Analysis of the fairy tale the hare and the hedgehog. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "The Hare and the Hedgehog." Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: “The Hare and the Hedgehog” What proverbs fit the fairy tale. What did the hedgehog decide to do?

This story looks like a fable, guys, but still there is truth in it; That’s why my grandfather, from whom I heard it, used to add to his story: “There must still be truth in it, child, because otherwise why would it be told?”
And this is how it was.
One Sunday at the end of summer, just as the buckwheat was blooming, turned out to be a good day. The bright sun rose in the sky, blew a warm breeze through the stubble, the songs of larks filled the air, bees buzzed among the buckwheat, and good people in festive clothes they went to church, and all of God’s creation was happy, and so was the hedgehog.
The hedgehog stood at his door, arms folded, inhaling the morning air and humming a simple song to himself as best he could. And while he was humming in a low voice, it suddenly occurred to him that he would have time, while his wife was washing and dressing the children, to take a walk in the field and look at his rutabaga. But rutabaga grew in the field closest to his house, and he loved to eat it in his family, and therefore considered it his own.
No sooner said than done. He locked the door behind him and walked along the road into the field. He was not particularly far from home and was about to turn off the road when he met a hare, who, for the same purpose, went out into the field to look at his cabbage.
When the hedgehog saw the hare, he immediately greeted him very politely. The hare (in his way a noble gentleman and, moreover, a very arrogant one) did not even think of answering the hedgehog’s bow, but on the contrary, said to him, making a mocking face: “What does it mean that you are prowling around the field here so early in the morning?” “I want to take a walk,” said the hedgehog. “Go for a walk? - the hare laughed. - It seems to me that you could find something else, best activity to your feet." This answer touched a nerve with the hedgehog; he was able to endure anything, but he did not allow anyone to talk about his legs, since they were naturally crooked. “Don’t you imagine,” said the hedgehog to the hare, “that you can do more with your legs?” “Of course,” said the hare. “Don’t you want to try it? - said the hedgehog. “I bet that if we start running, I’ll overtake you.” - “You make me laugh!” You and your crooked legs will overtake me! - exclaimed the hare. - However, I’m ready if you’re interested in such a hunt. What are we going to argue about? “For a golden louis d’or and a bottle of wine,” said the hedgehog. “I accept,” said the hare, “let’s run now!” - "No! Where should we rush? - the hedgehog responded. – I haven’t eaten anything today; first I’ll go home and have some breakfast; in half an hour I’ll be here again, on the spot.”
With that, the hedgehog left with the consent of the hare. Along the way, the hedgehog began to think: “The hare hopes for his long legs, but I can handle it. Although he is a noble gentleman, he is also stupid, and he, of course, will have to lose the bet.”
Arriving home, the hedgehog said to his wife: “Wife, get dressed quickly, you will have to go with me to the field.” - “What’s the matter?” - said his wife. “I bet the hare a gold louis d’or and a bottle of wine that I would run with him in a race, and you should be there.” - “Oh, my God! – the hedgehog’s wife began to shout at her husband. -Are you out of your mind? Or have you gone completely crazy? Well, how can you run around with a hare?” - “Well, be quiet, wife! - said the hedgehog. - This is my business; and you are not a judge in our men's affairs. March! Get dressed and let's go." So what could the hedgehog’s wife do? She had to follow her husband, willy-nilly.
On the way to the field, the hedgehog said to his wife: “Well, now listen to what I tell you. You see, we'll run a race across this long field. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, from top to bottom. You have only one thing to do: stand here below on the furrow, and when the hare reaches the end of his furrow, you shout to him: “I’m already here!”
So they reached the field; The hedgehog showed his wife her place, and he himself walked up the field. When he arrived at the appointed place, the hare was already there. “Can we start?” – he asked. “Of course,” answered the hedgehog. And immediately everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare counted: “One, two, three!” - and they rushed down the field. But the hedgehog ran only three steps, then sat down in the furrow and sat calmly.
When the hare ran to the end of the field at full gallop, the hedgehog’s wife shouted to him: “I’m already here!” The hare paused and was quite surprised: he was sure that the hedgehog himself was shouting to him (it is already known that a hedgehog cannot be distinguished from a hedgehog by its appearance). The hare thought: “Something is wrong here!” - and shouted: “We’ll run back again!” And again he rushed off like a whirlwind, throwing his ears back. And the hedgehog’s wife calmly remained in place.
When the hare reached the top of the field, the hedgehog shouted to him: “I’m already here.” The hare, extremely annoyed, shouted: “Let's run back again!” “Perhaps,” answered the hedgehog. “For me, as much as you want!”
So the hare ran back and forth seventy-three times, and the hedgehog kept overtaking him; every time he ran to some end of the field, either the hedgehog or his wife shouted to him: “I’m already here!” The seventy-fourth time the hare couldn’t even run; He fell to the ground in the middle of the field, blood started pouring down his throat, and he could not move. And the hedgehog took the golden louis d'or he had won and a bottle of wine, called his wife, and both spouses, very pleased with each other, went home.
And if death has not yet befallen them, then they are probably still alive. That's how it happened, that the hedgehog overtook the hare, and from that time not a single hare dared to run head-to-head with the hedgehog.
And the lesson from this incident is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself, should make fun of someone who is lower than him, even if he is a simple hedgehog. And secondly, here the following advice is given to everyone: if you decide to get married, then take yourself a wife from your class and one who would be your equal in everything. This means that whoever was born a hedgehog must take a hedgehog as his wife. That's it!

In the section “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” this lesson is the second. This continuation of work on animalistic tales or tales about animals is aimed at developing the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the text, consider the character and relationship between people through the behavior of animals, and develops students’ understanding of oral folk art different peoples.



Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary secondary school № 2


lesson literary reading

Subject: Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer”

(2nd grade)

Program "School 2100"

From work experience

Primary school teachers


Ivashchenko Elena Viktorovna



Class – 2, educational complex “School 2100”.

Lesson topic : “Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer.” Fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Hedgehog and the Hare".

In the section “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” this lesson is the second. This continuation of work on animalistic tales or tales about animals is aimed at developing the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the text, consider the character and relationship between people through the behavior of animals, and develops students’ understanding of the oral folk art of different peoples.

The lesson is designed taking into account psychological and pedagogical, age characteristics 2nd grade students. The material is selected in accordance with the age of the students, it is quite scientific, but accessible. This lesson allows children to develop attention to the author’s word, the accuracy of the use of words, moreover, they learn to analyze their feelings, thoughts and express them.

Target : introduction and comparative analysis Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish” and the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare”.


educational: observation of the features of fairy tales about animals through allegorical meaning.

developing: enrichment of vocabulary, development of imaginative thinking, skills in working with text, ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

educational: fostering respect for each other, a healthy sense of competition (on equal terms).

Teacher's goal : to show that any fairy tale gives us a lesson - a lesson of wisdom that is instructive in nature.

The course of the lesson, the wording of questions and assignments make it possible to realize plans, and therefore achieve the goal.

Under the guidance of the teacher, a comparative analysis of fairy tales is carried out, and this is a rather difficult task for 2nd grade students. But children must cope with this task, moreover, reach the associative level.

The structure of the lesson corresponds to its content and allows you to realize the goals and objectives of the lesson. This is also facilitated by visual material: pictures of animals, illustrations for fairy tales (use of multimedia presentation). Search tasks are used (working with proverbs).

Regulation and correction of students' knowledge is carried out in a standard way: answers from another student or comments from the teacher.

Literary reading lesson

2nd grade. UMK "School - 2100"

Topic: Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer”.

Fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Hedgehog and the Hare"

Goals: introduce the features of fairy tales about animals, conduct a comparative analysis of the fairy tales “The Fox and the Crayfish” (Russian folk) and “The Hedgehog and the Hare” (by the Brothers Grimm); cultivate respect for each other, a healthy sense of competition (on equal terms); develop the ability to reason, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, and the ability of self-esteem.

Equipment : textbook for grade 2 “The little door in big world"(authors R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva), pictures of animals, a toy - Hedgehog, presentation with illustrations for fairy tales and proverbs, audio recording "Polka" for physical education.

I. 1) Organizational moment.

2) Checking homework.

Reading by heart the poem “Boat” (English folk song), poems about animals.


II. 1) Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation for learning activities.

2) Learning new material

1) Reading the text aloud by students.

2) Assignment after reading.

– What features of fairy tales about animals does Afanasy talk about? Find and mark them in the text (on your own).

3) Collective verification:

– “all animals in fairy tales speak and behave like people”;

– “people must recognize themselves in animals” (character and relationships between people);

– “to come up with such tales, you need intelligence and observation”

4) Examination of illustrations for Russians folk tales about animals.(slides)

– What animal heroes of fairy tales do you know?

– What kind of fox is there in a fairy tale? (Cunning, insidious, deceitful.)

Wolf? (Angry, stupid, simple-minded.)

Bear? (Slow, strong.)

Rooster? (Proud, boastful, daring.)

Crow? (Evil, stupid, harbinger of misfortune.)

Hare? (Cowardly, timid.)

Hedgehog? (Economic, hard worker.)

– Which fairy tale about animals have you reread several times? Why?

Will the heroes of fairy tales about animals created by peoples be different? different countries? (Yes. Animal world different.)

III. Working with the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish.”

1) Reading the title.

What people composed this fairy tale?

2) Looking at the illustration. (slide)

What moment is shown in the illustration?

