Shawarma business plan in a small town. Business plan for a shawarma stall

Let's do a little calculation and find out how much a shawarma business earns

Analyzing sellers of ready-made businesses (website - RBC BIZTORG and Avito) in our case, shawarma outlets in Moscow in 2016, we can conclude:

1. The business is competitive (there are quite a lot of outlets), but only a few sell (Avito-5 advertisements, RBC - 2 advertisements) - things are going well, there are not many people willing to leave a profitable and stable (crisis) topic.

2. Monthly profit in the city from 65,000 to 200,000 rubles. Profit is influenced by location, quality, and additional sales of coffee, tea, and other fast food products.

3. Cost and investment are minimal, payback from 5 months.

Business plan for opening a shawarma in 2016 and 2017 with calculations

The most important and primary point to consider is the location. Sales in coffee shops, fast food and grocery store depends on three (3) factors (according to industry leaders): 1. Location, 2 . Place, 3 . Place. Profitability and successful life your stall or outlet very much depends on these factors.

How to choose the right place for trading

1. The main flow of people. Stop, Metro, Street intersection, A section of the route to work or school.

2. Close to offices and educational institutions, shopping centers, parks, hospitals, central streets, attractions, and many others.

3. Non-basement premises, without large climbs (steps towards you reduce sales), good transport links (for small towns)

4. An excellent indicator of traffic, these are competitors (pancake, pizza, hot dog and other fast food formats) the more, the better the flow of potential customers.

Documents and permits for organizing shawarma trade

1. Registration of individual entrepreneurs. All other permits and agreements are made for a registered legal entity (IP).

2. Concluding a lease agreement for shawarma.

3. Permits for activities from fire supervision and SES.

Format for easy opening of a shawarma business, without unnecessary permits and registrations

Separate room. Lots of documents, permission from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and Fire Supervision. The premises will be carefully checked, but you can find an excellent location in a shopping center or in a separate building.

Stationary stall. This is a great option, you just notify the supervisory authorities. Rospotrebnadzor and SES may conduct an inspection after one year or upon a client’s complaint.

Mobile stall. It is necessary to register the van with the traffic police. All other requirements are the same as for a stationary kiosk. The advantages of a mobile point are obvious, it is an opportunity to find optimal place. Plus work at fairs and various organized performances.

What equipment is needed for a shawarma business?

Scroll necessary equipment for selling shawarma in a stall:
1. Grill for frying meat, it can be gas or electric.
2. Refrigerator for storing food.
3. Contact grill or microwave for heating the finished product.
4. Food processor or blender for sauces.
5. Vegetable cutter (you can use your hands) and kitchen utensils (knife, spatula, etc.)

Calculations. Cost. Payback.

Approximate calculations for a small shawarma stall in a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Various cities And rental rates, format and equipment, your calculation taking into account all the details will be either a plus or a minus (unlikely).

- Rent a stall + light, etc. (location of retail outlet) - from 25,000 rubles.
- Registration of a business (individual entrepreneur, permits, approvals) - from 30,000 rubles. Very relative indicator
- Purchase of equipment (you can save on used ones) - from 70,000 rubles.
- Purchase of products, packaging, etc. for 1200 units of product - from 50,000 rubles.
- Purchase of additional equipment (coffee, tea) - from 30,000 rubles.
Total: a minimum of 205,000 rubles is required for opening and a month of work.

Based on the average bill of 130 rubles and the number of sales of 40 units, we get an amount of 5200. The monthly amount will be 156,000 rubles.
130*40=5200 total amount per day
5200*30=156.000 per month
156,000-(50,000-25,000-Salary)=81,000 rubles, this is without the cook’s salary
We count. Let's study. We increase the average check and the number of sales, the amounts after that will be completely different. Based on simple calculations, the paybackthere will be shawarma points, through 4-6 months.

A business plan for making shawarma with all the necessary calculations is of interest to many entrepreneurs. And this is not surprising, since this type Fast food is currently very popular. In order to open your own stall producing and selling shawarma, you will not need a lot of financial investments, and it can pay for itself quite quickly, after which it will begin to bring you a stable income. Now let’s try to figure out how to open a shawarma stall from scratch.

