Archbishop LEO: “He raised us all from our knees. Leo, Metropolitan of Novgorod and Old Russia (Tserpitsky Nikolai Lvovich) Metropolitan Leo of Novgorod and Old Russia

Date of birth: April 13, 1946 Country: Russia Biography:

Born in the village. Zaluzhye, Stolbtsovsky district, Minsk region. Belarus in the family of a priest.

After graduating from high school, in 1966-1969, he served in the ranks of the Soviet army.

In 1969 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, then the Leningrad Theological Academy.

On March 28, 1971 he was tonsured a monk, on April 7 he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on April 20 he was ordained a hieromonk.

Since 1972, he served as a personal secretary.

In 1975 he graduated from the Leningrad State Academy with a candidate's degree in theology. In 1975-1978 completed an internship at the Gregorian University in Rome.

On August 8, 1978 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite, on October 14 he was appointed rector of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in Petrozavodsk and dean of the churches of the Olonets diocese, while simultaneously delivering a course of lectures on comparative theology at the LDS.

In October 1980, he was appointed rector of the Resurrection Church in Rabat (Morocco).

Since 1982 he performed obedience in Moscow in.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 27-28, 2011, he was appointed () head and confirmed (magazine No. 169) as rector (hieroarchimandrite) of the Yuryev Monastery in Veliky Novgorod and the Iversky Valdai Monastery in Valdai, Novgorod Region.


Leningrad Theological Seminary.

1975 - Leningrad Theological Academy (PhD in Theology).

Diocese: Novgorod Diocese (Ruling Bishop) Place of work: Novgorod Metropolis (Head of the Metropolis) Place of work: Iversky Svyatoozersky Valdai Monastery (Holy Archimandrite) Awards:


U ruler of the Novgorod diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Honorary Citizen of Veliky Novgorod.

Born on April 13, 1946 in the village of Zaluzhye, Stolbtsovsky district, Minsk region, Belarusian SSR.

Education – Leningrad Theological Academy (1975), Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy, Rome (1978).

1966-1969 - service in the ranks Soviet Army
1969-1975 - studies at the Leningrad Theological Seminary and Academy
1971 - ordained to the priesthood
1975-1978 - took a theological course at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy, Rome
1978-1980 - rector of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in Petrozavodsk, Leningrad Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, teacher of the Leningrad Theological Academy
1980-1982 - rector of the Church of the Resurrection in Rabat, Morocco, president of the Ecumenical Council of Churches of Morocco
1982-1983 - employee of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate
1983-1987 - rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Vyborg, Leningrad diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate
1987 - ordained bishop
1987-1990 - Governor of the Tashkent-Central Asian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate
1990 - present- Administrator of the Novgorod Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod and Old Russia (Tserpitsky Nikolai Lvovich) has headed the Novgorod diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate since July 20, 1990. These years of episcopal service on the ancient Novgorod land in new socio-political conditions were spent in intense work to revive spiritual and moral values ​​in the life of our people. Metropolitan Lev pays special attention to the revival of destroyed parishes and monasteries, around which life is gradually beginning to develop, based on the traditional for Russia Christian values. The development of educational activities among all segments of the population of the Novgorod region is extremely important. Not only
in Veliky Novgorod, but also in other regional centers, with his direct participation, primarily as the organizer of the Orthodox life of the diocese, catechetical readings were held and created in many parishes, following the example of a Sunday school at St. Sophia Cathedral. Today there are about 40 of them in the diocese. In Veliky Novgorod, the Center for Christian Culture was first created, and then transformed into an Orthodox-oriented high school named after Cyril and Methodius. The Bishop is the editor of the Orthodox religious-historical magazine “Sofia” and the newspaper “Diocesan Gazette”, which cover current events in diocesan life. Of particular importance is the revival of spiritual life in the villages of the Novgorod region, where churches were destroyed almost everywhere. Metropolitan Lev not only strives in every possible way to support their restoration, but also regularly performs hierarchal services, talks with people, reminds them of the need to live in accordance with the spiritual and moral principles on which the thousand-year history Russian people.

In Veliky Novgorod, with the direct participation of Metropolitan Leo, the Arsenyev Committee was created, the purpose of which is to awaken the interest of residents of the Novgorod region in the history of the Novgorod land, its shrines, and the revival of primordial traditions and moral values. The Arsenyev Committee, whose chairman is the Metropolitan, has held a number of conferences, its participants publish their articles in the Sofia magazine and take an active part in public life Veliky Novgorod and region.

Of particular importance for the Novgorod land and all of Russia is the St. Sophia Cathedral, the spiritual life of which was renewed in 1991 through the works of Metropolitan Leo. The Bishop is not only the leader of his religious and educational activities, but also heads the scientific advisory council he created, which consists of outstanding scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod. It includes architects, archaeologists, restorers, art historians, a designer-restorer, a microbiologist, that is, all those who can give qualified advice on conservation and restoration in a timely and reasonable manner great shrine Russian people.

