What does the female name Ruslana mean? What does it mean in combination with the optimal zodiac sign. The name Ruslan as a phrase

Meaning of the name Ruslana: this name for a girl means “Russian land”, “peaceful”.

Origin of the name Ruslan: The name Ruslana appears in many languages. Among the Slavs, the name Ruslana is translated as “homeland” or “Russian land”, among the Turks it is “lioness”, and among the Irish the meaning of the name Ruslana is “peace-loving”. There is still debate about the origin of the word. According to one version, the name Ruslana coincides with Lana, which is considered a shortened form, and means “lan” - field, meadow. Therefore, the name is often associated with fertility and life. In Old Russian it means “earth”. There is also a widespread version that the name Ruslana is a variant female form, formed from male name Alan. The name in Ireland is interpreted as “peaceful”, and translated from the Celtic language it means “harmony”, “concord”. In Italy the meaning is “peace-loving.”

Diminutive form of name: Ruslanochka, Ruslanka, Rusya, Rusichka.

What does the name Ruslana mean: This determined girl with developed intuition can be successful in business, but it is better to take the first steps under the guidance of an experienced mentor. A girl with this name is quick-tempered and often regrets it, especially when she takes it out on her husband and children.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Ruslan's name celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • June 11
  • October 16

Zodiac: Virgo.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

Positive features: The girl has a very strong character. This may be explained by the fact that she is protected by Mercury.

Negative features: Sometimes Rus's determination borders on despair, and she is not always able to be guided by her reason, as a result of which she acts on a wave of emotions. Naturally, this leads to the fact that she begins to regret many actions. For example, often a girl with this name speaks first and thinks later.

Character of the name Ruslan: What character traits does the meaning of the name Ruslana determine? Russia is diligent, creative, but not pragmatic, and this sometimes leads to problems. But she can boast of a vivid imagination and rich fantasy, developed intuition and a penchant for analytical thinking.

Considering the fact that she is characterized by sarcasm, it often breaks free, and those around her turn away from Rus'. For her, the ability to control herself is of particular importance, then there will be no problems.

Ruslana and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Ruslan promise happiness in love? Unfortunately, despite her prudence, Rusya has a poor understanding of people and is often disappointed in them. Although she has been looking for a candidate for marriage for a long time and is unlikely to agree to tie the knot with a person she does not understand. In the family, the one with the name becomes the unspoken leader. Moreover, the spouse’s affairs can be managed as discreetly as possible. She attaches great importance to fidelity, and she herself is not capable of betrayal in marriage.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In her work, Ruslana strives for leadership. She can try her hand at construction and teaching. It is quite possible that it will be successful creative activity, because Ruse certainly has a lot of creativity.

If we talk about how it is characterized from the perspective of numerology, it can be noted that it is protected by the number 7, which means that its owner will be very successful in the field of science, philosophy, art and even religion. But it is very important that Rusya is able to analyze the results of her activities and understand how and why she managed to achieve what she already has. Ruse has to plan her future - rashness will not allow her to get what she wants. By the way, if Ruslana decides to engage in commercial activities, it is better that this happens under the guidance of a more experienced businessman.

Business and career: She is not a very good housewife. She strives to shift all the worries around the house to someone else, and therefore, if possible, she will happily agree to hire a housekeeper. She herself will continue to build her own career, which she will definitely succeed in.

Health and energy

Name health and talents:"Martovskaya" - often suffers from acute respiratory infections, and must be protected from drafts. She is susceptible to lung disease and suffers from croup in infancy. She has a weak immune system, so she gets sick often. Parents have a hard time with Rusya until she is three years old. Her health largely depends on her middle name and time of birth. If a girl was born early in the morning, then she is less sick than her namesake, born in the afternoon. In summer it should be taken to the sea.

"October" Ruslana is prone to respiratory diseases and sore throat. She Ruslana is developing well physically, but she should not be overfed. She is susceptible to metabolic disorders, which can lead to obesity. For all questions related to a child’s illness, you should consult a doctor; self-medication can lead to the death of the child or serious consequences. Rus' has a very complex character. She cannot be punished physically, only verbally and for a specific offense.