What do you think is going on here? Will the fox be able to outwit the crayfish? Let's read the fairy tale and answer this question.

3) Working with text while reading.

Reading a fairy tale aloud to students.

What does the word distill mean?

Who outwitted whom?

4) Working with the text after reading.

Answer to the textbook question (p. 57). (This is a fairy tale about cunning, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.)

5) Work with proverbs.(slide)

- Read the proverbs. Which one suits the fairy tale better?

  • Simplicity is enough for every wise man (Russian)
  • May God grant wisdom to cunning (Belarusian)
  • Strength is no match for cunning (Bengali)
  • The strong use force, the weak use cunning (Vietnamese)


IV. Working with the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare”.

1. Working with the text before reading.

Have you come across similar fairy tales written by different peoples?

I want to introduce you to the fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare” from the collection German fairy tales, collected by the Brothers Grimm. (slide)

The Brothers Grimm did not compose, but processed and creatively retold only those fairy tales that they wrote down from the words of folk storytellers. Many of them are familiar to you. Among them " Bremen Town Musicians", "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Snow White", "Cinderella".

2. Working with text while reading. (slide)

Teacher reading a fairy tale.

This tale, guys, looks like a fable, but it’s still true, – my grandfather, from whom I heard it, used to say every time he told it with feeling and sense:

“There is truth in it, son; otherwise why would they start telling it?”

And this is how it happened.

It happened one Sunday morning, at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was blooming. The sun rose bright in the sky, the morning wind blew through the mown stubble, the larks sang over the fields, the bees hummed in the buckwheat; people went to church in festive clothes, and every creature on earth rejoiced, including the hedgehog.

And the hedgehog stood at his door with his arms folded, breathing the morning air and humming a cheerful song to himself– neither good nor bad, the kind hedgehogs usually sing on a warm Sunday morning. And when he was quietly humming this song to himself, it occurred to him that he could, while his wife was bathing and dressing the children, take a short walk across the field and watch the rutabaga grow. And rutabaga grew very close to his house, and he always ate it with his family, and that’s why he looked at it as if it were his own. Saidmade. The hedgehog locked the door behind him and headed out into the field. Having gone not far from the house, he wanted to make his way through the thorns that grew near the field, almost at the place where rutabaga grew, and suddenly he noticed a hare who had gone out for the same thing - to look at his cabbage. A hedgehog saw a hare and wished him good morning. And the hare was a gentleman who seemed to be noble and very arrogant. He did not answer the hedgehog’s greeting and said to him, making a contemptuous grimace:

Why are you running around the field here so early?

“I’m walking,” says the hedgehog.

Are you walking? - the hare laughed. “I think you could use your legs for something more useful.”

This answer greatly annoyed the hedgehog: he could have endured anything, but he did not allow anything to be said about his legs - they were too crooked.

You're obviously imaginingThe hedgehog said to the hare, “What can you do better with your legs?”

“I think,” answered the hare.

This still needs to be checkedsaid the hedgehog. “I’m ready to bet that if you and I start running, I’ll be the first to come running.”

Yes this is downright funnyyou, with your crooked legs? - said the hare. - Well, if you have such a big hunt, I probably agree. What are we going to argue about?

For one gold louis d'or, says the hedgehog.

It's coming! - answered the hare.Well, then let's start now.

No, why should we be in such a hurry, I don’t agree,” says the hedgehog, “after all, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything yet.” First I’ll go home and have some breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to the same place.

The hare agreed, and the hedgehog headed home. On the way, the hedgehog thought to himself: “The hare relies on his long legs, but I’ll outwit him. Although he is a noble gentleman, but stupid, he will surely lose.”

The hedgehog came home and said to his wife:

Wife, quickly get dressed, you will have to go with me to the field.

What happened? - she asks.

Well, the hare and I bet on one gold louis; I want to run! it's a blast with him, and you should be there.

- Oh, my God! – His wife started shouting at him. - Are you really crazy? Are you out of your mind? How can you run headlong with a hare?

Yes, wife, you better shut up,” the hedgehog tells her, “this is my depot.” Don't interfere in men's affairs. Go get dressed and come with me.

What was she supposed to do here? Like it or not, she had to follow her husband.

The two of them walk along the road to the field, and the hedgehog says to his wife:

Now listen carefully to what I tell you. You see, across that big field over there we will run with the hare. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, and we will start running from the mountain. It's your businessjust stand here, below, on the furrow. When the hare runs along his furrow, you shout towards him: “And I’m already here!”

With that they got there on the butt. The hedgehog showed his wife the place where she should stand, and he himself went higher. When he arrived, the hare was already there.

Let's get started, shall we?- says the hare.

Okay, - the hedgehog answers,- Let's start.

And everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare began to count: “Well, one, two, three,” and rushed like a whirlwind down the field. And the hedgehog ran about three steps, then climbed into the furrow and sat down there calmly.

The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

And I'm already here! The hare stopped and was quite surprised: he thought that it was, of course, the hedgehog himself screaming,and it is known that the hedgehog looks exactly the same as the hedgehog. But the hare thought: “Something is wrong here,” and shouted:

Let's run back again!

And he rushed like a whirlwind, with his ears flattened, along the furrow, and the hedgehog remained calmly in her place. The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

- And I’m already here!

The hare got angry and shouted:

Let's run back again!

As you wish,” the hedgehog answered, “I don’t care, as much as you like.”

So the hare ran seventy-three more times, and the hedgehog still came first. Every time the hare ran to the edge of the field, the hedgehog or hedgehog woman said:

- And I’m already here!

But the seventy-fourth time the hare did not reach the end: he fell on his front legs, and he could not move further.

The hedgehog took the golden louis d'or he had won, called his wife out of the furrow, and they went home together, both quite satisfied with each other. If they are not dead, they are still alive.

That's how it happened, that a simple field hedgehog overtook the hare, and from that time on, not a single hare dared to run head-to-head with the hedgehog anymore.

And the lesson in this fairy tale is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself to be, should allow himself to mock a simple personat least even over a hedgehog. Secondly, the following advice is given: if someone decides to get married, then let him take a wife from the same circle as himself, and let her be like himself. So, let’s say, if you are a hedgehog, then take a hedgehog as your wife, and so on.

3. Working with the text after reading. Conversation:

Who's in the fairy tale goodie? Why?

Do you feel sorry for the hare?

What wisdom is contained in this fairy tale?

Retelling of the fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare.”

V. Comparison of fairy tales “The Fox and the Crayfish” and “The Hedgehog and the Hare”

How are fairy tales similar? (The idea, the plot, your wisdom.)

How are they different? (Heroes, details...)

VI. Reflection

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson".

What lesson did these two tales teach us? Give a self-assessment of your work in class (using a memo or using flashcards).

VII. Homework

Learn the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish” by heart.

This fairy tale, guys, looks like a fable, but still it is true - my grandfather, from whom I heard it, used to say every time he told it with feeling and sense:

“There is truth in it, son; otherwise why would they start telling it?”

And this is how it happened.

It happened one Sunday morning, at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was blooming. The sun rose bright in the sky, the morning wind blew through the mown stubble, the larks sang over the fields, the bees hummed in the buckwheat; people went to church in festive clothes, and every creature on earth rejoiced, including the hedgehog.

And the hedgehog stood at his door with his arms folded, breathed the morning air and hummed to himself a cheerful song - neither good nor bad, the kind hedgehogs usually sing on a warm Sunday morning. And when he was quietly humming this song to himself, it occurred to him that he could, while his wife was bathing and dressing the children, take a short walk across the field and watch the rutabaga grow. And rutabaga grew very close to his house, and he always ate it with his family, and that’s why he looked at it as if it were his own. No sooner said than done. The hedgehog locked the door behind him and headed out into the field. Having gone not far from the house, he wanted to make his way through the thorns that grew near the field, almost at the place where rutabaga grew, and suddenly he noticed a hare who had gone out for the same thing - to look at his cabbage. The hedgehog saw the hare and wished him good morning. And the hare was a gentleman who seemed to be noble and very arrogant. He did not answer the hedgehog’s greeting and said to him, making a contemptuous grimace:

Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - The Hare and the Hedgehog Fig. 1 - Why are you running around the field here so early?

“I’m walking,” says the hedgehog.

- Are you out for a walk? - the hare laughed. “I think you could use your legs for something more useful.”

“Apparently you imagine,” said the hedgehog to the hare, “that you can control it better with your legs?”

“I think,” answered the hare.

“We still need to check this,” said the hedgehog. “I’m ready to bet that if you and I start running, I’ll come running first.”

- Yes, this is downright funny - you, with your crooked legs? - said the hare. - Well, if you have such a big desire, I probably agree. What are we going to argue about?

“For one gold louis d’or and a bottle of vodka,” says the hedgehog.

- It's coming! - answered the hare. - Well, then let's start now.

“No, why should we be in such a hurry, I don’t agree,” says the hedgehog, “after all, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything yet.” First I’ll go home and have some breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to the same place.

The hare agreed, and the hedgehog headed home. On the way, the hedgehog thought to himself: “The hare relies on his long legs, but I’ll outwit him. Although he is a noble gentleman, but stupid, he will surely lose.”

The hedgehog came home and said to his wife:

“Wife, quickly get dressed, you’ll have to go to the field with me.”

- What happened? she asks.

“Well, the hare and I bet on one gold louis d’or and a bottle of vodka: I want to run head to head with him, and you should be there.”

