What do you need to do to become an actor? Talented ignoramuses: domestic actresses without acting education. Alexander Popylovsky, entrepreneur, teacher at the school-studio of acting improvisation, actor improviser, presenter of trainings and educational programs

The acting profession today attracts huge amount young people who dream of fame and fortune. This profession is a public one: actors are famous and popular, their faces are familiar to everyone, the features of their personal lives are discussed in society. Also, famous actors receive good fees for their work. Therefore, actors can rightfully be called successful people.

However, not all graduates of prestigious theater universities become successful actors. What can help a person become popular and financially secure?

The very first and simple advice to all aspiring actors is related to the need to find work in their profession. It will be good if you get into a theater or studio, even into an enterprise project. If you are not accepted as a professional actor, create your own small troupe and try to perform wherever possible: in entertainment centers, in cafes, at street events, etc. There is a chance that even there directors and producers will see you, and you you'll be on the big stage.

Look for an opportunity to go to the movies.

In the creative fate of many famous actors Cinema played a huge role. The magical magic of cinema literally turned unknown provincial artists into popular stars in a matter of days. This happened to many actors. A historical anecdote has been preserved that belonged to the theater actor Moskvin.

One day, being already a seasoned actor in the dramatic theater, he could not pass along the street where crowds of fans were waiting for Lyubov Orlova after her first film, “Jolly Fellows,” had just been released. “Yes, this is a cinema,” Moskvin sighed, waiting for the opportunity to pass and realizing that no one would recognize him.

Improve your professional skills.

In order to become a successful actor, remember the need to constantly improve your skills: work on diction, facial expressions, prepare solo performances.

Remember also that the actor must be an erudite person with whom the audience will not be bored. There is a story about one of the Maly Theater actors who played the role of Skalozub in the play “Woe from Wit”. He was of impressive size, so his theatrical clothes fit snugly on him. As a result, during his next appearance on stage, his suit cracked at the seams and tore right in front of the audience.

The actor was not at a loss, and in a few seconds managed to compose and recite a poetic text (in imitation of Griboedov), in which, in a humorous manner, on behalf of Skalozub, he explained to the audience the metamorphosis that had happened to him.

Create your own TV project.

Many successful actors started their creative path on television as talk show hosts. Therefore, you can create such a project and, having gained fame, go into your “native” acting profession.

Never give up!

The acting profession is one of the difficult ones. There has always been high competition, strong emotional burnout, etc. However, you can become a successful actor if a person believes in his success, in his lucky star, which will lead him towards fame.

Therefore, even if nothing works out at the beginning of your creative journey, there is no need to give up. In our country there were actors and actresses who waited for their cherished role for decades and gained fame only in old age. However, their names are still on everyone’s lips, in this series famous Tatiana Pelzer is worth it. Therefore, never give up, do not look for oblivion in wine, but go forward and you will get what you dream of!

What do you think, what skills, knowledge and personal qualities What kind of character should a successful actor have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

Faina Ranevskaya

Greatest Actress XX century, the brilliant Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya stuttered from childhood and was very shy. She tried to enroll in several theater schools, but each time she was told that she would never become an actress. She did not receive her acting education at a vocational school, but appeared in films for the first time at the age of 38.

Yuri Nikulin

Yuri Nikulin was not admitted to VGIK and others theater institutes, saying that acting skills it's not in it. Then he went to the clownery studio at the Moscow Circus. For the first time he was invited to star in the film “Girl with a Guitar.” Nikulin wanted to refuse the role, remembering his unsuccessful attempts to become an actor, but then he changed his mind. At that time he was 36 years old.


The People's Artist of the USSR graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and got into cinema by accident. Iya played in the student theater of Moscow State University in the play “Such Love,” which was attended by actor Alexei Batalov. At that moment, they, together with director Joseph Kheifitz, had been searching for many months main character for a role in the film "The Lady with the Dog". Seeing Savvina, Batalov realized it was her. True, at first the director was skeptical about Batalov’s idea, and Iya herself didn’t really want to act. But in the end everything worked out. Iya's talent and spontaneity turned out to be much more important than professional acting skills.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky

Innokenty was kicked out of the drama club while still at school. After the war, he entered the studio at the Krasnoyarsk Theater, but without lasting even a year, he began working in provincial theaters. Innokenty Smoktunovsky received the main role of his life at the age of 32 thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances. Then Georgy Tovstonogov staged “The Idiot” at the Bolshoi drama theater. Actor Panteleimon Krymov was appointed to play the role of Prince Myshkin, but he did not show up for the first rehearsal and was fired. And then Tovstonogov was recommended to Smoktunovsky, and the great director recognized his unique talent. Work on the role was extremely difficult; as the actor himself said, he could not even imagine such torment. But it was after the premiere of “The Idiot” that Smoktunovsky “woke up famous.”

