Ahnenerbe: Secret Institute of Occult Sciences, super-soldiers and zombies of the Third Reich. •Medical experiments of the Nazis on people in concentration camps•

The topic of human experiments excites and evokes a sea of ​​mixed emotions among scientists. Here is a list of 10 monstrous experiments that were carried out in different countries.

1. Stanford Prison Experiment

A study of the reactions of a person in captivity and the characteristics of his behavior in a position of power was conducted in 1971 by psychologist Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. Student volunteers played the roles of guards and prisoners, living in the university basement in conditions simulating a prison. The newly minted prisoners and guards quickly adapted to their roles, exhibiting reactions not expected by the experimenters. A third of the "guards" showed real sadistic tendencies, while many of the "prisoners" were emotionally traumatized and extremely depressed. Zimbardo, alarmed by the outbreak of violence among the "guards" and the depressing condition of the "prisoners", was forced to end the study early.

2. Monstrous experiment

Wendell Johnson from the University of Iowa, together with graduate student Mary Tudor, conducted an experiment in 1939 with the participation of 22 orphans. Having divided the children into two groups, they began to encourage and praise the fluency of speech of representatives of one of them, while at the same time speaking negatively about the speech of children from the second group, emphasizing its imperfections and frequent stuttering. Many of the normally speaking children who received negative comments during the experiment subsequently discovered psychological as well as real speech problems, keeping some for life. Johnson's colleagues called his research "monstrous", horrified by the decision to experiment on orphans to prove the theory. In the name of preserving the scientist’s reputation, the experiment was hidden for many years, and the University of Iowa issued a public apology for it in 2001.

3. Project 4.1

"Project 4.1" is the name of a medical study conducted in the United States among Marshall Islanders exposed to radioactive fallout in 1954. During the first decade after the trial, the results were mixed: the percentage of health problems in the population fluctuated widely, but still did not present a clear picture. In subsequent decades, however, the evidence of impact was undeniable. Children began to suffer from thyroid cancer, and almost one in three of those exposed to the toxic fallout developed thyroid cancer by 1974.

The Department of the Energy Committee subsequently stated that it was highly unethical to use living people as "guinea pigs" in conditions of exposure to radioactive effects; the experimenters should have sought instead to help the victims medical care.

4. Project MKULTRA

Project MKULTRA or MK-ULTRA - code name research program CIA mind control research conducted in the 50s and 60s. There is ample evidence that the project involved the covert use of many types of drugs, as well as other techniques to manipulate mental state and brain function.

Experiments included the administration of LSD to CIA personnel, military personnel, doctors, government employees, prostitutes, the mentally ill, and simply ordinary people to study their reaction. The introduction of substances was carried out, as a rule, without the knowledge of the person.

In one experiment, the CIA set up several brothels in which visitors were injected with LSD, and the reactions were recorded using hidden cameras for later study.

In 1973, CIA chief Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all MKULTRA documents, which was done, making an investigation into the experiments carried out over many years almost impossible.

5. Project "Disgust"

Between 1971 and 1989, in military hospitals in South Africa, as part of a top-secret program to eradicate homosexuality, about 900 soldiers of both sexes with non-traditional sexual orientation underwent a series of extremely unethical medical experiments.

Army psychiatrists, with the help of priests, identified homosexuals in the ranks of soldiers, sending them for “correctional procedures.” Those who could not be “cured” with medication were subjected to shock or hormonal therapy, as well as other radical means, including chemical castration and even sex reassignment surgery.

The leader of this project, Dr. Aubrey Levin, is now a professor in the forensic department of psychiatry at the University of Calgary.

6. North Korean experiments

There is a lot of information about human experiments carried out in North Korea. Reports show human rights abuses similar to those of the Nazis during World War II. However, all accusations are denied by the North Korean government.

A former North Korean prison inmate tells how fifty healthy women was ordered to eat the poisoned cabbage despite the clearly audible cries of agony of those who had already eaten it. All fifty people were dead after 20 minutes of bloody vomiting. Refusal to eat threatened to lead to reprisals against women and their families.

Kwon Hyuk, a former prison warden, described laboratories equipped with equipment to pump out poisonous gas. People, usually families, were let into the cells. The doors were sealed and gas was injected through a tube while scientists watched people suffer through glass.

The Poisons Laboratory is a secret base for the research and development of toxic substances by members of the Soviet secret services. A number of deadly poisons were tested on Gulag prisoners ("enemies of the people"). Mustard gas, ricin, digitoxin and many other gases were used against them. The purpose of the experiments was to find the formula for a chemical substance that could not be detected posthumously. Samples of poisons were administered to victims through food or drink, or under the guise of medicine. Finally, a drug with the desired properties, called C-2, was developed. According to the testimony of witnesses, a person who took this poison seemed to become shorter in stature, rapidly weakened, became quiet and died within fifteen minutes.

8. Tuskegee Syphilis Study

A clinical study conducted from 1932 to 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, involving 399 people (plus 201 controls) aimed to study the course of syphilis. The subjects were mostly illiterate African Americans.

The study gained notoriety due to the lack of proper conditions for experimental subjects, which led to changes in the policy of treatment of participants in scientific experiments in the future. Individuals who took part in the Tuskegee Study were not aware of their own diagnosis: they were only told that the problem was caused by “bad blood,” and they could receive free medical care, transportation to the clinic, food, and burial insurance if they died in exchange to participate in the experiment. In 1932, when the study began, standard treatments for syphilis were highly toxic and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the scientists' goal was to determine whether patients would get better without taking these toxic drugs. Many test subjects received a placebo instead of a drug so that scientists could monitor the progression of the disease.

