Alena Lanskaya about life, travel and conquering peaks. Valeria Alexandrovna Lanskaya Alena Lanskaya marital status

The Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus loves to travel. We found out which countries the singer crossed this year, where she dreams of visiting, about new songs and creative plans.

— Alena, which countries have you visited this year?
— My fans have already noticed that I really love to travel. If the opportunity arises to go somewhere, then I try not to miss this chance. I spent my New Year holidays in the United Arab Emirates - Dubai, where I was not for the first time. In the spring, I discovered a new country - Sri Lanka. Once again in the summer I visited Cyprus. I went there to become a godmother and, well, to relax. And just recently she returned from Sochi, where she performed for the second time on the New Wave Hall stage at the gala concert of the Grand Opening of the New Wave International Competition.

— What new things did you discover for yourself in countries where you have been more than once?
— Of course, when you come to this or that country not for the first time, everything begins to depreciate a little, and there is no longer any special delight and impressions. This time on vacation in the United Arab Emirates I was a little unlucky with the weather, and I also managed to get sick. The holiday turned out to be a little blurry. Moreover, it is worth considering that holidays in the United Arab Emirates- one of the most expensive. But still, the New Year's mood dissolved all these nuances. And in the company with whom I was vacationing there, there was a birthday boy. Therefore, we were able to celebrate in this still warm country not only New Year, but also the birthday of the “winter” person.

The second time I was in Cyprus. My friend, with whom I have been friends for 25 years - since childhood, invited me to become godmother to her son Konstantinos. Last year I was in Cyprus exclusively in the tourist area where huge amount shops, cafes, restaurants and various attractions. This year I wanted to be closer to where my friend lives, so I moved away from the center. And I was able to observe the way of life of the Cypriots and feel the difference in infrastructure in a place remote from the center. Away from the tourist area, shops operate with great disruption. On Sunday it is generally difficult to find a place where you can buy something.

- How did you see local residents Cyprus?
— Cypriots are very family people and have three to five children. Every weekend they have a weekend at the beach. They bring chairs, a table, their own umbrellas, sun loungers, and a tent by car. They light a fire and barbecue, listen to music, and dance. And the children are happy, they run around and have fun. And I also noticed that the residents of Cyprus are not particularly workaholics. They start working in the late afternoon. Perhaps because of the heat they have such a unique work schedule.

— Alena, how is the ceremony of baptism of a child carried out in Cyprus?
— The baptism ceremony in Cyprus is noticeably different from how it happens here. I had to provide a certificate indicating that I really am Orthodox. This document had to be issued in my hometown Mogilev and bring up the archives, who are my godparents, who are their godparents, and so on. Due to my busy work schedule, I was only able to get a certificate in Minsk stating that I am truly Orthodox. Unfortunately, this certificate did not apply in Cyprus, so the priest thought for a long time whether to give me permission to be Konstantinos’s godmother. I was worried about this because they only have one godparent. Thank God, the priest approved my candidacy. Like weddings, the sacrament of baptism in Cyprus is celebrated on a large scale, so parents begin to prepare for it almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

The baptism ceremony is a very beautiful event, for which all relatives gather - about 200-300 people. After the sacrament, guests are invited to the restaurant, where the secular part of the holiday begins. Guests give gifts to the baby, and the baby's parents, in turn, present them with their gifts. After baptism, the child and his things are not washed for three days. On the third day, I had to come to my godson’s house, give him a bath, and then wash the baby’s clothes. Then a family dinner is held in a close circle. In addition, I took Konstantinos to communion three times at 7 am. These are their rules. Konstantinos is my third godson (edit: the artist has two more godsons in her hometown of Mogilev), and for me this is a huge responsibility. After all, the most important task for me is the spiritual education of my godchildren.

— Just recently you returned from Sochi, where you took part in the festival “ New wave" What comments did you hear from your colleagues and fans about your performance?
— “New Wave” is a festival based on Russian show business, where the rules of the game are completely different. Last year I was lucky enough to take part in the festival for the first time, performing at one of the gala concerts. And this year Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy himself called me and invited me to speak at the opening of the “New Wave”. The organizers chose the song and ultimately settled on the song “Cold Beach”. The music for the song was written by the composer, People's Artist Belarus Eduard Semenovich Hanok, author of the famous hits “Robin”, “Ice Stream”, “You are making noise, birches”, “Hello, dear stranger” and many others, and the text is the wonderful Larisa Rubalskaya. Of course, after my speech I received a lot of feedback and comments - both positive and not so positive. It was nice to hear high praise from the authors of the song and Igor Krutoy - their opinion is really important to me. Thanks to everyone who supported me. The most important thing for the artist was the applause of the audience; it was clear that the song was to the taste of the audience in the hall, it hooked them. Well, fans on various social networks very actively discussed my stage image, apparently my dress made an indelible impression on them, as well as on my colleagues.