"December" - from infancy she grows up as a restless girl. She cries constantly and refuses to eat. Much depends on her middle name.

Many diseases can be passed on to her from her parents. So weak bronchi, scoliosis, diabetes, psoriasis can be inherited from her. All these diseases can manifest themselves both in childhood and in adulthood. This Ruslana is very nervous, but physically develops well: she begins to hold her head early, teeth are cut early. Her illnesses can occur without fever. The “winter” one is prone to enuresis and disorders of the central nervous system. Name male origin, so the girl faces various difficulties.

The fate of Ruslana in history

What does the name Ruslana mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Ruslana Lyzhichko – Ukrainian singer, who won the Eurovision Song Contest, representing her country.
  2. Ruslana Pysanka is a Ukrainian TV presenter.
  3. Ruslana Korshunova is a Kazakh fashion model.
  4. Rukhadze Ruslana Otarovna is a Russian theater and film actress.

Ruslana in different languages ​​of the world

  • on English: Ruslana.
  • in Ukrainian: Ruslana.

Forms of the name Ruslan

Other name options: Rusya, Rusa.

Ruslana's name on different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 魯斯蘭(Lǔ sī lán). Japanese: ルスラン(Rusurana). Korean: 루슬란(luseullan). Hindi: इस यूजर (Is yuujar). Ukrainian: Ruslana. Yiddish: רוסלאַן (ruslanа). English: Ruslanа (Ruslanа).

Origin and meaning of the name Ruslana

Origin of the name Ruslana: The meaning of the name is Lioness.

Character of the name

You are characterized by caution in handling money, which others often perceive as stinginess. In reality, you may spend money lavishly on your own needs, but forget about the needs of others. But if you are convinced of the need for some business, you will give a lot for it.

Usually, you are the head of the family and home, but this is often a burden for you. To achieve happiness in marriage, choose a person who, like you, loves books, strives for knowledge and is interested in refined things. If, as a result of marriage, you end up with too many relatives, you may experience alienation from the family hearth. You need to be alone periodically, given the opportunity to rest, think or read. The happiest marriage for you will be one based on a deep attraction of mind and soul.

You can rightfully be called a charming person, because you are an excellent comrade, well-mannered, witty, kind, always ready to help and able to carry yourself with dignity. Your talents and successes evoke universal admiration.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom stops bringing joy.


The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Numerology of the name Ruslan

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their strong point, they are generally not primarily interested in money, “sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Variegated, variable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Ruslana as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ruslana

Most names in ancient times were paired, that is, they had a female and a male version, but time was not kind to everyone, and very often only one name from a pair became popular.

For example, the name Ruslana is now used very rarely, although the male version - - can be found quite often. The meaning of the name Ruslana and its origin are the same as the male version.

According to one version, the name Ruslana came from the male name Ruslan, which became the Slavic version of the Arabic "" (it means "giant" or "giant"). According to another interpretation, “Ruslan” originates from Scandinavian culture, where the name Rysaland denoted Kievan Rus. In this version, the names Ruslan and Ruslana mean “Russian”, “Russian”.

Maybe those who believe that the name Ruslan is of Slavic origin are also right. In the Old Church Slavonic language, the word “lan” meant a field, meadow, that is, fertile land. In this version, the “free translation” of the meaning of the name Ruslana will sound like “Russian field”, that is, it will emphasize the strong life principle of its owner and the generosity of her soul.

But what does this name mean in a broad sense for its owner? What is remarkable about it, besides its euphony? To understand this, let's try to figure it out:

  • What will little Ruslana's character be like?
  • How will it change characteristic features while growing up?
  • What will a girl be interested in in life and what profession will she most likely choose?
  • How will her personal and family life?

Little Russia, as a rule, develops well physically, but parents need to monitor her diet very carefully and protect her from hypothermia. For a girl, hardening and other measures to strengthen the immune system will play a big positive role.

Another feature of little Ruslana is that she cannot watch TV or play games for a long time. computer games. Electronic media may not in the best possible way influence the mood and behavior of the child, so it is better to teach the girl to use gadgets strictly according to the schedule - this will save the nerves of both the child and the parents.

