What makes childhood happy is sometimes an argument. Essay based on the text of the early exam from Fipi. Comparisons are expressed in different ways

In the speech of Dostoevsky’s hero Alyosha Karamazov there were words that I had not paid attention to before, but now I thought about them:
“Know that there is nothing higher, and stronger, and healthier, and more useful for life in the future, like some good memory, especially taken from childhood, from the parental home.


Very often, turning to the past affects a person’s state in the present. In this text D.A. Granin raises the problem of the role of childhood memories in a person’s life.

Analyzing this topic, the author draws our attention to the statement of one of the heroes of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky that “some good memory” from the parental home can be the best, strongest, healthy, useful reminiscence of a person. The writer draws our attention to the fact that with such a statement Alyosha Karamazov does not demand or preach - he is only trying to encourage all people to remember those moments “when they felt good.” Such memories must be morally formulated and understandable - in this case they can bring a lot of good and benefit to a person.

YES. Granin believes that childhood memories play an important role in a person’s perception of the world and his life in general - they bring happiness and self-satisfaction, in difficult, sad moments they help analyze one’s existence and fill it with meaning - thereby “obliging the soul.”

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that a person’s memories from his parents’ home, the renewed feeling that you were once good, can bring new colors to a person’s life, fill it with meaning and faith in one’s own happiness.

The problem of the role of childhood memories is raised in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov. The author approached this topic in a non-standard way and, using the example of Pechorin, showed that sometimes analysis own life, one’s actions from childhood can help explain to a person his condition in the present. In his own monologue, the hero refers to the period of his life when he himself was ready to “love the whole world” - to do good, love, make friends and be happy. Thanks to this, he realized that he could experience the same feelings as everyone else, that he might not be alone, that he could commit good deeds, and it certainly kept his heart a little warm. But the fact is that during the same period he decided for himself that it would be easier and better for himself to close himself off from the whole world, to respond to its injustice with anger, to its ill will and hypocrisy - with cynicism and cruelty, and to perceive people and everything around him as game.

The analysis of childhood memories helped the hero of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” in difficult moments of his life to realize that his existence is not as terrible as it seems, and each of us is capable of making our lives better. From his grandmother, Alyosha learned selfless love, compassion, fearlessness, and later, recalling the moments of manifestation of these feelings, the hero realized that he was capable of much - moreover, he could give love without difficulty and with great happiness. Memories of childhood, of grandmother, of “ lead abominations“lives and those who brightened them up, helped M. Gorky write a wonderful story about his childhood, and this is probably the best thing that can be done under the influence of memories.

Thus, we can conclude that no matter what a person is, no matter what he experiences, no matter what he thinks about, memories from childhood can change his worldview, and if not make it better, then at least remind him of what once then there was good in his life.

Russian language

12 out of 24

(1) Childhood rarely makes it possible to guess anything about the child’s future. (2) No matter how hard fathers and mothers try to see what will come of their child, no, it is not justified. (3) They all see childhood as a preface to adult life, preparation. (4) In fact, childhood is an independent kingdom, a separate country, independent of the adult future, of parental plans; it, if you like, is the main part of life, it is the main age of a person. (5) Moreover, a person is destined for childhood, born for childhood, in old age childhood is remembered most of all, so we can say that childhood is the future of an adult.

(6) Childhood was the most happy times my life. (7) Not because things got worse. (8) And over the next years I thank fate, and there were a lot of good things. (9) But childhood was different from the rest of my life in that then the world seemed arranged for me, I was a joy for my father and mother, I was for no one, there was no sense of duty, there were no responsibilities, well, pick up the snot, well go to bed. (10) Childhood is irresponsible. (11) It was then that responsibilities around the house began to appear. (12) Go. (13) Bring it. (14) Wash... (15) School appeared, lessons appeared, a clock appeared, time appeared.

