ACE OF BASE - the story of the song "All That She Wants" (1993); YAKI-DA - the story of the song "I Saw You Dancing" (1995). Remember everything: musicians of the Ace of Base group then and now New line-up of the group and new album

Getting the entirety of Ace Of Base, who have been delighting our ears with pop hits with a reggae touch like “All that she wants”, “The Sign” and “Happy Nation” for the past five years, was not so easy. Jonas Berggren was in the airspace somewhere between Russia and Sweden, Jenny Berggren could not finish her makeup, and her older sister Malinn was going through a mysterious personal drama and sat in public places with a funereal look. Since it was not recommended to ask Lynn questions, we had to find out in a roundabout way: according to rumors, she was either raped by some Swedish maniac, or she was diagnosed with a cyst on her vocal cords, or she broke up with her lover. And only Ulf Ekberg, the fourth member of the group, was ready to answer all the questions.

- Dustin Hoffman said that he came to Hollywood to meet the most beautiful girls. Why did you go into show business?

I didn’t initially go into show business. And I never thought that such commercial success would come. It was just funny. I have long loved music, it burst from my heart. You have to do what you feel. But there is another side to the coin: everyone wants to bask at least a little in the glory.

This is freedom. Doors open before you that you would never have entered if you weren't a star. It's also easy to make people happy. A lot at once. Because they love your music. I meet children with leukemia all the time. One boy spoke to me the day before the operation. He knew he wouldn't survive. But he was still happy because his dream came true.

- In Sweden, everywhere you look, there are photographs of Ace Of Base. What's it like to be national hero?

Ha! I am loved everywhere except home country. In Sweden, if you achieve success, they try in every possible way to humiliate and destroy you. Black envy. It was the same with ABBA.

They were too successful, too commercial, and they were hated here. We love only the poor and the orphaned. That's why I left the country.

- Is that the only reason?

Also because of taxes. 82%.

“But there are no poor people,” Jenny joins the conversation.

We have the most perfect social system in the world.

“It has long been rotten,” Ulf disagrees. It feels like this is a long-standing stumbling block, because dissatisfaction with each other hangs in the air.

-Have you noticed that people look at you especially pickily? Are your trousers ironed, is your hair combed...

Certainly. If you are not alone, you are constantly on edge. I get into the car, meet with a friend - a friend, not a lover - we go somewhere in the city, there are flashes all around, voice recorders: who are you sitting with? Is it true that you are going to get married? The next day we're at the paper and my real fiancee is hysterical.

- I recently came across a photo on the Internet, and you are very beautiful girl named Emma. Is this her?

Yes. She famous actress and a fashion model. If you remember, she appeared in George Michael's "Too Funky" video. Now she is in France at the next show, but she must also fly to Russia for the weekend.

- Before Ace Of Base, you were in a Nazi gang. And skinheads, as you know, are vengeful people. Are they not persecuting you for “betraying the idea”?

Constantly. After all, I was the leader of a group of 150 people.

Almost God. Evil genius. I left there before Ace Of Base, which they didn’t really accept, but still didn’t bother me too much. Then, when success came to us, they wanted to destroy me physically. But I'm not afraid of them. My love for people is stronger than their aggression, violence, hatred. Now I am atonement for old sins.

- Were you also aggressive and cruel?

And stupid. I was the most cruel. How many windows were broken, how many cars were vandalized and people were beaten! All in all, I must have spent a couple of months in the police station. - Jenny, do you know what happened to the Yaki-da project?

They're recording now new album along with Jonas.

- They say that one of the Yaki-da soloists is his girlfriend.

Hmm, I wonder which one? If all Jonas' girls got a song, it would be a chorus... Although it's better to ask him.

- What can you do other than sing songs?

- (Ulf) We don’t have enough time to list everything I would like to do. I’ll say this: I’m a computer engineer by training, and my imagination is just bubbling inside me.

- (Jenny) I want to become a doctor. Now I am studying medical literature myself. I would have dealt with my appendix by now.

- What is the best way to listen to your new album “Flowers”?

Very loud. On a good stereo system. To chill you to the bone.

"Ace of Base" is one of the cult Swedish groups, whose songs were heard all over the world in the mid-nineties. The most interesting thing is that almost all members of the Ace of Base group are brothers and sisters to each other. But first things first.

The oldest member, Jonas Berggren, also the main songwriter and music writer, was born in 1967, on March 21st. Since childhood, he sang in the church choir, studied piano, and on his 15th birthday, his father gave him his first guitar.

