. Death occurred in 1915 at the age of 27.

In 1914

Trakl, Georg

Outstanding Austrian poet; suicide. Death occurred in 1914 at the age of 27.

Macke, August

German expressionist artist. Death occurred in 1914 at the age of 27.

Nesterov, Pyotr Nikolaevich

Russian military pilot, staff captain, founder of aerobatics (Nesterov loop); died in an air battle, using a ram for the first time in combat aviation practice. Death occurred in 1914 at the age of 27.

In 1905

Kalyaev, Ivan Platonovich

Russian revolutionary, terrorist, Socialist Revolutionary, poet, murderer of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich; executed. Death occurred in 1905 at the age of 27.

In 1903

Ketskhoveli, Lado

Revolutionary activist in Tsarist Russia, Social Democrat. Death occurred in 1903 at the age of 27.

In 1901

Tysoe, Alfred

British athlete, two-time summer champion Olympic Games 1900. Death occurred in 1901 at the age of 27.

Club 27 is not actually a club or any place, but a list of prominent musicians who died at the age of 27 under strange circumstances. The history of Club 27 began in 1938. On at the moment there are 48 musicians on this list, including Amy Winehouse, who after her death in 2011 was also included in this Club.

There are several amazing and mysterious stories about the damned members of Club 27.

  • All six musicians who were in the first group of the Club were abusing drugs and alcohol at the time of their death . And although the cause of Amy Winehouse's death is still unknown, she also had a strong addiction to illegal drugs.
  • After their deaths, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix were found with white lighters. The only exception is Brian Jones, who was found dead at the bottom of the pool.
  • Besides these worldwide famous musicians, there are 42 other musicians, also prominent but less famous, who also died at the age of 27.
  • Many people around the world believe that there is a curse according to which any famous musician can say goodbye to life at the age of 27. And although some consider this legend a superstition, many musicians around the world were frightened by this phenomenon.
  • About two years ago, even before Amy Winehouse's death, when no one could have imagined that she would become a member of the tragic Club 27, an unknown woman, who refused to give her name, said that the club members were engaged in Satanism, that they had all made a pact with the devil to gain fame, wealth and talent. This woman also claimed that she was a high priestess and knew firsthand what she was talking about.
  • The 27 Club gained incredible fame when four prominent, famous musicians, namely Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, died within a span of two years. This phenomenon has received a huge response in music industry, as many singers 27 years old or approaching that age began to fear that there was a curse and that they might be next. The deaths of four famous musicians under unusual and eerily similar circumstances, including their addiction to alcohol and drugs, the so-called "curse of the white lighter" and other strange facts became the precursor to the series mysterious deaths in the world of music.
  • Many writers and historians claim that these musicians, with the exception of Amy Winehouse , who recently joined the ranks of Club 27, tried to cross the line between life and death at least once in their lives, as if trying to refute the words “Music is reversible, but time cannot be turned back.” This is another strange fact about the tragic Club 27.
  • Famed biographer Charles R. Cross wrote: “The number of musicians killed at the age of 27 is remarkable from any point of view. People die all the time, at any age. But statistics show a surge in deaths of musicians precisely at the age of 27.” He does not claim that there is anything supernatural in all this, but still points out the mysterious facts and coincidences that exist.
  • After many lesser-known musicians died at the age of 27 between 1971 and 1994, many decided that the curse had lost its power and was over. But when Kurt Cobain, then 27, died in 1994, there was renewed unrest in the music industry, and many fanatical believers in the existence of the curse of famous musicians declared that it had returned. And now, 17 years later, worldwide famous singer and composer Amy Winehouse became his next victim.
  • The first member of the 27 Club was Robert Johnson, whose life and legacy have become mythological. He had a profound influence on the development of rock, blues and the art of guitar playing in general. One of the first musicians to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Although it is believed that Johnson died after being poisoned by his mistress's jealous husband, the circumstances of his Faustian bargain at the crossroads are much more curious. And while the famous legend of the musician's pact with the devil may well be the usual publicity stunt that artists love to resort to, there is an amusing suggestion that Johnson did not read the terms of the contract written in fine print, and for this reason the devil is still continues to collect the souls of 27-year-old musicians.

They leave having completed the task,
They are recalled by the Higher Worlds,
Unknown to our consciousness,
According to the rules of the space game...

