Poster of events for May 9. Victory Day: star concerts, tank exhibition and festive fireworks. Events in the Park of Culture named after. Gorky and Museone

Moscow will celebrate Great Victory Day with love and respect. The city will host many events of various sizes - from the Victory Parade on Red Square and concerts at train stations to screenings of classic Soviet films about the war. And in the evening more than 80 thousand volleys will thunder. High-altitude fireworks displays are organized at 16 sites. Fireworks in honor of Victory Day will be launched in 17 capital parks. The evening sky of Moscow will be decorated with golden peonies, multi-colored chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balloons.

Events in Moscow for the May holidays in 2018. Victory Parade

On May 9, 33 parade units will march to Red Square, which is 12,500 people (last year - 10,001 military personnel). More than 120 units of military equipment are expected (last year - 114) and 73 - aviation equipment (last year - 72). The equipment includes T-90A and T-14 Armata tanks, BMP-3 and Kurganets infantry fighting vehicles, BTR-82A and Boomerang armored personnel carriers, Yars strategic missile systems and other vehicles.

And the strategic missile carriers Tu-160, Tu-95 MS, long-range bombers Tu-22 M3, refueling aircraft Il-78, military transport An-124 and Il-76 MD, fighters Su-35S, Su- 30 SM, MiG-29, MiG-31, front-line bombers Su-34 and Su-24M, attack aircraft Su-25, helicopters Mi-26, Mi-8, Mi-28N, Ka-52, Mi-24P.

Events in Moscow for the May holidays in 2018. Promotion Immortal Regiment 2018

Participants in the annual Immortal Regiment procession will march from the Belorussky railway station along 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya and Tverskaya streets to Red Square with portraits of relatives of front-line soldiers and home front workers.

Anyone can join the action and honor the memory of those who fought for victory in the Great Patriotic War. Last year, despite the cold weather, more than 850 thousand people took part in the procession. The column of the “Immortal Regiment” stretched for several kilometers. This year, organizers expect that the number of participants in the event may increase to one million people.

Events on May 9, 2018 in Moscow official website

An interesting and eventful program is expected in the Russian capital for the May holidays. As it became known during the next meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, more than three hundred public events will be held on city streets and squares. It is expected that this year no fewer residents and guests of the capital will take part in them than last year. Then about ten million people took part in the festive events.

Events on May 9, 2018 in Moscowat the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

At 10:00 the Victory Parade will be broadcast near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. From 16:00 to 18:00 here there will be a concert, where guests will hear popular songs about war in a modern interpretation. Golden hits will also sound Soviet stage and original songs.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence. Afterwards the orchestra will perform people's artist Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

At 20:30 the popular Russian artists who will perform songs of military and post-war years. Free admission.

Events on May 9, 2018on Pushkinskaya Square

At 09:00 a film concert will begin on Pushkinskaya Square, and after it guests will see a broadcast of the Victory Parade. Films about the war will also be shown here, starting at 11:15 and 13:05. Viewers will also be told about how such films were created - from films shot during the war years to modern ones.

At 18:00 the concert will begin, Diana Gurtskaya, Sogdiana, the group “Brilliant”, Anita Tsoi and others will perform.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence in memory of the victims. Afterwards the festive concert will continue. At 21:00 the karaoke program of the musical group “Turetsky Choir” starts.

At 22:00 they will broadcast on the big screen festive fireworks.

Events on May 9, 2018in the capital: concerts, master classes and free museums

Military museums can be visited for free. State Museum Moscow Defense, Zelenograd Museum, Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino", Museum of Heroes Soviet Union and Russia, museum complex“The History of the T-34 Tank” and others will not charge admission on May 8th and 9th.

Each of them prepared special program on Victory Day. For example, at 13:00 at Central Museum Great Patriotic War There will be a presentation of a video for the song “Kite”, filmed by students of the creative film studio. In the Big Cinema and Concert Hall at 16:00, guests will see the play “I will return...”, which is based on front-line letters from Boris Vasiliev’s story “Exhibit No...”. At 17:30 they will show the documentary “How I Became a Teacher” about the writer and veteran of the Great Patriotic and Soviet-Japanese Wars Pyotr Mikhin.

The State Defense Museum of Moscow invites you to the theatrical interactive program “Front Behind the Front Line”. One of the central themes of this day is the partisan movement. Guests will be told not only about their exploits, but also about their everyday life. Starts at 12:00 and 15:00.

Photo exhibition " Eternal Flame"will be presented at the Zelenograd Museum. It will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial complex near the Kremlin wall. The exhibition will be open from 10:00 to 20:00.

Flowers to memorial place The Great Patriotic War will be entrusted to the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. A festive concert will also be held here.