By the end of the study, only 74 subjects were still alive. Twenty-eight men died directly from syphilis, and 100 died as a result of complications of the disease. Among their wives, 40 were infected, and 19 children in their families were born with congenital syphilis.

9. Block 731

Unit 731 was a secret biological and chemical military research unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that carried out lethal experiments on humans during the Sino-Japanese War and World War II.

Some of the many experiments carried out by Commander Shiro Ishii and his staff at Unit 731 included: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women), amputation and freezing of prisoners' limbs, and testing of flamethrowers and grenades on live targets. People were injected with strains of pathogens and the development of destructive processes in their bodies was studied. Many, many atrocities were carried out as part of the Block 731 project, but its leader, Ishii, received immunity from the American occupation authorities of Japan at the end of the war, did not spend a day in prison for his crimes and died at the age of 67 from laryngeal cancer.

10. Nazi experiments

The Nazis claimed that their experiences in concentration camps during World War II were intended to help German soldiers in combat situations and also served to promote the ideology of the Third Reich.

Experiments on children in concentration camps were carried out to show the similarities and differences in the genetics and eugenics of twins, and to ensure that the human body could be subject to a wide range of manipulations. The leader of the experiments was Dr. Josef Mengele, who conducted experiments on more than 1,500 groups of twin prisoners, of whom less than 200 survived. The twins were injected and their bodies were literally stitched together in an attempt to create a “Siamese” configuration.

In 1942, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments designed to clarify how to treat hypothermia. In one study, a person was placed in a tank of ice water for up to three hours (see picture above). Another study involved leaving prisoners naked outside in sub-zero temperatures. The experimenters assessed various ways warming survivors.

Research ethics was updated after the end of World War II. In 1947, the Nuremberg Code was developed and adopted, which continues to protect the well-being of research participants. However, previously scientists did not hesitate to experiment on prisoners, slaves, and even members of their own families, violating all human rights. This list contains the most shocking and unethical cases.

10. Stanford Prison Experiment

In 1971, a team of Stanford University scientists led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo conducted a study of human reactions to restrictions on freedom in prison conditions. As part of the experiment, volunteers had to play the roles of guards and prisoners in the basement of the Faculty of Psychology building, equipped as a prison. The volunteers quickly got used to their duties, however, contrary to the predictions of scientists, terrible and dangerous incidents began to occur during the experiment. A third of the “guards” showed pronounced sadistic tendencies, while many “prisoners” were psychologically traumatized. Two of them had to be excluded from the experiment ahead of time. Zimbardo, concerned about the antisocial behavior of the subjects, was forced to stop the study early.

9. Monstrous experiment

In 1939, a graduate student at the University of Iowa, Mary Tudor, under the guidance of psychologist Wendell Johnson, performed an equally shocking experiment on the orphans of the Davenport orphanage. The experiment was devoted to studying the influence of value judgments on children's speech fluency. The subjects were divided into two groups. During the training of one of them, Tudor gave positive assessments and praised her in every possible way. She subjected the speech of children from the second group to harsh criticism and ridicule. The experiment ended disastrously, which is why it later got its name. Many healthy children did not recover from the injury and suffered from speech problems throughout their lives. A public apology for the Monstrous Experiment was made by the University of Iowa only in 2001.

8. Project 4.1

The medical study, known as Project 4.1, was carried out by US scientists on residents of the Marshall Islands who became victims of radioactive contamination after the explosion of the American thermonuclear device Castle Bravo in the spring of 1954. In the first 5 years after the disaster on Rongelap Atoll, the number of miscarriages and stillbirths doubled, and developmental disorders appeared in surviving children. In the next decade, many of them developed thyroid cancer. By 1974, a third had developed neoplasms. As experts later concluded, the purpose of the medical program to help the local residents of the Marshall Islands was to use them as guinea pigs in a “radioactive experiment.”

7. Project MK-ULTRA

The secret CIA program MK-ULTRA to research means of mind manipulation was launched in the 1950s. The essence of the project was to study the influence of various psychotropic substances on human consciousness. The participants in the experiment were doctors, military personnel, prisoners and other representatives of the US population. The subjects, as a rule, did not know that they were being injected with drugs. One of the CIA's secret operations was called "Midnight Climax." In several brothels In San Francisco, male test subjects were selected, injected with LSD into their bloodstreams, and then filmed for study. The project lasted at least until the 1960s. In 1973, the CIA destroyed most of the MK-ULTRA program documents, causing significant difficulties in the subsequent US Congressional investigation into the matter.

6. Project "Aversia"

From the 70s to the 80s of the 20th century, an experiment was conducted in the South African army aimed at changing the gender of soldiers with non-traditional sexual orientation. During the top-secret Operation Aversia, about 900 people were injured. Suspected homosexuals were identified by army doctors with the assistance of priests. In a military psychiatric ward, subjects were subjected to hormonal therapy and electric shock. If soldiers could not be “cured” in this way, they faced forced chemical castration or sex reassignment surgery. The "aversion" was led by psychiatrist Aubrey Levin. In the 90s, he immigrated to Canada, not wanting to stand trial for the atrocities he committed.

5. Experiments on people in North Korea

North Korea has repeatedly been accused of conducting research on prisoners that violates human rights, however, the country's government denies all accusations, saying that they are treated humanely. However, one of the former prisoners told the shocking truth. A terrible, if not terrifying, experience appeared before the eyes of the prisoner: 50 women, under the threat of reprisals against their families, were forced to eat poisoned cabbage leaves and died, suffering from bloody vomiting and rectal bleeding to the accompaniment of the screams of other victims of the experiment. There are eyewitness accounts of special laboratories equipped for experiments. Entire families became their targets. After a standard medical examination, the rooms were sealed and filled with asphyxiating gas, and the “researchers” watched through the glass from above as parents tried to save their children, giving them artificial respiration as long as they had strength left.