Infamous - one of the phenomena of rock music. In this so-called club includes the most talented musicians who have had a significant influence on more than one generation. They made a huge contribution to music, but not only this is what unites them - they all died at the height of popularity at the age of 27, often under strange and sometimes unclear circumstances.

Although the number 27 is considered fatal for rock musicians, it is nothing more than a myth, not a curse. If we analyze biographical information famous musicians over the past 100 years, we can clearly come to the conclusion that they die at the age of 27 no more often than at any other age. Yes, musicians die earlier than “ordinary” people, and many of them actually die before they reach 40 years of age.

There is a simple explanation for this “phenomenon”: the lives of rock musicians are accompanied by alcohol and drugs. To this can also be added a busy lifestyle: constant travel, tours, emotional overload. Many musicians like to believe that turning to drugs and alcohol is a consequence of overload. But the fact remains that the existence "Club 27" is the result of biased selection random coincidences. In fact, there is no “curse 27”.

And although the age of 27 is not fatal for musicians, one cannot but agree that at this age many of them, on the one hand, have already done the best they could, and on the other, are still quite young, so their death is surrounded by a romantic aura. Death turns them into legend. Almost all members club were geniuses, showed this genius early, and rocketed to the musical Olympus. Success, crowds of fans, joy creative achievements. There is a whole life ahead! As bright stars, they are brighter than all the others, and therefore burn out faster, as they are now and today. Live fast and die young, before they have time to say: “No longer the same as yesterday.” Who are the members? "Club 27"?

Robert Johnson. Divine talent as a gift from the devil

A talented guitarist and skilled singer, he is considered one of the most talented bluesmen of all times. His hits "I Believe I'll Dust My Broom" And "Sweet Home Chicago""became a classic of blues performance.

He was born in 1911 in Mississippi, USA. During his short career Johnson He traveled a lot, performing wherever possible. To a large audience Johnson didn't get there. Only 29 songs that he recorded in Dallas and San Antonio in 1936-1937 became famous. The greatest recognition came to him only after death. His songs were performed Muddy Waters, Elmore James, The Rolling Stones And Eric Clapton. Big wave interest in work Johnson in the music world took place in the 1960s, when his songs were re-released. Another collection was released in the 1990s and sold millions of copies.

Most of life Robert Jones surrounded by secrets and legends. One of the most famous is about how he achieved such musical mastery. He tried for a long time to learn to play the blues on guitar and had little success, until at one magical crossroads he made a deal with the devil. There are even mentions of this in his songs ( "Me and the devil blues", "Hellhound on my trail", "Crossroad blues").

He died at the age of 27, 1938. The exact cause of death is not known. He was either poisoned, or shot, or stabbed to death by the jealous husband of one of the fans, or mistresses. In the official death certificate, in the “Cause” column there is only “No doctor”... It is also not known where the artist is buried. In one of his blues, he asked that his grave be next to a highway so that his “old evil spirit could get on a bus and ride away.”

Jimi Hendrix. Strange London story

Born 1942. His childhood was not easy; he often lived with some relatives, then with others, or even just with acquaintances. And music became his salvation from loneliness. Having dropped out of school, but not finding a decent job, he joined the army, where he continued to play the guitar. Having been injured, he was forced to leave the army, and by that time he already understood that his calling was music. In 1966 Hendrix met Chas Chandler, former member groups Animals. He convinced Jimi go to London, where together with Noel Redding And Mitch Mitchell they created a group The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Hendrix made a huge impression on the English musical elite. Group members, The Rolling Stone s, The Who, Eric Clapton and others admired the game Jimi. British music critic Melody Maker wrote about Jimi, that “sometimes it even seems like he plays without any hands at all.”

In support of his first album "Are You Experienced?" the group went on tour, which Hendrix simply blew the audience away with his innovative guitar playing, achieving an amazing sound. He won American audiences with his virtuosic performances on Monterey Pop Festival in June 1967, at the end of which he set fire to the instrument.

1970 Jimi Hendrix was found dead in a room at the Samarkand Hotel in London. His death was horrific, he choked on his vomit after overdosing on sleeping pills. There is, perhaps, the most criminality around his death. The girlfriend who was with him at the time of his death argued that he could have been saved, but the doctor did not take the necessary measures. The police report stated that Jimi was alone when he was found in the hotel. At the same time, the musician was fully dressed and had already been “dead for some time.” In 2009, a witness came forward and stated that Hendrix killed on the order of the manager, from whom the musician wanted to leave. The doctor who examined the body agreed with this version. But too much time has passed for there to be any hope of finding out the truth.