- Oh, my God! - his wife began to shout at him. - Are you really crazy? Are you out of your mind? How can you run headlong with a hare?

“Yes, wife, you’d better shut up,” the hedgehog tells her, “this is my business.” Don't interfere in men's affairs. Go get dressed and come with me.

What was she supposed to do here? Like it or not, she had to follow her husband.

The two of them walk along the road to the field, and the hedgehog says to his wife:

- Now listen carefully to what I tell you. You see, across that big field over there we will run with the hare. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, and we will start running from the mountain. And your job is only to stand here, below, on the furrow. When the hare runs along his furrow, you shout towards him: “And I’m already here!”

With that they got to the field. The hedgehog showed his wife the place where she should stand, and he himself went higher. When he arrived, the hare was already there.

- Let's start, shall we? - says the hare.

“Okay,” the hedgehog answers, “let’s start.”

And everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare began to count: “Well, one, two, three,” and rushed like a whirlwind down the field. And the hedgehog ran about three steps, then climbed into the furrow and sat down there calmly.

The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

The hare stopped and was quite surprised: he thought that it was, of course, the hedgehog himself who was screaming - and it is known that the hedgehog looks exactly the same as the hedgehog. But the hare thought: “Something is wrong here” and shouted:

And the lesson from this fairy tale is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself to be, should allow himself to mock an ordinary person - even a hedgehog. Secondly, the following advice is given: if someone decides to get married, then let him take a wife from the same circle as himself, and let her be like himself. In

The main character of Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare,” an ordinary forest hedgehog, once met a hare. The hare began to argue with the hedgehog that he would never overtake him. The hedgehog did not like that the hare was making fun of him, and he accepted the challenge. Only first the hedgehog decided to go home.

At home, he told the hedgehog about the argument with the hare. At first she expressed doubt that the hedgehog could win, but the hedgehog told her what method he had come up with to outwit the oblique one.

He asked the hedgehog to hide at one end of the field, and he went to the other end. From there he and the hare ran a race. But the hedgehog did not run to the end, but returned back. And when the hare ran to the finish line, the hedgehog was waiting for him. The hare could not distinguish her from the hedgehog and was surprised that the hedgehog had overtaken him. Then the hare demanded to repeat the race. He ran back, but the hedgehog remained in place.

When the hare ran to the start, the hedgehog was waiting for him. So the hare ran from one end of the field to the other until he got tired and admitted defeat.

That's how it is summary fairy tales

The main idea of ​​Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare” is that to win a fight you don’t have to be stronger or faster than your opponent. It is much more important to show intelligence and ingenuity in the competition. The hedgehog could never outrun the hare, but he showed ingenuity and forced the hare to admit defeat in the argument.

Tolstoy's fairy tale teaches us not to show despondency, not to lose heart in obviously losing situations, and to find ways to defeat your opponent.

In the fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare,” I liked the hedgehog, who was not afraid to compete with the hare. The hedgehog came up with original way, with the help of which he outwitted his opponent.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare”?

Not the fighter who overcame, but the one who wriggled out.
Where you can’t take it by force, you need to grab it.
Resourcefulness and intelligence count as friends.

Tatiana Korobskikh
Summary of a lesson on developing friendliness based on B. Grimm’s fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog” in the middle group

Building Friendliness

based on fairy tales B. Grimm

« Hare and Hedgehog»

Program tasks: Teach children to characterize the Hedgehog. Introduce children to facial movements. Bring up friendliness.

Vocabulary work: friendly, affable arrogant.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations for it, conversation.

Progress of the lesson:

Finger gymnastics: "Russian game"

The morning has come (Hands crossed,

The sun has risen, fingers spread)

Hey, brother Fedya, (Fist right hand compressed big

Wake up the neighbors! The finger makes movements)

Get up, big guy!

Get up, pointer! (Click on each finger

Get up middle! separately)

Get up middle!

And a little metro!

Hello palm! (Click in the center of the palm)

Everyone reached out (Hands rise to the top, fingers

And we woke up. They stretch out and move quickly)


Quiet, quiet, don't make noise

Our don't scare away the fairy tale.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will start a fairy tale.

(Telling a tale« Hare and Hedgehog» )

One day, on a sunny, clear day, the Hedgehog stood at the door of his house and hummed a song.

I’ll go into the field and look at rutabaga, he thought. I set out on the road and met a Hare along the way, who was also going into the field to look at his cabbage. He saw the Hare, the Hedgehog bowed to him and spoke kindly.

Hello dear Hare!

How are you doing?

(Several children show how the Hedgehog greets politely)

Vos-l: A Hare was a big arrogant person. Instead of politely greeting the Hedgehog, he just nodded his head and said rudely:

What, are you scouring the field this early?

Hedgehog: I went out for a walk!

Hare: Take a walk?

But in my opinion, you can’t get far on such short legs.

(The Hedgehog was offended by these words and decided to teach the Hare a lesson).

Hedgehog: Don’t you think that your hare’s legs run faster and better than mine?

(Several children show how Hare mocks the Hedgehog's legs.

The hedgehog is offended.)

Hare: Of course faster.

Hedgehog: Would you like to run to the races with sleep?

With you for the races? - surprised Hare.

Hare: Please don’t make me laugh, will you really overtake me on your crooked legs?

Hedgehog: But you'll see that I'll overtake

Hare: Well, let's run.

Hedgehog: Wait, first I’ll go home and have breakfast, then we’ll run.

Vos-l: The hedgehog came home told my wife about everything, who was very similar to him, and then asked her.

Come with me to the field. The Hare and I will run along different furrows. Become my wife at the end of my furrow field. As soon as he runs up to you Hare, you shout.

And I'm already here!

Okay, the wife agreed.

Phys. Just a minute "Funny little animals"

Sunny spring day (children holding hands

My friends and I go into the forest and walk in a circle.

Happy donkey (show ears)

Brave puppy (hands on posture, leg forward)

Nimble squirrel (jumping)

Mishutka buddy(clinging)

Here we go out into the meadow (walk in a circle)

You are my friend and I am your friend (show with hands)

Towards the sun reached out together(raise hands up)

Hugged and smiled (hugs and smiles)

Vos-l: The hedgehog returned to the Hare.

Well, shall we run? Speaks Hare.

Let's run! Hedgehog answered.

One, two, three! shouted Hare.

And they both ran. The hedgehog took a few steps and remained in place. A The hare runs as fast as he can. He reached the end of his furrow, and then Hezhikha shouted to him.

And I'm here!

I was surprised Hare that the Hedgehog overtook him.

(All the children show « The hare is surprised» ).

Let’s run back now,” he says. Hare.

But Jezhikha remained in place. I reached it Hare to the beginning of the furrow, and the Hedgehog screams at him.

And I'm already here!

I was even more surprised Hare.

(All children show how The hare was even more surprised)

Vos-l: So they ran seventy-three times

Only The hare was running, and the Hedgehog overtook him all the time. I reached the seventy-fourth time Hare to the middle of the field and fell to the ground.

“I’m tired, I can’t run anymore,” he groaned.

(All the children show how tired Hare)

“Look who has faster legs,” says the Hedgehog.

Didn't answer anything Hare, barely trudged home. And the Hedgehog and Hedgehog also went home, and the Hedgehog thought: “Eh Hare! Don’t imagine too much about yourself, don’t turn up your nose in front of him, otherwise many will want to laugh at you.”

(Children repeat Hedgehog again)

Vos-l: Guys, which Hare especially offended the Hedgehog again?

(children's answers : small, crooked legs)

Which The hare in this fairy tale?

(rude, stupid, troublemaker)

What kind of Hedgehog is in this fairy tale?

(polite, kind, smart).

How Hare was he shown for his arrogance?

(Barely carried his legs off the field)

Now, guys, let's play a game with you. which called:

"Bouquet friendliness» .

The teacher hands out a flower to the children, and everyone collects them together. "Bouquet friendliness» . Before this, the child asks for something nice for neighbor: “Flower, make it so that Polina...”- and gives the flower to the common bouquet. The assembled composition will stand in group and if someone is sad or bored, you can give them a flower just so that their mood will improve

What am I to you? told a fairy tale?

(Hare and Hedgehog)

Vasya, what do you think?

Well done, you remembered.

Who did you meet in this fairy tale?

(Hedgehog and Hare)

They lived together in the neighborhood?

Bunny was arrogant and offended Hedgehog.

How should we treat each other?

We must be attentive and polite.

How did we play the game?

We collected a bouquet and wished our friends all the best.

Well done, you are smart, polite, and the Hedgehog gave you apples for this, help yourself.

Refreshments are distributed.

Hare and hedgehog

You probably won't believe this tale. However, when telling it, my grandfather always said:

– Not everything in a fairy tale is fiction. There is truth in it. Why would people start telling it?

This fairy tale began like this...

One day, on a clear sunny day, a hedgehog stood at the door of his house, with his hands folded on his stomach, and hummed a song.

He sang his song and sang and suddenly decided:

“I’ll go to the field and look at the rutabaga. While,” he thinks, “my hedgehog wife washes and dresses the children, I will have time to visit the field and return home.”

The hedgehog went and met along the road a hare, who was also going into the field to look at his cabbage.

The hedgehog saw the hare, bowed to him and said friendly:

- Hello, dear hare. How are you doing?

And the hare was very important and proud. Instead of politely greeting the hedgehog, he just nodded his head and said rudely:

- Why are you, hedgehog, prowling the field so early?

“I went out for a walk,” says the hedgehog.

