What does real art mean? Why is art needed? What is real art? The role and significance of art in human life. Renaissance and modern world

Real art is a work that has a universally recognized artistic significance. To expand on this concept in the best possible way, The many-wise Litrekon uses examples from literature, which always help him express his thoughts. It is to you, dear readers, that he dedicated his next selection.

  1. F.M. Dostoevsky, "Poor People". The heroine of the work, Varenka Dobroselova, often corresponds with her patron Makar Devushkin and notices that he is not at all developed. If he reads, it is second-rate literature, devoid of the charm of true art. Then she advises him of N.V.’s books. Gogol and A.S. Pushkin. After this, even the reader himself sees how Makar has changed: he began to write more interestingly and feel more deeply. Only true creativity can transform a person.
  2. I.S. Turgenev, "Singers". The narrator witnessed a competition between singers in a tavern. One of them sang clearly and loudly, many thought that he would win. However, the second performer sang hoarsely and drawlingly, but so soulfully and warmly that he made the listeners feel every note. There is no doubt that this is real art - to awaken genuine emotions in the audience.
  3. N.A. Nekrasov, "Elegy". The famous poet touched on the topic of art more than once. In his opinion, it should not be sweet-voiced and soft, but honest and irreconcilable. “I dedicated the lyre to my people,” he wrote. True creativity is always dedicated to people and serves them, but not the interests of a separate class, but the entire society.
  4. N.V. Gogol, "Portrait". Main character story, he was a gifted painter, but greed and a thirst for luxury pushed him onto the path of an artisan: he began making paintings to order. In each of them, he went against the truth and against himself, doing what his customers wanted from him. In the finale, he realized that he had lost his talent, because real art is always free and sublime, it does not obey the bourgeois taste of the crowd.
  5. N.V. Gogol, " Dead Souls» . IN lyrical digressions the narrator argues that writers are divided into two categories: some write what people want to read, and others write the truth. Some flatter the world and receive its recognition, others become victims of those who do not want to see the truth and hide from it. Judging by the tone of his reasoning, the author considered real art to be precisely that literature that contains truthful, albeit critical, food for thought.
  6. A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin". The heroine of the novel was distinguished by her erudition and taste in her choice of literature. Tatyana spent all her time thinking about books and learned adult life even before full entry into it. That’s why Olga’s frivolity was alien to her; the heroine deeply felt and fell in love once in her entire life. Such a wealth of inner world can be explained by the fact that Tatyana understood real art and drew wisdom from it.
  7. M.Yu. Lermontov, "Hero of Our Time". Grigory Pechorin was unusually captivated by Bela’s dance. The girl moved easily and gracefully, her movements were impeccably beautiful. In them he saw the ideal of naturalness and simplicity, which he sought in vain in social life. It is real art, which became the reason for Gregory to fall in love with a stranger, that can give a person aesthetic and spiritual pleasure.
  8. M.A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita". Real art is always aimed at eternity; it does not take into account the present, which is why it is often not recognized during the creator’s lifetime. Bulgakov depicted a similar example: A master who wrote a truly talented piece is buried alive in a madhouse. He is not accepted and condemned only because his book does not fit into a narrow ideological framework. But the author proves with this example that true creativity will survive persecution and remain for centuries.
  9. A.T. Tvardovsky, “Vasily Terkin”. To entertain his comrades, Vasily plays the accordion, and often it is these simple melodies that inspire tired soldiers and allow them to remember home, peaceful days and their joys. Music helps them gather strength and make a miracle, which we call the Great Victory. This is real art that puts people in a good mood.
  10. 10.A.P. Chekhov, "Work of Art". According to the plot of the story, a boy brings the doctor a beautiful candelabra in gratitude for his help. However, the man is ashamed to keep the item: it is beautiful and elegant, but the leg of the candlestick was made in the shape of naked women. The hero is afraid that people who visit him will think badly of him. In the same way, all his friends refuse this gift. Thus, the author showed that people cannot always understand real art, which stands out from the framework of everyday life and frightens the average person.

Essay-discussion on the topic of real art

True art is a tool of transformation human soul, forcing people to look differently at the surrounding reality. We have analyzed this topic in three versions of essays and are sharing them with you!

