The day of a person’s death is not random, just like the day of birth. The day of a person’s death is not accidental, just like the birthday of someone who died on May 22

What is good will to die? How to explain the mystery of clinical death? Why do the dead come to the living? Is it possible to give and receive permission to die? We are publishing fragments of a speech at a seminar held in Moscow by Andrei Gnezdilov, a psychotherapist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, honorary doctor of the University of Essex (UK), founder of the first hospice in Russia, inventor of new methods of art therapy and author of numerous books.

Death as a part of life

In everyday life, when we talk with someone we know and he says: “You know, so-and-so died,” the usual reaction to this is the question: how did he die? It is very important how a person dies. Death is important to a person's sense of self. It is not only negative in nature.

If we look at life philosophically, we know that there is no life without death, the concept of life can only be assessed from the perspective of death.

I once had to communicate with artists and sculptors, and I asked them: “You depict various aspects of a person’s life, you can depict love, friendship, beauty, but how would you depict death?” And no one immediately gave a clear answer.

One sculptor who immortalized the siege of Leningrad promised to think about it. And shortly before his death, he answered me like this: “I would depict death in the image of Christ.” I asked: “Is Christ crucified?” - “No, the ascension of Christ.”

One German sculptor depicted a flying angel, the shadow of whose wings was death. When a person fell into this shadow, he fell into the power of death. Another sculptor depicted death in the form of two boys: one boy sits on a stone, with his head on his knees, his whole head directed downwards.

In the hands of the second boy, there is a pipe, his head is thrown back, he is all focused on following the tune. And the explanation of this sculpture was this: it is impossible to depict death without accompanying life, and life without death.

Death is a natural process. Many writers tried to portray life as immortal, but it was a terrible, terrible immortality. What's happened endless life– endless repetition of earthly experience, cessation of development or endless aging? It is difficult to even imagine the painful state of a person who is immortal.

Death is a reward, a respite; it is abnormal only when it comes suddenly, when a person is still on the rise, full of strength. And older people want to die. Some old women ask: “Now that she’s healed, it’s time to die.” And the patterns of death that we read about in the literature, when death befell the peasants, were normative in nature.

When a village resident felt that he could no longer work as before, that he was becoming a burden to his family, he went to the bathhouse, put on clean clothes, lay down under the icon, said goodbye to his neighbors and relatives and died calmly. His death occurred without the pronounced suffering that occurs when a person struggles with death.

The peasants knew that life is not a dandelion flower that grew, blossomed and scattered with the blow of the wind. Life has deep meaning.

This example of the death of peasants dying after giving themselves permission to die is not a peculiarity of those people; we can find similar examples today. Once a cancer patient came to us. A former military man, he carried himself well and joked: “I went through three wars, pulled death’s mustache, and now its time has come to pull me.”

We, of course, supported him, but suddenly one day he could not get out of bed, and he took it completely unambiguously: “That’s it, I’m dying, I can’t get up anymore.” We told him: “Don’t worry, this is a metastasis, people with metastases in the spine live a long time, we will take care of you, you will get used to it.” - “No, no, this is death, I know.”

And, imagine, after a few days he dies, without having any physiological prerequisites for this. He dies because he decided to die. This means that this good will to death or some kind of projection of death occurs in reality.

It is necessary to allow life to end naturally, because death is programmed at the moment of human conception. A person acquires a unique experience of death during childbirth, at the moment of birth. When you deal with this problem, you can see how intelligently life is structured. As a person is born, so he dies, easily born - easily dies, hard to be born - hard to die.

And the day of a person’s death is no more random than the day of his birth. Statisticians are the first to raise this problem, discovering that people often have the same date of death and date of birth. Or, when we remember some significant anniversaries of the death of our relatives, it suddenly turns out that the grandmother died and a grandson was born. This transmission across generations and the non-randomness of the day of death and the day of birth is striking.

Clinical death or another life?

Not a single sage has yet understood what death is, what happens during death. Such a stage as clinical death was left practically unattended. A person falls into a comatose state, his breathing and heart stop, but unexpectedly for himself and for others, he returns to life and tells amazing stories.

Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva recently died. At one time, we often argued, I told about cases of clinical death that were in my practice, and she said that this was all nonsense, that changes were just happening in the brain, and so on. And one day I gave her an example, which she then began to use and tell herself.

I worked for 10 years at the Oncological Institute as a psychotherapist, and one day I was called to see a young woman. During the operation, her heart stopped; it could not be started for a long time, and when she woke up, I was asked to see if her psyche had changed due to the long oxygen starvation of the brain.

I came to the intensive care ward, she was just coming to her senses. I asked: “Can you talk to me?”, “Yes, but I would like to apologize to you, I caused you so much trouble,” “What trouble?”, “Well, of course.” My heart stopped, I experienced such stress, and I saw that it was also a lot of stress for the doctors.”

I was surprised: “How could you see this if you were in a state of deep narcotic sleep, and then your heart stopped?” “Doctor, I would tell you much more if you promise not to send me to a psychiatric hospital.”

And she said the following: when she fell into a narcotic sleep, she suddenly felt as if a soft blow to her feet made something inside her turn, like a screw being turned out. She had the feeling that her soul had turned outward and emerged into some foggy space.

Looking closer, she saw a group of doctors bending over the body. She thought: what a familiar face this woman has! And then suddenly I remembered that it was herself. Suddenly a voice rang out: “Stop the operation immediately, the heart has stopped, you need to start it.”

She thought she had died and remembered with horror that she had not said goodbye to either her mother or her five-year-old daughter. Anxiety for them literally pushed her into the back, she flew out of the operating room and in an instant found herself in her apartment.

She saw a rather peaceful scene - a girl playing with dolls, her grandmother, her mother, sewing something. There was a knock on the door and a neighbor, Lidia Stepanovna, came in. She was holding a small polka dot dress in her hands. “Masha,” said the neighbor, “you always tried to be like your mother, so I sewed for you the same dress as your mother.”

The girl happily rushed to her neighbor, on the way she touched the tablecloth, an antique cup fell, and a teaspoon fell under the carpet. There is noise, the girl is crying, the grandmother exclaims: “Masha, how awkward you are,” Lidia Stepanovna says that the dishes are beating fortunately - a common situation.

And the girl’s mother, forgetting about herself, came up to her daughter, stroked her on the head and said: “Masha, this is not the best.” terrible grief in life." Mashenka looked at her mother, but not seeing her, she turned away. And suddenly, this woman realized that when she touched the girl’s head, she did not feel this touch. Then she rushed to the mirror, and did not see herself in the mirror.

In horror, she remembered that she should be in the hospital, that her heart had stopped. She rushed out of the house and found herself in the operating room. And then I heard a voice: “The heart has started, we are doing an operation, but rather, because there may be a repeated cardiac arrest.”

After listening to this woman, I said: “Don’t you want me to come to your house and tell your family that everything is fine, they can see you?” She happily agreed.

I went to the address given to me, my grandmother opened the door, I told how the operation went, and then asked: “Tell me, did your neighbor Lidiya Stepanovna come to you at half past ten?” Do you know her?”, “Didn’t she bring a dress with polka dots?”, “Are you a wizard, doctor?”

I continue to ask, and everything came together down to the details, except for one thing - the spoon was not found. Then I say: “Did you look under the carpet?” They lift the carpet and there is a spoon there.

This story had a great effect on Bekhtereva. And then she herself experienced a similar incident. On the same day, she lost both her stepson and her husband, both of whom committed suicide. It was terribly stressful for her. And then one day, entering the room, she saw her husband, and he addressed her with some words.

She, an excellent psychiatrist, decided that these were hallucinations, returned to another room and asked her relative to see what was in that room. She came up, looked in and recoiled: “Yes, your husband is there!” Then she did what her husband asked, making sure that similar cases not fiction.

She told me: “No one knows the brain better than me (Bekhtereva was the director of the Institute of the Human Brain in St. Petersburg). And I have the feeling that I am standing in front of some huge wall, behind which I hear voices, and I know that there is a wonderful and huge world out there, but I cannot convey to others what I see and hear. Because in order for this to be scientifically valid, everyone must repeat my experience.”

