What is modern man passionate about? Hobbies and interests of modern man. Hobbies and character

2. Language as an expression of “the power of the mind and the gift of speech”- the main difference between a person. As is the language, so is the person. Language contains the whole person: thoughts, words, and deeds, since a word is an action.

3. Speech can only be based on culture. Culture generalizes the positive experience of speech creativity and indicates ways to optimally use speech.

4. Lifestyle is shaped by speech style. In speech style- wealth or poverty of thought, taste or bad taste of words, elegance or wretchedness of sound production.

5. Through the style of speech, a social mood is created. The reasons for this attitude- in our hidden thoughts, will and passions (emotions), and “the foundation of eloquence is passion” (M.M. Speransky). Lord, deliver me from passions, but inspire my spirit with will and feelings.

6. Therefore again: such is the speech, such is the person. "Say the word to me- and I’ll tell you who you are.” From the “fruit of the mouth” we will taste either good or evil. Let us believe that it is good.

Oratorical competition “Please speak!”

We propose to conduct the final lesson in the form of a public speaking competition for all course participants. Representatives of the groups give three, maximum five-minute speeches. At the same time, the host of the competition must strictly follow the regulations.

1. Self-introduction (“We have the honor to introduce ourselves!”).

2. Congratulatory speech (“I wish you happiness!”).

3. Publicistic speech: defense of a thesis chosen on the initiative of the speaker himself.

As the experience of holding competitions in the State has shown. IRYa them. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Academy of Labor and Social Relations and other universities, the jury of the competition should be composed of teachers of the Russian language department, faculty management and representatives from students.

The most difficult, of course, is the competition of journalistic speeches, which can be called differently: “I ask for the floor!” or “I can’t be silent!” (the title of one of L.N. Tolstoy’s articles). The topics proposed below are formulated either as questions reflecting pressing problems of today, or as thesis of an aphorism that needs to be proven in further speech. Here they are sample list(naturally, the participants themselves can come up with their own topics, questions or aphorisms).

Topics questions

1. The world is governed by the Word. Body monster in a word?

2. What is true culture? How to raise a cultured person?

3. Is Russia being reborn? Where is the bird troika rushing?

4. Why can't you build with bad language? good life?

5. What do we sing and what will we sing? Say what you're eating- and I'll tell you who you are.

6. Internet: is it necessary to become entangled in the World Wide Web?

7. What is a person in the world modern technologies?

8. Modern television: good or evil?

9. Is TV the voice of the people or a delightful deception?

10. TV guys, isn't it time to send the Yankees? go home?

11. What are you passionate about, modern person?

12. Computer: does it kill the ability to communicate live?

13. Should we chase success? What is success?

14. Does post-Soviet society believe in God?

15. I believe!

16. Is it possible to learn to speak, to perform, to master speech? How?

17. A word about silence. Is there a “feat of silence”?

18. A word about the art of the Word. Is there a “feat of communication”?

19. Is it worth studying abroad?

20. Will the concept of “Motherland” be preserved in the future?

21. Should we talk about God in school and university?

22. Do we live for pleasure or something else?

23. Is it possible to talk about equality between men and women?

24. Is it possible to water an immortal soul with the water of earthly pleasures?

25. Is it possible in modern world build a just world?

26. Is it possible to live without deception?

27. Is politics always- “dirty business”? What “good” politicians do I know?

28. Is “honest word” and “pure business” possible in business?

29. "Blessed are the meek..."- is this so?

30. Is it possible to overcome the generation gap?

31. All beauty will fade...Is there beauty that will not fade?

32. And “what is beauty? And why do people deify her?”

33. Do you need to be able to forgive? Does everyone know how to forgive?

34. Why do you need to know history?

35. What day in history would you like to live through?

36. What is fashion? Style? Lifestyle?

37. Reward or punish?

38. What do you consider to be the best invention of mankind?

39. Is it profitable to be good person?

40. Is it possible to convince a fool?

41. What is inspiration?

42. Should we strive for fame and fortune?

Topics - theses and aphorisms

1. In life there is a sea of ​​evil, and goodness is an ocean (Archimandrite Rafail).

2. People travel overseas for happiness, but it- in our heart. Look for happiness in your own heart.

3. Most happy man the one who gives happiness more people (D. Diderot).

4. No matter what happens, don't lose courage... (L.N. Wait a minute).

5. The science of being happy is simple: love your responsibilities and seek pleasure in them.

6. There are more important things than happiness... (Andrei Tarkovsky).

7. Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live (A.S. Green).

