What awaits a person for revenge. What is revenge and is it necessary to take revenge? Revenge is a must

Revenge is not a simple topic, is it? In fact, it’s not as simple as the topic. These two unpleasant concepts (phenomena) are directly related to each other. After all, Revenge is almost always a consequence of resentment. If we recall one of the definitions of resentment, it sounds like this: “a is an unspoken obligation to take revenge.” And almost always, if a person cannot cope with his resentment, he consciously or automatically realizes it through revenge.

Revenge can be different, from harmless pranks, planting a button, distorting information, etc., to vendetta, when as a result of an unforgiven offense between two proud fools and an uncontrollable desire for revenge, warriors are unleashed and thousands of innocent people die. Revenge, like resentment, is a bad adviser, not a sage and not a friend. Revenge is a destroyer, and often very fast and merciless, like a black tornado that destroys all life in its path. The fact that people building relationships could painstakingly create for decades - friendship, respect, support and mutual assistance, great deeds, etc., revenge coupled with resentment, can be destroyed almost instantly.

What is revenge - definition and esoteric interpretation

Revenge- a poorly controlled desire to punish another excessively. Revenge is an emotional program for realizing a grudge. Error– in violation of the laws of justice: the punishment should not exceed the offense inflicted, and if a person has repented, then most often he should be forgiven for the first time.

Revenge, like resentment, is replaced by Adequacy (fair punishment, according to the Law, especially according to the Higher Law).

In other words, if you ask me - is it possible to take revenge? I'll tell you - of course not! But, if you ask a question - is it necessary to punish someone who is wrong and has committed evil? I will answer - of course it is necessary! Because it should never go unanswered, and the person who committed it should go unpunished.

The differences between revenge and punishment are as follows. Revenge program– a selfish negative desire to cause reciprocal harm to another person, based on resentment, which in itself is already evil. Revenge is not proportional to anything; how many negative emotions a person has enough (charge), that’s how much he will take revenge.

Adequate Punishment Program- this is the restoration of Justice, its motive (ideally should be) is an educational action towards a person who has committed evil (so that he understands that evil will always have to be answered with reciprocal pain and draws the right conclusions) and the suppression of evil itself as a social phenomenon ( do not ignore or contribute). That is, in this case, the motive of the punisher is positive and noble - to wean him from Evil.

How to cope with the desire to take revenge?

1. In order to cope with the desire for revenge, you must first of all defeat the Resentment that drives you. How to cope with resentment - read. What is resentment - see. If you remove the offense, the revenge will be extinguished and you will be able to think with your head and reason adequately.

2. And when you are adequate and emotions do not go to your head, you will be able to weigh all the options and make a decision on how to respond to the evil caused: forgive and transfer the situation to the Court of God or think through an adequate punishment, and respond with dignity and force, so that the lesson was, both for a specific person (the offender) and for others (the witnesses).

Actually, these are all recommendations, although no, there is one more very important one, I always remember it and always follow it. Its essence is this: never make responsible decisions in your life in a negative emotional state. Nothing good and healthy can come to your mind at this moment. Always make responsible decisions only in the best and highest mood and state of peace. If you feel sick or negative, put off all important decisions until better times. This will save you from fatal and irreparable mistakes, which those who made them usually regret throughout their lives.

I wish you success and a positive wave, and may the hellish fire of revenge and the corrosive acid of resentment never touch your heart and your life!

This is a feeling of injustice that gnaws at a person from the inside. Revenge is what pushes people to do terrible things in order to punish for injustice.

Revenge: concept

Revenge is a feeling or act that harms a person's inner state, it motivates a person to take terrible actions, the purpose of which is to cause harm in return.

The main reason that pushes an individual to take revenge is injustice due to the fault of another person. The thirst for revenge is a rather dangerous psychological state; it can live in a person’s mind for a very long period of time, until he takes revenge.

Is revenge a destructive feeling or a necessary solution?

Everyone feels differently about revenge. Some consider it a manifestation of selfishness and intolerance towards the behavior of others. And some are sure that revenge is necessary for the psychological peace that comes when the offender got what he deserved. What is revenge for you? Evil or necessity? You decide for yourself.

