Dinara Aliyeva: “The Russian opera school regularly supplies the world with stars. Dinara Aliyeva, opera singer: biography What brought you to the Bolshoi Theater

- First, tell us about the most important recent events for you.

In April I made my debut in Berlin (Deutsche Oper Berlin), where I performed the role of Violetta in Verdi’s La Traviata. And just the other day I returned from Munich, where I made my debut at the Bayerischen Staatsoper (Bavarian State Opera), performing the role of Juliet in Offenbach's opera The Tales of Hoffmann. The production featured world-famous opera singers, such as Giuseppe Figlianoti, Kathleen Kim, Anna Maria Martinez and others.

- How often do you go on tour?

Quite often... The schedule is quite tight.

It's hard to say. Everything in the theater is permeated with an atmosphere of magic; everywhere you feel like you’re in a fairy tale.

- When will we be able to hear you at home again?

As soon as they invite you (smiles). I believe that a lot here depends on the leadership of the theater, the philharmonic and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan.

- What brought you to the Bolshoi Theater?

It's time to improve, grow, reach new heights and achieve global recognition. After all, it’s no secret that singing at the Bolshoi Theater is the dream of any singer (singer), not to mention becoming a soloist of this famous theater. My dream has come true. But this medal also has a flip side. Performing in the main theater of the country and representing it all over the world is a very responsible task.

- What is your favorite corner of the theater?

It's hard to say. Everything in the theater is permeated with an atmosphere of magic; everywhere you feel like you’re in a fairy tale. But, probably, it’s still a scene. Although sometimes it’s nice to sit in the auditorium.

- Tell us about your life before moving to Moscow?

She graduated from the school named after Bulbul in piano, then from the conservatory (class of the outstanding singer Khuraman Kasimova), for two years she was a soloist at the Azerbaijan Drama Theater of Opera and Ballet named after M.F. Akhundov. And then, as Ostap Bender said, she realized that “great things await me” and went to conquer Moscow.

I don't want to get ahead of myself. Now my life is entirely connected with Moscow, where I live and work. Over the past five years, many proposals have been received from several leading theaters in Europe, but I am in no hurry to make drastic decisions. I believe that this should be approached responsibly and carefully.

- Your parents are connected with the world of music. I guess it left a lasting mark?

Yes. Both parents and grandparents were all related to music and the stage. Of course, this influenced my life and, in a sense, predetermined my choice.

- What, in your opinion, is necessary in order to achieve success in the opera field?

Perhaps talent alone is not enough. In any business, hard work is required to achieve success. You need to work persistently, selflessly, with complete dedication, believe and move forward. This is the only way success and fame come.

In any business, hard work is required to achieve success.

- And yet... was there an element of chance in your career? What is the general relationship between work and luck in an artist’s career?

Accident? Probably not. Everything I have achieved to date is rather a pattern, a reward for perseverance and willingness to win. And work and luck are inseparable concepts. Take, for example, successful people, who are called lucky... They work much more and harder than others. It is unlikely that any of them achieved success while lying on the couch. So, I believe that luck is only the end result of constant work.

- Aren’t you going to start teaching yourself?

There are plans for this. I would like to have my own school, but that’s a little later (smiles). Although many people now come to me asking me to listen and practice. But, unfortunately, I don't have time for this yet...

As a rule, I don’t go out anywhere before a performance. If it’s a hotel, that means I stay in the room and relax, don’t eat salty or drink cold things, try to talk less, etc.

- Whose concert would you go to with pleasure? It's not just about classical vocals...

Whenever possible, I try not to miss concerts of great opera singers such as Jessie Norman, Renee Fleming, Angela Georgiou and many others. I love jazz music.

- What projects are you working on today? Where did they perform at lately, what have you planned for the future?

Currently I am preparing to perform at the 25th international festival "Colmar" in France with the "Verdi Gala" program, accompanied by the Vladimir Spivakov orchestra. This is a solo program, including only Verdi's arias in honor of the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth. Next, I have a solo concert planned at the Ordinary House in Prague, recording of the next album, and also signed a number of contracts with leading European theaters, including the Vienna Theater, where I participate in the production of “Eugene Onegin”, the Bavarian Opera House in Munich (“La Traviata”), the Deutsche Oper, etc.

-Have you ever experienced stage fright?