— Tell me, why did you choose such a long and closed dress?
— Before the opening of the festival, I talked with the director of the New Wave, Alexander Revzin, and we discussed my image for the song “Cold Beach.” He said that it must be a short or long dress in blue, light blue or turquoise. I sent him photos of several stage looks, but we settled on a bright blue long dress in a retro style. And I bought it in one of the Minsk boutiques. I didn’t want people to look at my body one more time, but I wanted to convey my energy and attract attention, convey positivity, joy, happiness and lightness.

— Yours new song It’s called “Cold Beach” and one might immediately think that you are singing about vacation. What is this song really about?
— The song “Cold Beach” is about the feeling that everyone sings about – love. And every person has at least once encountered the fact that these brightest and most burning feelings pass. The author of the song, Larisa Rubalskaya, called this situation a “cooled beach.” But you know, even if the feelings have passed, it is important not to remain enemies. You need to part on good terms. On my vacation there was no cold beach, but in my personal life, like everyone else, I encountered this.

— Alena, what interesting places visited Sochi?
“Last time I didn’t even get a chance to walk along the embankment.” And this time I had one free day before the performance, and I not only walked along the Sochi seaport and breathed the Black Sea air, but also managed to visit the local market. The spirit of heritage is still felt in Sochi Soviet Union. Here you can simultaneously see modern glass buildings of fashionable hotels, old small bakeries and houses, some high-rise buildings with children running around and laundry drying. You immediately begin to remember the most highlights your childhood and just rejoice, smile to yourself inside. At the local market I bought a selection of herbal tea, various sweets, Suluguni cheese, feta cheese, the most delicious grapes and tried the famous Ossetian pies. Sochi reminded me of Vitebsk, because there are a huge number of posters and concerts, which, of course, are aimed at tourists. And there are a lot of foreigners here even in the high season.

— What impressions did you have from your trip to Sri Lanka?
- By geographical location and the climate of the island of Sri Lanka is similar to Thailand, where I have already vacationed, so I liked the weather. Besides, it is certainly very beautiful there. The country is interesting for its attractions: many architectural monuments, including ancient cities, ancient monasteries, royal palaces, gardens. Mostly surf lovers come here because the coast Indian Ocean Very big waves. I wanted to somehow diversify my holiday in Sri Lanka, so after a tour of local restaurants, I decided to take advantage of the hotel’s additional services and sometimes cook for myself.

— What did you cook?
— In the hotel where I was vacationing, it was possible to use the kitchen and cook whatever you wanted. I prepared different dishes: fish soup, bouillabaisse fish soup with tomato additives, zucchini fritters, fried bananas in caramel, salads, tuna fish and much more. I bought products at the local market. By the way, there are a lot of types of bananas: from red to black, from strawberry flavor to real banana. And mangoes are not the same as they bring to us - they are bright yellow. My eyes were running wild as to what to choose - after all, at one point there were only about 15 types of mangoes. And their zucchini is very similar to our long cucumbers.

When I was cooking in the hotel kitchen, the local chef was constantly trying to add some spices to my dishes. But I don’t like all this and limit myself to just salt and pepper, at most I can add lemon. When this chef tried my Bouillabaisse soup, he was surprised that it could be so tasty without curry and other spices. And my friends and the same chef were surprised when I prepared “Bananas in Caramel.” And they are quite easy to prepare!


You will need: bananas, butter, sugar, vanilla extract, optional scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Cooking: We cut bananas into various cubes, strips or just round pieces. Melt butter and sugar in a bowl over low heat until caramel forms. Add chopped bananas to this mixture. Cook for another five minutes and add a little vanilla extract. Pour the prepared “caramel bananas” into plates and top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream if desired. You can eat!

