Actress of a famous comedy. Stifler's mom. Actress of the famous comedy You're Stifler's Mom

At the end of the last century, American and then world cinema was overwhelmed by a wave of youth films. The first and most successful was the story of several students dreaming of having sex for the first time. All the actors, without exception, instantly gained audience recognition. The heroine, who was named own name- “Stifler’s Mom.” The actress who embodied the image will become the character of our article.

Natural charm

It’s no surprise that the image turned out so bright and memorable. According to fans, the credit goes not to the writers, but to Jennifer Coolidge. a middle-aged woman with a natural comedic streak is considered a Hollywood “veteran.” Born in 1961, she school years I realized that I stood out noticeably among my classmates thanks to my charisma. Deciding that this should be taken advantage of, Jennifer enrolls in acting school Boston.

There is nothing brighter in the world

She is now known as Stifler's mom. The actress did not know whether great success awaited her and when she would be given the main role. She began her career with episodic images in the mid-90s. A certain part related to TV series. Jennifer played her first notable role in the “school” comedy “Flapper and the Stinkers.” In “Austin Powers” ​​she again got an episode, as well as in a series of other films. Finally, an unexpected takeoff comes with the 1999 youth film, which she considers one of the best in her filmography.

Creative diversity

The main decoration of the film “ American Pie” - Stifler’s mom. The actress assigned to this role was not chosen by chance. has already established herself as a top-notch stand-up comedian. With the development of the comedy genre, most of the upcoming Hollywood hits could not do without her participation. In 2001, she played Reese Witherspoon's manicurist friend in Legally Blonde. The next striking image will be the evil stepmother from the teenage interpretation of “The Story of Cinderella” with leading role. Best TV series - “Joey”, “Sex in big city” and “Friends” - Coolidge's name is in the episodes.

In her numerous interviews, the actress who played Stifler's mother admitted that this image is the one with which she is most often associated. As if to prove the opposite, Jennifer's track record continues to grow successful projects. And although many did not take the parody “A Very Epic Movie” and “Movie Date” seriously, the characters played in them remained in the memory of the audience, as did the comedy “Click” with Adam Sandler.

Stifler's mother, actress Jennifer Coolidge, has remained faithful to her comedic role throughout her career. She periodically dilutes her impressive filmography with sitcoms and feature films. For admirers of her talent, she remained a blonde with impressive figures. Most of her roles are eccentric women at the same age as Stifler's mother was first introduced.

The actress remains a popular comedian to this day. She tried to move away from this type in the films “ Living proof” and “Bad Lieutenant.” In the drama series “Secret from My Parents,” she appeared as a former prostitute.

According to Michael Patrick King, when writing the character of the eccentric Polish woman Sophie Kuczynski, the scriptwriters saw only Coolidge in this role. Fortunately, the actress honored with her performance the series “2 Broke Girls,” which has been filming since 2011.

Without slowing down

In 2012, the next part of “Pie” was released, called “Everything is assembled.” While filming a sequel of some kind, which united the key characters and actors of the previous parts, the creators could not forget about Jennifer Coolidge. Her heroine, as always, is inimitable.

Today, the actress who played Stifler's mom is still at the peak of her popularity. A busy filming schedule leaves little personal time. Jennifer is simultaneously busy with “Dipper’s Guide” and “Inside Amy Schumer.” In 2014, the comedy “Alexander and the Terrible, Nightmarish... Day” was released, where she appeared in the image of a strict driving instructor. In addition to his main occupation, Coolidge often voices children's animation.

Jennifer Coolidge's most famous film works include the following projects:

  • “Zoolander” (2001).
  • “Women vs. Men” (2002).
  • “Testosterone” (2003).
  • “Body Parts” (2003).
  • “Lemony Snicket” (2004).
  • “For your judgment”, “ American dream” (2006).
  • “Bluesmen” (2008).
  • “Party Master”, “Mister Bronco”, “Losers” (2009).
  • “Business for Love” (2010).
  • “Austenland” (2013).

With mine best friend We became pregnant with Yulia at the same time.

I think even on the same day. The only difference is that she and I had different inseminators. Although I have long doubted this, looking at how every year our children become more and more like my husband. They're just eerily similar.

And then, eleven years ago, leaving the office of the district gynecologist, with a bunch of pieces of paper in our hands, Yulka and I first came across the concept of “Soviet medicine” so closely.

First of all, Yula and I were ordered to register for pregnancy. What does this mean? And this means that an unimaginable fucked-up awaited us, accompanied by a whole range of feelings, which Yulia and I plunged into, counting the number of pieces of paper in our hands, and wondering whether we would have time to pass all these tests before we give birth.

Paper first. Urinalysis.

Urinalysis was prescribed every other day for all nine months. We were given directions for three months immediately. There is no longer a shortage of paper in the country. We wanted to calculate how many liters of urine she and I would have to bring according to the papers given, but on the fifteenth liter we got confused and started crying.

