Aura is. Human aura - colors, meaning: learning to see people’s energy shells

Word aura came to us from time immemorial and translated from Greek means a breath, a breeze, a stream. Ancient philosophers believed that something invisible emanates from the human body (more precisely, accessible to visual perception only by some people with exceptional abilities), a certain “subtle substance”, special for each individual person.

Today, numerous scientific studies (mainly in the field of physics and medicine) have established that a person’s aura is his biofield, emitted into space and performing energy-information functions, that is, the ancient scientists were right in their own way!

Currently, under the concept " biofield“means the electromagnetic field that underlies any phenomenon in Nature, the Universe, emitted by a living cell during its life (Neumyvakin I.P., 2010). This field has the shape of a shining cocoon, painted in various colors of the rainbow, evenly surrounding the person on all sides; under normal conditions, only people with extrasensory abilities can see it, sometimes small children (hence the “orange mother”, the first Indigo child). The colors of auras are different. There are single-color auras, as well as rainbow ones. Color can change over time depending on the mental and emotional activity of a person. He always talks about the inner life of a person. Specialists visualize the aura and obtain a graphic color image of it using special equipment. It has been proven that a person’s aura (together with nerve energy centers - chakras, which are registered simultaneously) carries comprehensive information about a person’s psychotype, emotional state, properties and characteristics of his personality, character, mentality, abilities, creative, business and personal potential, as well as about the state of energy and physical health.

Biofield from the perspective of natural sciences

What is the human biofield? To facilitate understanding, it is worth starting with the cell of the human body - its structural unit, in order to understand what a person is from a modern point of view, and, therefore, come closer to understanding the essence of the biofield. A cell is an incredibly complex energy-information system. She has everything to provide herself with everything she needs - nutrition, assimilation, purification; the cell has respiratory, energy, excretory and other structures, including the specialization program embedded in it (the cells of each organ not only have their own characteristic structure, but also perform their own, inherent function). The Austrian scientist P. Weiss suggested that a certain “morphogenetic” field is formed around the embryo (fetus), which creates individual organs and the organism as a whole from cells. In 1923, A.G. Gurvich, examining a cell, discovered a mitogenetic glow around it, which he called a biological field, or biofield, but he could not explain its nature.

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century, Academician V.I. Vernadsky. argued that any substance is surrounded by a physical field, and the difference between living and nonliving lies only in the ability of the former to change its radiation (and, as it turned out later, in the presence of a bioenergetic shell). There is always an energy field around a person, which represents the common energy component of all his organs and systems. Indeed, today none of us is surprised or puzzled by the well-known fact of the existence of brain biocurrents that none of us sees, but at the same time we are sure that they exist and are recorded using electroencephalography. The same can be attributed to the biocurrents of the heart, which can be studied by electrocardiography, the biocurrents of muscles - by electromyography, etc. We are also accustomed to the fact that these studies are necessary to formulate a doctor’s understanding of our health.

But at the same time, for some reason, despite the accumulated centuries-old store of scientific knowledge regarding the human biofield and the significance of the information obtained during its analysis about a person in general and about his health in particular, few of us (including representatives of official medicine) think about , What, Having such a powerful total potential of biocurrents, a person cannot help but radiate some equivalent of it into the surrounding space . However, on a purely intuitive level, many of us use the concept of “aura” very broadly in everyday life. It is considered quite legitimate to assert that a person with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate has a “good aura”, “positive energy”, while a subject with whom contact is difficult, burdensome, costs mental effort and is physically tiring, may acquire the image of an “energy vampire” ”, individuals with a “heavy, bad aura”; and the territory is gloomy, causing incomprehensible anxiety and a desire to leave it as soon as possible - be it a forest, an apartment or an office - we often characterize it as “a place with a bad, oppressive aura.”

The main carriers of information about human health are free electrons

Scientists different countries I was interested in the question of what the human aura is in a purely physical sense. Its electrical (electromagnetic) nature has been absolutely proven, but what are the details...

Engineer Grishchenko V.S. in 1944, he expressed the idea that in addition to the three known states of matter (solid, liquid and gaseous), there is a fourth, inherent only to living things, also consisting of atoms and molecules, and called it bioplasma. Grishchenko said: “Imagine that we have turned off all 5 senses with which we perceive the world (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste), but there remains one more, no less important sensory, emotional side of human life, which is the same material substrate of activity as everything else.”

Since the 1950s human energy field Professor Ilyushin from Kazakh University studied in depth. The results of his experiments also gave him reason to claim that the aura is a bioplasmic energy field consisting of ions, protons and free electrons.

Physician L. Ravitz in 1959 came to the conclusion that the human energy field fluctuates depending on psychological and mental activity. He suggested that this field is associated with mental processes.

Dr. R. Becker in 1979 succeeded in mapping the complex electrical field of a person, which follows the shape of the body and the central nervous system; He also discovered that this field changes shape and density in accordance with physiological and mental changes in the human body. He also revealed the presence of electrons moving freely through this field.

It is very interesting that in 1978, under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a large program was launched to study the human biofield, including diagnosing it, studying the connection between the characteristics of the aura and the state of physical and psychological health. Data were obtained on the dependence of the intensity and configuration of radiation on the electrical conductivity of the body, and the latter, as is known, depends on the psycho-emotional state of the subject, the functioning of his cardiovascular system, other organs and systems. Unfortunately, this work was curtailed due to funding difficulties and other problems experienced by the country at that time.

First dissertation on Kirlian effect was carried out after the classification was lifted in the 1970s by physicist V. Adamenko. The author made very interesting conclusions– the main carrier of information about the biological (physical) and psychophysiological state of a person are free electrons. He considered the Kirlian photograph to be an intravital electron image obtained, unlike an electron microscope, not in a vacuum, but at atmospheric pressure, that is, under normal conditions. Let us recall the data of other physicists who independently determined the presence of free electrons in the auric field, which, as it turned out, are the main carriers of information about human health!

What is meant by the concept of "chakras"

The human aura is directly related to chakras, they are displayed when registering the biofield. Man is an energy information system. The energy of the body is connected with the energy of consciousness and subconscious with the help of special energy structures, or centers, the name of which in the original transcription sounds like chakras (translated from Sanskrit, chakra means “disc”, “wheel”), and reflects the idea of ​​the ancients about the rotation of each of them with its own special frequency. For ease of understanding, they are often called nerve centers. It is the chakras that accumulate and distribute physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies, on which the well-being of the body depends. The chakras work well - the body is healthy, as they say, body and soul, and vice versa.

