Virgo girl and Taurus guy relationship. Compatibility of Virgo woman – Taurus man – cons. How to find a common language in a couple: Taurus Man and Virgo Woman

According to the compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Taurus man, the union between them often turns out to be very successful. The family here is based on warm relationships and mutual understanding. The Taurus man is economical and persistent, while the Virgo woman is hardworking and responsible. In this union, they can be firmly connected by a commonality of interests, thoroughness, concern for well-being, children and family.

This is a very nice couple. A woman loves her man, and he enjoys communicating with her. Here the man acts as an adviser and mentor, takes responsibility - in a word, contributes to the material and personal growth of his partner.

The Virgo woman appreciates and honors her Taurus partner, and he is very happy with this attitude and, for his part, tries in every possible way to repay with his love and feelings, his care and behavior. They have so much in common that they are like “understudies”, in many ways unmistakably complementing each other.

Taurus brings his warm heart and feelings, practicality, and prudence to this marriage union. Virgo and Taurus are both accommodating and peace-loving, both have a keen sense and taste for all economic and financial matters. Basically, all conversations and conversations between them are about money and earnings, plans for the future. This brings both spiritual harmony and joy in their life together, gives confidence in the future, uplifting their spirit and supporting good mood, enhances their diligence and efficiency. Only - and this will bring significant material success, material benefits.

Compatibility between Virgo woman and Taurus man – PROS

This marriage union is successful and favorable for both the Taurus man and the Virgo woman. If there is no “mad love” between them, then, in extreme cases, deep sympathy and affection for each other can persist until the end of life. This perfect couple, and often it is based not only on feelings, but also on mutual calculation. They do not have violent passions, crazy romances with dizzying passion, but then there are no stormy scenes of showdown. They live happily together for many years, bathing in the rays of not a fiery, but warm and strong feeling. Perhaps this union can also be described as ordinary human happiness.

In a Virgo-Taurus pair, compatibility is a solid foundation for them family life are realistic views on life and healthy practicality. There is no shortage of money in this family and the concept of a financial crisis is alien to them.

Both the Virgo woman and the Taurus man both love the earth. Therefore, they either live on the land or acquire a country house where they spend all their free time.

Both partners have favorite topics of conversation - money and what to buy with it, as well as how to raise children. Taurus man and Virgo woman are happy with this simple things, they feel good with each other and don’t have to pretend to be someone they are not.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Taurus man – CONS

The couple of Virgo woman and Taurus man actually has few problems. The greatest difficulties can arise during the so-called “midlife crisis.” At this time, as a rule, a person seeks adventure and craves enchanting passions. And even such “homey” Taurus men are not immune from this.

The Taurus man cannot tolerate criticism. If someone tries to criticize his actions or lifestyle, then this person will not find it enough.

The problem with compatibility of the Virgo-Taurus zodiac signs is that they also complain about disorder. The Taurus man can endure this for a long time, but his amazing patience still has a limit. And if a Virgo woman angers a calm Taurus, then the release of energy will be colossal (to the surprise of Virgo, and of Taurus himself too). Reconciliation may take a very long time.

Virgo-Taurus horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the Virgo-Taurus horoscopes, the marriage between them often turns out to be very strong and lasts a lifetime. To prevent it from becoming a habit, partners should introduce more elements of variety into their life together (including their sexual life).

In order for there to be peace and harmony in the family, the Virgo woman must come to terms with the fact that there will always be a mess. This man can easily put on wrinkled trousers and go to a party, and he will understand why the Virgo woman is indignant. After all, he was wearing the most expensive and luxurious trousers. So what if they are wrinkled, the main thing is that they are from the most famous fashion designer. In this case, only feminine cunning, insight, and, of course, the accuracy of the Virgo will help. Make sure your husband's things are always in order, and you won't blush when he gets dressed somewhere without your close attention.

This couple will not be able to avoid a midlife crisis, but it can be mitigated. Change yourself, change yours appearance, character, and also find a common hobby and be together as often as possible. If one of you has succumbed to temptation, you should once again think about whether your cozy, harmonious life is worth a brief moment of euphoria, which will pass, leaving nothing but disappointment and an offended partner. Alas, the former.