Tatyana Peltzer

The most famous grandmother of Soviet cinema never received an acting education, which she was very proud of all her life. Peltzer's father was an actor and director, and the girl played her first roles at the age of 9 in his plays. She learned acting from her father, but her creative path was not easy. The actress, who did not have a professional theater education, was enrolled in the auxiliary staff of the MGSPS (Mossovet Theater), but then was fired “for incompetence.” At the age of 30, she had to become a typist and work for a long time at the Likhachev plant. Then she returned to the theater again and played small roles as milkmaids, bath attendants and house managers. During her life, she played many theater and film supporting roles, each of which was a small masterpiece. And when the actress was 73 years old, Zakharov staged five performances at the satire theater - all with Peltzer in the title role.

Semyon Farada

Semyon Farada graduated from VTU named after. Bauman with a degree in mechanical engineer for boiler installations. But, although Farada never had an acting education, he was associated with the stage all his life: as a child he played in a drama club, while serving in the army - in a pop group, and then in the student theater of Moscow State University. In the early 70s, Farad began to be filmed, and Yuri Lyubimov invited him to work at the Taganka Theater.

Vera Glagoleva

Vera did not think about a career as an actress; she was a master of sports in archery. And I got into cinema by chance. The cameraman of the film “To the End of the World...” noticed her and asked her to play along with another actor. Vera agreed and played along. And it was so successful that the director, Rodion Nakhapetov, not only took her on main role in the film, but also got married. Glagoleva played in almost 50 films, and in 2011 she was awarded the title People's Artist Russia.

Tatiana Drubich

Drubich acted in films from the age of 12, but after graduating from school she did not enroll in acting universities, but went to medical school, received a specialty as an endocrinologist and even worked for several years in a regional clinic. Director Sergei Solovyov, who became her husband, said that Tatyana already has all the data for cinema, and she does not need any acting education.

Sergey Bodrov

Sergei Bodrov Jr., the son of the famous director Sergei Bodrov Sr., did not plan to become an actor, but entered the department of history and art theory of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. During his studies, he worked as a teacher, a pastry chef at the Udarnitsa factory, and even as a lifeguard on the beach. In 1996, at the Sochi Film Festival, Bodrov met director Alexei Balabanov, who invited Sergei to play the role of Danila Bagrov in his film “Brother”.

Maria Shukshina

The bright beauty, Maria Shukshina, graduated from the translation department of the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez, which does not prevent her from successfully acting in films and TV series.

IN early childhood kids show acting talents - they sing, dance, recite poetry. This goes away with age. But often at the age of 14, a teenager confidently tells his parents that he wants to become a famous theater or film actor. How can you help your child choose what skills to develop? Where to study, and what should a beginning artist know? After all, “I want” alone is not enough to build a career. You will have to work hard, constantly develop and improve.

Unambiguously answer the question of how to become professional actor theater or cinema, it’s difficult. Acting is a combination of skills, abilities, and personal qualities.

If a 14-year-old teenager prefers to spend the entire day passively, sleeping a lot, then you shouldn’t even ask the question of how he can become an actor. The heights of acting can only be achieved by persistent, hardworking people. A professional actor is brave, decisive, and knows how to control emotions.

Qualities without which it is impossible to become an actor:

  • Appearance. Facial features do not necessarily have to be perfect, and the figure does not have to be perfect. There are many talented actors in world cinema who can hardly be called handsome. But they are very charming. The appearance must be attractive, interesting features.
  • Charisma. The concept is vague, but it is charismatic personalities that audiences want to see on screens and stage. Such people attract attention and fascinate. Not everyone has this quality inherent in their nature. But it can be developed - courses and master classes will come to the rescue.
  • Strong-willed character. The path to the top will be long and difficult - weak people will not withstand psychological and physical stress. Character needs to be strengthened - discipline, self-confidence, determination - the 3 pillars on which an acting career is built.
  • Sociability. It will be difficult for a silent teenager of 14 to break into the acting community. Sociability is the ability to easily communicate with people, make new and useful contacts, and present yourself at castings. To develop this skill, you need to start a conversation with a stranger every day.

