Bolshaya Nikitskaya 13 hall. Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Who gave the name to the street

Jazz pianist and composer Hiromi was born in Hamamatsu. At the age of six she began to master academic piano, and eight years later the young pianist was already playing in the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.

Later, the skill of seventeen-year-old Hiromi was appreciated by the world famous jazz pianist Chick Corea and invited her to take part in his grand concert, which took place in Tokyo. A few years later, she became a student at Berklee College of Music, where she studied with Ahmad Jamal, and began collaborating with the Telarc International Corporation record label.

Since 2003, Hiromi has been actively touring, performing at major international jazz events, including Newport jazz festival. Since April 13, 2010 she has been touring in composition of The Stanley Clarke Trio.

This pianist is known throughout the world for her virtuoso technique, phenomenal energy and performing style, which is a unique synthesis of different musical styles - from classical to post-bop.


The future Honored Artist of Russia was surrounded by art from childhood: the boy was born into a family of famous actors. From an early age, he regularly attended his mother and father’s rehearsals at the theater, but he did not want to connect his life with this. But in high school, the guy changed his mind and, despite everything, became a student of the legendary “Pike”. I graduated from the university with honors.

After graduating from university, Sergei began serving in, but soon transferred to. Chonishvili’s luggage includes two theater awards “The Seagull” (one of them for the play “Marriage”) and the Smoktunovsky Award.

At the same time, he conquered the big screen - now he has about seventy roles in films and TV series. Huge number people are partially familiar with him: he found himself in voice acting - about six dozen works in cartoons and reading voice-over text in many films, more than forty characters computer games, and also the STS TV channel “speaks” in his voice.


Daniil never seriously considered becoming an artist, but after school he decided to take a risk and apply to theater universities. He tried to enter three institutes, but could not get into any of them. On the second attempt, the applicant got into the Moscow Art Theater, from which a year later he transferred to Shchuka.

Having received his diploma, the graduate made his debut in the play “Petersburg” at the Gogol Drama Theater, for which he immediately received an award for the best male character. IN different times Strakhov was involved in productions and other venues. Now he has more than two dozen works to his credit.

While still a student, he began appearing in films and television series, one of which, “Poor Nastya,” became a real breakthrough for the young actor. In his creative biography– about sixty roles on the wide screen, as well as FSB awards, “The Seagull” and other prestigious awards.


There were no actors in his family, but he wanted to become an artist since childhood - although he didn’t tell anyone about it. Seryozha often behaved like his idols. For example, the boy actively imitated Andrei Mironov. As a schoolboy, the future FSB award laureate, already in the second grade, appeared in an audition for the famous magazine “Yeralash”, which was successful.

After school, the young man applied to engineering universities, but, in addition, secretly, also to theater universities. Ultimately, Shnyrev turned into a student of the iconic Moscow Art Theater.

From the first year educational institution the guy made his debut on the big screen in the film “The Musketeers 20 Years Later,” which was followed by offers from Nikita Mikhalkov and Hollywood directors.

The musician, together with like-minded people, wrote soundtracks for the films “Country of the Deaf”, “Retro Threesome”, “Suspicion”, “My Step Brother Frankenstein”, “The Fall of an Empire”, “The Martian Chronicles”, “Diamond Hunters” and more music for more than nine dozen films, TV series and performances.


During Soviet times, Herzen Street existed in Moscow. And the population did not have any questions about its name. Everyone knew who Herzen was, and the fact that one of the central highways was named after him was perceived as something completely natural.

Return of the historical name

But then came 1993, and the street was renamed (along with hundreds of others). It was given back its pre-revolutionary name - Bolshaya Nikitskaya. And questions immediately started pouring in: why Nikitskaya, why Bolshaya? The first mention associated with the toponym dates back to 1534, when the Nikitsky Church was erected near the Yamsky Dvor, which was the first administrative body of Moscow.

Who gave the name to the street

Later, in 1582, Nikita Zakharyin (one of his sons became the founder of the Romanov family) built the Nikitsky monastery on the site of the church, dedicated to the Orthodox saint, Nikita of Gotha. Afterwards it became a convent, and in this form it met 1917. As time passed, another chapel was erected in the cathedral in honor of Nikita the Wonderworker (1833), and in 1877 - a chapel in honor of Nikita the Great Martyr. The first written mention of Nikitskaya Street itself dates back to 1619. It stretched along the Volotsk (later Novgorod) road. It turns out that the street is named after and is “big” because Malaya Nikitskaya runs parallel to it, which starts from the gate square bearing the same name. And its length is almost 2 times less than the length of its neighbor.