Action Plan

In this article we will talk about how to open a shawarma. Indeed, in this publication you can find a business plan, where all costs will be included. So, the launch of a stall for selling shawarma occurs in the following stages:

  • Procedure for registering as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Obtaining the necessary certificates and permits.
  • Drawing up contracts.
  • Purchase of necessary equipment.
  • Rent or purchase a stall.
  • Purchase of products.
  • Hiring of working personnel.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.

Firstly, you will need to start drawing up a competent business plan for a stall selling shawarma.

What documents are needed to open a shawarma?

To open a regular kiosk selling shawarma, you will first need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This procedure will simultaneously become a permit for the sale of drinks. After you get up in tax authority registered, and you will be included in the State Register, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • Obtaining placement for activities.
  • A permit that is based on the sanitary and epidemiological condition of a particular shawarma stall.
  • Production control program.
  • Conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor and annex to it.
  • Certificates of conformity of manufactured products.
  • Drawing up contracts with laundry, disinfection centers, and utilities.

The entire package of documents listed above will give you the right to conduct legal activities. You will need to comply with all established norms and rules that apply to public food products. Otherwise, at the time of inspection of your facility, the regulatory authority may issue you a fine and close the outlet.

Selecting the location of the point

If you don’t know whether shawarma as a business is profitable or not? It is worth saying that with proper actions, profit will appear soon. Of course, a lot depends on the place where the stall will be located. The choice of location for a shawarma kiosk will directly affect the profitability of the business. Traffic and purchasing power have a huge impact on the profitability and payback period of this type of activity. The most successful places are the following:

  • Shopping centers.
  • Crossroads on busy streets.
  • Nearby surroundings of markets, educational institutions and stadiums.

There are always a lot of people on cross streets. As a rule, they are in a hurry to get somewhere, and not everyone has enough time to have a snack, and a stall selling delicious shawarma can sharply aggravate the feeling of hunger. As a result, a person simply cannot calmly pass by this kiosk. During the big break, most students and schoolchildren want to eat, and the food that is served to them in the canteen is not very tasty, like in a nearby stall. Large shopping centers experience huge footfall. For this reason, people want to snack on delicious shawarma while shopping. The stall itself is a small, compact structure. For this reason, you can choose any place for its location. But it is worth remembering that there is quite a lot of competition in this business. This means that a large number of profitable sites can be occupied. You will need to think everything over carefully and analyze all the places in the city, or provide your customers with the products that are not available in the same shawarma outlets.

Stall decoration

The room intended for preparing shawarma is usually a stall or a transparent tent. This building should have a presentable and aesthetic appearance, and also make passersby want to buy food from you. A stall for preparing shawarma should include the following structures:

  • Water dispenser.
  • Ventilation.
  • Toilet (ideally).

This room can be either mobile or stationary. Shawarma on wheels will be unique for you in that it can be very quickly and easily transported to those places where many people gather at the time of celebrating any events. A stationary point, as a rule, is thoroughly equipped. In this case, you can simply open a stall, or you can place chairs and tables next to it so that your customers can eat in comfortable conditions.

What equipment will you need to purchase for shawarma?

Shawarma as a business idea is a great way to make money. A business plan for opening a kiosk selling shawarma must include the purchase of equipment. You can save on this purchase, but in this case the quality of the dish may suffer. If you do not have large financial resources, then you can purchase high-quality equipment second-hand, or buy original Chinese or domestic analogues.

Minimum set of equipment and its price:

After all the main expenses can be fully paid off, you can buy quality items or supplement your assortment with additional equipment designed for preparing new fast food.


The implementation of shawarma as a business lies in the presence of working personnel. In order to prepare Fast food, as a rule, it will be enough to hire 2 cooks who will work with shift schedule. These same employees will necessarily perform the functions of a cashier. If the influx of clients is very large, then you will have to find an additional assistant. At the beginning of the opening of the stall, the owner of the business will act as manager. You can also keep accounting records, or contact an outstaffing company. Before opening a kiosk selling shawarma, you should take a very responsible approach to choosing a chef. The popularity of your stall will depend on how deliciously he cooks this dish and treats his customers with respect. The basic requirements for working personnel are as follows:

  • experience in the position,
  • availability of a medical book,
  • honesty,
  • ambition,
  • hard work,
  • politeness,
  • stress resistance.