4. Toxicological laboratory of the USSR special services

A top-secret scientific unit, also known as the "Chamber", under the leadership of Colonel Mayranovsky, was engaged in experiments in the field of toxic substances and poisons such as ricin, digitoxin and mustard gas. Experiments were carried out, as a rule, on prisoners sentenced to capital punishment. Poisons were served to subjects under the guise of medicine along with food. The main goal of scientists was to find an odorless and tasteless toxin that would not leave traces after the death of the victim. Ultimately, scientists managed to discover the poison they were looking for. According to eyewitness accounts, after taking C-2, the test subject weakened, became quiet, as if he was shrinking, and died within 15 minutes.

3. Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The infamous experiment began in 1932 in the Alabama town of Tuskegee. For 40 years, scientists literally refused to treat patients with syphilis in order to study all stages of the disease. The victims of the experiment were 600 poor African-American sharecroppers. The patients were not informed about their illness. Instead of giving a diagnosis, doctors told people they had “bad blood” and offered free food and treatment in exchange for participating in the program. During the experiment, 28 men died from syphilis, 100 from subsequent complications, 40 infected their wives, and 19 children received a congenital disease.

2. "Unit 731"

Members of the Japanese Special Forces armed forces under the leadership of Shiro Ishii, they were engaged in experiments in the field of chemical and biological weapons. In addition, they are responsible for the most horrific experiments on people that history knows. The detachment's military doctors dissected living subjects, amputated the limbs of prisoners and sewed them to other parts of the body, and deliberately infected men and women with sexually transmitted diseases through rape in order to subsequently study the consequences. The list of Unit 731 atrocities is enormous, but many of its employees were never punished for their actions.

1. Nazi experiments on people

Medical experiments carried out by the Nazis during World War II claimed a huge number of lives. In concentration camps, scientists carried out the most sophisticated and inhumane experiments. At Auschwitz, Dr. Josef Mengele conducted studies of more than 1,500 pairs of twins. Various chemicals were injected into test subjects' eyes to see if their color would change, and in an attempt to create conjoined twins, test subjects were stitched together. Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe tried to find a way to treat hypothermia by forcing prisoners to lie in icy water for several hours, and at the Ravensbrück camp, researchers deliberately wounded prisoners and infected them with infections in order to test sulfonamides and other drugs.

Ahnenerbe is a secret institute of occult sciences that united many scientists of Nazi Germany, who, along with the ruling elite of the country, were remembered in history as great villains.

The blood-twisted philosophy of the Second World War, the ruthlessness, and numerous secret projects of an organization with an ominous appearance at the same time bear the stamp of incomprehensible mystery and inexhaustible mystery.

The development of secret superweapons, occult powers, secret underground lairs and the attraction of powerful ancient artifacts - here perfect recipe organizations of worldwide crime. They say that since then, the technique has been declassified, and you will find everything about selling the soul on our website.

There may be more rumors than truth in this matter, but the Nazi ideas that matured in the Ahnenerbe laboratories covered a wide range of activities from the material to the mystical and otherworldly. The Nazis really advanced deeply in scientific research expeditions and collected a huge number of ancient relics.

Fantastic and often completely absurd experiments were rooted so deeply in the dark world of mysticism and occultism that many of them did not become widely known as too ridiculous and incredible.

Hitler, Ahnenerbe, the legacy of our ancestors.

Hitler, and many of the Nazi leaders, had a huge interest in the field of the occult, which is quite well documented. In fact, the Nazi Party was originally organized as a cabinet of occult brethren, until their rise to a destructive political force.

An extremely increased interest in the occult caused the formation of a secret intrigue - the Ahnenerbe Institute. The most real and complete clan of mystics, originally founded on July 1, 1935 by Heinrich Himmler (sadly famous leader SS), Herman Wirth and Darre.

Literally meaning "inherited/legacy from ancestors", the Ahnenerbe began as an institute dedicated to the study of archaeology, anthropology, and cultural history German heritage. In reality, it was much more - a search for evidence of the Nazi theory, according to which the Aryan race is the best creation of God, and is destined to rule the life of the planet!

It was imperative for the Nazi High League to find fundamental evidence to support their twisted ideology. To this end, this shadowy organization finances numerous expeditions and archaeological excavations around the world: Germany, Greece, Poland, Iceland, Romania, Croatia, Africa, Russia, Tibet and many other places in search of the lost secret runes of antiquity.

Artifacts and relics were searched, the ruins of crypts were searched, everything was done in search of ancient scrolls - evidence that could strengthen the claim that the Aryans were the dominant race over all.

Tibet carried special significance for Ahnenerbe scientists, because it was believed that it was here that the great civilization of antiquity lived. It is in these places that the pure, ideally built Aryan race originates. They became convinced of the idea that their greatest ancestors still lived in these places, hiding in huge underground cities.

The Ahnenerbe is an organization branched from science to the occult, which, given the pedigree of its organizing fathers, is not surprising. Hermann Wirth was a Dutch historian obsessed with the idea. Future SS leader Himmler is well known for his ardent fascination with all things occult to a manically disturbing degree.