Through the works of the Metropolitan, forgotten areas of spiritual activity of Orthodox pastors are being renewed: Orthodox Church on Novgorod land is present in places of deprivation of liberty, is engaged in educational activities in the army and police, and, despite the existing financial problems, is involved in charity work.

During the tenure of Metropolitan Leo at the Novgorod See, there were no interfaith conflicts; on the contrary, the Bishop provides assistance to representatives of other faiths.

His multifaceted activities, both administrative and spiritual, are the main stimulating factor in the revival of spiritual and moral life in the ancient Novgorod land.

In 2000, by Presidential Decree Russian Federation For his great contribution to the strengthening of civil peace and the revival of spiritual and moral traditions, Metropolitan Lev was awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2001, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', in recognition of his diligent archpastoral labors, awarded Metropolitan Lev the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree.

Contribution to the development of Veliky Novgorod

The title “Honorary Citizen of Veliky Novgorod” was awarded by decision of the Duma of Veliky Novgorod dated August 25, 2004 No. 786 for services in the revival of spiritual and moral values, great contribution to the development of religious and educational activities.

From May 29 to May 31, 2017, with the blessing of Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod and Staraya Russia, a group of pilgrims from the Voronezh Metropolis led by Bishop Sergius of Borisoglebsk and Buturlinov visited the Novgorod diocese.

On May 31, Metropolitan Leo and Bishop Sergius led the Divine Liturgy at the Iversky Monastery, co-served by the clergy of the Novgorod and Boris and Gleb dioceses.

At the end of the service, Metropolitan Lev addressed Bishop Sergius and pilgrims from the Boris and Gleb diocese with a welcoming speech. The Bishop noted that today’s meeting is taking place in the monastery, which was founded by Patriarch Nikon. The list of the Iveron Icon, which was brought by Patriarch Nikon to the monastery, was lost after 1918 and nothing is currently known about its fate. And the icon that is in the monastery today is a copy of the Iveron Icon, which was written for the militia during the Crimean War. This icon was kept in one of the city churches in the city of Valdai until 1992, when His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II visited the Iverskaya monastery and blessed the revival of monastic life. The Bishop noted that despite the relatively young age of the icon, it managed to show miracles: in 1992, in one of the monastery churches where the icon was kept, there was a fire that destroyed all the decoration of the temple except the icon. Even the back side of the icon was burnt out, but the paint layer remained untouched. By the grace of God the monastery was revived and today pilgrims come to the monastery every day to pray Mother of God in front of her miraculous image. The Bishop noted that our state today is going through difficult times, and the task of every Christian, and especially the pastor, is to testify to Christ through his actions and always trust in his help. “When our deeds are good, then the grace of God will emanate from us, which will sanctify everyone who is around us,” the bishop noted. At the end of his words, the bishop wished everyone that the Lord would grant them the strength to do good and thereby testify about Christ.

Bishop Sergius addressed Metropolitan Lev with a response in which he thanked Bishop for the warm welcome in the Novgorod diocese. Bishop Sergius noted that for the residents of the Voronezh region, the Novgorod land has a very great value. The Novgorod land is, first of all, very significant for them because St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, was born and raised here. This saint, having comprehended theological science on the banks of the ancient Volkhov, enlightened many people through his written works and sermons, carrying out his archpastoral service on Voronezh land. It is also very significant that cathedral The city of Borisoglebsk was consecrated in honor of the Novgorod Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. According to the bishop, such pilgrimage trips are a source of strength that a person constantly loses in everyday life and needs to be restored. Also, such trips help to gain new prayer experience and communication. At the end of his speech, Bishop Sergius wished Metropolitan Leo health of soul and body and God’s help in caring for his flock.

Date of birth: April 13, 1946 Country: Russia Biography:

Born in the village. Zaluzhye, Stolbtsovsky district, Minsk region. Belarus in the family of a priest.

After graduating from high school, in 1966-1969, he served in the ranks of the Soviet army.

In 1969 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, then the Leningrad Theological Academy.

On March 28, 1971 he was tonsured a monk, on April 7 he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on April 20 he was ordained a hieromonk.

Since 1972, he served as a personal secretary.

In 1975 he graduated from the Leningrad State Academy with a candidate's degree in theology. In 1975-1978 completed an internship at the Gregorian University in Rome.

On August 8, 1978 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite, on October 14 he was appointed rector of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in Petrozavodsk and dean of the churches of the Olonets diocese, while simultaneously delivering a course of lectures on comparative theology at the LDS.

In October 1980, he was appointed rector of the Resurrection Church in Rabat (Morocco).

