Business plan for a private kindergarten - how to open a private kindergarten. Step-by-step preparation of a business plan for a kindergarten

Business plan for a private kindergarten today is more relevant than ever. Although currently there are no longer such huge queues at preschool institutions as there were just a few years ago, the demand for kindergarten services has increased significantly.

This was partly due to the active promotion of proper upbringing of children, according to which children should constantly communicate with their peers, receive the knowledge necessary at their age, and be under the constant supervision of adults, which parents, almost always busy with their own affairs, or while at work, cannot provide.

The project brought to the attention of the reader does not pretend to be ready business plan private kindergarten, but can be used as a guide when compiling one.


This project is a business plan for a private kindergarten with a payback period of two years.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the market demand for services for the upbringing, education, and leisure of preschool children.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

Total cost of the project: 12 million rubles

Payback period: 1 year

Interest rate included in calculations: 25 %

The total interest payments will be: 3 million rubles

The investor's income will be: 3 million rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

Main stages of the project implementation

The start of the project implementation is immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receipt of loan funds.

The main stages of the implementation of this project, the conditions and deadlines for their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesCompletion deadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining borrowed funds1 month
Entry into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Selection of location and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Conducting a marketing campaign1-24 months

General description of the project

A private kindergarten is intended to create services for the upbringing and education of children, care and supervision of them in various settlements of the Russian Federation. This concept includes the following institutions:

  • Nurseries
  • Kindergarten-school

In addition to the economic component of the project to create a private kindergarten, a special component is its social significance. As is well known, the number of kindergartens in Russia lags significantly behind the number of children their parents want to place there.

The motivation for creating a kindergarten in the form of a selfless mission for the proper upbringing of children can be ruled out immediately, since the current moral principles of society as a whole leave much to be desired. But since any inspection can immediately close an institution if it reveals inadequate compliance with established rules and regulations, and the costs of creating such a business are very significant, any entrepreneur running a business in this area tries to keep everything “at the level.”

Today, in order to enroll a child in kindergarten, you need to stand in line. And in a large city, this line must be taken even before the baby is born! As a rule. The application is submitted at the beginning of the year, but in practice, admission to the kindergarten is carried out throughout the year.

In Russia, there are two forms of ownership of kindergartens:

  1. Government institutions
  2. And non-state

The latter, in turn, can be divided into 2 more types:

  1. Private kindergartens
  2. And homemade

The operating hours of state kindergartens, as a rule, provide for a 10- or 11-hour stay of the child in the institution. Many private kindergartens operate on a schedule - from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and/or from 2 to 5 p.m. And, despite the fact that long periods of children staying in kindergarten are in greatest demand, there are quite a few such institutions, it is extremely difficult to get there, and therefore they are in great demand.

Any preschool institution organizes its work in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, must be properly registered, have a state license, and premises that meet all necessary standards.

Premises for kindergarten and its location

A private kindergarten, unlike a home one, is usually located in its own or rented building:

  • Definitely low-rise
  • Freestanding
  • With a closed surrounding area

In urban areas this may be former buildings state-owned or owned by various departments, kindergartens, or new structures built in accordance with all SNiPs. And outside the city there are small cottage-type buildings, erected according to the same rules.

Unlike a private kindergarten, a home one usually occupies a 3- or 4-room apartment, of which most of the area is devoted to the placement of children. Often home kindergartens are in a semi-legal or completely illegal position. Therefore, for an entrepreneur who does not want problems with various supervisory authorities, the best option is a private kindergarten.

When planning to open a business, in the preparation process you should determine the location for the future kindergarten, in the most to a greater extent meeting the necessary parameters:

  1. In the selected area there should be as few competing organizations as possible, both of similar and government type (optional, but recommended condition)
  2. When choosing an area for the location of a kindergarten, it is necessary to be guided by the large number of new buildings and houses under construction, where young families with small children usually move in.

The technical characteristics of the room should be as follows:

  • It should be in a non-residential building so that if you purchase or rent it, the cost will be significantly lower than that of a residential one.
  • The premises must comply with the standards of the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor, specified in SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations.”
  • The optimal area for 1 child should be at least 6 square meters. meters. Based on these calculations, the number of children possible to be kept in kindergarten should be determined.
  • A private kindergarten must have separate rooms for games, sleeping, eating, and a medical office.
  • Sanitary rooms for boys, girls, and separately for adults.

If the premises found do not meet these requirements, then redevelopment and repairs must be made, if the property agreement allows this. Ideally, they make do with cosmetic repairs, but more often than not they have to redo the building almost completely. And this is one of the most significant expense items in the entire project.

Necessary documentation for opening a preschool institution

According to the scope of legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of kindergartens in the country, only legal entities have the right to conduct educational activities - organizations of a non-profit nature (partnerships, associations, unions, foundations, etc.), or individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs. LLC, any joint stock companies, etc. does not have the right to engage in educational activities.

Based on this, the most suitable form of doing business for the owner (owners) of a kindergarten is an individual entrepreneur. After registering a business, you need to collect a package of documents that are needed to start operating a kindergarten.

First of all, you need to register for tax purposes with the obligatory assignment of a TIN, in the statistical authorities with the definition of OKVED, OKPO, etc. codes. The full list of taxes that individual entrepreneurs pay can be found out.

For that, to obtain a license to conduct educational activities it is necessary to provide the following package of documents to the Department or Committee of Education in a given subject of the Federation of local governments:

  • Extracts from the relevant registers confirming registration as an individual entrepreneur
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authorities
  • Rospotrebnadzor act confirming that the kindergarten premises are in proper condition
  • State Fire Department’s conclusion that the premises have passed a fire safety inspection
  • Compiled educational program, both of a single type and of our own design
  • Certificate confirming the availability of material and technical equipment and educational materials
  • Data on the composition of teaching and educational personnel, the number of children, etc.
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee for the license

To obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor it is necessary to conduct a number of paid studies and analyses, among which the main ones are:

  • Measurements of illumination in each room of the kindergarten intended for children
  • Radiation measurements in the building and surrounding area
  • Analysis of the composition of tap water in kindergarten

To obtain a GPN act necessary:

  • Install a fire alarm
  • Treat wooden structural elements of the building with a special compound
  • Have a service agreement for fire alarm maintenance
  • Equip all kindergarten premises with fire extinguishers, signs indicating the direction to the exit, and evacuation plans in case of fire.

Obtaining a license for a kindergarten is such a troublesome and costly procedure that many entrepreneurs, faced with this need, refuse to implement this business idea at this stage.

Meanwhile, the further process is much easier, and is not without some “bonuses” inherent only to this type of business. So, for example, in the work of a kindergarten there is no one of the main problems of any business - the lack of clientele and the struggle for it, the shortage of establishments of this type is so acute.

A kindergarten business plan, without which it simply cannot take into account all the nuances of the organization, can be ordered from companies involved in business planning. Such a service will cost from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. You can try to write a project description yourself. To help, you can suggest familiarizing yourself with this information -.

However, we can repeat once again that The market for preschool education services is so free that there is practically no competition. And therefore even in small towns Large and small private kindergartens exist relatively calmly nearby.

Marketing plan

It should be noted right away that the activities of kindergartens were not affected by the economic crisis that began in 2014, in terms of a drop in demand for services. The need to educate children in kindergartens does not depend in any way on financial situation their parents, higher prices for food, clothing and shoes, utilities, etc.

The policy of improving the demographic situation in the country, taken by the government several years ago, has now begun to bear fruit, and the birth rate has increased significantly. At the same time, requests for kindergarten services have also increased. It is impossible to underestimate this business idea.

One of its advantages in comparison with other types of business is its absolute win-win, even with inept business organization. In the capital, for example, there are quite a lot of families in which children are sent to kindergartens in most cases, clearly violating the norms for child care, simply because there is no other way out.

Based on this, we can conclude that there is no need to conduct any special marketing campaign, therefore, you can save a little on this expense item. Besides best advertising There will be reviews from satisfied children. Therefore, almost all that is needed is to organize a really good institution with an interesting developmental educational program.

However, the problem in organizing a private kindergarten still exists. This is a matter of personnel - highly qualified educators and teachers. These professions are among the lowest paid today. Excluding, of course, the situation with elite kindergartens. Many specialists either “went” into tutoring, nannies, or governesses, or began working in related professions.