(16) I lived among ants, grass, berries, geese. (17) I could lie in a field, fly among the clouds, run to God knows where, just rush, be a locomotive, a car, a horse. (18) Could talk to any adult. (19) This was the kingdom of freedom. (20) Not only external, but also internal. (21) I could look from the bridge into the water for hours. (22) What did I see there? (23) I stood idle for a long time at the shooting range. (24) The forge was a magical sight.

(25) As a child, I loved to lie for hours on the warm logs of the raft, look into the water, how they played there in the reddish depths, the bleaks glistened.

(26) You turn on your back, clouds are floating in the sky, and it seems that my raft is floating. (27) Water gurgles under the logs, where it floats - of course, in distant countries, there are palm trees, deserts, camels. (28) In children's countries there were no skyscrapers, no highways, there was a country of Fenimore Cooper, sometimes Jack London - he had snowy, blizzard, frosty ones.

(29) Childhood is black bread, warm, fragrant, there was nothing like it later, it remained there, it’s green peas, it’s grass under bare feet, it’s pies with carrots, rye, with potatoes, it’s homemade kvass. (30) Where does the food of our childhood disappear? (31) And why does it always disappear? (32) Poppy seeds, lean sugar, millet porridge with pumpkin...

(33) There were so many different happy, cheerful things... (34) Childhood remains the main thing and gets prettier over the years. (35) I cried there too, I was unhappy. (36) Fortunately, this was completely forgotten, only the charm of that life remained. (37) Namely life. (38) There was no love, no glory, no travel, only life, a pure feeling of delight at one’s existence under this sky. (39) The value of friendship or the happiness of having parents was not yet realized, all this later, later, and there, on the raft, only me, the sky, the river, sweet foggy dreams...

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Childhood is an important stage in a person’s life. It's a carefree time. I think that most of us remember our childhood with tender trepidation. In this text, D. A. Granin raises the problem of the value of childhood. This problem is always relevant, because it is during this period of time that the child learns to interact with the world around him, forms his ideas about it, acquires skills and character traits that will influence the development of his personality in the future.

To prove his thoughts, the author cites his reasoning: “childhood is an independent kingdom, a separate country... it, if you like, is the main part of life, it is the main age of a person.” D. Granin emphasizes that childhood is one of the most significant stages of a person’s life. Also, the author says about his childhood, describing how he could spend hours looking from a bridge into the water, lying on the logs of a raft, looking at the clouds: “The value of friendship or the happiness of having parents was not yet realized, all this later, later, and there, on the raft, only me, the sky, the river, sweet foggy dreams...” D. Granin describes his unity with nature, shows the carefree nature of that time, and recalls his childhood with tender feelings.

I agree with D. A. Granin, because this is the time that has a strong influence on us. We learn to understand nature and the world around us. The child observes the events taking place and tries to interact with him. Every person probably remembers with trepidation that fabulous time, when it seemed that time, problems and worries did not exist. To prove this position, let us turn to arguments from fiction.

Firstly, a striking example of the value of childhood is the work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The author describes the Rostov family, the warm atmosphere family relations where children are raised. Brothers and sisters are very friendly with each other and open. Since childhood, Natasha was instilled with important values, such as love, attention, caring for others. The girl grew up watching your parents, taking over and


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Essay in Unified State Exam format based on the text from I. Tsybulko’s manual

(2017, version 27)

“Disappointment, resentment, injustice”... How not to become hardened in heart, to persevere, to remain humane, “despite all the blows” of fate that can overtake us in life?

Maybe in the bright memories of childhood “are stored... reserves... of kindness, joy, faith in the future?” Thinking about this question, it invites us to reflect on the problem of the role of childhood memories in a person’s life.

The author writes that he was “pushed” to serious thought by the words of one of the main characters of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”, expressing his view of this problem. According to Alyosha Karamazov, no matter how life turns out, a person will not become evil and cruel if he forever remembers the moments of childhood when he “felt good.” The memory of “how wonderful you were” can protect you from committing a bad act.