Revenge is a necessity that can lead to calm, peace, psychological balance, which was disturbed by injustice, resentment, evil and other negative emotions and actions. For some, revenge is a triumph over injustice, because each of us faces it. There are those who believe that everything bad will come back to us like a boomerang. They believe that it is revenge that will help this, that it is with its help that evil will be punished with retaliatory evil.

We are all different, some easily forgive insults, others cannot forget about it and start living as if nothing had happened. Such people usually delve into themselves, every time they remember a situation when a person was somehow hurt. It is precisely such individuals who resort to revenge; there is nothing to judge them for. We are all different. Of course, you shouldn’t make revenge the meaning of life, but is the desire to respond to the offender considered a terrible necessity?

On the other hand, some people can get offended out of the blue, after which they begin to figure out how to annoy the offender. They cannot forgive, forget and calm down until their desire for revenge is satisfied. That is why there is an opinion that it is impossible to take revenge. These are the people who need to ask themselves questions: “Won’t I lose loved ones because of revenge?”; “Is the offender worthy of the effort and time spent?”

Revenge is a dish that should be served cold, but it requires a lot of effort and time. Does this make sense? Life is already short. Or is it better to forget everything, leave everything in the past? Learn the lesson learned from this situation, not to communicate with the person who humiliated you, offended you, or worse?

To take revenge or forgive is a matter for everyone, but is it worth what you might lose in the course of revenge?

Revenge is a must

Some peoples have such a concept as blood feud. Or, as you can also call it, vendetta. Blood feud is a necessity embedded in the consciousness of people in ancient times. According to this principle, if one of your relatives was killed, then the killer must take revenge by taking his life. At this time, blood feud is still common in the countries of the Middle East.

Is it possible to cope with the desire for revenge?

The psychology of the feeling of revenge as a concept is very complex; it can be hidden under the desire for retribution, an answer for what has been done, and generally under noble concepts.

If you yourself do not want to dull the desire for revenge, then it will not disappear, as if with the wave of a magic wand. In order to somehow help yourself overcome this obsession, you need to honestly answer a few simple, but at the same time difficult questions. But be as honest with yourself as possible:

  1. What is revenge? Just for you. It's a terrible feeling to deal with. Or is it a noble desire aimed at punishing the offender and establishing retribution.
  2. The reason you want revenge. Do you want to prove your superiority or do you want the one who hurt you to be in your shoes and feel how hurt you were?
  3. How will you feel when you take revenge? Joy, satisfaction or nothing?
  4. What will you get when you carry out your plan of retribution? Will there be a benefit or could you lose something valuable? And is it worth it?

How vindictive are you?

There are a huge number of tests to determine how vindictive a person you are. Below is a list of zodiac signs detailing each one's level of vindictiveness.

Aries. Loves to argue and win every bet. Therefore, with regard to retribution, he will try to compete, and moreover, to win against a person, and it is desirable that a large number of people see this.

Taurus. “Revenge is a dish best served cold” - this is about Taurus. He will hatch a plan for revenge for a long time, thinking over every detail. And when the plan is put into action, everyone inside him will rejoice, although no one will see a drop of emotion on his face.

Twins. Spreading secrets, secrets, gossip - this is what Gemini uses when taking revenge on their enemy. They try to destroy people as much as possible.

Cancer. By nature he is a very peaceful and kind person, so he will decide to forgive rather than take revenge. There will be a huge number of plans in his head to punish the offender, but he understands that he will harm himself much more than him.

Lion. The best remedy for revenge is ignoring. This is what Leo is motivated by. He immediately stops all contact with the person and demands the same from those around him.

Virgo. Doesn't come at people face to face. He does everything on the sly, using various kinds of dirty tricks so as not to be exposed.

Scales. Humiliation is the tool Libra mainly uses. They try to humiliate a person, hurt his dignity. Seeing that the enemy is struck to the core, everything inside them begins to rejoice.

