What is a ceremonial portrait? "Children's art school"

Diego Velazquez (?), copy of the original by Rubens, "Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV"

Ceremonial portrait , representative portrait- a subtype of portrait characteristic of court culture. Received special development during the period of developed absolutism. Its main task is not only to convey visual similarity, but also to exalt the customer, to liken the depicted person to a deity (in the case of portrait of a monarch) or a monarch (in the case of portrait of an aristocrat).


Typically involves showing a person in full height(on horseback, standing or sitting). In a formal portrait, the figure is usually shown against an architectural or landscape background; greater elaboration makes it close to a narrative picture, which implies not only impressive dimensions, but also an individual figurative structure.

The artist depicts the model, focusing the viewer’s attention on the social role of the person depicted. Since the main role of the ceremonial portrait was ideological, this caused a certain one-dimensional characterization: an emphasized theatricality of the pose and a rather lush surroundings (columns, draperies, in the portrait of the monarch - regalia, symbols of power), which relegated the spiritual properties of the model to the background. Still in best works genre, the model appears in a distinctly specified version, which turns out to be very expressive.

The ceremonial portrait is characterized by frank demonstrativeness and the desire to “historicize” the person depicted. This influences the color scheme, which is invariably elegant, decorative and meets the coloristic features of the interior (although it changes depending on the style of the era, becoming local and bright in Baroque, softened and full of halftones in Rococo, restrained in Classicism).


Depending on the attributes, a ceremonial portrait can be:

    • Coronation (less common throne)
    • Equestrian
    • In the image of a commander (military)
    • The hunting portrait is adjacent to the front one, but can also be intimate.
      • Semi-ceremonial - has the same concept as a ceremonial portrait, but usually has a waist-length or knee-length cut and fairly developed accessories

Coronation Portrait

Coronation portrait - a solemn image of the monarch “on the day of his coronation,” accession to the throne, in coronation regalia (crown, mantle, with a scepter and orb), usually in full height (sometimes a seated throne portrait is found).

“The imperial portrait was conceived as an imprint for centuries of the most important present moment state idea. Unchangeable forms played a significant role in demonstrating the enduring value of the present, the stability of state power, etc. In this sense, the so-called “Coronation portrait”, which presupposes the image of a ruler with the attributes of power and claims the same sacred constancy as the coronation ceremony itself. Indeed, from the time of Peter the Great, when Catherine I was first crowned according to the new rules, to the era of Catherine II, this type of portrait underwent only slight variations. The empresses - Anna Ioannovna, Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II - majestically rise above the world, resembling an unshakable pyramid in silhouette. The regal stillness is emphasized by the heavy coronation robe and mantle, the iconic weight of which is equivalent to the crown, scepter and orb that invariably accompanied the image of the autocrat.”

In painting - one of the most fruitful. The image of a person, the subtlest and most spiritual reproduction of his features on canvas touched people of different classes and incomes. These images were half-length and full-length, in the landscape and in the interior. Greatest Artists strived to capture not only individual traits, but to convey the mood, inner world your model.

Court genre

Portraits can be genre, allegorical, etc. What is a ceremonial portrait? It is a type of historical. This genre arose at court during the reign of monarchs. The meaning and goal of the authors of the ceremonial portrait was not just the ability to convey as accurately as possible, but to write in such a way as to glorify and exalt a person. Masters of this genre almost always received wide fame, and their work was generously paid for by customers, because usually ceremonial portraits were ordered by noble persons - kings and their high-ranking associates. And if the painter identified the monarch himself with a deity, then he likened his dignitaries to a reigning person.

Distinctive Features

A majestic figure in all the splendor of regalia and symbols of power, placed in a magnificent landscape, against the backdrop of slender figures or in a lush interior - this is what a ceremonial portrait is. Comes to the fore social status hero of the canvas. Such works were created in order to capture a person as historical figure. Often a person appears in an image in a somewhat pretentious, theatrical pose, designed to emphasize her importance. The mental structure and inner life were not the subject of depiction. Here on the faces of the aristocrats we will see nothing but a frozen, solemn and majestic expression.

Era and style

What is a ceremonial portrait in terms of the style of the era? This is an attempt to “historicize” reality in the persons of significant figures, fitting them into an environment and setting that was noticeable for the time. The general coloring of such paintings was elegant and pompous; it turned out to be decorative and refined during the Rococo era, and acquired solemn restraint and clarity during classicism.

Varieties of ceremonial portrait

Ceremonial can be divided into several types: coronation, in the image of a commander, equestrian, hunting, semi-ceremonial.

The most important, from an ideological point of view, was the coronation portrait, in which the artist captured the emperor on the day of his accession to the throne. There were all the attributes of power - a crown, a mantle, an orb and a scepter. More often the monarch was depicted in full growth, sometimes sitting on the throne. The background of the portrait was a heavy drapery, reminiscent of the backstage of a theater, designed to reveal to the world something beyond the ordinary, and columns, symbolizing the inviolability of royal power.

