What to do if you are tired of living when everything is bad and against you. Trapped in your own thoughts. Setting accents and priorities

Why are positive feelings and emotions so important? Without them, a person begins to slowly but surely fade away; he gets the feeling that everything is boring. Why do people suddenly stop responding to happiness? What are the symptoms and consequences of this condition? And most importantly: how to restore the joy of life after emotional burnout? Read more in this article.

Why do you feel “tired of everything”?

Emotional burnout is a syndrome of increasing devastation of all experiences, feelings, and emotions. It is accompanied by apathy (indifference, loss of strength), social alienation, and decreased productivity. Most often, a psychological problem arises due to professional overwork. The main reasons for its appearance are considered:

  • intense routine work, which is accompanied by stress;
  • lack of remuneration for work and, as a result, a feeling of one’s own uselessness and uselessness;
  • frequent interaction with negative emotions other people. Doctors, teachers, even psychologists often encounter such situations;
  • drinking alcohol as a way of avoiding problems instead of solving them.

I'm tired of living like this

What are the consequences of ignoring the syndrome? In advanced cases, neurotic-type disorders appear, as well as diseases associated with psychosomatics. As a result of a long-lasting depressed state, thoughts arise: “I think I am, but I’m tired of living.” Such a phrase is the road leading to suicidal tendencies.

No, this does not mean that every emotionally devastated person is doomed to death. But it is a fact that the syndrome causes a lot of inconvenience and greatly ruins life. 100 out of 100 patients are susceptible to negative thoughts and feelings that affect their health.

To make life enjoyable, it is better to start fighting emotional burnout at its first manifestations.

What to do when you're tired of everything

Find yourself in different cultures

Of course, we are talking about travel. But multi-star hotels, casinos, beaches, swimming pools are not the only places where you can go abroad. To combine business with pleasure, it would be good to visit:

  • national parks, gardens;
  • art and local history museums;
  • significant architectural structures;
  • inconspicuous antique souvenir shops on the outskirts of the city;
  • unique national holidays - German Oktoberfest, Venice Carnival, Hindu Festival of Colors (Holi), etc.;
  • palaces, castles;
  • natural wastelands - jungles, deserts, steppes, mountains - together with experienced guides.

Admission to some attractions will be free, while others will require a small amount. As a result, it turns out that the excursion will cost several times less than a hotel room or a trip to a good cafe.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the temples of different religions and cults. It is better to ask the guides or local residents. For most spiritual shrines, it is unacceptable for a non-believer to cross their threshold. Some, on the contrary, welcome strangers, share all sorts of secrets and techniques for a symbolic donation to the needs of the temple. Individual establishments will require specific knowledge about ritual clothing, greeting methods, and behavior in general.

Get a furry friend

Research shows that dog owners live longer. Adorable four-legged friends really make life longer and more meaningful. It’s much more pleasant to come home knowing that someone is already waiting there. If the search for a soul mate or friends has not yet been successful, this is a good reason to look into a dog shelter or buy a puppy at the market. Happy dog ​​owners note that with the advent of furry friends they have become:

  • responsible, independent;
  • active, sociable;
  • self-confident;
  • less susceptible to colds and some allergic reactions;
  • optimists, got rid of depression and neuroses.

As for cats, they are considered real stress healers. The purring of cats calms you down, relieves insomnia and... strengthens your immune system. However, it is worth remembering that the breed of the pet plays a huge role. Some pets will easily relieve you of unnecessary worries, while others will cause even more trouble.

Turtles, fish, birds, and other animals that can be kept at home can also calm the nervous system. But their influence is not as strong as the energy that a person receives from a dog or cat.

Say goodbye to the network

The Internet creates the illusion of popularity and active communication. Conversation in real conditions is filled with emotions and their manifestation. Chat correspondence provokes the development of isolation, complexes, and social alienation.

A typical picture: a teenager sits at the computer, scrolls through the news feed and sends interesting posts to a friend. What does ordinary person when he likes something or finds it funny? He smiles or laughs. What is this teenager doing on the computer? Sends a cheerful smiley while sitting with a detached or bored expression on his face. In essence, he exchanged his emotions and their expression for simple pictures.

Conclusion: if a person does not react visually to good events or things, he ceases to feel joy from them internally. And then - hello, depression, fatigue, indifference to life. Dialogues in social networks can only be useful when they serve as a complement to real communication, and not as a replacement for it.

