Goals of regional small business support programs. Government support for small and medium-sized businesses: programs, types of subsidies and how to get them

The state helps the development of small businesses with tax incentives, special programs support, subsidizing loan interest rates.

For 2018, the Russian government has developed priority areas of small business activity who can count on government support:

  1. Development of the agro-industrial complex. Support for lending and insurance in the areas of livestock farming, crop production, and horticulture.
  2. Production of consumer goods.
  3. Healthcare development.
  4. Advancement in the field of science and technology.

Types and methods

Small businesses are provided with funds from the budget of the Russian Federation and local budgets by providing subsidies and budget investments for the implementation of business projects, one-time subsidies for starting a business for the unemployed.

Property support consists in the allocation of structures, special equipment. technology, equipment under certain conditions for use for its intended purpose.

Information support includes the creation of websites with the official presentation of current materials, current programs, and legislative changes. Also applies to state support providing necessary consultations.

State assistance to small businesses is provided government services.

Tax office

The Federal Tax Service provides support in two directions:

  1. Providing tax benefits. They include the possibility of accelerated fixed assets, no work during the first 2 years (for enterprises producing consumer goods, construction organizations), no advance payments of taxes.
  2. Transition of small businesses to a simplified taxation system. It is possible to receive a tax credit in the amount of 10% of revenue, which is provided through deferred payment to the local budget (up to 50%). Target direction loans: carrying out scientific research work, purchasing modern equipment, creating jobs for people with disabilities.

Entrepreneurs turn to this organization to financial support business. Developed for 2018 following government programs help:

All allocated subsidies are strictly targeted. Controlling authorities carry out targeted spending of allocated funds at the stage of purchasing equipment and establishing a business. Participation in programs often requires a share of your own funds.

Federal portal for support of small and medium-sized businesses

He collects information on existing programs, provides advice on collecting necessary documents to receive grants. It contains the necessary information on received grants and existing regional projects.

Areas of support for small businesses in 2018:

  1. Increasing demand for . Purchase of domestic equipment when purchasing goods.
  2. Training of young entrepreneurs. Allocation of funds for training programs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  3. Official employment of citizens working in “shadow” business. Establishment of simplified registration of unemployed citizens, registration and training of them in employment centers to engage in entrepreneurial activities.
  4. Comprehensive services for SMEs in one window mode.
  5. Development of women's entrepreneurship.

Funds of this type provide security for loans and leasing operations in the form of a guarantee. There are certain ones in banks. To receive a loan, you must complete a number of conditions: availability of turnover on the account, documented financial stability of the organization, security.

Otherwise, even if the issue of issuing a loan is resolved positively, the conditions for it will be unattractive for the borrower (increased interest rate, requirement for insurance and additional guarantees).

Small business support funds enter into cooperation agreements with banks. An entrepreneur who has a business in the region has the right to use the services of the funds, without overdue payments to the budget that is not at the stage.

Such organizations provide support within the regional limit; priority assistance is given to enterprises engaged in priority activities for a given region. , secured by guarantees of guarantee funds, have good conditions: the interest rate on them is 2-3% lower, no additional collateral is required, good loan repayment conditions.

A new direction for supporting small businesses is the creation of industrial parks. This is a system of real estate objects, which includes, in addition to a land plot, industrial buildings, offices, warehouses and other buildings with connected infrastructure.

On their basis, new production facilities are created that do not pollute environment. They can be both public and private.

The park is managed by management company. She is responsible for utilities, waste removal, logistics, and landscaping.

TO benefits The work of small enterprises in industrial parks includes:

  • providing good production conditions with prospects for growth and expansion;
  • availability of preferential lending programs for residents in banks;
  • reduction of logistics costs;
  • subsidizing infrastructure maintenance costs.

Distribution of business areas by ministries

Farm support. Grants are provided for the construction of farms, the purchase of livestock, the purchase of feed, the provision of land and seed material. To obtain it, contact the Ministry of Agriculture of the region.

Ministry of Education provides subsidies for the development of technological production, innovative projects. Engaged in the development of craft trends Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Are being carried out the following types of support:

  1. Assistance in organizing and starting a business. The maximum amount is 300-500 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of equipment on lease. The maximum amount is up to 10 million rubles.
  3. Compensation for part of the interest rate on the loan.
  4. “One Window” zones are being created in the MFC. Entrepreneurs can contact the Center for a full package of services necessary for business.

Together with banks, we have developed lending programs for entrepreneurs from 10.6% per annum, with the possibility of refinancing at the Bank of Russia at 6.5%. Targeted loans - for the acquisition and modernization of fixed assets, expansion of production, introduction of new technologies.

Each subject of the Russian Federation is developing regional programs to support entrepreneurship, creating business incubators and various funds to stimulate business development. All regions have priority areas of development, which provide support to entrepreneurs. To study specific programs and conditions operating in the region, contact the Regional Center for Support of Entrepreneurship Development.