Fear - no! Just excitement. I believe that if you are afraid of the stage, then you are unlikely to become an artist and musician. When I go on stage, I forget about everything and just live and create.

- Apparently, you strong man. What keeps you going? difficult moment, where do you draw strength?

I constantly turn to the Almighty. Every day. It doesn't matter whether I have a performance today or not... I just live with faith in Allah.

- How often do you manage to visit the theater or attend a concert as a listener?

I try to visit all the most interesting things.

-Are you married?

Everything is fine in my personal life...

- You have been successfully representing Azerbaijan abroad for many years. What is your mission?

I am pleased to know that after my concerts people become interested in the culture of my country and their attitude towards it changes. I try to adequately represent Azerbaijan in the world not only as a singer, but also as a person, in everyday life. I will try to continue to glorify my country - it deserves the best!

- And the last question. What can you wish for our compatriots living in different parts of the world?

I would wish them to find peace and feel at home where they ended up for one reason or another. And, of course, happiness!


Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater talks about the revival of interest in the classics, sacrifices in the name of the profession and faith in one’s own strength.

During breaks between rehearsals and performances, the main organizer of the opera show, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Dinara Aliyeva, met with an Izvestia columnist.

- On what basis do you invite artists?

In addition to my main service at the Bolshoi Theater, I often perform on foreign opera stages. I collaborate with wonderful soloists and conductors, who are often practically unknown in Moscow.

I wanted to show these artists to the capital’s public and at least partially demonstrate our joint projects. In addition, I try to discover new names.

- Which repertoire is particularly successful?

I won't be afraid to sound conservative and say that the general public loves music XIX -beginning XX centuries. The works of Verdi, Puccini, Bizet, Tchaikovsky have always been and will be the leaders of audience sympathy, no matter what original and progressive scores were written in later years.

Operas staged in an academic style, but with bright costumes and interesting scenery, are still in demand. It is clear that in the 21st century theater cannot be the same as it was 100 or even 50 years ago.

Today we use video projections, ingenious stage designs, costumes with allusions to different eras... But the viewer needs a theater in which everything is not the same as in life, but brighter, more spectacular, more dramatic. And at the same time - beautiful and sublime.

- In the last couple of years, there has been a surge of interest in musical theater in the capital. What do you attribute this to?

With a passion for beautiful classical art. Opera, in the minds of most people, is a place where artists in beautiful costumes sing, surrounded by spectacular scenery. IN musical theater They come to admire the beauty of the voices and the skill of the singers, and experience strong emotions.

Music, full of drama and intense passions, cannot leave a person indifferent; it is impossible not to empathize with it. It is for these strong impressions that people come to the opera.

- Do you plan to expand the geography of the festival?

Yes, I have such plans. Firstly, I will invite artists from different regions. Secondly, I would like to introduce festival programs in other countries - in particular, in his native Azerbaijan. But I'm still at the very beginning of my journey.

- You tour a lot. Are you able to perform in your home country?

I try to keep in touch with my native Baku, but I rarely have concerts there. Although I can also include Moscow, which has long become my second home, among performances in my homeland. I have been a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia for ten years now, and I am very proud of my service. I am involved in various performances and am ready to sing even more. I dreamed about this since childhood!

- How are Russian singers treated abroad?

The Russian opera school remains one of the strongest in the world to this day. There is practically not a single opera house in which Russian singers do not have engagements.

Moreover, these are not only Muscovites or St. Petersburg residents, but artists from different regions of the country.

By the way, for Western impresarios, Ukraine, Belarus and even the Caucasian republics are little separated from Russia. Almost all people from the post-Soviet space are still perceived as representatives of the Russian opera school, and it regularly supplies the world with stars.

- How do you feel when you go on stage?

I think any artist feels a little nervous before starting a performance. A feeling similar to euphoria turns you on, tickles your nerves, gives you courage and gives birth to energy that is sent to the audience and ultimately returns to the artist on stage.

Although it is difficult to move the Russian, and especially the Moscow audience - the capital's audience is picky, spoiled by many concerts, and, as a rule, is skeptical.

- Do you like concerts or performances more?

It is impossible to answer definitively. On the one hand, the concert does not have numerous stage conventions. The absence of an orchestra pit between the stage and the orchestra brings the singer closer to the audience.