8. The most difficult thing in the art of words- is to make yourself a judge (M. Prishvin).

9. Conversations that go on for a long time consume life (Basily the Great).

10. Eloquence, like pearls, sparkles with content. Real wisdom is laconic (L.N. Tolstoy).

11. Short thoughts are good because they force the serious reader to think for himself (L.N. Tolstoy).

12. You need to joke in order to do serious things (Aristotle).

13. Pride is a kind of contempt for everyone else except oneself (Theophrastus, ancient Greek philosopher).

14. In a dispute, audacity and eloquence often win, but not truth (Menander, ancient Greek playwright and poet).

15. Time will reveal a friend like gold- fire (Menander).

16. The talent of great souls is to recognize the great in other people (N.M. Karamzin).

17. Yes, pitiful is the one whose conscience is unclean (A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov).

18. Immortality is the goal human life(N.F. Koshansky, Pushkin’s teacher, topic of essay at the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum).

19. There is hardly any higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating (N.V. Gogol).

20. Inspiration is not the exclusive property of the artist... it is everywhere, in every business, in every work (V.G. Belinsky).

21. Cheerfulness is an outstanding human trait (F.M. Dostoevsky).

22. The main thing in a person- not the mind, but what controls it: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas (F.M. Dostoevsky).

23. The highest and most characteristic feature our people- this is a sense of justice and a thirst for it (F.M. Dostoevsky).

24. When the Don Quixotes are finished, let the book of History close. There will be nothing to read in it (I.A. Turgenev).

25. You can only hate life as a result of apathy and laziness (L.N. Tolstoy).

26. Knowledge without a moral basis means nothing (L.N. Tolstoy).

Speeches delivered at the Final Lesson of the Express Rhetoric Course at the Central House of Artists on December 5, 2002.

For the reader who wants to present the results of the work in an express course on rhetoric, we publish several speeches by our graduates. Please keep in mind that what is written is what is said, but the reader does not hear the voice, does not see the speaker, does not feel the energy with which the speech is delivered, and is not present in the atmosphere of creative elation and inspiration that reigns in the hall. However, written text says a lot: you can analyze thoughts, evaluate words, feel the development of thoughts and words in sentences that appear either primitively simple or common and ornate.

So, transport yourself mentally to one of the best theater halls in Moscow and “listen” public speaking student speakers at the “Evening of Russian Eloquence”, at the sacred completion of the Express course of rhetoric and culture of communication. Whether they are good is for you to judge, dear reader.

1. The first was Artem Eremin’s speech about happiness. We are publishing this speech with comments that record the provisions of the speech plan that allowed the speaker to remember the composition of the speech and energetically move along it during the speech without looking at the text.

Happiness is movement and work on the road of knowledge

(Introduction: about the difficulties of the topic)

There is no more difficult topic than the topic of happiness. Everything that people talk about, writes Aristotle in Rhetoric, is happiness. (And he is perhaps the first to give a definition: happiness is the possession of goods, combined with virtue. But new questions immediately arise: what is considered good, what kind of person is good, i.e., in the old sense, “virtuous”?)

Remember your states of happiness... Remember them and record them in your memory forever! Happiness is a state in which we are filled with positive emotions and a person glows from within.

(1. S. - not an achievement, but a movement)

AND I would like to ask: when do we glow? They say that happiness- this is the achievement of something, getting what you want, but Socrates rightly sneered at this definition of his students: will you strive for anything if you have already achieved it?.. How many people we see who have achieved something - and stopped in motion, they stopped striving. Gave birth to a child, built a house, planted a tree - that’s all? Is life over? - No! “It’s too early for us to die...” - create new “things” for yourself. But deeds are work, difficulties, aspiration, movement, you just have to have guiding star, which warms the heart and illuminates the path of life.

And I would even say - the Milky Way, when in the night your gaze moves from one star to another, from another to a third - and you take on new heights.

(2. S. - misfortune)

But when are we happy? And who truly appreciates life and its happy moments? - The one who has experienced grief. How

Saadi once said, “Without experiencing misfortune, you will not achieve your cherished happiness.” Everything in life is mixed up, but happiness is appreciated only by those who have experienced the road of difficulties and suffering, who can say: there is a sea of ​​evil in the world, and an ocean of good. Wise elders are usually like this (by the way, they are in every family) - they are not affected by any misfortunes, they only become stronger and appreciate every minute of happiness on this earth more and more.