Alyosha believes that “sacred memory” is perhaps better than any upbringing. Noting that “some minds” can “ridicule ... the confidence” of the hero of the novel, the author of the text himself calls his instructions a “great matter from the point of view of pedagogy.” D. Granin, having “tested” this “discovery” on himself and the lives of other people, began to think that, in all likelihood, the truth was hidden in it, confirmed by the lives of many worthy people.

After reading autobiographical story“Childhood”, we learned how difficult M. Gorky’s childhood was. Life in a house where hostility, cruelty, and envy reigned. A miserable existence after the ruin of his grandfather, which early years forced Alyosha Peshkov to go “to the people” and earn a piece of bread. But no “abominations of life” could displace from the writer’s memory those people who brightened his childhood years, taught him to be kind and patient, to feel and understand beauty.

With heartfelt warmth, Gorky recalled his kind grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, who loved people and pitied the poor and beggars. I retained a feeling of gratitude to my grandfather, who once seemed evil, because he taught his grandson to persevere in overcoming difficulties.

I think that many modern teenagers should pay attention to the thoughts of the writer D. Granin. It is no secret that among them there are many who are dishonest about their studies and do not listen to the good advice of adults. Maybe it will help some of these guys change in better side the memory of what a diligent and interested student he was in the lower grades of school, valued the opinion of parents who wanted only the best for their child?

D. Granin believes that you should not “go through the past... prohibitions, shame, repentance.” And good and positive childhood memories will never “harm anyone” - and one cannot but agree with this position of the author of the text.

The text proposed for analysis raises the problem of childhood. Childhood is an integral part of every person’s life, so childhood themes will never lose their relevance.

To interest the reader, the Russian writer Granin talks about his childhood memories. He writes that childhood was “the happiest time,” without responsibilities or a sense of duty.

You could dream, rejoice, even simple food there seemed extraordinary. The most valuable memories are those from childhood.

- “an independent kingdom that does not depend on the adult future.”

But I do not agree with Granin’s opinion. In my opinion, childhood leaves a significant mark on future fate person. After all, it is in childhood that basic values ​​and ideals are formed.

To prove my position, I would like to turn to Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spends most of his time on an old sofa. The hero has neither dreams nor goals. He does not strive to achieve any heights, be it his career or his personal life. What caused Oblomov’s passive behavior? The answer becomes obvious when the reader reaches

to the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream”. Ilya Ilyich dreams of his carefree childhood, long family breakfasts and the obligatory afternoon nap. Parents strictly controlled that the boy did not overwork, and, as an adult, Ilya Ilyich was unable to replace the ideals laid down in childhood. It was childhood habits that turned Oblomov’s life into an empty existence. I am convinced that childhood largely determines our adult life.

Another proof can serve as Gogol’s novel “ Dead Souls" From an early age, Chichikov’s father taught his son to “save and save a penny,” to please his bosses and not to mix with his comrades. Pavel Ivanovich followed these instructions all his life. But can the eternal pursuit of money be called “life”?

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  1. Our focus is on the text of Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin, a Russian writer and public figure, which describes the problem of the value of childhood in a person’s life. Thinking about this...
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  4. Most of all in life, people remember childhood. The famous Soviet writer and public figure Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin reveals the problem of the role of childhood and childhood memories in...
  5. Mentally turning to the Russian classical literature, let us remember I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The atmosphere of laziness and idleness that reigned in the family of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov disfigured the soul of little Ilya, which...
  6. In his text, Russian Soviet writer and public figure Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin raises the problem of the value of childhood memories in a person’s life. We can't help but worry...
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  8. Well, something like this)) Tolstoy believed that childhood is the happiest period of a person’s life, when he is in harmony with nature, with himself, with...