Scorpion. The most vindictive of all zodiac signs. For him, the most important thing is to clearly think through a plan of retribution, no matter how long it takes. Scorpios take revenge slowly, gradually, which makes them more dangerous and unpredictable. Even if revenge took place, they will not be satisfied.

Sagittarius. A non-vindictive person tries to forget his offender and avoid communicating with him so that he does not cause even more harm.

Capricorn. This is the second most vindictive of all zodiac signs after Scorpio. He tries not to attack the enemy directly, but resorts to dirty tricks in order to set him up.

Aquarius. He does not know how to take revenge, like other zodiac signs, he prefers to forget everything, but communication with the offender will be quite strained.

Fish. Creative individuals like Pisces are able to express their anger or resentment in a more peaceful way. They will not directly humiliate the one who offended them, but will decide to bypass him.

What is vindictiveness?

Vengeance is a negative concept, it is expressed in the desire to harm a person for the evil he has done, offense, and so on. It is expressed in rancor, unforgiveness, a sense of retribution and retribution.

Vengefulness is divided into two types: healthy and unhealthy. The first is expressed in the fact that the individual wants to stand up for himself with the goal that all attacks on him will stop. The second is expressed in revenge until the offender is completely destroyed and in the inability to control oneself.

Quotes about revenge

"Revenge is a dish that should be served cold."

"Taking revenge is almost the same as biting a dog that bit you."

"The best revenge is oblivion; it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance."

"Cold revenge tastes best."


What is revenge? Everyone decides for himself - the necessary retribution or the quality of the weak. Revenge is present in every nation, in every person. But some people know how to suppress it and move on, enjoying every day. And someone will not be able to sleep peacefully until the offender is punished.

A painfully familiar feeling, when the body turns inside out, burns, blazes, and the consciousness becomes foggy, when it is impossible to unclench the calloused fists, pierces in a second, there is no way to hide or escape from it... But what is revenge? Is it so important in our lives? What place do we give it in our thoughts?

Often we are betrayed by dear people, those who were nearby and supported, sang hypnotic songs in our honor and laughed at our common enemies. How to forgive a knife in the heart?

Awareness of the consequences of your thoughts

What is revenge? It is a painful, fixated state that craves one-sided return. which must be returned to the owner, just as lost wallets, car or apartment keys and jewelry are returned. It doesn’t always bring joy, but changing the course of neglected events does not leave our minds until what we planned comes true. This feeling harms our body and brings irreparable consequences, often pushing us to communicate with It has an intangible power over a person, which is akin only to love. Forces you to do unthinkable things, for which you then have to pay bills and with your own conscience.

Is it worth taking revenge?

What is revenge? Is it worth taking revenge? This is a wheel of fortune, where it is not up to us what will happen next and how the innocent outcome will turn out. It breeds pride. Revenge is a sin! Orthodoxy says that offenses must be forgiven to our offenders, forgotten and let go, but reason says otherwise. Who to trust?

Determining your own feelings

Thirst for revenge... Few people have not had this feeling creep in at least for a second. Each of us has experienced jealousy or resentment at least once in our lives for various reasons, but in response we acted purely based on our character. The motive of revenge, if you think about it, can be the ugliest and most unjustified. If we are satisfied with our life, we have everything necessary to switch gears and not dwell on what is happening, then we usually do not perceive offense as something transcendental, but with our coldness and indifference we only provoke the offender and make fun of how he eats himself .

But if things are different: there’s a rush at work, the director has a breakdown every minute, he’s having no luck in his personal life, the guy left for his childhood friend, and she’s good too, out of envy she stole someone else’s happiness, and now she’s walking around happy and gloating - of course, we’re in Let’s not let this pass us by in rage, but let’s harbor a grudge. And we will swear to take revenge at the right moment. Let's start plotting revenge on our ex. At the same time, we will improve ourselves by leaving a hated job with an incompetent management team, taking an unplanned vacation for an indefinite period of time and finding ourselves a delightful man so that everyone can’t sleep with envy. But will this make us less miserable than we actually are?