A striking landmark of the capital

In all subsequent years, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street has been deteriorating, and now it is a landmark of the capital. There are even special excursions like “Discover Moscow”, by ordering which you can get to know Belokamennaya, its squares, streets and alleys better. It should be noted that each house located on the street in question is of historical value.

She is also mentioned in fiction- in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. One of the mansions (now number 55) is described as the Rostov house. Bolshaya Nikitskaya is considered, and rightfully so, to be the aristocratic street of the capital. In mansions Russian nobility- and there are quite a lot of them here - embassies, representative offices and consulates of several countries are located. Most of the buildings are monuments to the history of the state and belong to the Povarskaya - Bolshaya Nikitskaya nature reserve. The monastery itself is no longer there, only part of the wall remains.

Feudal estate

In feudal Rus' there was a tax. The people who paid it were called tax workers. Since it was levied on a place and a trade, this class included mainly common people engaged in crafts, petty trade and crafts. The draft people were divided into black settlements and black hundreds. At the time the street appeared, its right side belonged to just such a black hundred called Novgorod. On these lands, the townspeople built churches, which became the oldest in Moscow. There were also churches here: the Ascension of the Lord “Little” and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Street length

Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street begins at Manezhnaya Square, the numbering of houses comes from here. At the end it goes out onto Kudrinskaya Square. The total length is 1.8 kilometers. Approximately in the center, at the intersection of Bolshaya Nikitskaya, there is also a square of the same name, which in the 17th century divided the highway into two sections of different names - Volotskaya and Tsaritsinskaya streets.

The tragic fate of Russian churches

As noted, we can talk about each building here forever. The first story, naturally, should be dedicated to the object that gave its name to the street itself. But it does not exist; it was demolished in 1933. Then many religious buildings were demolished, and the beautiful ensemble, consisting of three temples and a chapel, is priceless historical evidence time - ceased to exist. And on the site of the convent, a new and probably very necessary building for Moscow was erected, the address of which is Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 7.

What is on the site of the demolished monastery

This is the first draft electrical substation in the capital, built in 1935 according to the design of D. F. Friedman, ensuring the operation of several central lines of the Moscow metro - Filevskaya, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya, Zamoskvoretskaya and Sokolnicheskaya. The building, consisting of 4 floors, met all the strength standards of that time. It was built solidly, to last. Heavy-duty materials and complex structures were used. The building has large windows that allow the interior to look very massive, which is facilitated by the large number of columns that occupy almost the entire façade. Sculptures and bas-reliefs serve as decoration. All this splendor is made in the style of unordered classicism, which, as experts say, is characterized by laconicism and dryness in the decoration of the facade. The object is located on the left side of the street.

Central stage for classical music performance

In the same piece of Moscow there is another pearl, the address of which is Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 13. The Tchaikovsky Conservatory, or rather its Great Hall (1737 seats), is the largest venue in the world where performances are performed. classical music. It is known primarily for those passing here international competitions them. P.I. Tchaikovsky. The building was built from 1895 to 1901, erected according to the design of V.P. Zagorsky, an academician, one of the authors of the monument to Alexander II the Liberator in the Kremlin. The grand opening took place on April 7, 1901, the orchestra was conducted by V. I. Safonov, director of the conservatory from 1889 to 1905. And by his order, the artist N. K. Bodarevsky made 14 portraits of great Russian and foreign composers, which decorated the walls of the Great Hall.

Strange politics

For some reason (maybe because these composers were Germans) in 1953 the portraits of Gluck, Mendelssohn, Haydn and Handel were replaced by images of Dargomyzhsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Chopin and Mussorgsky. These great artists certainly deserve such an honor, but two of the four previously removed paintings were irretrievably lost.

In 1899, a magnificent organ was installed in the hall, the author of which was Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, the largest French organ master and transformer of this instrument. There are few celebrities in the world who would not perform on this famous stage, above which the bas-relief of N. G. Rubinstein rises.

In 1940, the XII USSR Chess Championship was held here. Extraordinary beautiful monument P. I. Tchaikovsky works great Faith Mukhina was installed in front of the entrance to the conservatory building in 1954.

Everything returns to normal

The entire conservatory complex underwent a large-scale restoration in 2010, the goal of which was to completely restore the original interiors of both the hall itself and the educational buildings. During the war, “Saint Cecilia” - a very large stained glass window - was destroyed. Now it has been completely restored. To the Moscow Conservatory, despite the presence email, letters come from all over the world. It is clear that correspondence requires an index. Bolshaya Nikitskaya has many official institutions that receive a lot of letters. The postal address, for example, of the Conservatory is as follows: 125009, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 13.