Reasonable risk

If we take into account not the health, but the character of Ruslana, then for the most part these girls really like to sleep in the morning, and wake them up in order to get to bed on time. kindergarten or to school, it can be very difficult. However, it is worth noting: Russia should not be punished, it needs to be convinced with ironclad arguments, and pressure on the psyche, and even more so physical punishment, can turn it against even the closest people.

The same applies to school: Ruslana may not always complete her school homework, and a daily routine will help to teach the girl to order, but not punishment. In terms of academic performance, however, Ruslana shows character and, as a rule, has good grades in her diary and school certificate.

The girl is ready to defend her personal boundaries not only from adults with their demands, but also from her peers. A lively character means that Ruslana can stand up for herself. He can respond to the offender with a caustic word, and in critical cases, with his fists.

The latter is facilitated by the fact that the girl’s friends are almost entirely boys, and her character is more like a boy’s than a “girl’s”. Ruslana does not like to get into arguments, but not because she does not want to defend her point of view, but because it can be tiring for her to listen to her opponent’s opinion. Despite her sharp mind, the girl’s character is very restless and impulsive.

Adult Ruslana grows up to be a very proud person; she is very determined, but at the same time she knows how to establish contact with others. In order to achieve the desired result, a woman is able to “disguise” her own pride and listen to her interlocutor, agree with him on something, but at the same time gradually try to instill in him her point of view.

However, this does not mean that bearers of the name always behave this way. Sometimes, when her patience is exhausted, she can be extremely impulsive and abrupt, taking ill-considered actions. But having cooled down, he will regret his own outburst and will try to be the first to reconcile.

Name researchers believe that Ruslana needs to engage in practices that increase self-control in order to improve relationships with others. This skill will help ensure that fate always favors the sensual and passionate woman. At the same time, the girl already has leadership inclinations by nature and the ability to act in the zone of “reasonable risk.”


Over time, despite her continued impulsiveness, Ruslana's character becomes calmer, she develops her own style of communication and learns to make the most favorable impression on others.

At the same time, she is irritated by people who either do not have their own opinion or are afraid to defend it. Those who are ready to defend their point of view fuel Ruslan’s desire to take leadership positions and move forward.

Of great importance in Ruslana’s choice of profession is the opportunity to demonstrate creativity. This does not mean that she will certainly become an artist or actress, because her creative approach can be applied in another field.

She can be, for example, an architect, a businessman, a director, a teacher - any of these professions will require a quick reaction, ingenuity and the ability to improvise, and Ruslana has more than enough of all these qualities.

Non-standard thinking and a good “smell” for everything new that can attract other people will help a woman realize herself in business and trade. She can become, for example, a brilliant marketer. The secret is that she can see and very successfully put into practice a solution that others simply will not notice.

How is Ruslana’s fate going in terms of her personal life? A charming and stylish woman attracts the attention of many men, but she herself is in no hurry to reciprocate. Despite excellent intuition in the professional sphere, when it comes to relationships with men, a woman is not so insightful and therefore goes through several unsuccessful romances before she finds “her” man with whom she wants to tie the knot.

In building a family, mutual fidelity, trust and support of partners are of great importance for Ruslana. Her family life is usually calm and harmonious, even though the owner of the name cannot be called an exemplary housewife. She is more often a reliable friend to her children than a strict parent, but her own leadership within the home walls will not allow them to challenge. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Version 2. What does the name Ruslana mean?

Feminine form of the male name Ruslan.

This wonderful name that's all today
children are more often called in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Growing restless
irritable, have difficulty sleeping at night, many of them are “artificial” - in short,
There's more than enough trouble with these little ones.

They do well at school,
although it’s not easy to get them to study and it’s not easy to wake them up in the morning. Ruslana Boyka,
He won’t let himself be offended. Sharp-tongued, often short-tempered, patiently listen to others
she can't do it. She has many friends, and most of them are boys.

With age, character
becomes softer, more tolerant, but she remains a leader for life. Impulsive, capable
to rash actions, which he soon begins to regret. Poor understanding
in people, perhaps because she tends to overestimate herself.

Typically this is
attractive and sensual woman. It takes a long time to choose a husband. However, after getting married,
does not become an exemplary housewife. Washing dishes is a difficult task for Ruslana.

