Alena Vodonaeva's blog is real. The secret of Alena Vodonaeva’s slimness. Early years and youth

Well, for starters, you need to be at least somehow familiar with her. However, I very much doubt if Alena invites anyone into his nest. She's not that kind of person. Her husband, the most intelligent and attentive Alexei, is not such a person. Therefore, this wonderful couple invites only friends. It was nice for us to be on the list when in March of that year Alena arranged for us with Masha and Rima's late dinner party! It’s so pleasant that I languished in moral torment for a whole year, denying myself the publication of precious memories. But! A miracle happened - and Alena she gave it to me to write this post. As they say: “a stone off my shoulders...” That is, I want to believe that Alena (as a very liberated and courageous person) will not be too angry with me for “revealing the secrets” of her world... Which I so unceremoniously invaded with my camera.

It all started with the fact that one day it turned out that Alena sympathizes with (that is, feels sympathy for.) Rome. Rima, of course, was flattered by this fact and can be understood. At the same time, it so happened that Alena was interested in two more - Masha and me. Thus, it was quite logical for our enterprise to go on a visit. That's what we did. The driver drove us around the Lenin Mountains for a long time before we finally found the right house. And we liked it so much that everything was immediately recorded as a keepsake and sent for eternal storage. So to speak - for centuries...

Further - more. Another miracle awaited us - this is, in fact, the House Where Alena and Her Husband Live. Of course, they live TOGETHER, but at that time we were not yet well acquainted with Alena’s chosen one to say so. In other words, we also went to look at the Mysterious Alexey.

By the way, we liked Alexey right away. Of course, we didn’t say anything like that to Alena, but we noted it to ourselves. In short, they approved the choice. And in general - we liked everything.

Alena, of course, immediately began to take care of the housework.... Alexey helped her in everything. Or maybe it's the other way around.

This was, of course, amazing for us. Well, the fact that one helps the other, and not one does everything for two, as often happens... The eyes are a little, but they climbed up...

And there... Beauty! Portrait of a Legal Husband! It turns out that Alena portrayed him herself. Yes, it looks like that! How talented! Envy awoke in us (in each of us in different ways).

Alena was already serving chilled drinks. Just right for us, as people from the road.

On the table - an indispensable attribute. Stone koszul. Beautiful and nice. My husband gave it to me.

The conversation went smoothly right away. They began to remember... Then they saw the camera...

The camera always influences people...

I immediately wanted to take a photo as a souvenir. If you wanted to, you did it.

And, just in case, another photo.

And these are not just works of collage art. This is whatman paper visualization. That is, a real inner world.

The girls really enjoyed looking at this visualization paper...

And then Rima decided that she would also make the same one. Plus he will write a book.

And we, naturally, took pictures against the backdrop of the miracle painting.

And hugging me wasn’t enough for Masha, and she started hugging Alena...

Rima also wanted Alena’s hug, but no one took into account that Masha might not really like this...

Or something like that. Only real bird people can afford this.

But I remembered something interesting on the Internet, and the girls immediately forgot to hug and began to look at what was happening on the computer...

And then they remembered that there was a Cat. For some time now Masha has been very good towards representatives of the cat family... Soon she will have several of them in her house...

Apparently, I will never be able to convey everything that has accumulated in the eyes of this amazing fluffy creature named Coconut.

Love as it is. Removing a speck of dust.

But they are already looking at me reproachfully. They say it’s my fault that it’s already late...

And the owners are tired...

And they look, of course, in a friendly way... But the look is somewhat vague...

Alena Vodonaeva’s Instagram is a special place. Nobody will ever be bored here, since the celebrity tries not to miss a single opportunity to replenish his own account with fresh publications. She has long been accustomed to increased attention and is ready to share with her many fans almost every interesting, significant moment of her life.

The fact that the star leads an extremely active lifestyle does not allow her subscribers to get bored, so she constantly has new reasons to take several spectacular photographs that can decorate her profile on the social photo network.

In a word, those who want to subscribe to Vodonaeva's Instagram account You definitely won’t have to regret your own decision. After all, it is incredibly difficult to find a second active user like the famous girl.

No one will subscribe to a person about whom they know practically nothing. But in 2019 it is almost impossible to find a person who has not heard anything about Vodonaeva. And yet, it’s impossible not to say a few words about who this celebrity is.

Alena began to receive the first shoots of fame by becoming a participant in the popular television project Dom-2. The girl instantly attracted the attention of TV viewers, who appreciated the determination and beauty of the new participant.

Vodonaeva did not disappear from television screens even after leaving the TV show. She always dreamed of being on television and gladly took advantage of the high interest of television channels in herself.

As a result, the star managed to become the host of several interesting projects on various entertainment channels, tried herself as a singer and even starred in episodic roles in a new movie.