(3. S. - luck?)

There are many myths regarding happiness. The two most common are the myths about happiness as luck and happiness as pleasure.

They say: happiness is windy and fickle; it often appears when you don’t expect it. But happiness comes to those who help themselves with their mind and work... Help yourself with your mind and don’t build castles in the air - you will find peace and silence in your heart...

(4. S. - pleasure?)

Does happiness love pleasure? As B. Pascal said, “Whoever enters the house of happiness through the door of pleasure usually leaves through the door of suffering.” Pleasure comes on its own. Today we came here through the door of difficulties, exciting expectations, fear for the success of our speeches - as a result (I am sure) we will be happy. But, having reached small peaks, it will be necessary to go further and further. We do not know this path, but we know that we will not stop, because stopping is death, moving along the difficult road of knowledge is happiness and life!

2. And here is the speech of Jamila Sairamova about mercy to the belly! nom. Jamilya is a journalist who works for the Teacher's Newspaper. We also publish it with some explanations that the speaker makes in order to remember the text according to the main milestones of the text. - vivisection, i.e. experimentation on animals.

1. The first experiments on animals began to be done in XVII century, and XVIII century. is rightfully considered the most cruel in science. But in the 19th century. vivisection was severely criticized by Victor Hugo, Charles Darwin, Bernard Shaw, and Leo Tolstoy. They argued that cruelty to animals is an indelible sin, so it is necessary to get rid of this barbarity.

2. So what? XX century not only did he not abolish this cruelty, but intensified it. Justifying it by the need to develop science and save people, scientists are forced to maim and kill animals. Question: is there a real need for this? In our laboratories, animals are burned, scalded, poisoned, starved, shocked, given drugs, broken bones and brain damage. However, the difference between the processes occurring in the human body and the animal body has been repeatedly proven. Who listened to this conclusion?

3. Isn’t it possible to carry out tests on cells and bacteria, single-celled organisms? Couldn’t it have been possible to immediately replace the industrial Dreiser test for cosmetics, when a test product is applied to the cornea of ​​a rabbit’s eye and wait until the eye dies, with a test on a chicken egg membrane?

You have repeatedly heard the expression “let’s have a drink and warm ourselves up.” It is believed in everyday life that alcohol is a good means of warming the body; it is not without reason that alcohol is often called a “strong drink.” Researchers in the field of the benefits of alcohol have found that alcohol is indispensable for colds, and a glass of cognac lowers blood pressure.

Reuters reported two good news about beer: it contains vitamins and is considered one of the best sedatives. To confirm what I have said, I will tell you one story. My friends were recently in England with their small child. It’s no secret to anyone that there are situations when a child sleeps poorly and is capricious. And to help the child and themselves, of course, they took the advice of an English luminary in the field of pediatrics - add a little alcohol to the drink. And as a result, a peaceful sleep came to this house.

The oldest woman on the planet, 114-year-old Morris from Scotland, shared the secret of her longevity. She managed to live to a record age thanks to a healthy diet: every day she ate boiled onions and drank a glass of whiskey.

And now we come to the most valuable property of alcohol: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, makes conversation more lively and interesting... “... Let's drink out of grief, where is the mug - it will be more fun for the heart!” And what fun would it be without a Russian feast with treats, without a bottle of wine, vodka, and then another and another?! We drink for grief, for joy, for acquaintance, for victory, for luck, for happiness, for friendship, etc. etc., and at the end on the road and the movement of the legs. “A celebration without vodka is like a celebration without a photo.”

Don't drink! - the opponent will object and add: - alcohol has long been called the thief of sanity.

Pirogov also said that there is not a single organ in the human body that would not be subject to the destructive effects of alcohol.

