Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan: photo, biography and personal life of the actor. Dr. Alex Kolganov: orthopedist from Israel Work at the Moscow Academic Satire Theater

Joint replacement in Israel is a whole industry that has rich clinical practice and a very high level of performance. Our prices for joint replacement in Israel range from 14 to 24 thousand dollars, including the joint, but we can offer you this option from 14-16 thousand, in terms of rubles about 0.9 million, in Moscow from a leading Israeli orthopedist from the list below. Doctors come to Moscow once a month. You can get services of the same quality, but in Russia and more economically! And we will immediately offer high-quality rehabilitation “in the Israeli way.”

Why is joint replacement in Israel, in our clinic, or in Moscow, preferable than in Russia? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, when replacing joints in Israel, you will be offered almost ten times more options for prostheses that are anatomically suitable for you. Needless to say, this option is preferable?

Secondly, these are the best doctors with modern techniques that are not yet used in Russia; and clinics of high international class.

Thirdly, there is 0% infection during such an operation. If it is 3-8%, as in almost all Russian hospitals, then this is the probability of colossal problems for you. We have an almost zero, negligible chance of contracting infections.

We have all these same advantages in Israel and in our just opened “Israeli” clinic in Moscow. Send a request or call.

Leading (top) doctors in orthopedics and joint replacement in Israel, Tel Aviv:

  • doctor Vadim Benkovich, an excellent orthopedic surgeon with an excellent reputation, extensive practice, head. Department of Soroka Hospital, President of the Association of Joint Surgery, This best choice doctor, in our opinion, if you are ready to come to the assembly line, this is also the most expensive option. You can make an appointment with Dr. Benkovich for surgery on our website. If they can offer you best price to have an operation with a doctor, please let us know.
  • Alex Kolganov, leading orthopedic surgeon for joint replacement, foot problems, at the Assuta clinic, excellent combination of price and quality,
  • doctor Chaim Starker, manager orthopedics department at Galilee Hospital,
  • prof. Shmuel Dekel, manager 2nd Department of Orthopedics in Ichilov-Soraski,
  • Aaron Menachem, manager 1st Department of Orthopedics in Ichilov-Soraski,
  • Uri Amit, manager Department of Orthopedics in Sheba,
  • Gabriel Moses, manager Department of Shoulder and Tendon Surgery, the best specialist in this field in Israel, has his own developments in complex shoulder surgeries, VIP class,
  • Ron Arbel, manager Sports Medicine Center in Ichilov-Soraski, specialization - knee joint, President of the Israeli Association of Sports Medicine, VIP class,
  • Esther Lipsker, head Department of Hand Surgery in Ichilov-Soraski,
  • prof. Michael Surdi, head of the orthopedics department, operates at the Assuta clinic,
  • prof. Dan Kaspi, manager Department of Rheumatology in Ichilov-Soraski.

Israel does joint replacement no less successfully than the USA or Germany, clinics and doctors of the same level. But it’s more convenient to do it in Israel, check. Get to correspondence consultation You can contact any of these doctors by calling our consultation center, or by writing a letter and sending pictures, a specialist “from the list” will look at the picture in absentia, free of charge, and a doctor’s assistant will contact you within 24 hours. Get treatment from to a specific specialist in a state hospital is impossible, leading doctors operate on foreign patients only in private clinics, and state. The hospital cannot choose a doctor; whoever the authorities appoint will be the one who will operate. The cost of joint replacement from a leading surgeon increases by the doctor’s fee, but it’s worth going to Israel to see a doctor with a “name”.

On sh consultation center is the largest operator and center of medical tourism in Israel, receiving hundreds of patients every month, our applications are handled only by international departments of clinics and leading “top” doctors, as well as our medical provider, N1 in Israel, in terms of the number of patients. Do you value your health? Call or write to us!

Joint replacement in Israel is quite affordable and the cost of the operation starts from 15 thousand dollars in the state. hospital. If you want to save money, let us know. We can offer you a good option.

Price package knee replacement in Israel, with the participation of top surgeon Ron Arbel and the best implant, maybe from $25200, hip to 26100$ . The cost may vary depending on the class and fee of the orthopedic surgeon and the cost of the joint itself(and his reputation), the lowest cost of the full package (about 14-16 thousand) can be in a state hospital, where the “on duty” doctor will actually operate, and a simpler prosthesis will be installed here. But still, the quality will be good. We can offer you an excellent option.