Since 1982 he performed obedience in Moscow in.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 27-28, 2011, he was appointed () head and confirmed (magazine No. 169) as rector (hieroarchimandrite) of the Yuryev Monastery in Veliky Novgorod and the Iversky Valdai Monastery in Valdai, Novgorod Region.


Leningrad Theological Seminary.

1975 - Leningrad Theological Academy (PhD in Theology).

Diocese: Novgorod Diocese (Ruling Bishop) Place of work: Novgorod Metropolis (Head of the Metropolis) Place of work: Iversky Svyatoozersky Valdai Monastery (Holy Archimandrite) Awards:

Administrator of the Novgorod Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Honorary Citizen of Veliky Novgorod, Honorary Citizen of the Novgorod Region

Born on April 13, 1946 in the village of Zaluzhye, Stolbtsovsky district, Minsk region, Belarusian SSR.

Education – Leningrad Theological Academy (1975), Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy, Rome (1978).

service in the ranks of the Soviet Army

studies at the Leningrad Theological Seminary and Academy

ordained to the priesthood

took a theological course at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy, Rome

rector of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in Petrozavodsk, Leningrad Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, teacher of the Leningrad Theological Academy

rector of the Church of the Resurrection in Rabat, Morocco, president of the Ecumenical Council of Churches of Morocco

employee of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Vyborg, Leningrad diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

ordained bishop

Governor of the Tashkent-Central Asian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

1990 - present

Administrator of the Novgorod Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod and Old Russia (Tserpitsky Nikolai Lvovich) has headed the Novgorod diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate since July 20, 1990. These years of episcopal service on the ancient Novgorod land in new socio-political conditions were spent in intense work to revive spiritual and moral values ​​in the life of our people. Metropolitan Lev pays special attention to the revival of destroyed parishes and monasteries, around which life based on traditional Russian Christian values ​​is gradually beginning to develop. The development of educational activities among all segments of the population of the Novgorod region is extremely important. Not only
in Veliky Novgorod, but also in other regional centers, with his direct participation, primarily as the organizer of the Orthodox life of the diocese, catechetical readings were held and created in many parishes, following the example of a Sunday school at St. Sophia Cathedral. Today there are about 40 of them in the diocese. In Veliky Novgorod, the Center for Christian Culture was first created, and then transformed into an Orthodox-oriented secondary school named after Cyril and Methodius. The Bishop is the editor of the Orthodox religious-historical magazine “Sofia” and the newspaper “Diocesan Gazette”, which cover current events in diocesan life. Of particular importance is the revival of spiritual life in the villages of the Novgorod region, where churches were destroyed almost everywhere. Metropolitan Lev not only strives in every possible way to support their restoration, but also regularly performs hierarchal services, talks with people, reminds them of the need to live in accordance with the spiritual and moral principles on which the thousand-year history of the Russian people was built.

In Veliky Novgorod, with the direct participation of Metropolitan Leo, the Arsenyev Committee was created, the purpose of which is to awaken the interest of residents of the Novgorod region in the history of the Novgorod land, its shrines, and the revival of primordial traditions and moral values. The Arsenyev Committee, chaired by the Metropolitan, has held a number of conferences, its participants publish their articles in the Sofia magazine and take an active part in the public life of Veliky Novgorod and the region.

Of particular importance for the Novgorod land and all of Russia is the St. Sophia Cathedral, the spiritual life of which was renewed in 1991 through the works of Metropolitan Leo. The Bishop is not only the leader of his religious and educational activities, but also heads the scientific advisory council he created, which consists of outstanding scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod. It includes architects, archaeologists, restorers, art historians, a designer-restorer, a microbiologist, that is, all those who can promptly and reasonably give qualified advice on the preservation and restoration of the great shrine of the Russian people.

Through the works of the Metropolitan, forgotten areas of spiritual activity of Orthodox pastors are being renewed: the Orthodox Church on Novgorod land is present in places of imprisonment, is engaged in educational activities in the army and police, and, despite the existing financial problems, is engaged in charity.

During the tenure of Metropolitan Leo at the Novgorod See, there were no interfaith conflicts; on the contrary, the Bishop provides assistance to representatives of other faiths.

His multifaceted activities, both administrative and spiritual, are the main stimulating factor in the revival of spiritual and moral life in the ancient Novgorod land.

In 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Metropolitan Lev was awarded the Order of Honor for his great contribution to strengthening civil peace and the revival of spiritual and moral traditions.

In 2001, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', in recognition of his diligent archpastoral labors, awarded Metropolitan Lev the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree.

The title “Honorary Citizen of Veliky Novgorod” was awarded by decision of the Duma of Veliky Novgorod dated August 25, 2004 No. 786 for services in the revival of spiritual and moral values, great contribution to the development of religious and educational activities.