In fact, Himmler was something of a madman, caught up in a grandiose desire to one day replace the Christian religion with one of his own decisions. He was one of the driving forces behind the steady divergence in the Ahnenerbe from its original purpose and increasing role towards the occult. In such a pulsed mode, this sinister organization lived and grew, spreading throughout the world with the tasks of fantastic quests.

Agents of the Ahnenerbe, in search of lost lands and ancient relics, visited remote areas of the world, climbed all the crypts available to them; they were not afraid to disturb the bones of the dead; they searched for mystical texts, magical objects, ancient curiosities, and bizarre paranormal sites, collecting supernatural artifacts of all kinds.

With official Nazi approval, the Ahnenerbe Institute expands to 50 branches, covering everything from long-range weather forecasting, archeology and spaceflight to supernatural research. Significantly, the Nazis intensified their operations in search of such legendary miracles as the Holy Grail, the location of Atlantis, the spear of Destiny, with which the Roman warrior Longinus ended the suffering of Christ on the cross.

Groups also searched for various portals to ancient lost lands, including Atlantis, conducting expeditions under the influence of an equally secret organization known as the Thule Society. The mysterious land called "Thule" was also considered the true birthplace of the Aryan race. The discovery of a fantasy land as desired by the Nazis would grant them vast superhuman powers: telekinesis, telepathy and levitation, abilities they had lost through centuries of interbreeding with "inferior races."

Manic strong desire the Nazis were the creation powerful weapons, based on ancestral technologies. The idea spread boldly throughout the organization's "scientific" divisions, which actively sought to develop new technologies based on ancient lost or forbidden knowledge, mystical texts, alien technologies, as well as their own secret research.

Members of the Ahnenerbe were deeply interested in the possibilities of the occult, magic and psychic powers to use as weapons against their enemies. To this end, various projects dedicated to research in this area have been opened. They even tried to create assassins who could kill using astral projection.

Among many other strange projects, they wanted to develop the use of magic spells as weapons, and even penetrate through the astral plane into the future - and this was not considered something impossible and prohibitive.

There is much speculation that the organization was very interested in finding and using alien technology to create weapons, allegedly in one of their searches they managed to find a crashed ancient UFO! All this may seem absurd, but in the case of the Nazis this is no joke, some of their projects were too revolutionary. Many Nazi figures in power believed fervently in these many programs and projects, investing a lot of money and manpower.

In the case of the Ahnenerbe and the Nazis in science, we see malicious and sinister human experiments carried out in secret lairs and secret laboratories. This is especially noticeable with the inclusion of the Ahnenerbe as part of the Institut für Wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung (Institute for Military Scientific Research) during World War II, where all the incredible research and development was discovered that began the dark era of terrible experiments on concentration camp prisoners.

Most of these projects had dubious goals and results, but all of them were extremely ruthless in content, demonstrating a lack of respect for human life "non-Aryan". In fact, the Nazis did not perceive the prisoners as human beings at all.

Reality Ahnenerbe, Dr. Rascher and his experiments.

One of the most famous examples use of the Ahnenerbe, serves as a project to determine the physical limits of pilots who fly increasingly modern Luftwaffe aircraft. A series of experiments was supervised by Ahnenerbe director Wolfram Sievers and the notorious SS doctor Rascher. Concentration camp prisoners, requested for this purpose from Himmler himself, were used in the experiment - since none of the "true Aryans" were crazy enough to be willing to voluntarily participate in such a dangerous experiment.

Rusher had unlimited access to helpless people to use in his crazy experiments. He placed prisoners in portable vacuum chambers reminiscent of medieval torture devices to simulate different altitudes in flight. The capsules simulated pressure at various altitudes during rapid ascents of the aircraft, as well as the state of free fall without oxygen in order to analyze the consequences and impact of such situations on the human body.

Most subjects could not withstand inhuman experiments that push people far beyond the physiological limits of the body. I note that Rasher was surprisingly cruel even to those who survived the experiments. When Himmler offered to mitigate the fate of the survivors as payment for their “services,” Rascher refused, saying that all the prisoners were Poles and Russians and therefore did not deserve amnesty or pardon.

Rusher's thirst for human suffering is insatiable, and disgusting experiments come one after another. In one such experiment, more than 300 prisoners were used as test material to find out how long German pilots could survive if they were shot down over cold waters.

Subjects were subjected to freezing naked for 14 hours, or completely immersed in ice water for 3 hours. All this time their condition was carefully monitored. Then followed numerous different methods to revive them: scalding baths with hot water, or other unconventional methods- they were placed between naked women, who were also taken from concentration camps.

Another experiment was to test a substance called "Polygal" derived from beets and apple pectin. The drug, in capsule form, was expected to quickly stop bleeding, and Rascher saw it as a revolutionary solution for the treatment of gunshot wounds and for use in surgery.

In some cases, subjects had limbs amputated without anesthesia to test Polygal. Rascher was so confident that the drug was ready for production that he even created a company to produce it. Although Polygal never saw mass production, the capsule design led to the invention of the infamous cyanide capsule.

Multiple human experiments have explored possible treatments for deadly diseases caused by biological weapons. At the same time, they were searching for antidotes for a wide range of chemical weapons and poisons: injections were made of unwitting experimental subjects from concentration camps to various pathogens from poisons and deadly chemicals - this is how they looked for an antidote.

But even in death there was no peace for the exhausted martyrs. Many of the dead slaughtered by these cruel experiments became part of a macabre collection of Jewish skeletons that were preserved to be used for further research. The fascists from the organization “legacy of ancestors” did not give rest even to lifeless bodies.

Josef Mengele, a sadistic doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp, also considered the possibility of somehow manipulating the human body. Mengele was particularly interested in identical twins, experimenting on hundreds of pairs of young children.