The highest cost is with top doctors when using the best prostheses. Choose and let us know.

Shoulder replacement in Israel is the most expensive, and costs up to 35 thousand dollars, since this is the most difficult and time-consuming work.

Routine operations for joint replacement in Israel and rehabilitation are mastered at the level of world standards. For example, at Sheba Hospital (Tel Hashomer), operations for Israelis are performed by doctors on duty, interns, with good results. Leading doctors are represented in specialized treatment programs on the website. It is possible to get to them for an operation under a program with fixed prices with our help, see the information on the website.

Israel, its orthopedic surgeons, replace joints very efficiently. Before arriving in Israel, you can first assess the need for endoprosthetics; for this you need to send us pictures of the joint and describe the symptoms.

When replacing a joint in Israel, in accordance with the information provided, the patient is offered the following basic medical program:

  • examination, including consultation with a leading orthopedist,
  • X-rays of joints in different projections,
  • preoperative diagnostics (extensive laboratory tests, X-ray of the lungs, ECG, consultation with an anesthesiologist).
Joint replacement in Israel is carried out after a two-day examination program.

The cost of an arthroplasty operation by the hospital doctor on duty, using a regular implant, on the knee joint is from $14,050, and including examination, 6-day hospitalization, postoperative monitoring, is from $20,200. But we recommend going to top doctor and take only the best joint prosthesis. Then the cost of the entire package will be from $25 thousand.

In order not to have to redo the operation in a year or two, it is very important what kind of orthopedic surgeon performs the operation on you, and which particular joint is placed (joints have a reputation). Ask us about your attending physician in Israel.

We offer a similar complex for hip replacement in the state. hospital: the operation itself by a doctor on duty with an ordinary implant costing $14,000 and more. Joints used are J & J and Biomed, Zimmer, CPM. An artificial joint perfectly imitates a real one. In more difficult cases, with the best operating doctor and the best joint, the cost of the operation in total will be from 25000 dollars. For a detailed program, see the article - Hip replacement in Israel

So, joint replacement in Israel begins with choosing a doctor and a small examination. This is followed by surgery - hip replacement, including 6 days of hospitalization in the orthopedic department of Israel's leading hospital in Tel Aviv, post-operative routine tests during hospitalization, post-hospital orthopedic monitoring (14 days).

Joint replacement in Israel, the operation itself, lasts 2-3 hours under full anesthesia. After 2 days, the patient can already sit and perform breathing exercises and other exercises. On the 3rd day, it is possible to get out of bed. Soon the patient returns to normal life and even to playing sports.

The medical joint replacement program in Israel will be held at a leading hospital in Tel Aviv. Attending physician and operating orthopedist – head of the orthopedics department, leading orthopedist at the joint replacement center in Israel.

Duration of postoperative rehabilitation- from 14 working days. Rehabilitation is carried out at the patient’s location (hotel) with the help of independent exercises to develop the joint and treatment of the surgical area by an orthopedist. If the patient wishes, solely for his convenience, it is possible to stay in a specialized rehabilitation center during the period after discharge from the hospital. Cost of staying in the center – from 650 dollars per day.

Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan - famous domestic actor, parodist and announcer. His popularity came primarily from voicing characters in foreign films. At the same time, he himself continues his acting career in theaters and on film sets.

Actor biography

Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan was born in Lvov. This happened in 1971. As a child, he moved with his parents to Leningrad.

During perestroika, he studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of Performing Arts, from which he graduated in 1994. To his creative education paid great attention. At the same time, I took courses in classical vocals, since I had a well-trained voice since childhood. Received a diploma from the Leningrad Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory.

Creative career

Soon after graduating from theater school, Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan, whose photo is in this article, began acting at the Mossovet Theater. His debut was the role of Mitrofanushka in the play “Minor” based on the play of the same name by Denis Fonvizin.

Even Alexander Shirvindt, who at that time directed the Moscow Academic Satire Theater, noted the brilliant work of the young actor. As a result, Colgan played another prominent role - Fabian in Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night. And then he agreed to Shirvindt’s tempting offer to move to the Academic Theater of Satire.

Work at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire

Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan is an actor whose first role on the new stage was Wulf in the play “Andryusha,” dedicated to the biography of the famous Soviet artist Andrei Mironov. The play was dedicated to his memory.

Since the late 90s, he was already fully involved in various creative projects. And not only in the theater, but also in cinema, and in the recording studio.