The situation will be somewhat saved by the fact that the main job seekers are women over the age of 40 with solid work experience.

Table No. 2 presents the average salary level for kindergarten workers in the Central part of Russia:

The problems of registering for kindergartens in Moscow began to be solved by registering via the Internet, on the websites of institutions, or through MFCs - multifunctional centers. I would like to hope that in the very near future such a procedure will be introduced in other regions of the country.

Table No. 3 presents the average prices for kindergarten services in various regions of Russia:

CityPrices in state kindergarten, thousand rublesPrices in a private kindergarten, thousand rubles
Moscowfrom 60from 80
Permianfrom 40from 50
Vladivostokfrom 45from 55
Krasnoyarskfrom 35from 40
Kaliningradfrom 40from 55
Sochifrom 50from 60
Ekaterinburgfrom 50from 60

There is reason to believe that such an analysis of the situation in the field of kindergartens will be quite satisfactory for any investor who will appreciate the advantages of this business.

Production plan

Basic equipment and supplies for kindergarten can be divided into the following categories:

  1. For children's development and free play. This includes toys, stationery, teaching aids, children's furniture, technical devices and tool kits.
  2. For music lessons and physical activity. This category includes children's musical instruments, workplace a teacher with a musical instrument, teaching aids, a physical education and sports complex indoors and outdoors, toys and equipment for outdoor games.
  3. The necessary supplies for organizing sleep are beds and bed linen at the rate of 2 sets per child.
  4. For storing children's outerwear and spare clothes and shoes - lockers, stools, children's sofas and armchairs.
  5. For eating - furniture, dishes, cutlery.
  6. Sanitary and hygienic equipment - children's toilets, pots, towels, soap, etc.

At the same time, equipment is needed to organize conditions for children:

  • Kitchen appliances and equipment
  • Cooking utensils
  • Uniform or workwear
  • Washing machine
  • Iron, ironing board
  • Equipment for a medical office - furniture and special furniture, medical equipment and devices, overalls, etc.

Separately, you need to consider the possibility of purchasing a vehicle (bus or minibus) that will bring/drop off children.

The technical support of the kindergarten must meet all necessary requirements. Particular attention should be paid to security issues. In addition, the purchased equipment must justify the invested funds in the future and ensure full payback.

Financial plan

Start financial year institutions - January.

The main taxes payable are presented in Table No. 4:

Type of taxTax basePeriodInterest rate
Income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxPayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentsPayroll fundMonth34%

The forecast for service volumes and revenue is presented in Table No. 5:

PeriodType of serviceNumber of children per monthCost of service, rub.Revenue, rub
1-12 month40 - 60 25 000 from 10 to 15 million
1-12 month40 - 60 35 000 from 14 to 21 million
13-24 monthRaising and teaching children for 9 months50 - 75 27 000 from 13.5 to 20.25 million
13-24 monthOne-time payment upon admission to kindergarten50 - 75 37 000 from 18.5 to 27.75 million
25-36 monthRaising and teaching children for 9 months50 - 75 30 000 from 15 to 22.5 million
25-36 monthOne-time payment upon admission to kindergarten50 - 75 40 000 from 20 to 30 million

Analysis of possible risks

The main risks when running this business are as follows:

  • High degree of bureaucratic delays when registering a business
  • Possibility of conducting frequent checks in kindergarten
  • Low level of training of teaching and educational staff


The work carried out in this kindergarten business plan showed that this project has high development prospects and the possibility of making a big profit. Most of the possible risks can be minimized or avoided altogether with skillful, flexible management of the institution. Economically, the implementation of such a project is completely justified.

In the early 2000s, the country's birth rate declined sharply. People weren't living in the best of times, and the economy was just starting to go into protracted stagnation. Against this background, thoughts about children appeared extremely rarely, and the number of newborns rapidly decreased. At one point, it became clear that kindergartens were not staffed to the required level. It was decided to close many until better times. And now better times have come, there are more and more young mothers and fathers every day, but there are no more kindergartens.

If you see that in your area, city, region, there is a real problem with sending your child to a good kindergarten, then you need to think about how to satisfy the demand for this type of service.

In one of our previous articles, we talked about how to open a children's development center, an analogue to all well-known kindergartens, only with a limited number of children. The article was more of an advisory and informational nature, and there were very few numbers and specific facts. Many readers began to request a detailed and working business plan for opening a kindergarten.

At first the idea seemed good and necessary to us, but we had no practical knowledge in this area. And just a month ago, our team met a man who has been developing his own private kindergarten for three years. We asked him to give us an excursion into his business, to give advice and recommendations, to introduce him to figures, expenses, profits, and everything that would be of interest to our readers.

I would like to say right away that the kindergarten is open in Moscow, but all the advice is valid for any other city. It is clear that you will have to make a certain correlation by numbers, well, this is no longer a problem, the main thing is to know what to count in the first place, and what to refuse.

Business plan for a private kindergarten

As we have already said, the kindergarten operates in Moscow, and it needed to rent a room measuring 500 square meters. Rent is not the main expense item, because there are many other mandatory ones. Among them:

  • Repairs in the first year - 100 thousand rubles. This is a one-time investment that is necessary in any case. Whatever it is good room, you will have to modify something specifically taking into account the fact that this will be a kindergarten. In the future, repairs will be local and not so expensive.
  • Fire safety equipment, alarms, panic buttons - installation 30,000 rubles, maintenance per year 100 thousand rubles. You should not skimp on safety, because you will be working with children whose lives their parents have entrusted to you.
  • Contract with a private security service – 1 million rubles per year. It's not cheap, and you can find more loyal services. The price depends on the scope of services that the private security company offers.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses:

  • The rent for the premises is 500 thousand rubles per month. It would be ideal if the premises already exist, because a significant expense item would be eliminated. Otherwise you will have to pay quite a bit. Also, premises of this size, and even non-technical ones, are not so easy to find. This is the first place to start.
  • Utilities – 80 thousand rubles
  • Food for 40 children and 20 employees – 200 thousand rubles
  • Consumables. It all depends on how intensively you work and use everything. In this case, it is 60 thousand rubles per month.
  • Salary, bonuses, social benefits and taxes – 1.1 million rubles per month.
  • Advertising – 100 thousand rubles. Here it’s up to your wishes, but at the initial stages such expenses cannot be avoided.


  • Entry fee (a kind of membership) – 68 thousand rubles
  • Monthly fee. The kindergarten operates 9 months a year and closes for the summer. For 40 children, the fee is 25 million rubles per year, which is approximately 5,750 rubles per month.
  • Individual lessons with a child (drawing, foreign languages, singing, etc.) - 100,000 rubles per year.
  • Short-term groups (up to 8 children) – 500 thousand rubles per year.

Minimum staff for a kindergarten

Employees are an integral part of your business. In this business plan, we will indicate the required minimum of employees that must be in place for the normal functioning of the kindergarten. In the process of activity and development, you can attract more and more new people who will expand the network of services provided and increase your earnings. It could also be teachers foreign languages, art, music. But on initial stage You will need:

  • Each group has 2 teachers and a nanny. In our case there are 2 groups.
  • Musical director
  • Child psychologist who specializes in preschoolers
  • Speech therapist
  • Kitchen staff – a cook and two assistants
  • 2 nurses
  • Territory cleaner
  • Caretaker or building worker

To obtain this type of license (to conduct educational activities), you need:

  • Copy of the enterprise charter
  • A copy of the premises rental agreement or purchase and sale agreement
  • Conclusion from the SES and firefighters
  • Evidence of the availability of material and technical capabilities to carry out such activities
  • Information about teachers, their work experience, education
  • Information on the number of children in kindergarten

As you can see, you need to collect a lot of documents, get more than one permit, and go through dozens of authorities. And that’s all if you decide to choose NOU. To open a regular private kindergarten you need to register as individual entrepreneur. There is no need to obtain any licenses, and the requirements from regulatory authorities are much lower. For example, if an individual entrepreneur violates some SES norms, he will pay a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. For non-state educational institutions, the same violations will cost 20-40 thousand.

If you decide to open a kindergarten in an apartment, then let’s say right away that this is not entirely legal. Firstly, you will have to negotiate with the SES and firefighters, because it is practically impossible to comply with all their instructions in the apartment. And the earnings here will also not be very comforting. Even in a spacious apartment you can work with a maximum of 10 children.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it you can educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The best option would be to register you as an individual entrepreneur and name the kindergarten as a Child Development Center (CDC) or a Child Care Center (CCC).