Professional skills

What skills does an actor need:

  • expressive facial expressions – the actor knows how to express all emotions;
  • clear speech, the foundation of oratory - the artist clearly formulates thoughts, has no problems with diction;
  • knowledge of the basics of the Stanislavsky system - without knowing the basics it is impossible to move on;
  • good memory– one of the foundations of theatrical skill, memory needs to be constantly trained;
  • the ability to embody different images - universal actors are valued higher;
  • good physical shape - the actor must be hardy and seasoned.

A theater actor will need knowledge of the basics of stage combat. If you want to become a popular and versatile artist, you need to take up dancing and singing.

How to become an artist in demand and popular? Only by constantly declaring yourself. To begin with, you should post photos and resumes on the Internet on the websites of aspiring actors, and post a video presentation on Youtube. An artist is a brand that needs constant advertising. You need to study a lot of different information that covers the answers to the question of how to become a popular and in-demand actor.

A novice actor should not be intimidated by difficulties. The acting environment is cruel and competitive. To get to the top, sometimes you have to sleep little, work hard, and eat irregularly.

Where to study?

Many teenagers at the age of 14 think that the dream of becoming a theater or film artist will never come true. They don't know where to start, how to become an actor. The task of parents is to support the child in his endeavors, to prompt and guide.

In Moscow and other large cities you can find good school acting skills. There are theater clubs in small towns. But in megacities the level of teaching is better and there are more prospects. Studying with professional teachers will help you better prepare for entering a theater university. You can enroll in a state educational institution until you are 25 years old.

To get into the theater studio, you need to pass a competition. Competition is high at popular schools. To pass the test, you should prepare in advance.

The applicant needs to learn a poem, an excerpt from a favorite work, learn to recite it beautifully, convey the meaning and feelings. To listen, you need to choose a piece that best reflects inner world applicant. The passage or monologue should be chosen short - the commission has little time, it can interrupt the speaker at the most interesting point.

If a teenager at the age of 14 can dance and sing, this will be an additional advantage upon admission. Selection for drama school – good experience, since the competition for prestigious theater universities is 200 people per place.

At the age of 14, it is difficult to enroll in a theater school - teenagers have many complexes, they cannot tolerate defeat. You can help your child open up with the help of a tutor. This form of training is relevant in small towns where it is not possible to attend a theater studio.

IN summer period camps are opened for future actors, and sometimes theaters hold on-site master classes. All this can and should be attended by a 14-year-old teenager who dreams of becoming an actor.

How to behave at a casting

To become a film actor, you will need to go through many auditions. It is important to regularly review advertisements that invite teenagers 14 years old to film. Even if the chances of getting a role are minimal, it’s still worth going. This will help expand your teenager's comfort zone. He will be able to understand more clearly how to become an actor, how much effort it will take.

  • Preparation. Before the start of casting, the basic requirements for actors may not be disclosed. There is no need to dress brightly or wear provocative and vulgar makeup for the casting. Naturalness is one of the components of successful casting.
  • It is impossible to become an actor without a good portfolio. Properly selected photographs will tell more than any resume. The photo always shows the level of skill, the ability to behave in front of the camera, and the ability to improvise. How to become an actor if you have no filming experience? Find a good photographer who can do high quality photos. The task of a 14-year-old teenager is to maximize his potential and versatility in his portfolio. There should be a lot of strong and clear images.
  • Video interview. At the casting they are looking for a person who fits the image, who is not afraid of the camera and feels relaxed. Therefore, all applicants are asked to say a few words about themselves in front of the camera. To cope with anxiety, you need to make several recordings with a camera at home, or record a video in some public place.

Theater or film actor?

To successfully build a career as an actor, you need to set your priorities correctly. On initial stage It’s worth understanding whether you want to act in theater or cinema.

What is the difference between acting in theater and cinema?

