Angel of Faith Day according to the church calendar. Name day of faith, congratulations to faith

    I had a friend, a colleague, whose family for some reason loved these names. She herself was Vera, her younger sister- Nadezhda, and her daughter, in principle, is already the next generation, Lyubov.

    The generally known date for celebrating Angel of Faith Day is September 30th. Also on this day, owners of such names as Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sofia celebrate their holidays. According to the old style, this day fell on September 17th.

    September 30 is the day of Faith, Hope and Love, as well as their mother Sofia. The woman and her daughters became holy martyrs. They preached Christianity, and for this the Emperor ordered the girls to be subjected to brutal torture. And the mother was left alive so that she would experience even greater torment from grief. Then the woman buried the bodies of the children, and soon died herself.

    Girls with the name Vera can celebrate their name day or Angel Day only once a year - this is September 30.

    Just on this day the holiday is celebrated: the Day of Remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda and Love and their mother Sophia, who in the name of the Christian faith were doomed to torment and suffering

    Angel of Faith Day - Vera's name day is celebrated once a year - September 30 according to the new style, according to the old style it was September 17. It is celebrated in honor of the holy martyr Vera of Rome.

    On this day, women with the names Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sofia also celebrate their name day.

    Vera, like Natalia, celebrates her name day once a year, on September 30, in honor of the martyr Vera of Rome. On this day, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia also have a name day. Here is a short historical background

    This female name as Vera is Old Slavonic in origin, that is, this name is originally Russian.

    There are only six name days for this name, although initially only one was celebrated - September 30th. Afterwards, five more were added to them - this was in February on the 26th, in June on the 14th, in October on the 14th and in December on the 15th and 31st.

    Noble name Faith was popular in the 20th century, in the 60s and 70s, but then they stopped calling girls by this name, although the name Faith very beautiful name.

    Faith has very powerful energy and is characterized only with positive side, there is nothing bad or stupid in the meaning of the name, the girl or woman bearing the name Faith open, honest, faithful and, first of all, to herself.

    Usually bearers of the name Faith people are creative and will work where they feel easy and comfortable, on I believe there is no need to shout or order, she understands a person perfectly and you need to talk to her as an equal, even if she is a little girl Faith.

    Girls with the name Vera will be able to celebrate their name days six times. Moreover, each day corresponds to its own Holy Faith, which you need to pray to if you were baptized on one of these days:

    September 30- the most famous to all is the Holy Faith of Rome, whose passions were Hope and Love. The story of these three martyrs touches the soul most.

    October 14- the name day of the martyr Vera, about whom little has been preserved in history. It is only known that the girl was canonized for her courageous and firm confession of the faith of Christ and her refusal to accept another faith.

    In Orthodox churches you can purchase an icon of the Roman Faith, and among the prayers for the Holy Faith, the most famous is the Prayer to the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

    Every year - September 30 - all representatives of the fairer sex named Vera celebrate and celebrate their name day - Angel Day.

    This tradition is not as developed in Russia as in Western countries and the main reason why people do not want to celebrate their Angel Day is the desire to be individual. And Angel Day is celebrated on this day by all Faiths, but I don’t want to be like everyone else.

    Angel Day is celebrated by bearers of the name VERA and Christians, if I’m not mistaken, seven (7) times a year. The name VERA can be said to be Old Slavonic; in Greek translation it means Servant of God. Christians have always held in special veneration the virtue of FAITH. Name day in Christianity is the day of remembrance of the Saint, that is, the day is a holiday for a person bearing the name of the Saint. VERA's name day is celebrated: in January 26, in February 13, in June 1, in September 17, in October 1, in December 2 and 18, that is, twice. These days, the saints are remembered: the Venerable Vera (Grafova) one of the confessors (1932) and the holy martyrs: the martyr Vera, as well as the Venerable Martyr Vera (Morozova), Vera (Truks) Martyr (1942), Vera (Samsonova) Martyr (1940 ) and the martyr Vera of Rome around (137) from the Nativity of Christ.

    Angel of Faith Day is celebrated September 30 every year on holiday Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia.

    This day is celebrated only once a year.