On the other hand, it is much more responsible - you cannot “hide” behind the scenery and costumes. In the theater, the stage surroundings help you get into character. But in this case, we need a brighter, more dramatic presentation, acting with “large strokes.”

Your homeland Azerbaijan is associated with patriarchal traditions. Did your family demand modesty and submission from you? Or is this an outdated stereotype?

Of course it's a stereotype! The high position of the wife of the current president of Azerbaijan (Mehriban Aliyeva took the position of vice-president of the country - Izvestia) debunks these prejudices even more clearly than my achievements.

Besides, modesty and humility are completely different things. Yes, I don't try to be a frivolous coquette like others opera divas. But this is not so much because of nationality, but because of upbringing.

Today, simple behavior devoid of liberties is often considered arrogant, and the lack of vulgar freedom in behavior is called tightness. But that's not true! I can be impulsive, emotional, sometimes even too much. But I don’t think it’s possible to demonstrate this in public, because that’s how I was raised.

I grew up in an intelligent family with serious cultural traditions. Since childhood, I was taught to behave with dignity and be prepared for any twists and blows of fate.

- Could you sacrifice your personal life for the sake of your profession?

I think she could... Although what can one think: any singer or artist constantly sacrifices her family to her career. Judge for yourself: I have to regularly leave home for different theaters, and preparing a production, even at the fastest pace, takes from a month to two, plus time for performances... Of course, while my son is still small, I constantly take him with me. And the whole family supports me. This is priceless to me.

- Do you have well-developed intuition?

I don't really trust my intuition, although there have been times when it didn't let me down. For example, I finally decided to move to Moscow. Something deep in my soul told me which direction I needed to go, and this helped me believe in myself. This is no less important than intuition. It’s not enough to hear your inner voice, to feel the impulses of fate, you also have to force yourself to believe in your strength, which is much more difficult.

- What did you dream about as a child and what came true? And what are you dreaming about now?

My main wish came true: to sing at the Bolshoi Theater. I am happily married, I have a loving husband and a wonderful son. Like any working wife and mother, I strive for harmony between family and work, I try (although this is not always possible) to combine raising my son with theatrical life.

But, probably, first of all, I am a singer. Therefore, my most ambitious plans are related to creativity. There are still many roles and operas that I would like to perform. And, I hope, my organizational ideas will be enough for the third and many subsequent Opera Art festivals.


Dinara Aliyeva (soprano) graduated from the Azerbaijan State Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibeyov in 2004. From 2002 to 2005 she was a soloist of the Azerbaijan State academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. M.F. Akhundova, where she performed leading roles. Since 2009 - at the Bolshoi Theater.

Dinara Alieva

Dinara Aliyeva (soprano) was born on December 17, 1980 in Baku (Azerbaijan). She graduated from music school with a degree in piano. In 1998 she entered the Baku Academy of Music, from which she graduated in 2004.

The singer has won awards international competitions: named after Maria Callass (Athens, 2007, second prize), Elena Obraztsova (St. Petersburg, 2007, second prize), Galina Vishnevskaya (Moscow, 2006, diploma), named after Bul-Bul (Baku, 2005, third prize). As a result of her performance at the Bulbul competition, Dinara Aliyeva was also awarded an honorary medal from the International Foundation musical figures Irina Arkhipova, who headed the jury of the competition. Following her performance at the Eighteenth International Festival “Christmas Meetings in Northern Palmyra” (2007), the artist was awarded a special diploma “For a triumphant debut” by the artistic director of the festival, Yuri Temirkanov.

Dinara Aliyeva took part in master classes by Montserrat Caballe and Elena Obraztsova. Currently, he continues to improve his skills under the guidance of Professor S.G. Nesterenko.

Since 2004, Dinara Aliyeva has been a soloist of the Baku Opera and Ballet Theater, where she performed leading roles in a number of performances, including Leonora (Verdi’s Il Trovatore), Mimi (Puccini’s La bohème), Violetta (Verdi’s La Traviata), Nedda (“Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo).

Since 2007, Dinara Aliyeva has been a member of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg.

Continuing her collaboration with the Baku Opera and Ballet Theater, the singer carries out active concert activities and performs as an opera soloist on the stages of leading opera houses and concert halls in Russia and abroad.

The artist has repeatedly held various chamber programs and performances with orchestras in Baku, as well as in different cities Russia - Irkutsk, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, etc.