Use the day differently

The vicious circle “home - work” does not bode well. Even if a profession brings pleasure and serves as both a way to earn money and a hobby, it is still advisable to periodically change activities. To diversify your day and get rid of the routine, you can:

  • and a sleep schedule taking into account your biorhythm (owl, lark, pigeon);
  • allocate hours or minutes for regular walks, visits to clubs or entertainment venues;
  • reduce the amount of time allocated to the Internet, watching TV, or replace it with something more useful;
  • find the most convenient hours for meals, try to eat at the same time;
  • insert half an hour into the schedule, which will be spent exclusively on yourself;
  • get to work without a car or public transport, but on foot or by bicycle;
  • Incorporate purchases into your daily routine in advance.

The point is to add more effective rest and reduce negativity. By creating a schedule, you can also expect to save money. Giving up frequent visits to Internet sites and chaotic snacks will already free up time and money that can be spent on something more useful.

If a couple of points conflict with working hours, it is possible to find a compromise. However, in cases where work does not allow organizing at least half of the indicated changes, this is a serious reason to think about changing the vacancy.

Try to get rid of stress factors

It is unlikely that you will be able to say goodbye to them completely. But it is possible to reduce the amount of negativity. Work, relationships with family, partner, friends, self-realization are the areas where stress occurs most often. Having found the main source of negativity, it is better to eliminate it immediately.

Change is not an easy step, but it develops, strengthens, and builds character. New job doesn't bring in that much money? But it doesn’t take away your nerves. Is it difficult to break up with your loved one? But at night you will be able to sleep without thinking about betrayal or other unsolvable problems in relationships. Is it scary to move away from your parents? But constant comparisons with older children, humiliation in the form of passive aggression, and so on will stop.

Burnout syndrome is accompanied by a loss of strength and a reluctance to do anything, so change will be difficult for people with this symptom. However, they are worth it.

Become a different person for a day

And again about “reforms”. Almost every personality has internal qualities that are shown to few people or are completely ignored. The reasons may be:

  1. fear of judgment, failure to meet other people's expectations;
  2. fear of loneliness, abandonment of loved ones;
  3. indecision;
  4. low level of self-knowledge;
  5. laziness, infantile dependence on outside help (responsibilities, responsibility for life are shifted onto the shoulders of other people, more often - parents or spouses).

The first three options are resolved by casting aside doubts and stepping over your fears. Relatives will try to understand and accept any changes. As for the rest, the opinion of society is now given too much great value. The main thing is not to go against the laws of morality and jurisdiction, the rest is possible.

The fourth reason can be eliminated through a detailed analysis of one’s desires, goals, and ambitions. It is possible to do this yourself, but if the task seems difficult, it is better to consult a psychologist.

And finally, the fifth point is a reason to take charge of yourself. Sooner or later, those who perform duties instead of an infantile person will leave and do something else. Then such a person will be defenseless against life circumstances, unable to cope with basic things. It is not surprising that the strength will be at zero, and the desire to cope with everything will not increase. So it's not far from depression. This is why parental overprotection is so condemned by psychologists.

In general, the advice to “become a different person” means “to become your true self.” Happiness does not come to those who play someone else's role.

If you are tired of everything, emotional burnout syndrome takes away your last joys, it is better to look for solutions right away. Years of happiness are worth fighting for.

Why are positive feelings and emotions so important? Without them, a person begins to slowly but surely fade away; he gets the feeling that everything is boring. Why do people suddenly stop responding to happiness? What are the symptoms and consequences of this condition? And most importantly: how to restore the joy of life after emotional burnout? Read more in this article.

Why do you feel “tired of everything”?

Emotional burnout is a syndrome of increasing devastation of all experiences, feelings, and emotions. It is accompanied by apathy (indifference, loss of strength), social alienation, and decreased productivity. Most often, a psychological problem arises due to professional overwork. The main reasons for its appearance are considered:

  • intense routine work, which is accompanied by stress;
  • lack of remuneration for work and, as a result, a feeling of one’s own uselessness and uselessness;
  • frequent interaction with the negative emotions of other people. Doctors, teachers, even psychologists often encounter such situations;
  • drinking alcohol as a way of avoiding problems instead of solving them.

I'm tired of living like this

What are the consequences of ignoring the syndrome? In advanced cases, neurotic-type disorders appear, as well as diseases associated with psychosomatics. As a result of a long-lasting depressed state, thoughts arise: “I think I am, but I’m tired of living.” Such a phrase is the road leading to suicidal tendencies.