How a Virgo woman can conquer a Taurus man

A Virgo woman is always attracted to a man like Taurus. She feels the self-confidence and reliability that he radiates. To win a Taurus guy, a Virgo girl needs to show him such character qualities as: poise, thriftiness and classic style. Of course, Taurus men like luxurious and relaxed girls, but for a serious relationship, to start a family, they will choose only a calm and economical woman with a fairly high intellectual level. It is with this that he will feel comfortable living in the same house.

A Virgo woman and a Taurus man have good compatibility in sex. But often the Virgo woman is offended by the Taurus man’s sense of humor and too casual attitude towards this romantic and holy process.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Taurus man in friendship

A strong friendship always develops between a Virgo woman and a Taurus man. They will never leave each other in trouble, and difficult moment will lend their reliable shoulder. This couple is always interested in being together, they have something to talk about. In addition, they prefer similar vacations. Both prefer a quiet holiday and relax away from noisy, fun companies and not too expensive. Both the Virgo woman and the Taurus man do not like to waste money.

In this friendship, the Virgo woman finds the warmth and understanding that the Taurus man gives her, and he, in turn, appreciates his Virgo friend for her sensible, competent advice.

The “halves” of these people have something to fear. The friendly relationship between a Taurus man and a Virgo woman very often develops into something more serious. The partnership between Virgo and Taurus is built not on passion, but on calm affection, and if both decide that personal relationships are beneficial for them, they will break off previous ties (although perhaps not quickly).

Compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Taurus man in business

A Taurus man and a Virgo woman always have a good, fruitful business alliance. There are almost never disagreements in their couple, both look in the same direction and, as they say, “move on the same wavelength.” Particularly great success can be achieved when the Virgo woman draws up an action plan where she can take everything into account the smallest details, and the Taurus man will carry it out patiently and persistently.

When a Virgo woman and a Taurus man are colleagues or partners, it is an ideal combination for a business relationship. This couple does not like gossip, empty chatter and intrigue; they come together and find more interesting topics for conversation. They value in each other the ability to complete a task, diligence and action according to a clearly drawn up plan. Most often they can be found in the banking, economics and high technology sectors.

When a Virgo woman is a boss and a Taurus man is a subordinate, it is a good combination. The Virgo woman is one of the most pedantic and demanding bosses. She looks like main character film " Office romance» Eldara Ryazanova. Where she works, everything is clear, there is no fuss, rushing, lateness and tea drinking in working hours. All these requirements are very much to the liking of the Taurus man. The only thing he doesn’t like is the boss’s excessive dryness and coldness.

When a Virgo woman is a subordinate and a Taurus man is a boss, this is a great combination for work. With a Taurus boss, the Virgo woman can well count on a well-deserved promotion. The Taurus boss highly values ​​Virgo's devotion, honesty and diligence.

Virgo and Taurus can become good friends. Virgo admires the chastity of their partner, however, the scrupulousness and stubbornness of Taurus can drive Virgo crazy. Virgo's intelligence makes Taurus shy in front of them, but their cleanliness even in small things irritates Taurus. If you study the compatibility horoscope of Taurus and Virgo, you can conclude that both signs will not be able to deviate from their principles. Even if it comes to a scandal, no one can give in to their partner. Virgos are too vindictive, and remembering their troubles gives them pleasure. Taurus, by virtue of their character, are able to remember everything that happens for a long time, even if they really want to forget them.

In a pair of Taurus and Virgo, the relationship is full of suspicion, passivity and caution. However, both of them are reliable signs, so they make a unique union. If one of the partners has the courage to tell each other about their feelings, their friendship, love or partnership can last forever. Moreover, the development of relations will be gradual.

Taurus is more patient in a couple. Virgo, even with outward calm and equanimity, can be in a state of tension. Virgos are capable of exaggerating, and if everything does not go according to their plan, it seems to them that nothing will work out and the ground disappears from under their feet.

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Taurus and Virgo is close to 80 percent. Taurus tries to achieve great success in life, and Virgos act against fate. People under the sign of Virgo do not express their dissatisfaction with the fact that Taurus are more successful in life than they are and they are quite satisfied with the state of things.