The middle sister is Malin, or Lynn for short, who was born in 1970, on October 31st. Attending the church choir was also mandatory for her, however, the girl devoted all her free time to dreams of a modeling career. Before joining her brother's group, Lynn worked as a hot dog saleswoman, a bank employee, and a social worker who helped people addicted to alcohol.

Group "Ace of Base" photo No. 2

The younger sister, Yonnie, was born in 1972, on May 19. Before the start musical career I worked as a waitress, and in order to earn a decent living, I took croupier courses.

The fourth member of the group, Ulf Gunnar Ekberg, has a more complex biography. The first thing you need to know about him is that he is not a member of the Berggren family. He was born on December 6, 1970, but did not please his parents because he was different bad character. Once he set fire to a house, and later became involved with the Nazi organization, and constantly carried weapons with him. He later admitted: “I really regret this chapter of my life. Now I don’t even want to remember this, because I will never even think about such things.”

Ulf came to his senses only after the murder of his friend, which happened in front of him. His father helped him completely change himself and take the path of truth - he introduced him to karate.

Group "Ace Of Base" photo No. 3

The founder of the group was Jonas Berggren - in different times he worked on projects Kalinin Prospect, Tech Noir until he met Ulf. This acquaintance gave birth to new texts and music, the idea of ​​​​creating something unusual was in the air for a long time until it was formed in “Ace of Base”. It was decided to take the name from the first studio in which young talents rehearsed - it was located in the basement, so “Ace of Base” can be roughly translated as “Studio Aces”.

At first, the friends composed dark music in the spirit of Ministry, but Yonny and Malin refused to sing it. In order not to lose powerful beautiful voices girls sounding beautifully in unison, Jonas had to compose optimistic songs.

The group’s first single “Wheel Of Fortune” was its first success, followed by the release of the track “All That She Wants,” which immediately hit almost all the world charts.

Group "Ace Of Base" photo No. 4

The album "Happy Nation", released immediately after the single, was re-released more than once, supplemented with four songs, and sold more than 20 million copies.

The next album, “Bridge,” was not destined for such a resounding success, but the group reaped the benefits of its previous musical bomb.

Then the group’s activity gradually began to decline - in 1998, the group released the album “Flowers”, and after an indefinite pause in creativity, the final album “DeCapo” was released. Then there was a pause again, after which the band gave several live concerts in Belgium. From that moment on, the group began recording a new album, but without Malin - she devoted herself to study and family.

Over the next few years, the group gave concerts, recorded several singles, but after Yonni left Ace of Base, they ceased to exist with the old lineup.

Video clip of the group Ace of Base for the song “Beautiful Life”

The founders of the group are considered to be Jonas Berggren and Ulf Ekberg, the musicians experimented in the techno style. Initially, the group was called Kalinin Prospect (“Kalinin Avenue”), CAD (Computer-Aided Disco), then Tech-Noir, but was eventually renamed Ace of Base (the name is a play on words, so there are several translation options, for example, “trump card.” But as Ulf explained, the chosen phrase itself sounds good, and the group’s first studio was in the basement of a car service station, hence the translation “studio aces”). Jonas Berggren's sisters Jenny and Lynn, who studied music and sang in a local church choir, were involved in the Ace of Base project. Thus, the contours of the group were drawn, which became the four.

Debut album “Happy Nation / The Sign” (1992-1993)

The first song Ace of Base recorded was the single "Wheel of Fortune". But the song did not create enough excitement in Sweden, since the Swedes themselves considered the song too naive, predictable and uninteresting. But the group was not going to despair and began to look for a record company that would publish their compositions. And in March 1992, the Danish label Mega Records drew attention to them. In the same year, the song "Wheel of Fortune" was re-released for the third time, and managed to reach second place in the Danish charts.

Encouraged by the initial success of their song, Ace of Base began creating their first album. At this time, the demo recording of their song “All That She Wants” drew the attention of Denniz Pop, who was known for the songs he wrote for Dr. Alban.

The song “All That She Wants” became an instant hit and topped the charts in 17 countries until the album “Happy Nation” appeared on the horizon. Two songs from this album - “The Sign” and “Don’t Turn Around” overnight became popular not only in Europe, but also in Russia and Asia.

The process of Ace of Base's ascension to the musical Olympus was not hindered even by the fact that on March 27, 1993, the Swedish newspaper Expressen reported that Ulf Ekberg was a member of one of the Nazi organizations. Ulf admitted that much of the printed material was true, but denied that he was a racist. In 1997 in documentary film"Our Story" Ulf said, "I'm truly sorry for what I did. I have closed this chapter of my life. I don’t even want to talk about my past because it doesn’t interest me anymore.”