The algorithm of action for a kindergarten at home is similar to that for a non-state educational institution, only without obtaining unnecessary licenses and permits.

Kindergarten business plan: personnel recruitment

Your kindergarten staff is the foundation successful business. You need to understand that it is the people you choose who will communicate with the children, the children will tell their parents about him, and they will tell their friends about him. A good teacher, nanny, excellent cooks - this is your goal and guideline.

But no matter how document professionals people are, you must interview them under very close scrutiny. You can even set up a camera, record everything you say, and then track reactions to certain questions. Always hire new people with a mandatory probationary period.

In any case, you will need:

  • Educator- This is the person who should inspire trust and respect in parents. He must think in the same social language as young mothers and fathers. A required requirement is a specialized higher education and work experience. It would not hurt to find out why the person quit his previous job, what was the impetus for such a decision, take the phone number of the previous manager and personally find out everything that interests you.
  • Methodist– a person who draws up methods for raising and developing children. This is not a theorist who knows about children from books and lectures of the institute, this is a practitioner who has worked in a state kindergarten, easily finds contact with parents, and knows modern trends in the upbringing and development of children.
  • Psychologist. Not worth taking young specialist. Although there are a lot of smart young psychologists now, it’s not worth the risk. Take a person with experience, but he must not be of Soviet caliber. The person must be middle-aged, up to a maximum of 35.
  • Director. If you yourself have nothing to do with pedagogy and have never encountered kindergartens, then you need a person for the position of director who can organize the proper activities of the kindergarten.
  • Household worker. Any household worker, even that same cleaning lady, must clearly understand that your kindergarten is not a government office where everything is government-owned. He must be economical and hardworking. He must perceive the kindergarten as something of his own and work with appropriate dedication. From you there is a good salary and motivation, from the economic worker, quality work done.

Employee retention and development

If you want to be the best, always go one step ahead of competitors, use current methods and approaches to education, then you need to attract super professionals in their field. But such people will have to be motivated so that they stay with you and do not go to work for a competitor. It is clear that the best motivation is an increase in wages. But it is necessary not only to increase it, but to involve employees in such a way that they receive bonuses for certain achievements.

Also try to create a team atmosphere. Holidays, joint vacations, birthdays - everything should unite your team, everyone should feel that they are part of something big and important.

Many girls are thinking about opening their own kindergarten. I think it’s no secret that this business is better suited for women. And if a girl becomes a mother, then after two years the desire can develop into a need. Why give your child to someone if you can organize your own kindergarten. If opportunities allow, then you need to try. Here are some tips that will definitely help those who decide to engage in this risky and very responsible business:

1. If you have never worked in this field, then you do not need to shoulder all the responsibilities. It is better to hire a director with experience in an administrative position and a pedagogical education. Ideally, if this is the former head of the kindergarten. The director can significantly simplify your life, because he will help you select good and professional staff, choose a room, equip it with the necessary furniture, etc.

2. Justify the choice of premises. It is very good if you have suitable premises in your property. This will remove most of the costs. But, most likely, you will have to rent the premises, which will entail additional risks and responsibilities. Try to establish a trusting relationship with the landlord from the first days, to make him a like-minded person.

3. Make friends with SanEpidemService employees. This should not be an evil official whose arrival you are afraid of, but a real friend who will advise, help, give advice and recommendations in order to avoid unnecessary problems and fines in the future.

4. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework for running your business. Understand all the intricacies of taxation. This will allow you to build your business more efficiently and legally.

5. Always monitor the ratio of income and expenses. Many kindergartens introduce entrance fees to cover certain risks and gain additional profit.

Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project March 17, 2014 8:25 pm

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 156,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 30,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 315,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan a small private kindergarten with calculations.

Description of service

The private kindergarten provides services for parents to look after their young children (from 3 to 7 years old). The organization is small and is designed to serve 10-12 children at a time. The list of services provided includes keeping children in kindergarten, meals, walks, and classes. Overtime stay of a child in kindergarten is not provided. The organization itself will be located on the ground floor of a residential building; the apartment will be converted into non-commercial real estate in advance. In this business plan we will consider the option of renting real estate. But if you have your own apartment on the 1st floor, then your expenses will be significantly reduced and your profits will increase.

Market analysis

Today the problem of placing a child in kindergarten is very acute. There are not enough government institutions like this. Parents wait a very long time for their turn, sometimes it takes several years. In such a situation, many try to find an alternative solution to the problem. Private kindergartens are becoming increasingly popular.

As a rule, the urgent need for childcare is felt by parents of children who can already talk and walk. Age category – from 3 to 7 years. Older age is not relevant at all, since children are already going to school. Very young children require careful care and supervision. Their mothers usually sit with them, and for this they are given maternity leave and parental leave. The greatest demand is observed in the middle age category. It is these children that the entrepreneur will recruit to the kindergarten.

This type of business is especially relevant for women with pedagogical education. They will be able to simultaneously be a business owner, a teacher, a cook, and a cleaner, if necessary. Therefore, such an enterprise has a certain feminine “accent”.

The limited number of municipal kindergartens causes a large difference between the large (constant!) demand for kindergarten services and supply in this market sector. There will always be clients in this type of business. Moreover, they are likely to become regular customers. This will reduce advertising costs.

In general, it is better to open such a private kindergarten in an area of ​​the city where wealthy families live. They, as a rule, resort to the services of such organizations, having greater confidence in them. Thus, portrait of a potential buyer will look like this: these are families with a child aged 3-7 years, their income is set at an average level and above average (you should focus on the last category).

The main competitors will be other private kindergartens located nearby and municipal institutions of this type. The main weapon in the fight will be the professionalism of the staff, the provision of quality services, as well as unusual offers (for example, conducting martial arts or dance classes by a professional trainer). It makes no sense to make the cost lower than the market average - in this case, the costs simply will not be recouped and the organization will not generate any income.

SWOT analysis

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing threats and opportunities. The former can hinder the successful development of the enterprise, while the latter, on the contrary, accelerate it and provide additional income.

Factors influencing an enterprise are usually divided into external and internal. A private entrepreneur cannot change the first. However, he can minimize the influence of negative factors and use opportunities for his own benefit. External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • The level of competition is not great, since opening a kindergarten today is quite difficult; this type of business requires considerable initial costs.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Possibility of attracting investments in this sector of the economy.
  • Low level of advertising costs.
  • Changes in legislative acts.
  • Low fines for individual entrepreneurs (about 1-3 thousand rubles).
  1. Threats:
  • High level of bureaucratization in this area.
  • Decrease in the level of income of the population due to the crisis.
  • Presence of financial barriers to entry into the market.
  • The need to prepare documents for transferring from the category of private kindergartens to non-state educational institutions.
  • Strict requirements from the SES and Fire Inspectorate.

The owner can try to eliminate internal factors if they are negative. And those that have a positive impact on business can not only be used for good, but also their influence can be strengthened. Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Possibilities for further expansion.
  • Selecting a territory where the level of competition is minimal.
  • Convenient location for service users (in this case, the kindergarten will be located in an area where wealthy families live).
  • A large number of specialists in this field (many will agree to work for your organization, since municipal kindergartens offer very low salaries).
  • There may be an increase in the cost of services provided.
  • The entrepreneur has experience in this field.
  • Availability of various advanced training courses.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • High level of fixed costs.
  • Lack of any client base, the need to find clients.
  • High responsibility, serious consequences are possible (in case of injury to a child, for example).
  • Inability to meet increased demand (the presence of a small number of children's places will not allow).
  • Need for serious repairs.
  • High level of costs for necessary equipment and furniture.
  • Decrease in the quality of services due to lack of motivation among staff.

It is important to understand that certain factors may not be present at a particular enterprise. Here it is important to conduct research on the local market and working conditions.

Opportunity Assessment

The private kindergarten will operate 5 days a week. Working day from 7:30 to 18:00. To avoid problems, we hire a teacher at one and a half times the rate.

A drawing and music teacher will come to the kindergarten separately. Only 2 times a week. They can be arranged as part-time workers or carried out as outsourcing. In our case, we chose the second option to eliminate the cost of paying insurance premiums.

One teacher will work with children. His responsibilities include looking after children, doing exercises, taking a daily walk (1-2 times a day), conducting developmental activities (counting, ABC, etc.).