In marriage, Taurus becomes a reliable support and is able to create resistance in their family to destructive blows from the outside. Virgos, for their part, are sociable people, so they believe that they are destined in life to serve the world and others.

At the beginning of her life, Virgo can become a successful person, but over time this social status begins to irritate a person. People under the sign of Virgo can ruin relationships with colleagues, receive criticism, and then calm down and start living for themselves.

Many Virgos, like Taurus, love solitude, so their interests in this matter completely coincide. They are able to enjoy nature and relaxation outside the city. At the dacha, far from noisy city streets, they acquire peace of mind and become truly happy.

If Taurus and Virgo have harmony between the Sun and Moon in their birth charts, their union will remain strong for life. They will strive to be alone together: Taurus will come up with his own storyline, where his partner will become the only beloved and desired woman for him; Virgo will compose a story without making mistakes and causing pain to each other.

Compatibility Virgo Woman – Taurus Man

The compatibility of a Virgo girl and a Taurus man in marriage reaches 90 percent. Often such couples end their relationship by creating a family, the basis of which is mutual understanding and warm relationships. Virgo is hardworking and takes a responsible approach to any business, and Taurus is an economic and persistent sign. Their union is tightly bound by the same interests, concern for the well-being of the family and conversations about children.

There will not be too much passion in their relationship, but there will be no lies, deceit, betrayal or betrayal. They do not let each other get bored and therefore their marriage is very strong and can last a lifetime. However, from time to time they will have to introduce variety into their relationships, which will help them not to turn feelings into a habit or attachment.

Compatibility Virgo Man – Taurus Woman

The compatibility of such a union is 100 percent. Virgo man and Taurus woman are able to create a long and lasting union. These two people have a lot in common. They never expect mercy from fate and are used to achieving everything on their own. The man and woman in this union value family comfort. They are committed to serious relationships and will do everything to ensure that their family is prosperous.

As in any other family, at the beginning of the relationship they will have a grinding process. The Taurus woman is annoyed by Virgo's excessive thriftiness, but this deficiency will be offset by her partner's honesty and dedication.

In this article:

Twelve zodiac signs, so many options for their combinations. Some of the signs make great matches for life. Their stellar compatibility is beyond doubt. Others are less fortunate; you literally want to run away from such a union. A man and a woman unite on earth, but their life together is greatly influenced by the stars. In love, relationships and marriage, the compatibility of your signs is very important. If it is not there, such a marriage will either not last long, or will bring only disappointments throughout its life. In order for everything to be good and harmonious in sex, you should pay attention to your horoscopes. Consider the star horoscope when choosing a partner for life.

When the stars are on your side

Absolutely incredible combinations of zodiac signs are found among happy couples. They are like “ice and fire”, like air and water - very different, dissimilar. Such unions complement each other. But sometimes - no. It all depends on the position of the stars at the time of your birth. If you want to draw up a horoscope, then go to an astrologer who will tell you everything about your future together and compatibility. In marriage, it is very important to know that your partner will not let you down. The stars can answer all these questions. The Taurus-Virgo combination is very interesting and multifaceted. This strong signs, on their own, but the tandem gives a completely unexpected effect. If these are your signs, then pay attention to the advice of an astrologer, they can help in love and sex.

Taurus man and Virgo woman

The union is quite successful, one might say that in 50% of cases it is love once and for all. They complement each other well. There is no amazing, all-consuming love here, like in fairy tales. A Taurus man and a Virgo woman are able to create a harmonious union based on feelings, respect, and mutual assistance. They complement each other, like two pieces of a mosaic. A responsible and hardworking Taurus will be an excellent housekeeper, help his wife around the house, and is always ready to give advice to neighbors and relatives. The Virgo woman loves her home and takes care of it. Pets, plants, dishes are always well-groomed, clean and tidy. What can we say about children? There is a lot of tenderness here that does not fade away throughout your life.

Their home is not just a fortress, but the most comfortable place in the world. This union is very calm, without scenes or hysterics.