Ulf's confessions did not really damage the band's career and in April 1993, Ace of Base, along with the group Inner Circle and Dr. Alban perform in Tel Aviv, Israel in front of the largest crowd they have ever seen in their career - 55,000 people.

In the fall of 1993, the single “All That She Wants” was released in North America. There it instantly becomes a platinum album. Following the single, an album entitled “Happy Nation (U.S. Version) / The Sign” is released. It was a special edition of "Happy Nation" for the US, but with different cover art and four new songs. Ace of Base begins to conquer the hearts of listeners North America. It sold over 1 million records in Canada, and the album sold approximately 8 million copies in the United States in one year.

By the end of 1994, Ace of Base already had 6 World Music Awards, several Grammy nominations in different countries, 3 Billboard Awards. In addition, Billboard calculated that the Swedish group Ace of Base became the most popular non-American group in the 20th century. And all this despite the fact that in their native Sweden, the album “The Sign” was recognized as the worst album of the year.

1995-1998. Development of creativity

Second album “The Bridge” (1995)

By the beginning of 1995, Ace of Base continued to lead the music charts in many countries. But the band members admit that they are tired of the endless comparison of Ace of Base with the equally popular by ABBA. The enormous success of the team leaves its mark on the lives of the participants.

In mid-1994, mentally unstable fan Manuela Behrendt breaks into Jenny Berggren's house and threatens her with a knife. Some time after the visit of the uninvited guest, Jenny and her mother manage to drive the fan out onto the street. In the process, Jenny's mother injured her hand. And after that night the girl herself was afraid to sleep alone in the dark.

In the end, after all the shocks they experienced, the group found strength and released a new album, “The Bridge,” containing 17 songs. The album was different from the band's previous album. After reggae and club tunes, the group released more lyrical compositions. "Lucky Love", to the surprise of many, becomes the number 1 song in Sweden, but in Germany and England it was received more lukewarmly, where it only took 13th and 20th place in the charts, respectively. The album was certified platinum, but it failed to repeat the phenomenal success of the first album.

After the release of “The Bridge” and a tour around the world, Ace of Base disappeared for a while and did not perform anywhere. They appeared only in July 1997 at a concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Princess Victoria of Sweden.

Third album “Flowers / Cruel Summer” (1998)

In 1998, Ace of Base finally released their new long-awaited album, called “Flowers”. The group explains the name of the album by the fact that their songs are so diverse that together they can make up a whole bouquet of flowers of different colors and smells.

To the surprise of fans, they discover that frontwoman Lynn Berggren left the lead vocal parts to her sister Jenny, and on the album, Lynn's face was some distance from the faces of the band members and was blurred. The band reassured the public that Lynne was happy with her current position in the group and told fans that there was no need to worry, but that Lynne had simply damaged her vocal cords and was afraid of flying on an airplane as part of her world tour.

The song from the third album, "Life Is A Flower", was received with delight in Europe, it was named the most played song on the radio. The single sold 250 thousand copies throughout the UK, taking 5th place in sales.

In America, the Swedes' new record was released under the title "Cruel Summer", after the title of the cover of the disco idols of the past, Bananarama, placed on the album. The move was successful - the song hit the top ten for the first time in 4 years. In addition, both versions differed in track listings and even lyrics.

The songs "Everytime It Rains" and "Donnie" were not released in Europe. In the USA, in turn, the songs “Dr.Sun”, “I Pray” and “Captain Nemo” were not heard. But despite all the marketing moves, album sales were not high. This time it sold only 2 million copies. The whole point was that the new Ace of Base albums were too predictable. Fans wanted to hear something new, but Ace of Base followed the beaten path.

1999-2000. 10 years on stage

Collection 16 greatest hits group entitled “Singles of the 90s” was released in November 1999.

The first single, “C’est La Vie (Always 21),” surprised everyone and was declared a No. 1 hit in Spain. To strengthen its position in the charts, the single "Hallo Hallo" was released, aimed exclusively at the Spanish market.

Other singles such as "Love in December" and "Everytime It Rains" were released as radio singles. A little later they appeared on the American market, selling singles in the first week amounted to about 5,000 copies.

The single "Hallo Hallo" was originally included on the American compilation album, but it was ultimately not included on the album at all. Only the song "C'est La Vie (Always 21)" was the only new composition on the album aimed at the USA. The album also includes new remixes of the songs "Lucky Love" and "Beautiful Life".