    It so happened that in my family there were all the names of these holy four. Mom Nadya, grandmother Vera, another grandmother Lyubov and great-grandmother Sofia. That’s why we always got together as a family and celebrated everyone’s name day at once :)

    Lyuba’s great-grandmothers, however, have been gone for a long time.... But this day is still like a kind of tradition for us. This is another opportunity to remember departed loved ones.

The gentle female name Vera first appeared in Ancient Greece from the word "believe". In Greece it was pronounced Pistis. Later, when the legend about the three sisters Faith, Hope and Love, who died for the Christian faith, spread throughout the world, the sound of the name was changed in favor of a semantic translation. This is how the name Vera arose, which is still popular among girls in Russia.

Form of pronunciation of the name Vera in other countries: England - Faith, Spain - Fe, Italy - Fides, Ukraine - Vira, Bulgaria - Vyara, Finland - Veera.

Affectionate form of the name: Verochka, Verusik, Verka, Verunchik, Veruska, Verusya.

Vera celebrates her name day 6 times a year:

  • February 26.
  • June 16.
  • September 30.
  • October 14.
  • December 15, 31.

Patron Saints of the Faith

Famous saints named Vera:

  • Vera Morozova. Venerated on February 26th. Born into a tailor's family, at the age of twenty she entered a monastery, which was closed during the revolution. In 1938 she was repressed and a month later she was shot.
  • Faith of Rome. Venerated on September 30. At the age of twelve, together with her two sisters Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, she was brutally killed for her Christian faith.
  • Vera Grafova. Venerated on December 15th. Born into a peasant family, at the age of twenty-five she became a novice in a convent. In 1931, she was arrested for spreading the Christian faith and exiled to Kazakhstan, where she died a year later.
  • Vera Trux. Venerated on December 31st. Born into a simple family, she worked as a teacher, helped Archbishop Thaddeus, for which in 1937 she was accused of being anti-Soviet and sent to a Siberian camp, where she died from unbearable living conditions.


The character of Vera, depending on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Serious, smart, secretive, taciturn.

Spring - Unpredictable, tender, emotional, romantic.

Summer - Sociable, kind, sympathetic, vindictive.

Autumn - Calculating, thoughtful, mercantile, rational.


Little Verochka grows up to be an obedient and smart girl, delighting her parents. She loves to help her mother with housework and enjoys babysitting her younger brothers and sisters. From a young age he loves to save money, putting it in his personal piggy bank. He plays carefully with his toys, tries not to break them, and always puts them back in their place after playing. He really doesn’t like throwing away broken or unnecessary things; he puts them in a drawer in the hope that they will be useful later or can be repaired.

He treats teachers with respect, tries to study well, although he doesn’t particularly like studying, but is afraid of disappointing adults. Usually Vera has a subtle musical ear, it is important for parents to detect this in time and send it to music school so that she can develop her talent. IN school years Vera usually attends several clubs, participates in school events, and goes to sports clubs. She doesn't like wasted time. But it is important for adults not to criticize her, since Vera will not be able to defend herself in response, but will withdraw into herself for a long time. If Vera is praised, then she, unlike others, will not become arrogant, but will try even better. Her classmates respect her, but Vera has no close friends because of her touchiness.

Adult Vera remains just as friendly and sociable, but tries to avoid large and noisy companies. Before making any decision, she thinks it over carefully; hasty decisions are not her thing. Thanks to her well-developed intuition, Vera can recognize an ill-wisher and a deceiver in a person, and also not fall for the scammer’s bait. Due to increased suspiciousness and mistrust, Vera is often unsure of herself, but does not show it. He always dresses tastefully, neatly, cleanly and neatly, and is not lazy to do a complex hairstyle and apply makeup every day.


As a child, Vera often suffered from colds; all childhood diseases such as chickenpox and rubella affected her. If Vera strengthens her immunity, she will already forget about colds in adolescence. In old age, Vera may develop age-related diseases, such as blurred vision and arthritis.


Vera is highly respected and valued by her superiors for her responsibility, perseverance, and reliability. She will never let the team and management down and will brilliantly complete the most difficult and responsible part of the task. Of all the professions, he will choose the one where wages will be higher, while he does not strive to occupy the position of management due to the lack of leadership qualities. Any profession where there is no need to make immediate decisions is suitable for Vera, since she does not tolerate haste, preferring to carefully think through, weigh and double-check everything.