Main attraction

Of all the attractions of the street, there is one that is impossible not to mention. This is the Temple of the Great Ascension. Its construction began back in 1798, but the unfinished building completely burned down in 1812. Construction was completed in 1816, and in 1931, the great A.S. Pushkin married Natalya Goncharova in the refectory of this temple. Building number 36 is located on the right side of Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street. Moscow would have lost a lot in appearance if this church had not been preserved.

Great theater names

It is absolutely impossible to pass over in silence the mansion where the V.V. Mayakovsky Theater is located - one of the most popular in the capital. In 1885-1886, on the site freed from the demolition of the Zarubin-Efremov estate, a private theater was built, intended for performances by foreign guest performers. When A.P. Chekhov became seriously and terminally ill, in 1899 the play “The Seagull” was shown for him alone on the stage of this theater. And after the revolution there was a traveling theater here, artistic director which was Meyerhold. It is also necessary to mention the buildings of the Zoological Museum and Helikon Opera located here.

St. Bolshaya Nikitskaya is gradually turning into an embassy. Thus, the Egyptian consulate and the embassies of Spain, Brazil and Myanmar are already located here.

Great music, beautifully performed - guaranteed good mood! That is why I decided to continue my acquaintance with the Central Concert Orchestra named after. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov of the Russian Navy. I heard Isaac Dunaevsky performed by them, now Strauss and more...
What's the intrigue? Under the heading "Not only Strauss" - excellent company.
Emil Waldteifel. I haven't heard of him before. The original surname is Levi. The surname Waldteufel is translated from German as “forest devil.” There was nothing diabolical about this French composer, conductor and pianist. He wrote more than 250 waltzes, mixing elements of German, French and Spanish melodies. Traveled all over Europe, conducted dance music. In popularity, his waltzes competed with Strauss's. Waltz “Estudiantina” (translated from Spanish as “learner, student”) is light and lyrical. In Spain and Portugal, this was the name given to groups of university students dressed in traditional costumes and singing serenades for a living.
“Nights in the Gardens of Spain” is considered the pinnacle of the work of composer Manuel de Falla. Perhaps the fact that the composer began working on this work in Paris influenced his musical language, in which national traits combined with French sophistication.
It seems that the elder contemporary of Waldteufel, de Falla, and Strauss the son, is doing well famous Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka got into this company by accident. For us, he is, first of all, the author of “A Life for the Tsar”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, serious major works. What kind of dancing is there? But only until the “Aragonese Jota” sounded. It is based on the most popular melody of the Spanish folk dance. The composer's biographers write that after Glinka left Spain, a kind of experiment was conducted there: local residents They suggested listening to his “Aragonese Jota”. They called this music authentic Spanish, and did not believe that it was written by a Russian composer.
So, we “danced” the first part of the concert in Spain.
Strauss reigned in the second section! Johann Strauss Jr., to be precise. Well, what else can I say? I recently learned that when the Strauss waltzes were performed in Vienna, sometimes even the name of the author was not mentioned. Only the surname was important, as an unconditional sign of quality. I don’t know... The King, even if he is the “Waltz King,” must be alone. And Johann Jr. certainly deserved this title.
What can you write about Strauss's waltzes or the operetta Die Fledermaus? Only one thing: NOT ENOUGH! Especially in such a beautiful performance.
Listening to conversations in the lobby and reading reviews about the concert, I noticed that many complained that the arias from Die Fledermaus were performed in German. But why not? Yes, we are used to the Russian version. On the other hand, “The Bat” is, it seems to me, the only operetta that is included in the repertoire opera houses. Same traditional New Year's gift music lovers, just like Strauss concerts. And we know that performing an opera in its original language is always welcome. So why not? Another thing is that there was something wrong with the sound. The orchestra drowned out the beautiful voices, which was a shame.
The orchestra is wonderful! Even the back of conductor Alexei Karabanov is amazingly artistic! And this is even without the enchanting performance of the polka “On the Hunt”. With shots. Sometimes the sound is entrusted to the drums, but in this case, given the military affiliation of the orchestra and the charisma of its leader... the gun (i.e. pistol) had to fire!
A wonderful evening ended simply amazingly. “Radetzky March” is a unique opportunity to feel involved, even if you have never tried to play a single note.
It seems to me that the Central Concert Model of the Russian Navy has revealed the very “secret of prolonging bright moments” that Prince Orlovsky sang about in German. Don't believe me? Come to their concert and see for yourself!
Information about concerts, tickets and orchestra news can be obtained on the website of the Central Concert Exemplary Orchestra named after. Rimsky-Korsakov Navy, as well as in orchestra groups on social networks:
on Facebook,
on the video channel on Youtube

I thank the MOSCOW BLOGGERS COMMUNITY moskva_lublu for the opportunity!