Once I was sitting next to a dying patient. I put a music box that was playing a touching melody, then asked: “Turn it off, is it bothering you?” “No, let it play.” Suddenly her breathing stopped, her relatives rushed: “Do something, she’s not breathing.”

I rashly gave her an injection of adrenaline, and she came to her senses again, turned to me: “Andrei Vladimirovich, what was that?” - “You know, it was clinical death.” She smiled and said: “No, life!”

What is this state that the brain goes into during clinical death? After all, death is death. We register death when we see that breathing has stopped, the heart has stopped, the brain does not work, it cannot perceive information and, moreover, send it out.

Does this mean that the brain is only a transmitter, but there is something deeper, more powerful in a person? And here we are faced with the concept of the soul. After all, this concept has almost been supplanted by the concept of the psyche. There is a psyche, but there is no soul.

How would you like to die?

We asked both the healthy and the sick: “How would you like to die?” And people with certain characterological qualities built a model of death in their own way.

People with a schizoid character type, such as Don Quixote, characterized their desire rather strangely: “We would like to die so that no one around us would see my body.”

Epileptoids considered it unthinkable for themselves to lie quietly and wait for death to come; they had to be able to somehow participate in this process.

Cycloids - people like Sancho Panza, would like to die surrounded by their loved ones. Psychosthenics are anxious and suspicious people; they worried about what they would look like when they died. Hysteroids wanted to die at sunrise or sunset, on the seashore, in the mountains.

I compared these desires, but I remembered the words of one monk who said this: “I don’t care what will surround me, what the situation will be around me. It is important to me that I die while praying, thanking God for giving me life and seeing the power and beauty of His creation.”

Heraclitus of Ephesus said: “A man lights a light for himself on the night of death; and he is not dead, having extinguished his eyes, but is alive; but he comes into contact with the dead - while dozing, while awake - he comes into contact with the dormant,” a phrase that you can puzzle over almost your entire life.

Being in contact with the patient, I could agree with him that when he died, he would try to let me know whether there was something behind the coffin or not. And I received this answer more than once.

I once made an agreement with one woman, she died, and I soon forgot about our agreement. And then one day, when I was at the dacha, I suddenly woke up when the light came on in the room. I thought that I had forgotten to turn off the light, but then I saw that the same woman was sitting on the bed opposite me. I was happy, started talking to her, and suddenly I remembered - she died!

I thought I was dreaming all this, so I turned away and tried to go to sleep so I could wake up. Some time passed, I raised my head. The light was on again, I looked back in horror - she was still sitting on the bed and looking at me. I want to say something, but I can’t - it’s terrible. I realized what was in front of me dead man. And suddenly she smiled sadly and said: “But this is not a dream.”

Why do I give such examples? Because the uncertainty of what awaits us forces us to return to the old principle: “Do no harm.” That is, “don’t rush death” is the most powerful argument against euthanasia. To what extent do we have the right to intervene in the condition that the patient is experiencing? How can we hasten his death when he may be experiencing his greatest life at this moment?

Quality of life and permission to die

What matters is not the number of days we live, but the quality. What does quality of life give? Quality of life gives you the opportunity to be pain-free, the ability to control your consciousness, the opportunity to be surrounded by relatives and family.

Why is communication with relatives so important? Because children often repeat the plot of the lives of their parents or relatives. Sometimes it's in the details that are amazing. And this repetition of life is often a repetition of death.

The blessing of relatives, the parental blessing of a dying person to children is very important, it can even save them later, protect them from something. Again, returning to cultural heritage fairy tales

Remember the plot: an old father dies, he has three sons. He asks: “After my death, go to my grave for three days.” The older brothers either don’t want to go or are afraid, only the younger one, a fool, goes to the grave, and at the end of the third day the father reveals some secret to him.

When a person passes away, he sometimes thinks: “Well, let me die, let me get sick, but let my family be healthy, let the illness end on me, I’ll pay the bills for the whole family.” And so, having set a goal, no matter rationally or affectively, a person receives a meaningful departure from life.