There are only seven main chakras. They are interconnected by energy channels running throughout and are located along the main channel that passes through the spinal column. The energy centers correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow spectrum, the seven musical notes. Therefore, a person’s aura (biofield) can be colored. Each of the seven major chakras affects a different aspect of the body.

When analyzing a person’s bioelectrogram, it is necessary, along with the indicators of the biofield itself, to diagnose energy centers (chakras), without this it is impossible to get a correct idea of ​​the state of the biofield.

What is the “ideal” biofield?

First of all, there are no bad or good biofields, they are just all different, and, despite the possible color similarity, they are absolutely individual and unique and carry traces of both all the successes and all the vicissitudes of fate. Simply, the smoother the boundaries of the oval cocoon, the more transparent and brighter the main color, the fewer areas of clouding, darkening, (especially blackness), the more balanced and energetically saturated the chakras - the better, this is the possible ideal to which it is worth striving . The larger the size of the aura, the more active a person’s energy potential. Also, biofield analysis includes many different parameters, including energy levels, biodata indicators, and other aspects...

The Typing Info website continues to talk about the colors of a person’s aura and next is a story about the auras of the blue spectrum: blue, indigo and violet.

The color blue has a strong vibrating influence that defines the expression "loyal supporter" and at the same time goes far beyond such limits. The sky is blue, but it changes color from a light shade of azure to almost black at midnight. The mood of the blue vibration also changes. But not only that, it is difficult to find a person whose blue aura contains a constant hue. He can descend to the depths of "the blues" and then rise to inspired heights, which happens "once in a blue moon" (very rarely). So if blue is your color, you should try to find the shade that suits you best and stick with it. In general, all blue colors indicate some degree of devotion. You make friends willingly, but often formally. Blue is cool color with a certain independence, but people with this aura understand the value of joint efforts and are guided by this in their lives. Red responds to a warm, primitive urge, green absorbs the vital forces of nature, while blue looks to the sky and sea for inspiration. In search of supreme depth, blue becomes the predominant color in modern life. In business, social and educational circles, blue far surpasses red as a motivating color, making blue the favorite color of many thoughtful people.

Blue. The color of Vishuddha, calm and silence, precision, prudence, devotion, rationality, discipline, truthfulness and seriousness. This is the color of the wonderful.

People who radiate blue love freedom and variety. They love to travel, change their place of residence and social circle. They always remain young at heart. They are sincere, honest and usually say what they think.

These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events.

The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge of what GOD is. They crave to be loved and may be the one to check in on you. They do not like compliments, do not want to bother others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present.

They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, committed and lonely. They need an emotional connection with children, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives. Temperament-melancholic.

Pure deep blue speaks of religious feelings, but varies depending on the depth of these feelings: they can be sparkling and two-faced, full of selfishness or nobility. Light blue signifies devotion to some noble spiritual ideal. It fades into purple-blue, which characterizes high spirituality and is usually accompanied by golden glowing stars, representing high spiritual aspirations.

Dirty tones indicate painful detachment, isolation from reality, melancholy, depression, resentment, addiction, emotional coldness, and various personality disorders, often very deep and irreversible.

Blue in combination with green indicates that difficulties only strengthen the willpower of a given person.

Blue. Ajna color. The color of infinity, eternity, dreams and rapture. Testifies to the longing for the miraculous and transcendental. Maximum introversion, search for a rational beginning.

Pure tones indicate constancy, fidelity, tenderness, peace, a serious attitude to life, honesty, kindness of feelings, compassion, and charity. Blue is characteristic of selfless natures who sacrifice their “I”. A sign of piety.

Pure tones bring out calmness, contentment, peace, affection, faith, purity, chastity, spirituality and intellectuality.

The color blue is associated with mercy in Judaism and with wisdom in Buddhism. In Europe it means fidelity, in China it means education and a happy marriage. The presence of pure blue color in the aura may indicate the ability of clairvoyance and telepathy.

Dirty shades indicate the presence of a strong irrational principle in a person, his head in the clouds, isolation from real life, blocked or upset perception, anxiety, autocratic behavior, timidity, forgetfulness, vulnerability, melancholy, sexual promiscuity, psychosis.

On the eve of illness, the body feels the need for the color blue.

Light shades reflect good intuition, an active imagination, darker shades reflect a feeling of loneliness, sadness, which only at a certain level reflects the search for the Divine. Even darker shades reflect levels of comprehension. Azure shades - honesty, sober judgment. They can indicate a person who is about to find his chosen activity.

The combination of blue and green colors in the aura may indicate a person who feels the need for a calm environment, wants to free himself from conflicts, disagreements, make a good impression and receive approval from others. Dirty blue and green tones speak of touchiness, slight vulnerability, feelings of being underestimated, the need for outside admiration, approval, support, recognition. These are sensitive people who do not miss small details and are able to make every effort to resolve both the current situation and the problems associated with it. However, overexertion can cause a desire to escape from the existing situation.

Azure or sky blue is a truly heavenly shade, which is chosen by those who go ahead of the world and devote themselves to noble causes. This is a symbol of a non-selfish person, as well as those who strive for spiritual achievements. Dark - blue- a dark strong shade showing devotion, trust and constancy of purpose. In this darker shade there is independence, but always in collaboration. This color characterizes strength and reliability. Indigo or ultramarine are borderline colors with a violet tint. They have the basic qualities of blue, but are inclined more towards love than devotion, finding an outlet for their ideals in helping other people. Attacks of bad mood tend to seize such people more quickly than those who love light shades. Impurities of other colors disrupt the steadfastness of blue.

Proximity to black or brown indicates painful and selfish tendencies. A strong shade of gray creates uncertainty and even fear. Proximity to green, as in some shades of turquoise, indicates impulsiveness.

Blue color has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Violet. The color of sahasrara (red + blue), the color of warmth and transformation, repentance and contemplation. The most mysterious and attractive. Goethe in “The Theory of Color” qualifies him as the most creative. This is the color of the combination of heart and mind, physical (red) and spiritual (blue), reflects independence, intuition, search. Purple shades indicate the ability to manage affairs correctly and practically. Pale and light colors may reflect humility and spirituality. Red-violet - strong passion or great willpower, but can indicate the need for greater individual effort.

Purple is found in people with gender and identity disorders, pregnant women, homosexuals, and the elderly. Dark shades can reflect a tendency towards command, power, the need for sympathy, a feeling of painful loneliness, misunderstanding, sadness, sadness, the pressure of difficult memories from which you want to get away. A person may feel the need to withdraw from worldly life.