— Sri Lanka is a country rich in vegetation and animals. What unusual animals did you see there?
— In Sri Lanka there was an opportunity to observe the rare process of childbirth of a huge sea ​​turtle some rare species. The day before giving birth, I saw her, she was looking for a place where she could lay her eggs. She does this once every hundred years - and lays about 500 eggs at a time. I watched this process for about fifteen minutes, after which I completely changed my attitude towards animals. I realized that childbirth, not only in humans, but also in animals, is always painful. My heart just sank when I saw how hard it was for her. To be honest, it was not easy to watch, and I returned to the hotel.
Sri Lanka has a very diverse range of animals and flora. There is always someone running or jumping around. All the time you feel like you are not at a resort, but right in the jungle. Sri Lanka is an island where elephants walk the streets - like our dogs, for example. In the morning you wake up, and huge monitor lizards are running around you, a turtle is swimming in the pool, there are many birds around, which you can feed with a piece of bread if you wish. One day, after rain, I found a huge beetle in my villa - about 20 cm. But I was not afraid of it. To me, as a person who grew up reading the Young Naturalist magazine, all this, on the contrary, is very interesting and mysterious.

— What sights did you visit in Sri Lanka?
— I was in one of the local villages, which was hit by the Tsunami about ten years ago. When you approach this village, there are signs all around telling you where to run in case of a natural disaster. After all, the rains there are not like ours, but real downpours with squally winds and strong thunderstorms.
The main attraction of Sri Lanka is Ceylon tea. No wonder one of the names of this island is Ceylon. Tea is considered a drink of hospitality. There are a huge number of tea plantations there. I will say that this drink has a very decent taste. But, like mangoes, we still sell tea differently. That's why I brought home Ceylon tea from this amazing country. Back in Sri Lanka, I learned how the cashew nut grows. Amazing fact, but cashews in the strict sense of the word are not a nut. It is a red bell-shaped fruit, and at its base there is something similar to a chestnut. One chestnut - one small nut. The fruit shell is very bitter when raw. Therefore, these nuts are collected, burned over a fire in the oven - and only then they are opened and you can see this white cashew nut, which I love very much. This is quite an expensive nut for them. You can drive through the village along the road and see how small village shops sell them. They bake everything themselves and sell it by the cup. The nuts are very filling and large in size; you won’t find anything like this in our stores. These are my impressions of Sri Lanka.

— Alena, you have already achieved a lot: in 2011 you won the International Competition at the Slavic Bazaar, became a finalist in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013, won other significant competitions. Now you are invited as an artist to one of the most prestigious festivals - “New Wave” in Sochi. What peaks will you conquer next?
— I am a person who constantly needs new heights. And if I achieve a goal, then I definitely set myself a new one. Despite the fact that I have proven myself well at the most significant competitions in our country and abroad: Eurovision, New Wave, Slavic Bazaar, I have room to grow and something to strive for. I won’t reveal all the secrets about my creative plans for now, but know that I’m on the way to realizing them. And, of course, I get pleasure from this process, and not from the final stage. For me, the peak is the beginning of a new path. After all, everyone new way- these are new people, new lessons, challenges, pleasures and joys, thanks to which you develop spiritually and intellectually.

— How do you feel about your fans?
- Very positive and good. I realized that the most important thing is to do what other people like. And this is not about criticism or advice from inexperienced people. After all, criticism is different. And out of the huge mass of people, there will always be a person who will say or write unpleasant things to you, because no one talks to him at home or he has some kind of resentment. After all, he just needs to throw out his feelings on someone. negative emotions. Believe me, I feel sorry for such people. But what I mean is that in the life of an artist it is important not only to reveal your inner potential, but to do exactly what the fans like. And if at my concert the audience asks me to perform any song that is not included in the program, I will definitely perform it. “Do you want the song “Cold Beach”?” - "Please!". “Do you want some vocal?” - "Please!". Often in small towns people spend their last money on a ticket to listen to my songs. And I understand that such people may not see something like this for a very long time. Therefore, I always respond to the wishes of my fans.

— In which countries do you like to vacation more: Europe or Asia?
— I love more eastern exotic countries, such as Thailand, Seychelles, Sri Lanka. Countries where only harmony and peace reign. I especially love Thailand in this regard. Although holidays in this country are not the most expensive, they are quite affordable for almost every average person. People there are in no hurry; there are no squabbles or gossip. There I can be who I am. And nature Asian countries most restores my energy. And energy is the most precious thing we have. And it can only be restored with the help of nature, communication with animals and water. Of course, everyone has their own recipe. But for me it’s traveling, walking through the forest and cuddling with my cats Evlampia and Malia.