By profession they are: teachers, educators
kindergartens, engineers, sales workers.

Life will be happy with one
from those called Boris, Mikhail, Vadim, Semyon or Mark. Konstantin,
Vladlen, Yuri, Kirill, Vitaly, Arthur - Ruslana is not suitable.

3rd version of the meaning of the name Ruslana

Ruslana is a lioness. “Lioness” (Turkic) Ruslana is a natural leader, impulsive, capable of rash actions, which she later regrets. Active, witty and, perhaps, malicious. She is proud and often overestimates her capabilities. He doesn't understand people well. Sometimes irritable. Ruslana takes her choice of life partner seriously. She is sensual, charming and popular with men. Usually, Ruslana’s family life develops successfully, despite the fact that she does not make an exemplary housewife. She prefers to delegate housework to her mother, mother-in-law or husband. He rules the family and willingly raises children. She doesn’t cheat on her husband, but she also demands fidelity from him. Achieves professional success in pedagogy, in the field preschool education children, trade, engineering work.

Numerology of the name Ruslan

Soul Number: 7.
Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves on the positive side. Money matters are not their strong point, they are generally not primarily interested in money, “sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 5

Body number: 2

Famous people named Ruslana

Numerology of the name Ruslan

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. Prefers to be guided in everything own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Possesses developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, and willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Ruslana

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

U- these people are introverts by nature. They are very secretive and prefer indoor gatherings. As a rule, they do excellent work at school and college. It's hard to make new acquaintances. Avoid the opposite sex. To achieve a goal, they can use all resources and complete the task.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. IN in rare cases narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • U- Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
  • WITH- Word
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Ruslana in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and only then your last name. You may need to write the name Ruslana in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Ruslan is a truly international name, common in Russia and many other countries. The name has ancient eastern roots, and comes from the Turkic name Arslan, which means “lion”. Researchers believe that the name Ruslan came into use after the publication of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Since the X-XI centuries, the generally accepted tradition of naming children by Orthodox calendar excluded the use of this name in Rus' until the 19th century. The name continued to be used in Russia by Muslim peoples, and therefore was not completely forgotten. After the 1917 revolution it became official. Now the name Ruslan is no longer perceived as Muslim, since this is what most boys are called. different nationalities, including Catholics and Orthodox.

Among the famous owners of the name Ruslan are the following: extraordinary personalities like the poet-publicist Ruslan Khasbulatov, the first president of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, Russian football players Ruslan Nigmatullin and Ruslan Pimenov, Ukrainian chess player Ruslan Ponomarev and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In Orthodoxy there are no saints with the name Ruslan, therefore the holy martyr Rusticus, presbyter of Paris, is considered the heavenly patron of all Ruslans. It is with this name that Ruslan should approach the Sacraments, ask for protection and help. This saint is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, in the St. Daniel Monastery there is his icon.

According to legend, Rusticus accompanied Saint Dionysius during his wanderings around the world. He converted many to Christ, for which he was captured by the pagans and thrown into prison. For the spread of Christianity and unwillingness to renounce Christ, Saints Rusticus and Dionysius were subjected to brutal torture and then beheaded.

All holders of the name Ruslan, baptized under the name Rustik, can celebrate their name day on October 16.

Personality characteristics

Ruslan has a phlegmatic type of character, which means he is calm, balanced, and conservative. The energy of the name gives a man masculinity, firmness, and justice. He is lucky in life, endowed with enormous strength, both physical and mental, is not afraid of any work and is always successful.

From negative traits character can be answered by Ruslan’s narcissism, his constant desire to assert himself and prove his superiority. He is very attracted to various prizes, awards, and incentives - all this pleases his pride and makes him feel important. Ruslan perceives any gift of fate as a tribute to his personality.

Ruslan is a person with an active social position, leading a rich life full of impressions. Sometimes he lacks independence, which is more than compensated by activity in society. He is a liberated person, and energetic comfort will always come first for him. Ruslan makes contact easily even if the interlocutor is unfriendly.

Ruslan craves communication, cannot imagine himself without society, and always talks more than listens. Everything he does is done with his heart, all emotions are natural - Ruslan can quite sincerely cry from resentment and happiness.

