Ballerina Anna Muromtseva about theatrical everyday life • BALLETRISTIC ×. The history of the Russian ballerina Notes of a ballerina

Ballet is such a strange act that everyone knows about, but which they don’t watch on TV, and somehow don’t consider it necessary to watch live. Ballerinas, ballerinas and balletomanes live in a separate world, but you can look into it too. And even admire it. Here we were slightly admiring it.

Bitter reviews
Flea in a sweater

The bulk of the blog owner’s reviews are published by the Kommersant newspaper, but some unprinted ones can only be found here. The beauty of “flea” notes is that she is really a pro and evaluates performances in the spirit of “the dancer demonstrated a completely French culture of foot placement” and analyzes ballet exercises for 300 years in depth. The reader breathes with respect. Otherwise, on the contrary, the author finds charming allusions to today in the old ballet: “A metal bayonet is slowly, slowly descending from above into the center of the slag heap. At first, of course, you remember Chekhov’s gun: if you have a bayonet, there should be a butterfly on it. And a little later you are amazed at the similarity of the bayonet to the famous icicle that immortalized the name of Valentina Matvienko. In the finale, he mercilessly stabs his chosen one Ekaterina Kondaurova. Needless to say, the most St. Petersburg death in the entire hundred-year history of “The Rite of Spring”! Among other things, there is a constant competition on this blog for other people’s ballet reviews.

“Visitors are already swearing. One visitor's adopted son stole a sports car, drove to London, abandoned the car, and threw away the keys. In short, a madhouse. I just want to stand upside down. By the way, this pose is very relaxing and rejuvenating, try it.”

Bolshoi Ballet Academy Teacher
Ballet man

If a man dances ballet, then, of course, he is not a ballerina. And not a ballerina. And not a dancer. It turns out that they prefer to call themselves “ballet”. One of these ballet men keeps a magazine where you can admire ballet to your heart’s content not only from behind the scenes, but even from under the barre, since the author teaches at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. He regularly posts heartbreaking footage of ballet stretching in lessons and ceremonial photos from dress rehearsals, where boys and girls with already stretched legs fearlessly jump over the orchestra pit. Do you know what a lesson reconstruction is? It turns out that this also happens: specialists restore the work at the barre according to the notes of old ballet masters. And many more tasty and surprising things, including good stories about how once at a competition our hero’s competitors smeared finalgon on his ballet bandage...

Innkeeper from the machine

The transformation of a ballerina into an innkeeper is an excellent plot for a tragic novella in the spirit of Mann or Merimee or, conversely, a cheerful ballad in the spirit of Kipling. However, the owner of this blog does not seem to suffer at all from such a change. And even then, ballerinas, like boxers, are never former. Leaving the Russian stage and taking up own business in England, shuttling between Portsmouth and London, the owner of the blog still remains a ballerina. Banishes bad moods with new exercises, evaluates dishes in terms of calories and effect on muscles, dreams about dancing and does not miss ballet premieres. Actually, she doesn’t write much directly about ballet, but she does lay out her personal system of exercises for maintaining her figure. And more vintage ballet photographs. And memoirs. And recipes. And stories about the pub's visitors. Either the visitors are entirely colorful characters, or the ballet greatly hones the ability to be precise in details. Bonus - luxurious landscapes of Great Britain.

In this life, everything always falls into place. And if people do nasty and mean things, taking advantage of their official position, this does not mean that no one sees or understands anything. The management of LiveJournal blocked the possibility of comments for no reason atlanta_s on the page At the same time, Anya did not violate any LiveJournal rules. The leadership of LiveJournal has not yet provided an explanation for this fact.
But here’s the thing, my dears, while the leadership of LiveJournal is waging war on atlanta_s and Moscow Culture moscultura , cultural Moscow sees everything and many look at the leadership of LiveJournal with bewilderment. And in front of our dear ballerina Bolshoi Theater curtsies famous people. For example, Oleg Nikolaevich Leushin is the head of the Theater in the South-West.

You see, what a thing, the laws of karma and boomerang have not yet been canceled. You can go to church as much as you like and light candles, and after that commit meanness again, but He sees everything. And the number of candles placed will not affect in any way what He will tell you there. And not even there, but already during life, the laws of karma work, oh, how they work. Think about this on New Year's Eve, our dear friends and enemies. Many of you still have a chance to remain human and clear your karma. New Year's Eve– she’s magical.