Paper two. Blood test.

Blood had to be donated: from a finger, from a vein, for sugar, for bilirubin, for HIV, for syphilis, for hepatitis, for blood type, general, bloody... In general, a fool understands: neither I nor Yulka have that much blood . They started crying again.

Paper three. Blood test for toxoplasmosis.

Do you know what this is? So I don’t know. And Yulka - even more so. And the name is creepy. So Yulka, having ordered me to count the papers with demands to bring a suitcase of shit to the laboratory before she returned, returned again to office number twenty-two, in order to clarify the term “toxoplasmosis.”

I started counting papers. In total, Yula and I had to bring at least a kilogram of shit in order to be registered. It's simple: no shit - no accounting. There is no accounting - give birth in an infectious diseases hospital, next to half-rotten syphilitics. And, moreover, for their own money. If you don't have money, give birth at home, in the bathroom. In a fashionable way. Looking at the dates on the pieces of paper, I realized that this kilogram should be brought at once on one day, dividing it into three portions. In one portion they will look for worms under a microscope, in another - some useful vitamins, and in the third, in my opinion, potatoes. Yulka wasn’t around at that moment, so I was already crying alone.

And about five minutes later the red Yulka returned.

They're all fucked up here, Lida. - Yulka said, and plopped her ass down on important documents about the uninterrupted supply of shit with vitamins. - Do you know who this toxoplasmos is?

Is this the doctor's name?

Worse. It's a virus. Yes, yes. Terrible virus. If you have one, then your child will look like Vanya-Ruble from the fifth entrance.

I shuddered. Vanka-Rubl was a hopeless oligophrenic, and at the age of twenty-five he loved to walk in the spring in a lace cap near the garages, licking the garage walls in a pyriadic manner, and jerking off on KAMAZ tires. I didn’t want to give birth to exactly the same Vanya. The virus scared me. What if I already have this virus? I panicked:

How is it transmitted, a virus? I, Yul, if anything, I only fuck in a condom.

Yulka looked at me and answered edifyingly:

It is visible. That's why you're sitting here right now. If I'm not mistaken, assholes sometimes vomit? “I blushed, and Yulka added: “But assholes have nothing to do with it.” This virus lives in cat piss and assholes. You often deal with cat pissing, answer?

I look at Yulia, and I can’t understand: either she, the bitch, is making such bad jokes, or the doctors want to fuck us, this patamush test is also paid for. In general, I answer:

I don't have any piss. Cat pissing. No. I don't even have a cat. I have a hamster. Old. But he never pissed on me.

I blurted this out and nervously began tearing the papers out from under Yulka’s ass.

No, Lida. Hamster - fuck him. The virus is only found in cat piss. And right now I’m saying to this doctor: “Why the hell do we need this analysis, we don’t even have pissing cats. I don’t have any livestock at home, except for my husband’s grandmother. And then, thank God, she hasn’t pissed yet. Therefore, it’s absolutely clear that neither Minya nor Lidka have your piss microbe...”

Yulka fell silent and lowered her eyes. But I couldn’t stand it:

Yula sobbed and took out another piece of paper from her pocket:

She said that perhaps you and I have friends who have cats who shit in the tray, and it is quite possible that these friends force us to change the paper in this tray... In general, for my unhealthy interest in pissing, I was forced take an additional shit test. I don’t remember why anymore. Well, not bitches?

And my friend cried. Me too. And some completely stranger and stranger to us pregnant aunt - too. And I’m burning with tears, as you know, you can’t help...

The next day, at eight in the morning, Yulka and I, rattling different-sized jars, peed at the clinic.

The laboratory for these cup tests there was located right next to the office where the blood was taken. On the one hand, this was a plus: because they also wanted to pump the blood out of us - so we didn’t have to go far. But there was also a minus: in the queue of those wishing to donate blood there were several very irresistibly handsome men. And they looked at Yulka. And also - on me. We watched with interest. She and I didn’t have bellies yet, but the interest of men was still incomprehensible to us. Two unmade-up girls in costumes, with plastic bags, inside of which the outlines of jars with something tasteless could be discerned - in my opinion this is not sexy at all. But perhaps these men were distant relatives of Vanya-Ruble, only very distant, and very different from him. And, damn it, Yulka and I immediately felt like porn stars in the Otradnoe region. About two minutes. Patamushta then came up with the brilliant idea that right now, in front of these handsome men, we should take our glass container with shit out of the bag and place it right under their noses. Patamushta, these men clearly had something to do with the Ruble, since they sat right next to the gurney, where people sick with worms carry out their tests. It became terribly uncomfortable. But there was nothing to do. Once I brought it, I have to give it back. Because of Vanya’s relatives, I didn’t want to come here with new banks a second time. So I wink myself handsome man, Bespaleva took out her jars and proudly plopped them on the table. Yulka, in turn, grinning slightly, also took out her bottles, and I gasped: Yulka’s container was thickly covered with stickers from Boomer chewing gum, and one could only guess about the contents of the jars. Although I suspected that they were not “Raffaello” at all. I glanced sideways at Yulka, and she whispered:

This is some kind of bullshit: dumping your shit here in front of five dozen people. I like everything to be beautiful and neat. By the way, I came up with this myself. - The last phrase sounded proudly.