There is an opinion that drunkenness is supposedly an ancient tradition of the Russian people. In this case, they refer to the words


1. The world is governed by the Word. Body-monster-word?

2. What is true culture? How to educate cultured person?

3. Is Russia being reborn? Where is the bird-three rushing?

4. Why can’t you build a good life with a bad tongue?

5. What do we sing and what will we sing? Tell me what you sing and I will tell you who you are.

6. Internet: is it necessary to become entangled in the World Wide Web?

7. What is a person in the world of modern technology?

8. Modern television: good or evil?

9. TV – the voice of the people or a deception that delights us?

10. TV guys, isn’t it time to send the Yankees go home?

11. What are you passionate about, modern person?

12. Computer: does it kill the ability for live communication?

13. Should we chase success? What is success?

14. Does post-Soviet society believe in God?

16. Is it possible to learn to speak, perform, speak well? How?

17. A word about silence. Is there a “feat of silence”?

18. A word about the art of the Word. Is there a “feat of communication”?

19. Is it worth studying abroad?

20. Will the concept of “Motherland” be preserved in the future?

21. Should we talk about God at school and university?

22. Do we live for pleasure or something else?

23. Is it possible to talk about equality between men and women?

24. Is it possible to water an immortal soul with the water of earthly pleasures?

25. Is it possible to build a just world in the modern world?

26. Is it possible to live without deception?

27. Is politics always a “dirty business”? What “good” politicians do I know?

28. Is “honest word” and “pure business” possible in business?

29. “Blessed are the meek...” - is this true?

30. Is it possible to overcome the generational conflict?

31. All beauty will fade... Is there beauty that will not fade?

32. “What is beauty? And why do people deify her?”

33. Do you need to be able to forgive? Does everyone know how to forgive?

34. Why do you need to know history?

35. What day in history would you like to live through?

36. What is fashion? Style? Lifestyle?

37. Reward or punish?

38. What do you consider the best invention of mankind?

39. Is it profitable to be a good person?

40. Is it possible to convince a fool?

41. What is inspiration?

42. Should we strive for fame and wealth?

1. In life there is a sea of ​​evil, and goodness is an ocean. (Archimandrite Raphael).

2. People travel overseas for happiness, but it is in our hearts. Look for happiness in your own heart.

3. The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people. (D. Diderot)

4. Whatever happens, don’t lose courage... /L. Tolstoy/

5. The science of being happy is simple: love your duties and seek pleasure in them.

6. There are more important things than happiness... (Andrei Tarkovsky)

7. Now children do not play, but study. Οʜᴎ everyone studies, studies and never begins to live (A.S. Green)

8. The most difficult thing in the art of words is to make yourself a judge (M. Prishvin).

9. Conversations that go on for a long time devour life (Basily the Great).

10. Eloquence, like pearls, shines with content. True wisdom is laconic (L. Tolstoy)

11. Short thoughts are good because they force the serious reader to think for himself (L.N. Tolstoy).

12. You need to joke in order to do serious things (Aristotle).

13. Pride is a kind of contempt for everyone else except oneself (Theophrastus, ancient Greek philosopher)

14. In a dispute, audacity and eloquence often win, but not truth (Menander, ancient Greek playwright and poet).

15. Time reveals a friend like gold reveals fire (Menander)

16. The talent of great souls is to recognize the great in other people (Karamzin)

17. Yes, pitiful is the one whose conscience is unclean (Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

18. Immortality is the goal of human life (Koshansky, Pushkin’s teacher, the topic of an essay at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)

19. There is hardly a higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating (Gogol)

20. Inspiration is not the exclusive property of the artist; ... it is everywhere, in every business, in every work (Belinsky)

21. Cheerfulness is an outstanding human trait (Dostoevsky)

22. The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what controls him: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas (Dostoevsky)

23. The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it (Dostoevsky)

24. When the Don Quixotes are finished, let the book of History close. There will be nothing to read in it (Turgenev)

25. You can only hate life due to apathy and laziness (L. Tolstoy)

26. Knowledge without a moral basis means nothing (L. Tolstoy)

What are modern people passionate about? This seemingly simple question is very difficult to answer right away. Our world, our society consists of ordinary people, “average”, “statistically average”. It is generally accepted that they are not particularly remarkable. Against this background, those whom we call capable, talented, even brilliant stand out.

There are very few such people compared to “ordinary” ones. They have some outstanding talent. What they do can be called a hobby. But this is the work of their whole lives.

It is very important, it seems to me, that they do not spend this talent on themselves, but give it to the world, to all people. Thus they enrich this world positive emotions, joy, harmony.

But this is not the only reason why we value passionate people “marked by God.” After all, their creations are milestones in the history of culture and science. Brilliant people make global revolutions, remaining in history. And thus, we can say that these people “make” history; we then read about their discoveries and their consequences in books and answer in lessons.