No, this does not mean that every emotionally devastated person is doomed to death. But it is a fact that the syndrome causes a lot of inconvenience and greatly ruins life. 100 out of 100 patients are susceptible to negative thoughts and feelings that affect their health.

To make life enjoyable, it is better to start fighting emotional burnout at its first manifestations.

What to do when you're tired of everything

Find yourself in different cultures

Of course, we are talking about travel. But multi-star hotels, casinos, beaches, swimming pools are not the only places where you can go abroad. To combine business with pleasure, it would be good to visit:

  • national parks, gardens;
  • art and local history museums;
  • significant architectural structures;
  • inconspicuous antique souvenir shops on the outskirts of the city;
  • unique national holidays - German Oktoberfest, Venice Carnival, Hindu Festival of Colors (Holi), etc.;
  • palaces, castles;
  • natural wastelands - jungles, deserts, steppes, mountains - together with experienced guides.

Admission to some attractions will be free, while others will require a small amount. As a result, it turns out that the excursion will cost several times less than a hotel room or a trip to a good cafe.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the temples of different religions and cults. It is better to ask guides or local residents about the possibility of visiting them. For most spiritual shrines, it is unacceptable for a non-believer to cross their threshold. Some, on the contrary, welcome strangers, share all sorts of secrets and techniques for a symbolic donation to the needs of the temple. Individual establishments will require specific knowledge about ritual clothing, greeting methods, and behavior in general.

Get a furry friend

Research shows that dog owners live longer. Adorable four-legged friends really make life longer and more meaningful. It’s much more pleasant to come home knowing that someone is already waiting there. If the search for a soul mate or friends has not yet been successful, this is a good reason to look into a dog shelter or buy a puppy at the market. Happy dog ​​owners note that with the advent of furry friends they have become:

  • responsible, independent;
  • active, sociable;
  • self-confident;
  • less susceptible to colds and some allergic reactions;
  • optimists, got rid of depression and neuroses.

As for cats, they are considered real stress healers. The purring of cats calms you down, relieves insomnia and... strengthens your immune system. However, it is worth remembering that the breed of the pet plays a huge role. Some pets will easily relieve you of unnecessary worries, while others will cause even more trouble.

Turtles, fish, birds, and other animals that can be kept at home can also calm the nervous system. But their influence is not as strong as the energy that a person receives from a dog or cat.

Say goodbye to the network

The Internet creates the illusion of popularity and active communication. Conversation in real conditions is filled with emotions and their manifestation. Chat correspondence provokes the development of isolation, complexes, and social alienation.

A typical picture: a teenager sits at the computer, scrolls through the news feed and sends interesting posts to a friend. What does an ordinary person do when he likes something or finds it funny? He smiles or laughs. What is this teenager doing on the computer? Sends a cheerful smiley while sitting with a detached or bored expression on his face. Essentially, he exchanged his emotions and their expression for simple pictures.

Conclusion: if a person does not react visually to good events or things, he ceases to feel joy from them internally. And then - hello, depression, fatigue, indifference to life. Dialogues on social networks can only be useful when they serve as a complement to real communication, and not as a replacement for it.

Use the day differently

The vicious circle “home - work” does not bode well. Even if a profession brings pleasure and serves as both a way to earn money and a hobby, it is still advisable to periodically change activities. To diversify your day and get rid of the routine, you can:

  • and a sleep schedule taking into account your biorhythm (owl, lark, pigeon);
  • allocate hours or minutes for regular walks, visits to clubs or entertainment venues;
  • reduce the amount of time allocated to the Internet, watching TV, or replace it with something more useful;
  • find the most convenient hours for meals, try to eat at the same time;
  • insert half an hour into the schedule, which will be spent exclusively on yourself;
  • get to work not by car or public transport, but by foot or bicycle;
  • Incorporate purchases into your daily routine in advance.

The point is to add more effective rest and reduce negativity. By creating a schedule, you can also expect to save money. Giving up frequent visits to Internet sites and chaotic snacks will already free up time and money that can be spent on something more useful.

If a couple of points conflict with working hours, it is possible to find a compromise. However, in cases where work does not allow organizing at least half of the indicated changes, this is a serious reason to think about changing the vacancy.

Try to get rid of stress factors

It is unlikely that you will be able to say goodbye to them completely. But it is possible to reduce the amount of negativity. Work, relationships with family, partner, friends, self-realization are the areas where stress occurs most often. Having found the main source of negativity, it is better to eliminate it immediately.

