Dmitry Trunov tenor biography. “My friend Evgeny Kungurov took part in the first season of The Voice. Moscow State Conservatory

Gala concert “Three Tenors.
Dedication to Mario Lanza"

May 18 V cultural center“Ozerov’s House” took place within the framework of the project “The Talents of the World Foundation under the leadership of David Gvinianidze” gala concert “Three Tenors.Dedication to Mario Lanza".

Tenor – the most beautiful, the most romantic and the most seductive male voice. It is not without reason that in opera classics most of the roles of the hero-lover are written for the tenor. Who else, if not a tenor, with his simultaneously soft and brilliant voice, is able to express the entire breadth of love experiences. On stage, the tenor is always the king! For several centuries now, the magic of his high notes has invariably dominated the public.

The gala concert of three tenors, dedicated to the singer’s anniversary, featured the most popular opera arias, songs, melodies from musicals and films from the repertoiregreat tenorXXcentury Mario Lanza.

Needless to say, what kind of atmosphere reigned in the hall? Not only delight and rapture, but also tears. Tears of joy and happiness from communicating with wonderful music, with wonderful people, with subtle, sensual musicians.

The concert was attended by:

– soloist Musical theater them. K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Takes part in performances Bolshoi Theater Russia (Sobinin in M. I. Glinka’s opera “Ivan Susanin”, The Prince in S. S. Prokofiev’s opera “The Love for Three Oranges”, Selem in “The Rake’s Progress” by I. F. Stravinsky, Pong in “Turandot” by G. Puccini , Rosenthal’s first comrade-in-arms in L. Desyatnikov’s opera “Rozenthal’s Children”, Astrologer in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Golden Cockerel”). Collaborates with the Arbat Opera Theater (Moscow). He performed in Italy, France, Germany, USA, Canada.

- soloist of MAMT named after. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, Charitable Foundation development assistance musical culture"Bel Canto"; tours throughout Russia and abroad.

– soloist of the La Fenice Theater (Venice, Italy), German Opera on the Rhine (Dusseldorf and Duisburg, Germany), Stuttgart Theater (Germany), Opera de Quebec (Canada); tours in France and the USA. The basis of his repertoire consists of tenor roles in operas by Mozart, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and Tchaikovsky. In the 2012/13 season he was nominated for the Russian Theater Award "Golden Mask" for best actor - Count Ory in Rossini's opera of the same name staged by the Yekaterinburg State academic theater opera and ballet.

Piano part – Vladimir Rodionov (chief accompanist of the Talents of the World Foundation).



S. TANEEV – Quartet No. 6 for two violins, viola and cello, op. 19

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – Quartet No. 2 for two violins, viola and cello in F major, Op. 22

Website of the Moscow Conservatory –mosconsv. ru

Starts at 19:00 Price 40 rubles


named after P. I. TCHAIKOVSKY

Season "2013–2014"

Subscription No. 24



To the 120th anniversary of his death

Piano part:

Honored Artist of Russia


Honored Artist of Russia


Nikolay EFREMOV born in Moscow. Initial music education received in Children's music school No. 55, majoring in trumpet and at the Academic College of Music at the Moscow Conservatory, majoring in solo singing (class People's Artist Russia, professor). In 2011, he successfully graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, receiving specialties as an opera and chamber singer, and as a teacher specializing in academic singing. Currently he is continuing his postgraduate studies at the Department of Solo Singing (head –).

During the years of study at the Moscow Conservatory, he took part in creative work Opera Studio, where he performed the roles of Schaunard (La Bohème by G. Puccini), Ebn-Hakia (Iolanta by P. Tchaikovsky), Germont (La Traviata by G. Verdi) and others. He took part in city and All-Russian music competitions, becoming their laureate and diploma winner. Soloist of the Opera Theater of the Moscow Conservatory. He performs at concerts at the Moscow State Conservatory and is active in creative and concert activities.

Dmitry TRUNOV graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 2010 (class of People's Artist of Russia, professor). Currently he is a graduate student at the Conservatory.

Being a laureate of many All-Russian and international competitions, participated in master classes with leading singers and teachers in Russia, Italy and Germany.

The singer's repertoire includes such roles as Count Almaviva (The Barber of Seville by G. Rossini), Lindoro (An Italian in Algiers by G. Rossini), Prince Leopold (The Jew by J. Halévy), Tonio (The Daughter of the Regiment by G. Donizetti ), Lensky (“Eugene Onegin” by P. Tchaikovsky) and many other parts from operas by Russian and foreign composers.

D. Trunov performed in many theaters in Russia, Italy, Germany, France, China, America and Canada. Since 2012 - soloist of the Moscow Theater " New Opera" name.