This ended the band's contract with the recording company Arista Records. He was not re-imprisoned.

After releasing albums of the band's greatest hits, Ace of Base began recording their new fourth album, which had been in preparation for release for 2 years.

2001-2003. Creativity in the new millennium

Fourth album “Da Capo” (2002)

In September 2002, Ace of Base released their new album "Da Capo" in Europe and Japan. In Japan, the disc will be released with a different cover and three bonus songs. The album contained 12 original tracks and was originally scheduled for release in 2000, but the release was repeatedly delayed due to problems at the record company. With this record, Ace of Base wanted to return to the original style of their music.

Despite the fact that the album entered many charts European countries, it was not as popular as the band's previous albums. And on the group’s promotional tour in European countries, only two members of the group of four participated - Jenny and Ulf. Jonas stayed at home with his family, and Lynn was only present for the performance in Germany. The album was not released in the US.

The first track released from the new album was "Beautiful Morning", which peaked at number 14 in Sweden and number 38 in Germany. "The Juvenile" was a "lost" song on the album; the band wrote it in 1995 for feature film"GoldenEye", another film about the adventures of James Bond. However, the record company refused to use the song in the film. After this incident, the group never wrote songs for feature films again.

The single "Unspeakable", the second song from the album, was released in the Scandinavian countries, but with a low chart placement, the song prematurely ended the album's climb up the charts.

2003-2006. Pause

The group had no contact with the press from 2003 to 2004, although Jennie continued to work and occasionally performed solo concerts in various European cities.

In 2005 the band returned to give several live concerts in Belgium. IN concert program includes hits from past years such as “All That She Wants”, “The Sign”, “Beautiful Life”, “Happy Nation” and others. After the concerts, the band returns to Sweden and begins work on their fifth album.

2007-2009. Trio. World tour and plans to record a new album

In 2007, Ace of Base decide to begin recording a new album, announcing on their official website: "We're back in the studio again with a large number inspiration." The band's manager Lasse Carlson suggested that the new album would be released in the spring of 2008. In April 2007, their official page on MySpace was updated to promote their new album.

On August 14, 2007, Lasse Carlson announced that the band would play their first concert on November 24, 2007 in Bangalore, India. This concert was later cancelled, but several other concerts were scheduled. New concerts took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on November 15, and St. Petersburg, on November 17. Concerts also took place in Ufa and Moscow. Ace of Base visited Moscow twice in 2007. The group also performed in Denmark, Estonia, and Lithuania. These concerts were a small warm-up for a planned world tour in 2008. The concert tour consisted of old, popular songs Ace of Base.

On November 28, 2007, Ulf Ekberg confirms in an interview that Lynn Berggren has left the band and she will not participate in the recording of the band's new album. The group has already performed without Lynn as a trio. Lynn's photographs were removed from all promotional material for the group. Real frontwoman Jennie confirmed her sister's departure to the Danish press: "She hasn't been part of Ace of Base for several years." According to her, she left the group to devote most of her time to studying and family.

Plans to release a new album began back in 2004 after a short promotional tour dedicated to the Da Capo album. The album was planned for release in 2005. But events such as Jenny's wedding and problems with the record company forced the group to postpone the album's release. The group started recording only on November 4, 2007. Despite the fact that the group had not yet signed a contract with a record company at that time, it was going to release a new album in the spring of 2009, which was supposed to contain 14 songs: 7 new and 7 remade old hits.

On December 14, 2007, Jonas Berggren announced at a meeting with fans after a concert in Lithuania that they were currently working with very famous American producers, but he could not name them.

On April 4, 2008, the first promotional photos for the new album appeared on the website. 10 days later, the group's official website was completely reconstructed. The band previously announced that they now have a new manager - John Orlando, who was previously the band's agent in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.

On June 14, 2008, the group presented their new song"Sparks From A Fire" in Midelfart, Denmark.

The band toured the world throughout the summer and fall of 2008 and performed at several summer festivals, including Smukfest in August in Denmark.

On November 14, 2008, the group released the album "Greatest Hits, Classic Remixes and Music Videos". It consists of three disks. The first CD contains best songs group, the second CD includes the remixes, and the third, DVD, contains all the group's videos. The album also includes several new remixes of the group - “Wheel of Fortune 2009”, “Don’t Turn Around 2009”, “Lucky Love 2009” and a bonus track for the Japanese version of the album “The Sign - Freedom Bunch Mix”.