Personality formation begins in early childhood. It is at this time that the basic moral principles are laid, the norms of communication and cultural characteristics are learned, which will guide the adult for the rest of his life. The way a person’s character is formed in childhood is greatly influenced by his environment. Children form ideas about ways of communicating with other people and attitudes towards their own “I”, focusing on their loved ones and copying parental behavior patterns.

Where happy adults grow up

Happy adults grow up in happy families. That is why it is so important that the child feels the joy of childhood and receives enough love and attention from his relatives. The feeling of security, being needed, and the constant care of mom and dad affect the baby’s cognitive abilities, helping his personality develop harmoniously. The problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life and arguments in favor of the special influence of this period on success in adult life can be found in the works of famous psychologists: Carl Gustav Jung, Sigmund Freud,

Emotional development in early childhood is reflected in the ability to withstand stress and negative influences in the future, and helps to learn to adequately evaluate different people and be able to communicate with them. Based on his own and parental experience, the baby receives the concept of good and bad, forms an idea of family values. Growing up, happy children turn into successful and happy with life people who are able to take responsibility for their actions.

Problems of adults with difficult childhoods

What happens to children who had a difficult childhood? If a mother and father are not involved in the upbringing and development of their child, do not pay due attention to each other and constantly quarrel, an adult who grows up in such an environment develops distorted ideas about family values. They consider their behavior to be the only and natural norm. Due to the psychological phenomenon of “contagiousness of emotions,” if parents are torn between family and work, and are in a constant depressed and gloomy mood at home, children “adopt” their state and begin to feel the same.

Often children who have experienced abuse from relatives, growing up, begin to “raise” their own children in the same way, without knowing any other attitude. Some psychologists believe it is caused by an unconscious desire to put oneself in the place of the aggressor, so as to no longer be a defenseless victim.

How childhood difficulties affect character

People whose childhood was not happy often have many psychological problems that prevent them from living life to the fullest. These problems force them to commit inappropriate actions that are harmful to themselves and others. If parents did not take care of the child and did not instill moral guidelines, an adult will not have a clear system of values. He will not feel remorse when committing a “bad deed” and will not receive satisfaction from a good deed.

Of course, a “difficult childhood” is not a death sentence. A child deprived of the love and attention of his parents does not necessarily grow up to be a criminal. But it is much more difficult for such people to understand their desires and motives; they often underestimate themselves and constantly feel unhappy, unworthy of a good relationship.

A book to help a child during a difficult period

Disbelief in one's own attractiveness forms such unpleasant character traits as deceit, greed, and hypocrisy. Children who grew up without any care or with only one parent may envy the “lucky children” from complete families. They do not know how to communicate and have difficulty making friends.

On the other hand, the ability to overcome difficulties can have a positive impact on the child’s future life. Those who are used to coping with difficulties, defend their point of view and learn to build relationships on their own often become successful in adulthood. Literary works can help children overcome difficult periods and understand complex moral issues and the actions of other people.

Discussion of the role of childhood in literature lessons

Behavior book characters, the experiences associated with them make it possible to feel in the place of another, to understand the motives of the actions of different people. Trying on all sorts of roles, the baby gets acquainted with a variety of moral systems, forms his own values ​​and personality. By talking through experiences and feelings associated with a particular character, a parent contributes to the emotional development of his child, teaching him to be kind, caring, and attentive to the needs of other people.

Children can discuss the problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life, arguments in favor of the influence of early years on the development of personality at school during literature lessons. This question is raised in many classical works. The topic for the essay “The role of childhood in human life” appears on the Unified State Examination. To receive a high grade, students need to formulate their own point of view on the problem and justify it using their knowledge, personal experience and arguments from several literary works.

The role of childhood in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

To explore the topic of education as a way of personality formation, it is worth paying attention to A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” Main character- a nobleman, he has been surrounded by the culture and life of the capital since childhood. Onegin's personality is extraordinary, therefore he does not feel satisfaction from social life, although he was brought up among the noble intelligentsia. This contradictory state manifests itself in the episode of the duel with Lensky, which leads the main character to the loss of the meaning of life.