Sometimes a Taurus man wants to show his temper, but the meek look of his wife makes him stop immediately. But such pairs do not always work out. Sometimes they seem to each other to be too insipid, boring people, nothing works out. The compatibility horoscope for such couples is most often favorable, but this also depends on the people themselves. The Virgo woman will feel great if she becomes a housewife, and her Taurus husband will happily work to provide for the family, because there is no other way. In relationships, they are honest and open, but they will never hurt their partner with a thoughtless word. But in sex you need to be careful, because such different signs have different temperaments. Correctly they say:

“To win Virgos you need patience, to keep them - attention, to lose them - indifference.”

Love, family

The Taurus husband is a teacher and adviser. He can easily start repairs with his own hands, decide to build a house, or repair a car. His activities are taking on global dimensions. A man loves to plan, make calendars, plans, ideas. Sober look for the life of wives under the sign of Virgo, she will help cool the ardor where it is needed. Life together will go well, without problems, if both are ready to compromise. It’s hard to convince both of them, but if they agree, the work will go well. Taurus loves to argue. Virgo is silent during an argument, but does things in her own way. These zodiac signs are well suited to each other precisely because of their opposite characters. In love they have no equal, because their love is special. The Taurus man usually does not go “to the left”, because his beloved is quite enough for him, and he cannot lead a double, secretive life. They do not hide anything from their wives; they share their secrets, and sometimes the secrets of their friends. This is because the Virgo woman can give valuable, practical advice. This couple knows how to take care of their happiness. In sex we will have to understand each other. These zodiac signs have similar temperaments but different needs.

Sexual horoscope

For Virgo, Taurus’s light and humorous attitude towards sex is incomprehensible. The husband feels so good in bed with his partner that he will come up with all sorts of stupid things, in her opinion. In sex they are quite compatible. The sexual horoscope promises the couple intense love adventures if Virgo overcomes her natural shyness. Very often the Taurus man attracts and attracts Virgo. He is confident, charismatic, experienced. For wives, such husbands are a joy and experience. If Virgo is on the same page with him, then he won’t have to think about betrayal.

You should not limit Taurus in his plans and ideas. For this couple, the wives usually have a sober view, but Taurus himself really wants to act, invent, and improve. If he feels like he needs to work all night, don't try to put him to bed at 10:00 pm. Such care will only make him disappointed in you. The Virgo woman is better versed in economic and financial matters. She must take on the functions of the family's "banker". This will save the budget from new ideas of the hot head of Taurus. Only then will there be complete harmony in the marriage, and love in the family.

Virgo man and Taurus woman

It’s boring to look at such a couple from the outside. They are homebodies who like to do a good job and then sleep well at home. It seems that everything is the same when it comes to sex. Taking them out for walks or making them spend money is practically impossible. But, most importantly, for them this is their own paradise.

Economic and practical, a Virgo man and a Taurus woman will always be in harmony. This is a solid pair.

They do not expect gifts from fate or great-grandmother's inheritance; they are used to working. All the money goes to the house, only to the house. They can build a dacha, and another one. The compatibility horoscope promises such a couple a long and very calm life. They don’t have spontaneous trips or unplanned get-togethers with friends. This is noticeable even when they are not yet husband and wife, but just a guy and a girl. Serious, firmly standing on their feet. They will support each other and never leave each other in difficult times. These zodiac signs most often have the same thoughts. Husbands do not leave such wives. If there was an affair on the side, and this is extremely rare, then the husband will return, or he may repent at his wife’s feet.

Love, family

When they decide it's time to get married, the wedding will be on a grand scale. They won't forget to invite anyone. These zodiac signs are not characterized by bright social life, so everyone will come, but only the most trusted ones, the right people. You can finally show your love in front of them. So a man and a woman in the face of their most dear people, are ready to unite their destinies. The compatibility horoscope advises them to have summer months for their wedding. The husband will be delighted with the way his wife looks. A woman should make every effort to outshine everyone around her with her beauty. So, prepare for the wedding in advance, and keep your dress, shoes, and hairstyle a secret from your husband. For other husbands and wives, you will be the envy of other husbands and wives. If they are already married, then they will unite everything so that the household will be large and strong. The Virgo man will honestly show everything he has - money in a book, a bank card, collected works in 20 volumes, an apartment and a house by the lake. The woman will also bring everything to new family. The horoscope for such a marriage is very promising.