They will teach you how to paint military-historical miniatures at the Battle of Borodino panorama museum at the Steadfast Tin Soldier master class. Starts at 14:00. At the “History of the T-34 Tank” museum, guests will be invited to complete interactive creative tasks.

May 9 is the last day when you can see the exhibition “1942. At the Victory Headquarters" in New Manege. It is unique in that for the first time it shows documents from the highest authorities, whose decisions influenced the outcome of hostilities in 1942. The exhibition itself runs until June 25.

May 9: concerts, master classes and free museums

In Gorky Park, the celebration will begin at 10:00 and end at 22:00. An installation of letters from soldiers from the front will appear on the walls of the main entrance. Their texts will be heard from the speakers. The live broadcast of the Victory Parade will be shown on the balustrade, and on main stage there will be a concert.

You can see military equipment and try field cuisine on Pushkinskaya Embankment. There will also be areas where park guests will dance to the music of the war years.

In the Muzeon art park they will tell you how many days it lasted Battle of Stalingrad, how many bombs were dropped on Moscow and how many cities turned into ruins during the war years.

The festival area of ​​Sokolniki Park will be turned into a chessboard. Figures representing the armies of the USSR and Germany will fight there. Air fountains “Tongues of Flame”, tantamaresques in the form of guns of the Great Patriotic War and signs with poignant lines from the last letters of soldiers from the front - this and much more will also be seen by guests of the park. In addition, congratulations to veterans can be left on the installation in the form of a large triangular letter. A festive concert will also be held here. The events will take place from 13:00 to 22:00.

A documentary play “Katya + Sergey. Letters." The production was based on the correspondence between Major General Sergei Kolesnikov and his wife. The choir of the Mishanyan and Co. Orchestra and the Valery Bukreev Orchestra will perform on the park stage. Everyone will learn to dance in the style of the 1940s. The holiday will end with a children's parade - young Muscovites will march through the stadium and park alleys in homemade costumes. Event times are from 10:00 to 22:00.

The atmosphere of the 1940s will be recreated in the Hermitage Garden. Guests will see Soviet vintage cars and hear music performed by a military brass band and a male chamber choir. The Victory Ball “At six o’clock in the evening...” will begin at 18:00. Everyone will dance with the veterans to the songs of the war years, and open lessons guests will learn to dance Krakowiak, tango and waltz. The celebration will end at 22:00.

The Walking Band Festival will take place in the Bauman Garden. The brass bands “Mosbras”, ½ Orchestra, “Polite People”, “Second Line” and Pakava It will perform here. Master classes on graffiti, beatboxing and freestyling will be held for young people. There will also be a retro zone with treats. Starts at 13:00. The events will take place until 22:00.

The “Gratitude of Generations” holiday will begin at the Biryulevsky Arboretum at 12:00. The program includes performances by creative groups, congratulations to veterans and master classes. Everyone can make paper flowers.

May 9 in the capital: concerts, master classes and free museums

In the living room pavilion on Tverskaya Square, visitors will be taught how to decorate photo albums and postcards for veterans. Classes will be held from 11:00 to 16:00. All guests are also invited to the concert “Poems and Songs about War”.

At the venue next door, on Stoleshnikov Lane, guests will be treated to a retro program “Songs and Music of the Soviet Period.”

Performances by young musicians, dance master classes and much more will take place on Novy Arbat. The concert will begin here at 12:30. Will perform children's group"Inspiration", children's and youth choir "Joy", choir of school No. 1060 and Bolshoi children's choir named after Popov. At 19:00 the traditional jazz ensemble Moscow Trad Jazz Band will take the stage.

At 12:00, the “Field Hospital” will open on Revolution Square. The youngest guests will be taught first aid. There will also be a lesson on making bouquets of fresh flowers that can be given to veterans.

Greeting cards using the scrapbooking technique and military hats will be made in the park near the monument to Karl Marx. A front-line album and a brooch from the St. George ribbon will be made on Kuznetsky Most (near the Central Department Store).

You will learn how to bake bread from rye flour, cook jelly and prepare a dessert in the shape of a star at the culinary studio on Klimentovsky Lane. Master classes will be held from 12:00 to 18:45.

In 2020, Moscow will celebrate its 873rd anniversary. City Day celebrations will begin on Saturday, September 5th and continue the next day, Sunday, September 6th.

How will the City Day celebrations take place in Moscow?

Residents and guests of the capital will enjoy a rich program of festive events dedicated to City Day in Moscow. The holiday, preparation for which usually takes several months, is traditionally celebrated on a grand scale.

Tverskaya Street will be the epicenter of the festive events. Venues and stages will be installed here to host theatrical, musical and sporting events. Also, everyone will be able to attend exciting master classes and open training sessions, and take part in intellectual competitions.

