Adyghe national culture. Presentation for children "tour of Adygea" Sergey Dygalo, Maykop

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Goal: Fostering interests and love for their small homeland by introducing children to preschool age with the Republic of Adygea (culture, way of life, traditions and language) Through matinees and entertainment we introduce culture and way of life

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Didactic objectives To cultivate in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city. Shape careful attitude to nature and all living things. Cultivate respect for other people, professions and work. Develop interest in Adyghe traditions and crafts. Expand your understanding of your hometown and its features. Introduce children to the sights hometown. Develop an emotional and holistic attitude towards the Republic of Adygea. Develop children's speech.

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Methodological tasks Analyze pedagogical and methodological literature. Create informational texts with visual didactic material. Organize design and research activities children and parents. Organize exhibitions of drawings and photographs. Registration didactic games in local history: “Find out where I am?”, “Collect a picture”, “Grandma’s chest”, “Map of my city”, City of the future”, “My Adygea”, “Here is my street, here is my home”

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A circle framed on top with a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Russian and Adyghe languages. In the middle of the fly there is a large star, on the sides there are leaves of oak, maple (left), golden ears of wheat, ears of corn (right). The circle is closed by the abbreviation of the words “Russian Federation” - the letters RF, above which the national table is depicted - ane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle - main character Nart epic Sausryko on a fiery flying horse. In the rider's hand is a flaming torch, which the hero stole from the gods for the benefit of people. The rays from this fire seem to scatter across the sky in twelve stars. The flight of a rider on a horse symbolizes the flight of the young republic into the future, towards progress. A plowed field, a table with bread and salt, together with ears of wheat and millet, an ear of corn, and a bull’s head in the garland of the coat of arms symbolize the wealth of the republic, created by the labor of its people. Images of mountains, arable land, maple and oak leaves characterize the geographical and natural features of the republic, that it is located on the picturesque northern slopes of the Caucasus Range and the valleys of the Kuban and Laba rivers and the fertile Kuban plain, talking about the forest wealth of the region. The large five-pointed star depicted at the top of the coat of arms represents the unity and brotherhood of the multinational population of the Republic of Adygea.

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The flag of the Republic of Adygea is a green rectangular panel depicting 12 gold stars and three gold intersecting arrows pointing upward. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2. The flag originated in the 30s. XIX century as a symbol of independent Circassia, the creation of which Great Britain sought. 12 stars mean 12 Cherkassy tribes, and 3 arrows - 3 ancient Adyghe tribes princely families. Three crossed arrows denote their unity. The green color symbolizes life, eternity, as well as one of the natural features of the republic, in which almost 40 percent of the territory is occupied by forests. This flag was also used during World War II by the pro-German North Caucasus League.

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The coat of arms of the city of Maykop has existed since 1871. In the book “Coats of arms of cities, provinces, regions and towns Russian Empire. 1649-1917" there is a section called: "VI. District and district cities, the coats of arms of which are not included in Complete collection laws of the Russian Empire", in which the Maikop coat of arms is reproduced without indicating its approval, and its description is given as follows: "Maikop, Kuban region. In the golden shield there is a black mountain, accompanied along the head of the shield by an azure wavy belt. In the free part is the coat of arms of the Kuban region." According to the heraldic rules that existed at that time, gold (it was depicted as dots) served as a symbol of wealth, justice, and generosity. The belt on the shield is an honorary heraldic figure, occupies a third of the shield, is located horizontally and can be sinuous or jagged. The azure (blue) color of the belt is a symbol of beauty, softness and grandeur. The coat of arms of the region served as an indication that Maykop belonged to the category of district, but unpopulated cities of the Kuban region. As for the history of the creation of this type of Maykop coat of arms, there are no options. I, all heraldic activities in Russia were to be carried out by the Arms Department, created in 1857 at the Office of the Department of Heraldry. Judging by the fact that the image of mountains on the coats of arms of the cities of Maykop, Grozny, Batalpashinsk (now Cherkessk) and Borovichi (Novogorodskaya province) is the same. it can be argued that the coat of arms of Maykop was created by the same artist, who worked in the indicated Armal Department.

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Adygea is a multinational republic; more than 100 nationalities live on its territory. The main population is Russians (52%) and Adygeis (24.2%). Other peoples inhabiting the republic include Armenians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Germans, Greeks and others. The Circassians also live in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, in the countries of Europe, Africa and America, where they are descendants of forced migrants who left the Caucasus during the Russian-Circassian War of 1763-1864. The Circassian diaspora numbers from 5 to 7 million people.