Sexual horoscope

The Taurus woman loves sex much more and needs it. In sex, their compatibility cannot be called complete. She will demand more, more often and longer, but once a week is enough for him. But, to preserve the family and happiness, a man will agree with his partner’s hot temperament. Common problem Taurus wives - the desire to find a partner on the side. It often remains just a desire. If the husband treats her sexuality with due respect, it will never come to action. The woman may be disappointed by her husband's coldness, so the search for a lover will begin. Among all the zodiac signs, this is not the most successful sexual interaction, but if desired, husband and wife will be able to find compromises without cheating. It’s not uncommon for everything to go well in sex, the partners are happy with each other. This happens to those who are already fed up and have entered a later age.

For everything to work out, develop your compatibility with your partner. Show more interest in her or his affairs. The husband will appreciate it if his wife takes part in his ideas, which are sometimes impossible. Horoscope advice to spend more time together:

  • joint trips;
  • dacha, country house;
  • attending lectures;
  • trips to museums, theaters.

For the zodiac signs Taurus - Virgo, community is important. There are many people around, but it is in their pair that their strength lies. When it comes to sex, you shouldn’t get hung up on complexes. It is quite possible for your zodiac signs to have a very stormy sex life. Try new things, delight your wives with sexy surprises and gifts. Such a couple will be harmonious, and everyone will envy your compatibility. This is a gift from the stars.

Natalya Erofeevskaya

It can't be said that astrological signs Virgo and Taurus are very similar to each other, but belonging to the same element of the Earth, their representatives and look in one direction, and perfectly understand each other perfectly. Good compatibility combined with intelligence and interest in each other, it gives successful love and family unions: astrologers estimate the percentage of compatibility of these horoscopes to be 90% or higher.

These two are not looking for adventure in their life: a calm way of existence allows them to maintain their inner world and mutual harmony. Taurus is characterized by perseverance, useful for life, and Virgo's sharp mind quickly and correctly makes important decisions. Being absolute homebodies and having common interests, Virgo and Taurus find in each other the support necessary to maintain stability: they trust each other, value their partner’s personal space, avoid conflicts, and resolve controversial issues using civilized methods.

The prudence of both competently forms the family budget: this couple will always be financially secure, they will have the funds to buy a car or real estate, and for a joint vacation, and for the education of children. Together, representatives of these signs become stronger and more confident in each other and in themselves.

Virgo and Taurus Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Virgo Man and Taurus Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

This combination is stable due to the predictability of both representatives of earth signs, their calmness and equanimity. There simply won’t be any Mexican passions here: the composure and restraint of the Virgo man combined with the poise and hard work of the Taurus woman exclude cataclysms in love and family. From the outside, this union may even seem boring, but it is partnership, and not physical attraction or mind-blowing love, that will become the basis for a long and happy relationship.

Neither in business nor in love, Virgo and Taurus don't give each other surprises: they are open, but not intrusive, they know how to keep their distance and be moderately romantic. Good compatibility makes an excellent application for a strong and reliable union.

Love at first sight is the order of the day for Virgos and Taurus

Are they compatible in love?

Hard work and conscientiousness, prudence and extraordinary practicality - it would seem that these qualities do not apply to a love union between a man and a woman, but they determine the development of relations between a Virgo man and a Taurus woman. Their romance is based not on fruitless dreams and castles in the air, but on the character qualities that partners are picking up in this union with each other.

Balance and balance, pragmatism and diligence of partners for the sake of the other are the basis of this love union

Calmness and external coldness do not mean that the Virgo man and Taurus woman are incapable of deep, sincere feelings: they are undoubtedly present in this union, but are not openly demonstrated, but their actions and mutual care speak for themselves. And neither partner will allow himself a bad review of the other: they sincerely trust each other, and even if things are not going well, they understand that this is only a temporary circumstance.

Virgo guy and Taurus girl in sex

The lack of passion in Virgo and the sexual assertiveness of Taurus can lead to tension and some disagreements in bed, especially at first. The Taurus girl is quite straightforward to obtain physical pleasure, but the Virgo man is a subtle and even conservative nature, and his friend’s similar approach to joint intimate moments may even shock him. These two just need listen to each other: a man should relax and give his partner a little more sexual freedom, a woman should not rush things and be patient. Mutual caresses, tenderness, attention, tactful discussion of intimate problems and a mutual search for solutions will eventually allow you to find harmony in the bedroom.