- Go for a walk? – asked the hare mockingly. “But in my opinion, you can’t get far on such short legs.”

The hedgehog was offended by these words. He didn’t like it when people talked about his legs, which were indeed short and crooked.

“Don’t you think,” he asked the hare, “that your hare legs run faster and better?”

“Of course,” says the hare.

“Would you like to run a race with me?” - asks the hedgehog.

- Racing with you? - says the hare. - Don’t make me laugh, please. Are you really going to overtake me on your crooked legs?

“But you’ll see,” the hedgehog answers. - You'll see that I'll overtake.

“Well, let’s run,” says the hare.

“Wait,” says the hedgehog. “First I’ll go home, have breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to this place, then we’ll run.” OK?

“Okay,” said the hare.

The hedgehog went home. He walks and thinks: “The hare, of course, runs faster than me. But he is stupid and I am smart. I'll outsmart him."

The hedgehog came home and said to his wife:

“Wife, get dressed quickly, you’ll have to go to the field with me.”

- What happened? - asks the hedgehog.

- Well, the hare and I argued about who runs faster, me or him. I have to outrun the hare, and you will help me in this matter.

-What, are you crazy? – the hedgehog was surprised. “How can you compete with the hare!” He will immediately overtake you.

“It’s none of your business, wife,” said the hedgehog. “Get dressed and let’s go.” I know what I'm doing.

The wife got dressed and went with the hedgehog to the field.

On the way, the hedgehog says to his wife:

- We will run with the hare across this long field. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other. And you, wife, stand at the end of the field, by my furrow. As soon as the hare runs up to you, you shout: “I’m already here!” Understood?

“I understand,” the wife answers.

So they did. The hedgehog took the hedgehog to the end of his furrow, and he returned to the place where he left the hare.

“Well,” says the hare, “shall we run?”

“Let’s run,” says the hedgehog.

They each stood at the beginning of their own furrow.

- One, two, three! - the hare shouted.

And they both ran as fast as they could.

The hedgehog ran three or four steps, and then quietly returned to his place and sat down. He sits and rests. And the hare keeps running and running. He reached the end of his furrow, and then the hedgehog shouted to him:

- I'm already here!

And I must say that the hedgehog and the hedgehog are very similar to each other. The hare was surprised that the hedgehog had overtaken him.

“Now let’s run back,” he says to the hedgehog. “One, two, three!”

And the hare ran back faster than before.

And the hedgehog remained sitting in her place.

The hare reached the beginning of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouted to him:

- I'm already here! The hare was even more surprised.

“Let’s run again,” he says to the hedgehog. “Okay,” the hedgehog answers. “If you want, we’ll run again.” We ran again and again. So the hare ran back and forth seventy-three times. And the hedgehog kept overtaking him.

The hare runs to the beginning of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouts to him:

- I'm already here!

The hare runs back to the end of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouts to him:

- I'm already here! On the seventy-fourth time the hare ran to the middle of the field and fell to the ground.

- Tired! – he says. “I can’t run anymore.”

“You see now,” the hedgehog tells him, “who has the faster legs?”

The hare didn’t answer anything and left the field - he barely carried off his legs. And the hedgehog and his wife called their children and went for a walk with them.

Literary reading lesson

2nd grade. UMK "School - 2100"

Topic: Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer”.

Fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Hedgehog and the Hare"

Goals: introduce the features of fairy tales about animals, conduct a comparative analysis of the fairy tales “The Fox and the Crayfish” (Russian folk) and “The Hedgehog and the Hare” (by the Brothers Grimm); cultivate respect for each other, a healthy sense of competition (on equal terms); develop the ability to reason, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, and the ability of self-esteem.

Personal learning outcomes:

- (emotionality) formation of the ability to recognize and identify one’s emotions;

- (empathy) formation of the ability to recognize and identify the emotions of other people, sympathy, empathy;

Formation of interest in reading, need for reading;

Meta-subject learning outcomes:

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to independently formulate the topic and goals of the lesson, - - to form the ability to evaluate one’s work in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation of the ability to extract information and build reasoning.

Communicative UUD:

Develop the ability to express your thoughts orally, express and justify your point of view;

Mastering dialogical and monologue speech;

Formation of the ability to ask questions, in joint activities come to an agreement, come to an agreement general decision.

Equipment: textbook for 2nd grade “A Little Door to a Big World” (authors R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva), pictures of animals, a toy – Hedgehog, presentation with illustrations for fairy tales and proverbs, audio recording “Polka” for physical education .

I. 1) Organizational moment.

2) Checking homework.

Reading a poem by heart

Introductory conversation:

- Listen to the poem:

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,
That there is a happy ending in it
The soul already has a presentiment.
And for any test
Brave hearts agree
Waiting impatiently
Have a happy ending.
V. Berestov

II. 1) Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation for learning activities.

2) Learning new material

1) Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales about animals. (slides)

– What animal heroes of fairy tales do you know?

– What kind of fox is there in a fairy tale? (Cunning, insidious, deceitful.)

Wolf? (Angry, stupid, simple-minded.)

Bear? (Slow, strong.)

Rooster? (Proud, boastful, daring.)

Crow? (Evil, stupid, harbinger of misfortune.)

Hare? (Cowardly, timid.)

Hedgehog? (Economic, hard worker.)

Will the heroes of fairy tales about animals created by the peoples of different countries be different?(Yes. The animal kingdom is different.)

III. Working with the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish.”

1) Reading the title.

What people composed this fairy tale?

2) Looking at the illustration . (slide)

What moment is shown in the illustration?

What do you think is going on here? Will the fox be able to outwit the crayfish? Let's read the fairy tale and answer this question.

3) Working with text while reading.

Reading a fairy tale aloud to students.

What does the word distill mean?

Who outwitted whom?

4) Working with the text after reading.

Answer to the textbook question (p. 57). (This is a fairy tale about cunning, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.)

5) Work with proverbs. (slide)

- Read the proverbs. Which one suits the fairy tale better?

    Simplicity is enough for every wise man (Russian)

    May God grant wisdom to cunning (Belarusian)

    Strength is no match for cunning (Bengali)

    The strong use force, the weak use cunning (Vietnamese)


Working with reference words:

IV. Working with the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare”.

1. Working with the text before reading.

I would like to introduce you to the fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare” from a collection of German fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm. (slide)

The Brothers Grimm did not compose, but processed and creatively retold only those fairy tales that they wrote down from the words of folk storytellers. Many of them are familiar to you. Among them are “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “Puss in Boots”, “Snow White”, “Cinderella”.

2. Working with text while reading. (slide)

Teacher reading a fairy tale.

This tale, guys, looks like a fable, but still it is true, - my grandfather, from whom I heard it, used to say every time he told it with feeling and sense:

“There is truth in it, son; otherwise why would they start telling it?”

And this is how it happened.

It happened one Sunday morning, at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was blooming. The sun rose bright in the sky, the morning wind blew through the mown stubble, the larks sang over the fields, the bees hummed in the buckwheat; people went to church in festive clothes, and every creature on earth rejoiced, including the hedgehog.

And the hedgehog stood at his door with his arms folded, breathing the morning air and humming a cheerful song to himself - neither good nor bad, the kind hedgehogs usually sing on a warm Sunday morning. And when he was quietly humming this song to himself, it occurred to him that he could, while his wife was bathing and dressing the children, take a short walk across the field and watch the rutabaga grow. And rutabaga grew very close to his house, and he always ate it with his family, and that’s why he looked at it as if it were his own. Saidmade. The hedgehog locked the door behind him and headed out into the field. Having gone not far from the house, he wanted to make his way through the thorns that grew near the field, almost at the place where rutabaga grew, and suddenly he noticed a hare who had gone out for the same thing - to look at his cabbage. The hedgehog saw the hare and wished him good morning. And the hare was a gentleman who seemed to be noble and very arrogant. He did not answer the hedgehog’s greeting and said to him, making a contemptuous grimace:

- Which of your assumptions were justified?

- What did the hare and the hedgehog agree on?

- What do you mean in launches?

- Who proposed the competition? Why?

- How do you think events will develop further?

“I’m walking,” says the hedgehog.

Are you walking? - the hare laughed. “I think you could use your legs for something more useful.”

This answer greatly annoyed the hedgehog: he could have endured anything, but he did not allow anything to be said about his legs - they were too crooked.

You're obviously imaginingThe hedgehog said to the hare, “What can you do better with your legs?”

“I think,” answered the hare.

This still needs to be checkedsaid the hedgehog. “I’m ready to bet that if you and I start running, I’ll be the first to come running.”

Yes this is downright funnyyou, with your crooked legs? - said the hare. - Well, if you have such a big hunt, I probably agree. What are we going to argue about?

For one gold louis d'or, says the hedgehog.

It's coming! - answered the hare.Well, then let's start now.

No, why should we be in such a hurry, I don’t agree,” says the hedgehog, “after all, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything yet.” First I’ll go home and have some breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to the same place.

The hare agreed, and the hedgehog headed home. On the way, the hedgehog thought to himself: “The hare relies on his long legs, but I’ll outwit him. Although he is a noble gentleman, but stupid, he will surely lose.”

Wife, quickly get dressed, you will have to go with me to the field.

What happened? - she asks.

Well, the hare and I bet on one gold louis; I want to run! it's a blast with him, and you should be there.

- Oh, my God! – His wife started shouting at him. - Are you really crazy? Are you out of your mind? How can you run headlong with a hare?