Dinara Aliyeva has repeatedly taken part in concert programs dedicated to the summit meetings of the government delegations of Russia and Azerbaijan, in particular, in October 2004 she participated in a concert dedicated to the Days culture of Azerbaijan in the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Dinara Aliyeva's solo concerts took place on the best academic stages in Moscow: in the Bolshoi and Rachmaninov Halls of the Moscow Conservatory, in the Chamber and Svetlanov Halls of the Moscow International House of Music. Taking part in various opera gala concerts, the singer regularly presents various opera and chamber repertoire on the stages of the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow, the Small and Great halls St. Petersburg Philharmonic.

She took part in the performance of Verdi's Requiem at the Yaroslavl Philharmonic together with the UNESCO World Choir, the choir of the Academy of Choral Arts ( artistic director Victor Popov) and the Yaroslavl Symphony Governor's Orchestra, conductor – Murad Annamamedov (March, 2007).

As an opera soloist, Dinara Aliyeva performed the main roles in productions Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg (Violetta, La Traviata by Verdi, 2008), Baku Opera House (Violetta, La Traviata by Verdi, 2008), Stuttgart Opera House (Michaela, Carmen by Bizet, 2007). The singer took part in a concert performance of Verdi's La Traviata (Violetta) at the Bolshoi concert hall in Thessaloniki Concert Hall, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the death of Maria Callas and uniting the best performing forces of Greece and invited soloists from different European countries. She took part in the anniversary gala concert of Elena Obraztsova at the Bolshoi Theater of Russia (2008).

Dinara Aliyeva constantly collaborates with leading Russian conductors and symphony orchestras, including Vladimir Fedoseev and the Bolshoi symphony orchestra named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Vladimir Spivakov and chamber orchestra“Moscow Virtuosi”, Mark Gorenstein and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia, Yuri Temirkanov and the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Nikolai Kornev and the St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra. Long-term collaboration connects the singer with pianist Denis Matsuev, with whom Dinara Aliyeva has repeatedly performed in Moscow, Baku, Irkutsk, Eakterinburg, presenting not only academic, but also jazz repertoire.

Dinara Aliyeva regularly takes part in international music festivals, including Crescendo (artistic director Denis Matsuev), Christmas Meetings and Arts Square (artistic director Yuri Temirkanov), and Musical Olympus.

Dinara Aliyeva's tour was a success in different countries Europe and the USA. Among the singer's foreign performances are a tour of Italy with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Yuri Temirkanov, participation in the gala concert of the Crescendo festival in the Gaveau hall in Paris (2007), and in a concert of the Musical Olympus festival in New York's Carnegie -hall" (2008).

The singer’s extraordinary talent and brilliant skill, brilliant artistry and extraordinary charm, an amazingly strong voice that captivates the audience with the incredible richness of timbre and beauty of sound - all this rightfully today elevates Dinara Aliyeva to the rank of unique phenomena in the art of opera. The singer is quickly and confidently gaining leading positions both on the domestic and world opera stages. It is doubly important that this is the result of the thoughtful and dedicated work of an artist who is alien to the external side of success and strives for complete dedication in art.

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Talent and success are actually daily hard work, and the main component of success is setting ambitious goals. I told this to a reporter "Moscow-Baku" Bolshoi Theater soloist Dinara Aliyeva, who always keeps her native Baku in her soul, and at every opportunity visits her beloved city with her family.

Dinara, tell us, what interesting things will the historical stage of the famous Bolshoi Theater show with your participation this season?

Very soon, from July 15 to 19, the premiere of J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen” will take place. I perform the part of Michaela, and the Bolshoi Theater soloist Elchin Azizov plays Escamillo. Michaela's role has been part of my repertoire for quite some time. We have rehearsed a lot and are looking forward to the premiere. The public loves the opera "Carmen" very much.

- Being a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater is probably the dream of every young performer.

I always try to set ambitious goals for myself. That’s why at one time I went to conquer Moscow and the Bolshoi Theater. True, I already had experience behind me; for two years I performed solo parts in the Azerbaijani drama theater Opera and Ballet named after M.F. Akhundova. But there was some kind of inner confidence that everything would work out, intuition, if you like. Today my life is entirely connected with Moscow. This is where I live and work. Lately I have been receiving a lot of related offers from famous theaters Europe, but I'm in no hurry. There is a saying: “the best is the enemy of the good.” And working at the famous Bolshoi Theater is a serious responsibility. But if they invite me to perform in Azerbaijan, then I definitely try to include a tour to Baku in my schedule.

