Tatyana Gaiduk's blog. Salvadoran Dali surrealism in original wax sculptures reincarnated in bronze Spain. Night Marbella. Sculptures of Salvador Dali

The magnificent capital of Andorra, Andorra la Vella, is a major tourist destination. The best historical monuments are collected here, including the sculpture of Salvador Dali, which is called “Noble Time” or “Nobility of Time”.

History and architecture

The main square of the kingdom of Andorra - the Rotunda of Andorra la Vella has a very valuable artistic decoration, the author of which is the world-famous sculptor Salvador Dali. In the very center of the capital square there is a sculpture depicted in the form of a tree. The peak part of the tree is decorated with a crown, which is a symbol of time over humanity. The five-meter sculpture displays a melting clock that is slowly sliding towards the root system. The base of the tree has strong roots, which symbolizes our strong foundation. But, despite the powerful base and the symbol of power located at the top, the middle is subject to time. There are two silhouettes on both sides of the sculpture. One of them is an angel, sadly bowing his head over wasted time. This sculpture concerns each of us and is a kind of signal for us to rationally use our time that is allotted to us on earth. As for the monument itself, it is an exact copy works of the great master Salvador Dali. The Principality of Andorra received this gift from philanthropist Enric Sabatero, who was a close friend and confidant of Salvador Dali from 1968 to 1982. Andorran Minister Antoni Armenlog described this gift as the most outstanding architectural structure, which will attract additional attention of city guests. Analogues of this creation of the great master can be found in many famous European cities. For example, in London, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Courchevel and so on. The sculpture of Salvador Dali has become a real pearl, which is located in an unexpected place, since uninformed tourists can come across it completely unexpectedly and take a photo as a souvenir against its background.


The sculpture of Salvador Dali is made of bronze. This is one of many works that belong to the Passage of Time series. Salvador Dali decided to create an entire collection according to this theme, since the theme of time has been and will be relevant at all times. The monument is located on a low pedestal and is surrounded by four sides low fence made of chrome pipes. During the hot period of time, this sculpture takes on new life, since the scorching sun overhead is the exact factor that melts absolutely everything in its path.


In Andorra la Vella there are a lot of wonderful places that are worth visiting during your holiday: the Comics Museum, National Museum cars, Casa de la Vall castle, perfume museum, Church of Saint Armenol, Church of Saint Andrew, Church of Saint Vicenc d'Enclar, Estany del Estany lakes. Many tourists choose Andorra to combine business with pleasure, as it is a duty-free trade zone. Here you can purchase quality products at affordable prices. The best place to do your shopping is on Meritsel Avenue. This is where all the best brand stores and shopping centers are concentrated.

Note to tourists

The sculpture of Salvador Dali is located on outdoors, so guests of the capital of Andorra can visit this place of interest at any time convenient for them.

High in the Pyrenees Mountains lies the dwarf state of the Principality of Andorra. Here, on the main street of the capital Andorra la Vella you can see the original sculptural composition entitled “The Nobility of Time”, authored by Salvador Dali.

The area of ​​the dwarf state of Andorra is only 468 sq. km. These are picturesque mountains and valleys with beautiful nature and the best ski slopes, attracting a constant flow of tourists from different countries. The capital of the Principality of Andorra la Vella is located at an altitude of 1029 meters and is the highest capital of the state in all of Europe.

The bronze sculpture of Salvador Dali was donated to the dwarf state of Andorra in 2010 by Enric Sabater, assistant famous artist, who worked with him from 1968 to 1982. A unique sculpture from a series of soft watches is installed in the historical center of the capital on Meritxell Street (Passatge Meritxell).

The five-meter sculpture “The Nobility of Time” belongs to the famous series of melting clocks by Salvador Dali, which personify the passage of time. It depicts a melted clock hanging on a tree - one of the favorite symbols in the artist’s work. The upper part of the dial is topped with a crown and symbolizes the power that time has over a person. Magnificent work one of the most brilliant artists of the 20th century, Salvador Dali, has become a popular attraction in the city of Andorra la Vella and the entire dwarf state of Andorra.

Surrealism has always had a hard time with the two dimensions of painting. Dali is undoubtedly a painter. But from time to time, he also needed to create three-dimensional models of his complex images in order to better understand his own idea and the method of its implementation on canvas.

The master worked exclusively with wax, since he himself never considered his sculptures as independent works. The world learned about Dali the sculptor only thanks to the collector Isidr Klot, who bought his wax models from the master and ordered bronze castings based on them. The sculptures presented to the public created a sensation in the art world. Many sculptures were subsequently enlarged many times over and decorated not only museum collections, but also the squares of many cities.

In terms of their content, absolutely all of Dali’s sculptures are the plastic embodiment of images that are well known from his paintings. Thanks to the volume, many images acquired additional expressiveness and aesthetic resonance.

Adam and Eve

The work is a composition of the figures of the Ancestors, as well as a Serpent curved in the shape of a heart. Through this figured loop, Eve gives the apple to Adam. The author interprets the biblical story as knowledge of the joys of carnal love through criminal sin, attractive and desired.
The human figures look somewhat generalized; they are devoid of individual features, which is undoubtedly done deliberately. The snake, on the contrary, is made carefully and precisely. The center of the composition is clearly indicated by an apple from the tree of knowledge. Bronze made it possible to identify accents by highlighting them with color. The snake is made in golden colors, and the apple - a perfect sphere - is mirror polished and looks almost mother-of-pearl.

Time profile

One of the artist’s favorite images is a plastic, fluid watch. Dali has several similar sculptures. The time profile is the most famous of all. The phenomenon of time is especially important for surrealist artists, who perceive time as an indispensable attribute of all their subjects, mysterious, complex and unclear. The transience, illusoryness and elusiveness of time are the subject of close attention of the author.