To participate in preferential programs, you must collect a package of documents, provide a business plan, and fill out an application form. Projects are assessed on a competitive basis.

Main evaluation parameters:

  • number of newly created jobs;
  • direction of activity;
  • contributions to the budget;
  • project payback period;
  • significance for a particular region.

Restrictions on receiving subsidies from the state

  1. Direction of activity of the entrepreneur. It is impossible to get a subsidy for tobacco, alcohol production, or for opening a banking or insurance business.
  2. Large amount of required investment. When creating a business plan, you should take into account the maximum possible amount of support available under the programs.
  3. Illiterate business plan. It should reflect not only the profitability of the project, but also its payback period, the jobs created, and its significance for the development of the region. All figures are confirmed by specific calculations with supporting documents attached.
  4. It is not possible to receive a subsidy if the entrepreneur is at the stage of bankruptcy.
  5. You cannot get the subsidy again, it is provided once.

Vladimir Putin spoke about the preparation of important decisions in support of small and medium-sized businesses.

It's no secret that the presence of a well-developed small and medium-sized business provides a number of undeniable advantages for the country's economy. This is the creation of new jobs and self-employment of the population. In addition, this is an increase in taxes and an increase in gross domestic product. The development of small business is an improvement in the quality of life of the country's population, because small enterprises can most quickly adapt to changing requirements modern market. This is precisely why the government has developed programs for small businesses. With government support, it is much easier to open your own business, however, not all young entrepreneurs are familiar with the intricacies of obtaining it.

Small Business Development Program in Russia

The strategy for socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 states that assistance to medium and small businesses is one of the main elements of the state’s economic policy. According to experts, such measures should contribute to the development of healthy competition and give citizens the opportunity to improve their financial situation. In addition to already existing forms of subsidies, the new concept adopts qualitatively new types of state support for small businesses, aimed at stimulating the growth in the number of entities entrepreneurial activity, as well as changes in their sectoral structure. Among the new goals of the state development strategy are the following:

  • reduction of bureaucratic red tape when registering a business and its development;
  • simplification of the taxation system for small businesses;
  • reducing the number of products subject to certification;
  • improving the efficiency of state regulation in the field of licensing;
  • possibility of using various sources of financing.

Regional business support program

Along with state ones, there are also regional measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. Such assistance, in particular, can be expressed in the creation of business incubators, venture and guarantee funds, as well as in additional stimulation of enterprises whose activities are export-oriented. In addition, the regions are also adopting comprehensive programs to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, within which funds are allocated for:

  • development of leasing purchase of equipment;
  • support for enterprises engaged in innovative activities;
  • creation of industrial and technology parks;
  • improving the energy efficiency of enterprises;
  • development and support of startups;
  • creation of various guarantee funds;
  • introduction of advanced training programs for young entrepreneurs, assistance in starting a business.

Conditions for granting subsidies

All forms of state support for small businesses represent one-time government assistance that should be used to implement a specific task within the framework of the enterprise’s activities. There will be no need to return such assistance in the future, but the state will control the targeted expenditure of funds.

In order to receive financial support from the state, an enterprise must meet several criteria:

  • be officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (information must be contained in the state register);
  • have a properly drawn up business plan, which outlines specific areas for spending subsidized funds;
  • the owner of the enterprise must be a citizen of Russia, and with shared participation, a resident of the Russian Federation must own at least 51% of the total authorized capital.

Enterprises operating in the following areas cannot apply for government subsidies:

  • insurance;
  • provision of banking or other credit services;
  • release and sale of excisable goods;
  • gambling business;
  • mining;
  • securities market.

Who can apply to?

In addition to the conditions listed above, state support for small businesses requires compliance with some more conditions for receiving development subsidies:

  • at the time of submitting documents, the company must be registered less than 2 years ago;
  • the total number of employees cannot exceed 250 people;
  • with share participation, the share of state and municipal partners in the authorized capital cannot exceed 25%;
  • complete absence of tax debt is mandatory;
  • income for the previous 12 months cannot exceed 1 billion rubles.

If a business entity meets all of the above criteria and wishes to receive a subsidy, it must submit an application to the regional institution for the support of small and medium-sized businesses before October 1 of the current year.

What will the money be used for?

Besides the fact that state support for small and medium-sized businesses, as we have already found out, cannot be provided to all enterprises, it will also not be possible to spend it in any way. There are certain parameters for this. So, you can spend the subsidy:

  • for the purchase, modernization and repair of fixed assets;
  • to hire new employees or improve working conditions for existing ones;
  • for the purchase, update and installation of a license software;
  • for rent for the use of industrial and office premises;
  • to invest money in raw materials and supplies.