You can hire one of the housewives living in the same building as a cook and cleaner. She will come 3 times a day.

The kindergarten will be located in a 3-room apartment.

Please note that there must be facilities for sleeping, playing and eating. In our case, the kitchen will be a place for ready

ki, 1 room - dining room, 2 room - playroom, 3 room for sleeping. The playroom will also have an activity area.

It is worth choosing an apartment with a separate entrance on the ground floor.

At the time of admission to kindergarten, parents must pay an entrance fee. From one child – 7 thousand rubles. This amount may vary depending on the region. On average from 5000 rub. up to 15,000 rub. We will count this money separately and use it to pay off initial costs. The total amount will be 84,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal aspects

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that home kindergarten is like legal form there is no business. Remember that if the name contains the words “school” or “kindergarten”, then it will no longer be possible to register as an individual entrepreneur; the owner will have to register as a legal entity. In this case, you will also have to obtain the appropriate license to organize activities from the Department of Education.

  1. . We pay a state fee of 800 rubles. If necessary, . The OKVED code can be: 85.32 “Provision of social services without providing accommodation”, 80.10.1 “Preschool and primary services general education", 0.10.3 "Additional education of children."
  2. You can use UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. Please note that an individual entrepreneur with the appropriate name of the organization does not need to obtain a license.
  4. It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  5. Child care activities are not subject to licensing. It is only important to choose the right name.
  6. According to Article 48 " Education Law", individual pedagogical activity not subject to licensing.
  7. It is important to prepare a contract for the provision of services. For help in drafting, it is better to contact a lawyer.
  8. Don't forget to comply with sanitary standards and fire safety rules!

Marketing plan

Pricing policy:

The cost will be the same for all clients. It will be set at a level slightly above the market average. This is due to the fact that the main clients will be wealthy people, for whom cost often becomes an indicator of the class of the service provided.

Marketing strategy:

Since the kindergarten will target families living in nearby houses, it will save quite a lot on advertising. Some promotion methods in this case include:

  • A sign. It should be big, bright, interesting and memorable. It is important to choose a catchy name.
  • Posting advertisements. It is better to do them on high-quality paper, having first written a selling text.
  • Consulting potential clients, holding “parents’ day”. On such an evening, you can introduce parents to the available programs and conditions.
  • Installation of signs. This will add seriousness to the organization.

But it’s better to exclude apartment crawls. This may put off wealthy clients. In this case, they will be ineffective advertisements in newspapers and on television. The number of clients is small, and the costs of such advertising are very serious. In addition, the above methods will help you find potential clients faster.

Calculation of projected income

Average monthly revenue will be 156,000 rubles.

I would also like to say that 13,000 rubles is not the limit. In some kindergartens this figure reaches 17,000 rubles and even higher (If you don’t take Moscow into account, because prices there are 2-3 times higher). We also do not charge additional fees for trips with children to theaters, children's pools, museums and other leisure places.

Production plan

Most likely, the business owner, rather than the landlord, will have to renovate and equip the premises. This will be a small renovation, the main thing is that the room matches everything sanitary standards and fire safety measures.

You will have to buy furniture, namely beds (we chose bunk beds to increase the space), armchairs, tables, chairs, kitchen units, cabinets and more. You should not buy very expensive furniture. It is better to choose medium-priced but reliable things.

Equipment you will need is a refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, stereo system. You can also purchase a microwave oven. You don't have to buy a laptop.

It is worth taking care of your leisure time. Let there be soft toys in the kindergarten, board games, supplies for drawing, writing, notebooks. You also need sports corners with mats, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.

In the beginning, you will have to spend a lot of money searching for clients. But you won’t have to deal with it afterwards.

Payments to the teacher and cook will be fixed. The teacher receives 30,000 rubles, the cook – 25,000 rubles. This includes taxes and insurance premiums.

It is possible to arrange additional stay for the child in the kindergarten. For example, for a fee. After all, not all parents work until 6 o'clock. The main part of the income can be given to the teacher in order to stimulate him and provide additional income.

Organizational plan

Initial costs will be 315,800 rubles.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax will be: 156,000 – 120,000 = 36,000 rubles.
  • Tax: (we count 15% of the difference between income and expenses) = 5,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 36,000 – 5,4000 = 30,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 30,600/156,000 = 19.61%.
  • Payback: (315,800 – 84,000)/30,600=7.6. Therefore, the project will pay off in 8 months.

If the individual entrepreneur himself works as a teacher or the apartment is not rented, but owned, then the income will be slightly higher (almost 2 times). Therefore, at the initial stage it is advisable to consider this method. Also, do not forget that in 2-3 years there will be a new set of children and contributions will also replenish the business budget.


When opening a private kindergarten, you must not forget about possible risks. In this area, the main difficulties that an entrepreneur may encounter are the following:

  1. High bureaucratization in this industry

It is impossible to fight this factor. All requirements are stipulated by regulations and laws.

The consequences of this risk can be small (fines for non-compliance with certain requirements) and catastrophic (up to the closure of the enterprise).

Risk can be avoided. You just need to study the existing laws in detail and meet the existing requirements.

  1. Frequent checks of the organization

To a greater extent, they will relate to fire safety and the sanitary condition of existing premises. This risk can be considered part of the first.

The possible consequences for individual entrepreneurs are not that significant. are set low and usually do not exceed several thousand.

And yet, it is important that the room meets all the requirements. This will also increase customer confidence.

  1. Low level of professionalism of employees

This risk is typical for almost any enterprise. Possible losses: decreased profits, customer departure. As a result, the enterprise may become unprofitable. The saddest outcome is the ruin of the entrepreneur and the closure of the organization.

There are two ways to avoid this risk:

  • carefully select personnel, set high demands (but remember that this also determines high wages);
  • recruit workers with low or medium qualifications and provide training.

At the same time, it is important to constantly develop your employees, sending them to training courses, for example. The teacher (educator) must be aware of the latest effective techniques used when working in kindergartens.

  1. The need for constant use of available funds

Indeed, it is necessary to spend money on wages, food, and various activities. All these costs add up to a fairly large amount. If the entrepreneur does not have these funds, he will not be able to continue working in this area.

There are several ways to protect yourself:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • expand the business, increasing income due to economies of scale;
  • have your own funds that can be invested in the business.

In extreme cases, you will have to go to the bank for loans, which will negatively affect your income. Part of the funds will need to be spent on repaying the loan and paying interest. Therefore, this method is the least attractive of all mentioned.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!


Kindergarten drawings. Correct layout kindergarten

Development standard design- one of the priority tasks set for the professional community by the President of the Russian Federation.

The advantages of using standard designs in construction practice are obvious. First of all, this is a reduction in the cost and time of design, as well as the time for consideration in the state examination of linking the project to a specific address. The promising architectural, technological, structural and engineering solutions used at the facilities have already been examined as part of standard projects. Also important when applying standard projects for social facilities is the possibility of using federal subsidies in construction.

Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Yuri Reilyan noted at a round table on March 24, 2015 that reducing the average cost of construction of one place in preschool educational organizations can be achieved by creating a register of standard design documentation. The register includes information on projects of residential and administrative buildings, social facilities, in the preparation of which modern technological and organizational solutions were used.

The Russian Ministry of Construction has approved a Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction sector, which is aimed at creating conditions and methodology for the use of standard design documentation and design documentation for re-use. “In accordance with the plan, the Russian Ministry of Construction will continue to work on the formation and maintenance of the appropriate register. Currently, information on the design documentation of 92 capital construction projects has been entered into the register, of which 50 are facilities for preschool institutions.”, - Yuri Reilyan emphasized.

The Deputy Minister drew attention to the fact that the main problem for including projects in the register remains the lack of exclusive rights for the regions to the submitted project documentation. To solve this problem, as well as to minimize the costs of reusing documentation developed at the expense or with the involvement of funds from the federal or regional budgets, it is proposed to supplement 44 Federal law provisions on the possibility of repeated use of project documentation without the consent of the contractor (author of a work of architecture, urban planning, author of project documentation), as well as on the transfer of exclusive rights to the created project documentation to the subject Russian Federation or municipal entity, on behalf of which the state or municipal customer acts.

“Completion of the activities provided for in the plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction sector is planned for 2016”, - said Yuri Reilyan.