Yes, wife, you’d better shut up,” the hedgehog tells her, “this is my business.” Don't interfere in men's affairs. Go get dressed and come with me.

Now listen carefully to what I tell you. You see, across that big field over there we will run with the hare. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, and we will start running from the mountain. It's your businessjust stand here, below, on the furrow. When the hare runs along his furrow, you shout towards him: “And I’m already here!”

With that they got there on the butt. The hedgehog showed his wife the place where she should stand, and he himself went higher. When he arrived, the hare was already there.

Let's get started, shall we?- says the hare.

Okay, - the hedgehog answers,- Let's start.

And everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare began to count: “Well, one, two, three,” and rushed like a whirlwind down the field. And the hedgehog ran about three steps, then climbed into the furrow and sat down there calmly.

- And I’m already here!

- What did the hedgehog decide to do?

- Why did the hedgehog decide to outsmart the hare?

- What will the hare do after the hedgehog’s words?

The hare stopped and was quite surprised: he thought that it was, of course, the hedgehog himself screaming, - and it is known that the hedgehog looks exactly the same as the hedgehog. But the hare thought: “Something is wrong here,” and shouted:

Let's run back again!

And he rushed like a whirlwind, with his ears flattened, along the furrow, and the hedgehog remained calmly in her place. The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

- And I’m already here!

The hare got angry and shouted:

Let's run back again!

As you wish,” the hedgehog answered, “I don’t care, as much as you like.”

So the hare ran seventy-three more times, and the hedgehog still came first. Every time the hare ran to the edge of the field, the hedgehog or hedgehog woman said:

- And I’m already here!

- Why was the hare surprised?

- How do you think these competitions will end?

But the seventy-fourth time the hare did not reach the end: he fell on his front legs, and he could not move further.

Did you expect such an outcome?

- Who is the positive hero in the fairy tale? Why?

- Do you feel sorry for the hare?

Working with proverbs

- Read the proverbs:

You can't jump over your head.

- Which of these proverbs best suits the fairy tale? Prove your choice.

Work in pairs

- What does a fairy tale teach?

*** listening to children’s answers after they work in pairs

And the lesson from this fairy tale is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself to be, should allow himself to mock an ordinary person - at least even over a hedgehog. Secondly, the following advice is given: if anyone decides to get married, then let him take a wife from the same circle as himself, and let her be like himself. So, let’s say, if you are a hedgehog, then take a hedgehog as your wife, and so on.

V. Comparison of fairy tales “The Fox and the Crayfish” and “The Hedgehog and the Hare”

How are fairy tales similar?(The idea, the plot, your wisdom.)

How are they different? (Heroes, details...)

VI. Reflection

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

What lesson did these two tales teach us?

VII. Homework

Learn the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish” by heart.

Literary reading lesson 2nd grade (school 2100)

Teacher Larina Natalia Nikolaevna Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8"

Topic: Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Hare and the Hedgehog"

Target: development of anticipation skills (the ability to assume, anticipate the content of a text by title, group keywords); enrichment of students' vocabulary; improving reading techniques and developing the ability to understand what is read, not only at the level of content, but also at the level of meaning (the main idea of ​​the text, subtext); teach children to work in groups (the ability to listen to others, express and prove their thoughts).

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment

Updating the studied material

Introductory conversation:

Listen to the poem:

In the world of sad and funny fairy tales

We can't live without light, we can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

What groups do we divide fairy tales into?

What is special about fairy tales about animals?

Name the animal heroes of fairy tales you know.

Working with reference words:

Read the words written on the board:

Hare Brothers Grimm hedgehog field Sunday morning buckwheat rutabaga

What can you guess from these words?

Working with fairy tale text

Reading part 1 of the story (to yourself)

It happened one Sunday morning, at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was blooming. The sun rose bright in the sky, the morning wind blew through the mown stubble, the larks sang over the fields, the bees hummed in the buckwheat; people went to church in festive clothes, and every creature on earth rejoiced, including the hedgehog.

And the hedgehog stood at his door with his arms folded, breathed the morning air and hummed a cheerful song to himself - not good and not bad, the kind hedgehogs usually sing on a warm Sunday morning. And when he was quietly humming a song to himself, it occurred to him that while his wife was bathing the children, he could take a short walk across the field and watch the rutabaga grow. And rutabaga grew very close to his house, and he always ate it with his family, and therefore looked at it as if it were his own. No sooner said than done. The hedgehog locked the door behind him and headed out into the field. Having gone not far from the house, he wanted to make his way through the thorns that grew near the field almost at the place where rutabaga grew, and suddenly he noticed a hare who had gone out for the same thing - to look at his cabbage. The hedgehog saw the hare and wished him good morning. And the hare was a gentleman who seemed to be noble and very arrogant. He did not answer the hedgehog’s greeting and said to him, making a contemptuous grimace:

Why are you running around the field here so early?

“I’m walking,” says the hedgehog.

Are you walking? - the hare laughed. “I think you could use your legs for something more useful.”

This answer greatly annoyed the hedgehog: he could have endured anything, but he did not allow anything to be said about his legs - they were too crooked.

“You can see, you imagine,” said the hedgehog to the hare, “that you can control your legs better?”

“I think,” answered the hare.

This still needs to be checked,” said the hedgehog. - I'm ready to bet that if you and I run into the launches, I will come running first.

Yes, this is downright funny - you, with your crooked legs? - said the hare. - Well, if you have such a big desire, I probably agree. What are we going to argue about?

For one gold louis d'or, says the hedgehog.

It's coming! - answered the hare. - Well, then let's start now.

Which of your assumptions came true?

What did the hare and the hedgehog agree on?

What does launch mean?

Who proposed the competition? Why?

Reading the 2nd part of the fairy tale (in a chain)

No, why should we be in such a hurry, I don’t agree,” says the hedgehog, “after all, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything yet.” First I’ll go home and have some breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to the same place.

The hare agreed, and the hedgehog headed home. On the way, the hedgehog thought to himself: “The hare relies on his long legs, but I will outwit him. Although he is a noble gentleman, but stupid, he will surely lose.”

The hedgehog came home and said to his wife:

Wife, quickly get dressed, you will have to go to the field with me.

What happened? - asks the wife

Well, the hare and I bet for one golden louis: I want to run head to head with him, and you should be with him.

Oh, my God! – his wife began to shout at him. - Are you really crazy? Are you out of your mind? How can you run headlong with a hare?

“You better shut up, wife,” the hedgehog tells her, “this is my business.” Don't interfere in men's affairs. Go get dressed and come with me.

What was she supposed to do here? Like it or not, she had to follow her husband.

The two of them walk along the road to the field, and the hedgehog says to his wife:

Now listen carefully to what I tell you. You see, across that big field over there we will run with the hare. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, and we will start running from the mountain. And your job is only to stand here, below, on the furrow. When the hare runs along his furrow, you shout to meet him: “And I’m already here!”

With that they got to the field. The hedgehog showed his wife the place where she should stand, and he himself went higher. When he arrived the hare was already there.

Come on, shall we start? - says the hare.

Okay,” the hedgehog answers, “let’s start.”

And everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare began to count: “Well, one, two, three,” and rushed like a whirlwind down the field. And the hedgehog ran about three steps, then climbed into the furrow and sat down there calmly.

The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

And I'm already here!

What did the hedgehog decide to do?

Why did the hedgehog decide to outsmart the hare?

What will the hare do after the hedgehog’s words?

Reading part 3 of the story (in a whisper)

The hare stopped and was quite surprised: he thought that it was, of course, the hedgehog himself who was screaming - and it is known that the hedgehog looks exactly the same as the hedgehog. But the hare thought: “Something is wrong here” - and shouted:

Let's run back again!

And he rushed like a whirlwind, with his ears flattened, along the furrow, and the hedgehog remained calmly in her place. The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

And I'm already here!

The hare got angry and shouted:

Let's run back again!

As you wish,” answered the hedgehog, “I don’t care, as much as you like.”

So the hare ran seventy-three more times, and the hedgehog came first. Every time the hare ran to the edge of the field, the hedgehog or hedgehog woman said:

And I'm already here!

Why was the hare surprised?

How do you think this competition will end?

Reading the 4th part of the fairy tale (to yourself)

But the seventy-fourth time the hare did not reach the end: he fell on his front legs, and he could not move further.

The hedgehog took the golden louis d'or he had won, called his wife out of the furrow, and they went home together, both quite satisfied with each other. If they are not dead, they are still alive.

That's how it happened, that a simple field hedgehog overtook the hare, and from that time on, not a single hare dared to run head-to-head with the hedgehog anymore.

Did you expect such an outcome?

Who is the positive hero in the fairy tale? Why?

Do you feel sorry for the hare?

Working with proverbs

Read the proverbs written on the board:

He who laughs last laughs best.

We see the speck in someone else's eye, but we don't notice the log in our own.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

You can't jump over your head.

Which of these proverbs best suits the fairy tale? Prove your choice.

Group work

What does a fairy tale teach?

*** listening to the children’s answers after their work in the group

And the lesson from this fairy tale is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself to be, should allow himself to mock an ordinary person - even a hedgehog. Secondly, the following advice is given: if someone decides to get married, then let him take a wife from the same circle as himself, and let her be like himself. So, let’s say, if you are a hedgehog, then take a hedgehog as your wife, and so on.

Lesson summary. Reflection.

Would you like to get acquainted with other fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm?

What did you remember most about the lesson?