Pure purple and red tones indicate a person who is easily and quickly carried away by everything that excites (exciting, exciting, be it erotic or any other kind of excitement). Strives for success without undermining self-confidence. The combination of purple and yellow is found among people with a developed imagination who love to daydream, fantasize, daydream, and compose. These people can be liked by others (pure tones) by the sincerity of their interest in others. Strive not only for the exciting, but also for the interesting.

The combination of dirty purple and red indicates stress (the dirtier the tone, the stronger the stress) caused by unpleasant restrictions and prohibitions, dissatisfaction, excitement, anxiety that cannot be suppressed. In this case, feelings are blocked, mistrust, suspiciousness, suspicion, fear, and jealousy appear. A person is afraid that his gullibility will be taken advantage of; he constantly controls family members and partners. Does not tolerate interference or restrictions, proceeds only from his own convictions.

The combination of purple and green - pure tones - indicates an aesthetic and original person who tries to make a pleasant impression. Dirty shades indicate anxiety, stress caused by disrespect (real or perceived) and misunderstanding from others. A person is dissatisfied with his position, it seems offensive to him; broken by struggle with difficulties; It’s depressing what you want to get rid of, this situation, but you don’t have enough fortitude.

Pure purple and blue tones indicate a person who has a keen sense of beauty and is able to empathize with the feelings of another. Strive for a kind, pleasant, cordial connection and a state of ideal harmony.

Dirty tones indicate anxiety caused by emotional dissatisfaction, which depresses a person, impedes the ability to concentrate and think clearly, causes intolerance, irritability, and sleep disturbances.

Violet is the color of splendor and importance, so it is often too strong in impact. Its very intensity seems to affect people with this aura, and many avoid it as a favorite color, perhaps for this very reason. Like blue, this color has high ideals, but purple is more inclined towards ritualism than devotion. The sense of self-worth is so pronounced that people tuned to this vibration try to influence others accordingly. Sometimes this produces results, but often purple vanity is the cause of its own failures. Usually people who love the color purple are not aware of their own shortcomings, because... They habitually avoid criticism. They transform their idealism into a doctrine of moral improvement, living in their world of illusions, often to their complete satisfaction. For purple The expression "out of sight, out of mind" applies to anything they don't like.

These people are extraordinary, they strive for freedom and independence. Space is very important. These people experience ups and downs throughout their lives; their lives are replete with surprises and zigzags. Clearly highlighted leadership abilities. They prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often experience a deficit in such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a solution to such phenomena. They have high intelligence, but are physically weak.

Purple is a calming, harmonious color with its contemplative and mystical side. People with a violet aura often have literary, artistic or dramatic abilities. They are often gifted with a rich imagination and the ability to create. This increases their self-satisfaction, and once they realize their talent, they tend to flaunt it. In no case do they strive to stay in the shade; the expression “timid violet” refers only to the flower, and not to the color. This aura emanates fewer people than any other, but this is another reason why purple people They consider themselves exceptional, if not the only one of their kind. They often tend towards mysticism as it is a shade of twilight, signifying the transition from day to darkness. A common purple activity is turning fantasy into reality. Poor lilac color represents the soft side of the violet nature. People with this aura have a pleasant disposition, but are mannered and punctual. They are selfish, persistent in managing their small possession, trying to make sure that small things are done only for the benefit of their main business, which in itself is often also small. The consequence of this will be their tendency to be demanding and thorough. Pale lilac is often a sign of affection.

Purple is a royal hue, here violet in its full strength, with a predominance of pomp and solemnity. There is no limit to the heights that a person with this aura tries to reach. Indeed, many successful people deliberately adopt a purple aura because it satisfies their sense of superiority. With enough prestige and power, they will lead a similar lifestyle. But if all this is just pomposity, then such people are in a world of empty splendor. Magenta or other colors where violet or purple has a strong shade of red often indicates a practical as well as self-important nature. Such people pay attention to earthly matters, which makes them capable of lofty concepts with practical results, despite their tendency to flaunt their importance.

Every person has an aura. With its help, you can learn about illnesses, emotional states, as well as thoughts and feelings.

The energy cocoon shimmers in different colors, but for each person one color predominates, by which one can determine how emotionally stable he is, at what level of development he is, and many other facts.

Those who have astral vision can see the color of the aura. You can see the aura and determine its color yourself. To do this, you need to know what certain shades mean, and also focus on your feelings.

Red indicates that a person has the qualities of a leader, he has enormous energy potential and unspent love. The predominance of red indicates financial success, the ability to achieve goals and make independent decisions.

Dark red indicates that a person cannot control emotions, is hot-tempered and even despotic. This shade indicates a desire to dominate, survive at the expense of others, and manipulate people for one’s own purposes.

Red with shades of brown indicates a cunning nature, an insufficient level of vital energy, which is most often replenished through energy vampirism. This shade may indicate a disease of certain organs if it is localized near them. If the aura consists entirely of red-brown, then with a high degree of probability the person is prone to cruelty.

Scarlet aura often indicates selfish and proud people who are characterized by arrogance and a disregard for their surroundings, including their relatives.

Lilac color is responsible for generosity and enthusiasm. People with such an aura are selfless and ready to perform feats for the benefit of others.

Pink aura speaks of the ability to maintain communication, give love and care. People with such an aura most often occupy positions where help and support are required for people with all sorts of limitations.

Orange symbolizes vitality, humanity and respect for others. People with this aura are confident in themselves, but will never put their interests in opposition to others. Orange color can also indicate problems with internal organs, especially the liver.

Orange with a hint of green indicates people with difficult characters who often provoke quarrels and scandals, feeding on the emotions of their opponents.

Yellow aura indicates friendly personalities with good health and love of life. They are endowed with the ability to quickly absorb knowledge, are naturally optimistic and have creative potential.

Yellow aura mixed with red indicates timid people who, as a rule, have complexes and try to stay in the shadows. They are dependent on the opinions of others and rarely make independent decisions. The easiest way for them to become dependent on manipulators.

Yellow aura with shades of brown speaks of laziness and unwillingness to think about the consequences of accomplished deeds. The carelessness of such people often turns into trouble. Due to their own shortsightedness, they are capable of stepping on the same “rake” over and over again.

Bright green aura indicates that a positive attitude prevails in people, they are capable of caring and helping others, but they often show too much strong emotions, perceiving someone else's grief as a personal tragedy.