The work schedule is standard: 10/12 hours every day, or 2/2. given the work schedule ready business selling shawarma will bring you maximum profit.

Where to buy ingredients for shawarma

What will be required of you in order to open a shawarma stall? What should be done so that this establishment can attract a large number of customers? First of all, you should purchase only high-quality and fresh products for preparing fast food. In any city there are suppliers who specialize in delivering the necessary ingredients to catering outlets. You should approach the selection of these suppliers very seriously, and begin cooperation with a company that is conscientious and attractive with its price. If you regularly order food from the same place, you can get a discount in the future. It is best to have two or three suppliers for unforeseen circumstances. We advise you to purchase products in small quantities. Only fresh ingredients for making shawarma can positively affect its taste. In addition, you can save on the amount of space for storing food. Before opening a shawarma stall, you need to indicate this point in your business plan.

How can you diversify your assortment?

As a rule, stalls selling shawarma do not limit their range to just one type of product. These establishments also sell various related products that can significantly increase your income. Typically this is:

  • lemonade,
  • chilled juices,
  • hot dog,
  • pizza,
  • coffee, tea,
  • pies.

Soft drinks and carbonated water are offered to the client in small packaging up to one liter. In order to make coffee or tea at a kiosk, you will need to sign an agreement with a local company for the supply of water. Drinks are prepared from disposable bags. In addition to shawarma, the cook can also prepare hot dogs, sandwiches, or any other fast food. Standard semi-finished products, which are prepared by conventional heating in a microwave oven, stock up 6a and produce them. Preparation of shawarma, any in unusual ways, will arouse great interest among the client. Instead of regular pita bread, the cook can use Pita or flatbread. Those recipes that come from kitchens various peoples the world, will be the main component of your diverse assortment. Any buyer will definitely want to try a burrito or fajita from Mexico.

Smart marketing

Here we are talking about how to open a shawarma and what documents are needed in this case? But besides this, shawarma as a business will require you to use various marketing tricks and knowledge. A competent approach can make your stall famous and noticeable among existing competitors. How to open a shawarma stall from scratch so that it can immediately attract a huge number of customers:

  1. It is necessary to carefully consider the design of the stall.
  2. You shouldn't skimp on advertising.
  3. To prepare shawarma, you should choose only natural, fresh products.
  4. Carry out promotions.

A cooking demonstration can whet customers' appetites. Just imagine how the opportunity to see exactly how a cook fryes delicious and aromatic meat, and then wraps it with various vegetables and sauces in rosy pita bread, can influence buyers. There is no need to try to cook shawarma using expired food, since word of mouth works great in many cities. The customer who eats expired and low-quality food will never, under any circumstances, return to this kiosk, and with him you may lose future customers in the person of his friends.

The outside sign of the stall must be bright and attractive, and the menu must be presented in an understandable form. You can print leaflets or flyers and distribute them near your stall, or paste them near a residential building or drop them in mailboxes. Advertising in famous social networks This is very effective, taking into account the fact that they are used mainly by students and schoolchildren, i.e. potential buyers. You can hold various promotions for your regular customers. The price of shawarma for them will depend on the amount of fast food purchased.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma shop?

A business plan for selling shawarma involves expenses for opening a stall. The list would roughly look like this:

The largest expense item on the list of how much it costs to open a shawarma stall is the purchase of the necessary equipment. But you will only need it once. In addition, you will need to spend money once on completing the necessary package of documents. The remaining items should be paid either once every few days (food purchases) or every month. Promotions are carried out at your request.

Shawarma profitability

A kiosk selling shawarma can operate no more than 12 hours a day. On average. The price of the finished dish is approximately 150 rubles. If you sell 7-8 products per hour, then the total revenue per day will be somewhere around 12,800 rubles, and per month – 380,000 rubles. Monthly costs should be subtracted from this cost, and then you will get a net monthly profit of around 100,000 thousand rubles. It follows that 240,000 rubles were spent to open the stall. This business can pay for itself within 3 months.

Possible Risk Factors

Thanks to this publication, you learned about how to open a shawarma and what you need for this. Before you decide to open a shawarma stall, you should carefully study the information about possible problems that you may encounter in the process of running this business.