No serious, cardinal changes are expected in the girl’s life even now, because Alena is not one of those individuals who easily gives up on her goals. This means that she will definitely surprise those around her with unexpected decisions and significant achievements.

Vodonaeva on Instagram

Knowing what a celebrity does is often not enough to decide whether to follow their account. To make a final decision, you need to figure out what photos and videos she publishes. Alena's subscribers regularly see:

  • various selfies;
  • numerous photographs from various events and events;
  • footage where the TV star shares changes in appearance, mood and personal life;
  • photos through which the presenter talks about the purchases she has made and the brands she likes;
  • pictures expressing the girl’s thoughts and emotions.

It is important to point out that Vodonaeva’s Instagram has long ceased to be just a page with photographs and videos. It is an almost full-fledged blog, where the star is happy to share with others and fans the features of his own personal life. And those who consider such details unnecessary have absolutely nothing to do here.

Is it worth subscribing?

Those who have not yet decided whether to subscribe to Alena Vodonaeva on Instagram should decide in advance what they expect from publications. Fans of the presenter must be prepared for a huge flow of photographs and videos shared by the TV star.

What speaks most eloquently about the celebrity’s activity is the fact that she is able to post more than 10 pictures per day. In addition to this, there are also stories that last only 24 hours and disappear. This approach to maintaining a page should greatly please the girl’s fans, but how much ordinary users who are interested in the beautiful presenter’s Instagram profile will like it is unknown.

Alena Vodonaeva on Instagram

Users who do not understand how to find the star they are interested in on a social photo network should use the search. But in order not to make a mistake in choosing the right option and not accidentally subscribe to a dishonest imitator of Alena, you should focus on the fact that the suitable profile is signed by alenavodonaeva. This is exactly what the desired address should look like, it does not contain extraneous additional characters and various icons. You should not subscribe to the pages of dubious individuals posing as celebrities; you should not increase their popularity, as this seriously harms real stars who are forced to suffer for the rash actions of their own clones.

Alena Vodonaeva was glorified by the project “Dom-2”. For three years she built relationships in front of the eyes of television viewers and camera lenses. She was so accustomed to popularity that even after the completion of the project she remained on television, already as a presenter.

Over time, Alena opened her blogs on all available platforms, created personal clothing brands and realized that she could earn money on her own and not depend on anyone. Independence also brought her freedom to express herself.

Alena Vodonaeva's Instagram

For example, Alena Vodonaeva Instagram leads as she pleases. And he doesn’t hesitate to write in it everything he thinks about fat people.

Her post with outrage over fat people, which she published on her Instagram page during a visit to the United States, caused a particular resonance. The text came as an accompaniment to a video Alena filmed with a random passer-by - a plump woman in a short skirt.

“If you're fat, don't wear short pink skirts. Don't lose your adequacy. In my book, I dedicated an entire chapter to wardrobe appropriateness! Don't make a laughing stock of yourself in public places. You don't need tights that fit your butt larger than L. You don't need to show your arms if they're fat. This point also applies to many stars Russian show business on the red carpet".

“Long sleeves are beautiful and elegant. Regarding America and excess weight: everyone in Los Angeles is beautiful. Everything is about sports. But all of America comes to places like Universal Studios. Ordinary people. 70% are overweight. Some are not as heavy as the girl in the video, some are very heavy and can barely walk, and some even use special wheelchairs. They can't walk".

In the comments, Vodonaeva was immediately showered with reproaches and insults. Firstly, because she was not shy about discussing others. Secondly, for a stone in the garden of those who are at least a little fuller than Alena herself.

The blogger found something to answer to this: “What surprises me most is where do people come from among Instagram users who consider everything that I listed above and classified as shortcomings to be the norm? What kind of popcorn do they have in their heads? They hate me because I encourage them to think about health and look good, do I understand correctly?”

Editorial opinion

Being healthy, looking beautiful and well-groomed is important. And if the posts of public people called exclusively for this, there would be no value for them.

But who sets the beauty standards? Everyone for themselves. And here, certainly, not a single star has the right to dictate what and who should wear and what weight to live with. Therefore, in this sense, the indignation caused by Vodonaeva’s words is justified and fair.

The secret of Alena Vodonaeva's slimness

If Alena campaigns so strongly for and backs up her words with photos of her own toned body, it means she knows the secret to gaining and maintaining slimness.