This person is not prone to self-examination, but this does not mean that he is poor inner world. Under unfavorable factors, Ruslan can really become a superficial person - not delving into the essence of the matter, rarely thinking about his own or other people's words, living one day at a time. Everything will depend on willpower, self-organization, effort and, to a large extent, on upbringing.


Little Ruslan is a restless and capricious child, requiring increased attention. He is characterized by excessive emotionality, violent expression of emotions and desires. He is cunning, early learns how to skillfully manipulate adults and play on their feelings.

The baby does not like loneliness, prefers fun companies and noisy games. It is difficult for a boy to “curb” his emotions, and parents need to teach the child how to behave correctly in a given situation. It is very important to direct the child’s overflowing energy into a positive direction - for example, send him to a sports section. At the same time, it is very important to develop patience and perseverance in Ruslan, without which it will be difficult for him to study at school.

It is very important that parents become friends for the growing Ruslan, who will always understand and support, and not strict judges and critics.


To maintain a healthy mind in healthy body It is enough for Ruslan to eat right and not acquire bad habits. But Ruslan often tests his health, follows his whims, and can get carried away gambling and everything that will add adrenaline to his blood.

He is susceptible to depression, especially when there is a lack of communication and misunderstanding on the part of people close to him. But still, Ruslan pays a lot of attention to his appearance, which allows him to maintain good physical shape for a long time.


Ruslan is attracted to striking women with pronounced sexuality. He likes to treat his woman like a spoiled princess and be proud of her appearance. And women reciprocate his feelings - as a rule, a man never feels a shortage of fans.

Ruslan's sexuality is active, bright, dominant. He can charm women with his assertiveness and determination; a strong “masculinity” is the main secret of his success with the opposite sex. Next to him, it’s easier for a partner to show her “ feminine“- feel weak, fragile, in need of protection. However, often this man’s romances turn out to be short-lived, and his feelings are superficial.

Behind the façade of Ruslan’s self-confidence lies a fear of failure and doubt, therefore, like any other man, he needs a woman who is not only liberated, but also quite delicate and generous with praise.

Marriage and family, compatibility

As a rule, the owner of the name Ruslan is a good family man who values ​​his loved ones. The spouse and children will feel protected next to a man for whom family will always be a priority. But even his beloved wife, Ruslan will not allow him to command and impose his lifestyle. He is possessive and jealous, which sometimes greatly complicates family life.

Ruslan's house is always open to friends; he is a wonderful host and hospitable person. A man prefers active leisure, so it’s good if the family lives in a private house or has a dacha. Ruslan's wife will have to learn to pay enough attention to her husband, otherwise he will easily find solace on the side. In addition, a man completely lacks such a concept as “personal territory”, so one should accept that he will not perceive his wife’s “personal territory” either. Ruslan will strive to control everything and everyone around him.

The most successful marriage for Ruslan is possible with women named Irina, Oksana, Olga, Tamara, Margarita, Natalya and Elena. You should avoid relationships with Valeria, Marina, Sophia, Yana, Christina, Veronica.

Business and career

Ruslan is an energetic, active, sociable, and passionate man. Monotonous, painstaking work that does not help unlock potential is not suitable for such a person. Ruslan craves recognition, and he needs a profession in which he can satisfy his thirst for communication and always be in sight.

Ruslan can make a brilliant lawyer, teacher, law enforcement officer, politician, free entrepreneur or advertising agent. On leadership positions he will also feel quite comfortable. But Ruslan is not ready to gain his positions slowly, he wants everything at once, which could prevent him from building successful career. He is determined to achieve quick results.

In general, Ruslan can be called a careerist who is ready to work hard and intensively for the sake of professional success and public recognition. In a team, he feels like a fish in water, has an innate ability to win over people and use their energy to achieve his goals.