Hospice is a home that offers quality life. Not an easy death, but a quality life. This is a place where a person can end his life meaningfully and deeply, accompanied by relatives.

When a person leaves, the air does not just come out of him, like from a rubber ball, he needs to take a leap, he needs strength in order to step into the unknown. A person must allow himself to take this step. And he receives the first permission from his relatives, then from the medical staff, from volunteers, from the priest and from himself. And this permission to die from oneself is the most difficult thing.

You know that Christ, before suffering and praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, asked his disciples: “Stay with me, do not sleep.” Three times the disciples promised Him to stay awake, but fell asleep without providing support. So here's the hospice in spiritual sense is a place where a person can ask: “Stay with me.”

And if such a greatest personality - God Incarnate - needed human help, if He said: “I no longer call you slaves. I called you friends,” addressing people, then follow this example and saturate them with spiritual content last days patient is very important.

Andrey Gnezdilov
Prepared the text; photo: Maria Stroganova

In 1455, the Battle of St. Albans in England began a 30-year war between supporters of the reigning House of Lancaster (with a scarlet rose on the coat of arms) and their relatives from the dynasty of York (respectively, with a white rose on the coat of arms).

This series of military conflicts between two branches of the Plantagenet dynasty went down in history as the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. Alas! The struggle for power ended tragically: two warring clans of the English monarchy actually exterminated each other, and the throne was taken by Henry the Seventh, the first monarch from the Tudor dynasty... In fact, the War of the Scarlet and White Roses drew a line under the English Middle Ages. On the battlefields, scaffolds and in prison casemates, not only all the direct descendants of the Plantagenets perished, but also a significant part of the English lords and knighthood. The accession of the Tudors in 1485 is considered the beginning of the New Age in English history.

“When human speech ceases even for a short time, the art of music begins,” said the great German composer Richard Wagner, born May 22, 1813.

He made a huge contribution to the reform opera art and created many wonderful works. True, he had a tendency towards gigantomania. In particular, Wagner wrote the world's longest solo aria. It sounds in the scene of Brünnhilde’s sacrifice in the opera “Twilight of the Gods” for 14 minutes 46 seconds! He also wrote the world's longest classical opera, Die Meistersinger of Nuremberg. In the unabridged version, it lasts 5 hours 15 minutes.

In 1816, Russian self-taught inventor Pavel Zarubin was born. A Kostroma tradesman, he learned to read and write in childhood with the weak and inept help of his mother. His life was spent mainly in the service of the land surveying department.

In addition to inventions, Pavel Alekseevich worked on problems of aeronautics and scuba diving, and was also a gifted prose writer and publicist. Extraordinary and active person, he became one of the prototypes of the self-taught Kuligin from the play “The Thunderstorm” by Alexander Ostrovsky.

In 1859, the literary father of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes was born - the British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

He argued: “If you eliminate the impossible, then whatever remains will be the truth, no matter how incredible it may seem.”

On May 22, two outstanding people named Martynov were born - the poet Leonid and the composer Evgeny.
Collections of poems by Leonid Martynov entered the golden fund of Soviet classics, although the poet was far from the canons socialist realism.
He wrote:

All in all,
They ask for little
But they give quite a lot.

They take away a lot:
If necessary, keep pace,
Tired, malnourished,
But if explosion after explosion, -
This hell is getting boring
Even the most patient.

All in all,
Little do they know
But they sense it very well
If somewhere they crucify
And someone gets lynched.
And then the creators of violence
People mix with dust,
They count them out.
Their work is not for people!

All in all,
Few believe
In spells, in pentagrams,
And they measure by their own standards
By pounds and kilograms,
Both yards and meters.
The other count has not yet begun.

All in all,
But they mean quite a lot!

“He managed to create more than good poetry - he created his own intonation,” Yevgeny Yevtushenko said about Martynov.
Leonid Martynov died in June 1980 in Moscow filled with pre-Olympic bustle. He was 75 years old.