Tatyana Larina, the heroine of the novel by A. S. Pushkin, received a completely different upbringing. Her personality was influenced by Russian culture and Western novels. Folk traditions she absorbed it through her environment, thanks to the fairy tales and legends that the nanny told little Tanya. The heroine's childhood was spent among the beauties of Russian nature and folk rituals. The influence of the West reflects Pushkin's ideal of education: the combination of European education with the national traditions of Russia. That's why Tatyana stands out as hard moral principles And strong character, which distinguishes her from the other heroes of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

The question of the influence of education on character in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

Schoolchildren can be recommended to take one of the works of L.N. Tolstoy as an example for an essay. In the novel “War and Peace,” Peter Rostov, who inherited kindness and openness from his parents, shows best qualities in his first and only battle, right before his death. Other heroes of the epic, Helen and Anatole Kuragin, who did not know the love of their parents and were raised in a family where money was valued above all else, grow up to be selfish and immoral people.

Goncharov: the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments. "Oblomov"

Writer I. A. Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” focuses on the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The main character of the work, Ilya Oblomov, does not know how to take care of himself at all, since he grew up in “greenhouse conditions.” He does not follow through with any of his decisions and does not even try to start doing something, but only mentally imagines how good it will be in the end. His friend, the energetic and active Stolz, was taught by his parents to be independent from childhood. This hero is disciplined, hardworking and knows what he wants.

Childhood impressions in V. Soloukhin’s work “The Third Hunt”

In a literature lesson, the teacher may suggest analyzing an excerpt from a collection Soviet writer V. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt” to help students understand the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The arguments in Soloukhin’s text concern not only the formation of personality, but also the influence of childhood impressions on the fate of an adult, his connection with the Motherland. He colorfully illustrates his thoughts with detailed metaphors related to nature and sketches from the lives of Russian poets. The author argues that the foundation of personality is laid in childhood, and the memories and impressions of youth are always reflected in the future.

Education of the nobility in “Nedorosl” by D. I. Fonvizin

The famous comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “The Minor” is also devoted to the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The author's arguments and reflections show the strong influence his family has on a child's personality. The main character, Mitrofanushka, whose name has become a household name, adopts greed, cruelty and other vices of his mother. He received slavish tendencies from his serf nanny and tyrant qualities from his own parents, which is reflected in his behavior and treatment of people. The image of Mitrofan indicates decline noble society caused by improper upbringing.

The problem of the role of childhood in human life: arguments from the literature of foreign writers

The works of Charles Dickens, where the main characters are often people with difficult childhoods, are perfect for illustrating the problem of influence youth on personality formation. In the novel “David Copperfield,” which is largely autobiographical, the writer portrays a man who remained good despite the constant humiliation, difficulties and injustice of life. Little David is constantly being helped ordinary people, which allows him to maintain faith in their sincerity. The boy himself learns to distinguish good from evil and to adequately evaluate himself. He has the ability to see positive traits in every person.

Margaret Drabble's novel One Summer Season shows that childhood is not just a period limited to a certain age, it is also associated with psychological maturity. An adult is responsible for his decisions and actions, he understands the importance of mutual assistance and has worldly wisdom.

The role of childhood: arguments from journalism

Journalism also often addresses the problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life. Arguments for an essay on this topic can be taken from the article by A. Zamostyanov “Childhood and youth in the fate of Suvorov.” In his work, the author says that the commander’s personality was strongly influenced by his mother’s stories about the famous military leaders of the past: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. The parent accompanied her story with the comment that a person’s strength is in the head, not in the hands. It was after similar stories this sickly boy began to develop and strengthen himself because he wanted to become a military man.

The period of childhood is very important for the full and harmonious development of the individual. It is the basis for an adequate perception of oneself and one’s strengths, the world around and further happy life person.