Change is not an easy step, but it develops, strengthens, and builds character. New job doesn't bring in as much money? But it doesn’t take away your nerves. Is it difficult to break up with your loved one? But at night you will be able to sleep without thinking about betrayal or other unsolvable problems in relationships. Is it scary to move away from your parents? But constant comparisons with older children, humiliation in the form of passive aggression, and so on will stop.

Burnout syndrome is accompanied by a loss of strength and a reluctance to do anything, so change will be difficult for people with this symptom. However, they are worth it.

Become a different person for a day

And again about “reforms”. Almost every personality has internal qualities that are shown to few people or are completely ignored. The reasons may be:

  1. fear of judgment, failure to meet other people's expectations;
  2. fear of loneliness, abandonment of loved ones;
  3. indecision;
  4. low level of self-knowledge;
  5. laziness, infantile dependence on outside help (responsibilities, responsibility for life are shifted onto the shoulders of other people, more often - parents or spouses).

The first three options are resolved by casting aside doubts and stepping over your fears. Relatives will try to understand and accept any changes. As for the rest, the opinion of society is now given too much importance. The main thing is not to go against the laws of morality and jurisdiction, the rest is possible.

The fourth reason can be eliminated through a detailed analysis of one’s desires, goals, and ambitions. It is possible to do this yourself, but if the task seems difficult, it is better to consult a psychologist.

And finally, the fifth point is a reason to take charge of yourself. Sooner or later, those who perform duties instead of an infantile person will leave and do something else. Then such a person will be defenseless in the face of life’s circumstances, unable to cope with basic things. It is not surprising that the strength will be at zero, and the desire to cope with everything will not increase. So it's not far from depression. This is why parental overprotection is so condemned by psychologists.

In general, the advice to “become a different person” means “to become your true self.” Happiness does not come to those who play someone else's role.

If you are tired of everything, emotional burnout syndrome takes away your last joys, it is better to look for solutions right away. Years of happiness are worth fighting for.

There are times in every person's life when they are overtired. In this case, life ceases to have certain meaning. What to do if you're tired of living? Look for the reason!

The presence of a problem that makes further, previously planned events impossible.

Life according to a template, generally accepted standards that are alien to a certain person.

Prolonged depression.

Often we plan ahead all events in our lives based on own desires. A striking example could be the desire to get married before a certain age and have a baby for a woman, or career growth in a certain activity and a certain family model for a man.

However, we don’t always get what we want, and if we don’t get it, we fall into despondency and melancholy. The most convenient option in this case is the availability of an alternative. You should think about how you can get something else if you can’t get what you want. So there will be no panic, but there will be ready-made solution way out of the current situation. There should absolutely always be multiple options.

There are often cases when society or a certain group of people has a huge influence on our behavior. Constantly adhering to someone else’s opinion means living someone else’s life. For example, parents consider it wrong for their child to want to go to university and then work as a teacher.

The argument is undeniable - low salary. Thus, the child receives a completely different specialty, which he does not have a soul for. This leads to him regretting his choice for the rest of his life. Moreover, when making a decision about where to enroll, a person may not feel obvious pressure, but his idea of ​​the future has already been formed due to the opinions of his parents.

Therefore, you should teach yourself to do only what you want. Never start doing exactly that.

No one is immune from the onset of depression. The further you go, the more common this mental illness becomes. If you suspect depression, you should immediately consult a specialist. He will prescribe the necessary course of treatment and help avoid consequences in the future. Will teach you to enjoy life again.

What to do if you're tired of living? We need to think about the fact that there are too many people on our planet whose lives are much more complicated than ours, but they find strength in themselves and cope with the problems that arise.

What to do if life becomes boring

However, changes can be made to everyday life so that thoughts of boredom do not arise. There are several ways to do this.

Make possible changes to your daily life

This is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. The simplest method is to change your route to work and your method of transportation. You can simply get off one stop earlier and walk to your destination. You should walk without covering your ears with the player, but enjoy the sun or rain, people passing by and especially funny kids.

Let changes into your life

If you are tired of living, then you should give up what you are used to and experiment more. You don't have to cook monotonous food. There are a lot of new recipes, and to please your loved ones with unusual and delicious dish always nice. What to do when life is boring? Changes in intimate life. Romance has never left anyone indifferent, so pleasant music and scented candles will create a magical atmosphere and lift your spirits.