I department:

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – Lensky’s Aria from the opera “Eugene Onegin” (“Where, where...”)

- “I opened the window”, v. K.R.

- “In this moonlit night", Art. D. Rathauza

Spanish Dmitry TRUNOV

piano part – Natalia BOGELAVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – “Feat”, Art. A. Khomyakova

– Prince’s Aria from the opera “The Enchantress”

Spanish Nikolay EFREMOV

piano part – Marina BELOUSOVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – Arioso of Iolanta from the opera “Iolanta”

– “If only I knew”, Art. A. Tolstoy

Spanish Evgenia DUSHINA

piano part – Natalia BOGELAVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY - Polina's Romance from the opera " Queen of Spades»

- “Song of the Gypsy”, art. Ya. Polonsky

Spanish Anna VIKTOROVA

piano part – Marina BELOUSOVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – “The Sincerity of the Shepherdess”, interlude from the opera “The Queen of Spades”

Spanish Evgenia DUSHINA, Anna VIKTOROVA


piano part – Natalia BOGELAVA

II department:

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – “Tell me what’s in the shadow of the branches,” art. V. Solloguba

- “Was I in the field but there was no grass,” v. I. Surikova

Spanish Evgenia DUSHINA

piano part – Natalia BOGELAVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – “To the yellow fields”, art. A. Tolstoy

– Mazepa’s Arioso from the opera “Mazepa”

Spanish Nikolay EFREMOV

piano part – Marina BELOUSOVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – “We sat with you”, art. D. Rathauza

S. RACHMANINOV – “It’s good here”, art. G. Galina

- “The night is sad”, art. I. Bunina

– “Lilac”, art. E. Beketova

Spanish Dmitry TRUNOV

piano part – Natalia BOGELAVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – “Why?”, Art. L. Meya (from G. Heine)

– Olga’s aria from the opera “Eugene Onegin”

Spanish Anna VIKTOROVA

piano part – Marina BELOUSOVA

P. TCHAIKOVSKY – Final scene from the opera “Eugene Onegin”

Spanish Evgenia DUSHINA, Nikolay EFREMOV

piano part – Marina BELOUSOVA

Evgenia DUSHINA began vocal lessons in 2000, in 2001 she entered the Academic Music School (now a college) at the Moscow Conservatory in the “solo singing” department (class of People’s Artist of Russia, professor). In 2002 she became a laureate All-Russian competition"Romansiada-2002" (Moscow). In 2003, she continued her studies at the vocal department of the Moscow Conservatory (class). In 2007, the young singer became a laureate of the International Competition (Chelyabinsk, IV prize). In the same year, she took part in a master class with the world famous baritone G. Taddei (Rimini, Italy).

In 2008, E. Dushina graduated from the Moscow Conservatory and entered graduate school. In 2009 she received the Grand Prix at the Maria Callas competition (Athens, Greece). In 2010, the singer became a laureate of the 1st All-Russian music competition(Moscow, 2nd prize).

Currently she is a soloist at the Moscow Conservatory Opera Theater. Her repertoire includes the roles of Tatiana (Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky), Mimi (La Bohème by G. Puccini), the soprano part in Mozart and many other works.

The artist tours European countries (Austria, Serbia, Hungary, Spain, Germany), performs in such prestigious halls as the Mozarteum (Salzburg, Austria), the Liszt Academy Hall (Budapest, Hungary), and conducts active concert activities in Russia. .

Anna VIKTOROVA – graduate of the Moscow Conservatory and graduate school (class of People's Artist of Russia, professor). While still a student at the conservatory, she began working at the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko as a trainee soloist (2004–2007).

Since 2007 she has been a guest soloist at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia.

A. Viktorova is a laureate of numerous international competitions: named after (2003, Astrakhan, 1st prize), named after (Saratov, 2004, 2nd prize). In 2005, the singer was awarded the 2nd prize at three international vocal competitions - named after Maria Callas (Athens, Greece), competition in Ningbo (China), named after Bulbul (Baku, Azerbaijan). At an international competition opera artists Galina Vishnevskaya won the III Prize and the Audience Award (2006, Moscow). In the same year she became a laureate of international competitions for young opera singers Elena Obraztsova (Moscow, 2nd prize) and young opera singers named after Riccardo Zandonai (Italy, 1st prize). In 2007 she won IV prize at the International Competition.

A. Viktorova is a regular participant in concerts and festivals held by the Irina Arkhipova Foundation. In 2006, she participated in the recording of the opera “Otello” by Verdi (the role of Emilia), carried out by the foundation. Performances and concerts with the participation of the singer took place in various cities of Russia: Astrakhan, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Tver, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Smolensk, as well as abroad: in Latvia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, China.