The first version of the essay (based on the text by V.A. Oseev-Khmelev “Dinka looked around. The hut was comfortably white in the greenery...”)

Definition of the concept

Real art is art that can touch the soul and enliven it. It unites people, gives them the opportunity to communicate without words, feel each other’s mental pain and sympathize. Painting, music, literature - under their influence a person is able to change his principles and worldview. Sometimes only art can bring people together.

So, in the text by V.A. Oseev-Khmelev presents the greatest power of art, which united three people at a difficult moment in their lives. Dinka, who for some reason came to the violinist’s house, saw his portrait deceased wife Katri froze, rooted to the spot on the threshold. So the woman from the portrait reminded her of Ioska, the son of a violinist, so she felt the incredible grief that settled in the house, that when asked why she came, she answered with a request to play the violin. Yakov Ilyich began to play, and all of Dinka’s fear disappeared. It was as if she had become part of this family. Music brought them together.

An argument from personal experience

Art truly unites. Often friendship is built on common interests, the same understanding of books, films, masterpieces of painting. By discussing works of art and sharing their impressions, people begin to feel each other and understand inner world another, to open up to the world.


True art allows self-expression not only for the author of the work, but also for all those who are imbued with its depth, subtlety and significance. It can live only when it has spectators, listeners, and admirers. Then it sounds like a beautiful melody and brings people closer to each other.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by K.G. Paustovsky “At dawn, Lenka and I drank tea and went to the mshars to look for wood grouse...”)

Definition of the concept

Real art doesn't have to be a commitment high society. Often people who come from the people make people's hearts beat faster with the help of their works. This is real art, the one that can touch the living.

Argument from the text read

In the text by K.G. Paustovsky presents the story of creative heritage Academician Pozhalostin, whose engravings were in best museums all over the world. But in the village where he came from, his works were not valued. Residents simply wanted to melt them down for nails. But there were people who saved them at the cost of their own well-being. They understood their value for future generations, they understood what the author had to go through for people to feel their power.

An argument from personal experience

People don't always appreciate what's around them. There are so many folk craftsmen whose work was not appreciated highly enough or was completely destroyed during the war. This is why many art historians visit local history museums. They are trying to find self-taught geniuses whose work will change the idea of ​​art.


Real art is priceless. It can be found in elite museums and in the most remote corners of our planet. It will always have its connoisseurs, those who will feel its greatness and significance for future generations.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by M.L. Moskvina “For me, music is everything...”)

Definition of the concept

True art is something that gives spiritual satisfaction to at least one person. If there is someone who is spiritually on the same wavelength with you, who draws closer to you through an invisible connection through creativity, then your art can safely be considered true. No less important is what acts as inspiration.

Argument from the text read

M.L. talks about this. Moskvina in his story about Andrey and his dog Kit. Andrey got carried away jazz music, listened to his uncle's beliefs and went to audition for music school. He actually played well, but only in the company of his dog, who howled and barked in unison with the music. But dogs are not allowed in schools, and without her he could not play well enough. Thus, true art is born from true love or friendship. When he was with the dog and remembered how they met on a frosty morning at the Bird Market, their song began to sound.

An argument from personal experience

Inspiration is no less important for real art than execution. Sometimes it is born from some little thing, from a trifle. I remember the words of Anna Akhmatova: “If only you knew from what rubbish poetry grows, knowing no shame...”. Indeed, for real art, certain conditions for its origin are important. Then it will be able to appear in the form in which it was originally intended.


Real art can only arise from real feelings - love, friendship, bitterness, longing. Only then is it able to fully reveal itself and give an unforgettable experience to its listeners or viewers.

Real art is reflection human life, but everyone defines this concept in their own way, I think so. For a long time, masters and craftswomen lived and created in all corners of the Earth; they tried to pass on their experience to future generations with their creativity. Today we gain this knowledge from exhibitions, museums, concert halls, we get acquainted with the world of art and its beauty. This is the real thing - but it is not only a reflection of beautiful thoughts, but also works of art, great creations that evoke emotions among the people. A person begins to perceive differently environment. And he likes to be in the world of fantasies and ideas, which help him escape from the turbulent reality.