—Where do you dream of going and why?
“I’ve already come to the conclusion that it’s better not to talk about dreams.” After all, as soon as I voice something out loud, it takes a very long time to implement it. For many years now I have been dreaming of visiting the Maldives, and I even wanted to celebrate my last birthday there. However, due to concert schedule I never managed to go there either then or for this birthday. Nevertheless, both this year and this year I celebrated my holiday in the company of close friends, and it was very fun. And I continue to respond to letters from fans with congratulations on social networks, because there are a lot of them, which I am very happy about (note: the artist’s birthday is September 7). I am very interested in looking at the nature and luxurious beaches of the Maldives. I want to make sure that such an expensive holiday in this country is true.

Performance Alena Lanskaya on New Wave, where the artist presented a new song to the audience and colleagues:

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Alena Lanskaya (born September 7, 1985, Mogilev, Belarus) is a Belarusian singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus. Representative of Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013, with the song “Solayoh”.

Laureate of the music competitions “Sarandev-2008” (Bulgaria); “European Cup 2009” (Russia); winner of the International Competition for Young Performers popular music"Atlantic Breeze-2010"; laureate of the competition for young musicians “Young Talents of Belarus” (First National Channel of Belarusian Radio); laureate of the 1st degree of the competition for young performers of youth songs at the V International Festival “Youth for the Union State” (Russia). In July 2011, at a competition for young performers pop song“Vitebsk-2011”, held as part of the international arts festival “Slavic Bazaar”, won the “Grand Prix”.

As a child, the future artist’s favorite entertainment was concerts on the roof of the garage at the dacha of her parents, Mikhail Alexandrovich and Valentina Ivanovna. In first grade, a girl with a strong voice was already giving solo concerts and singing in the school choir. When I was older, I performed with many groups and at children's discos. At the age of 15, she went to perform at the republican harvest festival “Dozhinki”, which took place in Shklov.

She graduated from the Mogilev Economic Vocational College with a degree in Banking and the Mogilev Belarusian-Russian University with a degree in Finance and Credit. While studying, she continued to perform and took part in various city and national competitions. After one of the concerts, she was advised to contact the Spamash production center. There she worked with authors on the repertoire, studied with a vocal teacher and choreographer.

In 2005, she took part in the ONT TV channel project “Song of the Year of Belarus-2005”, which took place as part of the International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”. She won the TV project of the ONT channel “Silver Gramophone” (based on the results of the audience vote, Alena Lanskaya’s song “Hush, Hush” was recognized as the best for several weeks).

Her first video was created in 2008 for the song “Gave Me the Dawn” on the LAD TV channel.

In May 2008, the artist received a 1st degree diploma at the European Music Competition “Sarandev” (Dobrich, Bulgaria), where she performed the songs “Names” (music and lyrics by E. Oleynik) and “Don’t Lie” (V. Kondrusevich, E. Chernushevich). A year later, in May 2009, Alena Lanskaya won first place at the International Competition “European Cup 2009” (Russia). And in March 2010, the singer won the Golden Ear radio award for the song “Supersensual love” (group “White Russia”).

In June 2009, her second video for the song “Everybody Get Up” (E. Oleynik, V. Rudenko) appeared on Belarusian television channels. The song “Everybody Get Up” stayed on the Unistar radio chart for 10 weeks.

On November 7, 2009, Alena Lanskaya qualified for the finals of the International Performing Competition “Atlantic Breeze-2010” at the selection, which took place in Minsk. In May 2010, representing the Republic of Belarus at this creative competition, which took place in New York (USA), she won it.

On March 8, 2010, her first solo album was released, “Labyrinths of Fate” (OOO “Vestrekords-plus”), which included songs in Russian, Belarusian and English.

In April 2010, the singer became a laureate of the competition for young musicians “Young Talents of Belarus” in the category “ Pop vocals", which was conducted by the First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio from November 2009 to April 2010.

In May 2010, the singer’s third video clip for the song “Life is Ok!” appeared on Belarusian television channels. (E. Oleynik, V. Rudenko).