Monstrous experiments on children pursued the following goals: to change eye color, to study the possibilities of a mental connection between twins, for example, one of the twins was deliberately inflicted with pain and suffering, while they coolly observed how the other child felt at that moment.

In laboratories filled with suffering and pain, they arranged to infect one twin with typhoid or malaria, and then performed a blood transfusion from the brother/sister, finding out whether she would treat the infected person.
Numerous experiments have been carried out with the transplantation of body parts from one twin to another, and even attempts have been made to surgically unite twins into Siamese twins.

The ultimate goal of the experiments with twins was also comparative analysis: When one twin eventually died, the other was killed by injection of chloroform. Both bodies will then be dissected with laudatory German precision for careful comparative analysis.

Ahnenerbe: zombies and super-soldiers of Aryan blood.

The Ahnenerbe's use of human experimentation did not stop at finding human limits and limitations. Wandering among living and dead bodies, they searched for a mental connection between the twins, but the Nazis were also consumed by a great desire to improve the human form - to create super-soldiers of a great nation.

Among the methods of achieving the goal, the selective breeding process designed to produce people of “pure Aryan blood”, a project called “Lebensborn“, gained popularity. The project required ideal samples capable of having children without “impurities” in the race, which “contaminated” the human potential of the “superior race”.

The Ahnenerbe seriously believed that work in the field of genetics would help unlock the enormous potential of the mysterious psychic power, supposedly lost due to the "erosion" of their true heritage, which would then give them the opportunity to once again rule the world from the "lower races".

In many cases, those who were considered perfect specimens - according to Nazi criteria - blue eyes, blond hair and Scandinavian features, did not enter the program voluntarily. They were kidnapped or otherwise forced to participate in the project.

However, to achieve the required results, the ambitious project of high goals required many generations of careful selection, so the organization moved towards the goal by a shorter route.
The program, designed to create super-soldiers with enhanced physical capabilities for use on the battlefield without restrictions, included an experimental drug called "D-IX". A wild cocktail of cocaine and a strong stimulant (Pervitin) was mixed with the powerful painkiller eucodal.

It was believed that D-IX stimulates an increase in attention, concentration, fearlessness, heroism and self-confidence, increases endurance, strength, reduces sensitivity to pain to almost zero, reduces hunger and thirst, and reduces the need for sleep.

The drug was first tested on prisoners in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and showed such encouraging results that the developers soon recruited participants from the military environment. Soldiers received the capsules and went on long hikes in harsh terrain in full gear.
And in fact, D-IX showed a dramatic increase in endurance and concentration in the subjects. Soldiers, having taken the drug, freely covered more than 100 km without stopping.

The truth is that the wrong side of the “power” capsule was that long-term use caused addiction to the drug. However, D-IX was a resounding success and was officially used in the field starting in March 1944, albeit in limited dosage.

Ahnenerbe: resurrect Hitler?

While D-IX, as well as its more advanced combat stimulants, do in fact exist, more mysterious things actually exist. Some conspiracy theories believe that the Nazis worked to bring the dead back to life using unknown means brought from Tibet and Africa.

An interesting incident related to this case was made in April 1945, when Allied forces captured the Bernterode military plant, located in the German region of Thuringia. When American intelligence officers investigated a tunnel inside the plant, they discovered suspicious brickwork disguised as part of natural rock.

The destruction of the masonry opened the entrance to an underground cave, which, as it turned out, contained huge deposits of stolen art and ancient relics. Many new Nazi uniforms were also kept here. But a more mysterious discovery awaited in the next chamber - four extremely large coffins were discovered here!

One of the coffins (real sarcophagi) contained the remains of the 17th century Prussian king, Frederick the Great, the other Field Marshal von Hindenburg and his wife. The fourth coffin did not contain the body of the owner, but had a plaque engraved with the name of Adolf Hitler.

Although the reasons why these remains were so carefully preserved are unknown, some have speculated that the Nazis had plans to resurrect or clone the deceased at a later time. - At this point, I don’t want to say that the Ahnenerbe literally expected to bring dead leaders back to life, but serious work was being done in the field of cryogenics, which was probably what they planned to do with Hitler’s body.

Much closer to the truth is the persistent rumor among a number of fans of secrets and conspiracy theories that the Ahnenerbe was actively pursuing projects seeking to create mindless zombies in order to send hordes of troops unafraid of injury to the enemy. Moreover, these would not be zombies at all, whose bodies would be raised from the dead.

Everything is much simpler and at the same time more terrible - a special medical procedure designed to destroy the intellect and destroy everything human to the very foundation. This was the recipe for creating tireless super-soldiers in the Reich army.

Yes, Ahnenerbe really conducted many strange research directions, extremely important for the “dark” organization. Here, all employees were deeply involved in various projects, research, studies of the occult and the supernatural, medical experiments and the development of secret weapons from the great ancestors. And no one knows for sure what they managed to uncover from the ancient secrets and comprehend from the sphere of the astral world.

With the end of World War II, the mysterious Ahnenerbe “dissolved” and disappeared. It is believed that much of the data, documents, ancient texts and artifacts that the organization has collected over the years have been destroyed or stolen by intelligence agencies.
In the absence of real evidence, it is impossible to fully illuminate the extent of their success in obtaining ancient relics and artifacts, so we are left with a lot of speculation and rumors regarding the dark legend of the Ahnenerbe.

We can all agree that the Nazis did terrible things during World War II. The Holocaust was perhaps their most famous crime. But terrible and inhuman things happened in the concentration camps that most people did not know about. Prisoners of the camps were used as test subjects in a variety of experiments, which were very painful and usually resulted in death.