Green aura with emerald tint indicates that this is an honest and open person, somewhat childishly naive. Also, this shade speaks of enormous potential and the opportunity to master any profession, especially if it is related to creativity.

Aura of yellow-green hue indicates traitors and cunning people who should not be trusted. This aura is usually acquired by two-faced people who are capable of “going over their heads” for the sake of their own well-being.

Blue aura - an indicator of a gentle character, a desire for peace and care. Typically, people with this aura are in good health, open to communication, and work hard to achieve their goals. With due persistence and skill, they can achieve success, but do not strive for leadership.

Pale blue aura speaks of indecisive and suspicious people. It is difficult for them to make responsible decisions; they strive to imitate more successful people and rarely achieve success on their own.

Purple aura indicates people who strive for new knowledge and are also looking for themselves. They are characterized not only by intellectuality, but also by spirituality, purity of thoughts and friendliness. Most often, such people avoid large companies, preferring to search for their place in the sun.

Blue aura indicates people who care family values. As a rule, people with such an aura have innate intuition and, with due diligence, can develop extrasensory abilities. They are excellent empaths who strive to support during mental anguish and ease the pain, literally passing it through themselves.

Gray aura talks about problems with physical and emotional health. This shade speaks of weak individuals who have not decided on the direction of the path. Often such people are selfish and secretive, capable of deception and do not have pronounced abilities.

Silver Aura indicates dreamers with well-developed imagination and intuition. They are creatively gifted, but overly trusting. People with this aura color tend to see the good in everything, often making mistakes in their choice of friends and trusting the wrong people.

Golden aura speaks of stubbornness and the desire to become pioneers. People with this aura color are hardworking and do not give up on assigned tasks. The color gold indicates success and good fortune, as well as the ability to share your vitality with loved ones.

White aura speaks of individuals who are accustomed to smoothing out conflicts, have a calm character and most often act as defenders of the weak with complete dedication. They are always in search of truth and are drawn to new knowledge.

Black aura points to strong problems with health, as well as an unbalanced psyche. Such people are quite rare and usually criminals “shine” black. It is generally believed that they do not have a divine spark.

When we hear the word “aura,” we imagine something mystical and inaccessible to an ordinary person. Our mind is not able to fully grasp the entire essence of this concept. Only after a long and in-depth penetration into the secrets of the energy forces of the Universe can one understand the meaning and power of our aura.

It is generally accepted that human aura is a cocoon of energy surrounding the entire body. The cells of our body release their own force, which has individual characteristics: color, shape. Select people have the ability to see radiation.

We are all different. This also applies to the aura. Its density and color depend on the set of qualities, emotions, thoughts, possibilities. The determining point in this is the activity of the human chakras.

The first mentions of the aura are found in monuments of ancient times. We can say that with the advent of reason, people immediately realized that everyone has an energy field. This field emanates from the body and is luminous radiation.

Those who had clairvoyant abilities could see it. In subsequent years, a lot has been written about Aura scientific works. Famous artists and craftsmen used it in their creations.

Gradually advancing science has provided a clearer explanation for the previously mystical concept. Scientists have determined that the human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living organisms. In other words, a person's aura is his.

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of a person give impetus to the formation of radiation characteristics. That is, the color of the aura, its density, as well as the direction of the rays depend on the state of the body, on current experiences and on the level of development.

Thanks to its unique properties, the human aura can protect us from negative influences.

This is a defense mechanism that repels bad thoughts, envy, and damage. But this mechanism does not always work. What does this depend on?

We ourselves destroy our aura without even knowing it.

When we get irritated or quarrel with loved ones, cracks or even holes appear in our energetic defense.

To avoid such events, you need to monitor your behavior, your thoughts and inner content.

When talking, you should not waste your vitality; it is better to be restrained and pronounce your words thoughtfully.

Like fingerprints, a person's Aura is completely unique.

There are similar ones, but there are no identical ones. The spirit individually accumulates and absorbs the influences of the Universe, therefore the radiation of energy is unique.

Some auras have an accumulation of painful energy, anger and destruction. To protect yourself from the adverse effects of them, it is necessary to monitor the state of balance.

Who can see a person's aura?

When discussing the composition and appearance of the aura, many disputes arose. This was due to the fact that it is visible only to highly sensitive natures who have a connection with the Cosmos. Some people see part of the radiation and argue that the whole essence of the aura is manifested in this.

Due to insufficient development of psychic vision, they are not able to fully embrace the tender and beautiful fullness of the aura. They see only the gross component. Without thinking about the lack of facts, they are completely confident that their vision is the real essence.

In fact, a person's aura has huge amount forms and manifestations. She has balance and harmony. The level of sensitivity of nature and the subtle organization of the mind make it possible to understand the power of radiation.

Recently, a theory has emerged that the energy field is a continuation of the material body. But to assert this fact not very appropriate. After all, we do not believe that the sun’s rays are a physical part of the star. So it is in this case.

A person's aura comes from the origins of the human body, but is not part of these origins. In total we have seven principles (chakras). Each has its own energy.

The rays that emanate from the seven principles are similar in nature to x-rays. Ordinary people are unable to see them. Those who have a higher spiritual organization and developed psychic senses are able to distinguish the aura emanating from the six principles.

But the last beginning is accessible only to the Higher Powers; a person is not capable of reaching such a high level. Sensuality of mental sensations can be gradually developed, striving for higher sources of knowledge and skills. But you should not be guided only by your vision and draw conclusions about the aura and its composition. To master the truth, you should listen to people who have reached the heights of unity with the Universe.

How to see a person's aura

There are special exercises that help to reveal the ability to see the aura. First of all, you will be able to analyze your own energy radiation and recognize yourself. You will also have access to information about the auras of people around you.

The human aura has several layers. The first one, which is closest to the body, has a bright color and is easy to see. Almost everyone who followed the recommendations was able to identify this layer. It is called ethereal.

Next comes the astral shell. Her appearance different from the first layer. The density is much less, it is dispersed. Not everyone can see the astral shell. There is never a clear boundary between layers. They constantly interact, mix colors, move from one position to another.

Use the help of someone close to you whom you trust. Let him guide you through the next steps. Ask him to stand near the wall. It is desirable if the background surface is light and uniform, ideally completely white. Extra patterns, drawings, posters will be distracting and prevent you from concentrating on following instructions.

So, a person is standing in front of you at a distance of 45 to 60 centimeters in front of the wall. Watch the lighting - there should be no direct sunlight, and also avoid artificial sources. You are three meters from the object.