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 No. 791 “On the formation of a register of standard design documentation and amendments to some Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation”
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 13, 2015 No. 108/pr “On entering information about standard design documentation into the register of standard design documentation”
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 13, 2015 No. 170/pr “On approval of the Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction sector”
  • Extract from the minutes of March 25, 2015 No. 118-prm-yur of the meeting of the regulatory and technical council for the selection of standard design documentation under the Ministry of Construction of Russia

In the regions of the Russian Federation, catalogs of standard projects have begun to be created. At the federal level, an album of standard projects is compiled by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

In April 2015, the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region published a catalog of reusable (standard) projects for social infrastructure buildings, which included projects for kindergartens with a capacity of 100 to 320 places, schools from 450 to 1,600 places, sports and recreation centers and clinics. These standard projects are recommended to developers for re-use in the region.

The buildings will not completely copy each other. “Reuse projects today are objects with addressable architecture,- noted Vladislav Gordienko, head of the Moscow Region Head of Architecture. - The finished project must be tied to a specific site, which means creating its individual appearance, taking into account the surrounding buildings, cultural and historical features of the territories.”.

When selecting projects for the catalog, their architectural, artistic, planning, and technological solutions were evaluated, and the estimated cost and characteristics of building materials and structures were considered.

The use of standard designs, according to officials’ calculations, will reduce the design time of buildings and save funds from the regional budget for the approval of new construction. As a representative of the press service of the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region told RBC-Real Estate, savings can be up to 20% of the cost of the property.

A reuse project is documentation for a capital construction project, for which a positive conclusion from the state examination was received, the facility was built and put into operation no earlier than seven years before the decision was made to reuse this design documentation.

The construction of reuse facilities is beneficial to the developer in that the costs of design and examination are minimized. The reuse design may be modified. But these changes should not affect the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the capital construction project. The examination of such a project is carried out according to a simplified scheme and its cost is significantly less.

The current legislation on urban planning activities, in order to intensify the capital construction of objects for various purposes, provides for the possibility of using standard design documentation (reuse design documentation). The advantages of its use are:

  • using already tested and proven design solutions;
  • reducing costs for designing an object;
  • reduction of design time;
  • partial exemption of design documentation from state examination for repeated use.

At the same time, standard design documentation has significant limitations for re-use, which are associated with:

  • suitability of design solutions for implementation in conditions new site(for example, based on the natural and climatic characteristics of the territory, engineering and geological characteristics of the area (including seismic characteristics) and land plot (including topography, bearing capacity of soils, presence of flooding, permafrost phenomena, etc.);
  • rights to use “primary” design documentation, including its reuse and modification.

Examples of reuse projects from the catalog

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky

Developer of design and working documentation: LLC "Grazhdanproekt-plus"

Customer of the design documentation: Administration of the Volokolamsk Municipal District

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky


  • capacity - 100 seats
  • number of groups - 5 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 0.4068 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,005.86 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 1,397.25 m²
    • total - 12,300,000 rubles.
    • 1 place at base prices - 123,000 rubles.
  • cost (at current prices for the 4th quarter of 2012 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 78,000,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - 780,000 rub.
  • constructive solution - enclosing structures - brick walls, ceilings
    • precast concrete, pitched roof

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky. 1st floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky. 3rd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 120 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Domodedovo, microdistrict. "Vostryakovo"

Developer of design and working documentation: SE MO "Mosgrazhdanproekt Institute"

Customer of the design documentation: municipal preschool educational institution No. 12 “Beryozka”


  • capacity - 120 seats
  • number of groups - 6 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 2 floors.
  • plot area - 0.6 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,319 m²
  • total area - 2,000.5 m²
  • (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 12,412,906 rubles.
    • 1 place at base prices - 103,440 rubles.
  • cost (at current prices for the 1st quarter of 2015 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 94,141,740 rubles.
    • 1st place - 784,510 rub.
  • constructive solution - walls - brick, ceiling - prefabricated reinforced concrete

Children's preschool institution for 120 places. Moscow region, Domodedovo, microdistrict. "Vostryakovo". 1st floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 120 places. Moscow region, Domodedovo, microdistrict. "Vostryakovo". 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 150 places with a swimming pool

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village

Developer of design and working documentation: PromStroyEngineering SPb LLC

Customer of the design documentation: MKU Shchelkovsky municipal district “Construction and Investments”


  • capacity - 150 seats
  • number of groups - 8 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 2 floors.
  • plot area - 0.8603 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,835.5 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 4,373.6 m²
    • total - 28,123,730 rubles.
    • 1 place at base prices - RUB 187,491.53.
  • cost (at current prices for the 2nd quarter of 2014 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 157,533,420 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,050,222.80
  • constructive solution - the stability and immutability of the building is ensured by the joint work of vertical frame elements and stiffening diaphragms

Nursery school for 150 places with a swimming pool. Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village. 1st floor plan

Nursery school for 150 places with a swimming pool. Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 150 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Ramenskoye, st. Instrument makers

Developer of design and working documentation: Project 18 Design Workshop LLC

Customer of the design documentation: UKS Administration of the Ramensky Municipal District


  • capacity - 150 seats
  • number of groups - 8 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 1.4 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,908.3 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 3,152 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 28,241,130 rubles.
    • 1 seat at base prices - RUB 188,274.
    • total - 151,201,220 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,008,010 rub.
  • constructive solution - monolithic reinforced concrete frame

Children's preschool institution for 220 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Bryanskaya, site No. 12

Developer of design and working documentation: Era Project LLC

Customer of the design documentation: Administration of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District


  • capacity - 220 seats
  • number of groups - 4 groups (including 1 compensatory group for 10 places) and 160 children of preschool groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 0.9469 hectares
  • built-up area - 2,593 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 4,983 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 37,929,220 rubles.
    • 1 seat at base prices - RUB 172,405.
  • cost (at current prices for the 3rd quarter of 2014 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 221,019,820 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,004,635 rub.
  • constructive solution - consists of a system of external and internal brick walls, as well as monolithic structures (walls and columns), rigidly connected by floor disks

Children's preschool institution for 320 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Verkhne-Proletarskaya, 37

Developer of design and working documentation: Techno-Aritek LLC

Customer of the design documentation: Department of Education of the Administration of Odintsovo municipal district


  • capacity - 320 seats
  • number of groups - 16 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 1.2061 hectares
  • built-up area - 2,288.5 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 5,481.1 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 61,225,360 rubles.
    • 1 seat at base prices - RUB 191,329.
  • cost (at current prices for the 3rd quarter of 2012 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 352,843,240 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,102,947.
  • constructive solution - monolithic frame, consisting of a system of external and internal walls (stiffening diaphragms), columns and rigidly connected floor disks and coverings

General education school for 450 places with a swimming pool

Sales at the address: Moscow region, city. Odintsovo, Romashkovo village


  • capacity - 450 seats
  • number of classes - 18
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 1.456 hectares
  • built-up area - 4,506 m²
  • total area - 14,620 m²
  • swimming pool - 16.6×8.0 m
  • total cost (in current prices for 2014):
    • total - 665,000,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,477,777.8
  • constructive solution - walls - monolithic reinforced concrete, brick, block; ceilings - monolithic reinforced concrete, corrugated sheets on trusses, porcelain stoneware

Comprehensive school for 1510 places with a swimming pool

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Putilkovo village

Developer of design documentation: SE MO "Institute "Mosgrazhdanproekt"

Customer of the design documentation: Leader Development LLC


  • capacity - 1510 seats
  • number of classes - 60–61
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 4 floors.
  • plot area - 2.66 hectares
  • built-up area - 8,670 m²
  • total area - 31,609 m²
  • swimming pool - 25.0×11.0 m
  • total estimated cost:
    • total - 1,736,500,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,150,000 rub.
  • constructive solution - ceilings and walls - monolithic reinforced concrete, metal. trusses, corrugated sheets, ventilated facades, porcelain stoneware

The layout of a kindergarten, boarding school, or complex must first of all comply with hygienic standards. In any children's institution, maximum safety for the health and life of children must be ensured. For the aesthetic design of such premises, there are standards that must be adhered to. A child care facility can be set up in a specially constructed building or an existing building can be redesigned for this purpose.

Example of a typical kindergarten plan

The main tasks of a private kindergarten are raising children, teaching them the basic skills of living in a team, communication, social behavior. Primary preschool education and preparation for school is another important task of modern children's centers.