I want to stop at two outstanding personalities, our compatriots, who, in my opinion, “turned” the world, each in their own field.

One of them is the brilliant scientist and mathematician Grigory Perelman. He received the most prestigious mathematical award - the Fields medal - for solving the Poincaré conjecture. This award is equal in importance to the Nobel Prize.

Perelman made a great discovery - he did something that mathematicians had not been able to do for a hundred years. For his achievement, this scientist could count on a million dollar prize. However, he refused this money, saying that he was not interested in material rewards.

This story shook the whole world. She reminded the whole world that in Russia there are brilliant talents that have no equal in the whole world. This once again confirms Lomonosov’s words that “the Russian land can give birth to its own Platos and quick-minded Newtons.”

The second genius belongs to the world of art. In general, art is an important part of our lives. Human nature, inner world People are designed in such a way that they need to embody their feelings, emotions, and experiences in images.

It is known that art unites people, regardless of their nationality, linguistic background, political or religious beliefs. This happens, it seems to me, because art speaks about things that are common and important to all people in the world. globe, - about love and hate, about happiness and grief, about duty and honor, about loyalty, about betrayal, about friendship...

Poetry develops the mind and soul of a person. There are many wonderful poets whose work is almost impossible to perceive without some “training”. Thus, the work of Joseph Brodsky can only be studied in high school.

Brodsky is a poet not so much of emotions as of thoughts. His poems leave a feeling of unsleeping, unstopping thought. He really lives not “where”, but “when”. And although in his poems Ancient Rome arises no less often than Soviet Leningrad or America, Brodsky’s “when” is always modern, momentary. He goes into the past to once again find the present.

Brodsky's work is distinguished by its special philosophy. Philosophy is always a search for new forms. In my opinion, Brodsky worked very original and boldly on poetic form of his poems. He often uses the technique of transferring the quality of one item to another. For example:

Dark blue morning in a frosty frame

Reminds me of a street with burning lanterns,

ice path, intersections, snowdrifts,

hustling in a locker room at the eastern end of Europe.

There's "Hannibal" playing from a skinny sack on a chair,

the uneven bars in physical education smell strongly under your armpits;

As for the black board that gives you chills,

it remained black. And from behind too.

Talented people are, without a doubt, amazing. They surprise us with their genius, with how their talent affects the world around us, and ourselves. I don’t think the world rests on these people - it rests on ordinary people, on all six-plus billion that now exist on planet Earth.

It is important that many of them are passionate about something. They may not be able to change the world on a global scale, but they are quite capable of making their lives and the lives of those around them better. You just need to put your soul, your whole self into your business, and then it will bring happiness, and maybe fill your life with meaning.

But the stimulus, the impetus for the development of the world is given precisely by talented people, those whose passion has grown into a way and meaning of life. Often these people are so forward-looking that their contemporaries do not understand them and cannot appreciate their discoveries. People realize the genius of such achievements much later. But better late than never...

Life is very fast today, modern society There are no longer enough 24 hours in a day to manage all current affairs, and there is even less time for rest and leisure. A large percentage of the population lives according to the principle: from Monday to Friday, and on weekends people simply sleep off, coming to their senses after a busy week of work. The picture repeats itself from year to year, this is how life goes!
This situation should not be allowed, and if you already have such an abnormal image in all respects, you need to urgently correct it.
Man is a biological being; he needs rest, but not only that. He has a mind and a whole range of needs that each has their own. Some people don’t need anything other than their favorite sofa, TV and a hearty dinner, while others strive for more.
The presence of some hobbies or hobby, which is given to with all passion, helps to overcome the everyday routine, to bring something new, exciting and interesting to life.
There are hobbies that can be divided into 2 main groups:
- for the soul: handicrafts (knitting, embroidery, beading, etc.), scrapbooking, soap making, decoupage, patchwork, origami, aromatherapy, pottery, wood carving, modeling, collecting, felting - felting, cooking, shopping, photography, gardening, “silent hunting”, aquarium keeping, carving and many others, as far as your imagination allows.
- hobbies oriented towards an active lifestyle: various types sports, including extreme ones, fitness, dancing, yoga, sauna, fire twisting, stalking, diggerism, historical reconstruction, geocaching, hunting, hitchhiking, etc.
As you can see, the list of hobbies is endless, there are a lot of interesting ways to organize and diversify your leisure time, all that remains is to choose an activity to your liking.
Another fascinating hobby that is rapidly gaining popularity due to its simplicity and, at the same time, entertainment, as well as the unlimited opportunity to show imagination, is Sand animation, sand or powder animation, in the original.