Several hundred art objects will decorate the capital these days. These are modern lighting structures created using latest technologies. Pedestrian areas where street celebrations will take place will be especially brightly illuminated. The fireworks display on City Day in Moscow in 2020 promises to be an unforgettable spectacle. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Moscow City Day 2020 celebration program

The detailed program for celebrating Moscow City Day in 2020 will become known closer to the date of this event. At venues in the center and districts of the capital, festival guests will enjoy musical performances, sports and craft master classes, and street theater performances. Here you can dance to the hits of popular performers, as well as try various dishes specially prepared for the holiday by Moscow restaurateurs.

The center of the holiday, Tverskaya Street, will traditionally become a pedestrian zone on September 5-6. You will also be able to take part in festive performances, take part in competitions and quests that will be held at various venues - there are many ways to have an interesting time in the capital.

Last year on City Day, for two holidays, the four central venues were visited by about 3 million guests. The most popular mind game"What? Where? When?”, master classes in a motorcycle workshop, a robotics studio and a decorative arts workshop.

At the Moscow City site, highliner athletes from Russia, Germany, France and Canada set a new world record by crossing the distance between the OKO and Neva Towers on a rope stretched at a height of 350 meters. And on the Vodootvodny Canal a SUP surfing competition was held in which 50 amateur athletes who passed the qualifying selection took part.

On the section of Tverskaya Street from Stoleshnikov Lane to Manezhnaya Square, master classes were held for sports enthusiasts and healthy image life. Professional athletes demonstrated their skills here, holding demonstrations on freestyle scooters and master classes in rock climbing.

For jumping on BMX bicycles, mountain bikes and scooters, a special springboard 9 meters high was built. Here you could see competitions among amateurs and professionals. Shows and competitions also took place at the Skate Park, a special structure designed for jumping on scooters.

Here you could also practice slacklining or, more simply put, tightrope walking. Everyone who wanted to feel like circus performers was taught how to balance on a tightrope by real professionals. In addition to master classes, an exciting show program of walking on a rope stretched between buildings was shown here.

Even more entertainment awaited the guests of the holiday on the site in front of the Moscow Hotel (the intersection of Okhotny Ryad and Mokhovaya streets with Tverskaya).

For the little guests of the City Day holiday in Moscow, a program of master classes was prepared in Technograd and the Crafts Park. Also, those who wished could take part in intellectual competitions, which were held in the format of the TV game “What? Where? When?".

The presenter, played by one of the famous experts of this club, asked the players a question. After a minute of discussion, each team wrote down the answer to the question on a special form, which was given to the facilitator. For a correct answer, the team received one point. There were 12 questions asked, and the team with the most correct answers was the winner.

No less extensive was theater program holiday. In the very center of the capital one could see theatrical performances of Russian and foreign street theaters, which were presented by the Golden Mask Festival.

Famous artists also prepared a special musical program for Moscow City Day. During the holiday, artists performed on four main stages Bolshoi Theater and Theater of Nations, Moscow State academic theater Gzhel Dance, Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by A. Gindin, Moscow Provincial Theater, SBHR Group.

For City Day, Muscovites were treated to free excursions. On them you can not only learn about the distant past of the capital’s streets and squares, but also about how Moscow developed in recent years. To participate in them, you had to pre-register.

Extensive festive program was prepared for City Day and for visitors to Moscow parks. In the park named after Gorky, Fili, Sokolniki, Kolomenskoye, Kuzminki, Izmailovskoye, Tagansky, Babushkinsky garden, park named after. Bauman, the Hermitage Garden and others, theatrical performances, concerts, fun games and competitions.

And at the end of the evening, colorful fireworks took place in the parks, timed to coincide with the celebration of City Day in Moscow.

Many of the capital's catering establishments prepared a varied program for the Moscow City Day celebration with the participation of singers, dancers, musicians, competitions and dances. Among the most popular establishments in the capital these days are such cafes and restaurants as “Paradise”, “Kamin”, “Ararat”, “Aurora”, “Taj Mahal”, “Carlson”, “Bono”, White Rabbit, “Banquet” -hall in Izmailovo”, “Wheel of Time” and others.

Bright holiday shows with DJ performances, famous artists, various competitions and fiery dances took place in the nightclubs "Propaganda", "Roof of the World", "Garage", "Solyanka", Rolling Stone Bar, Papa's Place, "Microphone", "Baikonur", etc. Everyone could give preference to establishments that organized bright shows for large audiences, or romantic cozy restaurants where you could celebrate a holiday in a small company.