In mid-November 2008, the group began collaborating with the Koblo company, which had already released a collection of remixes of the group “Wheel of Fortune 2009”. On January 17, 2009, a new remix of the group, “Happy Nation 2009,” was released.

In the summer of 2009, it became known that record companies wanted to see the group Ace of Base with four members. The team was faced with the question - to look for new member group or release an album under a new name.

At the end of June 2009, the group's official website stopped working due to the bankruptcy of the Mubito company, which maintained the site.

Meanwhile, band member Jenny Berggren released her first book “Vinna HeLa världen” (English: “To Win The Whole World”) on September 20, 2009. The book is only available on Swedish, but after some time it will be translated into other languages. Jenny Berggren is currently working on her solo album, which is scheduled for release in early fall 2010. Jennie also released the song “Free Me,” which could be downloaded for free on the singer’s official website, and shot a video for her first single “Here I Am.”

At the beginning of December 2009, Jenny Berggren decided to participate in the qualifying competition “Melodifestivalen” to receive a ticket to Eurovision 2010. But in the end, her song was not strong enough to participate in the competition.

2010. New band line-up and new album

On November 13, 2009, Ulf Ekberg, while appearing as head judge on Idol, said: “We are at the moment We are in the studio and planning to release a new album early next year. The album is almost finished and we are in negotiations with various record companies. That's all I can say."

On November 30, 2009, Jenny Burrgren confirmed on her Twitter blog that she was no longer working with the group Ace of Base and her focus was entirely on solo career. But she hopes to work with the group again someday.

On December 12, 2009, it was confirmed that Ace of Base would release a new album in 2010 with an updated line-up, two new soloists would be invited to the group to replace the retired members of the group - Jenny and Lynn. It was also confirmed that Timbaland is one of the producers of the new album.

In the 1990s. their hits “All That She Wants”, “The Sign”, “Happy Nation”, “Don’t Turn Around” sounded from everywhere. “Ace of Base” was called one of the most popular European groups of the twentieth century, their first album sold 23 million discs and was recognized as the best-selling debut album, getting into the Guinness Book of Records.

In the 2000s. Two soloists left the group, and since then the popularity of Ace of Base has declined. What they are doing now and what they look like these days is further in the review.

The first composition of the group *Ace of Base*
The founders of the group were Swedish musicians Jonas Berggren and Ulf Ekberg. At first, their group was called “Kalinin Prospect” (“Kalinin Avenue”), but when Berggren’s sisters Jenny and Lynn joined them, the group changed its name to “Ace of Base”. The name of the group was a play on words, so there are several possible translations. One of them is the “trump card”, the other is the “studio ace” (their first studio was in the basement).

Members of the group *Ace of Base*

Their first single, “Wheel of Fortune,” was not a success; in Sweden it was considered too simple and uninteresting. But the next song, “All That She Wants,” took first place in the charts in 17 countries, and the first album of the same name sold a record 23 million copies. Two more songs from this album – “The Sign” and “Don’t Turn Around” – also topped the charts. The group became popular not only in Europe, but also in the USA, Russia and Asia. And in Israel, 55 thousand people gathered at their concert in 1993.

One of the most popular in the twentieth century. European groups

Even the scandal that erupted in 1993, when one of the Swedish newspapers reported that Ulf Ekberg was a member of a neo-Nazi organization, did not hinder the group’s rise to the musical Olympus. He himself did not deny this fact, while maintaining that he had never been a racist. Later, the musician did not like to remember this episode of his biography: “I really regret what I did. I have closed this chapter of my life. I don’t even want to talk about my past because it doesn’t interest me anymore.”

Surprisingly, the Ace of Base group has always been more popular abroad than at home. In Sweden, their album “The Sign” was recognized as the worst album of the year, and in the United States it sold 8 million copies in just one year. True, this fame also had reverse side. In 1994, a mentally unstable fan broke into Jenny Berggren's house and stabbed the singer's mother.

Youth idols of the 1990s.

One of the most popular in the twentieth century. European groups

After releasing their second album, The Bridge, in 1995 and touring around the world, the band took a break for two years, performing again only in 1997 at a concert dedicated to the 20th birthday of Princess Victoria of Sweden. The following year they released their 3rd album, “Flowers,” in which the main vocal parts were no longer performed by Lynn Berggren, but by her sister Yenny. The singer herself explained this by saying that she had damaged her vocal cords.