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The city of Maykop is the capital of the republic (the name comes from the Adyghe word “myekkuape” - “valley of apple trees”) - it is officially believed that the city was founded on May 17, 1857 (there is evidence that a settlement existed on this site from a much earlier time). In the years leading up to the Great Patriotic War, the capital of Adygea has transformed from an insignificant provincial town with handicraft and semi-handicraft enterprises into the industrial center of Maykop today - a city in which almost all the industrial products of the republic are produced.

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Adygea is an amazing and fairy world, where unique natural beauty, legends of hoary antiquity and a vibrant colorful culture are intertwined. The Nart epic took shape here and the Great Silk Road passed here. The gray mountains, turbulent rivers and forests of Adygea, preserved in their original form, keep many amazing mysteries.

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The ancient multifaceted culture of Adygea sparkles with all its colors and captivates everyone who has ever come into contact with it. The marvelous sound of a unique Adyghe melody, excellent fighting qualities and sophistication of Circassian weapons and harnesses, the variety and perfection of gold embroidery techniques, splendor and functionality national costume and many other things have formed the treasury of Adyghe culture since ancient times.

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People's artist of the republic and gunsmith, the only female jeweler in the world Asya Eutykh Asya Eutykh is one of the modern creators who carefully preserve and pass on to new generations the canons developed over centuries and artistic traditions Adyghe people. These are the Masters, whose art is the connecting thread between the past and the future, enriches every person, introducing him to his roots, origins, awakening love for himself and his neighbor, fostering mutual respect and tolerance, giving birth to new feelings and emotions of involvement in Beauty,

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Harmony and Eternity. Asya Eutykh's original works are in museums in many countries around the world and are presented as gifts to heads of state and outstanding cultural and artistic figures. It works not only in modern style, a large place in the master’s work is occupied by decorative elements and ornamental motifs characteristic of ancient and medieval cultures The Caucasus and Western Asia, and, above all, Circassian decorative and applied arts.

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The national costume of the Circassian Circassians has a long history and has conquered the whole world. The national clothing of the Circassians is very beautiful. Women wore long, toe-length dresses and trousers. The dress was decorated with gold or other embroidery and tied at the waist with a beautiful belt. Women's clothing was created in such a way as to emphasize the slimness and dignity of the figure. The men's costume reflected the morals and identity of the Adyghe people. Its upper part consisted of trousers, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a bashlyk, a burka, and a hat. On the Circassian coat, sockets for cartridges are sewn on both sides of the chest, which are placed in special sleeves (gazyrs).

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The traditional food of the Circassians is boiled and fried lamb, beef, turkey, chicken, broths made from them, sour milk, cottage cheese. Dried and smoked lamb is common and is used to make shish kebab. Pasta (hard-cooked millet porridge) is served with meat dishes. A traditional holiday drink with moderate alcohol content, maxym is made from millet flour and malt.

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Every person has a corner dear to his heart. For me this is mine small Motherland. The land they live on wonderful people. This is my ADYGEA and the city of MAYKOP!

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Flag of the Republic of Adygea is state symbol Republic of Adygea. Adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Adygea on March 24, 1992. The flag of the Republic of Adygea is a green rectangular panel depicting twelve gold stars and three gold intersecting arrows pointing upward. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2.

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Anthem The anthem of the Republic of Adygea is one of the symbols of the statehood of Adygea. The anthem was approved by a resolution of the Supreme Council of Adygea on March 25, 1992. This was one of the first decisions of the first convening of the republic’s parliament after the collapse of the USSR.

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History The most important stage in the history of the Circassians, like all Caucasian peoples, was the Russian-Caucasian war. During the military campaign to gain control of Northern Caucasus, Russia by 1829 pushed aside Ottoman Empire and since the 1830s. began to gain a foothold on the Black Sea coast. After the end of the Caucasian War in 1864, most of the Northwestern Caucasus came under Russian control. The results of the war were tragic for the Adyghe people, like all Caucasians. This huge amount dead, refugees and deportees. The mass of Circassians became muhajirs (migrants). Descendants of the Muhajirs still live in Turkey, the countries of the Middle East and Western Europe. After the end of the Caucasian War, a military occupation regime was in effect in the territory of the North-West Caucasus until 1867. The entire Adyghe population was placed under the jurisdiction of the military authorities. On January 1, 1867, military-people's districts were liquidated and the Adyghe population became part of the general population of the newly formed counties - Maikop, Ekaterinodar, Batalpashinsky. In July 1922, the Circassian (Adygea) Autonomous Region was formed, with its center in Krasnodar. In 1936, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the capital of Adygea was transferred from the city of Krasnodar to the city of Maykop. October 5, 1991 – The Republic of Adygea was proclaimed.