Changes may also affect housing. It is not necessary to go to extremes and start repairs. Sometimes getting rid of accumulated trash and new little things in the form of a bedspread or new curtains can work wonders. This also applies to clothing. New accessories in bright colors will make your look new and unique. Psychologists have long noticed that color has a surprising effect on a person’s mood.

Become selfish

IN everyday life Each person has a large number of responsibilities that put pressure on the psyche and, over time, contribute to the appearance of depression. In order to prevent the onset of the disease, you should take care of your life in advance. Many people have good intuition. It should not be ignored. Rules good manners forced to restrain emotions even when you are tired of living. Excessive tightness harms the condition of the entire body.

Learn to enjoy life and appreciate it

There is one useful game. Every problem has a worse version. By finding it, you can learn to enjoy what you have.

How to regain the desire to live

"Hello! I have this problem: I’m tired of living, I don’t see any meaning in life. Every morning on the way to work I ask myself the question: “Why? What is the meaning of life? I come home with the same question and, not finding an answer, I just go to bed. I feel like I need to change something in my life, but I don't know what. I'm trying different options, but none brings me satisfaction, peace and tranquility.

For every answer I find, I immediately have a counterargument, and therefore I do not move, I do nothing. I can’t concentrate on one thing, I can’t find the ground under my feet. In the evening I just want to lie down and die. I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown and I don't see a way out of my terrible state. How to regain the desire to live?

Marina Eremeyko."

I'll tell you a little story about how to regain the desire to live. “Whoever knows why can survive any how.” This phrase belongs to one of the German philosophers. She became famous thanks to V. Frankl. At a very young age he was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he spent about three years.

Inhuman living conditions, hunger, every minute anxiety that you will be the next one to be led to the gas chamber, betrayal, humiliation, cold, death of friends - this is only part of what he had to endure.

But he survived this and remained a Man - as best he could, he saved and supported his comrades, risking his life. He didn't give up. After this he lived to be 92 years old. He wrote many profound works that were translated into 30 languages ​​of the world. He created a new direction in psychology and traveled all over the world giving lectures.

Such people as Pope Paul VI, X. Clinton, K. Jaspers and others sought meetings with him. He is put on a par with such brave thinkers as Socrates and Giordano Bruno. What helped him survive all these losses and hardships and live? He had the meaning of life. Something worth living for.

Once in the concentration camp, he took with him the manuscript of his book with the first version of his future doctrine of meaning. His concern was first to preserve it, and then, when this failed, to restore the lost text. And he also hoped to see his loved ones.

After his liberation, he learned that all his loved ones (for whom he did not go to America and thus did not escape the concentration camp) had died. But this did not embitter him (later he will write that one of the meanings may be the value of attitude - if we cannot change the situation, then we can change our attitude towards it). He called this “stubbornness of the spirit” - the ability of the spirit to go through all the suffering of the body and prevent discord in the soul.

I want to ask you, what happened to your spirit? Why are you tired of living? To regain your desire to live, remember: your happiness and your success depend only on you!

If we consider that man is the same child of nature as other living beings known to us, then he is, to a certain extent, endowed with the same qualities as them. If we assume that animals are not endowed with the same intelligence as humans, then the only point their contacts are instincts.

As a rule, a person has two basic instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of procreation, that is, reproduction, which, in turn, consist of many instinctive factors. Moreover, these two instincts are interconnected.

The instinct of self-preservation includes the following sub-instincts: nutrition, growth, breathing, movement, that is, those necessary vital functions that make any organism alive. Initially, these factors were very important, but due to the development of the human mind (I), these factors, as vitally important, lost their former importance.

This happened because man developed adaptations for obtaining food; he began to use food not only to satisfy hunger, but also to satisfy the greed that is unique to man. Over time, food began to come to him more and more easily, and he began to spend less and less time on its production. Man began to build homes and other devices for himself and secured his life as much as possible.

To restore the desire to live, remember: the instinct of self-preservation has lost its significance, and the instinct of reproduction, or, as Freud calls it, libido, has come first. Such human aspirations as aggressiveness, the desire to advance, which previously belonged to the instinct of self-preservation, according to the second law of dialectics, have passed into another quality, that is, they have passed on to “libido.” The desire to advance, or the leadership instinct, has become one of the most significant.

Remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva: “Success means being on time.” Have time to do what you feel is destined for you by fate. Indeed, in such a short period of stay on earth, a person needs to be in time. Have time to understand yourself and realize your potential. It is no coincidence that by the end of their lives many people regret missed opportunities: they dreamed about the wrong things, did the wrong things... And hence various diseases, sometimes incurable.