Which task was the most interesting?

Homework of students' choice

Reading a fairy tale by role

Drawing for your favorite episode

Prepare questions for a fairy tale

This fairy tale began like this...

“I’ll go to the field and look at the rutabaga. While,” he thinks, “my hedgehog wife washes and dresses the children, I will have time to visit the field and return home.”

The hedgehog went and met along the road a hare, who was also going into the field to look at his cabbage.

“I went out for a walk,” says the hedgehog.

- Go for a walk? - asked the hare mockingly. “But in my opinion, you can’t get far on such short legs.”

“Don’t you think,” he asked the hare, “that your hare legs run faster and better?”

“Of course,” says the hare.

- Racing with you? - says the hare. - Don't make me laugh, please. Are you really going to overtake me on your crooked legs?

“But you’ll see,” the hedgehog answers. - You'll see that I'll overtake.

“Well, let’s run,” says the hare.

“Wait,” says the hedgehog. “First I’ll go home, have breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to this place, then we’ll run.” OK?

“Okay,” said the hare.

The hedgehog went home. He walks and thinks: “The hare, of course, runs faster than me. But he is stupid and I am smart. I’ll outsmart him.”

-What, are you crazy? – the hedgehog was surprised. - How can you compete with a hare! He will immediately overtake you.

“It’s none of your business, wife,” said the hedgehog. - Get dressed and let's go. I know what I'm doing. The wife got dressed and went with the hedgehog to the field. On the way, the hedgehog says to his wife:

- We will run with the hare across this long field. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other. And you, wife, stand at the end of the field, by my furrow. As soon as the hare runs up to you, you shout: “I’m already here!” Understood?

“I understand,” the wife answers.

“Well,” says the hare, “shall we run?”

“Let’s run,” says the hedgehog.

And they both ran as fast as they could.

- I'm already here!

“Now let’s run back,” he says to the hedgehog. - One, two, three!

And the hare ran back faster than before. And the hedgehog remained sitting in her place.

The hare reached the beginning of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouted to him:

- I'm already here!

The hare was even more surprised.

“Let’s run again,” he says to the hedgehog.

“Okay,” the hedgehog answers. – If you want, we’ll run again.

We ran again and again. So the hare ran back and forth seventy-three times. And the hedgehog kept overtaking him.

The hare will run to the beginning of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouts to him:

- I'm already here!

- I'm already here!

On the seventy-fourth time the hare ran to the middle of the field and fell to the ground.

- Tired! - speaks. – I can’t run anymore.

“You see now,” the hedgehog tells him, “who has the faster legs?”

The hare did not answer anything and left the field - he barely carried off his legs. And the hedgehog and his wife called their children and went for a walk with them.

Literary reading lesson 2nd grade (school 2100)

Teacher Larina Natalia Nikolaevna Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8"

Topic: Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Hare and the Hedgehog"

Target: development of anticipation skills (the ability to assume, anticipate the content of a text by title, group of keywords); enrichment of students' vocabulary; improving reading techniques and developing the ability to understand what is read, not only at the level of content, but also at the level of meaning (the main idea of ​​the text, subtext); teach children to work in groups (the ability to listen to others, express and prove their thoughts).

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment

Updating the studied material

Introductory conversation:

Listen to the poem:

In the world of sad and funny fairy tales

We can't live without light, we can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

Working with reference words:

Working with fairy tale text

Reading part 1 of the story (to yourself)

It happened one Sunday morning, at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was blooming. The sun rose bright in the sky, the morning wind blew through the mown stubble, the larks sang over the fields, the bees hummed in the buckwheat; people went to church in festive clothes, and every creature on earth rejoiced, including the hedgehog.

And the hedgehog stood at his door with his arms folded, breathed the morning air and hummed a cheerful song to himself - not good and not bad, the kind hedgehogs usually sing on a warm Sunday morning. And when he was quietly humming a song to himself, it occurred to him that while his wife was bathing the children, he could take a short walk across the field and watch the rutabaga grow. And rutabaga grew very close to his house, and he always ate it with his family, and therefore looked at it as if it were his own. No sooner said than done. The hedgehog locked the door behind him and headed out into the field. Having gone not far from the house, he wanted to make his way through the thorns that grew near the field almost at the place where rutabaga grew, and suddenly he noticed a hare who had gone out for the same thing - to look at his cabbage. The hedgehog saw the hare and wished him good morning. And the hare was a gentleman who seemed to be noble and very arrogant. He did not answer the hedgehog’s greeting and said to him, making a contemptuous grimace:

“I’m walking,” says the hedgehog.

Are you walking? - the hare laughed. “I think you could use your legs for something more useful.”

This answer greatly annoyed the hedgehog: he could have endured anything, but he did not allow anything to be said about his legs - they were too crooked.

“You can see, you imagine,” said the hedgehog to the hare, “that you can control your legs better?”

“I think,” answered the hare.

This still needs to be checked,” said the hedgehog. - I'm ready to bet that if you and I run into the launches, I will come running first.

Yes, this is downright funny - you, with your crooked legs? - said the hare. - Well, if you have such a big desire, I probably agree. What are we going to argue about?

For one gold louis d'or, says the hedgehog.

It's coming! - answered the hare. - Well, then let's start now.

Which of your assumptions came true?

What did the hare and the hedgehog agree on?

What does launch mean?

Who proposed the competition? Why?

Reading the 2nd part of the fairy tale (in a chain)

No, why should we be in such a hurry, I don’t agree,” says the hedgehog, “after all, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything yet.” First I’ll go home and have some breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to the same place.

The hare agreed, and the hedgehog headed home. On the way, the hedgehog thought to himself: “The hare relies on his long legs, but I will outwit him. Although he is a noble gentleman, but stupid, he will surely lose.”

Wife, quickly get dressed, you will have to go to the field with me.

What happened? - asks the wife

Well, the hare and I bet for one golden louis: I want to run head to head with him, and you should be with him.

Oh, my God! – his wife began to shout at him. - Are you really crazy? Are you out of your mind? How can you run headlong with a hare?

“You better shut up, wife,” the hedgehog tells her, “this is my business.” Don't interfere in men's affairs. Go get dressed and come with me.

Now listen carefully to what I tell you. You see, across that big field over there we will run with the hare. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, and we will start running from the mountain. And your job is only to stand here, below, on the furrow. When the hare runs along his furrow, you shout to meet him: “And I’m already here!”

With that they got to the field. The hedgehog showed his wife the place where she should stand, and he himself went higher. When he arrived the hare was already there.

Come on, shall we start? - says the hare.

Okay,” the hedgehog answers, “let’s start.”

And everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare began to count: “Well, one, two, three,” and rushed like a whirlwind down the field. And the hedgehog ran about three steps, then climbed into the furrow and sat down there calmly.

And I'm already here!

What did the hedgehog decide to do?

Why did the hedgehog decide to outsmart the hare?

What will the hare do after the hedgehog’s words?

Reading part 3 of the story (in a whisper)

The hare stopped and was quite surprised: he thought that it was, of course, the hedgehog himself who was screaming - and it is known that the hedgehog looks exactly the same as the hedgehog. But the hare thought: “Something is wrong here” - and shouted:

Let's run back again!

And he rushed like a whirlwind, with his ears flattened, along the furrow, and the hedgehog remained calmly in her place. The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

And I'm already here!

The hare got angry and shouted:

Let's run back again!

As you wish,” answered the hedgehog, “I don’t care, as much as you like.”

So the hare ran seventy-three more times, and the hedgehog came first. Every time the hare ran to the edge of the field, the hedgehog or hedgehog woman said:

And I'm already here!

Why was the hare surprised?

How do you think this competition will end?

Reading the 4th part of the fairy tale (to yourself)

But the seventy-fourth time the hare did not reach the end: he fell on his front legs, and he could not move further.

Did you expect such an outcome?

Who is the positive hero in the fairy tale? Why?

Do you feel sorry for the hare?

Working with proverbs

Read the proverbs written on the board:

You can't jump over your head.

Which of these proverbs best suits the fairy tale? Prove your choice.

Group work

What does a fairy tale teach?

*** listening to the children’s answers after their work in the group

And the lesson from this fairy tale is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself to be, should allow himself to mock an ordinary person - even a hedgehog. Secondly, the following advice is given: if someone decides to get married, then let him take a wife from the same circle as himself, and let her be like himself. So, let’s say, if you are a hedgehog, then take a hedgehog as your wife, and so on.

Lesson summary. Reflection.

Would you like to get acquainted with other fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm?

Homework of students' choice

Reading a fairy tale by role

Drawing for your favorite episode

Prepare questions for a fairy tale

Hare and hedgehog

You probably won't believe this tale. However, when telling it, my grandfather always said:

– Not everything in a fairy tale is fiction. There is truth in it. Why would people start telling it?

This fairy tale began like this...

One day, on a clear sunny day, a hedgehog stood at the door of his house, with his hands folded on his stomach, and hummed a song.

He sang his song and sang and suddenly decided:

“I’ll go to the field and look at the rutabaga. While,” he thinks, “my hedgehog wife washes and dresses the children, I will have time to visit the field and return home.”

The hedgehog went and met along the road a hare, who was also going into the field to look at his cabbage.

The hedgehog saw the hare, bowed to him and said friendly:

- Hello, dear hare. How are you doing?

And the hare was very important and proud. Instead of politely greeting the hedgehog, he just nodded his head and said rudely:

- Why are you, hedgehog, prowling the field so early?