If you are just thinking about starting your own business and have not yet decided on the direction, then you should know that the priorities for the allocation of government subsidies are:

  • housing and communal services, transport services and construction;
  • any production (except for excisable goods);
  • public service sector;
  • youth support and development programs;
  • innovative developments;
  • development of the social sphere - sports, culture, education;
  • revival of crafts and original culture of peoples.

If you nevertheless decide to engage in trade, then state support for the development of small businesses is most likely not going to happen to you, although, of course, it’s worth a try. To increase your chances, try to target your products to socially vulnerable segments of the population - low-income families, disabled people, pensioners, and so on. Highlight work with these categories as a separate line in your business plan.

How to get a subsidy

So, how to get government support for small businesses? There are two ways here - it all depends on what kind of help you want to receive: for opening a new business or for developing an existing young enterprise. In the first case, you have a direct route to the employment center, and in the second you need to contact the investment department. Before applying, you need to carefully study the procedure for submitting documents and stock up on all the necessary papers.

Job center

State support for small businesses for a beginner begins with registration with the employment service and obtaining unemployed status. It is best to contact this institution in advance and receive comprehensive advice on the preparation of the necessary documents, as well as the amount and procedure for payment of the compensation due. However, you can skip this step and prepare the documents yourself. You will need originals and copies:

  • passports;
  • work book (if available);
  • diploma;
  • income certificates, if you were previously officially employed;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce, if there was a change of surname.

Having prepared everything you need, go to registration. Immediately inform the inspector of your intention to receive a subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur. This will help you not waste time searching for suitable vacancies, but go straight to developing a business plan, which you will subsequently have to defend before the commission. Based on the results of the defense of the business enterprise, a decision will be made to allocate a subsidy in the amount of 58,800 rubles, compensation for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, or refusal of state support. If the latter happened and you were refused, do not be discouraged, the law does not limit the number of attempts. Just make another business plan and go through the process again.


If your business is already operating, you should consider getting some money for its development. In this case, government support for small businesses is provided by the investment department. To take advantage of the subsidy, the regional office must prepare:

  • certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • copies of statutory documents;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming completion of entrepreneurial training;
  • certificates of absence of debts on taxes and fees from the Social Insurance Fund, tax service and other organizations;
  • a certificate stating that the company is not at the stage of liquidation;
  • a document stating that more than 6 months have passed since the registration of the enterprise;
  • a document confirming that no criminal or administrative proceedings have been opened against this organization;
  • passport (original and copy);
  • original and copy of the power of attorney, if the documents are not submitted by the owner;
  • business plan;
  • application for a subsidy;
  • bank statement confirming the opening of a current account.

Procedure for provision

After the entire package of documents has been collected, it is transferred to the executive committee. It is best to do this in person, through the office, or with the help of an employment service supervisor.

The consideration and acceptance of documents must be completed within seven days, after which a decision will be made. If you are refused, we go through the entire procedure all over again. If the commission makes a positive decision, your business plan is transferred to the next authority, where it is also reviewed and approved.

The law establishes that commission meetings take place as business plans are received and accumulated, so receiving subsidies can take quite a long time. Usually the date of the next commission meeting is indicated on the official website of the investment department.

As you can see, state support for small businesses is not an easy and rather troublesome matter, but it’s still worthwhile to get it done - if you have a high-quality business plan, the chances of getting money for development are quite high.

In every region of our country there are programs that provide various subsidies, compensation, benefits and other types of assistance. What forms of government support for entrepreneurs exist and how to use them? We will talk about this in our article.

Today, the most popular small business assistance programs are:

  • subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed;
  • business development subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs;
  • guarantee under credit and leasing agreements;
  • compensation for part of the interest on loans;
  • reimbursement of part of the costs under the leasing agreement;
  • issuing loans at reduced rates;
  • reimbursement of expenses for participation in exhibitions and fairs;
  • tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs.

Let's consider all these types of government support in more detail.

Subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed

If you are unemployed and want to try your hand at business, a subsidy from the employment center in the amount of 58,800 rubles can help you at first. This view state aid provided to unemployed citizens free of charge. In order to receive a subsidy, you need to contact the employment service at your place of registration, register for unemployment, write and defend a business plan. Some employment centers will additionally require you to go through short training basics of entrepreneurship and psychological testing.

It is best if your future business has a social orientation and you create one or more jobs. For example, let's start manufacturing products folk art. Business ideas related to the production or sale of alcohol, opening a pawnshop, network marketing. After defending your business plan before the commission and if it is approved, you enter into an agreement with the employment center to receive a subsidy. Please note that you should register an individual entrepreneur or LLC only after concluding an agreement. It is necessary to follow this procedure, since the contract is concluded with you as an unemployed person, and not as an entrepreneur or legal entity.