For those who were ready to celebrate the holiday with good deeds, the largest charities And public organizations:

  • Charitable Foundation for helping children with severe liver diseases “Life is a Miracle”
  • Charitable Foundation for helping people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neuromuscular diseases “Live Now”
  • The “In the Name of Life” charity foundation helps people suffering from the genetic disease cystic fibrosis.
    Charitable Foundation for Supporting People with Disabilities “Act”
  • Charitable foundation for helping older people “Connection of Generations”
  • Charitable Foundation for helping those in need of constant care “Longevity”
  • Charitable Foundation for the Support of Elderly People “Dignity”
  • Charitable Foundation for the Development of Sports and Culture “Live Good”
  • Charitable Foundation "Childhood Protection" "Our children have a future"
  • Charitable Foundation "CHILDREN FOR CHILDREN"
  • ROO "Association of Large Families of Moscow"
  • Charitable Foundation "Food Fund Rus"
  • Charitable Foundation "Red-White Heart"
  • ANO Educational and Kinetic Center "Dogs - Helpers for the Disabled"
  • Fund for homeless animals "RAY"
  • Charitable foundation for supporting people with disabilities, strengthening and promoting healthy lifestyles “Power of Spirit”

Street celebrations took place on Red Square, Tverskaya Street, Chistoprudny Boulevard, VDNH, Poklonnaya Hill, Vorobyovy Gory and other sites.

In every district of Moscow, specially equipped concert venues were organized where professional and amateur groups performed. The safety of citizens was ensured by thousands of employees of security organizations.

The celebration of City Day in Moscow ended with a traditional fireworks display. The metro worked on holidays until two o'clock in the morning.

A more detailed program of festive events for City Day in Moscow can be found on the open data portal of the Moscow government and the official website of the event Thanks to a convenient map, Muscovites and city guests will be able to choose the most suitable places to visit the holiday.

Venues for celebrating Moscow City Day

As last year, Moscow City Day 2020 will mark the end of the Flower Jam festival, where the celebration of the capital’s 873rd anniversary will take place.

Starting from July 19, 2020, compositions by designers who have become nominees and winners of the Flower Jam competition will be presented on the streets and squares of Moscow. Last year, the streets and squares of the capital were decorated with the following festival sites:

  • Tverskoy Boulevard, 2 (at the entrance to ITAR-TASS)– “Rock Garden”, Damien Michel (France, UK)
  • Kamergersky lane, ow. 4– “Green Fluff”, Elena Fedosova (Russia)
  • street Kuznetsky Most, 7 – “You are The Landscape”, Alessandro Trivelli, Silvia Calatroni (Italy)
  • Petrovka street, 15– “Tide”, Pavel Cherepanov (Russia)
  • Rozhdestvenka street, 7– “Harmony with Diagonals”, Heidi Hannus (Finland)
  • Klimentovsky lane, 23с1 (near Tretyakovskaya metro station)– “Whirlwind of Fate”, Elena Bykova (Russia)
  • Moskvoretskaya embankment (opposite Zaryadye Park)– “Reflection”, Alex Solomnishvili (Georgia)
  • st. Krymsky Val, 9с2 (at the main entrance to Gorky Park)– “Sounds of the City”, Elena Gorskaya (Russia)
  • st. Krymsky Val, 10 (Museon Park, near the entrance to New Tretyakov Gallery) – “Topographical Flower Stories”, Kairi Meos (Finland)
  • Muzeon Park (entrance from Maronovsky Lane)– “A-mazing Garden”, Maggie Wu, Alejandro O’Neill (PRC, Uruguay)
  • Arbat street, 48– “Above the Roof”, Patricia Garcia Alayo (Russia)
  • street New Arbat, 15 – “Origami”, Authors’ team of the company “Elki” (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 15– “Urban Pastoral”, Dmitry Bochkov, Denis Batashev (Russia)
  • New Arbat street, 17– “The Silk Road”, Tinatin Khimshiashvili, Giorgi Saginadze, Marina Shimanskaya (Russia, Georgia)
  • New Arbat street, 19-21– “Architecture of Nature”, Authors’ team of the company “Derevo Park” (Russia)
  • New Arbat street, 19-21– “Life”, Elizaveta Kozyreva (Russia)
  • Prospekt Mira, ow. 119 (JSC "VDNKh", Northern Square)– “Universal Rhytm”, Adele Sironi, David Rampinelli (Italy)
  • Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square (near Sukharevskaya metro station)– “Neglinka Garden”, Natalya Shushlebina (Russia)
  • Myasnitskie Gate Square– “The retinue is playing”, Vitaly Panteleev, Anastasia Golovina (Russia)
  • The area near the Barrikadnaya metro station– “Red Garden”, Authors’ team of the company “Archiland” (Russia)
  • The area near the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station– “The Circle”, Lorenza Bartolazzi, Luca Catalano, Claudia Clementini (Italy)
  • Presnenskaya embankment, 4c1 (near the Bagration bridge)– “360 Flower Garden”, Richard Marfiak, Michael Marcinov (Slovakia)
  • st. Cow shaft, bldg. 1A (area near Dobryninskaya metro station)– “Gravity”, Evgenia Vorontsova (Russia)
  • Square near the metro station "Marksistskaya" (entrance 6)– “Goblin and Sunbeam”, Tanja Niemenen, Tina Holmberg (Finland)
  • – “Kandin-skyline”, Katyusha Ratto (Italy)
  • mountains Zelenograd, Yunosti Square– “Intermission”, Elina Krasilnikova, Nadezhda Abdrashitova, Alesya Goncharik, Ilya Zdulyakin, Ana Zlateva, Olga Vakhrameeva (Russia)