This is how we see Catherine the Great in the portrait painted in 1770. The portrait of Jean Auguste Ingres “Napoleon on the Throne” (1804) was painted in the same genre.

Often a ceremonial portrait of the 18th century depicted a regal figure in the guise of a military man. In the portrait of Paul the First, created by Stepan Shchukin in 1797, the monarch is depicted in the uniform of a colonel of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.

A portrait in a military uniform with awards indicated a certain status of the person embodied on the canvas. Typically, such masterpieces depicted glorious commanders after significant victories. History knows numerous images of Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov.

The canvases of European masters eloquently demonstrate what a ceremonial portrait of a ruler on horseback is. One of the most famous is Titian's canvas, on which the greatest Italian painter of the Renaissance depicted Charles V riding a stately stallion in 1548. The Austrian court artist Georg Prenner painted an equestrian portrait of the Empress with her retinue (1750-1755). The impetuous grace of the magnificent horses personifies the queen’s bold and ambitious plans.

A hunting portrait, in which the aristocrat was most often depicted in the company of hounds or with game in a proudly raised hand, could symbolize the masculinity, dexterity and strength of the nobleman.

A half-dress portrait met all the basic requirements, but represented the person in a half-length version, and not in full height.

Interest in this genre continues to this day.

Ceremonial portrait, representative portrait- a subtype of portrait characteristic of court culture. Received special development during the period of developed absolutism. Its main task is not only to convey visual similarity, but also to exalt the customer, to liken the depicted person to a deity (in the case of portrait of a monarch) or a monarch (in the case of portrait of an aristocrat).

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As a rule, it involves showing a person in full growth (on a horse, standing or sitting). In a formal portrait, the figure is usually shown against an architectural or landscape background; greater elaboration makes it close to a narrative picture, which implies not only impressive dimensions, but also an individual figurative structure.

The artist depicts the model, focusing the viewer’s attention on the social role of the person depicted. Since the main role of the ceremonial portrait was ideological, this caused a certain one-dimensional characterization: an emphasized theatricality of the pose and a rather lush surroundings (columns, draperies, in the portrait of the monarch - regalia, symbols of power), which relegated the spiritual properties of the model to the background. Yet in the best works of the genre, the model appears in a clearly defined version, which turns out to be very expressive.

The ceremonial portrait is characterized by frank demonstrativeness and the desire to “historicize” the person depicted. This influences the color scheme, which is invariably elegant, decorative and meets the coloristic features of the interior (although it changes depending on the style of the era, becoming local and bright in Baroque, softened and full of halftones in Rococo, restrained in Classicism).


Depending on the attributes, a ceremonial portrait can be:

    • Coronation (less common throne)
    • Equestrian
    • In the image of a commander (military)
    • The hunting portrait is adjacent to the front one, but can also be intimate.
      • Semi-ceremonial - has the same concept as a ceremonial portrait, but usually has a waist-length or knee-length cut and fairly developed accessories

Coronation Portrait

Coronation portrait - a solemn image of the monarch “on the day of his coronation,” accession to the throne, in coronation regalia (crown, mantle, with a scepter and orb), usually in full height (sometimes a seated throne portrait is found).

“The imperial portrait was conceived as an imprint for centuries of the most important state idea at the moment. Unchangeable forms played a significant role in demonstrating the enduring value of the present, the stability of state power, etc. In this sense, the so-called “Coronation portrait”, which presupposes the image of a ruler with the attributes of power and claims the same sacred constancy as the coronation ceremony itself. Indeed, from the time of Peter the Great, when Catherine I was first crowned according to the new rules, to the era of Catherine II, this type of portrait underwent only slight variations. The empresses - Anna Ioannovna, Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II - majestically rise above the world, resembling an unshakable pyramid in silhouette. The regal immobility is also emphasized by the heavy coronation robe with a mantle, the iconic weight of which is equivalent to the crown, scepter and orb that invariably accompanied the image of the autocrat.”

Permanent attributes:

  • columns designed to emphasize the stability of government
  • draperies, likened to a theater curtain that has just opened, revealing a miraculous phenomenon to the audience

Option 3 Part 1

A-1 In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?
1) turn on 2) quarter 3) donIza 4) sentA

A-2 In which answer option is the highlighted word used? wrong?

    According to teachers, the LANGUAGE barrier is what most often hinders
    for an adult to successfully master a foreign language.

    During the period of frost, plants need REVITALIZING warmth, so
    Gardeners should think ahead about what type of greenhouse to use to
    preserve tender shoots.