After all, dissatisfaction with your work may not be expressed outwardly, but ripen inside in the form of some kind of illness. The absence in human nature This “instinct” creates a vacuum, the product of which may well be some dark theory like Raskolnikov’s about the “trembling creature” or “why create if you can take away” and so on.

And people who are obsessed with satisfying their sexual instinct are not satisfied with their leadership instinct; they simply do not have anything interesting to do. But with all this, every person has the opportunity to self-realize. It would seem necessary to start with the little things - to accept yourself as you are, with all your imaginary and real shortcomings, with your abilities and even, difficult as it may be (especially for a woman), with your appearance given by nature.

Are you familiar with the situation when your co-workers judge you for wanting to move to another company, saying that something is missing here? But you have long outgrown your position and you are simply not interested. Or pensioners on a bench condemn a certain Ekaterina Vasilievna from apartment ten, who is “hunching over” at work.

But Ekaterina Vasilievna herself feels great and does not complain about her health, or the weather, or the fact that she does not have enough bread and meat. She simply has no time to do this, she passes on her experience to boys and girls, and she herself becomes younger with them. The concept of “independence” also includes a calm attitude towards position and various rewards.

What to do if you're tired of living? How to regain the desire to live? If internal satisfaction with the result of your work comes first in importance for you, this is the main indicator that you are on the right path. But you can be satisfied with yourself even after a not-so-nice deed, there are plenty of such examples... Therefore, do not forget about ethics.

As for internal satisfaction, without it there is no real success. How many people, in a moment of frankness, cried that they were not as good as they seemed from the outside, they were not so successful, but on the contrary, they were devastated and unhappy. Only the poor crave wealth, and the rich want... to be happy. But is it possible to be happy when a job, even a very prestigious one, is, as they say, neither mind nor heart?

If you are tired of life, try to find a hobby. For example, one prominent politician once admitted that he likes to make sauerkraut. Try to find at work good points. One dentist said that he liked to insert teeth into young women. Often young mothers lose teeth while expecting a child or immediately after childbirth. And the one who has thirty-two teeth laughs well! Therefore, there is no greater happiness for a doctor than to see a beautiful smile.

Whatever your job is, if you are internally satisfied, you should not react to the attacks of others. Even if it's your parents! Unfortunately, they can also be wrong. Life will judge you. How many famous actors They said that it was their relatives who categorically did not advise them to enter the theater?! And how many magnificent artists were considered “coons” by their fathers and mothers...

Or the scientists who made discoveries - rumor made them almost crazy! But these people have self-realized not even one hundred percent, but two hundred percent. Eleanor Roosevelt is absolutely right: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Keep this in mind, even if your self-realization seems small and insignificant to your loved ones. Often those who have not found their purpose themselves fall into condemnation.

To restore the desire to live, remember: self-realization can be called a “basic instinct”, confirmed by the fact that people sometimes stop sleeping and eating, just to achieve their plans. The husband of an old friend of mine vegetated for many years at a research institute, developing a topic that was interesting to him, the name of which is ordinary people- pure Chinese writing.

Perestroika broke out, he created his own laboratory. I didn’t sleep, I didn’t eat, I didn’t receive money, I lived only by faith in success. Recently I met him at the airport - he turned out to be right in his calculations, his developments became interested not only in Russia, but also in Japan. Now everything is fine in the family, its head looks just great...

Don't forget about your sense of humor. It should not leave you, moreover, in difficult moment it can even save. The inimitable Faina Ranevskaya once said: “I knew actresses better than Ranevskaya.” Of course, in order to be able to laugh, including at yourself, you need to look at the world in a special way, from a positive point of view.

Option 1. Quit your job, rent out your apartment and fly to the sea to fool around. Howl with boredom after a couple of months, return and painfully look for work.

Option 2. Do without sudden movements, sit down and understand the real reasons for your condition. And then regain the joy of life without being left without pants and family.
We will figure out what to do if we are tired of everything systematically - with the help of the knowledge of the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

When everything gets boring

This condition does not arise suddenly, it accumulates: work begins to bother you, misunderstanding grows in the family - and now any everyday little things infuriate you. As a result, an emotional explosion: “how tired of everything, how boring life is!” or apathetic: “I don’t want anything, leave me alone.”

And the biggest complaints are usually made about work, family, and loved ones.