Born in Moscow. In 1987 she graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School (now the Moscow state academy choreography; teachers E. Zhemchuzhina, S. Afanasyeva) and was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater.
In 2000 she graduated from the pedagogical department of the choreographer's faculty Russian Academy theatrical arts(course of T. Tuchnina), having received the specialty “teacher-choreographer”.

In 1994 - 1996 participated in international competitions ballet dancers in Paris (France), Luxembourg, Nagoya (Japan).

In 1997, she worked as a classical dance teacher at the Dance Academy in Seoul (Republic of South Korea), taught master classes at the Dance Center in Busan (Republic of South Korea).

In 2001, she transferred the ballet “Anyuta” to the music of V. Gavrilin (choreography by V. Vasiliev) to the Krasnodar State Musical Theater. In 2002, she taught classes at the ballet troupe of this theater and at the Krasnodar Choreographic School.
In 2002, she was an assistant to Mikhail Lavrovsky on the production of the ballet “Paganini” to the music of S. Rachmaninov and the choreographic film “Walpurgis Night” by C. Gounod (choreography by Leonid Lavrovsky) in Musical theater TO "Premiere" (Krasnodar).

In 2003-06 taught classical, folk-characteristic and historical-everyday dance at the Bolshoi Theater Ballet School in Joinville (Brazil).

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Opera, operetta. Ballet and dance art

Ekaterina Vazem is a Russian ballerina and teacher. Ekaterina Ottovna Vazem was born on January 13, 1848 in Moscow. At the age of nine, she was admitted to the St. Petersburg Theater School as a “svoekoshtnoy pupil,” that is, a visiting student, and six years later she was transferred to a “state pupil.” One of its first teachers was Lev Ivanov, who began teaching in primary school in 1858. Vazem then studied with no less famous first dancer A. N. Bogdanov, who was involved in all the leading roles in the ballet repertoire of that time, which did not prevent him from also being an excellent teacher. In 1867 she graduated from the Theater School.

Her debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg took place on September 10 of the same year in Perrault’s play “The Naiad and the Fisherman.” Soon after her successful debut, Ekaterina Vazem was offered to perform in Arthur Saint-Leon’s ballet “The Orphan Theolinda, or Spirit of the Valley” to the music of C. Pugni. And although the production itself caused a lot of controversy, the artist’s skill was not questioned. Vazem coped with the difficult part, and ballet became firmly established in her repertoire. The next ballet of Saint-Leon, in which Vazem danced, was " Goldfish"to the music of Ludwig Minkus. Vazem had a chance to participate in the sensational St. Leon's "The Little Humpbacked Horse" and in the revival of the ballet "Corsair" by Saint-Georges and J. Mazilier. And then in her creative life the period of ballets began, which made her famous. Among Among them, a special place was occupied by the play "Pharaoh's Daughter", shown in the 1870-1871 season.

Vazem’s fame grew every year, and the talent of the St. Petersburg ballerina became known abroad. Invitations to New York and Philadelphia followed, but the management refused the artist, promising favorable working conditions for her. Little by little, the ballerina’s personal repertoire began to take shape. The first ballet Petipa staged specifically for Vazem in 1874 was “The Butterfly”. She left the stage at thirty-six years old, at the required time for ballet dancers. For her farewell benefit performance in 1884, Vazem chose scenes from the ballets “Pharaoh’s Daughter”, “Camargo” and “Paquita” - as the most successful and winning ones. In addition to bouquets, poetic messages and laurel wreaths, she also received a silver wreath from the ballet troupe, with the names of all twenty ballets in which the ballerina danced carved on it.

In 1886, Vazem began teaching classical dance at a theater school. Moving from the class of Lev Ivanov, whose classes were not distinguished by complexity and certainty, the pupils ended up in the middle class of Vazem, with a clearly developed training system. The main principles of her technique were to develop plasticity and softness of performance, and develop endurance. The workload in the lessons was very heavy, and the lesson plan was always the same. Vazem worked at the theater school for ten years. In 1896, she was fired allegedly “due to the introduction of a new system in teaching ballet dancing.” However, as the ballerina herself indicated in her memoirs, she was forced to leave by her reluctance to put up with the unreasonable actions of theater officials.

After the 1917 revolution, she still gave private classical dance lessons. This is a difficult time for Russian ballet art. Literally everyone was involved in the rehearsals at the Mariinsky Theater, and they remembered Vazem. She was already over seventy, but for several years in a row, every morning at exactly eleven o’clock in the morning she came to classes with her students. Her class at that time was very popular not only because here the artist strengthened his muscles and improved coordination. It was a kind of ballet “chamber of weights and measures”, where any dancer had the opportunity to check, without being deceived, his professional preparedness.