- Why did you connect your life with music, is it a genetic tendency?

One could say so. I absorbed music with my mother's milk. My family, parents, grandparents, everyone was involved in music and performed on stage. But since childhood I had an understanding that just being talented is not enough. Any profession in music requires painstaking work and constant rehearsals. I’ll even say more - it requires complete dedication, if not self-sacrifice. It’s also important to believe in yourself, and, no matter what, go forward – follow your dreams! Fame and success are all many days of work, and luck is the result of constant work for results.

- Which stars did you meet on stage?

I regularly perform at the largest academic music festivals in Russia - at the festivals of Denis Matsuev and Yuri Bashmet, at the Vladimir Spivakov festival in Colmar... Many of the most authoritative musicians in the world come to these musical forums, with whom, as a rule, a warm, collegial communication develops.

- There are rumors that you are going to open Dinara Aliyeva’s school...

This is in the long term plans. Everyone asks me where I teach children and youth. Therefore, I see a new field for my activity here, but these plans will come a little later. I myself am a graduate of the famous Azerbaijani school named after Bulbul in piano and conservatory, where I studied in the class of the famous singer Khuraman Kasimova. Regarding short term plans- I try to perform at various festivals and travel with solo programs around the world. I am pleased to know that after my concerts people become interested in the culture of my country - Azerbaijan, and in Russia, where I live and work. I love Russia very much. I try to adequately represent Russia and Azerbaijan on tours around the world, not only as a singer, but also as a person, in everyday life. And the most important, complex and long-awaited project for me now is the creation of my own festival.

- This is interesting…

Work on the festival is almost complete. We have planned concerts only in Moscow for now. In the future, I would like to include St. Petersburg, Prague, Budapest, and Berlin in the festival orbit. International music festival will be called “Opera Art”. And next fall, as part of the festival, my performances are planned with the State Orchestra of Russia and the famous conductor Daniel Oren. Together we conceived the Puccini Gala program. Concerts with the Russian National Orchestra are planned under the direction of Fabio Mastrangelo with the participation of famous Russian and foreign singers, among whom there will be many famous opera soloists. Together with the State Orchestra under the direction of the remarkable maestro Ion Marin, who has long been beloved by Muscovites, we will present a concert performance of Verdi’s La Traviata. And with the world-famous tenor Charles Castronovo we will give a concert, which, I am sure, will delight Muscovites - after all, it will be a program that includes famous Neapolitan songs and fiery Spanish zarzuelas. By the way, a DVD will soon be released from Castronovo with a recording of Puccini’s “Swallow” German Opera in Berlin, directed by Rolando Villazon, where I perform the title role of Magda, and my partner is Charles Castronovo. Among the almost completed plans is the release of a new CD with the wonderful, world-famous tenor Alexander Antonenko. And, I hope, there will be new roles at my beloved Bolshoi Theater.

- What motivates you?

Love... I absolutely love opera. I can’t imagine myself without singing and stage. This is perhaps the most important thing in life for me now - service. opera art. But, of course, my family and the love of loved ones are very important. And also... You know, you should always have a dream in your heart. You can’t stop, you need to believe in your star, your destiny, and then you will achieve any goals... I, for example, would really like to succeed, in addition to the Bolshoi Theater, on other leading world stages, including the most prestigious. But if we talk about my cherished dream, today I would like to achieve such a creative level, such skill that I could touch the souls of people with the music I perform and remain in their memory. To be someone who is truly remembered, who is cited as an example to subsequent generations. Of course, there are only a few such people. But to be among them and go down in music history is my dream. My dream drives me, and it helps me realize many ideas that at first seemed completely impossible.