  • Character. In theatrical productions, the actor reveals the image of his character continuously throughout the entire performance. In movies, scenes are shot in random order, so the actor needs to switch quickly and be able to play different scenes at any time.
  • Gesture. Broad gestures are valued in the theater. The camera exaggerates everything several times - it is necessary to carefully express emotions.
  • Appearance. In the theater they are more tolerant of imperfect appearance and figure. In the cinema, all imperfections become noticeable; makeup and properly set lighting cannot eliminate these problems. Therefore, a film actor should always look perfect.
  • Emotions. Expressing emotions in cinema is more difficult than in theatre. Cinematography requires complete immersion in the role, you need to be able to use micro-gestures, and spend hours practicing the necessary, expressive gaze.
  • Plausibility. A theater actor always communicates with live spectators. In cinema, you often have to communicate with a soulless camera. A play is a performance. In cinema, verisimilitude is valued.

Making your dream come true and becoming an actor is not an easy task. You will have to study, work and communicate a lot. An aspiring actor should be aware of all the new products theatrical arts and cinema - you need to read a lot, visit theatrical performances, master classes of famous actors. This will not only allow you to grow professionally, but also provide an opportunity to make new and useful contacts.

Many young people who are trying to find themselves have a question about how to become an actor or actress, and how to even get leading roles in films. Today we will give you detailed instructions on how to become an actor in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Few young, inexperienced people suspect that acting is a profession and needs to be learned. To become a lawyer, you need to graduate from a law school, and to become a surgeon, you need to graduate from a medical school. And to become a professional actor, you need to graduate from a theater or cinematography university and receive a specialty in “drama theater actor,” “film actor,” or “musical theater actor.”

Young people must be immediately warned that acting courses and training in theater studios are not acting education, despite what the people who recruit for them claim. They may tell you a fairy tale that after completing acting courses, you will become an actor or actress and will be able to act in films, but not a single director will take you for the role. The most you can get is a small episode in a low-budget series with a couple of lines. Moreover, if you later want to enter a theater university and say upon admission that you studied at theater studio or on some courses, then you will 100% not be accepted, since you already have the mark of another master. Like this!

How those who want to become an actor are scammed out of money

Many swindlers, who have realized that they can easily profit from gullible young people, use all sorts of tricks to extract as much money as possible from those who want to become actors. Admissions to acting courses, where they claim that this is enough to become a professional actor and act in films, can also be considered a scam.

The most common type of movie fraud is this:

You see an advertisement on the Internet or in a newspaper that actors are needed for filming, and it is immediately mentioned for the sake of suckers that you can do it without experience. The emphasis is on girls aged 18 to 25, since those older than this age will already be a little smarter and may not fall for the bait of scammers.

You call the specified phone number and you are invited to a casting with the producer. Here it is necessary to immediately straighten the minds of young people and say that not a single producer or director will meet with people without acting education, but the suckers don’t even suspect this.

You come by specified address and you see a whole queue for the producer’s casting. Get in line and await your fate. You go into the office, they take your photo, you fill out a form, or they do it for you. They may require 500-1000 rubles for adding to the database, but it can also be free, since scammers will soon trick the victim into more a large sum. After the end of this casting, which actually is not, but simply entry into the database, you are told that if there is something suitable for your type, they will call you. You are leaving.

After 1-2 weeks, you receive a call from this agency and they tell you that the director really liked your photos and there is a supporting role for you in the series, where you will be busy 2-3 shooting days a week during the filming of the entire series, and salary 3-8 thousand rubles per shooting day. This information It completely blows the minds of young and inexperienced girls, and many guys too. Next you are informed that the director wants to see how you look in other images, since it is not clear from the photos that were taken at the agency. You are offered to create a portfolio in several images. The sucker immediately has a question: where can this be done? And then they tell him that they are making a good portfolio in a photo studio at Mosfilm and in another photo studio. They give you the phone numbers of both of these photo studios. You initially call Mosfilm, but no one picks up the phone on the phone number they gave you (this is how it should be). And on the second try, you call the second phone number that the scammers gave you and, lo and behold, they pick up the phone and say that they are making the required portfolio for 8 thousand rubles. You don't have to be smart to figure out that these are the same gang. However, despite the fact that this fraudulent scheme is already described on many portals, young people pay every day for a portfolio that no one needs.

After the sucker makes a portfolio for 8 thousand rubles, he brings it to the agency. They tell him that they will show it to the director. Naturally, they won't call you again. If you then call this agency yourself and ask what’s going on with your role, they will tell you that the director has not approved you. Legally, you will not be able to get close to these offices, since they did not commit anything illegal.