Holidays 2020
Holiday calendar
Weekends: holiday transfer scheme

On this page we provide a calendar of non-working holidays and weekends for 2020 and 2019, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Holidays and weekends in 2020

(Government Decree Russian Federation"On postponing holidays in 2020" dated July 10, 2019 No. 875)

For reference:

In 2020, there are 248 working days in Russia (including 5 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of holidays in 2020 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only two such transfers:
light purple arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 5 (Monday);
light blue - from January 7 (Sunday) to May 2 (Wednesday)

- About shortened working days: directly

The government decree on the 2020 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government - 07/10/19. The scheme for transferring holidays in 2020 is very simple and fits into two lines:



About postponing holidays in 2020

Move the following holidays to 2020:

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Holidays and weekends in 2019

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the postponement of weekends in 2019" dated... 2018 No. ..., approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev... 2018)

To enlarge the calendar image, click on it!

For reference:

In 2019, there are 247 working days in Russia (including 6 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- Rules for transferring days off: Labor Code The Russian Federation has established 14 non-working holidays per year - these are January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - the general New Year holidays, January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8- International Women's Day, May 1 - Spring and Labor Day, May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of weekends in 2019 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only three such transfers:
light blue arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 2 (Thursday);
light purple - from January 6 (Sunday) to May 3 (Friday);
light pink - from February 23 (Saturday) to May 10 (Friday).

- About shortened working days: Length of working day directly preceding a non-working holiday, is reduced by 1 hour.

The Government Decree on the 2019 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government in September 2018:



dated 2018 No.


About postponing holidays in 2019

For the purpose rational use for employees on weekends and non-working holidays, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Move the following holidays to 2019:

From Saturday 5 January to Thursday 2 May;
from Sunday 6 January to Friday 3 May;
from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Weekend transfer scheme.

Weekend transfer scheme.

id="old" >

Content: On May 9, 2018, huge screens will be installed in many Moscow parks, on which the parade from Red Square will be broadcast.

In Gorky Park

From 10:00 the performance of the orchestra of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia will begin. There will also be an exhibition here on May 8 and 9 military equipment"Weapon of Victory".

On Pushkinskaya embankment

Residents and guests of the capital will be able to see a regimental mortar, a howitzer, an anti-tank gun, tanks, a divisional gun and other wartime equipment. During the day, the KinoZvuk symphony orchestra will perform here, and from 13:00 to 15:00 a French chanson from Philippe Dares will be heard.

Master classes will be organized for young guests of the event, during which they will be able to make crafts and souvenirs.

Also, according to established tradition, the park will host an Open Microphone and everyone will be able to tell their family stories related to the war and Victory.

At 21:00 the film “Once upon a time there was a girl” will be shown here.

In Victory Park

on Poklonnaya Hill on May 9 from big concert will speak Symphony orchestra Mariinsky Theater. He will perform works classical music, modern compositions and wartime songs will be sung by popular performers and groups.

The highlight of the holiday will be the horse show “Traditions of Russia”. Cavalrymen will appear in front of the public, and there will be a parade with the flags of the hero cities.

In Izmailovsky Park

On May 9, a procession of veterans, a big concert and an interactive show with dances and songs are planned. They will show it in the park theatrical production on military theme and will be invited to master classes.

A minute of silence will begin at 18:55.

Fireworks will be launched at 22:00.

In Babushkinsky Park

On May 9, creative master classes and classes dedicated to the Great Patriotic War will open. There will also be an exhibition of models of military equipment, and the cooks of the military field kitchen will treat park guests to buckwheat porridge with stew and hot tea.

Also in the park there will be an interactive stand “Wall of Memory”, on which everyone can enter the name of heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War, write congratulations on Victory Day and wishes.

In Kuzminki Park

In honor of Victory Day, a military orchestra will perform songs and marches of the 40s and 50s. This will be followed by performances by musical and theatrical groups, a Victory Ball, tea party and an entertaining interactive program. Guests of the event will also be able to try field cuisine.

In Perovsky Park

Visitors will be treated to a performance by a military brass band and a concert.

Master classes will be organized for children on assembling various models of military equipment from LEGO constructors.

In the Garden named after Bauman

A festive concert will take place on May 9. Soloists and musical groups from Moscow will sing songs about love and war. There will be a photo exhibition documenting the feat of Soviet soldiers.