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Adyghe national clothes The Adyghe costume consists of a beshmet or arkhaluk, a Circassian coat, buttons, a chevyak, a burka and a hat trimmed with galloon, with a bashlyk reminiscent of a Phrygian hat. Weapons - saber, gun, dagger and pistols; on both sides of the Circassian coat there are leather sockets for rifle cartridges, on the belt there are fat boxes, a screwdriver and a bag with accessories for cleaning weapons. It is noteworthy that in early eras The role of men's clothing was more universal; it often combined the equipment of a warrior. Such a universal form of clothing was the famous Circassian coat (tsye). Light shoes, a burka, and a bashlyk, the irreplaceable companions of the Adyghe warrior on campaigns, met the same requirements. The burka, for example, not only protected from rain, snow and wind, it also served as a ready-made hut. Women's clothing was richly decorated with ornaments, gold and silver embroidery, fancy goods - braids, braid, galloons and silver items. Everyday outer dresses were more modest and simpler in decoration and cut. A four-six-wedge skirt, smooth or pleated, depending on the quality of the material, was sewn to a blouse that was tailored to fit the figure; the sleeves were made long and straight with a narrow cuff. The hem and cuff were trimmed with a narrow patterned cord. Richer women also decorated the sleeve cuffs and hem of their dresses with gold embroidery and braiding. Before marriage, girls wore a special corset that compressed their breasts.

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Cuisine Over the course of centuries of history, the Circassians, like other peoples, have developed a unique and rather rich assortment of national dishes. Since ancient times, they have been engaged in cattle breeding, poultry farming and agriculture. This, naturally, influenced the selection and characteristics of folk dishes, among which the main place was occupied by lamb, beef and poultry dishes, as well as dairy and vegetable dishes. Since ancient times, the Circassians have loved cereal and flour preparations. They willingly grew apples, pears, plums, cherries, polenta, peaches, grapes, nuts, etc. By consuming fruits both fresh and dried, many of them were given medicinal value.

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“My Motherland is Adygea.”

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My Adygea is a delightfully beautiful, blooming corner of the Caucasus. The land of steppe expanses, forests, mountains, turbulent and swift rivers, snow-capped peaks, alpine meadows. Adygea is one of the few territories of Russia that is included in the World Natural Heritage List along with the golden mountains of Altai, the volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the forests of the Komi Republic and Lake Baikal.

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The Circassians also live in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, in the countries of Europe, Africa and America, where they are descendants of forced migrants who left the Caucasus during the Russian-Circassian War of 1763-1864. The Circassian diaspora numbers from 5 to 7 million people.
Adygea is a multinational republic; more than 100 nationalities live on its territory. The main population is Russians (52%) and Adygeis (24.2%). Other peoples inhabiting the republic include Armenians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Germans, Greeks and others.

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The city of Maykop is the capital of the republic (the name comes from the Adyghe word “myekkuape” - “valley of apple trees”) - it is officially believed that the city was founded on May 17, 1857 (there is evidence that a settlement existed on this site from a much earlier time). In the years preceding the Great Patriotic War, the capital of Adygea transformed from an insignificant provincial town with handicraft and semi-handicraft enterprises into the industrial center of Maykop today - a city in which almost all the industrial products of the republic are produced.
Maykop is the capital of the Republic of Adygea

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Adygea is an amazing and fabulous world where unique natural beauty, legends of hoary antiquity and a vibrant colorful culture are intertwined. The Nart epic took shape here and the Great Silk Road passed here. The gray mountains, turbulent rivers and forests of Adygea, preserved in their original form, keep many amazing mysteries. The ancient multifaceted culture of Adygea sparkles with all its colors and captivates everyone who has ever come into contact with it. The marvelous sound of the unique Adyghe melody, the excellent fighting qualities and sophistication of Circassian weapons and harnesses, the variety and perfection of gold embroidery techniques, the splendor and functionality of the national costume and much more have been the treasury of Adyghe culture since ancient times.
Culture of Adygea