In September 2010, Alena Lanskaya became a laureate of the 1st degree of the competition for young performers of youth songs at the V International festival“Youth - for the Union State” (Rostov-on-Don, Russia).

The young Belarusian singer Alena Lanskaya was born in the city of Mogilev. Alena Lanskaya’s date of birth is September 7, 1985 (09/07/1985). Alena Lanskaya has the title of Honored Artist of Belarus. This year Alena Lanskaya will represent Belarus at the international music competition Eurovision in Sweden. Alena will perform the song “Solayoh”.

The singer's artistic talent manifested itself with early childhood– Alena gave “concerts” on the roof of the garage of her parents’ dacha. IN elementary school the girl was already a soloist in the school choir. The girl’s voice was already distinguished by its strength and beauty. In high school, Alena Lanskaya already sang with musical groups and performed at the disco. At the age of fifteen, Alena went to the city of Shklov, where the annual festival in honor of the harvest “Dozhdinka” is held.

After school, Alena studied in Mogilev, first at college and then at university, majoring in Banking, Finance and Credit. Studying did not prevent the girl from taking part in music competitions at the city and republic levels.

In 2005, the singer took part in the song competition “Song of the Year of Belarus”. It was held as part of a popular music festival"Slavic Bazaar".

Alena Lanskaya won the TV show, which was hosted by the ONT television channel “Silver Gramophone”. Alena’s song “Hush, Hush” became a real hit.

In 2008, Alena Lanskaya’s music video for the song “Gived Me the Dawn”, shot by the Lad television company, was released for the first time. In the same year, Alena Lanskaya received a diploma from the Bulgarian music competition “Sarandev” for the songs “Names” and “Don’t Lie.” In 2009, a second music video was shot for the song “Everyone Stand Up!” A year later, Lanskaya won first place at the European Cup music competition, which took place in Russia.
In 2010, Alena Lanskaya received the Golden Ear radio award for the song “Sensual Love.”

In the spring of 2010, Alena Lanskaya won the Atlantic Breeze music competition, which was held in the USA, in New York.

The first musical solo album of singer Alena Lanskaya was released on International Women's Day - March 8, 2010. It was called “Labyrinths of Fate” and included songs in three languages ​​– Belarusian, Russian and English. A month later, the singer released a new video clip for the song “Life is OK!” In the fall of the same year, Alena Lanskaya became a laureate of the youth song competition “Youth for the Union State,” which was held in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Alena Lanskaya, song “Solayoh” (video)

Alena Lanskaya does not hide that she worked hard and constantly improved to achieve her dreams. Having achieved fame, the singer, whose personal life is of great interest to the public, openly declares that she is looking for a man who would correspond to the star status of the artist.

Such frankness shocked the conservative public, but Lanskaya is not offended by reproaches for commercialism. A petite girl (Alena’s height is 1.65 m, and her weight is about 55 kg), accustomed to fame, she takes criticism easily and continues her difficult path to world fame.

Childhood and youth

Elena Lepokhina (the singer's real name) was born on September 7, 1985 in the Belarusian city of Mogilev. The family of the future singer loved and appreciated good music - Alena’s father won his wife’s heart by composing and performing a guitar serenade for his beloved.

It is not surprising that already in the 3rd grade, the child, secretly from his parents, applied to a music school. Alena’s older sister Alesya helped her fill out the application. The girl's undoubted talent was immediately appreciated by the teachers - the child was invited to sing at all city holidays and school events.

Despite her daughter’s obvious talent, Lanskaya’s parents were against it singing career. The family insisted that Alena receive a serious education, and the girl entered the Mogilev State Economic Vocational College, choosing the specialty “savings bank controller-cashier.”

And after graduating from college, Alena continued her studies at the Belarusian-Russian University at the Faculty of Finance and Credit.

After receiving her diploma, Lanskaya worked for a year at Belarusbank. Alena’s biography could have continued in the same spirit if, at the next music competition in which the girl continued to perform, a representative of the Spamash production center (another famous ward of the center, Alexei Gross) had not approached her and invited the singer to audition.


The girl moves to Minsk and successfully passes the casting. Alena acquires professional producers who set only one condition for her new ward - to lose excess weight. The purposeful singer copes with this task quickly.

In 2005, Alena took part in the “Song of the Year of Belarus” concert for the first time, which was broadcast on the ONT TV channel. After 3 years in creative life female artists happen 2 important events– Alena releases the first video for the song “Give me the dawn” and takes first place at the European music competition “Sarandev”.