Master classes on designing postcards and cards will be organized for children. The field kitchen will be operational.

In Sokolniki Park

starts at 13:00 music program. They will perform popular songs famous performers and teams Russian stage. In addition, gaming and dancing competitions and quizzes are planned here.

Tagansky Park

will consecrate the turning point of the Second World War in 1943 - the Battle of Kursk. A military-historical quest-walk will be organized for park guests, during which participants will be asked to follow the trail of events on the Kursk Bulge and answer tricky questions.

A big concert and entertainment program will be held on the stage of the park.

In the master class area you will be able to write a front-line letter, make a paper carnation and a greeting card.

Published 09.09.17 02:02

On September 9 and 10, 2017, Moscow celebrates City Day. The program of events on the 870th birthday of the “best city on Earth” for Muscovites and guests of the capital will be more than eventful.

Moscow City Day in 2017: what date is it celebrated?

By tradition, for many years now, Moscow City Day has been celebrated on the first Saturday-Sunday of September. However, this year this tradition had to be broken, since last weekend was a mournful date - the anniversary of the tragedy in Beslan. Therefore, in 2017, the 870th anniversary of Moscow is celebrated on September 9 and 10.

Moscow City Day 2017: events, program

A traditional ceremony will take place before the festivities. intkbbee opening of City Day on Red Square. It will start at 12:00 and will be broadcast live on all city platforms. The citywide celebration starts at 13:00 to the sounds of the Moscow anthem.

At the walls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, two themes will unite during the City Day celebration: classics and art through the eyes of children.

On September 9, on Volkhonka, spectators will enjoy performances by the symphony and chamber orchestras, as well as a concert of popular musicians who will perform classical works in modern interpretation.

On the afternoon of September 10, a festival of modern children's songs will take place, and in the evening children's groups will appear on stage along with popular artists.

On City Day, an inter-museum festival will unfold on Arbat, which will take place on the so-called Dog Playground near the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater. Visitors will learn the history of this unique place and the Arbat alleys, where Moscow aristocrats lived, as well as famous writers, philosophers and musicians. Guests are expected walking tours, lectures by historians and literary scholars, creative meetings with actors and writers, concerts of classical and jazz music, presentation of the book “What Composers Say About Scriabin Today” and much more.

In the evening, the Russian group Feelin’s will perform together with Italian vocalist Boris Savoldelli. The musicians prepared the best works from the international program “YeseninJazz”. Concerts will also be held at the Marina Tsvetaeva House-Museum and Memorial Museum A.N. Scriabin.

On September 10 at 21:00 Alisa Grebenshchikova and the Universal MusicBand will perform at the Marina Tsvetaeva House-Museum. They will present the program “The Poet is the Son of Harmony” based on the works of the great poets and prose writers of the Silver Age.

The largest Moscow charitable foundations and public organizations will present their activities at the exhibition-fair, where you will be able to see an interesting exhibition, take part in master classes or purchase goods made by the foundation's wards. These are soft toys, pottery, knitted items and much more.

The main events of the festival are a fair, sports competitions and a gala concert with the participation of popular artists, as well as meetings with famous people.

Everyone will be able to take part in charity race. To do this, you will need to make a donation; all funds collected will go to help those in need.

Moscow City Day 2017: program of events at VDNH

VDNKh will be the main children's playground for City Day in Moscow 2017. The theme of the traditional "City of Children" holiday this year will be architecture, and little visitors to the country's Main Exhibition will turn into young engineers, designers and builders. This weekend VDNKh will host 17 interactive platforms where children will be able to take part in various master classes, lectures by young architects, and cartoon and film screenings.

The two-day program "Cities of Children" includes: an architectural carnival-procession, an interactive fairy tale-performance, music concerts. The main art object of the holiday, “Color City,” will be located near the “Friendship of Peoples” fountain. Next to the improvised city, opposite pavilion No. 66 "Culture", there will be interactive Museum history of architecture.

The cinema hall from 12:00 to 20:00 will invite young visitors to watch thematic cartoons and films about construction and architecture, and an educational fair of creative studios will be located on Industry Square.

In the “Architectural Institute” zone opposite the Vostok rocket model, master classes will be held from 12:00 to 20:00. At the “Wicker City” site, architect Olga Rokal will demonstrate to everyone how to create urban objects from colored polyethylene cord.

In the "Construction" zone opposite pavilion No. 75 from 12:00 to 20:00 the work of city communications, landscaping and landscaping will be shown. From 12:00 to 20:00 in the “Landscape Park” area, young guests of VDNKh will come up with their own landscape compositions from fresh flowers and plants and plant them in “honeycomb flowerbeds”.