The costs of registration are also reimbursed by the state. Reimbursement is transferred upon the fact, that is, you must pay for registration at your own expense, and then provide documents on payment to the employment center.

The subsidy amount may increase if you hire one or more unemployed people who are also registered with this employment center (+58,800 for each hired employee). This program is valid for individual entrepreneurs only.

Within three months of receiving the grant, you must certify that the funds have been spent in accordance with the approved business plan. If your business lasts less than a year- the money will have to be returned to the state.

Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

You can get a more significant amount for business development - 300,000 rubles (500,000 rubles for Moscow entrepreneurs). In order for you to be provided with such a subsidy, at least a year must pass from the moment of registration of your individual entrepreneur or LLC. Money is issued after defending a business project, but on co-financing terms, that is, you invest 50-70% of your own funds, and the state compensates for the rest of your costs for business development. The subsidy can be spent on purchasing equipment, equipping workplaces, purchasing raw materials, and paying rent. Another condition for providing a subsidy is that your company does not have debts on taxes and insurance premiums. Non-repayable loans are most often issued to entrepreneurs who carry out socially important activities - engaged in consumer services, work in the field of education, healthcare, etc. You will need to account in detail for the public funds spent. You can find out all the details from local governments or business support funds in your region.

Guarantee for loan and leasing agreements

In almost every region there are guarantee funds that can become guarantors when an entrepreneur applies for a loan or enters into an agreement with a leasing company. Such a guarantee is an additional advantage when obtaining a loan. For the service, the fund will have to pay 1.5-2% of the guarantee amount, which, as a rule, is 30-70% of the loan amount.

How to use the guarantee fund:

  1. Find out the requirements for borrowers on the fund’s website or by phone.
  2. If you meet them, then check which banks are the fund’s partners. Select the bank where you would like to take out a loan.
  3. When contacting the bank, indicate that you would like the guarantee fund to act as your guarantor.
  4. If your loan application is approved by the bank, then together with the bank you need to prepare documents and an application to the guarantee fund.
  5. If the fund's decision is positive, a tripartite guarantee agreement is drawn up.
  6. You receive a loan and pay for the services of the guarantee fund.

The guarantee fund must be located in the same region in which your business is registered.

Compensation for part of interest on loans

If you took out a loan for business development from one of the Russian banks, you can compensate part of the interest on the loan at the expense of the state. The amount of the subsidy depends on the current refinancing rate and the size of the loan. This type of support is valid in almost all regions and applies to most types of activities.

Reimbursement of part of the costs under the leasing agreement

Another popular type of assistance from the state to small businesses is compensation for part of payments under leasing agreements. If you are leasing production equipment or transport, then you have the opportunity to return part of the funds. Maximum size differs depending on the region: for example, in Moscow it is up to 5 million rubles. You can find out all the details from the small business development department or entrepreneurship support funds in your region.

Issuing loans at reduced rates

In many regions of the Russian Federation, there are microfinance programs for small businesses that enable entrepreneurs to receive loans and short-term loans on preferential terms. As a rule, the loan amount ranges from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles for a period of 1-3 years. Interest rate varies from 8 to 10%. Certain regions provide loans at a lower rate of 5% to entrepreneurs who work in the manufacturing or agricultural sector, provide household services, that is, engage in socially significant activities. In some cases you can get more a large sum- up to 5 million for a longer period - up to 5 years.

To obtain a loan, contact the entrepreneurship support fund in your region. There you will be told what requirements the borrower must meet, what documents and possibly collateral are required to obtain a loan. Based on the documents provided and the collateral, the fund’s specialists will make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a loan.

Reimbursement of expenses for participation in exhibitions and fairs

This type of state support for small businesses will allow you to reduce the costs of participating in exhibitions and fairs, that is, take advantage of the opportunity to present your product to a wide audience, find clients and partners, and exchange experiences. The state can pay two-thirds of your participation in such events - rental and delivery of equipment, registration fee. Travel, accommodation and food costs are not reimbursed. The subsidy is provided once during the current financial year. The subsidy amount is from 25,000 to 300,000 rubles, depending on the region.

Tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs

From January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, regions have the right to set a zero tax rate for first-time registered individual entrepreneurs for 2 years. This applies to imputation and patent entrepreneurs who work in the production, social, household or scientific spheres. For example, in 2016, “tax holidays” are in effect in Bryansk, Voronezh, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Omsk, Tula and many other regions.

Also, since 2016, as anti-crisis measures to support small businesses, in some regions there have been reduced tax rates for entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system - from 1% and UTII - from 7.5%.

Other forms of government support for small businesses

In all regions of our country, training and advanced training is provided for small businesses, which includes a variety of trainings, seminars, and conferences. Professional accountants, lawyers and other specialists will advise you on any questions that inevitably arise for both beginners and those who have already been doing business for more than one year. These services are provided free of charge.