Experiments with blood clotting

Dr. Sigmund Rascher conducted blood clotting experiments on prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp. He created a drug, Polygal, which included beets and apple pectin. He believed that these tablets could help stop bleeding from battle wounds or during surgery.
Each test subject was given a tablet of this drug and shot in the neck or chest to test its effectiveness. Then the prisoners' limbs were amputated without anesthesia. Dr. Rusher created a company to produce these pills, which also employed prisoners.

Experiments with sulfa drugs

In the Ravensbrück concentration camp, the effectiveness of sulfonamides (or sulfonamide drugs) was tested on prisoners. Subjects were given incisions on the outside of their calves. Doctors then rubbed a mixture of bacteria into the open wounds and stitched them up. To simulate combat situations, glass shards were also inserted into the wounds.
However, this method turned out to be too soft compared to the conditions at the fronts. To simulate gunshot wounds, blood vessels were ligated on both sides to stop blood circulation. The prisoners were then given sulfa drugs. Despite the advances made in the scientific and pharmaceutical fields due to these experiments, prisoners suffered terrible pain, which led to severe injury or even death.

Freezing and hypothermia experiments

The German armies were ill-prepared for the cold they faced on the Eastern Front, from which thousands of soldiers died. As a result, Dr. Sigmund Rascher conducted experiments in Birkenau, Auschwitz and Dachau to find out two things: the time required for body temperature to drop and death, and methods for reviving frozen people.
Naked prisoners were either placed in a barrel of ice water or forced outside in sub-zero temperatures. Most of the victims died. Those who had just lost consciousness were subjected to painful revival procedures. To revive the test subjects, they were placed under lamps. sunlight, which burned their skin, forced them to copulate with women, injected them with boiling water or placed them in baths with warm water (which turned out to be the most effective method).

Experiments with incendiary bombs

For three months in 1943 and 1944, Buchenwald prisoners were tested on the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals against phosphorus burns caused by incendiary bombs. The test subjects were specially burned with the phosphorus composition from these bombs, which was a very painful procedure. Prisoners suffered serious injuries during these experiments.

Experiments with sea water

Experiments were carried out on prisoners at Dachau to find ways to turn sea water into drinking water. The subjects were divided into four groups, the members of which went without water, drank sea water, drank sea water treated according to the Burke method, and drank sea water without salt.
Subjects were given food and drink assigned to their group. Prisoners who received seawater of one kind or another eventually began to suffer from severe diarrhea, convulsions, hallucinations, went crazy and eventually died.
In addition, subjects underwent liver needle biopsies or lumbar punctures to collect data. These procedures were painful and in most cases resulted in death.

Experiments with poisons

At Buchenwald, experiments were conducted on the effects of poisons on people. In 1943, prisoners were secretly injected with poisons.
Some died themselves from poisoned food. Others were killed for the sake of dissection. A year later, prisoners were shot with bullets filled with poison to speed up the collection of data. These test subjects experienced terrible torture.

Experiments with sterilization

As part of the extermination of all non-Aryans, Nazi doctors conducted mass sterilization experiments on prisoners of various concentration camps in search of the least labor-intensive and cheapest method of sterilization.
In one series of experiments, a chemical irritant was injected into women's reproductive organs to block the fallopian tubes. Some women have died after this procedure. Other women were killed for autopsies.
In a number of other experiments, prisoners were exposed to strong x-rays, which resulted in severe burns on the abdomen, groin and buttocks. They were also left with incurable ulcers. Some test subjects died.

Experiments on bone, muscle and nerve regeneration and bone transplantation

For about a year, experiments were carried out on prisoners in Ravensbrück to regenerate bones, muscles and nerves. Nerve surgeries involved removing segments of nerves from the lower extremities.
Experiments with bones involved breaking and setting bones in several places on the lower limbs. The fractures were not allowed to heal properly because doctors needed to study the healing process as well as test different healing methods.
Doctors also removed many fragments of the tibia from test subjects to study bone tissue regeneration. Bone transplants included transplanting fragments of the left tibia onto the right and vice versa. These experiments caused unbearable pain and severe injuries to the prisoners.

Experiments with typhus

From the end of 1941 to the beginning of 1945, doctors carried out experiments on prisoners of Buchenwald and Natzweiler in the interests of the German armed forces. They tested vaccines against typhus and other diseases.
Approximately 75% of test subjects were injected with trial typhus vaccines or other chemicals. They were injected with the virus. As a result, more than 90% of them died.
The remaining 25% of experimental subjects were injected with the virus without any prior protection. Most of them did not survive. Doctors also conducted experiments related to yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid, and other diseases. Hundreds of prisoners died, and many more suffered unbearable pain as a result.

Twin experiments and genetic experiments

The goal of the Holocaust was the elimination of all people of non-Aryan origin. Jews, blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals and other people who did not meet certain requirements were to be exterminated so that only the "superior" Aryan race remained. Genetic experiments were carried out to provide the Nazi Party with scientific evidence of Aryan superiority.
Dr. Josef Mengele (also known as the "Angel of Death") was greatly interested in twins. He separated them from the rest of the prisoners upon their arrival at Auschwitz. Every day the twins had to donate blood. The actual purpose of this procedure is unknown.
Experiments with twins were extensive. They had to be carefully examined and every inch of their body measured. Comparisons were then made to determine hereditary traits. Sometimes doctors performed massive blood transfusions from one twin to the other.
Since people of Aryan origin generally had blue eyes, experiments were carried out with chemical drops or injections into the iris to create them. These procedures were very painful and led to infections and even blindness.
Injections and lumbar punctures were done without anesthesia. One twin was specifically infected with the disease, and the other was not. If one twin died, the other twin was killed and studied for comparison.
Amputations and organ removals were also performed without anesthesia. Most twins who ended up in concentration camps died in one way or another, and their autopsies were the last experiments.