    Potential investors continue to WAIT for the right moment to
    investments of funds, assessing the most promising areas

    A course in cultural studies, which is studied at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
    sciences, was introduced with the aim of FILLING the gaps in knowledge of military requirements
    and civil etiquette.

A-3 Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form.

    at their request 3) beautiful landscape

    in two thousand and five 4) rinse the laundry

A-4 Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Checking the results obtained,

    The experiment was repeated.

    their accuracy has been confirmed.

    The scientist conducted a repeated experiment.

    repeated experiment confirmed their accuracy.

A-5 Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

    Painting by A.P. Losenko's "Farewell to Andromache" was close and
    understandable to the artist’s contemporaries.

    Those who persistently strive for their goals are worthy of respect.

    Registration of symposium participants was carried out immediately upon their arrival.

    Every spring, the kiwi lays one (rarely two) greenish-white egg in
    a flat platform-shaped nest located among the roots, or in
    dense bush, or in a dug hole.

Read text And execute assignments A6-A1 1

(1)... (2) It was bombarded by meteorites and asteroids, filled with hot magma and covered with volcanic ash. (3) Continents and oceans changed their position many times, the climate became warmer and colder. (4) Life, which originated in water, came to land and colonized the lower layers of the atmosphere. (5) The gas shell was saturated with life-giving oxygen and acquired a composition that allows this mixture to be called air. (6)... changes were reflected in the earth’s crust, which told the story of the history of our planet.

Which of the following sentences should be first in this text?

    What does our planet Earth look like from space?

    Over the billions of years of our planet's existence, things have happened to it.
    big changes.

    The Earth's core is the hottest and densest part of it, which consists mainly
    made of iron and nickel.

    The Earth has a radiation field, which owes its existence to
    unstable isotopes and radioactive elements.

A-7Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in sixth text sentence?

1) Therefore 2) However 3) All these 4) Thanks to this

What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?

    changed position (sentence 3)

    the climate was becoming (sentence 3)

    satiated (and) acquired the composition (sentence 5)

    who told (sentence 6)

A-8 Indicate the correct characteristic of the third (3) sentence of the text.

    simple complicated 3) complex

    compound 4) non-union compound

A-9 Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word WARMER (sentence 3).

    short adjective 3) comparative adverb

    comparative adjective 4) short participle

A-11 Indicate the meaning of the word ATMOSPHERE (sentence 4).

    air envelope surrounding the Earth 3) unit of measurement of gas pressure

    environmental conditions, setting 4) airless space

A-12 Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

The ceremonial portrait was supposed to evoke delighted (2) feelings among contemporaries (1) and descendants, therefore the person depicted (3) on it was freed from everything everyday.

1) 1, 2 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 2, 3

A-13 In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

    attack, deducted, pay

    g..nice, nice..give me a hint

    r..vestiness, p..polite, r..shy

    sign up, op..building, lock up

Main difference ceremonial portrait from historical portraits of other styles and movements in its catchy expressiveness and solemnity. Ceremonial portraits were created mainly for persons of high class and rank, having high status and authority in society. The historical figure in ceremonial military uniform is still relevant today; many influential people want to imprint themselves in the same way as their ancestors from the noble class of the centuries before last.

A ceremonial portrait in the style of Pushkin’s times is a bright, figuratively expressed print noble man, created by an artist who has his own exceptional set of means for describing ceremonial portrait, its tonal coloring and historical clarity, in which a bright costumed image plays an important role.

A military uniform indicates belonging to a certain military status; orders reflect special services to the fatherland. The uniform of the 18th century model existed until the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917, and was the most coveted award for the highest bureaucratic leadership.

A ceremonial portrait in a naval uniform, in terms of beauty of perception, occupies a special place in portrait art and was often created by artists after glorious military victories and victorious naval battles of the Russian fleet.

Nowadays it has also become fashionable to depict modern man in military uniforms of the 18th-19th centuries, military portraits of those times, hung with various awards, beautiful and bright orders, add to the ceremonial portrait that most unusual in our time, the pomp of perception.

Historical portraits of military men in a beautiful uniform are always solemn and create an uplifting mood among its owners.

Origins in Russia ceremonial portrait originated in the Petrine era. The fashion for such portraits came accordingly from the tsar himself, who sought to imitate Europe in everything, thereby forcing princes and boyars to follow the newfangled trend.

Many historical ceremonial portraits of a similar plan, as a rule, were written according to the same type of template. Once an artist who successfully found the right solution in constructing a composition ceremonial portrait, used it many times, because it was necessary to depict people in almost the same poses, with a slight difference in orders and awards, brilliance and clarity, which were constantly improved by artists.

Sometimes the ceremonial portrait depicted high-ranking people in heavy knightly armor with a heavy sword at the side.

A historical portrait in a ceremonial military uniform of the 18th-19th centuries is a glorious continuation of the traditions of our ancestors.

Portrait of Alexander III.
I. Kramskoy.