“I went out for a walk,” says the hedgehog.

- Go for a walk? – asked the hare mockingly. “But in my opinion, you can’t get far on such short legs.”

The hedgehog was offended by these words. He didn’t like it when people talked about his legs, which were indeed short and crooked.

“Don’t you think,” he asked the hare, “that your hare legs run faster and better?”

“Of course,” says the hare.

“Would you like to run a race with me?” - asks the hedgehog.

- Racing with you? - says the hare. - Don’t make me laugh, please. Are you really going to overtake me on your crooked legs?

“But you’ll see,” the hedgehog answers. - You'll see that I'll overtake.

“Well, let’s run,” says the hare.

“Wait,” says the hedgehog. “First I’ll go home, have breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to this place, then we’ll run.” OK?

“Okay,” said the hare.

The hedgehog went home. He walks and thinks: “The hare, of course, runs faster than me. But he is stupid and I am smart. I'll outsmart him."

The hedgehog came home and said to his wife:

“Wife, get dressed quickly, you’ll have to go to the field with me.”

- What happened? - asks the hedgehog.

- Well, the hare and I argued about who runs faster, me or him. I have to outrun the hare, and you will help me in this matter.

-What, are you crazy? – the hedgehog was surprised. “How can you compete with the hare!” He will immediately overtake you.

“It’s none of your business, wife,” said the hedgehog. “Get dressed and let’s go.” I know what I'm doing.

The wife got dressed and went with the hedgehog to the field.

On the way, the hedgehog says to his wife:

- We will run with the hare across this long field. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other. And you, wife, stand at the end of the field, by my furrow. As soon as the hare runs up to you, you shout: “I’m already here!” Understood?

“I understand,” the wife answers.

So they did. The hedgehog took the hedgehog to the end of his furrow, and he returned to the place where he left the hare.

“Well,” says the hare, “shall we run?”

“Let’s run,” says the hedgehog.

They each stood at the beginning of their own furrow.

- One, two, three! - the hare shouted.

And they both ran as fast as they could.

The hedgehog ran three or four steps, and then quietly returned to his place and sat down. He sits and rests. And the hare keeps running and running. He reached the end of his furrow, and then the hedgehog shouted to him:

- I'm already here!

And I must say that the hedgehog and the hedgehog are very similar to each other. The hare was surprised that the hedgehog had overtaken him.

“Now let’s run back,” he says to the hedgehog. “One, two, three!”

And the hare ran back faster than before.

And the hedgehog remained sitting in her place.

The hare reached the beginning of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouted to him:

- I'm already here! The hare was even more surprised.

“Let’s run again,” he says to the hedgehog. “Okay,” the hedgehog answers. “If you want, we’ll run again.” We ran again and again. So the hare ran back and forth seventy-three times. And the hedgehog kept overtaking him.

The hare runs to the beginning of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouts to him:

- I'm already here!

The hare runs back to the end of the furrow, and the hedgehog shouts to him:

- I'm already here! On the seventy-fourth time the hare ran to the middle of the field and fell to the ground.

- Tired! – he says. “I can’t run anymore.”

“You see now,” the hedgehog tells him, “who has the faster legs?”

The hare didn’t answer anything and left the field - he barely carried off his legs. And the hedgehog and his wife called their children and went for a walk with them.

Literary reading lesson

2nd grade. UMK "School - 2100"

Topic: Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer”.

Fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Hedgehog and the Hare"

Goals: introduce the features of fairy tales about animals, conduct a comparative analysis of the fairy tales “The Fox and the Crayfish” (Russian folk) and “The Hedgehog and the Hare” (by the Brothers Grimm); cultivate respect for each other, a healthy sense of competition (on equal terms); develop the ability to reason, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, and the ability of self-esteem.

Personal learning outcomes:

- (emotionality) formation of the ability to recognize and identify one’s emotions;

- (empathy) formation of the ability to recognize and identify the emotions of other people, sympathy, empathy;

Formation of interest in reading, need for reading;

Meta-subject learning outcomes:

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to independently formulate the topic and goals of the lesson, - - to form the ability to evaluate one’s work in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation of the ability to extract information and build reasoning.

Communicative UUD:

Develop the ability to express your thoughts orally, express and justify your point of view;

Mastering dialogic and monologue speech;

Formation of the ability to ask questions, negotiate in joint activities, and come to a common decision.

Equipment: textbook for 2nd grade “A Little Door to a Big World” (authors R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva), pictures of animals, a toy – Hedgehog, presentation with illustrations for fairy tales and proverbs, audio recording “Polka” for physical education .

I. 1) Organizational moment.

2) Checking homework.

Reading a poem by heart

Introductory conversation:

- Listen to the poem:

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,
That there is a happy ending in it
The soul already has a presentiment.
And for any test
Brave hearts agree
Waiting impatiently
Have a happy ending.
V. Berestov

What groups do we divide fairy tales into?

What is special about fairy tales about animals?

Name the animal heroes of fairy tales you know.

II. 1) Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation for learning activities.

2) Learning new material

1) Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales about animals. (slides)

– What animal heroes of fairy tales do you know?

– What kind of fox is there in a fairy tale? (Cunning, insidious, deceitful.)

Wolf? (Angry, stupid, simple-minded.)

Bear? (Slow, strong.)

Rooster? (Proud, boastful, daring.)

Crow? (Evil, stupid, harbinger of misfortune.)

Hare? (Cowardly, timid.)

Hedgehog? (Economic, hard worker.)

Will the heroes of fairy tales about animals created by the peoples of different countries be different?(Yes. The animal kingdom is different.)

III. Working with the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish.”

1) Reading the title.

What people composed this fairy tale?

2) Looking at the illustration . (slide)

What moment is shown in the illustration?

What do you think is going on here? Will the fox be able to outwit the crayfish? Let's read the fairy tale and answer this question.

3) Working with text while reading.

Reading a fairy tale aloud to students.

What does the word distill mean?

Who outwitted whom?

4) Working with the text after reading.

Answer to the textbook question (p. 57). (This is a fairy tale about cunning, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.)

5) Work with proverbs. (slide)

- Read the proverbs. Which one suits the fairy tale better?

    Simplicity is enough for every wise man (Russian)

    May God grant wisdom to cunning (Belarusian)

    Strength is no match for cunning (Bengali)

    The strong use force, the weak use cunning (Vietnamese)


Working with reference words:

Read the words written on the board:

Hare Brothers Grimm hedgehog field Sunday morning buckwheat rutabaga

What can you guess from these words?

IV. Working with the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare”.

1. Working with the text before reading.

I would like to introduce you to the fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare” from a collection of German fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm. (slide)

The Brothers Grimm did not compose, but processed and creatively retold only those fairy tales that they wrote down from the words of folk storytellers. Many of them are familiar to you. Among them are “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “Puss in Boots”, “Snow White”, “Cinderella”.

2. Working with text while reading. (slide)

Teacher reading a fairy tale.

This tale, guys, looks like a fable, but still it is true, - my grandfather, from whom I heard it, used to say every time he told it with feeling and sense:

“There is truth in it, son; otherwise why would they start telling it?”

And this is how it happened.

It happened one Sunday morning, at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was blooming. The sun rose bright in the sky, the morning wind blew through the mown stubble, the larks sang over the fields, the bees hummed in the buckwheat; people went to church in festive clothes, and every creature on earth rejoiced, including the hedgehog.

And the hedgehog stood at his door with his arms folded, breathing the morning air and humming a cheerful song to himself - neither good nor bad, the kind hedgehogs usually sing on a warm Sunday morning. And when he was quietly humming this song to himself, it occurred to him that he could, while his wife was bathing and dressing the children, take a short walk across the field and watch the rutabaga grow. And rutabaga grew very close to his house, and he always ate it with his family, and that’s why he looked at it as if it were his own. Saidmade. The hedgehog locked the door behind him and headed out into the field. Having gone not far from the house, he wanted to make his way through the thorns that grew near the field, almost at the place where rutabaga grew, and suddenly he noticed a hare who had gone out for the same thing - to look at his cabbage. The hedgehog saw the hare and wished him good morning. And the hare was a gentleman who seemed to be noble and very arrogant. He did not answer the hedgehog’s greeting and said to him, making a contemptuous grimace:

Why are you running around the field here so early?

- Which of your assumptions were justified?

- What did the hare and the hedgehog agree on?

- What do you mean in launches?

- Who proposed the competition? Why?

- How do you think events will develop further?

“I’m walking,” says the hedgehog.

Are you walking? - the hare laughed. “I think you could use your legs for something more useful.”

This answer greatly annoyed the hedgehog: he could have endured anything, but he did not allow anything to be said about his legs - they were too crooked.

You're obviously imaginingThe hedgehog said to the hare, “What can you do better with your legs?”

“I think,” answered the hare.

This still needs to be checkedsaid the hedgehog. “I’m ready to bet that if you and I start running, I’ll be the first to come running.”

Yes this is downright funnyyou, with your crooked legs? - said the hare. - Well, if you have such a big hunt, I probably agree. What are we going to argue about?

For one gold louis d'or, says the hedgehog.

It's coming! - answered the hare.Well, then let's start now.

No, why should we be in such a hurry, I don’t agree,” says the hedgehog, “after all, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything yet.” First I’ll go home and have some breakfast, and in half an hour I’ll return to the same place.