His namesake is talented composer and the singer - Evgeny Martynov lived on this earth much less - only 42 years. He would have turned 60 today.
Evgeny Martynov is called a white swan Soviet stage. He was amazing a bright person, and the songs created and sung by him are also very kind and bright. " Swan fidelity", "Alyonushka", "Apple Trees in Blossom"... They still sound today, having outlived their creator and best performer.

In 1907, one of the most recognized English actors, first director founded in 1963 National Theater Sir Laurence Olivier. The son of a village priest, he dropped out of Oxford at the age of 17 and entered the School of Ection and Drama. By the time of his debut in the film “Too Many Crooks” in 1930, he had already played many roles in various theaters.

The pinnacle of Olivier's acting success in the late 30s was his role in the film " Wuthering Heights Wyler, and in the 40s, Olivier’s acting and director’s triumph was the film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry V, organically combining theatrical and cinematic techniques... In 1947, Laurence Olivier was knighted, and in 1970 he received a life peerage.

In 1913, People's Artist of the USSR, composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, author of more than 300 songs, was born in St. Petersburg.

Among them are such super-famous things as “Dark Night”, “Beloved City”, “Scows Full of Mullets” and others. Rumor ascribes to Bogoslovsky the joke with a friend sent under New Year to another city, which formed the basis of the plot of Ryazanov’s “Irony of Fate.”

In 1937, in Rostov, Viktor Ponedelnik was born into the family of a local journalist and a military nurse, a famous football player who scored the winning goal for the Soviet team in the final of the 1960 European Championship.

The 17-year-old forward, who played well with his head, was noticed by national team coach Gavriil Kachalin at a youth team match, and in 1958, a Rostselmash player who played in class “B” was called up to the national team - a rare case, when a football player was selected to the national team from a team other than the top division.

On July 10, 1960 in Paris, in the final of the first European championship in the game between the national teams of the USSR and Yugoslavia, regular time ended in a draw - 1:1. In the 113th minute, Monday's header hit the goal, and the Soviet team, winning with a score of 2:1, became the strongest in Europe.

Through Gold, nuclear physicist Klaus Fuchs, from 1944 to the end of 1945, transferred the secrets of the American Manhattan atomic project to the USSR. After Fuchs left for London, Gold became a liaison to another spy network organized by Rosenberg, and received secret documents from Rosenberg's relative Davis Greenlace, who worked at Los Alamos, the main center of the American atomic project. This violated one of the main rules of espionage, which prohibits contacts between different spy networks. This helped the FBI decipher telegrams from Soviet stations. Klaus Fox, Harry Gold, and then Gringlas and the Rosenbergs were arrested. Gold collaborated with the USSR from 1935 to 1946 selflessly, for ideological reasons. He received 30 years in prison, but was released early in 1965. For the last seven years of his life, Harry did not communicate with reporters and did not try to write memoirs, but he could tell a lot. He died in 1972.

For most people, Harry Gold is one of Moscow's "nuclear super agents". And few people know that in 1943 he received the Order of the Red Banner for something completely different, namely for the extraction of technologies for processing color film, producing nylon and what, apparently, it is not time to talk about yet.

It was Gary Gold's information that helped significantly Soviet Union establish the production of color photographic and film films. From 1940 to 1942, through Eastman Kodak employee Alfred Slack, Gold was able to obtain valuable information about Kodak's achievements in this area. Moreover, they were all so secret that the company did not even patent them. The USSR could obtain the formulas for developers and fixers in two ways: create a research center not inferior to Kodak laboratories, spend several years and a lot of money, or simply steal the description of the technologies. It is clear that the choice fell on the second option. Harry Gold himself understood this very well. Many years later, he stated that he considered the extraction of this technology more important than participation in the theft of atomic secrets.