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People's artist of the republic and gunsmith, the only female jeweler in the world Asya Eutykh
Asya Eutykh is one of the modern creators who carefully preserve and pass on to new generations the canons and artistic traditions of the Adyghe people developed over centuries. These are the Masters, whose art is the connecting thread between the past and the future, enriches every person, introducing him to his roots, origins, awakening love for himself and his neighbor, fostering mutual respect and tolerance, giving birth to new feelings and emotions of involvement in Beauty, Harmony and Eternity. Asya Eutykh's original works are in museums in many countries around the world and are presented as gifts to heads of state and outstanding cultural and artistic figures. She works not only in a modern style; a large place in the master’s work is occupied by decorative elements and ornamental motifs characteristic of the ancient and medieval cultures of the Caucasus and Western Asia, and, above all, Circassian decorative and applied art.

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The national costume of the Circassian Circassians has a long history and has conquered the whole world. The national clothing of the Circassians is very beautiful. Women wore long, toe-length dresses and trousers. The dress was decorated with gold or other embroidery and tied at the waist with a beautiful belt. Women's clothing was created in such a way as to emphasize the slimness and dignity of the figure. The men's costume reflected the morals and identity of the Adyghe people. Its upper part consisted of trousers, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a bashlyk, a burka, and a hat. On the Circassian coat, sockets for cartridges are sewn on both sides of the chest, which are placed in special sleeves (gazyrs).

The Republic of Adygea is a subject Russian Federation and is part of the Southern Federal District. About 443 thousand people live here - representatives of more than 80 nationalities. The Republic of Adygea is located on the picturesque northern slopes of the Caucasus Range, and is the fifth territory of Russia that is included in the World Natural Heritage List. The Republic of Adygea is a subject of the Russian Federation and is part of the Southern Federal District. About 443 thousand people live here - representatives of more than 80 nationalities. The Republic of Adygea is located on the picturesque northern slopes of the Caucasus Range, and is the fifth territory of Russia that is included in the World Natural Heritage List.

Anthem of the Republic of Adygea Words by I. Mashbash Music by U. Thabisimova Hail, live, Adygea Dear country, our peoples have been warmed with good agreement. Chorus: Sunny land, The Republic is our common home, Soar your wings, The Republic, grow stronger with labor, Our bright dream. Our ancestors chose a wonderful place for us, The Caucasus gave us courage, wisdom and strength from our grandfathers. Chorus. Proudly, with a free soul, go with Russia, the sun rises above you, the storms of adversity are behind you. Chorus. Our native sky and fields will be forever in our hearts, will be for us as long as we live, in our destiny and deeds. Chorus.

The coat of arms is a circle, framed on top by a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Russian and Adyghe languages. There is a large star in the middle of the ribbon. On the sides, leaves of oak, maple, wheat, and ears of corn indicate the undeveloped connection between man and nature. The circle closes with the abbreviation of the words “Russian Federation” - the letters RF. Below is an image of the national table - lane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle is the main character of the folk epic Sausryko on a fiery flying horse. The rider holds a flaming torch in his hand. According to legend, the hero stole it from God for the people.. The coat of arms is a circle, framed on top by a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Russian and Adyghe languages. There is a large star in the middle of the ribbon. On the sides, leaves of oak, maple, wheat, and ears of corn indicate the undeveloped connection between man and nature. The circle closes with the abbreviation of the words “Russian Federation” - the letters RF. Below is an image of the national table - lane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle is the main character of the folk epic Sausryko on a fiery flying horse. The rider holds a flaming torch in his hand. According to legend, the hero stole him from God for the people...

Flag The length of the flag is 180 cm, width 90 cm. The flag of the Republic depicts 12 stars and 3 crossed arrows. The stars represent the 12 Adyghe tribes, and the three arrows represent their strength, power and unity. Green– the color of Muslims, denoting eternity, life. The length of the flag is 180 cm, width 90 cm. The flag of the Republic depicts 12 stars and 3 crossed arrows. The stars represent the 12 Adyghe tribes, and the three arrows represent their strength, power and unity. Green is the color of Muslims, denoting eternity, life.