15.05.2019 19:48 15.57 thousand likes 163 comments

The skirmishes in Yekaterinburg are no longer entirely about the environment and the protection of parks. While city residents are trying to win back the last green meters in the city center, the whole world is watching the shameful indifference of the authorities and church representatives. The worst thing is that people are not angry because of the construction of some shopping center, to which we are already accustomed in our country, but because of the construction of an Orthodox church. No skirmishes will shake my faith in God, but respect for the Russian Orthodox Church is rapidly melting away. Why do official representatives of the church, in such a disgusting situation, talk about the “legality of the construction”, and not about the absurdity of what is happening these days in Yekaterinburg? Why, when it comes directly to the Russian Orthodox Church, are they so meager in their comments? The congregation demands a reaction! This is not a rally against the construction of a plant or the law on Internet isolation. People associate evil with the TEMPLE! This shouldn't happen! And what does the government do? He brings out the security forces on the street... I understand that religion has always been the support of any state, but it is all the more important not to destroy people’s faith with their aggression. They don’t go into detail and don’t analyze the essence of the protest: everything is one size fits all: if you defend a telegram, you’ll be sent to a paddy wagon, if you don’t like it new law- into the paddy wagon, if you want to say that you are gay - into the paddy wagon. Of course, when we have so many security officials, they need to at least do something. Russia is one of the leaders in the number of law enforcement officers per capita, who, after the police reform of 2011, began to live much better, and, for sure, value it. That’s why they fight Protestants with such cruelty, because they still have to wait in line for subsidized housing... I want the crowd of thousands of dissatisfied people in my country not to be beaten, but to be listened to and discussed. Well, why are you so stubborn about building a temple on the site of a park? You are not being asked to repeal the law on insulting the authorities or allow a gay pride parade. But no, the government cannot make concessions to the people and “demonstrate weakness.” We are not some kind of “decaying Europe”... / Photo in the carousel / #Ekaterinburg #WeForSkver

15.05.2019 10:48 41.21 thousand likes 853 comments

Official Instagram Alena Vodonaeva

Beauty starts from within. And we are a million percent made up of what we eat. Breakfast is my favorite time of the day. It is important that it is correct and useful. Don't be afraid of complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal with water in the morning has never made anyone fat. But yes, it’s filling. In my book, in the chapter on nutrition, I described in detail how it is important to start your day. Everything is accessible and understandable there. Now the warm days have arrived, so I have already replaced the honey that I add to porridge in the cold season with fresh berries 🍓 If I have breakfast away from home, I most often order eggs. Fried egg or Benedict with salmon. I love avocado toast (I also make great ones at home, I can give you the recipe if needed) 🥑 Avocado, by the way, is my favorite morning fruit. And it makes my son sick, literally 😹🤮 I also haven’t drunk coffee for two weeks. I hope I can hold out until the fall and not fall apart. Already switched to matcha latte 🍵🌱 If you want to get in shape, have a good breakfast and reduce portions for lunch and dinner. Avoid coffee with milk (this causes swelling) and drink plenty of water. If you have questions about breakfast, please ask. I will have time today, I will answer all comments. If you share recipes for cool, healthy breakfasts in the comments, I will be grateful and others will find it useful 💚 Have a good day and lightness, cats. LAVU 💋 Ph:

14.05.2019 19:29 6,615 likes 115.29 thousand 167 comments

Official Instagram Alena Vodonaeva

I really love the time when spring turns into summer. When you want to be even lighter, fresher and more beautiful. When you enjoy sunrises and look forward to sunsets. When you manage to do everything, you shine and enjoy life. Now is the time. Favorite time of the year ☘️

12.05.2019 14:23 69.12 thousand likes 1,153 comments

Official Instagram Alena Vodonaeva

I haven’t posted a photo on my Instagram for over eight months. Judging by the coverage in the statistics, people watch them, but few like them. That's why recent months there were videos. And by the number of views, I understood that you were with me ❤️ There were a lot of views. Some videos have more than a million 💋 Either you are such a lazy greedy and it’s difficult for you to double-click on the screen, or the videos actually play better. Be honest, what do you like more: photos or videos? Return photos to the feed? 🤔 📸 Ph: @danilov.viktor_ ❤️

10.05.2019 17:00 37.50 thousand likes 575.79 thousand 2,607 comments

Friends, this question has been asked by you more than a thousand times in the comments and in DMs. Is it true that I am divorcing my husband? It's time to answer it. Yes, I'm divorcing my husband.