The creators of art are ordinary people. Among them are doctors, teachers, carpenters, blacksmiths - there are no restrictions or rules among those who create, and what they create can be anything. Everyone experiences and experiences the world in their own way. For example, I also love photography and get great pleasure from this activity. For me, photography is not just about capturing interesting moments in a photograph, but also about expressing yourself as creative personality. Since art is a human creation, it cannot personify evil or call upon humanity to fight it. It shows only beauty, calls for love and faith.
What is considered art are real masterpieces that people are interested in to this day. For example, the literature and music that we study at school is real art. But today we can say that our modern prose not everyone is inspired and cannot be called a masterpiece. But in the world of cinema and painting, everything has changed dramatically.

In principle, it is good when people are not afraid to express themselves in one or more directions, throwing their inner world open for show. But on the other hand, it becomes difficult to notice creators among ordinary people. Therefore, in our crazy world, it is possible that a person with a great voice works as an accountant. Our contemporary art lacks quality.

I wonder how happy we would feel if art were not present in our lives. For example, without music. I don't mean those meaningless songs where the words don't connect at all.

Thus, real art can and should be perceived only with a pure soul and heart. After all, it captivates the spirit.

Grade 9, arguments, 15.3, text by Dombrovsky, Paustovsky, Khludov, how do you understand the expression Real Art, 70 words.

There are many examples in life and literature of how art helps humanity live, prevent diseases, get rid of negative emotions, and also helps to cope with the most bitter troubles. Everyone chooses for themselves what they like: music, drawing, cinema, embroidery or performing on stage. For example, in the text by V.A. Oseeva, the miraculous properties of music, in particular the violin, are clearly expressed. Thus, the portrait of Yakov’s deceased wife made a huge impression on Yakov Ilyich’s son, Ioska. In turn, music helped Yakov Ilyich survive the death of his wife, while at the same time playing the violin gave Dinka the opportunity to take a fresh look at Yakov Ilyich.

In addition, worldwide known facts there is something that: the works of Bach increase intelligence, and the music of Beethoven brings peace.

Option 2

Art is the reproduction of reality through artistic images. Some make money from it and sell it. Others become cultural monuments. What is “real art”?

I think that real art is art that is able to directly touch a person’s soul, leaving it pleasant emotions, sensations and generate the brightest feelings. Real art enriches a person spiritually, that is: one person (artist, musician, writer) conveys his feelings and emotions to a second person - the listener, the reader. It goes from soul to soul.

As a rule, monuments of true art in the modern world are called classics.

Thus, Romain Rolland said: Art can be called real only if it resonates in the heart...”

Next, let's look at the paintings. I am deeply touched and fascinated by works that depict the sea. I especially admire the work of I.K. Aivazovsky, because looking at his paintings, you seem to be moving to the sea, observing a sea storm and calm. I wonder what emotions were in his soul when he painted the painting “Storm”? What was he worried about? It will forever remain a mystery; we can only guess by looking at his paintings.

True art is a powerful force that influences a person and his soul.

Thus, real art is something that is passed down from generation to generation, something that brings people together and remains in memory forever. Our sadness when listening to music, tears when reading a book - all this is proof that a piece of real art has passed through us.

Essay 3

True art... does not sink in water and does not burn in fire! In fact, manuscripts don’t burn. This is something that persists through years, centuries. Mastery at its own level.

It will help in understanding if you talk about fake art. It is for money, often ordered by a crowd. They say that such art follows people (fulfills orders for furniture, pictures), but real art educates people, they themselves follow it. That is, if for money (they are simply the main goal), then the “artist” will do what the buyer likes. Real art creates something new that people could not even imagine. His works are made masterfully, which requires a lot of time and effort that a “craftsman” would not spend. It is unique, and fake art is often “stamped”, copies pictures that are in demand.

But sometimes real works of art were made to order, but money did not interfere with the quality of the work or inspiration. Often the creator simply lives with his painting or sculpture. He dreams about her!

Skill is important, of course, but it doesn’t solve everything. After all, there are pictures that even a five-year-old could draw. And the black square?! But the author said something new in art with this square.

And again, art is important in itself. And all these receptions around every little picture - social life. And it's not the critics who choose best works, and not a crowd... But life itself, time. And it turns out that this is almost accidental. It is necessary that, for example, a painting remains intact for centuries. Not to gather dust in the attic, but to be looked at. That is, the luckier ones survive here!