Lynn Berggren in the 1990s and 2000s

Cult Swedish group *Ace of Base*

At the beginning of the new century, the popularity of Ace of Base began to decline. In 2007, blonde Lynn Berggren, who was called the face and voice of the group, left the group, deciding to devote all her time to her family. She had previously surprised fans with her statements that she never wanted to be a singer, and since 1997 she tried to stay in the shadows all the time - at concerts she was forbidden to be illuminated by spotlights, in videos she stayed away from the other participants, in the photo her image was blurred . At that time, there were persistent rumors that supposedly after the resounding success of the group, Lynn had developed phobias - she was afraid to appear in public, refused photo shoots and filming in videos, she was attributed to glossophobia (fear of speaking in public) and fear of the camera. The rest of the group did not comment on this information or said that she was simply shy by nature. Currently, nothing is written anywhere about the life of Lynn Berggren; she remains the most mysterious of all the members of Ace of Base.

Jonas Berggren in the 1990s and 2000s.

Stars of the 1990s – group *Ace of Base*

Ulf Ekberg in the 1990s and 2000s.

After Lynn's departure, the trio continued to tour actively: in 2007 they gave several concerts in Russia, Estonia and Lithuania, and in 2008 they went on a world tour again, but their old hits were much more successful at all performances than their new songs. In 2009, the second soloist left the group. Jenny Berggren explained this with her decision to take up solo career. In 2010, her debut album was released. These days, Yenny is a frequent guest on television, recording new songs and performing with old ones.

Jenny Berggren in the 1990s and 2000s

Jenny Berggren today
Since that time, the group “Ace of Base” continued performing with an updated lineup, accepting two new soloists into the team. But in 2013, the renewed group “Ace of Base” broke up.

After the departure of one of the sisters, the group turned into a trio

New line-up groups
The band members periodically visit Russia, where they are invited to concerts in the wake of the popularity of music in the 1990s. Ulf Ekberg says: “I visit Moscow at least once a year. There, at discos, I constantly hear one of our songs, then another. I have many friends in Russia."

The first line-up of the group remained the most successful

0 July 9, 2015, 07:38 pm

The mysterious, popular and beloved band Ace of Base, created in 1990, at one time sounded from every speaker not only in Sweden, where they come from, but also in other countries. The team included Jonas Berggren, his sisters Lynn and Jenny, and Ulf Ekberg.

The band's album Happy Nation/The Sign is the best-selling debut album in history. In the US, the album was certified platinum nine times.

In 2007, one of the soloists, Lynn Berggren, left the group, and in 2009, the second, Jenny Berggren, also left. The remaining participants - Jonas Berggren and Ulf Ekberg - created a new music project, which was called Ace.of.Base. In 2013 new team fell apart.

How did the lives of the musicians of our favorite group turn out?

Lynn was probably the most mysterious member of the Ace of Base team. While her sister Jenny told the press that "she would always like to be a singer," Lynn preferred not to make such statements. On the contrary, in 1997, she said:

I would like to sing, but I never wanted to be a singer. Since 1997, Lynne has appeared at the band's concerts, either standing in a dimly lit area or hiding behind objects on stage (such as curtains). In the group's videos, she stood far away from the members and her face was blurred. For a year, Lynn did not give interviews to anyone, and other band members were very reluctant to explain what happened to the main lead singer of the group. .

What the media didn’t write then: that she was seriously ill, and that she had been in an accident. However, her colleagues in the group said that she was just shy. In one of her last interviews today, Berggren stated that she wanted to remain in the shadows.

Details of his personal life are also unknown.

Yenny is the author of many of the group's songs and his solo compositions. Since 1995 he has also been doing solo work. creative activity. She left the group in 2009, and in 2010 her debut album My Story was released. In February 2011, Yenny presented the song Let your heart be mine in the qualifying round of the Danish final at Eurovision 2011 and took second place.

Jonas Berggren

It was Jonas who wrote and produced almost all of the group's compositions. During creative career Jonas has also worked with DJ Bobo, Army of Lovers, E-Type and Mee. Jonas was also the producer and composer of the album Pride by the Swedish pop group Yaki-Da. He is married to a Norwegian hairdresser and they have three children.

Ulf was quite a versatile participant Ace groups of Base. It is known that he took part in both television shows and film projects. In 1993, a scandal erupted when a Swedish newspaper reported that Ulf was playing in a band whose lyrics were “imbued with racism.” After this, it became known that he was a member of a neo-Nazi gang. After a while, Ulf insisted in many interviews that he was done with it.

From 1994 to 2000 he was married to Swedish model Emma Viklund. Currently lives in London with his common-law wife and three children.