Us and the real world

What is revenge? We often draw it to ourselves. In colorful fantasies, we rip out the hair of homewreckers, splash poisonous acid in their faces, or push a traitorous ex off a cliff, but in reality we only aggravate the problem, throwing more and more troubles on our heads: there, in the line for bread, we shouted at a slow, an innocent old woman, and on public transport they accused a young man of harassment, who, during the crush, was just trying to get to the exit, and here they broke an ATM that was slowly dispensing money, thinking and asking for unnecessary combinations... As a result, we are only ruining our health, psyche, we become irritable, suspicious and vile, but will others treat such people condescendingly, and will the long-awaited joy knock on the door?

Should I start my revenge?

Revenge will not make anyone happy, neither the offender nor the avenger, but it will destroy both lives. You will become hostage to unforeseen situations, and others will begin to make fun of the free performance. Sometimes it is worth thinking about resolving accumulated issues peacefully. But if you are sure that this is not your option, then you should reliably study your opponent. You can't go into battle without reconnaissance! Having played a trick, a cunning person will definitely expect a counter blow, and if you do not wait for some time, you will become just a weak-willed toy in his deft hands, putting yourself in an unfavorable light for everyone to see. It is also necessary to focus on the offense inflicted; do not underestimate the enemy and cause more harm than they did to you, because in return you will only receive revenge.

If your plans do not include a criminal record and long-term imprisonment, put aside thoughts about the terrible nasty things that are imposed by the civil and criminal code. You don’t want to make your situation even worse than it is and put a huge end to a bright future? Is it worth it? Also, never take it out on your loved ones and acquaintances, it will not come back well, especially if it was not they who were the culprits of the triumph of your seething blood.

How to get rid of the thirst for revenge?

The thirst for revenge is an unpleasant feeling. But if you want to get rid of this nasty feeling, first you need to stop being ashamed of your thoughts and the fact that you failed in a certain period of life and area of ​​activity, be it personal or work part. Try to direct negative energy to learning something new, use free time to switch. Start to fight fiercely with yourself and your desires. Meditation, yoga, and some types of needlework will help with this. Let go of the past, try to forget all the bad things that happened to you, and open up to new things. Start a diary, a blog, a correspondence partner via mail, a voice recorder, or make an appointment with a psychologist.

Long-awaited changes

As soon as you decide that you are ready to enjoy life and let changes into it, you need to immediately begin to act. After all, there is no truth in words, only in actions, and if you put it off until tomorrow, it will never come. First of all, we need to speak out so that the unnecessary heavy burden is removed from our hearts, thoughts, souls and shoulders. Only accepting reality as such will help you rethink what is happening around you and return to reality. We humans are all living beings who are able to think and reflect, we are characterized by grief and suffering, but why focus on them? Probably the only way out is to stop thinking about what is happening as something tragic and start appreciating every moment - after all, it is beautiful and unique.

Time heals

It will take a lot of time and effort to fight revenge. This is not a common cold; you won’t be cured in a week if you just take pills prescribed by the doctor and lie in a warm bed for a couple of days. Hospitalization, of course, is not required, but protecting yourself from people for a while would be helpful. Once you calm down and fill yourself with goodness from within, life will change for the better. Never take revenge! Be prudent in your actions and thoughts!

We live in a world that is not ideal, so to speak. Along with wonderful and exemplary qualities, such as kindness and compassion, it also contains such qualities as envy, greed, and revenge. In this article, the author will try to reveal why revenge is a dish best served cold, as the famous Italian proverb says.

Revenge concept

We all know (at least we should know), according to Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, revenge is the deliberate infliction of evil, trouble in order to repay for insult, resentment or suffering. For a better understanding of the term, there are a large number of quotes about the revenge of great people.

This is the driving force within a person who has been treated unfairly and cruelly. Manifestations of injustice can be very different. They can only be limited by the level of human consciousness. After all, theoretically, you can begin to take revenge for the fact that someone accidentally stepped on their foot on public transport. But in most cases, the reason for revenge is more tragic events in a person’s life. One Italian quote about revenge says:

Revenge comes when you don't expect it. It can creep into a person's heart out of nowhere.