Using ordinary quartz sand, you can create not only drawings and landscapes, but also entire scenes for cartoons and comics.
Sand animation is a branch of fine art. Its origins occurred in 1969. American animator Carolyn Leaf demonstrated a cartoon created using this technique. In my opinion, it is a very interesting hobby.

To create bright and unique works, you will need, in fact, sand, as well as a surface that emits a glow. The light source is directed upward, and images are applied to the surface itself using sand to draw small parts, sand is poured in a thin layer. If you are not creating a static drawing, but an entire animated story, you can install a camera and film the entire course of the creative process.
This hobby will appeal not only to adults, but, of course, to children as well. In the process of work, imagination develops, as well as fine motor skills.

With the help of sand animation, you can put on a real show, invent and create a whole magical world.
Get carried away, try, create and enjoy the process and the result!

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Hobbies make a person's life brighter and more interesting. A pleasant activity distracts you from the monotony of everyday life, saves you in difficult life situations, and sometimes becomes a means of earning money and a professional calling. A hobby reveals a new side to a person. Hobby becomes a small weakness and a strong passion. What can you be passionate about and enjoy?

Hobbies in a person's life

A passionate person perceives life more positively for several reasons:

Pleasure. During class a pleasant thing Endorphins enter the blood, which has a positive effect on mood and well-being.

Self-confidence. Success in your favorite activity. Some hobbies are specifically aimed at strengthening.

Benefit. Any hobby bears fruit in exchange for effort. The needlewoman decorates the house with decorative pillows, knits sweaters for her son and husband, and sews dresses for her daughter. An amateur gardener gets a harvest, a fisherman gets tasty fish, a dancer gets a beautiful figure.

Self-realization. Passion helps to discover talents and understand what really attracts a person in life.

What are your hobbies?

To choose an activity to your liking, you need to know what hobbies are. Getting carried away is not as easy as it seems. Preferences change over the years and depend on life situations, character, abilities, availability of free time.

Needlework. A woman's favorite hobby. Craftswomen embroider, knit, weave beads, and create handmade crafts and decorative items. Some make toys, some make postcards. Used for needlework various materials: fabric, threads, beads and sewing accessories, paper, clay, puff pastry, wax. The scope for imagination is huge: you can create soap sculptures or make origami figures.

Fine arts. Drawing attracts both sexes of all ages. The abundance of directions, techniques and materials opens up scope for creativity. You can paint flowers in oil or make pastel pictures, imitating Degas, invent non-existent characters or draw fantasy castles. Enthusiasm fine arts often becomes a way to earn money. On the Internet you will find many groups in which young authors sell portraits in the pop art style, abstract pictures and works using unique techniques. Positive art is particularly popular and is exhibited in galleries alongside the work of professional artists.

Developmental courses. At any course you can meet an enthusiastic person with a notebook. He comes for new knowledge. His goal is to put one more tick on the list of events attended. Yesterday he was at a lecture on psychology, today he came to a cooking class, and tomorrow he will be among the people studying photography.

Music. This hobby includes playing musical instruments, developing vocal skills or simply attending concerts and studying musical trends. The passion for music captures representatives of different ages, male and female. Some gather small groups, some record amateur albums, and some play for themselves in the evening.

Dancing. And here the choice is huge: ballroom, sports, ethnic, modern, street dancing. By doing choreography, you will develop body flexibility, master the symbolism of movements, and learn to express emotions using body language. singles, doubles, group. This is a great way to communicate and get to know each other, and develop communication skills.

Photo. Amateur photographers do not see the meaning of life without the pursuit of rare shots. Creating a series of thematic photos sometimes takes years. Some people take pictures of everything and then choose the best, while others are ready to sit in ambush all day for the sake of a successful photograph. The camera becomes an indispensable friend and companion in any situation.

Sports, fitness. With growing popularity healthy image In life, interest in sports also increases. A beautiful figure and good health, what could be better?