If everything is boring to hell, then it is useless to look for someone to blame for your troubles - it will not help. The reason is your inner desires and their fulfillment. We will deal with them in more detail.

I'm tired of work, but I don't understand what I want

At first I liked the work, but over time it became routine and uninteresting, or the management changed, and everything became wrong. Or there is simply nowhere to grow, there are no new projects and peaks that one would like to conquer.

When you lose interest in work, you develop a bad mood and complaints about others, even those people for whose well-being you go there. So the work can be anything, but it should bring joy, and not just a good salary.

It is important to understand the properties of your character. Then you can decide what kind of activity you like so that you can enjoy every day and not get tired. And by understanding the character of those around you, you will be able to build conflict-free relationships with colleagues and management without changing jobs.

The training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan explains what properties and desires the human psyche consists of and what the behavior model of any person depends on, helps to understand what the soul truly lies in, and what was imposed or contrived.

I want one thing, but I get another

The psyche consists of desires given from birth. They are called vectors and are responsible for what kind of character a person will have. Everyone has their own desires: one has dreamed of space or invention since childhood, while the other dreams of becoming a doctor or teacher.

Not all children’s dreams are liked by parents, so in the process of upbringing, goals are adjusted in life - family and other surroundings, and a compromise is not always achieved. That’s why work often doesn’t cause any burning interest: it’s just the way it is – to work, and you also need to feed your family.

The important thing is that the desires of the psyche are always supported by properties for their implementation. Anyone who has dreamed of becoming a teacher or archaeologist since childhood naturally has an excellent memory and attention to detail. And the one who cannot live a day without dancing has a flexible body and the desire to be the first. Maybe the work is boring precisely because the properties given to you by nature are not realized there.

When the properties of the psyche do not find application in life, when desires are postponed until later and are systematically not fulfilled, then the feeling of internal discomfort goes off scale. The feeling that everything is boring and everyone around is nerds becomes stable. It's like having in your arms huge amount money, but not being able to spend it.

Tired of people, especially close ones

Everyone wants to live in pleasure - this is the natural state of affairs. Therefore, we strive to use other people, especially close ones, for our own purposes. But it doesn't always work out. To be able to negotiate and not to conflict means to understand how the other lives and breathes.

For one, it is important that his things always stand where he left them. And therefore, complaints are inevitable against those who rearranged the slippers or put things in order in his closet. And for another, the most important thing is to hear words of admiration and love. And when emotions in a relationship weaken, this is already a reason for flirting with someone else, or at least for a hysterical “you don’t love me!”
System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan describes the properties of each vector: how a person behaves and why he cannot do otherwise. And most importantly, an understanding comes of how exactly relationships with any people are built, so that both parties receive joy from communication, and do not gnaw at each other.

So that the relationship does not get boring after a few years, but is preserved for many years, you need to understand your loved one. It’s only easy and carefree at first, while attraction controls the process. But then a routine begins, various communication problems emerge, and a desire to break up may arise.

The path to correcting the situation: where to start

The main advice is not to do anything drastic. You will always have time to send your boss and colleagues, but patching up holes in the budget, listening to the complaints of loved ones whose well-being depends on you, is a very unpleasant task. Also important is not only a financial safety net, but also your internal willingness to change something: the job itself, relationships with management or colleagues, or family relationships.

The training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan gives confidence in one’s own abilities. Understanding yourself and others is already more than half of the solution to the problem. When you recognize the traits and properties of a person’s psyche, your behavior towards him changes automatically: instead of irritation, an involuntary smile appears.

And finding an activity that arouses inexhaustible interest is a guarantee not only successful career, but a way to receive incomparable pleasure from the realization of one’s own natural properties. After all, when desires are successfully fulfilled, you want more and more - the very volume of desires increases.

If you are now on this page, then you are completely fucked. Sorry for expressing myself so harshly, I just often come across a situation where I’m fed up with everything. And the topic of this article: What to do when you're tired of everything? What does it mean: tired of everything? I'm tired of work, I'm tired of my girlfriend or boyfriend, I'm tired of my family, I'm tired of my neighbors, I'm tired of my life, I'm tired of myself, and let it all go to hell. At such moments in life, depression and a desire to quickly get out of the current situation arise. Well, you've come to the right address. I will tell you some techniques that will help you get out of this shit.

I'm tired of everything!!! Why is this happening?

