What is the magical power of essay art. Essay “The Power of Art. II. Introduction to the lesson

Legend, Russian Charlie Chaplin, master of satire and impersonation - Arkady Raikin, an inimitable comedian, actor and director, passed away 30 years ago. Raikin was the most popular person in the USSR from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. The audience instantly learned the monologues and miniatures he performed by heart. And to this day the aphorisms promulgated by Raikin are repeated. Various authors have written for it over the years, sometimes brilliant, sometimes quite mediocre. But Raikin knew how to make the dullest text expressive and funny. At the same time, his manner was rather characterized by the well-known St. Petersburg restraint. Today, when the so-called colloquial stage has turned into a parade of exemplary vulgarity, the skill and subtle taste of Arkady Raikin’s performances are valued almost higher than during the actor’s lifetime. Raikin Sr. was adored and scolded, accepted and banned, tolerated, but quoted throughout the country - both at meetings in party offices and among ordinary people. When 30 years ago - on December 17, 1987 - the actor’s life was cut short, it seemed that the reality at which he mercilessly laughed was fading into history, and the country was on the verge of great changes. Today, the monologues of an artist who sincerely believed that art can change life for the better sound more relevant than ever.

Raikin's style became the talk of the town. Easy at first glance and principled in essence, he ironically, intelligently and at the same time sharply and harshly ridiculed in his monologues and feuilletons the vices of people, the system and the time, denouncing fools and fools, the sausage shortage and careerist bosses, the lack of nuts, life “through connections” and “the right people.”

At the instigation of Raikin, young Odessa residents moved to Leningrad and became artists of his theater: Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Roman Kartsev, Viktor Ilchenko and Lyudmila Gvozdikova. Vladimir Polyakov, Mark Azov, Viktor Ardov, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Semyon Altov, Evgeny Schwartz and many others wrote for Raikin.

A holiday man, Raikin never asked for awards, but received them in full at the end of his life. At the age of 57 he became a People's Prize, at 69 - a laureate of the Lenin Prize, at 70 - a Hero of Socialist Labor. In Leningrad, meanwhile, he was considered an anti-Soviet.

Five years before death, when the relationship with local authorities completely deteriorated, Raikin, with the permission of his ardent admirer General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, moved with the theater to Moscow. Later the theater was renamed “Satyricon”, and after the death of Raikin Sr., his father’s work was continued by his son Konstantin.

We met somewhere, 1954

A witty parody of numerous Soviet officials, filmed according to the script by Vladimir Polyakov. The main character of the comedy is the artist Gennady Maksimov (the first main role Arkady Raikin) - goes with his wife, pop artist (Lyudmila Tselikovskaya) on vacation to Crimea. At the last moment, the wife is called to the theater - a sick actress needs to be replaced - and taken off the train. Maksimov is first left alone, and then completely lags behind the train. In a foreign city (the station was filmed in Yevpatoria), he meets all kinds of people.

Quotes: “I thought what another deception, it turned out - optical”, “In this spirit, in this context”, “Culture is inside a person, and if it is not there, then there is no ticket to Bolshoi Theater or you can’t buy it with pompous talk”, “Aren’t you at all bothered by this... what’s his name, I keep forgetting this word... conscience?”, “Sometimes you can defeat people with their own weapons: for example, indifference”, “No one saves anyone, chase no, there is no football either, children under sixteen years of age are allowed entry - what a picture this is! I’d rather buy two servings of ice cream!”

In the Greek Hall, 1970

One of the most popular monologues written by Mikhail Zhvanetsky for Arkady Raikin.

Quotes: “They gave these women two days off and they went crazy. They kill time at random,” “I thought of a museum as a museum. And this is not a museum, but worse than a diner: There is no hot food, just cheese and coffee,” “...Who is Apollo?.. Am I Apollo? He is Apollo. Well, let it go Apollo...", "This italian painting seventeenth century! “You don’t understand,” I say, “I’m not asking you where you got the painting, I’m asking, “is there a corkscrew?”

The magical power of art, 1970

A former student helps an elderly teacher rehabilitate her boorish neighbors in a communal apartment, using their own methods. In the film directed by Naum Birman, based on the script by Viktor Dragunsky, Raikin played himself. The film includes three short stories: “Avengers from 2nd B”, “Hello, Pushkin!” and “The Magical Power of Art.”

Quotes: “The main thing in this world is to remain human, and against any rudeness, sooner or later, there will be a reliable crowbar. For example, the same rudeness”, “Out of principle I’ll change!”, “Wash? - Not nobles. You will wash in the kitchen... Well, on May 1st, on New Year- to the bathhouse, if you feel like it, of course...", "The bath is good, deep! And we’ll pickle cucumbers in it for the winter! Wow!, a snack for my brother...", "We didn’t say goodbye to you... Oh, what happened to you? Have you changed something in your face? There’s no way you’re going to get sick...”, “Well, it’s okay, not Countess...”.

Shortage, 1972

A colorful and vibrant parody of grocery store and thrift store sellers - in times of total shortage Soviet Union trade workers felt powerful and successful.

Quotes: “Everything is heading towards the fact that everything will be everywhere, there will be abundance! But will it be good?”, “You come to me, I got the shortage through the warehouse manager, through the store director, through the merchandiser, through the back porch!”, “Listen, no one has it - I have it!” You tried it - you were speechless!”, “The taste is specific!”, “You respect me. I respect you. You and I are respected people."

About education, 1975

Another famous miniature, broken down into quotes. Talks about parents, their types, morals and psychologists, who have their own point of view on everything.

Quotes: “Each person has his own truth”, “Comrade fathers and comrades, roughly speaking, mothers!”, “The main thing is to give birth to a child.”