The state of the object is very important, so tell him to keep everything in balance and calm: thoughts, breathing, muscles. Let him swing his body a little.

Your eyes should not concentrate on the physical embodiment of the object. Try to look at the wall as if through your body.

Gradually you will notice a blurred light around the body. Its width is about one centimeter. This is the first layer - the etheric aura of a person.

Don't be surprised and don't stop. The next step is to see the light behind the object. It comes in yellow or silver color. The structure will not be uniform everywhere; the aura is quite changeable and not symmetrical.

It happens that at first it is difficult to catch the light around the body. It depends on the person himself. Some people recognize colors instantly, others only after a few exercises.

To develop mental organization, you should work with different objects.

If you regularly work on your sensuality, soon you will clearly distinguish a strip of light up to half a meter wide. Most likely, it will be scattered and the color will be darker than the first stripe. This is the next layer - the astral.

How to see your own aura

You can examine your aura in front of a mirror at a distance of half a meter. There should be no distracting objects behind you. Let it be a wall. If this is not possible, hang a regular white sheet.

Watch your muscles, your breathing - everything should go calmly and measuredly. Rock slightly. Look at the background behind you and concentrate on it.

Over time, you will notice a faint and thin line of light that sways with the body. To help the lighting help you see the aura better, make sure that the light is natural, not bright, not direct.

It doesn't matter what you wear.

Gradually you will be able to change the basic colors of the aura. You will be able to observe this change. Thanks to this new skill, you will have the opportunity to harmonize your wardrobe with your aura.

Colors of a person's aura. Meaning of colors

It has long been proven that each color has its own characteristics and unique characteristics. That is why, after analyzing the colors of the aura, one can come to the appropriate conclusion about a person’s emotional state, his health, and mental balance.

The meaning of aura colors

  1. Purple

Corresponds to individuals who are well versed in spiritual spheres, who have contact with By the Highest Beginning. People with such an aura easily learn the secrets of their body, comprehend the truth of the world around them, and open up to absorb super-knowledge. The location of the purple color is in the area of ​​the pituitary gland.

  1. Blue

These are people with great knowledge in science. Their mental organization is quite subtle and vulnerable. Harmonious with the natural forces of nature. The blue color is visible near the pineal gland.

  1. Blue

It is located in the brain, and accordingly indicates a high level of intelligence and powerful logical abilities. Depending on the shade, you can judge a person’s character. Lighter colors mean that the person has a pure soul and thoughts. But the dark ones talk about excessive thinking on various topics, about suspicion.

  1. Green

This color is for people who are harmonious and calm. Such natures often become doctors; they like to bring joy to people. Only dark tones of green indicate a person’s dishonesty. It can be seen in the neck area.

  1. Yellow

If the color is bright and sunny, then the person is like that. These are people who can cheer you up at any moment and bring cheerfulness and love into a situation. And if the color is dark, then we can talk about the envy of nature. You can see it in the chest area.

  1. Orange

Located in the stomach area. It speaks about the good general condition of the body and physical fitness. If the color is cloudy, then one can judge the low development of mental abilities.

  1. Red

Testifies to a hot-tempered and passionate nature that loves life. People whose aura colors have a darker red tint have an angry character and often quarrel. Its location is in the area of ​​the reproductive system.

Features of the human aura

  • All aura colors have their own characteristics. The brighter and purer the color of the aura, the purer the human soul. Dark and muddy elements, on the contrary, speak of negativity in the soul and low desires in thoughts.
  • The situations that surround us directly affect the aura. The more happiness and joy there are around, the better our energy becomes. The human aura absorbs and absorbs everything.
  • If you have the ability to see aura, you can recognize a person in advance.
  • The composition and colors of your aura depend on what people you communicate with.
  • To keep your aura intact, watch your behavior and your words.

How to see an aura in 10 minutes?

In this video, Reiki master Evgenia Dolgorukaya will teach you how to see a person’s aura in 10 minutes.

Let your aura shine with all the colors of the rainbow!

Arthur Golovin



Spiritual colors in the aura range from the beautiful pearlescent shades of a highly developed soul to the blue-black, dull metallic gray and dirty burgundy colors of an undeveloped soul. As we've already seen, most people's colors fall in the middle of this range. The auric emanations around people who have reached a high level of development are much more real and vibrant than the colors we perceive in the physical world. Blues and greens, beautiful like the colors of the sky and leaves, are more vibrant and have powerful energy. The same applies to the opposite pole. The colors of a degraded aura can be ugly and repulsive. In addition to being unattractive colors, such auras are repulsive and have vibrations that do not exist in the physical realm. As you read the characteristics of flowers, reflect on the impression they make on you. Once again, you don't have to see these colors to feel their effects. If you know the meaning of each color, you can quite accurately determine what colors are in your aura. For example, if you loving person, you can be sure that there is a deep pink light in your aura, but if you get angry easily, then it is very likely that there is red in your aura that you need to get rid of.

Brightened colors

Enlightened colors are spiritual energies that we attract with our positive thoughts, actions and accomplishments. They express that part of our being that is attuned to the spiritual. These are energies that contain the Divine essence and intention and actively work to realize our spiritual potential. Additionally, it is these positive energies that help us transform the darker parts of our aura.


White, along with gold, is considered one of the highest colors of the aura. It means purity. It symbolizes the Divine light that brings wisdom to the human race. Regardless of the degree to which this energy is expressed in the aura, it allows one to unmistakably identify a spiritual soul, which sometimes has clairvoyant abilities. Divine revelation is associated with white color. Pearly white color signifies kindness and forgiveness. White with a greenish or yellowish tint means that the soul is stable and is trying hard to learn something important. Crystal white, the purest variety of white, shows that the soul has reached the highest degree of mastery; it signifies a combination of strength, courage, vitality, determination and endurance.


Gold is the color of wisdom, enlightenment, confidence, faith, inner strength and courage. In addition, golden energy has enormous protective power. If there is a golden color in our aura, it means that we have the strength and will to improve the lower self. This means that we know exactly who we are and what we are. We know what we can achieve, what we can do. We act clearly and meaningfully. The golden color carries with it a strong dynamic energy that can free us from the hypnotic influence of feelings of hopelessness, despair and self-deficiency.


Silver is the color of the energy of spiritual wisdom. The silver color in the aura is a sign of a person with heightened perception and a fast, active mind. Such a person will make decisions himself and will not allow others to do it for him. We often see silver sparks or diamond points of light moving above a person's head.