On this page you will learn about significant dates spring day on May 22, what famous people were born on this May day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the spring day of May 22, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays, was no exception famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The twenty-second day of May has left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twenty-second spring May day, May 22, what events and memorable dates it was marked and remembered for, who was born, signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on May 22 (twenty-second)

Sergei Petrovich Ivanov. Born on May 22, 1951 in Kyiv - died on January 15, 2000 in Kyiv. Soviet and Ukrainian actor, director and screenwriter, Honored Artist of Ukraine (1992), People's Artist of Ukraine (1998)

Nikolai Vladimirovich Olyalin. Born on May 22, 1941 in the village of Opikhalino, Vologda region - died on November 17, 2009 in Kyiv. Soviet and Russian actor, film director, screenwriter. People's Artist Ukrainian SSR (1979)

Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk (Ukrainian: Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk; born May 22, 1974, Chernivtsi) - Ukrainian political and statesman. Prime Minister of Ukraine since February 27, 2014

Richard Wagner ( full name Wilhelm Richard Wagner, German. Wilhelm Richard Wagner; May 22, 1813, Leipzig - February 13, 1883, Venice) - German composer and art theorist. The greatest reformer of opera, Wagner had a significant influence on European musical culture, especially German

Evgeny Martynov (05/22/1948 [Kamyshin] - 09/03/1990 [Moscow]) - Soviet pop singer, composer, musician, teacher

Victor Ponedelnik (05/22/1937 [Rostov-on-Don]) - Soviet football player, author of the “golden goal” of the USSR national team in the 1960 European Cup final

George Best (05/22/1946 [Belfast] - 11/25/2005 [London]) - famous Irish footballer

Paul Edward Winfield (05/22/1939 [Los Angeles] - 03/07/2004 [Los Angeles]) - American stage, film and television actor

Susan Strasberg (05/22/1938 [New York] - 01/21/1999 [New York]) - American actress

Richard Benjamin (05/22/1938 [New York]) - American actor and director

Ethel Shannon (05/22/1898 [Denver, Colorado] - 07/10/1951 [Hollywood]) - American silent film actress

Alla Nazimova (05/22/1879 [Yalta] - 07/13/1946 [Los Angeles]) - American theater and film actress, producer and screenwriter

Leonid Leonidov (05/22/1873 [Odessa] - 08/06/1941 [Moscow]) - actor of the Moscow Art Theater

Arthur Conan Doyle (05/22/1859 [Edinburgh] - 07/07/1930 [Crowborough]) - English writer

Agust II the Strong (05/22/1670 [Dresden] - 02/01/1733 [Warsaw]) - King of Poland

in 1907, actor Laurence Olivier was born in England, who played Crassus in the film Spartacus and Darcy in the 1940 film Pride and Prejudice

in 1920, actor Nikolai Grinko was born in Kherson, who played Professor Gromov in the film “The Adventures of Electronics” and dad Carlo in the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”

born in 1924 in Paris famous singer Charles Aznavour

in 1961, actor Sergei Veksler was born in Vinnitsa, who played Ablimed in the series “The Last Janissary”, Dmitry Voronov in the series “Flint” and Savva Morozov in the film “Savva Morozov”

Actor Michael Kelly, who played Jon Krakauer in the film Everest, Steve Lombard in the film Man of Steel and Agent Fuller in the film Now You See Me, was born in Philadelphia in 1969.

model Naomi Campbell, famous black panther, was born in 1970

In 1978, actress Ginnifer Goodwin was born in Memphis, who played Snow White in the TV series Once Upon a Time, Rachel in the film Rented Groom and Mrs. Strunk in the film A Single Man.

In 1979, actress Maggie Q was born in Honolulu, who played Tori in the film "Divergent", Nikita in the TV series "Nikita" and Mai Lin in the film " Die Hard 4.0"

In 1980, actor Andrei Chadov was born in Moscow, who played Alexander Nazarov in the TV series "A Matter of Honor", Kesha in the film " Perfect couple" and Anton in the TV series "Provocateur"

in 1981, actress Yulia Melnikova was born, who played Naira in the series "Belovodye. The Secret Country", Marina in the film "Hurry to Love" and Larisa in the series "Turkish Transit"

in 1984, actress Elizaveta Oliferova was born, who played Katya in the series “The General’s Granddaughter” and Marina Berestova in the series “Practice”

In 1986, actress Molly Ephraim, who played Mandy Baxter in the TV series “The Last One,” was born in Pennsylvania. a real man", Eli Ray in the movie "Paranormal Activity 2 and 3" and Wendy in the movie "Daddy's Girl".