The Republic of Adygea (capital Maykop) is a subject of the Russian Federation and is part of the Southern Federal District. People live here near The Republic of Adygea (capital Maykop) is a subject of the Russian Federation and is part of the Southern Federal District. About 443 thousand people live here - representatives of more than 80 nationalities. 443 thousand people are representatives of more than 80 nationalities. Capital of Adygea

Mount Tybga The height of Mount Tybga is 3064 meters. Mount Tybga translated from Adyghe means “mountain of tours”. The ridge of Mount Tybgi is wide, surrounded by a continuous scattering of lamellar stones. Only its northern side ends abruptly with a deep abyss. Along the Turin path, running along a wide ridge, you go to the top of Mount Tybgi. The height of Mount Tybga is 3064 meters. Mount Tybga translated from Adyghe means “mountain of tours”. The ridge of Mount Tybgi is wide, surrounded by a continuous scattering of lamellar stones. Only its northern side ends abruptly with a deep abyss. Along the Turin path, running along a wide ridge, you go to the top of Mount Tybgi.

Mount Bolshoy Tkhach Limestone cliffs, meter high, are illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

It was opened in May 1978. The entrance to it is a vertical well. The cave consists of several large halls connected by passages. An underground river flows in the gallery on the lower floor and there is a waterfall. The cave is of karst origin. It is rich in sinter formations: stalactites and stalagmites. There are beautiful ribbed sagging. It was opened in May 1978. The entrance to it is a vertical well. The cave consists of several large halls connected by passages. An underground river flows in the gallery on the lower floor and there is a waterfall. The cave is of karst origin. It is rich in sinter formations: stalactites and stalagmites. There are beautiful ribbed sagging. Azish Cave

Khadzhokhskaya Gorge (Kamennomostsky Canyon) is a section of the Belaya River gorge, in which an excursion route is equipped. The Khadzhokhskaya Gorge is located on the southwestern outskirts of the village of Kamennomostsky. The length of the gorge is about 400 m. Khadzhokhskaya gorge (Kamennomostsky Canyon) is a section of the Belaya River gorge, in which an excursion route is equipped. The Khadzhokhskaya Gorge is located on the southwestern outskirts of the village of Kamennomostsky. The length of the gorge is about 400 m.

Lake Khuko There are more than 100 lakes in Adygea. Lake Huco stands out for its beauty and mysterious origin. Translated from Adyghe, Khuko means porpoise or dolphin. There are more than 100 lakes in Adygea. Lake Huco stands out for its beauty and mysterious origin. Translated from Adyghe, Khuko means porpoise or dolphin.

Animal world The reserve has about 70 species of mammals, 241 species of birds, including 112 nesting ones, 10 species of amphibians, 19 species of reptiles, 18 species of fish. 32 rare species of vertebrates are listed in the Red Book of Russia, and 3 species are listed in the International Red Book. In the reserve you can find Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian snowcock, mountain turkey, stone partridge, golden eagle, vulture, chaffinch, thrush, woodpecker, siskin, wagtail. Among the mammals that live here are: serena, deer, bear, wolf, aurochs, roe deer, bison, marten, badger, wild forest cat, weasel and others. The fauna of the reserve includes about 70 species of mammals, 241 species of birds, including 112 nesting ones, 10 species of amphibians, 19 species of reptiles, 18 species of fish. 32 rare species of vertebrates are listed in the Red Book of Russia, and 3 species are listed in the International Red Book. In the reserve you can find Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian snowcock, mountain turkey, stone partridge, golden eagle, vulture, chaffinch, thrush, woodpecker, siskin, wagtail. Among the mammals that live here are: serena, deer, bear, wolf, aurochs, roe deer, bison, marten, badger, wild forest cat, weasel and others. Flora Adygea has a rich and diverse flora. There are many wild fruit and berry trees in the forests. Wild pears, apple trees, and cherry plums are replaced by plantings of walnuts and hazels. In the mountain forests there are old Circassian and Cossack gardens. This entire fruit and berry paradise is complemented by an abundance of medicinal herbs, blooming rhododendrons, forest and meadow flowers. The great, grandiose, amazing, unique, bewitching mountain world of Adygea will remain forever in the memory of any person who has visited these places. The flora of the Caucasus Nature Reserve has about 3,000 species. The flora is rich and diverse. There are many wild fruit and berry trees in the forests. Wild pears, apple trees, and cherry plums are replaced by plantings of walnuts and hazels. In the mountain forests there are old Circassian and Cossack gardens. This entire fruit and berry paradise is complemented by an abundance of medicinal herbs, blooming rhododendrons, forest and meadow flowers. The great, grandiose, amazing, unique, bewitching mountain world of Adygea will remain forever in the memory of any person who has visited these places. The flora of the Caucasus Nature Reserve has about 3,000 species.