This color is often seen around a person engaged in the search for spiritual truth, in which case it is more or less cornflower blue. As a rule, this means that such a person will overcome all obstacles on the path to the truth. Light blue color in the aura is an indicator of internal integrity, sincerity and natural wisdom. A person whose aura is dominated by blue is often involved in science or art. Blue with a cornflower blue tint is often a sign of a very faithful, devoted person. Remember the expression “true blue”. This light signifies nobility, a balanced approach to material matters and may indicate a greater religiosity of the soul. "Madonna Color" - light blue, but not quite blue, demonstrates the ability to obey and perform duty. This means that a person obeys the will of God. Pure blue is one of the colors with the most powerful healing powers. It can be seen around doctors and healers. Aquamarine, which has a high vibration, also has great healing power. Along with lilac, it can bring peace and calm the nervous system. The iridescent color of a peacock feather is an indicator of talents and abilities. Lilac-blue shows that everything that man has achieved, he has achieved with the help of the power of God.


It is a light blue color that brings with it high creative inspiration. This is one of the pearlescent tones. In the aura, this color indicates that a person has an artistic nature and loves beauty. Light blue is an indicator of commitment to high ideals. The aura of great artists has a distinctly pearlescent color.


Turquoise energy is the energy of abundance, which manifests itself in all areas of life: an abundance of ideas, friends and material wealth. This is the energy of “lucky chance”. The turquoise color makes us feel rich and free, unfettered by any restrictions or prohibitions. A person with such energy in the aura believes that everything around him is inexhaustible, and knows that money and opportunities will always appear if needed - even if the outside world demonstrates the opposite.


Pink is the color of love. Spiritual love appears in a deep pink hue. This shade is absolutely devoid of jealousy, selfishness and other negative emotions characteristic of people. Pink is a universal color: it expresses joy, compassion, love, inspiration and prosperity. It comes in a variety of different shades, ranging from sublime pearlescent to fuchsia and red-pink. The color purple is an indicator of a soul characterized by natural, unfeigned love. Pearlescent pink, a lighter shade of deep rose-red, shows that there is a sincere love for God in the soul.


Green is considered the color of growth and renewal. Emerald green indicates inner balance, harmony of mind, body and soul. A light, subtle shade of green is the color of compassion. Light green is the color of spiritual growth and hope, full of love, service and cooperation. Green color calms nerves and helps overcome fears. Blue-green color is a sign of a reliable, altruistic nature.


This energy brings with it the power of concentration. It is associated with intelligence. People with this color clearly expressed in their aura can devote their entire lives to the study of higher truths. Lemon color in the aura is a sign of perseverance in the pursuit of art and science. Yellow is the color of physical, mental and intellectual health. It helps get rid of fears, anxiety and nervousness. Bright, optimistic people will have yellow in their aura. The combination of yellow and orange can be very inspiring.


This means light orange, the color of orange. This color means that a person has a life purpose, enthusiasm and good organizational skills. Additionally, this energy can be a sign of a strong desire or dream. Orange color deserves people who are extremely purposeful, those who almost always cope with obstacles and achieve their goals. Pure orange color is an indicator of thoughtfulness, analytical abilities and spiritual energy. Such a person is an energetic leader, a “ringleader.” Golden orange is the color of wisdom and energy, high intellectual and spiritual abilities, and self-control.


This color, especially its ruby ​​hue, is the color of vital energy. He radiates enormous power. Additionally, this color can signify righteousness. Its presence in the aura is a sign of a person with lofty aspirations. It is the passionate part of our being. People with red in their aura know how to look into the soul of others and interact well with people. It is not easy to force them to retreat. Ruby, as a rule, serves as a sign of physical energy and vitality. The color of a rose is a sign of active love; together with orange they create a glow of well-being and an optimistic outlook on the world. These are predominantly strong, spiritual colors that symbolize clarity, warmth and love of life. Pure red is the color of reliability, orange-red is the color of healing and cleansing. Coral is the color of indecision, dissatisfaction with the world around us. Purple can be a sign of selfishness. Red-violet is a sign of bodily strength and energy.


A person with a lilac color has a clean and calm aura. This person is the living embodiment of internal and external balance. He is always ready to serve people. Lilac color- an indicator of high spiritual strength, true greatness, selfless activity. The color lilac gives spiritual protection. If it turns into lavender color, this is a sign of religious nature. Lilac, which is a color with a slightly darker shade, signifies humility and is also holy and spiritual.


The presence of this color in a person’s aura is a sign of deep inner peace. In addition, a person with violet in the aura is extremely religious. And at the same time, purple is an indicator of the ability to cope with everyday practical matters. The combination of violet and indigo color is a sign that man walking along the path of comprehending spiritual truths. Waves of purple underfoot are evidence that a person has experienced troubles and dealt with them.


This color gives inspiration and deep inner strength of spiritual nature. This is an extremely high color, and it is extremely rare among representatives of the human race to a significantly pronounced degree. A person who has this color in his aura has come a long way - because the color indigo means that a person has awakened to the awareness of his spiritual Self. Only a small amount of this energy is enough to have a powerful effect on the aura. Indigo color with a lilac tint is a sign of a person in search of spiritual experience.

Unbleached colors

Unenlightened energies indicate one or another deformation or contamination of the Divine Light. These are Divine energies that have been misused and have now lost the essence with which they were originally filled. For example, a bright, lively mind may have lemon-yellow energy, but if this person is lazy and indifferent, then the light yellow energy will turn into dirty mustard. The brightness will disappear because the person did not use the spiritual energy for its intended purpose. Additionally, mustard yellow can be a sign of ill health. Dull mustard yellow may mean that a person has no control over aggression. Light orange is the color of movement, enthusiasm and aspiration, but if it turns into dull orange, it indicates that the soul is filled with pride. Dark orange with a brownish tint indicates that a person has suppressed his impulse. In addition to dark colors, such energies have an unpleasant, cold vibration if they dominate the aura.

If we have realized that some of these energies are at work in us, we now know the area to work on to improve our aura. There is no need to panic and sprinkle ashes on your head. Don't forget that our aura is constantly changing, and there is not a single area in it that cannot be changed and made better. If our mind has become lazy, this does not mean that it cannot regain its sharpness; greed can be re-educated into generosity and so on.

Each of us has created dark colors at one time or another in our lives. The ability to rise above these conditions is an integral part of our life experience. The main thing to remember is that unenlightened energies are not a manifestation of miraculous Divine emanations, they are created artificially and are not part of our true, highest nature. Therefore, there is no need to consider negative energies as something organically inherent in us. We simply must clear our aura of them and not create new negative vibrations in the future. And don’t forget: before the Divine light, negative energies are powerless. The more good we do, the more we attract and accumulate sublime colors and the more actively lower vibrations are repressed.