He is actively involved in working in the musical theater. In particular, he performs several roles in the musical "Circus Princess" based on the operetta

"Put out the lights!"

Real fame came to Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan in the early 2000s, when he began to take part in information and entertainment humorous program on the NTV channel "Put out the lights!" For two years in a row he received the prestigious domestic TEFI award for it. In 2001, for the program itself, and in 2002, he was awarded as the best presenter of a humorous program.

Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan did parodies with early childhood. While still at school, many of his classmates and teachers noticed his talent for parody famous personalities and just ordinary acquaintances. In the program "Lights Out!" he was able to express himself in full glory.

The program originally appeared on the NTV channel. The presenters were the well-known characters from the children's television program "Good Night, Kids" - Piggy and Stepashka. However, in the new project they matured and gained life experience, turning into Hryun Morzhov and Stepan Kapusta.

Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan voiced Khryun, Stepan Kapusta got the voice people's artist Russia Alexandra Lenkov. Initially, their co-host was After the famous conflict with a change in the leadership of the TV channel, the program moved first to TNT, then to TV-6 and TVS. A total of 4 seasons were released, which included 210 episodes. The co-hosts were constantly changing.

The characters discussed current everyday problems and general political issues.

Shrek's voice

Also, Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan’s great success was brought by his collaboration with the American company Dream Works, which produced the famous animated film about Shrek. Colgan was invited to voice the main character. At first, his candidacy was not approved by the producers of the project, but the dubbing director in Russia, Yaroslava Turyleva, insisted that Shrek be voiced in our country by the hero of our article.

As a result, Dream Works studio Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan, whose biography has now become closely connected with the recording studio, was recognized best actor, who has ever voiced Shrek.

After this success, Colgan began to regularly receive offers from Hollywood studios. His voice is spoken by some of the characters in the puppet drama "Corpse Bride", the adventure family cartoon by David Bowers "Get Away!", the fantasy puppet animation by Henry Selick "Carolina in Nightmareland", the family comedy feature film by Pierre Coffin "Despicable Me", the fantasy animated comedy by Genndy Tartakovsky "Monsters on Vacation", puppet adventure cartoon by Graham Annable "Monster Family", animated comedy by Chris Renaud and Yarrow Cheney " Secret life pets."

In Russia, the actor also became famous for voicing the characters in the game "Brothers Pilots", based on the works of Eduard Uspensky.

Film actor career

At the same time, Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan himself acts in films. The actor's filmography already includes several dozen roles. He made his big screen debut in 2002 in the television series Code of Honor.

But he played his first notable role only in 2005 in the drama series “Star of the Epoch”. The series tells about the life of the formerly famous actress Valentina Serova (on screen her last name was changed to “Sedova”). About her several marriages, short-term but vibrant romances with prominent representatives Soviet era. The slogan of the series was the words: “All the men were in love with her.” Soviet Union. And personally Comrade Stalin."

Kolgan in this film gets the role of Alexander Sergeevich Shcherbakov. This is a real historical character, a Soviet party leader, who during the Great Patriotic War was the first secretary of the Moscow Regional Committee and rose to the rank of colonel general.

In 2007, Colgan played in Andrei Konchalovsky’s comedy melodrama “Gloss,” as the creators themselves called it, a bitter comedy about the sweet life.

TV series and thrillers

IN recent years Kolgan is increasingly appearing on screen in domestic television series. He plays a personal driver in one of the episodes of Alexander Zhigalkin's comedy "Garages", the owner of a restaurant that competes with the protagonist's establishment, in Vitaly Shlyappo's melodramatic sitcom "Kitchen".

In 2016, he got a prominent role in Pavel Lungin’s thriller “The Queen of Spades.” The events of this film unfold against the backdrop of a production of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's opera The Queen of Spades.

IN leading role opera singer Sophia Mayer, played by Ksenia Rappoport. She returns to Russia after many years emigration. In the theater where she once made her debut, Mayer is going to stage Tchaikovsky's opera, which once brought her worldwide fame. Moreover main party I intend to do it myself. Invites Herman to play the role artistic director theater, and gives the part of Lisa to his niece, whose name is the same as the heroine.

Lisa’s young man, who did not get any of the roles, begins to plot. He himself is confident that he can perform the part of Herman better than anyone else. He starts following the main character and finds out that she herself gambler, who lost almost all of his fortune in underground casinos. Her fate is in some ways very similar to Pushkin’s Herman.

Kolgan gets a small but noticeable role of Stepan.