Now I glanced sideways at the men. They sat and pretended that they didn’t see anything. And they didn’t even look at Yulka and me anymore. Maybe it's for the better.

Then I raised my head and saw an inscription above the gurney with shit: “Open jars of piss, but don’t even think about jars of shit. Because this is a fucking mess"

As the slogan goes, I unscrewed the lid from one jar and left the other one alone. Yulka followed my example, and she and I, with a sense of accomplishment, sat down next to the men and began to joke and laugh in every possible way, trying to hide our awkwardness and attract attention to ourselves.

Who is Stifler's mom? The actress may not be unfamiliar to fans of American humor. This woman is famous all over the world. Who is she - Stifler's mom? The actress has earned this nickname not only in her native America, but also abroad. Germany, Russia, France... She is known everywhere!

Stifler's mom. Actress from "American Pie"

So, more details. Stifler's mother is actress Jennifer Coolidge. That's her real name. In this woman, everyone around her sees exactly that domineering mother who excites the libido of teenagers, starting with the first part of “American Pie.”

The actress herself said a rather interesting phrase about this: “Thank God for Stifler’s mom.” Jennifer believes that her life would not be so fun if it were not for this role. Moreover, she received a lot of benefits from being a single woman. After filming this film, she said, men with a bright sparkle in their eyes constantly began to approach her.

Although none of these men were close to the actress's age. These are mostly young guys. And Jennifer doesn't see anything wrong with this. In the new parts of Pie, Janine began to flirt with older men, for example with Jim's father, and not with Finch. The actress was happy about this turn of events. After all, she managed to participate in the film a little longer than she had planned. The directors of the film decided that the heroine Jennifer should “grow up.”

Still just as gorgeous

Many years have passed since the release of the first Pie. Nevertheless, the famous “Stifler’s mom” still looks great today. The actress, of course, did not become a Hollywood star. However, she won a lot of fans. She still excites them with her charisma and sex appeal.

And if not many people recognize the name of the actress by ear, then the phrase “Stifler’s mom” immediately brings to mind a luxurious blonde in heels in tight dress. Jennifer hasn't changed much. She comes to all kinds of social events in bright, revealing outfits with deep cutouts on the chest. Coolidge for a long time does not change his love for tight clothes. And this is not surprising! The figure of the actress cannot but delight others. Of course, she emphasizes her gorgeous breasts. And giving up the mini would be simply unforgivable. Jennifer's wardrobe has a lot of pretty daring outfits. Her business card are short sheath dresses with dropped shoulders. And a mature woman feels more than confident in them. Her famous peers can only silently envy.

Not only in "Pie"

The actress who plays Stifler's mother was born in 1961. After completing her studies, she began working in a famous comedy group under called The Groundlings. Since the mid-90s, she began acting in small roles in films. She appeared more and more often on television. For example, in an episode of Seinfeld and in the parody Trivial Fiction. However, Jennifer managed to become famous precisely in 1998, after the release of “American Pie”. The woman continued to play the role of Stifler's mother in all parts of the legendary film.

In total, Coolidge’s filmography includes about a hundred works. Most often, the actress is invited to minor, but at the same time, characteristic roles. For example, in the film “A Cinderella Story” she played a stepmother, in the film “Legally Blonde” she played a manicurist. main character, in the series “Joey” (a spin-off of the famous “Friends”) - guest, in the film “ Secret life American teenager" - the wife of one of the main characters.

Candid filming

So, one of the most memorable characters in the movie “American Pie” is Stifler’s mom. The actress is associated, first of all, with this picture. The image of a mature woman, obsessed with sexual relations, is firmly attached to this artist. And in other films she had the opportunity to play similar roles.

By the way, Jennifer hasn’t been against acting naked since childhood. True, for a certain reward. If rumors are to be believed, the woman began her career in South Brooklyn as a “girl of easy virtue.” Coolidge was not accepted into the modeling business because of her excess weight. She decided to choose a different path...


And finally. Every fan of modern youth comedies is, of course, familiar with Stifler’s mother. The actress, whose name can be seen in many publications about cinema, managed to achieve success even before she began filming on television. The director of "American Pie", according to him, often used the services brothel, where he met a worker named Jennifer. Quite quickly the woman was approved for the role.

By the way, Jennifer Coolidge's image of a lusty mature naked woman is just perfect. IN real life she behaves almost exactly the same as she does on screen. During the filming of the film "American Pie" she managed to enter into sexual relations with almost all the men from cast. And even with “Stifler” himself, whose mother she played.