The color gray is associated with fear, sadness and depression. Gray is the color of illness. If the overall color of the aura is gray, this means that its owner is constantly overwhelmed by anxiety. Gray color appears in the auras of people who, having found themselves in a dark period of life, do not see any way out of it. However, if silver is present along with gray, this means that a person who has experienced suffering and sadness is trying to cope with them. Charcoal gray indicates despair, while gray-black indicates heaviness in the soul, despondency, grief or loss.

Dirty red

This energy appears to us as a dark, dirty red color with a burgundy tint. This is a sign of lust. Such a person acts under the influence of lower, animal, instinctive levels of consciousness. He may be obsessed with sex, which does not bring him satisfaction. In addition, such energy may indicate perversion, that is, misused sexual energy. Dirty red can also indicate personality degradation. A very dark, polluted shade of red is a sign of irritability, nervousness, bad, domineering nature and increased conflict.

Avocado color

It is a very dark shade of green, the color of an avocado skin. It indicates a person’s tendency to deceive. Such a person likes to lead others by the nose and use them for his own purposes. A traitor will definitely have the color of avocado in his aura. It is also a sign of greed. It also appears in the aura of a person who is gnawed by jealousy. This is a very insidious energy that you see in auras too often. An olive shade, slightly lighter, indicates envy.

Dark brown

Brown color, especially with a chocolate tint, is a sign of cruelty and pettiness. Dull brown is a sign of stinginess. Greenish-brown indicates petty jealousy. Colors with a brownish tint reveal a person’s passion for hoarding. Brown color can also indicate a feeling of guilt and that a person is suppressing his true impulses.


The lowest of all possible vibrations is black. It is absolutely devoid of high vibrations. It says that a person is open to dark influences, maybe even intentionally doing evil. An inky black cloud around a person is a sign that he is overcome with hatred and is planning something criminal. A person with such energy may be capable of murder or has already committed a heinous crime. A lighter, smokier shade of black is a sign that the soul has been overcome by “night”—deep despair. It can be a sign of deep melancholy and suicidal tendencies.


Now, armed with knowledge spiritual significance colors and understanding of what an aura is, let's look at several illustrations that show the aura in action. Some people mistakenly believe that the aura is something impersonal and unrelated to everyday life. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aura is a dynamic and active part of our daily existence.

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes, there cannot be two identical auras, since there cannot be two people who use the life force of God in exactly the same way. If we sow seeds of hatred all our lives, our aura will be significantly different from the aura of those who sowed seeds of love all their lives. If you, for example, are a violinist, and someone is a stockbroker, your auras cannot be the same, because the specifics of your professional activities requires you to focus on different tasks and develop different skills. In addition, the aura shows that everything that happens to a person in life does not happen by chance. Whether our lives are filled with struggle or peace, it depends entirely on the kind of energy we have created for ourselves.

The color illustrations depict the auras of authentic people we have met. We have chosen those auras that provide very clear examples of the use of spiritual energy - both for negative and positive purposes. We repeat once again: the state of each aura is not something static or unchanging. The aura is active, it is in constant movement, and its shades are as changeable as the people who own the aura.

romantic love

The first picture depicts the aura of a twenty-year-old student who fell in love with a young musician. He reciprocated her passion, and they began an exciting relationship.

A pink cloud above the girl’s head indicates that she is passionately thinking about love - and especially about her lover. This cloud sparkles with pink bubbles, like champagne, reflecting the enduring feeling of euphoria that arose from love. In addition, these energies are a sign that the love is mutual and that the girl is now experiencing a wonderful whirlwind romance. Only with mutual love can color reach such intensity.

Let us pay attention to the active emanations of emerald, sky blue and golden colors emanating from the hermetic center. They testify to loyalty, determination and mental strength. It's not easy to get this girl to give up her feelings. She is absorbed in her love. Active pink emanations radiating like a star from the emotional center directly express the feeling of love. This kind of energy will remain in the aura as long as the bonds of love that bind them last.

Intellectual work

The second picture shows the aura of a nuclear physicist, which we saw at one lecture. It is not surprising that the energies in his intellectual field were especially strong. Directly below the golden stripe associated with the mental field, he had a stripe of yellow light. This streak appeared due to the fact that he constantly used the power of concentration given to him. Another noticeable feature that often accompanies such brilliant minds is a dense silver triangle in the mental field - a sign of exceptionally developed intelligence, perhaps even genius. In addition, such talented people The magnetic field of the aura can be highly developed.

The weak links we discovered by studying the auras of scientists and intellectuals are emotions. Many people believe that people with highly developed intelligence have a balanced emotional world, but this is not true. This person has some work to do in the emotional area. The imbalance in this area is noticeable in the green, avocado-colored rays emanating from his emotional center. Irritability, manifested in jagged dark red lines, also spreads from his emotional center. The absence of pink in the aura indicates that perhaps he lacks warmth in his relationships with other people.


The third picture of the first illustration shows the aura of a woman who, as a child, became a victim of sexual abuse by her father. And although many years have passed since then, the deep-rooted mistrust and hatred of men remains. In the aura one can see the hatred she was experiencing at that moment directed at the false object - her friend.

When we first met this woman, her aura was not so bad. She was a truly artistic person - this can be seen in the activity of the magnetic field, but when difficulties began in her relationships, they served as a trigger for this kind of auric reaction. It took several months for her energies to reach this state. A black cloud began to form above her head, reflecting obsessive thoughts associated with long, accumulating hatred. However, the fact that this cloud appeared above her head means that although her thoughts are focused on hatred, her mind is even in dark thoughts maintains clarity. It has happened that we have seen a cloud of hatred in and around the head - a sign of confusion in thoughts, but this is not the case. This woman had her own business, and she did an excellent job. Her aura also contained black areas riddled with burgundy lightning, an indicator of irritation born of hatred. Black radiations around the hermetic and emotional centers are further proof of the destructive effects of hatred: this woman has seriously complicated the life of both herself and those around her. Such an aura must be watched closely, because a person in such a state is capable of doing something very imprudent. This woman told what a bad person her lover was and how thoughts came into her head to kill him.

But still, such an aura cannot in any way be called bad. This woman has a clear predisposition to spiritual development and, most curiously, the ability to clairvoyance, but she brought these energies into imbalance by creating such a dark light.