Experiments with high altitudes

From March to August 1942, prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp were used as test subjects in experiments testing human endurance at high altitudes. The results of these experiments were supposed to help the German air force.
The test subjects were placed in a low-pressure chamber in which atmospheric conditions were created at altitudes of up to 21,000 meters. Most of the test subjects died, and the survivors suffered from various injuries from being at high altitudes.

Experiments with malaria

For more than three years, more than 1,000 Dachau prisoners were used in a series of experiments related to the search for a cure for malaria. Healthy prisoners became infected with mosquitoes or extracts from these mosquitoes.
Prisoners who fell ill with malaria were then treated with various drugs to test their effectiveness. Many prisoners died. The surviving prisoners suffered greatly and basically became disabled for the rest of their lives.

The German Nazis carried out massive pseudoscientific experiments in concentration camps, using living prisoners who died in agony as “experimental material”. The victims of these cruel experiences were thousands of men, women and children who could only dream of the approach of death in order to be freed from unbearable suffering, writes Al Aan.

During World War II, Nazi criminals, hiding behind the title of “doctors,” carried out terrible experiments on living test subjects that are difficult for normal people to even imagine, writes Al Aan. These mad "doctors" who were in fact cruel sadists, did not hesitate to use people as guinea pigs, putting them in extreme conditions or subjecting them to forced surgery to test their scientific hypotheses and medical technologies. They also tested the effects on the human body different types chemical and biological weapons.

During these experiments, which were mainly carried out on prisoners concentration camps, all the “test subjects” were subjected to monstrous torture with virtually no hope of salvation. Men, women, and children became victims of the Nazis' cruel "scientific research" - and the few who miraculously survived remained disabled for the rest of their lives with severe physical and mental disorders. During the war years, the Nazis carried out dozens of mass “experiments”, the description of which sounds like a script for a horror film, notes Al Aan. And it is impossible to understand how doctors, called upon to save lives and heal the suffering, could turn into ruthless sadists and cold-bloodedly torture innocent people?

Officially, these cruel experiments were supposed to contribute to the discovery of new methods of treating German soldiers from wounds received in battle, as well as the development of new types of weapons for use against Germany's enemies. They were carried out in such concentration camps as Ravensbrück, Auschwitz (Auschwitz), Neuengamme, Buchenwald, Dachau and many others. SS doctor Eduard Virts led these tortures, carried out by a whole group of Nazi “researchers” behind the walls of concentration camps, far from prying eyes. They carried out dozens of experiments on people with almost impunity, which are described in the article.

High Altitude Pressure Experiment

It was conducted in 1942 and was devoted to the study of what happens to the body at high altitude under conditions of low atmospheric pressure - for example, if a German plane was shot down. To this end, the Nazi doctor Sigmund Rascher began placing prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp in special pressure chambers, where the air pressure was reduced to the level that exists in the atmosphere at high altitudes, up to 21 km above sea level. As a result, most prisoners soon died in terrible agony from lack of oxygen and ruptured lungs. However, some lost consciousness and remained alive for some time - then Dr. Rasher, without anesthesia, opened their skull to find out in practice what happens in the human brain when he loses consciousness under such conditions. Of the 200 prisoners on whom this painful experiment was carried out, about 80 people died immediately, and the rest were executed.

Freezing experiment

It was aimed at finding the most effective ways providing medical assistance to German pilots who suffered from hypothermia if their plane fell into the water or they were frostbitten during severe frosts during battles with the Russians on the Eastern Front. To do this, Rascher placed naked concentration camp prisoners in pools of ice water, where they froze to death, sometimes suffering for several hours. Other prisoners were forced out into the cold without warm clothing, and the Nazi doctor watched what happened to them before they died. At the same time, some victims suffered and screamed in pain, while others lost consciousness and froze half to death. Doctors would then take them away and try to warm them back up to normal temperature by using warm blankets or putting their bodies in hot baths. However, all this was useless, and as a result, according to various estimates, from 80 to 100 people died.

Application of sulfonamide

This experiment was devoted to studying the effectiveness of sulfonamide (streptocide) and other drugs in the fight against gangrene, which often occurred in German soldiers as a result of injuries at the front. At the same time, in the fevered brains of Nazi scientists, the idea was born that in order to obtain the best results, it was necessary to reproduce severe combat wounds on experimental concentration camp prisoners. Therefore, they inflicted deep cut and gunshot wounds on their “patients” different parts bodies, and then placed glass shards or wood chips there, as in a “real war,” to artificially induce gas gangrene. All this happened without anesthesia, and most of the subjects in the Ravensbrück camp died in terrible agony from severe wounds and accompanying inflammation.

Experiments on twins

They were conducted by the sadistic doctor Josef Mengele, known for his brutal treatment of prisoners whom he did not consider human. It seems that they irritated him with their existence, so sometimes he shot them with his own hands without any purpose, and sometimes he gave a lethal injection of phenol in the heart to get rid of them. When Mengele arrived as a doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp, he ordered all the women who were there (about 600 people) to be immediately sent to the gas chamber, without even looking at their medical records. And then he began to conduct inhumane experiments on the twins, trying in vain to discover the “secret” of their similarity and find out how much the body is able to withstand violent external intervention.