Azerbaijan has always been famous for its voices. The birth of talent, in my opinion, is facilitated by the southern climate, natural artistry, the temperament of the nation and even nature - the sea, the sun. All this gives not only good ecology, but also a singing gift. And now I meet a lot of young vocalists who have excellent abilities, a wonderful singing apparatus given by nature. But they very quickly lose all this, and the reason is poor quality teaching. A singer needs school, skill, ability to handle the voice and an understanding of his potential. All this should be taught by a competent teacher. And in the region academic vocals There are few such people in Azerbaijan, and the level of classical vocal teaching is invariably falling. And highlight someone new women's voices I absolutely can't. It seems that none of the opera singers on the international stage represent Azerbaijan except me...But male voices There is. My partner at the Bolshoi Theater, Elchin Azizov, actively performs both at the Bolshoi Theater and on the largest stages in the world. Avaz Abdullah sings almost all over Europe. An aspiring young singer interning at youth program Milan's La Scala Azer Rzazade. Of course, I communicate with many young singers of Azerbaijan, I always try to help both with deeds and advice. Of course they all dream of big stage I hope that one of them will achieve international recognition.

- Do you and your family manage to visit Baku?

Certainly! We visit often, I periodically give concerts, and once I sang with Placido Domingo in Baku. I became a laureate of his competition and as one of the most interesting for him in creatively The contestants were honored to perform together with this great singer. I am happy and proud that this took place in my homeland. And I always look forward to meeting my native Baku with joy.

- How do you remember the city of your childhood, Baku?

Oh... when I return to Baku, I am always overcome by such nostalgia! The city has changed incredibly today, it has become very beautiful, European-style. But, despite all the reconstruction, some incredibly warm, welcoming atmosphere has been preserved. A sort of aroma of southern hospitality that seems to float in the air and captivate everyone. My childhood and youth were spent in the city center, very close to the historical quarters, and for me these old, winding streets, this historical Baku are a real homeland, the color and originality of which will forever remain in my heart.

- You're amazing beautiful woman, you have a standard female beauty?

Thank you for the compliment!.. In female beauty, I think, not only external data is important. beautiful face, a stately figure, good manners - all these are undoubtedly important components of female beauty. But, no matter what men say about how they prefer to love “fools,” a beauty must have intelligence and outlook. I won’t talk about intelligence - let this quality be the prerogative of men. But the inner content that fills the beautiful shell is necessary. And the standard for me in such a combination of an appearance inspired by internal combustion has always been Maria Callas...

I remember that I was incredibly flattered when, after performing at the Callas Competition in Athens, the press compared me to this great singer and was even once called “the second Callas!” In general, on the topic of what beauty is, there is a wonderful quatrain by the wonderful and undeservedly little-known poet Nikolai Zabolotsky. These verses are a comprehensive answer to the question of beauty:

“...what is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

- Do you know the first lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva?

Unfortunately, I did not have the honor of being presented in person. However, I admire the numerous initiatives that arise thanks to the attention of the First Lady of Azerbaijan to culture and music. I see how much new things are happening in the art of the country and I am proud that my Motherland is one of the most progressive republics in the post-Soviet space in the development of socio-cultural policy, in my opinion. Believe me, I travel a lot, tour, and there are probably nowhere as many projects as I see in Azerbaijan aimed at the field of art! With the support of Mrs. Aliyeva, it was created huge amount music schools, the material base of which may be the envy of other universities. Held in Baku international festival named after Mstislav Rostropovich, the Gabala International Festival is gaining momentum classical music, which brings together major artists from all over the world, the issue of reconstructing the oldest opera house is being decided, and has already been built a whole series large cinema and concert complexes that meet the most modern requirements scenography, where the most serious events will take place creative projects, both pop and academic. Propaganda musical art The holding of the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku also contributed to this...With the assistance of Mehriban Aliyeva, a lot is being done to ensure that art in the country corresponds to the international level.

- Do you keep in touch with your relatives in Azerbaijan?

The people closest to me now live in Moscow, but many friends, good colleagues and acquaintances remain in Azerbaijan. I feel how wonderful the Azerbaijani public treats me. Finally, there are the graves of our ancestors, our father, who, unfortunately, left us very early... All these are inextricable ties that cannot be broken. So Azerbaijan is always in my soul!

REFERENCE: The famous Russian opera singer, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in Baku. Since 2002 - soloist of the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Since 2009 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Dinara Aliyeva’s repertoire includes such roles as Tatiana “Eugene Onegin”, Violetta “La Traviata”, Donna Elvira “Don Giovanni”, Mimi “La Bohème”, Eleanor “Il Trovatore”, Michaela “Carmen”, Marfa “The Tsar’s Bride”, Nedda “Pagliacci” " Dinara Aliyeva conquered the stages of the Vienna State Opera, DeutscheOper in Berlin, theaters in Frankfurt and Stuttgart, Riga and many other cities.