How can I find out about support measures in my city?

You will find a detailed description of support measures in the SME Business Navigator - a free resource for entrepreneurs. Here you can find a database of all state and municipal organizations that provide support to small and medium-sized businesses in your region.

If after reading the article you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.

How much money do you think the government allocates to support small businesses? One hundred million? Three hundred million? In fact, 11 billion rubles were allocated in 2016 - and this is only the official share of the budget. But there are also regional programs, non-state funds, intangible state funds. support for business activities in 2019. It is surprising that budding entrepreneurs are in no hurry to take advantage of this source of help, preferring to rely on their own strengths - after all, even with a reduction in funding, strategically important areas remain untouched: innovation, agriculture, social business.

Of course, not every businessman will be able to take part in the 2019 small business support program. To do this, you must at least achieve inclusion in the register of aid recipients and go through a competitive selection process, the organization of which is the responsibility of the local administration or a business support fund.

During the selection process, the commission evaluates whether applicants have well-developed business plans, the number of employed people, the usefulness of the enterprise for filling the budget, social factors. In addition, a significant argument in favor of providing assistance is the duration of the enterprise’s existence (from three months to two years) and the share of the entrepreneur’s own investments in the business. This volume should be comparable to the requested government support for small businesses in 2019.

We should not forget about reporting: assistance is usually received in parts (tranches), as they are disbursed, the public investor must provide detailed information about where, how and for what purpose the funds were spent.

How does the government help business?

An aspiring entrepreneur would prefer financial assistance to any other. But what is characteristic is that significantly more funds are spent on indirect measures than on direct ones. In general, small business representatives can apply for participation in such small business support programs in 2019 as:
  1. Material and information assistance in innovation activities;
  2. Property and financial assistance to participate in exhibitions;
  3. Multifaceted assistance to entrepreneurs engaged in the agricultural sector;
  4. Tax benefits and tax holidays for newly created enterprises;
  5. Partial reimbursement of expenses for updating fixed assets;
  6. Reimbursement of training costs for company employees;
  7. Information support (organization of seminars, training courses);
  8. Creating a comfortable environment for entrepreneurship, business incubators, funds;
  9. Property support, provision of municipal premises and production facilities for rent with a discount of up to 60%;
  10. Support for regional investors and partial compensation of expenses under leasing agreements;
  11. Partial reimbursement of costs for the implementation of energy saving programs;
  12. Placement of government orders, admission to tenders for government procurement;
  13. Direct financial support.

If an entrepreneur is interested solely in how to receive financial support from the state to open a business (although other options deserve no less attention), you should pay attention to free assistance in the form of:

  • Subsidies for starting your own business in the amount of unemployment benefits for 12 months (plus the same amount for each employed worker referred from the employment center);
  • Subsidies for the development of a business that has existed for no more than two years, in the amount of 300–500 thousand rubles, and the share of the entrepreneur’s own funds in the project cannot be less than 35–50% of the total investment;
  • Subsidies for the re-equipment and development of an enterprise operating in a strategically important area of ​​the economy in the amount of 3-10 million rubles.

State support for innovation

Business representatives naturally structure their activities in such a way as to obtain the greatest profit at the current time. However, very few people invest in research activities, and even such enterprises’ own promising developments remain unnoticed. Meanwhile, in the field of innovation, it is quite possible to run a business with government support, using direct or indirect financing mechanisms.

Companies engaged in modernization can count on preferential lending or government guarantees to third-party investors military equipment producing non-commercial products or having significant scientific potential. Grants are distributed on a competitive basis to companies whose projects have passed the appropriate scientific and technical examination and have a payback period of no more than two years. At the same time, the share of the enterprise’s own investments in the project cannot be less than 20%.

Indirect support for small businesses in 2019 is manifested in the form of the formation of a favorable environment for attracting third-party investors to finance developments:

  • Simplification of the taxation system, reduction tax rate or complete exemption from them (if the share of income from innovation in the total profit of the enterprise is at least 30%);
  • Tax credit for a period of up to five years at a rate not exceeding 75% of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia;
  • State guarantee of repayment of loans or investments raised for the implementation and promotion of the project on the market;
  • Legal protection of enterprises engaged in scientific and technical developments;
  • Providing access to any information databases;
  • Support for developers with marketing services, assistance with certification and product sales;
  • Specialized assistance in the repair and modernization of complex equipment.
State support for small businesses in 2019 is also provided from extra-budgetary funds of the Ministry of Science, federal authorities and voluntary contributions from private corporations. This allows the development company to complete projects in conditions of a lack of own funds, obtain the necessary patents and promote development in international markets.

Exhibition activities

Regional assistance includes government co-financing for the participation of entrepreneurs in exhibitions, fairs and other similar events. The subsidy is accrued “ex post” to compensate for the costs incurred by businessmen during the 12 months preceding the competition.