Mengele personally "sorted" the twins by height and weight for convenience, and then subjected them to various experiments - for example, various chemicals were injected into the children's eyes to see if this would change the color of the eyes. One of the wildest experiments was an attempt to artificially create “Siamese twins” through an operation in which Nazi surgeons literally sewed two twins together. To destroy traces of criminal experiments, children were then killed by lethal injections. Rumors about the terrible doctor spread beyond the camp, and even local residents began to hide their children, the article says. As a result of these terrible experiments, out of 1,500 pairs of twins, only about 200 pairs were able to escape.

Human organ transplant

At first glance, this idea does not scare anyone now - however, during the Nazi era, the consequences of such experiments were catastrophic, since surgeons gained experience on living people, mercilessly amputating their body parts and trying to reattach them. At the Ravensbrück concentration camp, Nazi doctors cut off prisoners' arms and legs without anesthesia, and then tried in vain to reattach them or transplant them to other experimental subjects. After unsuccessful attempts, they examined the structure of the bones, nervous and muscular systems on the victims in order to try again. These criminal surgical experiments mutilated prisoners, causing them to suffer unimaginable pain and dream of imminent death.


Another immoral Nazi experiment was mass sterilization. It was carried out, in particular, by Karl Clauberg, who, with the support of Heinrich Himmler, tried to find effective method population sterilization, suitable for mass sterilization of millions of people with minimal time and effort. To do this, the genitals of prisoners were exposed to various types of radiation, chemical reagents or drugs. They were then cut off and examined to see how these methods affected fertility. Women were also injected with acid or various chemicals into their uteruses to render them infertile. Those who survived spay and neuter suffered terrible pain, bleeding and inflammation, not to mention mental anguish. The worst thing is that according to the Nazi plans, the forced sterilization program was supposed to cover about 400 thousand people!

Experiments on artificial insemination

These cruel, inhumane experiments, which were also carried out by Dr. Carl Clauberg, have nothing in common with the artificial insemination methods used in modern clinics. According to surviving evidence, about 300 women became victims of violent experiments. Moreover, in some cases, on the orders of a mad doctor, they were injected with animal sperm in order to study what would happen as a result of such fertilization. There are no exact data on the results, but it is possible that it is better to never know, the article says.

Tuberculosis infection experiments

Another immoral experiment carried out in Neuengamme by the Nazi doctor Kurt Heismeyer was that the prisoners of this concentration camp were deliberately infected with live tuberculosis pathogens, which were injected directly into the lungs. The Nazis tried to experimentally create a vaccine to treat this disease, but without success. As a result, more than 200 people died after a serious illness. Another 20 experimental children were strangled to get rid of unnecessary evidence when the advancing Allied troops approached the concentration camp.

Experiment with poisonous substances

This horrifying experiment on prisoners in the Buchenwald concentration camp was carried out by a team of mad Nazi scientists who wanted to find out how various toxic substances affect humans. The prisoners were injected with various poisonous drugs, such as phenols or cyanides. And sometimes poisons were added to food, and sadistic doctors watched their victims eat the poisoned food. One of the doctors also came up with the idea of ​​shooting poisoned bullets at prisoners, so that they could then trace the path of the poison from the wound through the circulatory system. As a result, the test subjects suffered from inflammation and failure of vital organs, awaiting inevitable death in agony. Those who did not die for a long time were executed anyway, so that "scientists" could benefit from their autopsies.

Malaria infection experiments

These experiments, which were carried out in the Dachau concentration camp in 1942-1945, were similar to cruel experiments with tuberculosis. Victims were bitten by mosquitoes or injected with malaria sporozoans taken from mosquitoes. After infection, doctors tested various medications on them, which ultimately turned out to be ineffective. Of the 1,000 prisoners subjected to malaria experiments, more than half died.

Experiment with mustard gas (mustard gas)

The Nazis carried out this disgusting experiment from 1939 to 1945 in various places, including refugee camps. They deliberately sprayed mustard gas there and observed the suffering of people who were poisoned, trying in this way to find an effective antidote - but, as usual, they could not. While the victims of these gas attacks suffered terrible pain as a result of severe chemical burns, most of them also faced a painful and inevitable death.

Seawater experiment

As a result of this experiment, which took place in Dachau from July to September 1944, the death of the subjects occurred even more slowly and more painfully. The Nazis tried to find out whether sea water could be used for drinking. To do this, they selected 90 gypsies, who were completely deprived of food and water, leaving them only salty sea water. These unfortunates suffered from severe thirst and crawled exhaustedly along the floor, trying to lick it and find even a drop. fresh water remaining after cleaning. Most of them died from severe dehydration as a result.

The bulk of the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps were foreign prisoners of war who did not speak German and did not understand why they found themselves in such terrible conditions. And when they saw doctors in white coats, they could not even imagine that what awaited them was not salvation from suffering, but unbearable torment during brutal “experiments.” But the most amazing thing is that although none of these experiments brought the expected results, these failures did not deter the mad Nazi scientists, who easily got rid of the corpses of their victims by burning them in concentration camp ovens.

Only in 1947, at the Nuremberg trial of doctors, among whom was Adolf Hitler’s personal physician, was a sentence finally passed on these people in white coats who carried out brutal massacres “in the name of medicine.” And perhaps the only positive result was the adoption of an international act stating that not a single doctor in the world has the right to do anything with a patient’s body without his consent. However, it is still difficult to call these inhuman war criminals “doctors,” Al Aan concludes.

source Al Aan United Arab Emirates Asia tags
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