Virgo's lack of passion and Taurus' sexual assertiveness can lead to tension

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

If he is a Virgo and she is a Taurus, should they decide to link their destinies? Yes, this marriage will be serious, long and indestructible. Partnership in this union, mutual concessions, every chance to live in material prosperity, similarity of characters and a unified strategy for raising children will be the key strong family. A man in such a marriage is an intelligent and caring father, a loving and faithful husband. The woman is a sociable, “punchy” wife who maintains cleanliness and comfort. In this marriage union, going to the left is extremely unlikely: both are happy with everything within the walls of the house, they have no need to go in search of something else.

But even in such a harmonious marriage, family conflicts are possible, and most often they happen due to stubbornness and obvious leadership claims Taurus women, which she is not ready to completely give to her husband. More adapted to life, flexible and modern, at a certain moment she may become eager to suppress a man: whether Virgo will defend her rights or immediately give the palm to Taurus depends on the specific person and life circumstances.

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman do not quarrel in the family over trifles: it is not in the nature of both to make mountains out of molehills

Is there friendship if he is a Virgo and she is a Taurus?

Friendly relations between representatives of these signs are based on the independence of individuals, their prudence and natural compatibility. What do they like so much about each other? Together they will always have something to talk about: they are erudite, have creative abilities and common interests and do not have conflicts. Natural abilities for commerce, prudence and a sober mind are quite capable of transforming friendly relationships into the category of very successful business ones, and physical ones into love ones. Whatever this union may be, it will be fruitful and pleasant for both. If a couple decides not to cross certain boundaries, friendship can last for years.

How to win a Virgo man?

Even if a Virgo man looks like a true hero-lover, is charming and undresses with his eyes, his essence is consistency and predictability. In women, he values ​​calm and reliability, not open cleavage and obvious flirting. A Taurus woman with good taste and quite straightforward will be very attractive to such a man if she relies on clear and simple relationships, and does not try to seem mysterious and unique, passionate and experienced in love. Virgo doesn’t want to endlessly guess the woman he loves: he needs a friend and support, not love cataclysms and “brain blowing.”

Virgo doesn’t want to endlessly guess the woman he loves: he needs a friend and support

Developing a strategy to conquer a Virgo man, a Taurus woman don't bet on sex: yes - he is a man, but a man with very puritanical views, even a comparison with a prude would be appropriate. The need for sexual relations in Taurus is much higher than in Virgo: but if you do not rush to move to this level, and in the future find a compromise on this important issue, the couple will succeed.

How to get the attention of a Taurus woman?

A Virgo man, picky even about little things, is capable of driving a Taurus woman literally into a frenzy. Thorough by nature, calculating and considering every step, the Taurus woman does not make critical mistakes in her life and in relationships with the opposite sex, and therefore all that remains for Virgo is patience and calm attitude to some errors on the part of the chosen one. None of us are perfect.

A Virgo man manages to interest a Taurus with his persona easy enough: she loves listening to interesting, erudite storytellers, and he really has something to tell. And if you also praise the magnificent cooking, into which a woman of the Taurus sign puts all her soul and skill, then the couple will be bound by a warm and trusting relationship for a long time.

Compatibility Horoscope for Virgo Woman and Taurus Man

An interesting and classic union: in this relationship he will be a strong and confident leader, capable of solving any everyday problems, she will be affectionate, loving and tender, with her whole being aimed at comfort in the home and caring for her man. Both friendly and business relationships will be harmonious: the Virgo woman only needs to give the reins of power to Taurus, which he will pick up easily and with professional skill. She needs him, and he needs her.

The basis of this combination of signs: the main one in the couple is the man, the woman’s role is support and help.

Love relationships

The Virgo woman does not give her fans a fountain of emotions: it is created for a comfortable life. This woman will clean and polish, put things in order and cook deliciously, sincerely care about her beloved and will not change, even if not everything is good in the family. This is exactly how the Taurus man will see her if it comes to living together.