Theatrical and musical performances, literary performances, poetry readings and much more were prepared here. Moscow as the birthplace of Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Bella Akhmadulina and Vladimir Vysotsky will appear on Triumphal Square in the brilliance of literary metaphors. The program includes animated heroes of your favorite books, urban myths and legends, and literary quests.

9 September will be held a joint concert of the Feelin’s group and the famous Italian vocalist Boris Savoldelli. Sergei Yesenin's poems will be performed in Italian, English and Russian, accompanied by jazz, blues and soul. The performance will be enriched by Savoldelli's acapella numbers. A guest from Italy skillfully improvises with electronic processors, creating an unusual polyphony.

In addition, an interactive event “Rhyme with Moscow” will take place on Triumfalnaya Square.

On September 9 and 10, Cosmonaut Alley will turn into a meeting place for space and science fiction lovers. Key events in Russian cosmonautics - the launch of the first artificial satellite, Yuri Gagarin's flight, man's spacewalk - will appear as staged elements of the show.

Visitors are welcome modern choreography, circus acts and performances by popular DJs. On September 9, at 12:00, guests will see a live broadcast from Red Square, and in the evening there will be a light and music show on the Alley of Cosmonauts laser show. Free admission.

About 40 festive venues will open throughout Moscow, where concerts, performances, educational competitions, master classes and interactive games will be held.

The largest, brightest and most eventful part of the festival will take place on City Day - September 9 and 10. The main street of the holiday will be Tverskaya, which for two days will be open only for pedestrian walks from Pushkinskaya Square to Manezhnaya. Okhotny Ryad will also become car-free, from Mokhovaya Street to Teatralny Proezd.

Festival venues will be located throughout Tverskaya, and guests will be able to gradually move from one to another. About 200 art objects will be installed along the street. There will be a model of the Salyut-7 orbital space station, an interactive film set, a ten-meter climbing wall in the form of Moscow City towers, a Parkour Park sports ground and much more.

In total, six entertainment zones will be created on the main street of the holiday, dedicated to the main themes of City Day: “Moscow conquers”, “Moscow builds”, “Moscow invents”, “Moscow opens”, “Moscow creates” and “Moscow sets records”.

The street space from Kozitsky Lane to Maly Gnezdnikovsky will be filled with space decorations. Festival guests will be able to see models of the Vostok-1 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital space station. Through special windows inside the station you can see dashboard, living quarters and an astronaut in an orbital suit.

Part of Tverskaya from Maly Gnezdnikovsky to Voznesensky Lane will be turned into a street of attractions and architectural monuments. Art objects will be installed there in the form of all the Stalinist high-rise buildings in Moscow, the buildings of the Rizhsky and Yaroslavsky railway stations, a model of the Shukhov Tower, the Melnikov House and the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”. An experimental construction site will open for children, where they will learn to operate a crane and excavator and feel like real city builders. Nearby, guests can see a model of the Crimean Bridge, 15 meters long and five meters high. A copy of it will be used as a real rope town, where you can test your dexterity. A real scientific cluster will open between Voznesensky and Stoleshnikov lanes. There you will be able to find out how time flows and the days and months of the year change - this will be shown by a two-meter mechanical model of a calendar with an open mechanism. Those who are interested not in man-made mechanisms, but in the precise systems that nature creates, will be curious to look at the transparent panels on which you can see the circulatory system and the human skeleton.

Between Stoleshnikov and Bryusov lanes there will be a site dedicated to scientists and researchers who lived and worked in Moscow.

For example, there festival guests will see a model of the deep-sea research vehicle "Mir", created in Moscow by scientist Igor Mikhaltsev, a papyrus boat "Ra-2", on which the famous Soviet television journalist Yuri Senkevich traveled, as well as a large globe with a small dot on it - Moscow.

From Bryusov to Kamergersky Lane a festival area dedicated to art has been organized. They will set up a real film set there with a film camera, scenery and spotlights. And next to it there will be a dressing room with makeup artists, stylists and make-up artists who will help Muscovites transform into real movie heroes. Near Kamergersky Lane, the legendary transforming scenery for the play “The Magnanimous Cuckold,” staged by Vsevolod Meyerhold in 1922, will be recreated.

Selfie lovers will be able to take a spectacular photo while inside a three-dimensional model of Kandinsky’s painting “Improvisation No. 8”. You will also be able to take photos in the company of your favorite Soviet cartoon characters - Gena the Crocodile and Cheburashka. At the site, guests will also be able to practice animation - create their own frames with the characters from Yuri Norshtein’s cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.”

The space dedicated to sports achievements and records will be divided into three zones. The first will be located on the section from Kamergersky to Nikitsky Lane. For City Day, a ten-meter climbing wall in the form of the Moscow City towers will be built on this site. On site, instructors will provide visitors with the necessary equipment and conduct free master classes on rock climbing.