Vera has been looking for her one and only for a long time, changing men like gloves. Everyone hopes that the next one will definitely be “he.” She loves when people praise her, say kind words, give her gifts, and arrange romantic evenings. But she will not cheat on her beau; she will only start dating the next one when she breaks up with the previous one.


Vera will never marry an irresponsible, lazy and poor man. She will choose as her husband a man who stands firmly on his own two feet and knows how to earn money. Thanks to her rationality, she will not believe a man’s empty promises, preferring his real actions. Most often, she chooses a man much older than herself as her husband, to whom she will be a very faithful and loving wife. Vera will not be lazy to regularly clean her home, prepare complex meals, and devote time to her children, whom she loves very much, but tries to raise in strictness. Maintains an even relationship with her mother-in-law. Vera will never forgive her betrayal or deep insult to her husband; if she leaves him, she will never return.

The meaning of the name Vera has a very interesting and unusual story. The name Vera came to us in Russian from Byzantine Empire along with the adoption of Christianity. However, unlike most accepted names, the name Vera was transferred into the Russian language not by phonetic copying, but by semantic copying. Linguists also call this method tracing. The name Vera is associated with a legend about three little girls killed by order of the Roman Emperor Hadrian in the first century AD. These girls' names were Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov. Girls who professed Christianity were killed for refusing to honor the pagan goddess Artemis. The girls were named after the three Christian virtues of faith, hope and love. Their names are on Greek sound like Pistis, Elpis and Agape. When transferring names in Russian monastic books, it was decided to preserve the meaning of the names, and not reproduce them phonetically, as is usually done. So the meaning of the name Vera is "faith". Like this interesting story and name.

The name Vera is also a shortened form of such names as Venus. You can find out their meaning by following the links.

The meaning of the name Vera for a girl

Vera grows up as a calm and balanced girl. She's lovely and kind child. Vera finds it easily common language with peers and elders. At the same time, she is quite restrained in showing emotions. The girl is prone to serious reflection and withdrawal into herself. At the same time, Vera cannot be called dreamy - this is not typical for her.

Usually Vera is a diligent student and studies well. She is an obedient girl and the authority of adults, including teachers, is very important. This allows her to develop a good analytical mind. She copes well with both the exact sciences and the humanities.

The girl's health usually pleases her parents. However, Vera has a certain peculiarity: her vitality inexplicably drops. At these moments, Vera especially needs the support of loved ones. As an adult, Vera often suffers from sleep dysfunction.

Short name Vera

Verka, Verukha, Rusya.

Diminutive pet names

Verochka, Veronka, Verushka, Verchik, Verunya, Verusya, Verulya, Verasha, Verusha.

Name Vera in English

IN English the name Vera is spelled Vera.

Name Vera for international passport- VERA.

Translation of the name Vera into other languages

in Arabic - إيمان
in Belarusian - Vera
in Chinese - 信仰
in German - Vera
in Polish - Wera and Wiera
in Slovenian - Vera
in Slovak - Viera
in Serbian - Vera
in Ukrainian - Vira
in Finnish - Veera, Vera
in Czech - Věra, Viera.
in Swedish - Vera, Wera

Church name Vera(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Faith.

Characteristics of the name Vera

Vera can be described as a slightly phlegmatic person. The characteristics of her name are considered to be prudence and balanced actions. Vera does not like haste in life. She has a fairly calm character, which often helps her out in life. Vera has a well-developed intuition and she listens to it. Sometimes Vera even becomes suspicious, but this passes quickly enough.

Vera doesn’t really show up in her work. For her, work is usually more of a necessity. She is unlikely to work if possible, so don’t expect any special achievements from Vera in her work. At the same time, if she takes on something, she does it conscientiously and wisely. She does not like to be rushed, so it is advisable for her to look for a fairly quiet permanent job.

TO family relations Vera has a very serious approach. She has been looking for a real man for a long time, whom she will determine only by his deeds. She will not be able to powder her head with beautiful confessions under the moon. She loves her husband very much and takes care of him in every possible way. She is an affectionate and caring mother. Loves his children very much and at the same time stays with them good relationship all my life.