Talismans for Ruslan

  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Virgo and Leo.
  • The most successful time of year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky color - green, orange, brown.
  • The totem animal is the lion, symbolizing strength, confidence, personal power, as well as “predatory” feelings - such as anger and aggression. The lion totem forces a person to control his temperament and aggressive impulses, teaches him to correctly express his emotions so as not to scare people away from him.
  • Totem plant - plane tree and dandelion. Sycamore (or plane tree) is an ornamental tree that represents mercy, strength of character and love. The ancients believed that the plane tree deepens consciousness and enhances attention, so it was under this tree that many scientific discussions took place. Since ancient times, this tree has been surrounded by honor and respect among the most different nations peace. Dandelion is a symbol of healing and hope. An infusion of this unpretentious flower will help people whose totem it is to find healing from many diseases.
  • Talisman stone - jasper and aventurine. Jasper is a magic stone that protects against the evil eye, evil thoughts and rumors. The stone is a vigilant guardian of any hiding places, for example, with documents or family heirlooms. If there are jewelry or products made of jasper in the house, family relationships become more harmonious and calm. The stone can become a talisman of good luck, family happiness and material wealth. Aventurine helps a person to reveal the subconscious and hidden creativity, and also helps in finding the meaning of life. The stone has a positive effect on the psyche of its owner, calming and removing negativity.


Aries- passionate, open, optimistic nature. He is always full of ideas and plans for the future, sometimes he likes to brag and thereby cause a storm of applause. Ruslan-Aries has a powerful, extraordinary character, and a weak nervous system. He is often hampered by a complete lack of diplomacy and the inability to subtly approach different situations. In the family and in the team, the despotism characteristic of a man often manifests itself - he strives to control everyone and everything, to always be aware of all events. Very often, behind the external self-confidence of Ruslan-Aries, sentimentality and an inferiority complex are hidden. For this reason, he can be very jealous, although he himself will not lose interest in other women until he is very old.

Taurus- a demanding, straightforward person who does not know how to play around and deceive. He is careful and slow, practical, accustomed to planning everything in advance, and not living one day at a time. This is a business person who knows how to work and “make” money, who is not afraid of any, even the hardest physical labor. Ruslan-Taurus, like no one else, embodies all the qualities of a real man, and he needs the same wife - one who values ​​traditional family values, impeccably loyal and economical. He himself in no way belongs to the category of irresponsible Don Juans, but financial side life with him is excellent. Divorce in the family of Ruslan-Taurus is practically impossible, but if this does happen, then the man will worry for a long time, and will not marry a second time soon.

Twins- a charming, artistic, sociable personality. In society, he behaves violently, trying in every possible way to attract attention to his person. He has a lively and critical mind, and his character is very changeable and difficult to understand. For all his apparent openness and goodwill, he is a very secretive person who never reveals his true plans, thoughts and feelings. The process of adaptation to new circumstances and society takes Ruslan the Gemini a minimum of time, but most of his knowledge is superficial, and friendships do not last long. A woman in his company gets huge amount attention, however, family life with him is not as stable as in financially, and in terms of relationships. Usually, more than one marriage happens in the life of Ruslan the Gemini.

Cancer- a delicate person, filled with a sense of inner nobility, but at the same time not too self-confident. He has a very subtle mental organization, distinguished by sensitivity and emotionality. But most of his grievances and emotions are not noticeable to others, since, afraid to show his vulnerable soul, Ruslan-Cancer hides behind a mask of composure and a wonderful sense of humor, which sometimes develops into sarcasm. He can truly open up only to close people, so he, like no one else, needs words of support and love, and criticism must be very careful and delicate. The priority in life for this man will always be his family and children - he will make a faithful, caring, loving spouse and caring father. “Both in sorrow and in joy...” - for Ruslan-Cancer these are far from empty words.

Lion- a bright, extraordinary personality, a great adventurer and optimist. Often in his aspirations he ignores all prohibitions and goes over his head, although there is no deliberate cunning or meanness in his nature. On the contrary, he is noble and forgiving, especially towards those who are weaker and less successful. However, Ruslan-Leo’s ambitions do not always keep up with his capabilities, so there is a danger of getting stuck in a debt hole for a long time. Love for beautiful women and a luxurious, carefree life force a man to look for a way to make good money, although money itself is not interesting to him, and he easily spends it. In the family, he will definitely be a leader, sometimes despotic and very jealous, but in return he will give a lot - all his bright love, care and loyalty. But a woman should never step on his sick pride and always remember that praise and kind words You can achieve much more from Ruslan-Leo than with reproaches and insults.