Rage is apparently the harshest of the negatives psychological states, which can be observed in the aura. In the fourth picture of the first illustration we see the energies of a man who constantly scolded his wife. She didn't even have to give any serious reason for him to launch into another of his tirades. The situation ended tragically. Because of everything that happened to her, the woman fell ill and died.

His anger went far beyond the auric shell. Lightning-like zigzags of a dirty red color burst out of the aura, and with them flashes of red and spots of olive color - sure signs of extreme imbalance. Around the hermetic center were clouds of dark brown and other dirty colors, reflecting his constant depression. Broken lines of brown energies emanated from his throat center as he shouted insults. The black dots showed the hatred that this man felt, although his unfortunate wife did nothing to deserve it. Of course, his rage did not fall only on his wife. He was like a living bomb, ready to explode at any second.

Experience of Wealth

One of the richest energy fields we have ever seen belonged to a descendant of an old German princely family (see the first picture of the second illustration). He was a fabulously wealthy man who had to flee Germany after Hitler came to power. He managed to take a decent portion of the funds with him to the USA. A brilliantly educated and generously gifted man, he was a diplomat, geologist and talented businessman. He had his own oil company. The most important thing is that even after being forced to move from his homeland, he retained his focus on wealth. By the time we met him, he was already over seventy, but he was still an energetic man, and his mind remained sharp and clear.

In the illustration we see pronounced turquoise energies revolving around him and meaning that the mindset of prosperity is inherent in his life. The turquoise color is also visible at the feet - a sign that this installation is stable, stable. The predominance of turquoise color in the aura is a sign of a person who consistently attracts material wealth to himself and through whom they manifest themselves into reality. Turquoise around the hermetic center is evidence that flows of material wealth accompany it in daily activities. Active orange radiation expresses his enthusiasm and determination - this person received true pleasure from his activities and did not do it out of greed or vanity. As a rule, next to such an aura you involuntarily feel optimism and joy.

Experiencing Poverty

The aura in the second picture of the second illustration is a reflection of the negative reaction to the tragic incident, the aura of a woman who, having become a widow, was left with three children in her arms. She managed to get a job as a maid, and she coped well with her duties, but with three children she had to raise, she had a hard time. Fortunately, her neighbors helped her as much as they could, but it was still hard for her. And to top off all her problems, she developed a pessimistic view of the world: she saw everything in a gloomy light. The reason for such unfavorable effects on the aura was not so much in the hard life, but in the way she herself perceived it. Previously, she was financially dependent on her husband and completely relied on him, and when he was gone, her familiar world collapsed. If during this stressful period she had not lost faith in God and in herself, she would have been able to cope with difficulties more easily.

Notice the dark energies around her head. She is sad, she feels crushed, she is overcome by fear and a feeling of hopelessness. Many of us are familiar with this feeling to one degree or another. This feeling of collapse. In order to get out of it, you have to make significant efforts. Most people make the mistake of seeing financial difficulties as something insurmountable, and this mistake leads to an even bigger one - they stop moving forward, considering the situation hopeless, and they lack internal forces in order to make the necessary effort. If you consider poverty to be a temporary state, and be open to change, your motivation will immediately become much stronger, and hope and faith will appear that happy days are just around the corner.

In addition, above this woman’s head there is a heavy, dense thought form of avocado, muddy blue and chocolate colors, reflecting the dark thoughts that do not leave her. We saw how this thought form swayed when it habitually returned to its gloomy thoughts about its daily bread - the woman was constantly sad and considered herself insignificant. This thought form blocked part of her head - a sign that difficult circumstances had disrupted the flow of energies in the mental center: it was difficult for her to find a way out of the current circumstances, it was difficult to make a decision. There was also a gray cloud of fear in the aura. She had a burgundy energy around her hermetic center, reflecting a difficult situation in her personal life. There were also livelier shades of sky blue - a sign that, despite her gloomy view of the world, she adored her children. This woman was by no means bad person- She simply could not cope with the misfortune that befell her. Pink emissions coming from the emotional center indicated that she had kind heart and that she loves her children very much. But mixed with the pink energy of love was the gray energy of fear of the future.


The third picture of the second illustration depicts the aura of a man who was tormented by the fear of losing his job. The energies of fear and anxiety in the aura are very similar to each other. They may be associated with a specific object or situation, a chronic phenomenon, a phobia or an expected event. Regardless of whether fear is justified or not, when it reaches such a degree as is noticeable in this aura, it completely subjugates a person. This man's anxiety has been building for months, as can be seen from the charcoal-gray cloud above his head. Lines drawn down at the edges, emanating from the emotional center, indicate that a person seeks to avoid a difficult test rather than face it. The fact that the rays are directed downward indicates that the experiences themselves bend this person to the ground and lead to degradation.

A sky-blue glow still emanates from the throat center, but these energies are torn - a sign of insufficient self-confidence and weak will, the eternal companions of fear. And although in a particular situation his fears were justified, everything worked out. He didn't lose his job. However, the energy of anxiety he had accumulated crowded out the positive energies, and it took a long time for the person to restore them.

Spiritual enlightenment

The aura of spiritual enlightenment is an aura of inner growth because the soul that possesses it develops its spiritual powers and potential. The aura depicted in the fourth picture of the second illustration belongs to one preacher - an erudite, energetic and active woman.

This soul has consciously embarked on the path leading to the Truth and is engaged in self-improvement. Above this woman, between the top of the aura and the spiritual field, stripes of light are visible - apple and light blue. We often see such stripes over enlightened people. Silver sparks above the head are a sign that the Divine mind is working in it, receiving new ideas, as well as sources of inspiration and access to new levels of spiritual consciousness. The lemon-colored energies within the mental center indicate that this woman has a high level of spiritual concentration. The bright waves of purple at her feet are a sign that she has been through a lot. From the hermetic center emanates the orange color of enthusiasm - the joy of feeling the opening of spiritual horizons. Note that several petals have already opened on the crown chakra - a sign that the soul has begun its ascent to spiritual consciousness.

However, in the emotional field we still see a mixture of different energies, this soul still has to cope with the negative manifestations of its emotional nature: dirty red energy is anger, dark gray energy is fear. The presence of these energies is evidence of what is happening in a woman’s soul. internal struggle: Her lower self is trying to resist transformation. But if she remains focused on her spiritual development, he will eventually overcome the lower properties of his nature. This type of aura is not something exceptional, especially these days when more and more more people discover the spiritual side of reality.