"Walking through torment"

Last feature film, in which on at the moment played by Alexey Anatolyevich Kolgan, whose age is 45 years old, was the drama by Konstantin Khudyakov “Walking through the Torment”. Screen adaptation of the epic of the same name by Alexei Tolstoy.

Colgan plays Nikolai Ivanovich Smokovnikov in this film. He is a lawyer, the husband of one of the main characters - the Bulavin sisters. The role of his wife went to Yulia Snigir.

As part of this project, Tolstoy's text was significantly shortened and revised. The director abandoned the voice-over text, which is often used in film adaptations of classics.

Voice of Hollywood

Colgan voices many foreign, in particular Hollywood, films. He has already participated in dozens of popular projects.

Viewers remember his voice in the fantasy adventure film "Harry Potter and philosopher's stone"(he voices Vernon Dursley), as well as in Steven Soderbergh's crime comedy "Ocean's Eleven", Steven Spielberg's tragicomic biographical drama "Catch Me If You Can", Peter Jackson's fantasy adventure drama "The Lord of the Rings", Jan de Bont's fantasy action film " Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", Tom Shadyac's comedy-drama "Bruce Almighty", Robert Rodriguez's and Quentin Tarantino's crime neo-noir "Sin City", Tom Tykwer's drama "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer", Olivier Dahan's biographical drama "The Princess of Monaco", more one biographical drama by Danny Boyle “Steve Jobs”, comedy by Nicholas Stoller “Neighbors. On the warpath."

In total, during his career he voiced characters in more than a hundred films.

Personal life

Kolgan Alexey Anatolyevich, whose personal life has always interested his fans, is married. In 2003, he married actress of the Russian Academic Youth Theater Nina Dvorzhetskaya. She is 11 years older than her husband. Has the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation. IN lately actively starred in the TV series “Thaw”, “Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur”, “Detectives”, “Stop on demand”, “Murka”.

For Colgan, this marriage was the first and so far the only one. But by that time Dvorzhetskaya had already lived for almost two decades with the actor Evgeniy Dvorzhetsky, with whom she linked her fate while still a student at the theater school. From him she has two adult children. In 1999, at the age of 39, Dvorzhetsky died in a car accident. On the way back from the hospital (his asthma was not confirmed), the actor began calling his wife, although he was driving and did not notice the “Give way” sign. A ZIL truck crashed into his VAZ. The actor died instantly.

Now Colgan continues to act in films and do dubbing. He tours Europe with concerts and a popular vocal program.

Dr. Alexey Kolganov

Orthopedic surgeon

Resume of orthopedist Kolganov - doctor in Israel

Dr. Alexey Kolganov is an orthopedic surgeon and a leading physician in the field of joint replacement. He is one of the most sought after doctors in Israel, specializing in sports injuries and orthopedic surgery. Works at the famous Assuta medical center in Tel Aviv.

He received his higher education in Russia. After graduating from the institute, he entered residency in orthopedic surgery in Chelyabinsk, and then underwent specialization at the Department of Sports Medicine at Tel Aviv University. After 2 years, he studied in the specialty “joint replacement” at the Israeli medical center “Ichilov Hospital” (the modern name is the Sourasky Center), and then Dr. Kolganov trained in the same specialty and advanced his qualifications at the Royal Hospital in London.

For a long time, orthopedist Kolganov was the head of the municipal health department in the Israeli city of Netanya, where he gained significant practical experience. Today, the specialist has more than 30 years of experience as an orthopedic surgeon, which makes him one of the most experienced and competent doctors in his industry. This is also confirmed by the almost complete absence of unsuccessful operations. Today, the doctor, among other things, is a consultant in the field of sports medicine and orthopedics of the Institute physical culture and Wingate sports, located in the same Netanya.

The specialist is directly involved in the creation of new techniques and tools used in the field of orthopedic surgery. For example, he developed and introduced joint endo- and exoprostheses into clinical practice: in this area he is a leading expert at the English concern CRM, which is one of the most well-known and respected companies in the development of joint prostheses.

In addition to treatment, Dr. Kolganov teaches at universities in Israel and other countries, where he is invited to lecture on orthopedic surgery. Author of numerous publications in industry scientific publications. Orthopedist Kolganov is a member of authoritative medical communities that unite doctors of this profile - the Israeli and European Association of Orthopedists, as well as the European Society of Arthroplasty.