Such support for small businesses from the state in 2019 can only be accrued to those enterprises that do not have debts to the budget for taxes, insurance contributions and fines. Assistance is expressed in compensation of 50-65% of the costs of transportation, storage and placement of exhibits, registration fees, rental of exhibition equipment, travel and accommodation of company representatives - but not more than 100-300 thousand rubles (depending on the decision of regional authorities).

Tax benefits

Beginning entrepreneurs working in the social, scientific or industrial fields on a simplified or patent system can take advantage of one-time support for small businesses in 2019, such as tax holidays for up to two years. In addition, in some regions, for such small businesses, the tax rate is reduced to 1% in a simplified system, and to 7.5% in the case of working on UTII.

Preferential types of activities include:

  • Production of food and beverages;
  • Textile production;
  • Wood processing and furniture production;
  • Production of sports equipment;
  • Scientific research;
  • Construction, recycling and more.

A preferential tax system or tax holidays can only be applied if the specified type of activity is the main one, that is, its share in the total profit of the enterprise is more than 70%.

Other measures to simplify the activities of entrepreneurs - the opportunity to refuse to conduct tax accounting(it is enough to keep supporting documents) or receive a deferment in their payment for up to a year if:

  • The damage to the enterprise was caused by a natural disaster;
  • The business is clearly seasonal;
  • Immediate payment of tax leads to bankruptcy;
  • The impossibility of paying tax is due to the state’s failure to fulfill budgetary obligations towards the entrepreneur.

Subsidy for renovation of fixed assets

Regional administrations, as state support for small businesses in 2019, are allocated funds to hold competitions among businessmen interested in compensating the costs associated with the purchase of basic equipment for the enterprise’s activities (except for transport). To participate in the competition, you must submit data on such expenses for the previous three years, and the equipment must have been in operation for at least one year at the time of the competition.

Additional conditions are the absence of any debts of the applicant to the state or its own workers. In this case, you can count on reimbursement of a quarter of the documented costs associated with the update, but not more than half a million rubles.

Property support

Real estate that is municipally owned can also act as a means to support start-up entrepreneurs in 2019. Of course, small businesses engaged in socially beneficial activities or strategically important activities can apply to rent these buildings and production facilities at a discount. In addition, when major repairs are carried out in the rented premises, you can receive additional benefits. In general, the state is interested in long-term cooperation, which is expressed in the amount of discounts:

  • A lease agreement for 5 years or more is accompanied by a rent reduction of up to 40% in the first year, up to 60% in the second, up to 80% in the third year and 100% for all subsequent years;
  • With a contract for four years, payment for the first two is reduced to 40% and 80%, respectively;
  • With a three-year contract, the rental cost for the first year is 40% of the contract price. Rent for subsequent years is paid in full.

Agriculture support

Beginning entrepreneurial farmers who open their own business in the field of food production, land cultivation or livestock farming often do not know how to get government support for small businesses in 2019 and whether it is possible to get it at all. Meanwhile, in the absence of debts to the state and your own workers, you can apply for assistance in such activities as:

  • Plant growing;
  • Fisheries;
  • Livestock and poultry farming;
  • Purchase and maintenance of agricultural machinery;
  • Replenishment of human resources for agricultural production.

You can apply for an amount that compensates up to 90% of the expenses specified in the business plan for the development of a small enterprise, but not more than one and a half million rubles - provided that farming exists less than two years.

Additional state support for small businesses 2019 in the agricultural sector is a state lending program, according to which entities can count on partial reimbursement of interest payments on loans or borrowings intended for the development of the enterprise. If the loan size does not exceed five million rubles, the state will compensate the farmer for the full refinancing rate during the first five years, paying two thirds from the federal budget and a third from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Personnel training

To take advantage of this form of state support for small businesses in Russia in 2019, the enterprise must document the courses and seminars conducted for employees by third-party organizations or invited trainers. Checks, receipts, and payment orders can be used as evidence. Of course, employee diplomas will also be required, if any have been issued.

The size of the subsidy is not so large - the state compensates up to 50% of expenses, but not more than forty thousand rubles per year. This amount seems like an insignificant bonus for a large enterprise that invests much more heavily in staff training. However, small businesses will be happy to take advantage of the opportunity to save: the prestige of a company that employs qualified, specially trained employees will certainly increase.

Infrastructure support

Any business, to one degree or another, needs the support of lawyers, accountants and support staff. Moreover, while a long-running enterprise can afford to have such employees on its staff, a novice entrepreneur often does not even know where to turn. At the same time, other associated costs - the purchase of office equipment, furniture, rent of premises - become unaffordable for him.