In 2010, the long-awaited premiere of the singer’s debut album took place. “Labyrinths of Fate” was released in 3 languages ​​at once: Russian, English and Belarusian. And a year after the long-awaited event, Alena goes to the “Slavic Bazaar” competition, where she receives maximum quantity points and wins the Grand Prix. The delighted singer said that she had been trying to win such a large-scale competition for 6 years.

Alena Lanskaya, Alexey Gross and Daria perform the song “Together”

Alena's new goal was international competition"Eurovision-2012". The first attempt to get on the same stage with the world's best singers failed - in the qualifying round, Lanskaya scored the maximum number of points, but the results of the voting for an inexplicable reason raised doubts among the jury members and other contestants. Lanskaya was removed from the competition, and the rock band “Litesound”, which took 2nd place in the qualifying round, went to the festival.

The loss only provoked the singer. Alena submits an application to participate in Eurovision 2013 and at the qualifying round again scores the maximum number of points - this time the jury did not have any questions for the singer. Lanskaya passes all the qualifying rounds and makes it to the finals of the grand competition, but in the end takes only 16th place out of 48. As a consolation, the world community recognizes Alena as the second most beautiful participant (first place went to Ukraine).

Alena Lanskaya's song “Solayoh”

Even with such modest results in the final, Alena returns home with the status of a star. Journalists and colleagues on stage discuss the singer’s performance, for which the artist’s sponsors allocated €265 thousand. And Lanskaya’s song, “Solayoh” performed in the finale, becomes an unconditional hit.

In 2015, Alena was invited to the main role in the musical “Paparats-kvetka”. The singer appeared before the audience in the image of a pedantic girl who was torn out of her usual world and shown what bright colors life can sparkle. The actor became Lanskaya's partner. The television version of the musical was shown on the ONT channel.

Alena Lanskaya's song “Cold Beach”

An unpleasant incident happened to the artist during the Slavic Bazaar 2016. Alena was performing the song “All the Flowers of July” when suddenly the singer’s melodic voice was interrupted by a male tenor. As it turned out later, on the soundtrack used by the artist, the sound engineer did not remove a line from the male part (Lanskaya performed the same song with Anatoly Yarmolenko). The unpleasant situation caused a stir in the press, but Alena herself reacted to the situation with humor.

Personal life

The girl's first love came at the age of 15. The young man courted Alena for a year, after which the teenagers began officially dating. Later, Lanskoy’s boyfriend went into the army - the singer patiently waited for her lover. The relationship ended when the artist moved to Minsk to develop musical career.

In numerous interviews where questions about marital status were asked, the singer answers that she adheres to the European view of weddings and marriage in general. Alena claims that she considers it absolutely normal to have a husband and children after 30 years. Therefore, the singer is in no hurry to get married. Moreover, the artist has not yet met true love.

In 2016, rumors appeared in the press that Alena was pregnant. The singer herself denied this information. Lanskaya believes that such news appeared because the singer was going to a christening. Close friend The artist became a mother and invited Alena to be the baby’s godparents.

Alena Lanskaya now

In the spring of 2018, the singer decided to take a serious step - the girl changed her real name and surname to her pseudonym. After talking with her father, the artist submitted documents to the passport office. Now the name Alena Lanskaya is officially assigned to the performer.

Alena Lanskaya and Gleb Matveychuk perform the song “If it weren’t for you”

In April, the premiere of the video for the song “If it weren’t for you” took place, which Alena sang in a duet with. The soulful performance of the song made the singer’s fans start talking about the romance between Gleb and Alena. The performers themselves neither confirm nor deny such rumors.

The audience liked the composition so much that the artists were invited to the summer festival “Song of the Year of Belarus - 2018”. In June, in parallel with her performance at the festival, the singer announced on Instagram the release of the collection “I’m Alive,” which included all of Alena’s famous hits.

In July, Lanskaya and Matveychuk sang a duet at the closing ceremony of “ Slavic Bazaar– 2018.” The event was not without incident - Lanskaya fell while descending from the stage. Photos of the incident instantly went viral. social networks. Luckily, the singer only suffered a few bruises and a broken nail.

However, the unpleasant situation quickly gave way to a joyful event - Alena was awarded a diploma from the Union State for the creative embodiment of the idea of ​​​​friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.