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with days (dates) of celebration Orthodox holidays - Ivana Kupala (John the Baptist) , Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia , and also Peter's Day (Saints Peter and Paul) until 2035...

Dates May 22

International dates

Biological Diversity Day has been celebrated since 2001

The entire diversity of life on the planet today is rapidly declining: forests are being cut down, plants are dying out, and animals are disappearing. And the person and his active work are largely to blame. The World Conservation Union has identified 7 main factors causing the loss of biological diversity: loss of the natural environment; competition from invasive species; desertification; pollution environment; uncontrolled use natural resources; global climate change; population growth and, as a result, excessive consumption. Most of these factors are the result of human activity.

National dates

Yarilo Mokry - Slavic holiday late spring - early summer.

Day armed forces in Kyrgyzstan

National celebration of the formation of a united republic in Yemen

The holiday dedicated to St. Nicholas the Pleasant is celebrated twice: in the spring - on May 22 and in the winter - on December 19, so people said, “We have two St. Nicholas - one St. Nicholas with grass, the other St. Nicholas with winter.” And indeed, from that day on, the grass began to grow well, so they began to turn out the horses for grazing, equipping single guys for the night. And in the evenings, girls joined them, starting songs and round dances.

By the way, Nikolin’s day used to be considered the day when boys entered into adult life, and there was no adult supervision over them that day.

The signs of the weather on May 22 were as follows: on a humid and foggy morning, it was necessary to wash oneself with dew so that a person would have health and the earth would have a good harvest. And rain on Nikola was considered a good omen.

Events occurred on May 22 - historical dates

The War of the Scarlet and White Roses began in 1455

In 1849, Abraham Lincoln received a patent for a floating dock design. He is the only US president to receive a patent for an invention.

was founded in 1856 Tretyakov Gallery. On this day, merchant and textile manufacturer Pavel Tretyakov purchased the first paintings for his collection. Currently, the Tretyakov Gallery's holdings include more than 100,000 works of art, and the gallery itself is considered one of the most valuable objects of our culture.

The toothpaste tube was invented in 1892 by Washington Sheffield. This was the first product to be packaged in a tube.

In 1911, the International Federation of Cynologists was founded. The federation, according to 2009 data, includes cynological federations from 83 countries, including Russia. The FCI has recognized 339 dog breeds. Each member country prepares its own breed standard, which is then approved by the FCI.

in 1940, the USSR established the insignia of the Hero of Socialist Labor - the Hammer and Sickle medal, which was awarded to more than 16,000 people

in 1990, Microsoft began selling Windows 3.0. It was the first operating system to break the 640 KB memory threshold. In just a couple of weeks, more than 100,000 copies were bought, and later the number of copies sold crossed the threshold of 10 million.

Events of May 22

The Tretyakov Gallery, which is national museum Russian fine arts 10th-20th centuries, was founded in 1856. On the date we indicated, the famous Russian collector Pavel Tretyakov bought several paintings outstanding artists Khudyakov and Schilder.

While still young, Tretyakov set himself the goal of founding a museum that would become famous throughout Russia. For 40 years he walked towards his dream, slowly but surely, without turning away from the right direction. Having established strong friendly relations with the Peredvizhniki artists, the collector had the opportunity to purchase their best works.

In 1856, Tretyakov's dream came true. On May 22, the official opening of the museum took place, but it opened its doors for public viewing only in 1881.

Today, the Tretyakov Gallery has more than one hundred thousand different works of art, concentrated in the architectural complex at the building on Krymsky Val and in Lavrushinsky Lane. By decree of the head of the Russian Federation, the Tretyakov Gallery was ranked among the most valuable cultural and historical objects in the Russian Federation.

At that time, Dr. Sheffield could not even imagine that his invention would eventually become one of the most popular objects of human life. And although today tubes are filled with different products (creams, paint, food, etc.), toothpaste became the first substance packaged in tube containers.

Until the end of the nineteenth century, to maintain teeth in proper order, humanity used tooth powders, which were sold in small paper envelopes. Soon this powder began to be “liquefied”, so the dentist V. Sheffield was puzzled by the goal of inventing a convenient package for liquid toothpaste.