In many regions, government programs to support small businesses for 2019 provide for the creation of a comfortable environment for entrepreneurs by providing preferential rental space in business incubators on a competitive basis. Here you can get access to office equipment, meeting and conference rooms, secretarial services, couriers, marketers and other consultants.

Of course, not everyone can receive help under such conditions. The state may refuse assistance to such types of businesses for which the main activity is:

  • Trade;
  • Lawyer and notary services;
  • Credit, insurance services, work with collateral;
  • Construction, repair work;
  • Real estate operations, real estate services;
  • Public catering, fast food;
  • Production of goods subject to excise duty;
  • Gambling business;
  • Medical and veterinary services;
  • Service stations and car washes, cargo transportation;
  • Mining.

A business entity can remain in the incubator for up to three years. It is assumed that during this time the enterprise will either confirm its viability, get back on its feet and become independent, or close for one reason or another.

Business support funds

Regional funds are designed to provide financial support to businessmen on a par with government agencies. Of course, we are talking about newbies whose business has existed for less than a year and for whom all associated costs are justified in the business plan.

Video: Government support small business

As part of this program, the applicant can count on:

  • Providing guarantees for loans in the amount of no more than 24 million rubles. In this case, 70% of the collateral property is assumed by the fund, and the rest is provided by the entrepreneur;
  • The fund issues preferential loans in the amount of one million rubles for a period of up to a year, while for using the loan you will need to pay a minimum interest equal to the refinancing rate.
  • In addition, the fund can compensate 70% of the costs associated with starting the enterprise, up to half a million rubles.

This can include expenses:

  • For renting premises and plots;
  • For employee training;
  • State registration;
  • Advertising and promotion of goods of own production;
  • Purchase of fixed assets, software, office equipment and office equipment;
  • To pay interest on loan and leasing obligations;
  • To participate in exhibitions;
  • For the production of prototypes and development of documentation.

Thus, the fund simultaneously implements most of the state program to support business, using alternative methods financing - and even commercial enterprises can count on assistance in the form of half of this amount.


It would seem that entrepreneurs are offered such a variety of interesting ways of doing business with government support in 2019. So why are so few applications submitted to competitions and such a small proportion of allocated funds are successfully used? Is it just a matter of businessmen's reluctance to deal with the state? Or do they not want to spend time studying the terms of competitions, preparing documentation - actions, in their opinion, doomed to failure? Of course, it is much easier to run a business according to your own understanding, and not to adapt to a clumsy bureaucratic machine - but often we are talking about quite serious amounts and benefits that will not be out of place in a difficult business.
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State support for small businesses is an important area of ​​economic policy: today there are more than 5.5 million small and medium-sized businesses operating in Russia, which account for 21% of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

It is planned that by 2030 the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP Russian Federation will reach 45%. That is why diverse government support for small businesses has entered its active phase.

Basics of government subsidies

Support for individual entrepreneurship and small businesses today in Russia is provided at the legislative level. Within the framework of the program “Stimulating Economic Activity”, financing of the activities of entrepreneurs is provided.

The program to stimulate economic activity in 2019 provides additional funding, which is called a subsidy.

Subsidizing is a targeted and free government payment for starting a business. The money will not have to be repaid, as is usually done when borrowing or taking out a loan.

According to preliminary information from the Ministry of Economic Development of our country, only 11 billion rubles were allocated for the entire 2017 program, while in 2014 this amount was more than 20 billion, and in 2015 – almost 17 billion rubles.

These funds are divided among all constituent entities of Russia on the basis of competitive procedures. Due to a noticeable reduction in support, the regions of the country will have to independently determine the priority areas of business activity for financing.

State funds will go to really important areas of the economy: agriculture, trade, provision of utilities and household services, social entrepreneurship, innovation and others.

Each small and medium-sized business has the right to count on comprehensive support from the state - this is regulated by various regulations and first of all Federal law No. 209-FZ. Different programs have their own validity period, terms of provision and budget.

In each region of our country, the relevant authorized body is responsible for the implementation of state support measures for small businesses. You can find their full list on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Types of financial support for entrepreneurs

In 2019, the size of the subsidy will depend on the region of residence and will be issued for the following needs:

  • purchase of raw materials;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • intangible assets;
  • repair work.

Subsidy program individual entrepreneurs allow budding businessmen to receive government funding. The size of the subsidy depends on the region in which the businessman lives. The average payment amount is 60,000 rubles.

Important! When starting your own business, you should keep in mind that government subsidies cannot be obtained for the production of tobacco products or alcoholic beverages.

Financing is provided on a non-refundable basis and only if the businessman has start-up capital. An entrepreneur can use the funds received to open and develop his activities - for example, purchasing equipment, raw materials, maintaining repair work or acquisition of intangible assets.

Types of financial support for the development of small businesses can be approved by the executive body. After receiving state financial assistance, the entrepreneur must provide a report on the use of funds. This means that every person who receives a government subsidy is responsible for its distribution and must spend the funds correctly.