  • 2010 – “Labyrinths of Fate”
  • 2013 – “Salayoh”
  • 2016 – “Heart in the palm of your hand”
  • 2018 – “I’m alive”

This actress is so comprehensively developed that she could easily become a famous figure skater or singer. But Valeria Lanskaya chose the stage, and years later we can definitely say that her choice turned out to be correct.

The popularity of the young actress Valeria Lanskaya was brought to her by the films “Yesenin”, “Hare over the Abyss” and “Circus Princess”.


Valeria Lanskaya (Zaitseva) was born on January 2, 1987 in creative family. Her father taught ballroom dancing, her mother worked as a figure skating coach. Valeria was only 6 when her father, Alexander Zaitsev, emigrated to the States, where he new family and very successful career. Mother Elena Maslennikova was a renowned choreographer, preparing dance productions for M. Drobyazko and P. Vaganas. She took part in the preparation of the show “Ice Age”, in collaboration with I. Averbukh. Lera has half-sisters – Lisa on her father’s side and Anastasia on her mother’s side.

At birth, Valeria received her father's surname - Zaitsev. But when she went to work at the Luna Theater, Valeria Zaitseva was already there alone, and the girl decided to change her last name to Lanskaya. That was the name of her paternal grandmother when she was a girl.

At the age of three, Valeria started skating for the first time, and at the age of four she began taking lessons ballroom dancing and go to rhythmic gymnastics. She tried to study well, so she did her homework in transport, on the way to training or after it, in order to get everything done. At an older age, the girl began to study in music school And theater studio. The girl amazed everyone with her creative abilities. Valeria liked the stage, so she began studying at the Moscow children's theater, under the guidance of teacher V. Ovsyannikova. After this, the girl does not miss a single lesson in the Impromptu musical theater, where she learned everything from.

IN high school Valeria was enrolled in kindergarten musical theater Young Actor, to the excellent teacher A. Fedorov. She was involved in the plays “Gerda” and “In the Nursery”.

Such intensive classes in various theaters allowed Valeria to decide on her future. After graduating from school as an external student, the girl became a student at the Shchukin Theater Institute.

Valeria's dad constantly lives in America, and Valeria, who had matured a little, often visited him. At one time, she even had the idea of ​​moving in with her father; the girl kept a diary, where she devoted an entire page to two columns. In one of them she wrote down the advantages of overseas life, in the other the disadvantages. Valeria decided to stay in her homeland, because she already had some experience in her profession, but in the USA she would have to start everything from scratch.

Path to the profession

In 2002, Lanskaya became a student at Shchuka, ending up in the workshop of Yu. Shlykov. While still a student, the girl was invited to the Vakhtangov Theater, where she was given a role in the play “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.” Then came an invitation from the Satyricon Theater, where they invited me to participate in the production of “Country of Love.” A real breakthrough in the career of the young actress happened when she was still a fourth-year student. Valeria received an invitation from the Luna Theater, on whose stage she appeared until 2012. Her first production was “Lyromania”, where the girl was cast in the role of Cordelia. After this, Valeria does not miss a single production - talented actress are involved in almost everyone.

Valeria learned everything quickly, she mastered the skills of acting, so she agreed to an offer from other theaters to participate in the entreprise of “The Nameless Star,” “Don’t Believe Your Eyes,” and “Hotel of Two Worlds.” Lanskaya sings well and has excellent choreographic training, so she was often offered to play in musicals. Her debut work in this genre was the musical “Lips,” which was staged by her native theater. After this, the girl was given a role in the musical “Mary Poppins-NEXT”.

In 2008, Lanskaya moved to the A. Rybnikov Theater. Here the talented actress is involved in the productions of “Juno and Avos”, the musical “The Star and Death of Joaquino Murrieta” and “Zorro”. That same year, she left Rybnikov, but the theater administration continued to print her name and surname on the posters. This went on for several years, after which Lanskaya posted an appeal to the audience on her website and said that she had not been cooperating with this theater for a long time. Valeria did not raise a scandal and, in her characteristic delicate manner, explained that this was a misunderstanding and her colleagues from the theater had nothing to do with what was happening and were not trying to attract viewers using her name.

In 2008, Lanskaya was invited to join the troupe of the Moscow Operetta Theater. The actress played Mercedes from the musical Monte Cristo. After this there were several more productions that were popular with the audience.