In addition, in kindergarten classes can be held in various kinds of creative circles. In them, children will learn to draw, sculpt from plasticine, etc. The main thing is to initially determine the main directions of the kindergarten’s work and the range of services provided. This will help with childcare. In kindergarten, children are brought up in different age groups.

Layout of a kindergarten with designation of premises

Each group needs a separate space in which children will study with their teacher according to the main program, relax, and communicate with each other.

When planning kindergartens or centers, it is necessary to clearly delineate rooms for children and office premises.

Premises for different purposes (children's, administrative, service, utility, etc.) must be located separately from each other. It is advisable to arrange utility and utility rooms in a separate building. All interior decoration of children's centers is made only from environmentally friendly materials high quality. In addition, the premises should be easy to clean. All surfaces should be made durable and easy to clean. This will protect children from accidental injury and the spread of infection.

Option for the design and layout of a kindergarten

Cleaning should be done only with chemicals approved for use in areas for children. and should be carried out based on the main purpose of the child care institution.

Hygienic requirements and safety standards

A kindergarten or boarding school should be located in a residential area among residential buildings. It is strictly prohibited to set up children's institutions near parking lots, roadways, boiler rooms or production facilities.

Basic sanitary and hygienic standards require the following:

Main and additional premises of the kindergarten

The main premises in kindergarten buildings are:

Conditions for proper daytime sleep can be created in group rooms. In this case, it is better to purchase folding beds. To store beds and bedding, you will need a built-in closet or a small storage room. For a small kindergarten (no more than 30 children), you can arrange a common dining room. For more It is more convenient for children to organize a place to eat in a group room. Dining tables can also be used for studying or playing board games.

A medical office with an isolation ward is required for kindergartens where children will be kept throughout the day or around the clock. If the institution operates on a “short day” basis, the first-aid post can be abandoned. It will be enough to conclude an agreement with a nearby clinic for the provision of medical care if necessary.

Group and sleeping quarters

Group rooms of the kindergarten must be isolated. It is advisable to equip each group room with a separate entrance from the adjacent territory. You can arrange a common entrance for two or three groups of different ages. Near the common entrance, it is advisable to arrange a dressing room for outerwear and outdoor shoes.

Children should be received in a separate room or dressing room. In the latter case, it is necessary to provide conditions for examining children. Parents are not allowed to enter group rooms in order to protect against infection and maintain cleanliness in the room.

In the group room, it should be planned to arrange a sufficient number of window openings of the required size. This will provide good ventilation, natural light and access to ultraviolet rays, through which the room will be insolated.

It is preferable to arrange the bedroom on a covered, insulated or. You can select a place to sleep in the main room of the group, separating it with a sliding partition. For children aged 5-6 years, 2-tier beds are allowed. It is mandatory to install a protective side on the upper berth.

Restrooms and swimming pool

The toilet room is adjacent to the games room. It is advisable to arrange a small dividing corridor between them. Potties are used for children from nursery groups. For older children, toilets are installed in open stalls. The dimensions of the cabin are 80 by 80 cm, the height of the dividing wall is 120 cm.
When arranging a swimming pool in a kindergarten building, it is necessary to plan the arrangement of a shower cabin, dressing room and toilet rooms.

A special bathroom should be equipped for learning to swim, with an area of ​​3 by 7 m or slightly larger.

Layout of a kindergarten in buildings of various shapes

The simplest option for planning a small kindergarten in a square building is done according to the following principles:

  • the front door leads into the hall;
  • the hall has doors leading to the catering unit, the first aid station and the manager's office;
  • an external exit from the catering unit is required for food delivery;
  • the corridor from the hall leads to group rooms (no more than 4);
  • group rooms are arranged around a multi-purpose room.

Additional group rooms are located on the 2nd floor. In a 3-story kindergarten building, only utility rooms are located on the top floor. In this case, an attic may be additionally used. Here you can arrange a pantry. The layout of the elongated kindergarten building assumes the presence of a central corridor passing between the end walls.

Project and layout of a kindergarten for 150 places

The central entrance is located closer to the end wall. The manager's office is located nearby. Further along the corridor, on one side, there are utility rooms: a dressing room, a kitchen, a first-aid post, a staff restroom, a pantry for things and food. Along the opposite wall is a multi-purpose room that opens into the hall. Further along the corridor, rooms for children are set up: group and bedroom rooms, toilets for girls and boys, a washroom, etc. At the end of the corridor, you can set up another large room for sports, dancing or active games.

Playgrounds and sports grounds

A playground for games and sports requires sufficient space to ensure the comfort and safety of children. For each group of children of primary preschool age (up to 3 years old), it is necessary to arrange a separate playground for games and walks of at least 150 m² in size.

Example of equipment for a playground in a kindergarten

For children from older groups (up to 7 years old), the size of the playground increases to 180 m².
The playground needs protection from direct sunlight. This is done using awnings. Garden figures, play equipment, and green spaces are used to decorate the playground.

All items used in landscape design must be made from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials. For green spaces, you should choose safe plants: without thorns, poisonous fruits and allergenic substances.

Each playground must provide a special place for the teacher. It is positioned so that the entire site falls within the teacher’s field of vision.

This will allow you to control the behavior of children and prevent unwanted situations. From the kindergarten building to the walking areas it is necessary to build straight paths, paved or lined with special tiles. Paths to utility rooms should be located separately.

For sports activities, a separate sports ground of approximately 250 m² in size can be arranged on the territory of the kindergarten. You can put a small pool on it with a depth of no more than half a meter and an area of ​​about 30 m². Children from different groups must at different times, according to the schedule.

Utility premises

The catering unit, laundry room, refrigeration room for fresh food, pantries for dry food and storage for linen and necessary items are located separately in the kindergarten building. You will also need a room for drying and ironing bed and kitchen linen. These rooms require a special entrance.

Territory arrangement

The territory of the kindergarten must be fenced. The height of the fence is at least 2 m. It is necessary to equip at least 2 entrances: central and auxiliary. The central entrance is for parents with children and staff. An auxiliary entrance is for delivering food, removing garbage, etc. Here you will need an entrance and a turning area for vehicles.

The entrance gate must be equipped with an intercom. They should only open when needed. This will prevent entry into the kindergarten territory strangers and stray animals.

Project for landscaping the territory of a kindergarten

If the size of the common area allows, you can arrange a living corner. It is advisable to plant vegetables, fruit and berry trees and bushes near the kitchen. All external utility rooms, area for drying clothes, etc. must be arranged away from the kindergarten building and playground.

In 2014, an important decision was made in Moscow social task: every city resident aged 2.5 to 7 years now has the opportunity to attend. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this in his report on the results of the activities of the Moscow Government and the main parameters of the draft city budget for 2015 - 2017. But no less important is the fact that the increase in the number of places in the capital’s kindergartens is accompanied by their radical modernization, taking into account new requirements for the design of preschool educational institutions.

Back in 2010, a third of young Muscovites were deprived of the opportunity to attend kindergartens. From 2010 to 2013, the number of places in preschool educational institutions in the capital almost doubled - from 288 to 415 thousand. This year, the city plans to build 34 more gardens: 24 at the expense of the budget (4,270 places) and another 11 are being built with funds from private investors. The standard indicators have also changed - today Moscow is successfully developing the norm of 50 places for every thousand residents.

Although the standard has been met, the construction of kindergartens in the city will continue in the future. In 2014-2016, under the Targeted Investment Program (TIP), that is, at the expense of the city budget, it is planned to build another 60 kindergartens for 12 thousand places in Moscow. These plans correspond to the demographic forecast and also make it possible to provide places in preschool institutions for residents of new areas of complex development.

Exemplary, unique

The first standard projects for institutions preschool education in the USSR were developed in the 1930s. In the 60s, during the period of massive industrial housing construction, which coincided with the almost complete employment of women in the national economy, panel uniformity extended to educational institutions: rows of similar schools and kindergartens followed each other through the same faceless residential neighborhoods.

In the 1990s, many kindergarten buildings (mainly so-called departmental kindergartens) changed their profile from educational to office, and those that remained faithful to preschool education became morally and physically obsolete. Therefore, when in Moscow the question of increasing the number of places in preschool institutions, The city government made a far-sighted decision to develop a new generation preschool educational institution.

In order to speed up the process of modernizing kindergartens without loss of quality, in 2012-2013, new kindergarten projects for Moscow were developed by order of the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the Department of Urban Planning Policy of the city, as well as a number of large private developers.