But why is revenge a dish best served cold? At one time, the Italian mafia knew that the feeling of anger caused by the thirst for retribution clouds the mind. Therefore, it was necessary to carefully weigh everything, and only then quench your hatred of the offenders. By that time, revenge, naturally, had time to cool down.

What is the role of revenge in everyone's life?

Life itself is difficult, everyone fights for it with all their might. Accordingly, when a person experiences unpleasant feelings from someone, he will try to somehow repay the offender what he deserves. It’s safe to say that many people do this. But why does this happen in today's society?

There is a difference between revenge and punishment: punishment is carried out for the sake of the punished, and revenge is carried out for the sake of the avenger, in order to satisfy his anger. Aristotle

It turns out that most simply find happiness in their revenge, which is so difficult to find today. Retribution brings pleasure precisely by satisfying one’s anger. Such actions, of course, could be called punishment, but it all depends on what kind of mood one puts into it. In most cases, the offender gets his due so that the victim can calm down his ardor. Therefore, it cannot be a punishment, as Aristotle said.

Does the offender get what he deserves?

This is, naturally, a rhetorical question. After all, who in modern society would agree to leave their offender unpunished? This is absurd. But suddenly one small question arises, which most likely asks common sense: “Is it necessary to get your hands dirty by raising them against the person who has offended me?” And confirmation of this is the quote about revenge on the enemy:

The best revenge is oblivion; it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance. B. Gracian

But it’s true. By analyzing such a phenomenon as the law of karma, which came from the East and has become very popular today, or a more down-to-earth option for the average Westerner - the cause-and-effect relationship, you can understand some interesting things that did not come to mind before.

Suddenly it turns out that everything that happens to a person, be it good or bad, does not come into our lives by chance, but in accordance with its past activities. Accordingly, it makes no sense at all to take revenge on your enemy with your own hands, because fate or the Lord (everyone calls the higher powers in their own way, depending on the level of self-awareness) will make sure that everything in the world happens justly. A person is unlikely to have the desire to act on the principle of “tit for tat” and “eye for an eye” after he looks at the situation from this point of view.

One of the most sensible quotes about revenge says:

Those who do not want (or cannot) take revenge themselves entrust this to God. Arkady Davidovich.

So this is a matter for each person personally.

Is revenge immoral?

At the same time, as was said earlier, it cannot be said that from now on you need to live and simply endure all the bad things without doing anything. No! Revenge, in its essence, is not immoral. It all depends on three main factors, which, by the way, can be applied in absolutely any situation:

  1. Time.
  2. Places.
  3. Circumstances.

For example, if it concerns relatives or friends, that is, if something happened to them, then many people believe that their primary responsibility is to make sure that all the offenders get what they deserve. But the main thing is that sobriety is not absent. It’s strange if a person sits with folded hands and thinks: “God will sort it out, they will still get theirs.” This is the other extreme, when fear and helplessness speak for a person.

As a result, we can say that it is necessary to be able to correctly use the opportunity to give retribution. In principle, as far as you personally are concerned, in half the cases you can definitely forgive the person who offended you. It’s a matter of pride whether we allow ourselves to let go of the offense at a little trouble caused to us. What if your loved ones and friends suffer? Surely you have stories about people who decided that this cannot be left unpunished. However, of course, revenge is a matter of serious moral choice for every person.

Bible - Leviticus

To take revenge or not to take revenge, that is the question. If I understand Shakespeare correctly, then a person who is constantly in a state of choice is a truly free person. But being free, he is responsible for his choice, agreeing to accept the consequences that will follow. Revenge is always a choice between the desire to take revenge and the opportunity to forgive. And I must say that making this choice is not easy. Every decision will have its own consequences - both positive and negative. On the one hand, a feeling of resentment, a feeling of anger, a feeling of hatred, a feeling of injustice - cause a person to have a burning desire to take revenge. On the other hand, revenge is not always necessary, so you can forgive someone who once harmed you, not for his sake, but for your own sake, for the sake of your future. In this article, dear friends, we will talk about what revenge is, in which cases it is needed and in which it is not, and how you can take revenge on your offenders if you decide to do so.