To begin with, I want you to realize that all people face this problem when they get bored with everything. And it doesn’t matter what profession they are engaged in. If a person constantly experiences a deficiency in something and lives the same way, then life becomes grayer than grey. An example would be a librarian who only reads. His life is one-sided and low-key. Deficiency is present in all areas of life. Life also loses color from an oversaturation of all sorts of events. For example, show business stars are constantly oversaturated with what is happening. Many stars have gone out due to fatigue, oversaturation of money, lack of time and lack of peace.

To prevent this from happening, there must be harmony in life. Deficiency and glut are always bad. This tires a person and makes him angry. For example, many guys get bored with their girls. Why is this happening? What is not clear here? If a guy spends his time with the same girl every day, how can it not get boring? After all, oversaturation occurs, and oversaturation leads to boredom.

At first I had fun driving the car, but then, when I started doing it every day, all the drive was lost. Sometimes I use public transport, just to avoid driving on roads that bore me.

Now about the deficit. Many people lack new emotions and impressions in life. Everything becomes ordinary and familiar so quickly that the impressions fade. I'll give you an example again. Did you hear new song Dima Bilan - "The impossible is possible". You liked it and listened to this song all week. And if you didn’t listen, then it was spinning in your head automatically. So, over time, this song ceases to give you pleasure, the emotions from this song are no longer what they were before. In this case, there is an oversaturation of this song, as a result of which it ceases to please you. The song becomes a routine, and routine is a lack of new emotions.

It turns out this pattern: at first a person begins to do something with pleasure, does it actively, then this activity becomes boring, ceases to bring new emotions, the person becomes bored, and he begins to engage in this activity less and less often because he is tired. I quit karate and fighting without rules, because I was tired of this business. I stopped training for ten whole years, after which I realized that I needed to move on.

It's not your fault that you're tired of life. We are all built this way. And there are only two options left: either sit and whine further, or come up with or find something new. If you choose the first option, then close this page, this article is not for you. If you still decide to get rid of this boredom, then read the article further.

What to do if you're tired of everything?

In fact, I have already answered this question in the articles: and. After all, if you are tired of everything, it means that you either don’t want to do anything, or you have become bored with life. Oversaturation and shortage lead to exactly these consequences.

I’ll say right away that you will have to act, and not sit idly by. You need to hunt for new emotions like a game hunter. For this you will even have to. Fear is also an emotion, and in some way it colors life. You will find many answers in the articles: and.

Well, if you are bored with your life because of the monotony, then you will have to start doing something new that will refresh you. Since I rarely suffer from an oversupply of anything, I mostly struggle with a deficiency of something. Usually there is a lack of fresh emotions. Here you have to invent and invent. This process will last a lifetime. No matter what you come up with new, you will still get tired of it, and you will have to come up with something new again. So roll up your sleeves and start taking your first steps.

When I was damn bored with life, I took up theater. When theater came into my life, my life was transformed with new colors. I remember experiencing a lot positive emotions, experienced many new events - exactly what I needed then. I never got tired of the theater, because it was always fun there.

When we staged the play, at first the rehearsals were interesting. It was interesting to rehearse scenes, improvise, and sometimes play the fool. But then rehearsals turn into a nightmare. Rehearsing the same scenes gets terribly boring, people get boring, the scene makes you sick, and you don’t want to know the character you’re playing anymore. Well, in general, you understand me. Word "rehearsal" comes from the word repeat, which means "repeat". Something that is repeated many times becomes boring.

Isn't that how people live? Most people live for Groundhog Day. Every day the same thing. And as a result: people become bored with life. So to prevent this from happening, you need to take control of your life and come up with or find something new that will please you.

Then I started dancing. Eh, I’m still doing them. My soul rejoices after class. But it still gets more boring. That's why I decided to start teaching English language. I attend two schools and I find it fun and interesting in both. Again, my emotional battery is recharged by new hobbies. Now I’m planning to leave for Moscow, since my city is already sick of me. I walked around my city up and down several hundred times. Tired of it. I want fresh food.

So what conclusion did you draw after reading this article? If you are tired of something, find or come up with something new. And it doesn’t matter whether you are scared or not. I myself am constantly afraid to do anything, but I overcome my fear because I understand that life begins outside my comfort zone.

People are marking time because they are afraid to do new step to the unknown. It's so scary!!! Everything unknown scares us; it’s much easier to walk along the beaten path. But the beaten path is too boring. It is freshness or novelty that will illuminate your life and give new emotions. Therefore, stop sitting in the usual swamp, find a new one.

I'm tired of everything