Ekaterina Ottovna Vazem died on December 14, 1937, just a month before her ninetieth birthday, in the Leningrad House of Stage Veterans.

Price: 190 rub.

Good afternoon everyone. My name is Anna and I live in Moscow.

It's no secret that birthdays come once a year.
And I want to spend it in an unusual way. So that it would be remembered, at least for a year.)))
So I decided to give myself an unusual birthday.
So, June 9th is my birthday.

But even without my decision, the day turned out to be unusual. I’m not a superstitious person, so I started celebrating as soon as it happened. And besides, the first congratulations came already at eleven o’clock in the evening. It turned out that those congratulating me, my birthday had already arrived.
And since at that moment I was sitting in a cozy German restaurant, as soon as the clock struck 12, we drank to my health. And immediately congratulations began to arrive on Facebook, and calls began to arrive on the phone. I have friends who like to congratulate as soon as the hour comes.

In the morning I had to go to work. However, it started earlier than I expected. I went to bed around two, and of course I never expected that I would wake up when it was only five in the morning.

Having forced myself to sleep, or rather take a nap until eight o’clock, I went to have breakfast.

Breakfast took a little longer, because at the same time I was responding to incoming congratulations.
But at ten fifteen I was already in place - at the exit from the Ploshchad Revolutsii metro station. I had an appointment here.

From here we went to the intersection of Tverskaya and Kamergersky, where I met and exchanged phone numbers with the people with whom I was to spend six hours.

Having agreed to call, I went to the theater. Nobody canceled the class.

And so... It's twelve o'clock.
I'm calling. They make an appointment for me. Address: Bolshaya Dmitrovka, building 28.

The Tver police department is located here.
And here they are already waiting for me. Or rather, I was waiting, as the tourist police officers, with whom I was supposed to patrol the section of Tverskaya entrusted to them, were filling out documents. The detainee was brought in.

In general, you probably already guessed... I decided to give myself such an unusual birthday. Well, why not? Everyone is working and busy. I have a performance myself in the evening. And the day is free. Sitting at home is boring. Just walking around the city is not interesting.

After leaving the department, we went to one of the end points of the route - the corner of Tverskaya and Pushkinsky Boulevard. I will definitely tell you about the work of the tourist police separately. Now just a few sketches.

On this day, we delivered detainees to the department that had become our “home” twice more.
The first time for two citizens who came to Moscow to work.

Second time... But I won't get ahead of myself.
While only the detainees were being processed

others, not very adequate ones, were handcuffed.

While we were at the police station, the car that was supposed to take us to lunch left with another outfit.
So we went on patrol again.
And here we are again on Tverskaya.
The festival "Times and Epochs" is taking place in Moscow, so on the streets you can meet people in costumes of the times French Revolution.
Photographed with their kind permission.

By the way, these are not some actors, but real Frenchmen.

And again on the road. Towards Okhotny Ryad.
Someone parked a car on the sidewalk. Just in the place where the girl was recently hit.

A young man jumped out of another car, also parked on the sidewalk, and ran to a nearby store.
Coming out of the store, the young man fell into our hands. Taking this opportunity, he took a photo with me.

Despite the fact that it is the summer of 2017 and not the winter of 1812, we met the French again.
Having fallen behind their fellow tribesmen, they wondered how to get to Pushkin Square.

Well, we're going for a walk again.
Near the BOSCO store, a homeless man was sleeping on a bench. Social services were called for him.

By the way, I now know that from Okhotny Ryad to Pushkinskaya Square is 1100 meters.
Well, this is “my” walking squad of tourist police. Andrey, Yana and Konstantin.
Thank you very much for a wonderful walk.

But we are not parting yet.
And again we go to Okhotny Ryad, working as a navigator along the way.)))

The homeless man is no longer there, apparently taken away by social services. But there is another offender - a beggar with kittens.

Which means we’re going back to the department.

The time quietly approached six. Neither I nor the guys had even had lunch yet.
Having processed the next detainee, we said goodbye.
Alas, I had to go to work. And the boys have lunch.
Moreover, the car arrived.

By the way, the first thing I did when I arrived at the theater was to have lunch. Modest, but tasty.

Just like a year ago, they performed La La Sylphide.

After dancing and meeting friends along the way, I finally went home to celebrate my birthday!!!
The last time I celebrated my birthday in the company of friends was... I don’t remember how many years ago.
Together, a modest festive dinner was prepared.

Now you can have a drink)))