He was a real rock star and remains popular to this day. There are 351 entries in the posthumous discography. Time magazine called him the greatest guitarist of all time, the most daring and inventive virtuoso in the history of rock: “ Jimi Hendrik could get more out of the guitar than any other musician. He was the greatest guitarist."

Jim Morrison. See Paris and die

The singer and songwriter was born in 1943. He grew up in a military family that rose to the rank of admiral, who also played the piano well. Jim grew up surrounded by strict rules, periodically he rebelled, but still finished school and even received a degree from the University, although by his own admission he did this only because he did not want to join the army or go to work. He read a lot since childhood, and at the University he was interested in poetry. The brilliant guitarist, poet and composer is considered one of the most charismatic frontmen in the history of rock music. He became not just one of the creators, but it is believed that it was thanks to him that the group achieved such fame. Dark lyrics Morrison against the background of psychedelic performances, more reminiscent of shock therapy, they did The Doors the most radical and darkest group of the 1960s. A Morrison known both for his distinctive voice and for his unique stage presence, self-destructive lifestyle and poetic creativity. Rolling Stone magazine included him in its "100" list greatest singers of all times."

ABOUT Morrisone they wrote that he sang as if he was being executed on electric chair. His music was called "the music of loners." And while the group’s fame was rapidly climbing the musical Olympus, personal life Jim's with the same speed rushed into the abyss. Drunkenness, drugs, fights with police, arrests for indecent behavior - all this became less and less controllable. In an attempt to change something, he took a short time out and went to Paris with his girlfriend Pamela. He was going to be in seclusion, if the evidence is to be believed, this is how his best works. However, there he plunged deeper into drugs and depression. 1971 Pamela found Morrison dead in the bathroom of their rented apartment. He died presumably from cardiac arrest. Since French police found no signs of foul play, no autopsy was performed, leading to much speculation about the cause of death. These include drug overdose, suicide, and even murder. There are still rumors surrounding his death. The only witness to his death, Pamela, took the secret to the grave three years later.

He remains one of the most legendary and mysterious stars of rock and roll. Texts written for The Doors, inspired an entire generation of dissatisfied youth who found their hopes and disappointments reflected in his words. Morrison opened the world to those who listened and heard him, inspired them to search for something new and abandon the familiar: “In the world there is the understandable and the incomprehensible, and between them - Doors».

Janis Joplin. The fatal fate of the woman of fate

She had powerful, bluesy vocals that scratched your eardrums and evoked a storm of emotions. She was a genius at improvisation, possessing a talent for performing black blues that was rare among white women.

Janice born 1943. Having discovered an interest in music in early childhood she sang in the church choir, showing great hopes of becoming a good singer. In college, she performed on campus at music events where anyone could perform. Her strong, bold singing style surprised and delighted. But her music career only began when she joined the group Big Brother in 1966. Their album " "Cheap Thrills" was a real hit, although it caused disagreements in the team. Joplin left the group, and her second solo album made her a real star. Unfortunately, the album was released after the singer's death.

October 3, 1970 Janice learned that while she was recording an album in Los Angeles, her fiancé Seth Morgan had an orgy in Texas. Janice got drunk, then there was heroin, perhaps in her stupor she did not realize that she was dealing with a more powerful potion. On the morning of 1970, she did not show up at Sunset Sound Studios, where work on the album was underway. Without reaching her by phone, the group's producer Paul Rothschild sent an assistant to the hotel. Having opened the room with a service key, the hotel employee found Janice lying on the floor. Her lips were bloody and her nose was broken. She was clutching money in her fist—$4.50. The death of a 27-year-old star turned the release of an album with a symbolic title "Pearl" into a sensation, propelling it to the top of the American charts.

Despite the sudden death of the singer, the music continues to win fans and inspire followers. Collections of her recordings have been reissued countless times. She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995 and received a posthumous Grammy for lifetime achievement in 2005. Many books and non-fiction essays have been written about her life, including Love, Janis, written by her sister Laura Joplin, on which the play of the same name is based.

Brian Jones. The man who died every day

Born 1942. In 1962 he became one of the founders of the group The Rolling Stones , which also included pianist Ian Stewart, singer Mick Jaeger and guitarist Keith Richardson. At the beginning of history The Rolling Stones Jones was the leader of the group, thanks to his ability to see new horizons, a musician, he could easily play different instruments, as well as a manager. The Rolling Stones purchased cult meaning, not a single performer or group can compare with them either in the number of hits, or in the number of “gold” and “platinum” albums, or in the number of concerts played.