The remainder of the financial assistance will have to be returned, and if it is discovered that the allocated money was spent inappropriately, the entrepreneur will have to return the entire amount to the state.

How to get a subsidy for small business development

Any unemployed citizen of the Russian Federation in 2019 can become a recipient of a subsidy for the development of small businesses.

Financing is provided jointly with the Employment Center.

A person can be recognized as unemployed if he is registered with the Employment Center at his place of registration.

Potential entrepreneur with ready-made business plan must contact the Employment Center.

The applicant’s business plan must contain detailed information about the planned activity, the place of its implementation, necessary equipment, materials, technologies, labor, suppliers.

A separate place in the business plan is given to the cost of the project, taking into account own and subsidized capital. It is also important to carry out calculations and analysis. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the expected revenue and profit, the profitability of the project, the payback period, etc.

A competent business plan is the key to obtaining government funding.

After agreeing on a business plan with the Employment Center, the unemployed citizen applies to the Federal tax service with an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur.

The period for registering an individual entrepreneur, established by regulatory documents, is 5 working days. After receiving the Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate and an extract from the Unified Register, the aspiring entrepreneur again applies to the Employment Center with an approved business plan, an application for a subsidy, a passport and documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur. This is how an agreement on subsidizing activities is concluded between a businessman and the state.

In order to receive a subsidy from the state to start a business, you need to draw up a business plan correctly and in detail.

After signing the documents, the Employment Center transfers funds to the entrepreneur’s personal account.

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Features of receiving subsidies for small business development

Main feature Receiving government funding for small businesses means there is no need for repayment, since the funds are provided free of charge.

In return, the state receives a new small enterprise, new jobs for the population and another cell of the market economy.

When concluding an agreement on subsidizing business activities, a businessman must know that he assumes a number of obligations. The main one is reporting.

Within 3 months after receiving funds from the state, the entrepreneur must submit a report with supporting documents on the use of the subsidy to the Employment Center. Fiscal and sales receipts, invoices and paid payment orders, receipts and other documents can be submitted as confirmation.

The report must correspond to the paragraph of the business plan, which indicates the intended use of funds.

In case of partial or complete non-confirmation, the entrepreneur is obliged to return the subsidy amount to the state in full. Another feature of the subsidy is fixed in the terms of the contract. According to the agreement, the activities of the state-funded business should last at least a year.

Thus, the state excludes the existence of fly-by-night companies.

Types of subsidies

The type of subsidy can be established by each subject of the Russian Federation. State aid is of the following types:

  • business support – 25,000 rubles;
  • opening a business in 2018 with the possibility of increasing the subsidy for a new one workplace– 60,000 rubles;
  • opening a business provided that the entrepreneur is the only parent of the child, is unemployed or has a disability – 300,000 rubles.

A subsidy can be received not only for starting a business, but also for its development. At the same time, you can have your own production ideas for a small business or open it as a franchise. A sum of money is issued to individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in Moscow

Entrepreneurs and small businesses registered in Moscow not only have more opportunities for business development, but also receive special privileges available only to businessmen in the capital. One of these benefits is a business development subsidy. The size of this subsidy reaches 500,000 rubles.

To receive financing, a start-up entrepreneur must contact the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” with a corresponding application and a package of documents. The condition for receiving a subsidy is an activity carried out for at least six months and no more than 2 years. To confirm the success of the business, the entrepreneur provides financial statements, rental agreements, cooperation agreements, and so on.

The application with a package of documents is reviewed by a special Industry Commission.

Among the priority areas of subsidies are innovation sphere, agriculture, healthcare, education, social sphere, hotel business and tourism. After submitting funds, the entrepreneur is required to report on the intended use of the financing, as well as confirm the indicated financial indicators.

Thus, the state controls not only the legality of the use of subsidies, but also the influence of the enterprise on the economic environment of the country.

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Latest changes

The purpose of receiving a subsidy for an entrepreneur in 2019 is to open a new enterprise or expand an existing one.

The advantage of this financing option is its gratuitous nature, but the main disadvantage is a large number of conditions and a strict selection procedure.

The Government plans to launch a geomarketing navigator system.

For this purpose, over 200 business plans were developed in 75 areas of small business activity. With the help of this system, it will be easier for entrepreneurs to choose an area or niche to open a small business.

If the project receives approval, then government support will be a good help for entrepreneurs.

There are several other types of assistance from the state to budding entrepreneurs:

  1. Renting real estate on preferential terms.
  2. Acquisition of state property at preferential prices.
  3. Use of infrastructure specially created by the state for the development of business activities (technology parks, offices, business incubators, etc.).

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State subsidy for starting a small business

December 2, 2015, 15:40 March 3, 2019 13:51