The person who gave the doctor the idea was one American artist, who stored his paints in tubular containers. The dentist decided that after some modifications, similar tubes could be used to store liquefied toothpaste. Inspired by the idea, the doctor seriously began producing toothpaste in tubes.

However, due to his passion for his own business, the dentist forgot to patent the container he invented in time, and a year later the pharmacist Colgate, the inventor of liquid toothpaste, entrusted this mission to himself. After some time, Colgate came up with the idea of ​​packaging all kinds of creams, ointments and paints in tubes.

Signs May 22 - Nikola Veshnigoo Day

People called the holiday differently: the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the day of St. Nicholas of the spring, St. Nicholas the Warm. This is one of the main holidays in Rus', since the people considered Nicholas the Wonderworker their intercessor and patron. He was especially revered by sailors and travelers. People turned to the saint on May 22 for help and deliverance from troubles. They said that Nikola's field of cold would hit 12 more times. Also on May 22, lilacs were blooming.

We went to church on May 22 to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and said: “St. Nicholas the Pleasant! Help me, holy wonderworker! Cover me with your miracle and save me from all misfortunes.”

It is known that Nikolai also saved children from harm, patronized young couples and prevented fires in the fields. On May 22 they prayed to him for the health of horses and protection from thieves. People also called him the patron saint of spring. We made sure to try to feed disadvantaged people on May 22, otherwise we would have to go hungry for a year.

On May 22, they prayed to Saint Nicholas for the health of the horses and only after that they were saddled, otherwise demonic power would begin to ride horses and ride the horses to death. And if on May 22 they saw that the horse was shaking, they would definitely say: “Shoot, shoo, evil spirits" They began to drive out the horses at night - for this purpose the young men gathered together and drove the animals.

The whole village saw them off. Songs and round dances began - fun reigned all around. Previously, also on May 22, this day was the period when boys began to enter adulthood, after which the elders stopped raising them.

Folk signs on May 22

The day after Nikola it rains - summer will also be rainy and cold

Nikola's Day was the deadline for planting potatoes, because it was believed that if they were planted later, then, according to signs, they would not have time to grow and the harvest would not be harvested

The foggy and wet morning of May 22 means you need to wash yourself with the first dew in order to be healthy throughout the year. It was also necessary to walk through the fields and cast spells so that the land would be fertile

The frogs began to croak - a sign that there will be a rich harvest of oats

The alder has bloomed - it’s time to sow buckwheat

They tried not to swim in the river until May 22, as this was considered a great sin. In addition, the ode has not yet warmed up strongly enough

On the day of St. Nicholas of Spring, the meadows were “ordered” - this was done with the help of twigs and branches, which were stuck into the ground on May 22, so that it was clear: cattle could not be grazed here.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the twenty-second day of May, spring May 22, what a mark this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is May 22nd interesting and significant in history, science, sports, culture, politics?

May 22, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on May 22?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on May 22? What religious holidays are celebrated on May 22? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is May 22 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with May 22? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on May 22?

What significant historical events May 22 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Remembrance Day of which famous and great people is May 22?

Which great, famous and famous died on May 22?

May 22, Remembrance Day for which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, entertainers, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

Who was born on May 22 of the famous people born today?

We offer a table with the days of Orthodox celebrations holidays - Ivana Kupalo (John the Baptist) , family day Saints Peter and Fevronia , and also Peter's Day (Saints Peter and Paul) about which those interested and curious will probably be interested to learn about them in more detail - links in the table...

Ivana Kupala

John the Baptist

Saints day

Peter and Fevronia

Peter's Day

Saints Peter and Paul

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Here you will read about the dates and events of May 22, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-second day of May of the month of the eighteenth year.

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Events of the day May 22, 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of May 22, 2031, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-second day of May of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day May 22, 2032 - dates today

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Events of the day May 22, 2033 - dates today

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Events of the day May 22, 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of May 22, 2034, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-second day of May of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day May 22, 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of May 22, 2035, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-second day of May in the month of the thirtieth year.