Although Brian Considered the guitarist of the group, he also played sitar, organ, mellotron, flute, harmonica and several other instruments such as tambourine, xylophone and marimba. By the mid-1960s Brian acutely felt the alienation in the team. He increasingly turned to alcohol and drugs, which did not improve relations with team members. In May 1967, the musician was arrested for the first time for drug use, and on June 8, 1969, after recording "Let it Bleed", Jones asked from the group. He decided to start solo career, but didn’t have time.

1969, a month after leaving The Rolling Stones was found at the bottom of a swimming pool in his own home. His death is considered an accident, but there are speculations that he was murdered. and died on the same day, two years apart. Pete Townshend– founder, leader and author of almost all the group’s songs The Who– after death Jones published the poem "A Normal Day For Brian, A Man Who Died Every Day" in The Times.

Kurt Cobain. There can only be one true messiah

Founder and leader cult group Nirvana born 1967. The talented guitarist became a legend, an idol, the messiah of his time, he was called the “voice of a generation.” Group Nirvana became the main rock phenomenon of the 1990s. A around the Kurta There was an atmosphere of loneliness. He received the status of the best songwriter of a generation. Only this status, along with the growing popularity of the group, turned out to be too heavy a burden for talented musician. He began to experience a feeling of painful anxiety about how his music was being received, what awaited him in the future. He started taking heroin. Drugs provided relief from chronic stomach pain. His relationship with Courtney Love was like a whirlwind of nature. Due to drug problems, they had to fight for the right to remain the parents of a daughter born in this marriage. And although his group and his professional life were at the peak of popularity, the musician fell increasingly into a depressed state.

On March 4, 1994, he attempted suicide, but was rescued in time by an ambulance. On March 18, Courtney called the police, reporting that her husband had locked himself in with a gun and was threatening to kill himself. After this incident, Courtney convinced her husband to go to a clinic to get rid of drug addiction.

However, he spent only a few days in the hospital. 1994 in the annex country house Kurt took a lethal dose of heroin and shot himself in the head, leaving an impressive farewell letter, in which he addressed his fans, wife and daughter. Despite the suicide message, there is speculation that it was not suicide but murder, and Courtney Love was among the suspects.

Even after his death, he continues to intrigue and inspire his fans. All albums released posthumously reached the top of the charts. It is noteworthy that Cobain holds the record for musicians who earned more after death than during life.

Amy Winehouse. You have to pay dearly for expensive talent

Born 1983. She burst into music world at the age of 16, when she signed her first contract as a jazz singer. Later, her main style became a mix of jazz, R&B, pop and soul music. She was amazingly talented: vocals, called “the voice of the decade,” talent as a composer and poet, and... charisma that bewitched and immersed in silent delight.

For all the gifts given by nature, Amy paid the highest price. By the time of the release of her debut album, the singer had already gained a reputation as an unbalanced person. who was more interested in partying and drinking. She often showed up to performances too drunk to work through the concert. At the same time, she began a difficult relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil, who got her hooked on hard drugs. In public, their quarrels often turned into brawls. Their relationship revolved around drugs, alcohol, beatings and self-destruction. In April 2007 Amy announced her engagement to Blake and said that it was her relationship with her future husband that inspired most of her hits from "Back to Black", for which the singer received 5 Grammys, 3 of them for the single "Rehab", in which she talks about her reluctance to undergo rehab...

After marrying Blake in May 2007, Amy returned to her previous destructive life. For the opening of a 17-day US tour Onehouse appeared insane, the audience was disappointed and began to leave the concert. The singer sobbed and cursed. Such inappropriate behavior made her a favorite character of the yellow press.

In August 2007, she found herself in a coma after an overdose, and later admitted that this happened after mixing heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, whiskey and vodka. Scheduled tour of North America was postponed indefinitely. In May 2008, she was once again arrested for drug use. After publicly admitting to his drug addiction Amy Having been denied a US visa, she was unable to attend the 2008 Grammy Awards. Instead, her performance in London was broadcast via satellite. It is noteworthy that that evening she received 5 Grammys.