Also in these agencies there is a similar type of scam, where they tell you that since you do not have an acting education, no director will take you for the role (which, in fact, is the truth), so they offer you to take a one-day course, after which You will be given a document stating that you have completed an acting course, which will indicate your acting education. Those. you are offered to go through the entire training program in 1 day, which truly gifted people completed in 4 years at a theater university. There is no need to tell you that the document confirming the completion of such a one-day course can then be hung in the toilet.

How to become a professional actor or actress

The only way to become an actor or actress is to enter a theater university in Moscow, since similar establishments in other cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, are not valued among directors in Moscow. In cities other than Moscow, you will not be able to fulfill your dream, since all film companies are located in the capital of Russia and this is where you need to go to act in films. You can only enroll in a theater university until you are 25 years old if you want to study to become an actor. Although there are also commercial universities where you can enroll at any age, as long as you have the money for the education itself. Commercial universities are not valued by directors, since they accept everyone who has money for education.

The most prestigious cinematographic and theater universities in Moscow are: VGIK, GITIS, Moscow Art Theater, Shchepkinsky Theater School and Shchukinsky Theater School.

Question: Which theater university should I go to?

Correct answer: all at once! If you are not accepted into one, two or three, then there is a chance that you will be accepted into the fourth. The competition in these universities is 200 people per place. They hire the most gifted and rightly so. Only if you enter this university and study there until the very end, you will become a professional actor who will have every chance of getting into the main roles in films. All the rest will be filmed as extras and group scenes.

How to become an actor or actress without acting education

People without acting education can also act in films and even in roles with words, but recruitment for such small roles is carried out not by the casting director and director, but by the extras foreman. First, you will have to be an extra and be filmed by passers-by before they can entrust you with filming a small episode. Most of the actors in crowd scenes begin to feel stupor in front of the camera and cannot squeeze out even a few words. In life, such people can be quite eloquent, but in front of the camera they change before our eyes. Watch the video, which will show you, using a clear example, whether it is possible to become an actor without acting education.

Have you looked? Do you think you would be better at this role? This is what it looks like in front of the camera typical representative, to whom the extras foreman entrusted the role.

After some period of time, many actors in crowd scenes themselves understand that without acting education they will not be given any role, so they begin to deceive everyone around them and insist that they have incomplete acting education or that they are professional actors and have a graduate diploma theater university. However, if they managed to deceive the crowd foreman, then the director this number will not work, since a professional actor can be easily distinguished from a non-professional one. In the video posted above, you yourself saw this clearly. Then the whole country goes crazy with such professional actors, and for this person it was the last day of filming, after which he hurried to leave in shame. film set and the film industry.

How to become an actress at 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old

Watching films, you can see child and teenage actors who are quite successful even in serious roles with words. Naturally, at their age they could not graduate from a theater university. In most cases, these teenagers are children of actors and have been involved in theater plays from an early age. Those. Before they got to film, they already had experience working in the theater, which in this case is equivalent to acting education.

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If you have dreamed of acting in films, performing on stage in a theater, or dubbing for films since childhood, but don’t know where to start, then our article is for you.

What we will talk about in the article:

What skills are useful for a beginner - 8 qualities of a good actor

The profession of an actor is not as easy as it might seem to a person sitting in a comfortable chair in the auditorium. It requires dedication. We have prepared for you a list of qualities that a professional actor possesses.

An actor, like any other specialist, has a number of skills necessary for work:
1) This is the ability to act in the proposed circumstances.
2) Be free.
3) Believe in fiction.
4) Have acute feeling truth.
5) Be infectious.
6) Be able to control your voice and body, with the help of speech and plasticity - to express the smallest changes in the soul.
7) Be able to manage your attention and the attention of the viewer.
Perhaps these are the main skills that beginners and experienced actors should work on.

To become an actor you need to be

  • purposeful and hardworking- the acting profession does not like lazy people! A stable existence in this area will not bring results if there is no goal. You need to constantly develop yourself, work on yourself.
  • brave- it will take considerable courage to perform in front of an audience, to film explicit scenes under the bright lights of the spotlight and the gaze of the film crew.
  • without complexes and clamps- actors are public people, do you want to become a charismatic and charming actor and person? Forget about stupid stereotypes and get rid of the bullshit in your head. They lower your self-esteem and prevent your talent from revealing itself.