(410 words) What is art? This is what causes trembling in the soul. It can touch even the most callous and petrified hearts. Creativity brings beauty into people's lives and makes it possible to come into contact with it through music, painting, architecture, literature... The great power of art directs us to goodness and light, instilling in our minds hope and a sense of significance in this world. Sometimes only through it we can express all the joy or pain, despair or happiness. To support my assertions, I will give examples from books.

In the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Rothschild's Violin" » main character lost his wife and barely survived. This event knocked him out of his routine. At some point, he realized how meaningless his entire existence was, filled with everyday life, hoarding and routine. Under the power of these emotions, he plays the violin, pouring out all his soul and all his sorrows through the sounds of music. Then a Jew named Rothschild heard his melody, and it did not leave him aside. He followed the call of creativity. Never before in his entire life had Yakov Matveevich felt pity for anyone, and even for a person who had previously evoked only contempt in him. And he, once greedy and selfish, gave his instrument to Rothschild, along with all his music - an incredible work of art. This violin and Jacob's music gave Rothschild fame, recognition and a chance to new life. Thus, the power of creativity helped people discover in themselves positive aspects, find mutual understanding, and even helped some of them change their destiny.

In the work of I.S. Turgenev’s “Singers” we can also find an interesting example. The author dedicated the story to the Russian people and their attitude towards art, because he himself knew what folk art and the Russian soul. In this piece he shows us how powerful the power of music can be and how deeply a song can touch people's hearts. During Yakov's performance, whose cracked voice was filled with deep sensuality, people cried while listening to his song. The author, trying to convey all his emotions and sensations from what he heard and saw, said that for a very long time he could not close his eyes that night, because his ears were constantly flooding. beautiful song Jacob. This means that the power of art can influence people’s feelings and control them, purifying and elevating the soul.

Art is for everyone. For the rude and callous, for the kind and sensitive, for the poor and the rich. No matter who a person is, no matter what personality he is, the great power of creativity will always motivate him to do wonderful things, will sow a feeling of beauty in his soul, and embody real miracles. The cleansing and uplifting energy of art gives us the opportunity to live correctly - according to the laws of goodness and beauty.

Art has many ways of expression: in stone, in paint, in sounds, in words, and the like. Each of its varieties, affecting various sense organs, can have a strong impression on a person and create such images that will be carved forever.

For many years there has been debate as to which art form has the greatest expressive power. Some point to the art of words, some to painting, others call music the subtle, and then the most influential art on the human soul.

It seems to me that this is a matter of individual taste, which, as they say, is not controversial. The only indisputable fact is that art has some mysterious power and power over a person. Moreover, this power extends both to the author, creator, and to the “consumer” of the products of creative activity.

An artist sometimes cannot look at the world through his eyes ordinary person, for example, the hero from M. Kotsyubinsky’s short story “The Blossom of the Apple Tree.” He is torn between his two roles: a father who has suffered grief due to his daughter’s illness, and an artist who cannot help but look at the events of his child’s decline as material for a future story.

Time and the listener are unable to stop the action of the forces of art. IN " An ancient tale"Lesya Ukrainsky can see how the power of the song, the words of the singer help the knight to captivate the heart of his beloved. Subsequently, we see how a word, a high word of a song, overthrows a knight who has turned into a tyrant from the throne. And there are many such examples.

Obviously our classics, feeling subtle movements human soul, wanted to show us how an artist can influence a person and even an entire nation. Glory to such examples, we can better understand not only the power of art, but also appreciate the creative in man.



The magical power of art

Art enriches our lives. And one of its types—literature—meets us at the very beginning of our life’s journey and remains forever. The book, like caring parents, educates and teaches us. By reading fairy tales as children, we learn to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, virtue from meanness.

Literature teaches you to feel, understand, and empathize. After all, every book makes us think about what the author wanted to convey with his work. What thought did he put into his creation? By getting to know new characters, understanding their feelings and thoughts, we begin to better understand the people around us, and most importantly, ourselves. It is not without reason that many great cultural and scientific figures, in moments of emotional excitement, took in their hands fiction. They found peace and satisfaction in it. Books can help you find the right one life path, looking for which we often get confused.

But these are not all the advantages of literature. Thanks to her, we learned a lot of necessary and useful information. So, for example, very few sources were preserved about the campaign of Prince Igor, and literary work"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" shed light on many unknown facts.

By describing the life and customs of his century, the writer helps us form a picture of the time.

The book can even influence the course real life reader. For example, after reading Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” many people whose lives were similar to the fate of the hero of this work perked up and found the strength to live on.

I think this is the great power of the art of literature.

Art enriches our lives. And one of its types—literature—meets us at the very beginning of our life’s journey and remains forever. The book, like caring parents, educates and teaches us. By reading fairy tales as children, we learn to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, virtue from meanness.
Literature teaches you to feel, understand, and empathize. After all, every book makes us think about what the author wanted to convey with his work. What thought did he put into his creation? By getting to know new characters, understanding their feelings and thoughts, we begin

It is better to understand the people around us, and most importantly, ourselves. It is not without reason that many great cultural and scientific figures, in moments of emotional excitement, picked up fiction. They found peace and satisfaction in it. Books can help us find the right path in life, while looking for it we often get confused.
But these are not all the advantages of literature. Thanks to her, we learned a lot of necessary and useful information. For example, very few sources were preserved about the campaign of Prince Igor, and the literary work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” shed light on many unknown facts.
By describing the life and customs of his century, the writer helps us form a picture of the time.
The book can even influence the course of the reader’s real life. For example, after reading Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” many people whose lives were similar to the fate of the hero of this work perked up and found the strength to live on.
I think this is the great power of the art of literature.