What is revenge?

Revenge is an action that a person is motivated to take in order to harm people who have previously harmed him. The motivating factor is such feelings as strong resentment, anger, hatred, a sense of injustice, and in some cases, common sense motivates people to take revenge. Yes, revenge can be not only justified, but also necessary. Below you will find out why. In general, if you delve deeper into the understanding of revenge, you can learn a lot more interesting and useful things about it. In particular, we can say that revenge lives in a person for a long time in the form of deep resentment and a sense of injustice, and these feelings sit in a person until he takes revenge. This is a purely psychological problem. If necessary, a psychologist can help a person get rid of severe mental wounds, and then this person will not need to take revenge on anyone in order to calm down and feel comfortable. But it happens that people take revenge out of conviction, considering revenge their duty. And sometimes it happens that a person carries a grudge for a long time, but does not plan to take revenge. But at one fine moment in his life, absolutely by chance, a situation arises when he can take revenge on his offenders and he does it - he takes advantage of the opportunity that has arisen and takes revenge. So revenge can be fueled by feelings, it can be guided by reasonable considerations, or it can simply become a pure coincidence. And it’s quite difficult to just take it and say that it is necessary or not necessary to take revenge, that it is right or wrong. In different situations, solutions may be different. Let's now see when it is necessary and possible to take revenge, and when it is better to refuse revenge.

Why do you need to take revenge?

Let's first look at the arguments for taking revenge. The first thing that revenge contributes to is peace of mind and comfort. The evil and harm that other people cause to us traumatizes our psyche, hurts our soul. And these traumas turn into deep spiritual resentment, which remains in a person until he either takes revenge on his offenders or forgives them. There will be no peace in a person’s soul until he deals with his grievances. And if revenge is the only opportunity to find peace, then, in principle, you can take revenge, especially if there is such an opportunity. Revenge can become for a person a kind of triumph of justice, punishment of evil, compensation for damage caused. Every person has a sense of justice, which allows him to resist and fight evil. It pushes a person to revenge as the only opportunity to restore justice and find peace of mind. If we believe that everything in this life comes back as a boomerang, including evil, then why don’t we ourselves launch this boomerang in the opposite direction, so that the one who caused us harm, pain, damage, evil does not receive something in return? the same thing?

In this world of constant struggle, a person can resort to various methods of defense, including revenge, which is a delayed punishment for his enemies. No one is obliged to forgive anyone, it is a matter of personal choice. Those who talk about the need to forgive and not take revenge cannot understand what it means to live with a feeling of anger and resentment or a humiliated sense of self-worth, when a person ceases to see himself as a person, when he loses faith in himself, when he gets stuck in the past and again and again experiences pain, suffering, humiliation from his offenders, his enemies. This pain eats away at his soul, makes his life meaningless, makes him a hostage to the situation in which he was inflicted moral and/or physical harm, when he suffered some kind of loss that he cannot accept. To tell such a person that he needs to forgive evil means calling on him to exalt this evil and bow before it. Therefore, you should not condemn those who want to take revenge on their offenders and enemies in order to simply start living again, and not be killed by their anger and resentment. If there is no peace in the soul, if pain, resentment, anger interfere with living a normal life, then a person has the right to get even with those who once deprived him of this peace. Some people live only for revenge, because there is nothing else in their life that is worth living for. It may not be right, but that's how it is.

I believe that every person has the right to take revenge on those who have harmed him and all those who are dear to him. It is not because the human soul cannot find peace until evil is punished that we are all commanded from above to forgive those who have caused us harm. Therefore, everyone decides for himself how he will find peace of mind - through revenge or through other methods of cleansing his soul from grievances and healing it from wounds, including forgiveness. This concerns the psychological side of this issue.