The secret of the name Vera

Vera has one secret that she hides in every possible way, sometimes even from herself. She's quite insecure. Vera tries to seem relaxed and cheerful, but in reality she is a rather complex person. She takes reproaches against her hard and can be upset for a long time over a trifling remark. So, if you want to make friends with Vera, then praise her more often and never scold her.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Ant.

Name color- Grey.

Tree- Maple.

Plant- Heather.

Stone- Beryl.

Faith - Greek Pistis - faith.

Vera's birthday church calendar:

  • September 30:Faith of Rome, martyr, youth
  • October 14:Vera, MC.

Characteristics of the name Vera

WITH early childhood Vera is very serious, calm and flexible. You can get anything out of her with affection. She always helps around the house, tries to understand her parents, she doesn’t need to explain or beg for a long time - Vera is very smart. She shows independence early and begins to strive for independence.

Vera loves to study. She is inquisitive, obedient, quickly grasps and remembers material perfectly. Vera is well-read, erudite, and understands many things intuitively. She excels especially in humanitarian subjects, writes brilliant essays, and is interested in biology. Exact mathematics is more difficult for her and foreign language. Vera is a gifted girl, has an ear for music, and is artistic. You can always rely on her, she will cope well with any assignment, she is very fair and smart beyond her years.

Adult Vera is distinguished by practicality and a critical attitude towards the world. She quickly realizes what she is worth in life and tries to get a good education. Vera takes her work responsibly, prefers to set specific goals for herself and, as a rule, achieves them. Vera behaves kindly with her colleagues, but always at a distance. She is independent, will not tolerate pressure from others, and knows her own worth. Vera hates hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and duplicity. She is very reasonable, never makes a rash decision, and makes mistakes extremely rarely. Vera is insightful and has an excellent understanding of people. She will become a good psychologist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, researcher. Vera will make a skilled leader and accountant; she can start her own business. From creative professions Vera can choose the path of a writer or actress.

In her youth, Vera had many different acquaintances and friends. But in adult life, Vera is lonely. She does not need friends, preferring to communicate with her family. Vera trusts no one, treats everyone with suspicion, criticizes everyone. Vera doesn’t see the need for advice, although she herself, if possible, gives it out left and right. She has a wonderful sense of humor, bordering more on irony, even sarcasm. Vera's remarks are sometimes caustic, caustic, hurt people and drive them to extreme irritation with their accuracy.

It is very difficult to win Vera's heart. She attracts with her literacy, listening skills, charm and inaccessibility. Vera hates sentimentality, does not believe confessions, coldly perceives ardent courtship, and is indifferent to flowers and gifts. She will only marry a smart, decent, business man. For Vera, it is important to find in her husband a worthy interlocutor and reliable support. She will appreciate and respect him, will become a wonderful housewife and strict mother. Faith will never understand betrayal. She is disappointed in a person once and for all. Vera is skeptical about remarriage, preferring loneliness and independence.

It was she, along with her mother Sophia and younger sisters Nadezhda and Lyubov, who lived in Rome at the time when Emperor Hadrian ruled. Very early, the wise Sophia became a widow. After the death of her husband, she, as before, led a very pious lifestyle. The girls grew up in Christian traditions, they tried to live as it is written in the Gospel, according to the commandments of Christ. The holy saints of God never hid their faith, and soon the cruel ruler Adrian learned about them. He ordered them to be brought to his palace. When the guards knocked on their house, Saint Sophia and her daughters already understood why they were being taken to the emperor and asked the Lord to give them strength to withstand the upcoming torment.

When they appeared before the ruler, many present in the hall were surprised at their calmness. Adrian began to call upon young righteous virgins one by one and demand from them the worship of pagan idols. But they stood firm in their faith. Then the Atheist ordered them to be tortured, and the torture was the most severe that can be imagined: they were thrown into a furnace, into a vat of boiling resin, and they tried to burn their skin on a fiery grate. It is worth noting that Lyubov was 9 years old, Nadezhda 10, and Vera 12. Their mother was forced to watch the torture of her children. It was she who strengthened her girls and asked them to endure all the torments to the end in order to win the crown of martyrdom. And therefore the holy virgins accepted all the tortures with joy. Without waiting for them to renounce, Adrian ordered them to be beheaded. To further mock their mother, the king allowed Sophia to take the bodies of her daughters. She buried them on the highest place in the city and spent three days without leaving near their graves, after which she departed to the Lord.