For lovers of strength training and outdoor activity, a huge “Parkour Park” with a total area of ​​about two thousand will be built. square meters. An area for hand-to-hand combat and a boxing ring will be located nearby.

A second sports ground will appear in the area from Nikitsky Lane to the intersection of Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets. There, festival guests will be able to work out on exercise machines to develop coordination, jump on trampolines and watch performances of extreme cycling athletes in the freestyle park.

And on Okhotny Ryad, from Mokhovaya Street to Teatralny Proezd, you can play volleyball and football on the sand, practice fencing and ride hoverboards. There will also be demonstration performances by teams of cheerleaders and acrobatic rock and roll and breakdance dancers. The street will be decorated with a three-meter Olympic torch and a “Sport” sculpture with figures of a weightlifter, gymnast, and biathlete. There will also be a large stage for concerts. For the 870th anniversary, Moscow will be decorated in a single corporate style. The concept was based on original textile patterns created by Soviet artists Lyubov Popova and Varvara Stepanova in 1923-1924. In their work on ornaments, they were guided by the works of world-famous Russian avant-garde artists and constructivists.

The parks also prepared a rich program for the City Day celebration. Visitors will see fashion shows metropolitan designers, enjoy performances by European and Russian opera singers, plunge into the atmosphere of the 1960-1970s, and also watch their favorite films about the capital.

Fireworks for Moscow City Day 2017: what time, where to watch?

On September 9, Moscow will celebrate its 870th birthday. Residents of the capital will enjoy many festive events, which will be crowned with colorful fireworks. They are organized by the city Department of Culture. “Peonies”, “chrysanthemums”, “snakes”, “hearts”, flickering figures and others will be launched into the sky colorful drawings. A total of 13,260 salvos will be fired over the city.

Fireworks will be launched from 13 sites. They will be:

  • the water area of ​​the Moscow River between Moskvoretskaya and Raushskaya embankments (CAO);
  • the water area of ​​the Moscow River opposite the Luzhniki sports complex (TsAO);
  • a vacant lot on Kadyrov Street (Yuzhnoye Butovo, South-Western Administrative District);
  • Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill (JSC);
  • landscape park "Mitino" (North-Western Administrative Okrug);
  • Friendship Park (Levoberezhny, Northern Administrative Okrug);
  • Novgorodskaya street, house 38 (Lianozovo, NEAD);
  • town named after Bauman (Izmailovo, Eastern Administrative District);
  • Kuzminki Park (South Eastern Administrative District);
  • embankment of Brateevsky Cascade Park (Southern Administrative Okrug);
  • museum-estate "Tsaritsyno" (Southern Administrative Okrug);
  • Ozernaya Alley, house 4, building 2 (ZelAO);
  • sports center "Moskovsky" (Moskovsky city, TiNAO).

At three of the sites - Raushskaya Embankment, Poklonnaya Gora and Brateevsky Cascade Park - you will be able to see a composition with the number 870.

In addition, three-meter pyrotechnic panels with the number 870 will be installed on a barge in the waters of the Moscow River opposite the Luzhniki sports complex (TsAO) and 13 concert venues. They will light up simultaneously with the launch of fireworks. You can see the installations at the following sites:

  • art park "Museon" (TsAO, street Krymsky Val, possession 2);
  • Triumfalnaya Square (TsAO);
  • Patriarch's Ponds(CAO);
  • Catherine Park (Central Administrative District, Bolshaya Ekaterininskaya street, building 27);
  • New Olympic Village Park (JSC, Lobachevskogo Street, 12);
  • River Station Park (SAO);
  • territory of the museum-estate “Tsaritsyno” (Southern Administrative Okrug, Dolskaya street, building 1);
  • Alley of Cosmonauts (NEAD);
  • recreation area "Troparevo" (South-Western Administrative District, Academician Vinogradova Street, building 12);
  • Stroginskaya floodplain, natural-historical park "Moskvoretsky" (North-West Administrative District, Isakovskogo Street, opposite house 33, building 3);
  • Moskva River embankment, Pechatniki Park (Southeastern Administrative District, Kukhmisterova Street, 4, behind the Tula cinema);
  • Central Square (ZelAO);
  • Shcherbinka urban district (TiNAO).

50 free excursions have been prepared for Muscovites for City Day

For the 870th anniversary of the capital, 50 educational excursions along iconic routes have been prepared for Muscovites and guests of the city. They will take place daily from August 12 to September 10. Anyone can join the free walks lasting one and a half to two hours.

This year City Day is dedicated to the achievements of outstanding Muscovites, so the guides will pay special attention to the destinies famous people who lived in our city. They will talk about Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov, Pavel Tretyakov and Marina Tsvetaeva, merchant Alexei Bakhrushin, the Mamontovs and Soldatenkovs, as well as the entrepreneurs Morozovs.