  • insightful- it is useful to know the basics of psychology, to understand people and the basis of their actions, to be able to notice little things in character, emotions and behavior, to catch non-verbal signs of communication (body movement, intonation, etc.);
  • stress-resistant- There is a lot of stress in the acting profession. You need nerves of iron and the ability to easily and quickly relax in time, get rid of stress, but do it without harm to the body.
  • brazen and brave- a productive, burning mixture that can break through where it is generally impossible. The main thing is to be able to apply these skills correctly and appropriately. At the same time about moral principles and norms of behavior should not be forgotten.

Be impudent - like the kitten Petya
  • hardy- filming takes place 24/7, at any time of the day or night, in any conditions. Remember the scene from Titanic, when the actors had to hang out in the pool for hours, or superhero blockbusters, where they are forced to swim in uncomfortable and tight costumes. Plus tons of makeup, and you still need to act believably with all this!
  • curious and easy-going about life- when a person goes through life with a positive attitude, he succeeds in everything and everything works out for him! Life smiles on those who smile back.

What are the types of actors?

Theater actor

A theater actor performs on stage, constantly maintaining the image of the character, using expressive movements and facial expressions. The actor, through the hero, continuously communicates with the viewer, revealing all his facets.

If you are a classics fan and connoisseur immortal works Shakespeare, Strindberg and Stanislavsky, and if you want to become a theater actor, feel free to go to a theater studio.

Movie actor

A film actor films in film studios and special pavilions, plays believably on camera, and completely immerses himself in the role. A film actor knows how to quickly switch from emotion to emotion, since episodes are usually filmed in random order.

He is the best at conveying emotions on his face and through his movements!

If you want to become a successful film actor, you must always look perfect, as the camera exaggerates and distorts the picture. Emotions in films, unlike theater, are expressed more accurately and accurately.

What is the difference between a theater actor and a film actor?

Film and theater actors are trained according to the same scheme. But there are practical differences. For example, in cinema you need to be able to work with a camera, understand the significance of the frame, be able to work in different conditions, hold emotional mood and turn on quickly, since movie actors have to wait for several hours for their scenes. The theater has other features. For example, you need to be able to control your voice, have a breadth of gestures - theater requires open energy.

Dmitry Rudakov. Actor, director, TV presenter, trainer oratory, event organizer.

Dubbing/voice actor

If you are one of those who do not like to be in the public eye, but can parody a thousand emotions with just your voice, then this specialty is for you! A vivid imagination will be a plus, since sometimes dialogues are recorded without a partner, you have to work alone, imagining the interlocutor and his remarks.

The dubbing actor voices the lines on native language in foreign films. He is the voice-over artist for documentaries and educational programs. The dubbing actor has a masterful command of his voice. Voicing a squeaky cartoon character will not be difficult for him.

Bet you didn't know?

How an actor can work on himself

Both a beginner and a professional actor need to constantly improve their skills, analyze their roles and film episodes, and then work on mistakes and correct them.

What abilities does an actor need to develop?

1) Learn diction and oratory.People who have problems with diction (lisp, burr, stutter) should not lose hope of becoming a famous actor.

Firstly, this speech impediment can be turned into a personal creative trick! The main thing is to present yourself correctly and create a unique image (a striking example is Ivan Okhlobystin).

Secondly, a speech defect can be completely or partially corrected by speech therapists. After long and hard work on yourself, repeating special exercises for diction. Nothing is impossible, the main thing is desire.

2) Develop facial expressions.Facial expressions are the main tool in an actor's arsenal. She is able to depict a bright palette of any emotion, allowing her to convey its subtlest shade. The ability to control your facial expressions will help both film and theater actors.

3) Train your memory.An actor's memory must be not just good, but even phenomenal. Tens, or even hundreds of pages of script information must be learned by heart... To train your memory, learn monologues from your favorite works and films. Read books, study foreign languages, learn poetry.

4) Learn to improvise. The difference between just acting according to a script and improvising in the same scene is huge! Therefore, directors encourage actors to improvise. The ability to get out of outlandish situations, to come out not only unscathed, but also victorious from difficult troubles is an art that can be learned. There are many different interactive puzzles for this. For example, meet five people every day using eccentric ways (talking only in verbs or using gestures).

5) Engage in self-education. Do you want to become good actor? Read specialized literature: manuals and tutorials on acting, memoirs and autobiographies famous actors cinema and theater of all eras. Go to theaters, watch the work of professionals, analyze the monologues and acting of the standards of the profession.