In general, art is a difficult thing. It is important that there is no specific benefit from it, it is done for beauty, sometimes it conveys some kind of thought... No one will definitely say what is real art and what is not. And this profession is an art critic, but they still can’t figure it out. If they say anything, it will only be in a hundred years. Then it will be clearer... This is not yet the time for real art! The present can only be seen from a distance (in time, in the sense).

  1. (37 words) Gogol’s story “Portrait” also shows the influence of real art on personality. The hero spends his last money on a painting that strikes his imagination. The portrait of an old man does not let its new owner go, even outside. Such is the power of culture over human consciousness.
  2. (43 words) In Gogol’s story “Nevsky Prospect”, Piskarev is influenced by his vocation - painting. That is why his whole life is colored by the unknown. ordinary people colors: in a public woman, for example, he sees a muse and wife, and does not hesitate to help her. This is how true art ennobles the individual.
  3. (41 words) True art always makes a person more sublime and noble. In Ostrovsky's play "The Forest", the actor who knows Schiller by heart also has the concept of honor inherent in literature. He gives all his money as a dowry to an unfamiliar girl, Aksyusha, without demanding anything in return.
  4. (46 words) In Dostoevsky’s novel “Poor People,” real art helps Varya not to lose virtue, despite all the hardships of life. The student taught her to read Gogol and Pushkin, and the girl became stronger in character and stronger in spirit. At the same time, kindness, sensitivity and special inner beauty developed in her.
  5. (50 words) True art is always dedicated to people, it is “created” from a big heart. In the story “The Freak,” the hero just paints the stroller, but he does it not only beautifully, but also with love. His gesture was not understood, but for us, the readers, this situation reminded us of the fates of all persecuted creators who embodied their goodness in works of art.
  6. (38 words) Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet” clearly expresses the calling of real art - to burn the hearts of people. The poet does this with a verb, the artist with his brush, the musician with his instrument, etc. That is, their works always excite and stun us, forcing us to think about eternal questions.
  7. (39 words) Lermontov’s poem “The Prophet” raises the topic of lack of recognition of creators. The author writes how people began to despise his “pure teachings.” It is obvious that real art is not necessarily proclaimed as such; on the contrary, it sometimes outstrips its time and becomes misunderstood among conservative people.
  8. (49 words) The theme of real art was close to Lermontov. His poem “When Raphael is Inspired” describes the process of creating art, when the “heavenly fire” burns in the sculptor, and the poet listens to the “enchanting sounds of the lyre.” This means that culture does not even come from people, but from something sacred and mysterious that is beyond our understanding.
  9. (30 words) In Chekhov’s story “Student” the hero tells ordinary women biblical story. Even in the form of a retelling, real art evokes conflicting feelings and sincere experiences in people: Vasilisa cries, and Lukerya is embarrassed.
  10. (58 words) In Mayakovsky’s poem “The Other Side,” the theme of art is central. The author says that it serves people, inspires them to change, that poets “throw themselves under their feet” and go to the front line for the people. And even when “the holiday will be behind the pain of battle,” people will also need art to cheer them up and make them happy. Thus, it is irreplaceable and very important to us.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (40 words) I realized the influence of true art when I became interested in playing the guitar. I began to listen carefully to the music, looking for chords, riffs and interesting tricks. When I listened to the meters playing, I received genuine pleasure, comparable only to the euphoria at a concert.
    2. (46 words) My sister became my guide to the world of art. She showed me ancient engravings and frescoes in large and beautiful books, and once she even took me with her to the museum. There I experienced such a spiritual uplift, such a keen curiosity about life that I will never be the same again.
    3. (50 words) Real art has attracted me since childhood. The craving for him led me to the bookshelves, where I found the book “Richard Lionheart" I remember it flew by in one breath, I read even at night, and in the rare hours of sleep I imagined tournaments and balls. Thus, culture enriches human life.
    4. (38 words) I remember how art inspired my grandmother. She didn't miss a single one theatrical production and she always returned in such joyful excitement that she chirped throughout the whole house, and I did not feel her age: she seemed young and blooming to me.
    5. (45 words) True art is most clearly manifested on stage. When I went to the theater for the first time, I watched “Woe from Wit” with delight and rapture. I tried to remember every word, every gesture, as if a miracle was being played out before me, and I, the chronicler, must convey its splendor to posterity.
    6. (45 words) I wasn't very interested in art until I discovered music festivals. The sound there is different, and the atmosphere, in a word, is not like in ordinary studio recordings. I was paralyzed by such lively, sincere, strong music and made me realize myself, love and feel my essence.
    7. (56 words) Art makes people more cultured. My mother worked at a museum and was a very polite woman. She truly loved and understood the exhibits she looked at, and this sublime feeling made her a better person. Not once did she even shout at me, but her quiet, weighty word was like thunder for me, because I was not afraid, but respected her.
    8. (48 words) Art has played a decisive role in my life. I was going through a dark period in my life, I didn’t want anything, when suddenly I came across old oil paintings my great-grandmother. They fell apart quite a bit, so I decided to try to revive them. Then I found my calling – painting. With my talent I continued the family tradition.
    9. (34 words) True art makes a person better. My brother, for example, was reserved and difficult to get along with people, but as soon as he developed a passion for painting, he became a very interesting conversationalist, and society itself was drawn to him.
    10. (41 words) Art is the source of culture. I have noticed that people who are interested in art are much more polite and tactful than those who do not notice it. For example, I am friends mainly with guys from the music or art school, since they are versatile and pleasant to talk to.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Text 9.3