In love relationships, especially at the first stage, not everything goes smoothly for them: Virgo is stiff and even dry, completely unemotional will cause a slight shock in the brutal body and thoughts of a Taurus man. This is where the moment of truth comes: Taurus must decide why he needs this woman. Due to her coldness and conservatism, she is definitely not suitable for a quick and bright affair, but for further serious relationships and as a future wife and mother of his children... Taurus will have something to think about.

The complete unemotionality of Virgo causes a slight shock in the brutal body and thoughts of the Taurus man

As for Virgo, a man born under the sign of Taurus - this is just the hero of her novel. She will be attracted to almost everything about him: his seriousness and sociability, his ability to speak and listen. A small negative point in this person may be some everyday chaos, which she categorically does not accept. But this is an insignificant drawback to which she is quite capable of turning a blind eye for the sake of the common good.

Sexual attraction of a couple

Virgo, due to her natural restraint and almost puritanical views, will not become a bright and enchanting lover for Taurus: they have too different views on sex and temperaments. His sensuality and self-confidence, the regular need for sex at first can even shock the conservative Virgo, who does not allow herself to be excessively active. But such a fairly textbook attitude of a man-woman to sex will lead to the fact that the bed for them will become a place where a woman can liberate herself, and a man will receive his portion of affection, warmth and tenderness. Over time, his patience and care will be rewarded: Virgo will begin to take the initiative, and intimate relationships will become brighter and more harmonious.

Marriage union

A serious test of the strength of a marriage relationship, which both the Taurus man and the Virgo woman are able to achieve quite quickly, will be their different attitudes to housekeeping and everyday life. Taurus will definitely act as the breadwinner: he will be able to provide his family with everything they need thanks to his perseverance. But the house should be given entirely into the hands of Virgo, because she does not intend to tolerate an order different from hers. This young lady, having barely crossed the threshold of her husband's house, is capable of taking all of it to the trash heap. previous life. At this point, the Virgo woman should stop and breathe out: direct encroachments on Taurus’s personal space are fraught with conflicts. If a compromise is found in the everyday sphere, then this couple will easily solve other everyday problems.

Approaches to raising children they are almost identical, so there will be no disagreements on this basis, and the birth of a baby will smooth out the rough edges that the Taurus husband and Virgo wife will discover in their life together.

How are a Virgo girl and a Taurus guy friends?

In a friendly relationship, both will unusually pleasant to each other: Both Virgo and Taurus know how to listen and speak, they will be comfortable having conversations on any topic. The man will most likely immediately take on the role of a spiritual mentor: timid Virgo, who is not always able to find a solution to her problems, needs his advice and prudence. Taurus, in turn, will enjoy this communication with a well-mannered and modest young lady.

In a friendly relationship, both will be unusually pleasant to each other

How to win a Taurus man and build a relationship with him?

Virgo is obviously focused on long-term and serious relationships, and this is exactly what Taurus needs to fall in love and get married. Intelligent and calm, homely and balanced - the Virgo woman just needs to be herself and refrain from criticism some disorderliness of life and everyday life of Taurus. This man has an excellent sense of humor, which, well-read and well-educated, Virgo cannot help but appreciate.

A Virgo woman should know that a Taurus man has special reverence for sexual pleasures: sex for him is an important component of existence. In order to give her man not only spiritual, but also physical pleasure, Virgo is advised to reconsider the puritanical attitude towards intimacy and allow herself to liberate herself.

Is it possible to make a Virgo woman fall in love with you?

The good thing about the union of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman is that they don’t have to do anything special to please each other: Virgo will accept Taurus as such, what he is, and will be grateful for your cordiality and understanding. She will certainly appreciate the peace at home and on vacation, interesting conversations and spiritual affection. Very sensual Taurus don't rush into intimate relationships : Virgo, with her conservative views, needs a lot of time to become attached to her partner, feel trust in him and want physical intimacy.

If a Taurus invites a girl to his territory, he should take care of the cleanliness and order in the apartment: the household chaos characteristic of Taurus will plunge the neat and pedantic Virgo into shock.