6) Always keep your body in shape and yourself in good shape.A person’s personal qualities: his character, skills and abilities, together with a hardy, trained body and fit figure, make him a very sought-after actor!

So don’t forget about regular physical activity, plastic exercises and stretching, and practicing your dance skills.

Plasticity and stretching will allow you to make your movements soft and aesthetically pleasing, and the ability to dance will not only help improve your physical characteristics, but will also become your advantage at castings.

Where to start to become an actor?

Professional education is not necessary to become an actor, but it won’t be superfluous. If you are confident in your abilities and talents, then it will be enough to attend acting courses. On them you will fully develop and reveal your personal qualities and acting potential, if any.

How to choose an acting school?

There are many acting schools, among which it is extremely difficult to choose the right one. The most important thing in choosing is the teachers! You need to learn from professionals, from real actors, gaining knowledge and information directly during live communication with a master. You should not take courses from part-time acting school students.

The final product of learning is also important. For example, we make films with all the students. For what? To be in real conditions, and not just in a classroom. It is important that the school invites great professionals in the field of cinema and theater to master classes. And of course, listen to your heart, you should feel comfortable with the teacher and the group. To learn acting you need the right atmosphere.

Dmitry Rudakov. Actor, director, TV presenter, public speaking coach, event organizer.

Cheap methods of improvement do not always give excellent results. Free courses, studying at budget places at the university, going to endless auditions - this, of course, is not expensive, but a long way, which will ultimately lead to work in the theater for 15-20 thousand, waiting happy occasion and opportunities to show off

It is necessary to invest in self-development through high-quality paid trainings and courses, marketing and developing your image. Look for projects that will make you a media personality. This can be done gradually and go towards success, starting small. For example, take acting, improvisation or public speaking classes. Years of classical education do not guarantee professionalism and success in business. Even if you don’t have a lot of money at the start, by investing little by little your professionalism and income will grow.

How to achieve real success in acting?

Success and popularity are very different concepts. Today you can be popular without being a good speaker or actor. However, you need to be prepared for real success. Remember to stay real, open and honest with yourself. The formula for success is different for everyone, but the main thing is to become a professional and the best in your field, and then success will not keep you waiting. It's obvious!

Dmitry Rudakov. Actor, director, TV presenter, public speaking coach, event organizer.

Have you firmly decided that your calling is to work in theater and cinema? Then improve your skills, promote yourself in the acting field and find out how to achieve triumph as a novice actor.

Don't forget to participate in extras and short films. Look for ways to express yourself, show yourself to the public, or prove yourself to directors and producers.

Create your own YouTube channel where you will post videos. Be sure to create a portfolio that includes video, audio and photographic materials that reveal your potential. Arrange a professional photo shoot. Record the song in the studio. Make a video diary and post it on social media. Know how to present yourself when working with a personal agent or producer. Be one hundred percent confident in your abilities!

For voice-over and dubbing actors, a wonderful experience and way to attract attention would be to participate in competitions of various levels, voicing cartoons or reading texts for audiobooks.

The main limitation for an actor is the limitation of his own mind. The framework that does not allow him to achieve success, in which he puts himself, due to negative experience or fear of failure.

Self-realization is the main goal in any business! The actor feels this like no one else, experiencing incredible pleasure from the attention of the audience and the audience.

When you see an audience facing you, you experience feelings that cannot be described in words. It's a great feeling, believe me! Studying acting or public speaking means, first of all, self-expression and working on your personality. Acquiring the skills necessary for every person is perhaps the most interesting activity on earth!

Dmitry Rudakov. Actor, director, TV presenter, public speaking coach, event organizer.

Each actor needs his own team, which will take a lot of time and money to find. With a dedicated team, talent and the desire to work hard, you will achieve lasting and amazing success!

If you have a conscientious school, a mentor, a producer and a team (marketers, agents, photographers, stylists, etc.), you can become a successful actor with only talent. These people will do most of the routine work, help you quickly choose the direction and paths of development, and will not allow you to sit idle. You will only have what you love to do - go out and perform.

Alexander Popylovsky, entrepreneur, teacher at the acting improvisation school-studio, improviser actor, presenter of trainings and educational programs.

Have you firmly decided to become a professional actor at all costs, ready to go through fire, water and copper pipes? Then you should definitely start mastering this complex but exciting profession. Patience and good luck!