Gala concert “Three Tenors.
Dedication to Mario Lanza"

May 18 at the cultural center "Ozerov's House" within the framework of the project "The World Talents Foundation under the leadership of David Gvinianidze presents" gala concert “Three Tenors.Dedication to Mario Lanza".

Tenor is the most beautiful, most romantic and most seductive male voice. It is not without reason that in opera classics most of the roles of the hero-lover are written for the tenor. Who else, if not a tenor, with his simultaneously soft and brilliant voice, is able to express the entire breadth of love experiences. On stage, the tenor is always the king! For several centuries now, the magic of his high notes has invariably dominated the public.

The gala concert of three tenors, dedicated to the singer’s anniversary, featured the most popular opera arias, songs, melodies from musicals and films from the repertoiregreat tenorXXcentury Mario Lanza.

Needless to say, what kind of atmosphere reigned in the hall? Not only delight and rapture, but also tears. Tears of joy and happiness from communicating with wonderful music, with wonderful people, with subtle, sensual musicians.

The concert was attended by:

- soloist of the Musical Theater named after. K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Takes part in performances of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia (Sobinin in M. I. Glinka’s opera “Ivan Susanin”, The Prince in S. S. Prokofiev’s opera “The Love for Three Oranges”, Selem in “The Rake’s Progress” by I. F. Stravinsky, Pong in “Turandot” by G. Puccini, Rosenthal’s first companion in L. Desyatnikov’s opera “Rosenthal’s Children”, Astrologer in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Golden Cockerel”). Collaborates with the Arbat Opera Theater (Moscow). He performed in Italy, France, Germany, USA, Canada.

- soloist of MAMT named after. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, Bel Canto Charitable Foundation for the Promotion of Musical Culture; tours throughout Russia and abroad.

– soloist of the La Fenice Theater (Venice, Italy), Deutsche Oper am Rhein (Dusseldorf and Duisburg, Germany), Stuttgart Theater (Germany), Opera de Quebec (Canada); tours in France and the USA. The basis of his repertoire consists of tenor roles in operas by Mozart, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and Tchaikovsky. In the 2012/13 season, he was nominated for the Russian Theater Award "Golden Mask" for the best male role - Count Ory in Rossini's opera of the same name, staged by the Yekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

Piano part – Vladimir Rodionov (chief accompanist of the Talents of the World Foundation).

February 27 at Great hall Olga Peretyatko (soprano) and Dmitry Trunov (tenor) will perform at the Philharmonic concert “Spring Voices”

On February 27, Olga Peretyatko (soprano) and Dmitry Trunov (tenor), as well as the St. Petersburg State Academic symphony orchestra, conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Titov. The program includes popular overtures, arias and duets from operas and operettas by Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, Bizet, Verdi, Massenet, Offenbach, Strauss.

This is the second program International project“Opera Gala. Soloists opera houses Peace in St. Petersburg": arias and duets from operas and operettas "The Barber of Seville", "Elisir of Love", "The Tales of Hoffmann", "The Puritans", "Die Fledermaus" and others will be performed.

He talks about the world opera star Olga Peretyatko, owner of a unique lyric-coloratura soprano. general manager National Opera Center Rinat Dulmaganov: “Olga Peretyatko was born in St. Petersburg, graduated Music school Rimsky-Korsakov and then the Conservatory, but not the vocal department, but “choral conducting”. She studied vocals with the soloist Mariinsky Theater Larisa Gogolevskaya. Then she graduated from the vocal department of the Higher School of Music in Berlin and studied for two years in Hamburg at the opera studio. Students of this studio regularly participate in productions, and thus have enormous practice. We have such a plan - only the Academy of Young Singers at the Mariinsky Theater. Afterwards, Olga continued her studies at the world-famous Rossini Academy under the direction of the outstanding conductor Alberto Zedda. Among her awards are the title of laureate of the Ferruccio Tagliavini Competition, a prize at the International Bel Canto Competition, and a prize for the best performance of a Mozart aria at the International Debut Competition. In Paris, Olga won second prize at the most prestigious international competition under the patronage of Placido Domingo “Operalia”. She attracted international attention as the Nightingale in the production opera of the same name Stravinsky at the Aix-en-Provence Festival in 2010. Thanks to this, she now has a lot of offers from Europe and Canada. Olga truly has a stunning career. Last year, her solo disc “La bellezza del canto” was released, which immediately entered the top ten classical albums.

Olya will fly to us from New York along with her husband Michele Mariotti, a famous conductor.”

Dmitry Trunov is a soloist of the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, a laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, nominated for “ Golden mask"for best actor in the opera "Count Ory" by Rossini in Ekaterinburg Theater opera and ballet.