These projects have been updated in accordance with modern ideas of society about the content and forms of preschool education, and also meet new architectural and urban planning requirements for the urban environment adopted in the capital in recent years.

New projects are collected in the Album of basic projects of kindergartens recommended for construction in Moscow. If someone is disgusted by such definitions as “standard project” or “reuse project”, you can use the phrase “model project”, because in fact, these “album” projects in Moscow are built outwardly very NOT similar friend kindergartens for each other. The practice of working reviews by the chief architect of the city, Sergei Kuznetsov, is aimed at individualizing the appearance of each new kindergarten building. Designers are strongly encouraged to develop and submit for consideration options for façade solutions that match the character of the surrounding buildings and allow for individualization of the appearance of the building, so that each child ultimately develops his own image of the kindergarten - not boring, friendly and memorable.

Architecture and coloristics are also a tool for aesthetic education and emotional impact on little man. Therefore, by giving young Muscovites the right guidelines in perceiving the city’s architecture, we thereby show concern for the future appearance of Moscow.

Gardens for the new generation of Muscovites

What is the fundamental difference between new kindergarten projects and previous ones? One of the main requirements modern society- is raising a healthy generation. Therefore, new projects of kindergartens provide not only medical blocks, but also special rooms for a psychologist and speech therapist, as well as specialized sports and gyms, and swimming pools. In the adjacent territory, in addition to traditional walking areas with verandas, mini-stadiums, football and volleyball courts, etc. are being designed.

Designing a developmental educational environment that promotes the diversified development of a child’s personality is another spirit of the times. In new kindergarten projects, special rooms are created for clubs of various types, music classes, choreography, and theater.

The typology of preschool education itself is expanding, and so-called preschool educational institutions of a complex type are appearing. Their planning structure, as a rule, on the lower floors, provides special premises for short-stay groups, consultation and rehabilitation centers.

Another most important difference in modern design practice for Moscow is the creation of a barrier-free environment in kindergarten, accessible to people with disabilities - both for pupils and for visitors - parents, grandparents, etc. All premises of the new generation kindergarten on any floor are accessible to people with disabilities. To move between floors, modern preschool educational institutions are equipped with elevators - in old kindergarten projects, as a rule, there are no elevators.

The accessible environment, meanwhile, also provides for the development of the so-called. inclusive forms of education, that is, opportunities for children with some health problems to attend a regular kindergarten together with healthy children. Kindergarten projects designed with inclusive preschool education in mind are already being implemented in Moscow. We will tell you more about such preschool educational institutions in the following materials.

Another new trend is the creation of educational complexes in which educational process lasts from 2-3 to 18 years. Such an educational center includes one or more kindergartens (preschool educational institutions), a junior school block (BMC) and high school. (By the way, the first kindergartens that appeared in Russia were late XIX centuries, were created mainly at gymnasiums, so everything new is well forgotten old). It is assumed that such multifunctional educational complexes can become cultural centers of microdistricts, which should be reflected in their architectural appearance.

To kindergarten - close to home

The principle of commissioning housing simultaneously with social and cultural facilities has been adopted as one of the fundamental principles in the capital. Moreover, today there are already examples of advanced commissioning of social infrastructure. One such example is the 32nd microdistrict “Zeleny Bor” in Zelenograd. On the territory of the new microdistrict, which is still being built up with residential buildings, a full-fledged educational center for children from 3 to 18 years old has already been put into operation. It includes the school, block primary classes and a kindergarten for 280 places (12 groups).

For the school and junior school block, the architects of the Zelenograd AM design bureau developed an individual project (GAP Madi Agadzhali).

The kindergarten was built according to a standard “landscape” project developed by the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP in 2012, but at the suggestion of Sergei Kuznetsov, the authors came up with an individual façade solution. Colored fiber cement boards with stripes gave the typical kindergarten building in Zelenograd a cheerful, positive and very “preschool” look.

According to the author of the project, architect Madi Azhigali, the kindergarten delights children, their parents, and grandparents. “It’s amazing that by changing only the facades of a typical kindergarten, we were able to bring such joy to the residents of the microdistrict,” the architect marvels.

Private equity leads by example

Private investors are also actively involved in solving the problem of kindergartens in Moscow. Thus, this year the city plans to commission 11 kindergartens, built at the expense of private investors; part of this program has already been completed.

As a rule, large construction and development companies that are engaged in the comprehensive development of urban areas are ready to invest in social infrastructure. Thus, one of the first preschool educational institutions of a new generation in Moscow was the Children's Educational Center (CEC) built by the KROST concern (82nd block, Tukhachevsky St., 45). In addition to a kindergarten for 150 places (6 groups), the complex includes 4 classes primary school for 100 seats. The main space-planning solutions were developed by the design bureau of the KROST company - “A-Project”. The original facades and interiors were created by the Dutch architectural bureau 70°N arkitektur, which won a closed international architectural competition organized by the concern.

The child care center is conceived as a socio-cultural family center where sports classes, parent meetings, psychological consultations, children's parties, open creative studios and technical clubs are held. Famous child psychologists and teachers participated in the development of its concept.

The educational complex includes several functional blocks grouped around a courtyard - an atrium and a separate kindergarten block. Thanks to this arrangement, children and younger schoolchildren live according to their own schedules without interfering with each other, and at the same time can communicate at common events.

In the internal layout, modern technology for transforming premises was used, which allows for more flexible use of the compact internal space, combining or zoning it as needed. Specialized premises are provided for theater and choreography studios, there are children's workshops for sculpture and pottery, a painting studio, linguistic classes, a natural science class, equipped in accordance with modern teaching methods.

The educational complex also has a library with a media library, spacious play spaces with a variety of facilities for intellectual development. The music hall with artistic premises and a transformable stage space is equipped with modern means of organizing show programs.

Two bowls of the pool are designed for learning to swim and for synchronized swimming.

The goal of the project was to create a bright and modern educational environment that takes into account the child’s needs in sports and art, and promotes the development of multifaceted independent personalities, says a representative of the KROST concern.

The creators of the complex also took care of the physical and psychological health of the staff of the educational institution. Two halls are equipped for group sports activities and equipped with the necessary service facilities.

The educational complex “Khoroshevskaya Gymnasium”, thanks to its diverse functionality, technological equipment and high-quality architectural “packaging” that corresponds to the general style of the surrounding development, has become the city-forming socio-cultural and architectural center of the Union Park quarter.

Images: Moskomarkhitektura, AB "Zelenograd AM", concern "KROST"

  • Topics:
  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - .

Standard project of a kindergarten for 250 places (code VI-71)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • The constructive solution is a monolith. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided on all floors. Developed in 2012 - 2013. Recommended for use.

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 220 places

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided on all floors. Developed in 2010. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Plot area 0.63 - 0.68 ha
Construction area 1727.8 sq. m
3733.7 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 220 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
RUB 40.602 million
172.154 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 16.9 sq. m
RUB 0.184 million
RUB 0.783 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.007 million
RUB 0.031 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 190 places

  • Customer - Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
Plot area 0.45 - 0.5 ha
Construction area 1250.0 sq. m
2935.3 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 190 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 28.635 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 121.414 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 15.4 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.151 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.639 million
RUB 0.007 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.031 million

Standard project of a kindergarten for 120 places (code VI-70)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow.
  • The design solution is large-panel. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2012. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Plot area 0.42 ha
Construction area 881.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2410.0 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 120 places (5 groups)
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.379 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 95.27 million
Total area for 1 place 20.08 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.186 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.794 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.009 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.039 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 115 places

  • Customer - KROST LLC.
  • The design solution is large-panel.
Plot area 0.56 ha
Construction area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
Number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.347 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 73.968 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.194 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.642 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.010 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.034 million

Reuse project for a 90-seat kindergarten

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility on all floors. Developed in 2010. Recommended for use.