Saint George and the Dragon

The classic plot in the author's interpretation looks somewhat different than we are used to seeing it. The iconic symbol of the Saint on horseback, slaying the Dragon with a spear, is complemented by a small figure of a woman standing somewhat away, who raised her hand, welcoming the feat of George. The author thereby reminds of those for whom the feat was accomplished, of the lady in whose name the knights perform all their feats, of love and protection of the weak. The artist pushes the boundaries classic plot, makes the viewer reconsider his attitude towards the classics.

Cosmic Venus

The world-famous forms of ancient Venus in Dali’s work are somewhat changed, modernized, and eroticized. The sculpture is supplemented with details that embody the author’s idea. The first detail is the “current clock”, designed to remind the viewer of the variability of tastes and aesthetic ideas of people. The second detail is a golden egg - a symbol of a woman’s great purpose - to give life. The symbols of the eternal and the transitory are combined in the work. The author ironizes the variability of human tastes, contrasting them with the eternal and constant wisdom of nature.


In this case, the author turns to mythology, and uses the famous statue of Cellini as an example. In the sculpture of the great surrealist, Perseus is depicted schematically, the details are not worked out. The face is completely missing. The Gorgon's head is also very sketchy. In its content, the work is an interpretation of the content of the myth. The hero killed the Gorgon, who destroys with his gaze, only because he himself managed to get rid of his face, the most vulnerable spot.

Today there are more than three hundred sculptures in Europe. Most of them are third and fourth copies, cast in the original molds of the collector Klot. The original sculptures are kept in his private collection.

One of the most prominent representatives surrealism - Salvador Dali was not only an outstanding painter and graphic artist, but also a sculptor, creating his creations exclusively from wax. His surrealism was always cramped within the framework of the canvas, and he resorted to three-dimensional depiction of complex images, which later formed the basis of his paintings.

Collector Isidr Klot, who once bought it from the artist wax figures, ordered bronze castings. Soon the collection of original bronze sculptures created a sensation in the world of art. Many of Dali’s sculptures were subsequently increased many times in size and became decorations not only in museum halls, but also in the squares of many cities around the world.

Salvador Dali Museum in Paris

In Paris in Montmartre there is a whole museum dedicated to this brilliant Spanish artist. Greatest Works art created in the last century arouses genuine interest among the public and cannot leave any viewer indifferent: they awaken either delight or indignation.

Dance of Time I.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219414890.jpg" alt="Surrealistic piano by Salvador Dali. | Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." title="Surreal piano by Salvador Dali. | Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Exquisite objects and forms inspired the artist to create many unique surreal images. In this sculpture, the master replaced the wooden legs of a piano with dancing, graceful female legs. In this way, he revived the instrument and turned it into an object of pleasure for both music and dance. On the lid of the piano we see a surreal image of the Muse trying to soar above reality.

Space elephant.

Salvador Dali turned to the image of an elephant both in painting, as evidenced by the painting “The Temptation of St. Anthony”, and repeatedly in sculpture - “Cosmic Elephant”, “Rejoicing Elephant”. This bronze sculpture depicts an elephant marching on thin long legs through outer space, and carrying an obelisk symbolizing technical progress. A powerful body on thin legs, according to the author’s idea, is nothing more than “the contrast between the inviolability of the Past and the fragility of the Present.”

Surreal Newton

In his work, the great Spaniard repeatedly turned to the personality of Newton, who discovered the law universal gravity, thereby paying tribute to the great physicist. In all the sculptures of Newton created by Dali, the apple is a constant detail, which led to the great discovery. Two large through niches in the sculpture symbolize oblivion, since in the perception of many people Newton is only a great name that is devoid of soul and heart.

Bird Man

a person is half-bird, or a bird is half-man." It is difficult to determine which part of these two dominates, because a person is not always who he appears to be. The author wants to leave us in doubt - this is his game.

Vision of an angel

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/000dali-0015.jpg" alt=" Woman on Fire. Author: Salvador Dali. Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." title="Woman on fire.

The obsession of two ideas: the flame of passion and female body with secret drawers in which the secrets of every woman are kept, Salvador Dali clearly manifested himself in surreal sculpture"Woman on Fire" By flame, the artist meant the subconscious passionate desire and vices of all women - current, past and future, and the drawers symbolize the conscious secret life of each of them.

Snail and angel

Surreal warrior.

Surreal warrior.
Dali's surreal warrior symbolizes all victories: real and metaphysical, spiritual and physical.

Tribute to Terpsichore

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/000dali-0009.jpg" alt=" Cosmic Venus. Author: Salvador Dali. | Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." title="Cosmic Venus.

This sculpture is also called “beauty without head and limbs.” In this work, the artist glorifies a woman whose beauty is temporary, fleeting and perishable. Venus's body is divided into two parts by an egg, which creates a fantastic impression of weightlessness in the sculpture. The egg itself is a symbol of the fact that inside a woman there is a whole unknown world.

Horse under the saddle of time

The image is filled with expression, eternal non-stop movement, original freedom and insubordination to man.".!}

Space Rhino

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/000dali-0013.jpg" alt=" Saint George and the Dragon. Author: Salvador Dali. | Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." title="Saint George and the Dragon.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219416024.jpg" alt="Surrealism of Salvador Dali. | Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." title="Surrealism of Salvador Dali. | Photo: dolzhenkov.ru." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Spain. Night Marbella. Sculptures of Salvador Dali

Ten bronze sculptures, based on wax models of Salvador Dali sculptures, are located directly below open air on the promenade of Marbella in Spain.