However, this issue also has a practical side, which makes revenge a necessary phenomenon for our lives. The fact is that revenge is a punishment that can overtake anyone. This is true - you can take revenge on any person, no matter who he is. We all know very well that some actions of people need to be encouraged so that people strive to do them more often, while others need to be punished so that people do not do them. Usually we encourage conventional good and punish conventional evil, considering this not only fair, but also useful for our lives. In this way we indulge goodness and stop evil. This makes our life more peaceful. But if a person has committed a bad act towards other people and has not been punished for it, then with a high degree of probability he will do it again in the future. Impunity breeds permissiveness and this leads to more evil in our world. The task of revenge is to stop evil with the help of retaliatory aggression. Or rather, with the help of fear. When an aggressor is afraid of punishment, he behaves more restrained. And if he nevertheless decides to commit an evil act, he will suffer adequate punishment as a edification to others. In this case, one evil balances another evil. Revenge here acts as a guarantee that evil will certainly be punished, no matter who it comes from.

There are people who completely lack such feelings as conscience, pity, and compassion. They live by different rules, by different laws, they have their own beliefs, their own understanding of life. And only one thing stops them from harming other people - fear. It helps keep such people in line. Dull, primitive animal fear is the only thing that can hold back the evil that lives in them. And in order to awaken this fear in them, they need to make it clear that if they commit bad deeds, if they cause harm to other people, punishment will definitely overtake them. Thus, revenge is a kind of law of life [the principle of talion], which is designed to punish evil. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - this is precisely the principle that is designed to equalize the punishment with the damage caused. But this principle is not flawless, since very often people cause harm to each other without thinking at all about the consequences. They, as they say, do not know what they are doing. And therefore, subsequent revenge in such cases is often not so much the deterrence of evil as its unwinding. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Mahatma Gandhi, who said that the principle of “an eye for an eye” will make the whole world blind. Therefore, the line between necessary revenge and revenge that creates a chain reaction is very thin.

However, in politics, intelligence services, and the criminal world, revenge is very important. She is a manifestation of strength. If you can take revenge, they fear you, they respect you, they take you into account. No aggression, no harm caused by the enemy, no betrayal should go unpunished, otherwise it will be a manifestation of weakness, which, as you know, provokes the aggressor to display even greater aggression. Therefore, from this point of view, revenge is not so much an insult as a completely practical action, the practicality of which lies in the fact that your enemies and ill-wishers see strength in you and therefore take you into account. But despite the practical side of revenge, it is not always useful and not always necessary. Let's now see in what cases it is better to refuse it.

Why shouldn't you take revenge?

We will now look at the arguments against revenge. Still, in some situations it is possible and necessary to take revenge, but in others, it is better to refuse revenge. The first and main argument against revenge is meaning. You just have to understand what you will gain and what you will lose if you take revenge on someone. The pros must outweigh the cons. In some situations, revenge leads to the fact that the life of the person who took revenge only becomes worse. And it turns out that such revenge harms not only the offender, but also the one who takes revenge. And if the avenger’s harm is quite significant, then such revenge makes no sense. And it’s simply important to always understand what you will get if you take revenge, what benefit your revenge will bring you. If even this doesn’t make your soul feel any better, for one reason or another, then why even waste your life on revenge? There is no need to think about those whom you are taking revenge on - think first of all about yourself. Evil in this world will still not disappear anywhere, it will always be there, but you seem to have only one life, and it is wiser to make efforts to make it better, rather than strive to make the lives of others worse.

The next point is resources. Revenge requires a variety of resources, primarily temporary. The better your revenge and the more difficult it is for you to take revenge on a person because of his status and capabilities, the more resources it will require from you. Of course, you can always take advantage of an opportunity and take revenge on a person easily and quickly, without much effort, taking advantage of his weakness, problems, mistakes. But, of course, one cannot count on such cases. So if you take revenge purposefully, deliberately and effectively, it will require certain resources. Taking this into account, we can say that the game is not always worth the candle. Because you can use the same resources to improve your life and expand your capabilities, and not on meaningless revenge. And having great opportunities, you will gain power over people and, if necessary, will be able to get even with those of them who once caused you harm. So in this sense, the best revenge on your offenders and enemies will be your success in life, which will make you strong and most importantly happy.