The hare agreed, and the hedgehog headed home. On the way, the hedgehog thought to himself: “The hare relies on his long legs, but I’ll outwit him. Although he is a noble gentleman, but stupid, he will surely lose.”

The hedgehog came home and said to his wife:

Wife, quickly get dressed, you will have to go with me to the field.

What happened? - she asks.

Well, the hare and I bet on one gold louis; I want to run! it's a blast with him, and you should be there.

- Oh, my God! – His wife started shouting at him. - Are you really crazy? Are you out of your mind? How can you run headlong with a hare?

Yes, wife, you’d better shut up,” the hedgehog tells her, “this is my business.” Don't interfere in men's affairs. Go get dressed and come with me.

What was she supposed to do here? Like it or not, she had to follow her husband.

The two of them walk along the road to the field, and the hedgehog says to his wife:

Now listen carefully to what I tell you. You see, across that big field over there we will run with the hare. The hare will run along one furrow, and I will run along the other, and we will start running from the mountain. It's your businessjust stand here, below, on the furrow. When the hare runs along his furrow, you shout towards him: “And I’m already here!”

With that they got there on the butt. The hedgehog showed his wife the place where she should stand, and he himself went higher. When he arrived, the hare was already there.

Let's get started, shall we?- says the hare.

Okay, - the hedgehog answers,- Let's start.

And everyone stood in his own furrow. The hare began to count: “Well, one, two, three,” and rushed like a whirlwind down the field. And the hedgehog ran about three steps, then climbed into the furrow and sat down there calmly.

The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

- And I’m already here!

- What did the hedgehog decide to do?

- Why did the hedgehog decide to outsmart the hare?

- What will the hare do after the hedgehog’s words?

The hare stopped and was quite surprised: he thought that it was, of course, the hedgehog himself screaming, - and it is known that the hedgehog looks exactly the same as the hedgehog. But the hare thought: “Something is wrong here,” and shouted:

Let's run back again!

And he rushed like a whirlwind, with his ears flattened, along the furrow, and the hedgehog remained calmly in her place. The hare ran to the end of the field, and the hedgehog shouted towards him:

- And I’m already here!

The hare got angry and shouted:

Let's run back again!

As you wish,” the hedgehog answered, “I don’t care, as much as you like.”

So the hare ran seventy-three more times, and the hedgehog still came first. Every time the hare ran to the edge of the field, the hedgehog or hedgehog woman said:

- And I’m already here!

- Why was the hare surprised?

- How do you think these competitions will end?

But the seventy-fourth time the hare did not reach the end: he fell on his front legs, and he could not move further.

The hedgehog took the golden louis d'or he had won, called his wife out of the furrow, and they went home together, both quite satisfied with each other. If they are not dead, they are still alive.

That's how it happened, that a simple field hedgehog overtook the hare, and from that time on, not a single hare dared to run head-to-head with the hedgehog anymore.

Did you expect such an outcome?

- Who is the positive hero in the fairy tale? Why?

- Do you feel sorry for the hare?

Working with proverbs

- Read the proverbs:

He who laughs last laughs best.

We see the speck in someone else's eye, but we don't notice the log in our own.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

You can't jump over your head.

- Which of these proverbs best suits the fairy tale? Prove your choice.

Work in pairs

- What does a fairy tale teach?

*** listening to children’s answers after they work in pairs

And the lesson from this fairy tale is this: firstly, no one, no matter how noble he considers himself to be, should allow himself to mock an ordinary person - at least even over a hedgehog. Secondly, the following advice is given: if anyone decides to get married, then let him take a wife from the same circle as himself, and let her be like himself. So, let’s say, if you are a hedgehog, then take a hedgehog as your wife, and so on.

V. Comparison of fairy tales “The Fox and the Crayfish” and “The Hedgehog and the Hare”

How are fairy tales similar?(The idea, the plot, your wisdom.)

How are they different? (Heroes, details...)

VI. Reflection

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

What lesson did these two tales teach us?

What did you remember most about the lesson?

Which task was the most interesting?

VII. Homework

Learn the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish” by heart.

Tatiana Korobskikh
Summary of a lesson on developing friendliness based on B. Grimm’s fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog” in the middle group

Building Friendliness

based on fairy tales B. Grimm

« Hare and Hedgehog»

Program tasks: Teach children to characterize the Hedgehog. Introduce children to facial movements. Bring up friendliness.

Vocabulary work: friendly, affable arrogant.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations for it, conversation.

Progress of the lesson:

Finger gymnastics: "Russian game"

The morning has come (Hands crossed,

The sun has risen, fingers spread)

Hey, brother Fedya, (The fist of the right hand is clenched big

Wake up the neighbors! The finger makes movements)

Get up, big guy!

Get up, pointer! (Click on each finger

Get up middle! separately)

Get up middle!

And a little metro!

Hello palm! (Click in the center of the palm)

Everyone reached out (Hands rise to the top, fingers

And we woke up. They stretch out and move quickly)


Quiet, quiet, don't make noise

Our don't scare away the fairy tale.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will start a fairy tale.

(Telling a tale« Hare and Hedgehog» )

One day, on a sunny, clear day, the Hedgehog stood at the door of his house and hummed a song.

I’ll go into the field and look at rutabaga, he thought. I set out on the road and met a Hare along the way, who was also going into the field to look at his cabbage. He saw the Hare, the Hedgehog bowed to him and spoke kindly.

Hello dear Hare!

How are you doing?

(Several children show how the Hedgehog greets politely)

Vos-l: A Hare was a big arrogant person. Instead of politely greeting the Hedgehog, he just nodded his head and said rudely:

What, are you scouring the field this early?

Hedgehog: I went out for a walk!

Hare: Take a walk?

But in my opinion, you can’t get far on such short legs.

(The Hedgehog was offended by these words and decided to teach the Hare a lesson).

Hedgehog: Don’t you think that your hare’s legs run faster and better than mine?

(Several children show how Hare mocks the Hedgehog's legs.

The hedgehog is offended.)

Hare: Of course faster.

Hedgehog: Would you like to run to the races with sleep?

With you for the races? - surprised Hare.

Hare: Please don’t make me laugh, will you really overtake me on your crooked legs?

Hedgehog: But you'll see that I'll overtake

Hare: Well, let's run.

Hedgehog: Wait, first I’ll go home and have breakfast, then we’ll run.

Vos-l: The hedgehog came home told my wife about everything, who was very similar to him, and then asked her.

Come with me to the field. The Hare and I will run along different furrows. Become my wife at the end of my furrow field. As soon as he runs up to you Hare, you shout.

And I'm already here!

Okay, the wife agreed.

Phys. Just a minute "Funny little animals"

Sunny spring day (children holding hands

My friends and I go into the forest and walk in a circle.

Happy donkey (show ears)

Brave puppy (hands on posture, leg forward)

Nimble squirrel (jumping)

Mishutka buddy(clinging)

Here we go out into the meadow (walk in a circle)

You are my friend and I am your friend (show with hands)

Towards the sun reached out together(raise hands up)

Hugged and smiled (hugs and smiles)

Vos-l: The hedgehog returned to the Hare.

Well, shall we run? Speaks Hare.

Let's run! Hedgehog answered.

One, two, three! shouted Hare.

And they both ran. The hedgehog took a few steps and remained in place. A The hare runs as fast as he can. He reached the end of his furrow, and then Hezhikha shouted to him.

And I'm here!

I was surprised Hare that the Hedgehog overtook him.

(All the children show « The hare is surprised» ).

Let’s run back now,” he says. Hare.

But Jezhikha remained in place. I reached it Hare to the beginning of the furrow, and the Hedgehog screams at him.

And I'm already here!

I was even more surprised Hare.

(All children show how The hare was even more surprised)

Vos-l: So they ran seventy-three times

Only The hare was running, and the Hedgehog overtook him all the time. I reached the seventy-fourth time Hare to the middle of the field and fell to the ground.

“I’m tired, I can’t run anymore,” he groaned.

(All the children show how tired Hare)

“Look who has faster legs,” says the Hedgehog.

Didn't answer anything Hare, barely trudged home. And the Hedgehog and Hedgehog also went home, and the Hedgehog thought: “Eh Hare! Don’t imagine too much about yourself, don’t turn up your nose in front of him, otherwise many will want to laugh at you.”

(Children repeat Hedgehog again)

Vos-l: Guys, which Hare especially offended the Hedgehog again?

(children's answers : small, crooked legs)

Which The hare in this fairy tale?

(rude, stupid, troublemaker)

What kind of Hedgehog is in this fairy tale?

(polite, kind, smart).

How Hare was he shown for his arrogance?

(Barely carried his legs off the field)

Now, guys, let's play a game with you. which called:

"Bouquet friendliness» .

The teacher hands out a flower to the children, and everyone collects them together. "Bouquet friendliness» . Before this, the child asks for something nice for neighbor: “Flower, make it so that Polina...”- and gives the flower to the common bouquet. The assembled composition will stand in group and if someone is sad or bored, you can give them a flower just so that their mood will improve

What am I to you? told a fairy tale?

(Hare and Hedgehog)

Vasya, what do you think?

Well done, you remembered.

Who did you meet in this fairy tale?

(Hedgehog and Hare)

They lived together in the neighborhood?

Bunny was arrogant and offended Hedgehog.

How should we treat each other?

We must be attentive and polite.

How did we play the game?

We collected a bouquet and wished our friends all the best.

Well done, you are smart, polite, and the Hedgehog gave you apples for this, help yourself.

Refreshments are distributed.