  • Great competition.
  • Responsibility for the sale of low-quality products.
  • Increased cost by suppliers.
  • Difficulties in recruiting personnel.

Shawarma is a food for not very rich citizens. For this reason, the price of one product should not be too high. In order to reduce costs, you should carefully consider the entire process of your work. A cook must approach his responsibilities with great responsibility. If the client gets poisoned due to a violation technological process cooking, the owner will take full responsibility for this.

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Points fast food, as a rule, bring quick, albeit small, profits. One option is a stall selling shawarma - pita bread stuffed with meat and vegetables. Business has undeniable advantages - a small entry into the business and high demand. If the stall is made mobile, then the advantage of such a business will be mobility.

We prepare documents

First of all, you need to complete registration documents. If you plan to sell only shawarma and soft or hot drinks, you can get by with registration individual entrepreneur. But if you want to sell alcoholic beverages, you must register an LLC, although a business of this format is not suitable for trading alcohol.

Don’t forget that your stall is a food outlet, and therefore you need to prepare documents for the SES, fire inspection, and environmental service.

Choosing a suitable place

Shawarma is a perishable product, so you need to carefully select the place where the stall will be located. This should be a point with high traffic and low competition. Places near metro exits, train stations, transport interchanges, and intersections of several roads have proven themselves well. You should not place a stall near shopping, entertainment and business centers. As a rule, they have their own cafes or snack bars.

Concluding an agreement to rent a place for a tent is the most difficult thing. Such places are allocated upon preliminary applications. They must be submitted to the local municipal authority. But correctly completed documents are not a guarantee that you will be allocated a place. We must be able to personally agree on this with officials. Usually this takes at least 3 months, not to mention the financial component.

Product prices must be set based on competitive conditions. There is no point in dumping the market to attract customers. It is better to attract them with fresh products from which your shawarma will be prepared. It will be best advertising for business. Then, having first established average market prices, they can be gradually raised.


Of course, how to open a shawarma without special equipment. You cannot save on it in any case, since the quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the unit. The stall needs to purchase at least the following equipment:

  • fridge;
  • grill burner;
  • electric or gas grill.

Today the market offers various devices, both imported and domestic producers. Which one to choose depends on your financial capabilities. If you do not have experience in this area, there is no point in purchasing the most expensive equipment. Try to start a business with mid-priced equipment. Once your kiosk starts generating consistent revenue, it's worth purchasing an expensive setup with advanced features. Then, in addition to shawarma, you will be able to offer customers, for example, hot dogs.


To prepare shawarma you need the following products:

  • meat;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pita;
  • mayonnaise;
  • tomato ketchup.

The most expensive product on this list is meat. The cheapest way to cook shawarma is from chicken. But in any case, we need to look for ways to contact direct manufacturers, since it will be expensive to purchase it on the market along with everyone else. A kilogram of meat costs about 80 rubles. You can buy meat already mounted on a peak, but this will cost 120 rubles. In addition, you need to accurately calculate its quantity in order to sell it per day.


One kiosk usually requires one cook. Moreover, at first, his duties can be performed independently. In the future, you need to find a clean and conscientious employee. An employee must have a health certificate when entering the tent. Another necessary employee is an accountant. It is not necessary to hire him on staff. You can outsource these responsibilities.

How much is a business worth?

The spending plan should first provide funds for registration and obtaining various permits. This takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money - at least 6 thousand rubles, and sometimes much more.

A separate expense item is equipment. How much it will cost depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest are Chinese devices, which cost from 3 thousand rubles. The most expensive ones are European. Their cost is from 75 thousand rubles. The average option is domestically produced equipment, which will cost approximately 25 thousand rubles. Another 6 thousand rubles. it is necessary to include in the plan for the purchase of a refrigerator 3 thousand rubles. – a cash register, if you will work with it.

If you hire a cook for your tent, you have to pay him at least 12 thousand rubles. plus taxes. The spending plan should also include renting space for a kiosk. How much rent costs depends on the city and location. On average, this amount is 30 thousand rubles.

Also include expenses for groceries, utilities, and other unforeseen situations in your plan. It turns out that to open a shawarma kiosk, you will need at least 100 thousand rubles. starting capital.