Yoga. Eastern practice aimed at cleansing the spiritual shell and maintaining physical strength. Helps, teaches self-control and deep inner work, tightens the figure and improves health. Most often attracts female representatives.

Collecting. Anything can become a collectible: coins, cards, books, calendars, stickers, toy cars. Some collections delight in the uniqueness and diversity of their specimens. Private galleries sometimes display collections of amateurs, whatever they find there: old postcards, porcelain dolls on hinges, lost letters... In world history there are also strange collections of adhesive plasters, pills and even umbilical hair.

Language learning. How many times a day do you see announcements from schools? foreign languages? They offer to teach everyone English, French, German, Spanish and other European languages. The popularity of such courses is growing every day. Programs on teaching French are shown on TV, websites for learning English are created on the Internet, and in bookstores you can easily find a Chinese tutorial. Exotic lovers choose dead languages ​​to master: Latin, Ancient Greek. There are also fans of non-existent languages ​​like Tolkien's Elvish dialects.

Construction. This hobby is typical of males. Taking apart an old phone, printer and TV and creating a new gadget out of them is not an easy task. But the creativity of designers merges with the power of analytical abilities, and unimaginable creations are born.

Fishing. A man's hobby. Anglers are often drawn to fishing, but some males replace this hobby with sports.

Blogs. Youth hobby. Blogs and pages in social networks help to tell a large number of people about yourself and your hobbies. Some create, others prepare sweet delicacies and share recipes in an electronic diary, others talk about travel, and others collect fairy tales and share them with readers. A blogger's imagination is unlimited.

Reconstruction, role-playing games. Princesses, knights and fairy-tale book characters come to life in role playing games. Reenactors recreate historical massacres. They gather at festivals beautiful ladies in ancient dresses and gentlemen in armor, here men wave swords, shoot arrows and are nostalgic for ancient times medieval life. Fans of fantasy books organize their events. Separate gatherings are organized by fans of Japanese culture, dressing up as anime and manga characters. Japanese lovers call such transformations cosplay.

Garden and vegetable garden. An experienced gardener knows exactly how to care for apple trees and plant plum trees. The best reward for a gardener is a rich harvest that will last for the whole year. Large red tomatoes offered as a treat to a neighbor are a real reason for pride. This hobby attracts older people because it requires a lot of free time and patience.

This is far from full list hobbies. The world is full of examples of unique hobbies. Try your strength in different directions. Maybe you will like something that you couldn’t even think of before!

Hobbies and character

Hobbies can determine a person’s character, his emotional and state of mind. People seek satisfaction in hobbies. With the help of what you love they solve internal problems. By making up for the lack of something, a person improves well-being and maintains.

A hobby is a high-quality prevention of depression and other mental disorders.

People of an egocentric nature tend to collect; they also like to engage in demonstrative creativity in order to receive the appreciation and approval of others in the process.
They direct their energy towards communication, are interested in history, travel - everything connected with people. When engaging in photography, an extrovert is interested in the subject of the photograph. His focus is on the person, not on the artistry of the photo.
Introverts who are searching for themselves engage in art and psychology. They are interested in understanding the depths of their own nature through passion.
Assiduous and neat people choose hobbies that require patience. Phlegmatic people can sit for hours at painstaking work, assembling a detailed model of the aircraft with a count of all the seats and parts of the control panel in the cockpit. These people enjoy the process.
Active and restless individuals prefer sports or active hobbies. To tickle their nerves, they jump with a parachute, snowboard, and organize surf swims.
Wrestlers by nature choose activities with obligatory competition: games of football, basketball, tennis, and even sports fishing, the main thing is competition. Pleasure comes with a feeling of victory, and defeat spurs you to new exploits and forces you to mobilize your strength in the future.
People seeking tranquility love handicrafts: knitting, embroidery, sewing. This activity helps to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of everyday life and calm your nerves after a difficult day at work.
Creative people with unconventional thinking tend to design and invent. Men are assembling a new model of power supply for a computer, improving gadgets, and coming up with original methods for repairing an old car that lives only thanks to the thirst for experiments. Women, in a burst of creativity, invent a new cut for dresses, create original and functional household items and furniture from non-standard materials. The main goal of creatives: to invent something unusual.

Hobby makes a person happy and puts him in a positive mood. Having found favorite activity, you will paint your gray everyday life with new colors and break out of the circle of monotony.

21 March 2014, 15:31