The invaluable experience gained from working in a musical came in handy for the actress in the future, when she began collaborating with the Musical Theatre.


The debut work in Lanskaya’s cinematic biography was the film “Yesenin”, in which she reincarnated as Princess Anastasia. How could the girl know that real glory awaits her ahead, and laurels will bring her diverse roles. Lanskaya began to be recognized after participating in the film “The Hare over the Abyss,” where her heroine was Anna, the daughter of a colorful gypsy baron. Then there was another starring role in the film “Cadets”, where Lera was to become Natasha Rotmistrova, the stepmother of one of the cadets.

But real fame and universal love covered the young actress after the release of the film “Circus Princess”, where she received main role- Asi. Soon after this, Lanskaya is invited to another musical called “ Scarlet Sails" The girl happily agrees, because she was offered to play the romantic heroine Assol.

In 2009, the actress was awarded the Golden Eagle award after her transformation into Alexandra Zemskaya. In total, the young actress’s filmography already includes twenty-one films.


Classes figure skating were very useful to Valeria Lanskaya in adult life. The girl was invited to the second season of the show “Ice Age,” which was prepared by Lera’s mother, Elena Maslennikova and Ilya Averbukh. Elena learned that her daughter was also among the participants after the lists were approved. Averbukh asked the girl to ask the producer, and after filming of the film “Circus Princess” ended, Lanskaya was able to begin training for the show.

Mom became a reliable assistant and participant in her training. But this did not last long - the woman seriously injured her femoral neck and was taken to the hospital. It's time for Valeria hard days. She was very worried about her mother, who could not move independently, constantly running to her in the hospital, combining a strict schedule of training and performances in the arena. Valeria tried to do everything in time, because she had to support her family and not fail the project.

Lanskaya handled the ice as if she had been born skating. Of course, her passion for figure skating as a child played a big role in this. She was not a professional, but with her partner Alexei Yagudin she could dance complex compositions. They got third place.

A year later, a new offer followed - to participate in “Ice Age. The best of the best." This time the Lanskaya-Yagudin couple was able to climb to the second step of the podium.

Valeria Lanskaya is a versatile girl and is not going to limit herself to one project. In 2012, she opened her own creativity center called FreeLance. She became the producer of the production “Love Saved” and took on the role of the main character. Soon after this, she pleased the audience with a new premiere - the musical “Peter Pan”.

In 2013, Lanskaya appeared on Channel One, in the show “Two Stars,” where D. Klyaver became her partner.

After this, the talented girl was invited to the “Repeat!” project, where her performance became the most striking and unforgettable. She was able to become V. Polunin, and even Cheburashka. Her singing ability also came in handy in this show. She performed parodies of songs and Cher.

Personal life

Valeria Lanskaya is sweet and charming, so fans always hung around her. But in the actress’s personal life, not everything was so smooth. The first serious gentleman of young Valeria became Andrei Alexandrin in 2006. Things were heading towards the wedding, but suddenly the young people broke up.

Photo: Valeria Lanskaya with her husband

In 2009, another eligible groom, Ilya Averbukh, began to be noticed next to Valeria. They became close after Ice Age", tried not to part and seemed perfect couple. But the show passed, and so did the love.

After this, Valeria began dating producer Anton Kalyuzhny. And again love, romance and anticipation of the wedding. They were going to sign, but Valeria's busy schedule made this impossible. The wedding was postponed for some time, during which the young people got to know each other better and realized that they were too different. The couple broke up.

After this, Valeria dated Ramaz Chiaureli for six months, the relationship with whom also did not work out. Then Denis Nazarov found her, they began an affair in letters, which also had a short life.

In 2014, a fateful meeting took place for Valeria. Her new chosen one was director Stas Ivanov. They were involved in different projects, and met by chance in a hotel restaurant. The young man came up, introduced himself and invited me on a date. Since that very first date, they have not parted. At the beginning of 2015, the lovers got married, and in the fall they became happy parents of their son Artemy.

Selected filmography

  • 2005 Yesenin
  • 2006 Hare over the abyss
  • 2006-2007 Kadetstvo
  • 2007-2008 Circus Princess
  • 2008 Two sisters
  • 2008 Life that never happened
  • 2013 Dark World: Balance
  • 2017 Golden couple

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