Payback calculation

The cost of this business is calculated based on a 12-hour working day. On average, one shawarma in the market costs about 100 rubles. One bobbin takes approximately 20 kg of meat, from which you can prepare 137 servings of 100 grams each. One serving costs 4 rubles worth of lavash, 8 rubles worth of mayonnaise and vegetables. The total cost of one serving is approximately 30 rubles.

During times of good traffic, you can sell about 10 pieces per hour. According to the most optimistic calculations, the daily revenue will be 120 thousand rubles. Of this, about 2 thousand will be spent on food. That is, the profit per month will be 300 thousand rubles. If you subtract all related expenses, the business payback plan can be focused on a six-month period.

However, the seasonality of the business must be taken into account. During the cold season, sales tend to drop significantly. In addition, shawarma itself is sold unevenly throughout the day. The greatest demand for it is observed at noon and in the late afternoon. The rest of the time, you can organize the sale of other food. For example, the drop in demand is well compensated by grilled chicken, which is of interest just when the demand for shawarma is falling. You can earn 30 rubles from the sale of one chicken.

Having achieved a certain profit at one point, you can make a plan to open the next point or a network of similar tents.

The business of preparing and selling shawarma is very popular today among budding entrepreneurs. It’s not surprising - all the costs of starting a business, due to the high demand for “fast” food, pay off quite quickly. And even despite the high level of competition in this niche, anyone can build profitable business. Start with drawing up - the price of equipment for shawarma must be taken into account, the right place of sale must be selected, and a development strategy must be thought out.

How to open a shawarma from scratch? What does an entrepreneur need to take care of so that the business begins to bring consistently high profits over time?

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 120,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

Choosing a business format

Choosing a business direction is the first thing a businessman should think about. All further steps - search, premises, equipment purchase, marketing policy - will depend on the format of the fast food establishment.

You can run shawarma production as a business in a mobile or stationary stall, as well as indoors. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Separate room. In this case, you will have to prepare numerous documents and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and Fire Supervision - the selected premises will be carefully checked by supervisory authorities for compliance with all rules and regulations. This option, in terms of business registration, is somewhat more complicated. But you can place your establishment in a pavilion of a shopping center, where there is a lot of traffic. The key to success is placement in a crowded place.
  • Stationary stall. There will be few checks when opening a “street” business - you only notify the supervisory services about the start of work. And Rospotrebnadzor and SES can conduct an inspection only after a year or based on a specific client complaint. But here problems of a different kind may arise - in order to set up a shawarma kiosk on the street, you will need to rent a plot of land from the city administration. Typically, ground rent is less than pavilion rent in shopping center– the benefits of street trading can be quite significant.
  • Mobile stall. Shawarma on wheels will require registration of the van with the traffic police, because it, in fact, remains vehicle. Such a business will have an important advantage when compared with other formats - you will be able to change the location of your trade at least every day, choosing a more profitable point of sale. It is better to start opening a shawarma shop on wheels with a rented van - the initial investment will not be that much.

Consider opening a shawarma outlet as a franchise – there are plenty of offers on the market. The options are: Uncle Doner, Lunch Express, FOODmix. But in some cases, the system of organizing a business through a franchise system will require larger investments - you pay for using the brand and comprehensive assistance from specialists when opening a retail outlet. Franchising a shawarma stall or a full-fledged fast food establishment, if you choose a brand known to consumers, can bring great profits.

We set up your business correctly

To save on initial costs, register your business as an individual entrepreneur - for a mobile or stationary stall selling shawarma or kebabs, this is quite enough.

After registering the business with tax office, about the start of your activities, you notify Rospotrebnadzor, the fire service, the SES - government agencies, if necessary, conduct inspections. If no violations are detected, the shawarma tent can begin operating. Sometimes the process of obtaining all the necessary permits drags on for many months. Therefore, it is better to start collecting all the papers in advance in order to have time to open the stall in time for the spring-summer season.

Selecting the location of the outlet

Income from running a business will directly depend on which place you choose to conduct sales.

The main rule is that the place should be crowded. Evaluate several options before entering into a lease agreement with the owner of a pavilion or land plot - it is important to consider the level of competition. It’s great if there are no retail outlets nearby offering the same products - then the shawarma business will bring more profit. Can't find such a place? Then you will have to somehow stand out from your competitors - more low prices, a bright sign, visible from afar.