14 December 2017, 16:58

Compatibility of Taurus and Virgo signs individual for each couple. They have different characters, but these signs are not complete opposites. Virgos are purposeful, organized, and ready to make concessions. Taurus, on the contrary, rarely set goals for themselves, but prefer to live life smoothly without much change. They are also a little selfish in their behavior and cannot change their lifestyle at the moment. Taurus and Virgo have something in common - they love to create home comfort, honor family traditions and respect their parents.

What both signs have in common is that they are not used to living in fantasies and dreams. They do not like to plan anything or come up with new things; they are satisfied with a quiet, calm lifestyle. The signs understand that they will achieve a lot if they work for a long time, and not hope for chance. They don’t like to take risks and don’t understand how other people live like this. Taurus and Virgo value each other very much. They are always ready to give their loved one care, affection, love, which provides a solid foundation for building a harmonious, serious relationship. They both strive for this, despite the opinions of others, being, first of all, friends for each other.

The compatibility of Taurus and Virgo is not always ideal, and, as in any couple, they often have quarrels. At the same time, they have their own peculiarity: they never “wash dirty linen in public.” Taurus does not like it when Virgo is too thrifty and tries to drag everything into the house. He’s already happy with everything and doesn’t see the point in changing anything. Virgos are a hardworking, balanced sign who is always ready to improve. If she is offered new job with high wages, but for the sake of which it is worth learning, she certainly agrees. In this case, Taurus is ready to continue working where he knows everything, where there are no surprises. Sooner or later, the purposeful Virgo will get tired of this, and she will begin to push her partner to change jobs, hinting at this to him. Often in their family all conversations are conducted with an emphasis on financial topics. It is unlikely that Taurus will change, but the gentle Virgo is not at all able to do this. This is where quarrels and conflicts begin, although they pass quietly, but end peacefully. Virgo will eventually, due to her compliant nature, agree with Taurus, and they will continue to live peacefully without changes. How these two signs will live depends mostly on themselves, and the compatibility of the signs Taurus and Virgo will develop more from everyday and social factors.

Taurus woman Virgo man compatibility

From the first meetings, many things contribute to such relationships. They both love constancy, a calm, quiet life, and do not flutter in the clouds. From here we can say Compatibility Taurus and Virgo, if Virgo is a Man, very tall. In everyday matters, disagreements rarely arise, because Virgo is always ready to give in to his economic spouse.

She is ready to manage the family budget and bear everything on herself. She makes an excellent housewife, which the Virgo man really likes. In relation to him, she shows enough wisdom so that he does not feel like he is in a “golden cage”, but at the same time she completely controls him. Both signs are satisfied with their life, because he is used to clean linen and a refrigerator stocked with food, and such stability is considered normal.

Virgo woman Taurus man - compatibility

Virgo women are too neat and economical. They like to buy new curtains, tablecloths, and trendy appliances for their home. To Taurus, this behavior seems too wasteful, because they are used to saving for something. They are economical by nature and love the comfort of home, but they never change their habits. If from childhood you do not teach Taurus to wash their socks after themselves or not to throw things around, then with age they will not change their habits. Virgos will not tolerate this, and frequent quarrels will arise. They love to take care of the house, they enjoy washing floors and dishes, and working in the garden. They will push Taurus men to do this and teach them everything. To please their loved one, they may agree with her for a while. But they will do this only to avoid conflict. In fact, they will only get pleasure from the usual pastime that they have become accustomed to over the years. Based on all this, Compatibility Taurus and Virgo below average. They are different, and do not want to accept each other’s ways, which may soon lead to their relationship falling apart. A strong union can only happen when the partner is completely depressed, or finds solace on the side or in some interesting activity.

Love compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Despite the fact that both signs are quiet and calm, their personal lives do not suit either one or the other. Taurus is too straightforward and does not understand why there is so much foreplay before sexual intercourse. Virgo needs to hear more compliments every time, receive a lot of affection and love. This is important to her. Taurus does not think that to make love you need to give your best, and you will never expect romantic actions from him. Virgo will have to either come to terms with his monotony or turn his attention to other activities. In this connection, the compatibility of Taurus and Virgo in bed depends on how much they love each other and whether they are ready to make concessions by changing their established principles.