Virgo- a proud and businesslike man who strives for perfection in everything. He is practical, prudent, does not get caught up in trifles, and is confident that any problem can be sorted out and solved in a logical way. Ruslan-Virgo has a strong will, but sometimes he is too critical, selfish and picky. Caution in everything is his life principle, which protects him from big losses, but also does not lead to great success. By nature, the man is not very romantic, but he treats his family with great reverence and does everything so that his loved ones do not need anything. Life together with Ruslan-Virgo will be characterized by stability, the absence of scandals and major financial upheavals, so he needs a calm, home-loving spouse who does not require romance and frequent changes. The man does not strive to become the head of the family, but he will not allow himself to be pushed around either.

Scales- a romantic, impressive man, a real conqueror of women's hearts. Due to his natural charm, he is able to find common language With the most reserved person, it’s easy to join any team. Ruslan-Libra is a born diplomat, who in every possible way avoids conflicts and open quarrels, and does not like to take responsibility. He is not a leader by nature, although he cannot be denied practicality and rationalism. He can save money for something for a long time, and then spend it in one day in a fit of generosity. This person takes marriage extremely seriously, but even in this case, he will always cheat on his wife. The doors of Ruslan-Libra's house are always open to numerous friends, and he will spend part of his time with them outside the home. But at the same time, the wife will not feel deprived of anything - this man’s care and attention will be enough for everyone.

Scorpion- a strong-willed, courageous, purposeful person, very demanding of himself and others. Sometimes he can be cruel and dangerous, because he is afraid of only one thing in this life - losing his loved ones. Neither human rumor, nor the loss of his own reputation, nor any dangers or difficulties can frighten or break him. However, underneath the external equanimity lies a passionate nature, but the man does not allow himself to relax for a minute. The life of Ruslan-Scorpio is active, intense - he devotes himself completely and completely to any business, like passion. Only the same bright, passionate nature can get along with him, who will not be afraid of the unbridled temperament of a man. A wise woman will find in Ruslan-Scorpio a wonderful husband and a caring father to her children. But she will have to learn one inviolable rule - her husband is the head of the family, and this will never change.

Sagittarius- a sincere, open man, with a charming smile and a clear mind. His bright head is always full of ideas, his character is full of optimism, and his soul is always young. Under the influence of his bright aura, those around him also see the world in brighter colors and begin to believe in miracles. Ruslan-Sagittarius’s brilliant business qualities, ability to think strategically and work with information, including fundamentally new ones, help him realize his many plans. A man is always open to new knowledge and new technologies. A man looks at marriage ties with great apprehension, as he is afraid of any obligations and is very afraid of losing his independence. But even with this situation, there are usually more than one marriages in the life of Ruslan-Sagittarius. A cloudless family life cannot be a guarantee that one day a man will not want to regain freedom.

Aquarius- an original and independent personality, easy-going and pleasant to talk to. It is difficult for him to tune in to achieving one goal, so his plans are rarely implemented, and the results are not always satisfactory. The nature of Ruslan-Aquarius is unpredictable - he is capable of dangerous adventures and strange actions, he is easy on violations different rules, laws, morality. Family life with this man is as unstable as his financial situation. In his wife, he wants to see, first of all, a friend and like-minded person who will listen to him, delve into him, and sympathize. He will turn out to be an unimportant owner, as well as a breadwinner. Ruslan-Aquarius is not characterized by responsibility, he will not understand the intricacies female soul, and if family life no longer suits him, he will easily break off the relationship.

Fish- a person with a fine mental organization, endowed with a vivid imagination. Possessing enormous natural potential and many talents, he experiences difficulties in realizing them, since he is very unsure of himself and does not know how to deal with circumstances. He prefers to go with the flow and wait for gifts of fate, rather than act. But with wise, and most importantly, tactful leadership, Ruslan-Pisces can achieve significant results. He is not a spender at all and knows how to count money very well, but the main thing in his life is love and family. He really needs a strong rear, a reliable and cozy home where he is loved and expected. He needs guardianship and moral support, which a man first receives from his parents, and then wants to receive from his wife. She will need a lot of patience and love to withstand her husband's impracticality and some irresponsibility, as well as his touchiness.