Being at the pinnacle of success in professional life, Amy Winehouse was going downhill in the personal. Even more shocking, even more drugs, even more alcohol. Her marriage to Blake ended in divorce, and her health deteriorated. From a buxom beauty she turned into a skeleton. She was either arrested or sent to the hospital. In 2011, the fantastically talented singer died of alcohol poisoning. Mother Amy called her life a fatal car accident.

"Club 27" - live fast and die young

Is there really a predisposition for self-destruction among young rock stars? Perhaps they could have been saved somehow? The last companions of these unfortunates were almost always drugs and alcohol. “No one is responsible for your addiction, but everyone is responsible for their own rehabilitation.” Now one can only wonder how much more they could have done, how they could have used their amazing talent, if they had lived longer.

Other performers, members "Club 27":

- American ragtime musician. He died of “multiple sclerosis,” although the most likely cause of death was neurosyphilis.
Dates of life: March 13, 1881 – March 26, 1908.

Jesse Belvin- American R&B singer, pianist, songwriter. Died in a car accident.
Dates of life: December 15, 1932 – February 6, 1960.

Rudy Lewis- American rhythm and blues vocalist, member of the group The Drifters. Died from an overdose.
Dates of life: August 23, 1936 – May 20, 1964.

Dicky PrideBritish singer rock and roll. Died from an overdose of sleeping pills.
Dates of life: October 21, 1941 – March 26, 1969.

Elaine Wilson- American vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, leader of the blues band Canned Heat. Died from an overdose of barbiturates. Due to two previous suicide attempts, his death is considered a suicide, although there is no definitive evidence.
Dates of life: July 04, 1943 – September 03, 1970.

Arlester Christian- frontman, vocalist and bassist of the American band Dyke & the Blazers.
Dates of life: June 13, 1943 – March 13, 1971.

Linda Jones- American sauce singer. She died due to complications of diabetes.
Dates of life: December 14, 1944 – March 14, 1972.

Leslie Harvey- Guitarist for several Scottish bands, the most famous of which was Stone the Crows. He died at his own concert from an electric shock after touching an ungrounded microphone with wet hands.
Dates of life: September 13, 1944 – May 3, 1972.

Ron McKernan- American musician, keyboardist for the Grateful Dead. Died of liver cirrhosis caused by alcoholism.
Dates of life: September 08, 1945 – March 08, 1973.

David Alexander- American musician, bassist of the proto-punk band The Stooges. After being hospitalized due to pancreatitis caused by alcoholism, he died of pulmonary edema.
Dates of life: June 3, 1947 – February 10, 1975.

Peter Ham– Welsh vocalist, songwriter, guitarist, member of the band Badfinger. Finding himself in a financial and creative crisis, he hanged himself in the garage of his own home three days before his 28th birthday.
Dates of life: April 27, 1947 – April 24, 1975.

– bass guitarist, member of the British rock band Uriah Heep. Died from a heroin overdose.
Dates of life: May 15, 1948 – December 8, 1975.

Helmut Kollen– German bass guitarist, member of the band Triumvirat. Died from exhaust fumes in a garage. Presumably an accident.
Dates of life: March 02, 1950 – May 03, 1977.

Chris Bell- American singer, songwriter, guitarist, leader of the band Big Star. Died instantly after losing control of his sports car and crashing into a wooden pole.
Dates of life: January 12, 1951 – December 27, 1978.

Jacob Miller- Jamaican reggae musician, member of the group Inner Circle. Died in a car accident.
Dates of life: May 4, 1952 – March 23, 1980.

D. Boone(Dennis Dale Boone) is an American vocalist, songwriter and guitarist for the punk rock trio Minutemen. He was driving without a seat belt and broke his neck when he was thrown from a minivan into a ditch.
Dates of life: April 1, 1958 – December 22, 1985.

Pete da Freitas– musician, producer, drummer British group Echo&the Bunnymen. Crash on a motorcycle.
Dates of life: August 2, 1961 – June 14, 1989.

(“Plague”) – Russian rock musician, guitarist, member of the group “Alisa”. He jumped out of his apartment window while under the influence of drugs.
Dates of life: November 13, 1965 – April 12, 1993.

- American singer, vocalist of the punk band The Gits. Beaten and strangled during an attack on the street.
Dates of life: August 25, 1965 – July 7, 1993.

– American bass guitarist, member of the alternative rock band Hole. Opiate overdose.
Dates of life: May 26, 1967 – June 16, 1994.