Directions of treatment of Dr. Kolganov

The doctor’s medical practice is carried out in the following areas of orthopedics and orthopedic surgery:

  • arthroscopy of the shoulder joint;
  • meniscus therapy;
  • arthroscopy or elbow replacement;
  • hip joint replacement;
  • arthroscopy or knee replacement.

In addition, the specialist has received universal recognition in the field of surgical treatment of dislocations and sports injuries, hallux valgus deformities of the foot and arthroscopic plastic surgery of the knee, elbow and hip joints. The doctor’s high professionalism allowed him to save thousands of patients from all over the world, restored their ability to move independently and prevented lifelong disability.

Dr. Kolganov’s expertise includes various pathologies of bones and joints - from complex fractures to multi-traumas. Thanks to timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, exceptional effectiveness of therapy is achieved and the recovery period for patients is significantly reduced.

Dr. Kolganov’s treatment is based on extensive experience in studying local and general processes in the body, including damage to joints and ligaments caused by mechanical, thermal, electrical, radioactive (radiation), chemical and other factors, as well as combined forms of lesions that lead to disorders integrity and functionality of organs, as well as tissues of the system.

Today, orthopedist Kolganov carries out consulting activities and performs surgical interventions at the Assuta clinics (located in Tel Aviv and Ramat a-Hayal) - one of the best medical centers in the country, which invites only leading specialists. The world-famous doctor has already performed more than 1,800 joint replacement surgeries; annually, as an operating surgeon, he performs more than 200 interventions. Patients come to him from all over the world. He is constantly invited as an expert and attending physician to medical centers and hospitals different countries, including the CIS.

The specialist has a wealth of professional experience. It connects the world of basic science, diagnosis and therapy of musculoskeletal diseases with clinical trials, as well as the introduction of new methods and equipment.

Do you want to get treatment from Dr. Kolganov? Contact our company's medical consultants!


/ Israel, Netanya /

Orthopedic surgeon, highly qualified doctor, professor, international specialist in the field of primary and revision hip and knee replacement. Graduate of the Chelyabinsk Medical Institute and the Faculty of Sports Medicine of Tel Aviv University. Trained in England, Italy, Austria and Germany. 27 years of experience in surgical practice. Performed more than 3,500 large joint replacement surgeries. Since 2010, he has been installing more than 150 endoprostheses per year. Leading consultant and operating endoprosthetist medical center Assuta, Tel Aviv; chief expert in the field of organizing orthopedic care of the health department of the municipality of Netanya and the commission of the National Insurance Institute; leading specialist in the treatment of sports injuries at the Wingate Institute of Exercise and Sports; expert international programs on clinical trials of the latest joint endoprostheses; member of the European and Israeli Orthopedic Associations, European Society of Joint Replacement. As a military surgeon, he was awarded two orders and a medal of the State of Israel for the bravery and courage shown in rendering medical care wounded on the battlefield. Since 2012, he has been collaborating with the Russian-Israeli Re-Clinic Center. He is the head of the international orthopedic council for patients with joint pathologies “Arthrosis. Sore joints."

Alex Kalganov talks about joint replacement surgeries at Re-Clinic

Alex Kalganov about congenital hip dysplasia


Primary hip replacement
Primary knee replacement
Revision endoprosthetics of the hip and knee joint (repeated)

Comment by Re-Clinic

Major endoprosthetics operations joint doctor Kalganov consistently performs with brilliant results. The standard time a patient spends in the hospital after the initial installation of a joint is 5-7 days. After a one-stage revision surgery, installation of an articular spacer, or a second-stage revision operation, the hospitalization period can be increased to 7-9 days. The standard hospital stay includes a one-day postoperative stay in the intensive care ward.

To replace worn out and diseased joints in patients, the most modern models of endoprostheses from the world's leading manufacturers with ceramic-ceramic friction pairs are used. The surgical unit for operations has the most modern operating and anesthesia equipment. The sterility of the operation is guaranteed by the fact that the operating department has a regularly confirmed international certificate of safety and quality from Joint Commission International, starting in 2011.

After the patient is transferred to the ward, the Israeli protocol for early activation of the patient in the postoperative period is applied under the supervision of the attending physician and exercise therapy instructor. An individual specialized orthopedic rehabilitation program is prescribed.

What diagnoses do people contact Dr. Kalganov with:

  • age-related osteoarthritis, degenerative changes and lesions of the knee and hip joints
  • injuries or inflammatory diseases of the knee and hip joints
  • damage to the knee and hip joints due to chronic diseases