Plot area 0.3 - 0.4 ha
Construction area 1073.0 sq. m
Total area (excluding basement and terraces) 2167.2 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 90 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 25.707 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 108.997 million
Total area for 1 place 24.0 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.286 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 1.211 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.032 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 168 places (correctional type)

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • Access is provided for people with limited mobility on all floors.
Plot area 0.85 ha
Construction area 2328.9 sq. m
Total area (excluding basement and terraces) 4374.5 sq. m
Number of storeys 2 - 3 floors
Capacity 168 + 12 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 53.777 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 228.01 million
Total area for 1 place 24.3 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.299 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 1.267 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.035 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (15 groups) with premises for variable forms of preschool education (short-term group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, Biryulevo Vostochnoye, Zagorye, microdistrict. 3

  • Customer - KP "UGS" of the Moscow Construction Department.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.
Plot area 0.95 ha
Construction area 1834.65 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4701.03 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 48.597 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 219.574 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 12.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.131 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.593 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.036 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (14 groups) with premises for variable forms of preschool education (short-term group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, TiNAO, pos. Voskresenskoye, village Yazovo

  • Customer - JSC "Yazovskaya Sloboda Invest".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility on all floors. Developed in 2012 - 2013. Recommended for use.

Plot area 0.86 ha
Construction area 1782.29 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4344.53 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
45.542 million rubles.
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 205.772 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 11.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.123 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.556 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.035 million

Individual project for a kindergarten for 125 places (Southern Administrative Okrug, Chertanovo Yuzhnoye, microdistrict 18, building 5)

  • The developer is JSC Mosproekt.
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility on all floors. Developed in 2011-2012. Recommended for use.

Plot area 0.54 ha
Construction area 1400 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 3940 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 125 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 37.0 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 180.4 million
Total area for 1 place 31.5 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.333 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 1.4 million rubles.
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.0094 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.045 million

Individual project for a kindergarten for 115 places (South-Western Administrative District, Nametkina St., intersection with Khersonskaya St.)

  • Developer - NABAD Design LLC.
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The constructive solution is prefabricated monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2011. Recommended for use.

Plot area 0.56 ha
Construction area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
Number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 20.559 million*
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 68.051 million*
Total area for 1 place 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.179 million*
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.592 million*
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices of 2000. RUB 0.009 million*

Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012.
* - preliminary investor data

RUB 0.034 million*

Individual project for a kindergarten for 95 children (Southern Administrative District, Vostochnoye Biryulyovo, 6th Radialnaya St., 7, building 9)

  • The developer is OJSC TsNIIEP residential and public buildings.
  • Customer - OJSC "Moscow Bakery Plant".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic, attached to an individual one. The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to the first floor. Developed in 2009. Recommended for use.

Plot area

Here we will look at an article about how to open a kindergarten, what is needed for this, a business plan for opening it.

In your city, district, village, are there queues for kindergartens or, perhaps, are there none at all? If yes, then this means that you have the opportunity to open your own private enterprise to provide these types of always-needed services, even at home. About what nuances exist here, what requirements you will have to comply with, how much money you will need to open a private kindergarten, what income you can count on? We will tell you about all this in this article.

Example of a business plan

We present to you ready-made example business plan for a private kindergarten with calculations and an area of ​​500 sq. m with numbers for Moscow:

Start-up costs

  • Repair (first year) - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Fire safety equipment and alarm systems - installation - 30-50 thousand rubles, maintenance - about 100 thousand rubles. per year.
  • Security for a kindergarten (agreement with a private security company) - 1 million rubles. per year.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses

  • Rent of premises - approximately 500 thousand rubles. per month.
  • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Meals (40 pupils + lunches for 20 employees) - 200 thousand rubles,
  • food for 1 child - 4250 rub.
  • Consumables for kindergarten (per month): depends on the intensity of work (about 60 thousand rubles).
  • Employee salaries, bonus fund, social package - 1.1 million rubles, including taxes and contributions to the state.
  • Advertising - from 100 thousand rubles.


  • Entry fee - 68 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly fee (9 months/year) for 40 children in kindergarten is about 25 million rubles.
  • Additional income of the kindergarten:
    • short-term group (capacity 8 children) - 500 thousand rubles. per year;
    • individual lessons - from 100 thousand rubles. per year.

Minimum staff

  • 2 teachers and a nanny (for each group);
  • musical director;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist;
  • 3 kitchen staff;
  • 2 nurses;
  • street cleaner;
  • building worker.

Instructions on how to open

Your kindergarten can be like a non-state educational institution(NOU) and home kindergarten. If you choose the option with LEU, then you must take into account the cost of renting the premises, because because of it, your business may become unprofitable. This matter especially concerns Moscow.

Procedure for LEU:

  1. Register the kindergarten with the justice authorities as a non-state educational institution (“non-state educational institution”). This procedure takes a month.
  2. Register for tax purposes.
  3. Search for premises and enter into a long-term lease (or purchase and sale) agreement.
  4. You repair it and re-equip it in accordance with the standards of SES and State Fire Supervision.
  5. You receive a conclusion from the SES and firefighters that the premises comply with all necessary standards.
  6. Create a charter for a kindergarten staffing table, perform personnel selection.
  7. You receive a license for educational activities from the Department of Education.

To obtain a license for a kindergarten you will need:

Certificate of registration;

  • A copy of the charter;
  • A copy of the premises rental agreement (ownership certificate);
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Service;
  • Kindergarten educational program;
  • Certificate of availability of material and technical base for carrying out educational activities;
  • Staffing table and information about teachers;
  • Information about the number of pupils, etc.

If you decide to start a kindergarten at home, then you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Such a kindergarten does not require a license, and the requirements are much lower. For example, a possible fine from the SES in the case of an individual entrepreneur will cost 1000-3000 rubles, and for a private educational institution - 20-40 thousand rubles.

As a rule, kindergartens opened in apartments balance on the border of legality: it is almost impossible to bring the apartment into full compliance with fire safety requirements. In addition, such an apartment may violate Article 17 of the Housing Code. If we talk about profit, then in this case it will again not be on your side, because... You cannot raise more than 6-10 children in an apartment.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it you can educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The best option would be to register you as an individual entrepreneur and name the kindergarten as a Child Development Center (CDC) or a Child Care Center (CCC).

Algorithm of actions for kindergarten at home:

  • Find a premises and enter into a long-term lease (or purchase and sale) agreement.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Carry out tax registration.
  • You carry out repairs and re-equipment in accordance with the standards of the SES and GosPozhnadzor (without registration with these authorities).
  • Equip the kindergarten with everything necessary (furniture, equipment, educational aids, consumables, toys).
  • You select personnel.
  • Conduct a preliminary search for clients and advertising.


Any kindergarten staff, even the most professional ones, initially needs close attention. A probationary period must be a prerequisite.

You will need the following personnel:

  • Educator. He must inspire trust and respect in his parents, speak the same “social language” with them, and must have a specialized education.
  • Methodist. Must have experience working with children in a public kindergarten, be well versed in existing methods, know their weak and strengths, cooperate with parents, be able to assess the child’s abilities.
  • Psychologist. One should not be too young and have experience working in a kindergarten and master the methods of psychology.
  • Director. Must be directly related to pedagogy and be a specialist.
  • Household worker. Any household worker (for example, a cleaner) must treat your kindergarten as if it were their own household, be economical, and be able to work under irregular schedules.

Employee retention and development

Any modern woman who is endowed with an entrepreneurial gift increasingly has a desire to open a kindergarten, especially if she herself becomes a mother. This idea of ​​​​implementing this project may become even more desirable and obvious for her after 2 years from the date of birth of the child. Here are some tips to help you create this responsible and risky business:

  1. If you have never worked in this field of education in your life, then you will definitely need to hire a person who has experience in administrative and pedagogical activities. He will help you choose a room for a kindergarten, equip it, form a team and decide on the choice of educational methods.
  2. You will need to justify your choice of premises. What we mean here is that if this kindergarten premises is your property, then you are very lucky, because... you don’t have to think about payments for it and other issues associated with it. But if the premises do not belong to you, then you will have to bear additional risks. Therefore, immediately build a good relationship with the landlord, try to make him your like-minded person, especially since raising children is a social responsibility.
  3. From the very beginning of your business, a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological service will have to become your friend and main consultant in compliance with all the required SanPin standards, which relate to the arrangement of buildings and premises, and canteens. Thanks to this, you will avoid troubles and the risks of closing your kindergarten.
  4. Remember that knowledge of the intricacies, legal issues and tax issues in the field of educational services will allow you to more effectively develop and strengthen your business.
  5. Don't forget about the ratio of income and expenses. An excellent practice would be to introduce an “entry fee” along with the monthly fee for your educational services.
  6. In order to reduce risks, open a small kindergarten first, perhaps even with short-term groups of children.