What is real art?

What is real art? These are not pitiful, meaningless songs written in the name of fame, not pictures that can be used to cover a hole in the wallpaper, and not poems where the rhyme can still be seen, but the meaning cannot. We consider real art to be those works in which the author has invested himself and which excite the souls and minds of people.

One form of art is music. However, not all musical works we will call it real art. Main hallmark authenticity - the positive impact of a work of art on the human soul. For evidence, let us turn to the proposed text of Marina Lvovna Moskvina and life experience.

Firstly, sentences 1-6 talk about how much music, namely jazz, means to the boy and his dog. They love to perform musical compositions a duet with a guitar, and the main thing is what feelings they experience. After all, art lies in the ability to give emotions to people. And the boy’s uncle was right: jazz is not music, jazz is a state of mind.(38)

Secondly, music can change a person, life and the world as a whole, but only if it is real. Personally, I and my worldview are greatly influenced by the work of contemporary musician Lady Gaga. For example, in the work “Born this way” she says that we are all unique, which is not extra person on the planet. In the composition “Marry the night” the singer talks about the pain that she had to feel because of her, as it seemed to her, unrealized creativity, and it is not difficult to feel this pain together with the performer while listening to her song.

Having considered two arguments, we are convinced that art can only be real if people perceive musical compositions with their heart and soul.

(1) For me, music is everything. (2) I love jazz, like Uncle Zhenya. (3) What Uncle Zhenya did at the concert in the House of Culture! (4) He whistled, shouted, applauded! (5) And the musician kept blowing recklessly into his saxophone!..

Essay-reasoning on the OGE (According to text 9.4.)

Real art, in my opinion, is the depiction of reality in artistic images. These are those works of painting, literature, architecture that reflect the inner world of a person. Real art is not created for the sake of fame and money, it is just a way to express your thoughts and feelings. I will give examples to confirm what has been said.

T. Tolstoy’s text raises the problem of choosing between two types of art. Since childhood, the heroine tried to fall in love with the theater, as she was “told.” She understood that the theater was a temple, but not for her. She, like most people, enjoyed cinema, because everything is perfect on the screen, and the theater does not hide imperfections. The author wanted to express her opinion about contemporary art: “Theater is for adults, cinema is for children.”

Since I was not able to be a spectator in the theater, I give preference to cinema. Many old and modern films have influenced my worldview and my life. Another advantage of cinema is that you can watch it at any time. One such film that made a deep impression on me is The Green Mile. This is a film about humanity, it makes you think about a lot. At the heart of this work is a love for the world and all living things. The film truly teaches you to see the soul of a person, not to judge people by external impressions, superficially.

Thus, I proved that, no matter what art is, it should bring pleasure to people and educate them morally. True art plays an important role in the life of every person, because it introduces us to everything beautiful.

Kozhanova Polina, student of S.N. Mishchenko