Eduard "Redt" Starkov– Russian rock musician, poet, leader and vocalist of the St. Petersburg underground groups “Chimera” and “Deputy Baltika”. Hanged himself. The exact reasons have not been established.
Dates of life: July 8, 1969 – February 23, 1997.

Patrick Hawkins, better known as Fat Pat, is an American rapper and member of the group Screwed Up Click. Shot.
Dates of life: December 4, 1970 – February 3, 1998.

Raymond Rogers, known professionally as Freaky Tah, is a Jamaican rapper and member of the hip-hop group Lost Boyz.
Dates of life: May 14, 1971 – March 28, 1999.

Jeremy Ward– sound engineer for The Mars Volta and De Facto, guitarist and artist. Heroin overdose.
Dates of life: May 5, 1976 – May 25, 2003.

Alexander Korzhov– vocalist and guitarist of the Ukrainian rock band “Manuscript”. Hanged himself.

Many people consider the number 27 to be unlucky. If this number “haunts” a person throughout the day (it constantly catches his eye on the clock, TV screen, signs, etc.), then he should expect trouble.

For many of the musicians celebrated in this issue, the number 27 has definitely become fatal - there is even the infamous “Club 27”. The impetus for the creation of this club was the deaths of Jones, Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison. All of these famous musicians died at the age of 27, and they all died one after another within 10 months. 2 years later, on the day of Morrison's death, the backing vocalist of the rock group The Rolling Stones, Brian Jones, also died. Almost all members of Club 27 died either under strange or unclear circumstances.

(Total 17 photos)

1. Kurt Cobain, lead singer and songwriter of Nirvana, committed suicide on April 5, 1994.

2. B recent years Throughout his life, Kurt Cobain suffered from heroin addiction, depression and numerous illnesses. Even his own fame and stage image weighed on him. A few days before his suicide, Kurt was hospitalized with a severe overdose of alcohol and sleeping pills.

3. Official sources reported that Kurt Cobain's death was the result of a gunshot to the head from a gun. But many believe that it was not suicide, but simply murder.

4. Amy Winehouse is one of the presenters British singers, who had a rare voice, was found dead in her London home on July 23, 2011.

5. Amy Winehouse tried to fight her alcoholism and drug addiction for several years. There are now many speculations regarding the causes of her death. Among these assumptions there are both statements that death was a result of drug and alcohol abuse, and assumptions that the singer was killed by too sharp a refusal from all this.

6. Jimi Hendrix recognized best guitarist in the history of rock music died on September 18, 1970. Hendrix was openly called a genius during his lifetime.

7. Jimi Hendrix's death was not too difficult for himself, but truly terrible for those around him - he died in his sleep, choking on his own vomit caused by an overdose of sleeping pills.

8. Janis Joplin is considered one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock music and the best white blues singer.

9. Unfortunately, in addition to her outstanding talent, Janis Joplin was also known for her addiction to drugs.

10. Janis Joplin died in the midst of working on her next album. Death occurred on October 4, 1970, believed to be from a heroin overdose.

11. Jim Morrison is the leader and vocalist of The Doors. He is still considered one of the brightest and most charismatic performers in rock music. He is ranked 47th on Rolling Stones magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time.

12. The name of the group “The Doors” was influenced by the book of the English writer Aldous Huxley “The Doors of Perception”, in which he described his experience of using mescaline in order to expand the boundaries of perception.

13. Expanding the boundaries of perception in this way brought with it reverse effect. Health and appearance Jim Morrison began to collapse very quickly. July 3, 1971 great poet and the musician was found dead in his own bathroom. Death is believed to have been caused by a heart attack, although no autopsy was performed.

14. Brian Jones is the brilliant founder of The Rolling Stones. He was also one of the first to join the infamous Club 27.

15. As the figures of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards began to noticeably overshadow his own, tension gradually began to build within the group, ending with Brian Jones finally breaking off relations with The Rolling Stones in 1969. After this breakup, he did not live even a month.

16. Jones drowned in the swimming pool at his Hartfield estate home on July 3, 1969. His girlfriend Anna Wolin even claimed that when Jones was pulled from the water, he still had a pulse, but the musician could not be saved . After Jones' death, many valuable things disappeared from his house, so a version arose that Jones was killed by one of the builders working on the restoration of the estate.

17. Ron McKernan (pictured right) – keyboardist for the Grateful Dead. He also died at the age of 27. Death occurred on March 3, 1973 as a result of gastrointestinal bleeding that developed due to prolonged alcohol abuse.