09.05.2019 15:57 28.25 thousand likes 418.33 thousand 754 comments

Victory Day ⭐️ Bogdan really wanted to go to the parade today, but my health changed all our plans. We must tell our children more about the price our country paid for a peaceful sky, so that as little blue as possible creeps out year after year onto the streets of the country with the slogans “we can repeat it” and “to Berlin.” According to official data, we have only 10,000 veterans left. Help them if they live near you. It's sad that our government remembers them only once a year. It's sad that our pensioners receive three times less than German pensioners. There are a lot of sad things, despite the great holiday of MEMORY. / Video - 05.05. /

06.05.2019 00:36 15.49 thousand likes 285.40 thousand 986 comments

It’s scary to imagine what kind of hell was going on on board. It's painful to look at these shots. Unbearable. There's already a lot of crap on the Internet about hand luggage, which the passengers sitting in the front rows took with them from the plane, about why the fire department and ambulance arrived so late, about #Aeroflot and #Sheremetyevo I don’t want to comment on this situation. I express my condolences to the surviving passengers and the relatives and friends of the victims 😿🙏 It’s scary to live where people are burning alive on planes, in “Winter Cherries” and “Lame Horses”. And this happens with regular consistency 💔

Alena Vodonaeva belongs to that category of people who simply cannot help but inspire admiration. Today her personality is known not only to fans of “House-2”, but also to people far from this sensational project. Alena appears every now and then on various shows and programs, they talk about her on the radio, and all the popular media are just waiting for a reason to write another article about the girl. According to Alena herself, she always dreamed of getting on television and winning the love of TV viewers. Alena Vodonaeva, talented and creative personality, after leaving Dom-2, she managed to record several songs, try herself as a presenter and take part in popular TV shows. In addition to filming on television, the girl maintains an author’s blog, and also actively uses social networks to communicate with subscribers. Alena Vodonaeva’s Instagram alone has more than 1.3 million subscribers and about 7,000 thousand publications from the star.

(scroll through the photos, there are a lot of them)

Early years and youth

Alena Vodonaeva was born in the city of Tyumen on July 2, 1982. As a child, she developed a strong character, the girl was distinguished by her courage, had a good sense of humor and a penchant for adventure. The only thing that darkened her childhood was poor health. Most of school life Alena spent time in health resorts.

After school graduation, Alena immediately began preparing documents for admission to the Faculty of Journalism. After enrolling at the university, the girl gets a job at a local newspaper. However, Alena did not stay long at the newspaper; after several months of work, the girl went to television and became a crime correspondent. For three years, Alena informed city residents about the most terrible incidents.

The turning point in the girl’s life was her thesis. It was then that Alena’s biography took a sharp turn when she decided for her thesis choose a topic related to reality TV. In order to write an excellent thesis, the girl decided to take part in the “Dom-2” project, which was then gaining popularity. At that time, Alena had no idea that this experiment would last more than 1000 days, and would bring her enormous popularity.

Life on the Dom-2 project

Vodonaeva’s appearance in “House-2” occurred in 2004 and instantly attracted the attention of both television viewers and participants in the television production. When the newcomers were announced, Alena admitted that she had come to see Stepan Menshikov, who at that time had already been living without a partner for two months. To attract Stepan's attention, Alena danced an erotic dance with a boa constrictor on the table. Such a gesture did not go unnoticed, and Stepan reciprocated Alena, so one of the most shocking and memorable couples appeared on the project.

Alena's explosive character played a contradictory role in her fate on the project. On the one hand, she was always the center of attention, which undoubtedly brought her enormous popularity among the audience, but on the other hand, the girl had almost no friends on the project, as she constantly quarreled with everyone and often did not mince words .
I also failed to build my love. After a long relationship with Stepan Menshikov, the couple broke up. The reason was constant quarrels and misunderstandings. After Stepan, Alena dated several project participants, but in the end all relationships ended in a break. In 2007, the girl decides to leave the project and try herself in a new role.

Personal life

The personal life of Alena Vodonaeva has always attracted the attention of all kinds of media, fresh photos with her suitors appeared every now and then on the pages of the tabloids. After leaving Dom-2, Alena was alone for some time, but five months later she began an affair with businessman Alexei Malakeev.

After two years together, the couple decided to legalize their relationship and in August 2009 they got married. The wedding was attended by Alena's close friends, Ksenia Borodina and Irina Dubtsova. In 2010, the newlyweds had a son, who was named Bogdan. However, the family idyll did not last long; due to constant quarrels, the couple decided to separate. The divorce was officially registered in 2013.

Although Alena does not like to advertise her personal life, she often found herself in the crosshairs of cameras with new boyfriends. Over 12 years of fame, Alena is credited with affairs with such men as:

  • Glory to the Panthers
  • Evgeniy Papunaishvili
  • Yuri Ande
  • Misha Kontsov

Social media

Alena Vodonaeva has always loved to be in the spotlight, so social networks have become a great way for her to express herself and communicate with fans. Alena pays more attention to Instagram, where she has more than 1.3 million subscribers.

Alena can be called a real fan of this social network, she posts new photos with enviable regularity, where she shares details of her life with subscribers. During the entire existence of the account, Alena published more than 7,000 publications. The girl shares her joys and hardships, and sometimes asks for advice from her subscribers. This trusting attitude is liked by her fans, who continue to love their idol more and more every day.