But an even more powerful argument against revenge is your understanding that you should not and are not obligated to take revenge. You see, you don’t have to. No one has the right to dissuade you from revenge, and no one has the right to call you to it. You and only you decide whether to take revenge on you or not - this is your personal choice. Do as you want, as you feel comfortable, and don’t think about other people’s opinions on this matter. Others can do what is convenient and what they need, but you do what is convenient for you. And if you want to take revenge on someone, then ask yourself just one question: why would you do this? Not why, but precisely why? That is, don’t look to the past - don’t bring up your grievances and don’t use them as motivation for revenge, you can get rid of them in other ways - look to the future and say what will your revenge give you? If you see benefit for yourself in it, take revenge. If not, you don’t need to force yourself to do it.

How to take revenge?

If you have decided to take revenge on those who once caused you some harm, offended, insulted, humiliated you, then you need to understand how to do it correctly. You can take revenge on offenders in different ways, depending on who exactly caused you harm. It is important to understand the main thing: revenge is a dish that should be served cold, as the Italian proverb says. The cooler your mind is, the more seriously you will approach this matter and the more successful your revenge will be. Therefore, there is no need to rush with revenge. Time is on your side. The longer your offender goes unpunished, the more he will relax and lose his vigilance. Meanwhile, you will develop an impeccable plan for revenge, which you will then implement.

Revenge also requires a person to be flexible. If you act straightforwardly, you risk failure, the consequences of which may be such that you may lose all opportunities for revenge. Therefore, you are looking for different opportunities to take revenge - the more there are, the better. Study your enemy, find his weaknesses, find out what makes him strong - high position in society, reliable sources of income, connections with influential people, etc. All these supports can and will need to be shaken in order to weaken this person. It is especially important to find out what is the most valuable thing in life for your offender, the most precious thing that he is afraid of losing - this is the target, hitting which, you are guaranteed to cause him significant harm, which means you will be able to take revenge. Usually, what is most valuable to a person in life, he carefully hides and protects, since this is his weakness. And you need to find this weakness and strike at it. It’s like Koshchei’s death, which is hidden in an egg - if you find the egg, you will be able to defeat Koshchei, that is, take revenge on your offender.

Your revenge doesn't have to be a mirror image. Take revenge as best you can, and not in the way that conventionally would be right to take revenge. Asymmetrical actions are often much more effective than a symmetrical retaliatory strike, for which you simply may not have enough resources and capabilities. So, for an eye, you can demand not only an eye, but for a tooth, not only a tooth. You can also use the enemies of your abuser for your own purposes. To do this, you will need to identify them and then either enter into an alliance with them, according to the principle: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or simply help them in various ways to harm your offender, for example, secretly or openly providing them with useful information about him. So you can take revenge with the wrong hands. Keep in mind that the higher a person's position in society, the more enemies he has. And the weakness of these enemies, as a rule, lies in their lack of cohesion. But if you help them combine their efforts, then they will be able to cope with even a very powerful person. In general, I want to note that revenge carried out by the wrong hands is the best revenge. Playing your enemies against each other or setting someone against your offender so that he harms him, instead of harming him with your own hands, means successfully taking revenge and remaining clean. In general, there can be many options for revenge. Therefore, always look for the option that is most convenient for you. It doesn’t matter what it looks like - revenge doesn’t have to be beautiful and conventionally fair - it has to be carried out so that you forget about it.

Thus, friends, if you still decide to take revenge, then approach this matter creatively. Be sure to calm down your emotions and use your head to do everything right and get the result you want. Use manipulation to make revenge hidden and unexpected, and also to use other people, including enemies of your enemy, in this matter. I don’t presume to judge whether it’s right or wrong; taking revenge on other people is your own choice and you have to make it. But you must understand that the responsibility for this choice lies with you, and therefore it is you who will deal with the consequences of your decision. You can take revenge by doing everything possible for this, but at the same time make your life worse by losing something and losing in some way. Or you can experience deep and absolute satisfaction from your revenge. You need to be mentally prepared for both of these consequences.