Azerbaijani and Russian singer Dinara Aliyeva was born in Baku, in a family that has a direct connection to art. Her father, a theatrical make-up artist, played the piano, easily selecting melodies and even improvising; her mother entered GITIS in her youth, but due to the harsh position of her parents, she left the acting department and became a choirmaster at music school. However, she retained her respect for the art of acting throughout her life and even named her daughter after one of her favorite actresses, Dina Durbin, but later the name Dina was transformed into Dinara.

Dinara began studying vocals at the age of thirteen. The teacher saw her student’s talent, but constantly scolded her for her weak character, predicting that with such personal qualities Dinara will “vegetate in the provinces” all her life. Dinara, a vulnerable girl, took it hard, nevertheless, she continued to go to classes.

Dinara Aliyeva graduated from music school with a piano course, taking vocal classes as an elective, but she felt that she could not achieve special heights in this field, and she did not want to be “one of many.” She entered the Baku Academy of Music as a vocalist. She studied with Rumiya Krimova for two years, and later with Khuraman Kasimova. A fateful event occurred when twenty-three-year-old Dinara was studying for a master's degree: she came to Baku. There were many students who wanted to attend the master class with the famous singer, but Aliyeva was the last in line, and she was warned that there was little time, she only needed to sing one aria. She chose Leonora's aria from "". was skeptical about such an intention, but after listening to Dinara, she called her a “golden voice”, and stated that she had nothing to teach this young singer - everything was given to her from above, and even promised to take her to Europe. This promise was not fulfilled, but from that time on Dinara Aliyeva’s ascent to the heights of glory began.

Aliyeva became a soloist at the Baku Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, where she sang Leonora in “,” Violetta in “,” Nedda in “,” and Mimi in “,” and performed at concerts, including abroad. An important stage in my career was participation in the competition named after. . The trip to Greece almost fell through due to financial reasons, but Muslim Magomayev provided financial assistance. At the competition, the audience gave the singer a standing ovation for twenty minutes and booed the jury, who awarded her only second prize. In Greece, the singer is loved to this day, calling her “second”.

At one of the concerts, Aliyeva met. He arranged a meeting with her and invited her to his festivals. Thanks to this, the singer was noticed and invited to the Bolshoi Theater for the role of Liu in “”, and after some time she was added to the staff. At first it was not easy - after all, relatives and friends remained in Baku, but Dinara had no one in Moscow, and at the Bolshoi Theater - according to the singer - “everything is big: both the struggle of ambitions and competition.” But the singer understood that if she returned to Baku, it would put an end to her future career.

At the Bolshoi Theater, Aliyeva performed many roles: Marfa in “”, Mikaela in “”, Tatyana, Elvira in “”... However, not only her repertoire is expanding, but also the geography of her performances. She sings at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, at the Latvian National Opera, in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, and Berlin. The singer especially likes to perform in theaters with a rich history. An important event It was her first performance on the stage of the Vienna Opera. This was a surprise for her: she had to replace the sick regular singer of the theatre, the performer of the part of Elvira - and yet the Viennese public knows “” almost by heart! Despite the excitement, the singer performed successfully. Elvira Aliyeva has sung in other theaters more than once, and she sometimes regrets that it is this opera heroine who most often becomes a victim of the director’s liberties - after all, this is the most lively and realistic character in “”.

Still, performing roles in operas is a rather rare event for Dinara Aliyeva; the nature of her voice is much closer to Italian opera. The singer’s favorite composer, whose music she feels especially sensitively, is Giacomo Puccini, who is close to her and. However, the singer even proved herself in operetta, performing the role of Rosalind in “Die Fledermaus” at the Bolshoi Theater. Very diverse concert programs singers: arias from operas and operettas, romances, Azerbaijani and Russian folk songs.

Dinara Aliyeva is very skeptical about the “cult of the director” that reigns in the modern opera house. According to the artist, the public likes academic “costume” performances much more than singers “cutting across an empty stage in nightgowns.” Causes the singer anxiety and level musical culture modern society. Dinara Aliyeva is convinced that primitive mass music would lose a fair share of fans if opera performances were broadcast more often on television.

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