How much money you will pay for rented space in a shopping center or for a plot of land on the street will depend on the “demand” of the place - the closer to the city center, the higher the monthly fee will be.

Choosing equipment for making and selling shawarma

The business plan for opening a shawarma must include the cost of purchasing equipment - in fact, this is the main expense item. It’s better not to save money on purchasing devices – the quality will depend on them finished products. If your goal is to meet the deadline for starting a business minimum amount, think about purchasing used devices.

You will need to purchase the following basic equipment for making shawarma:

  • grill,
  • industrial vegetable cutter,
  • immersion blender for making sauces,
  • fridge,
  • tables,
  • oven for heating (contact grill or regular microwave) ready-made dishes.

The most “main” apparatus for the production of shawarma is the grill. Approach his choice with all responsibility.

The equipment is a cabinet made of stainless steel with a heating element of a certain type. Depending on the specific model, the shawarma installation can be supplemented with auxiliary elements - a tray for collecting draining fat, a set of skewers, gastronorm containers, stands. The device operates from mains or gas.

The first option, despite the significant costs of paying for electricity, is most common among owners of establishments producing and selling shawarma. When you open a mobile kiosk, you can buy a gas-type shawarma preparation machine - you will need to purchase a cylinder of liquefied gas. But its operation requires compliance fire safety– inspections by supervisory authorities cannot be avoided.

When choosing a grill, be guided by the following technological characteristics - performance, capacity, type of heating, presence of a drive for rotating the skewers. At first, you can purchase cheaper equipment - with low power. And when the shawarma shop gets going and begins to attract large flows of customers, you can “modernize” the technical equipment.

What is needed if an entrepreneur plans to offer customers not only shawarma and kebabs? Here everything will depend on the specific assortment of dishes. You may need the following equipment - a deep fryer, an oven for frying pancakes, a waffle iron, a blender for making cocktails.

It is quite possible to buy equipment for the production of shawarma for 50,000-70,000 rubles. But these will not be devices of the highest power. A complete set of equipment will require more significant costs - at least 100,000 rubles.

We hire staff and study the technology of preparing shawarma

Shawarma production is a simple process. Many chefs are proficient in technology. To sell a quality product, try to find a real professional - deliciously prepared dishes will attract customers to your stall.

A prerequisite is that employees have health certificates! It’s better not to take risks here - at the first inspection of the establishment by sanitary services, you will receive a fine.

You will need to regularly purchase fresh raw materials for making shawarma - chicken, pork, pita bread, carrots, cabbage, tomato, cucumbers, onions, mayonnaise, ketchup. The complete list of necessary products will depend on the developed menu and recipe for preparing the main dish. Initially, shawarma was a Turkish flatbread stuffed with beef, pork or lamb, and vegetables. In our country, almost every shawarma shop uses thin pita bread to prepare the dish.

In general, the technology for preparing shawarma looks like this:

  • The meat is cut into thin pieces and threaded onto a vertical skewer in the grill.
  • As the meat cooks, it is cut into small pieces into a tray.
  • Next comes the “packaging” of shawarma - vegetables, meat, sauce are placed on pita bread, which is then wrapped.
  • Ready-made shawarma can be additionally fried.

Take care to order branded bags and paper packaging - this will help you stand out among your competitors.

Selling shawarma will bring high profits if you begin to offer customers delicious dishes made from quality products.

We calculate the possible profit from doing business

We figured out how to open a shawarma stall. How much profit will a stall selling “fast” food bring in?

When the business will pay off will depend on the investment made. To open a point of sale you will need the following amount:

  • Registration of a business – from 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of a cash register – from 5,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​from 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products, packaging for the first month of work - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises or land for the first month - from 20,000 rubles.

Average calculations show that opening a small stall for the production and sale of shawarma will require at least 120,000 rubles. To offer other dishes to customers, more costs are needed - up to 300,000 rubles.

Before opening a shawarma, think about the prices of the dishes. On average, shawarma costs around 100 rubles. In an hour of work with good traffic, it is possible to sell up to 20 ready-made dishes. If the retail outlet is open for 12 hours, you can earn up to 24,000 rubles per shift. Income will be greater from sales of related products - juices, lemonades, pies, kebabs.