Guess the characteristics of what sound is given by the lightning boat. Emphasis. Letters В в – Ф f»

Speech therapy lesson for 2nd grade on the topic:

"Differentiationconsonant soundsV-F.

Letters B c – F f.”

Target: developing the ability to distinguish between the sounds [F-V, F’-V’] by ear and the letters V, F in writing.


Educational: clarify and compare the articulation and sound of sounds [F-V, F’-V’]; learn to isolate and distinguish the sounds [V]-[F] in syllables, words and phrasal speech, and designate them in writing with the corresponding letters.

Correctional and developmental: improve the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis, clarify and expand the vocabulary, develop speech breathing and voice.

Educational: cultivate interest in classes, the ability to listen to each other, the ability to work independently, develop the skill of self-control.

Equipment: mirrors, object pictures, a diagram for sound analysis, a syllable table, a table for mnemonic devices, counting sticks, a presentation for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Look at your neighbor, smile, give each other a smile. Look at me, I also want to give you a smile, and you smile at me. We start working in a good mood.

2. Preparatory stage:

How many letters are there in Russian?
- How many vowel sounds are there in the Russian language?
- How do letters differ from sounds? (We see and write letters, and pronounce and hear sounds).
- Name the vowels of the second row.
- What do the second row vowels mean?
- Name the second way to indicate the softness of consonants.
- How do vowels differ from consonants?

3. Study a new topic

Articulation analysis.
- Who is this? (Wolf)
- What is this? (Fruits)
- What is the first sound?
- Are these vowel sounds or consonants? (Consonants)
-Why? (There is an air barrier).
- Who guessed what sounds we will work on in class? (Sounds v-ph)
- This is the topic of our lesson.
- Have you taken the mirrors, see how the sounds v-f are formed?
(The lower lip approaches the upper teeth. The lower lip forms a gap into which a stream of air flows).

What is the difference between the sounds v-f?
(When pronouncing the sound B, the vocal folds vibrate and form a voice. When pronouncing the sound f, the vocal folds do not vibrate, the voice is not formed)
(When pronouncing soft sounds, the lips and tongue tense more than when pronouncing hard sounds).
Characteristics of sounds.
- Characterize each sound using a sound analysis chart.
(Sound v - consonant, voiced, hard;
The sound f is consonant, dull, hard).

Slide 3

4. Comparison of sounds with their graphic representation. Mnemonic device.

Slide 4

5. V-F differentiation.

1) V-F differentiation in syllables.

a) Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me, what sounds differ between these pairs of syllables?




b) Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.


Count which letters there are more.

c) Listen, remember the rows of syllables, repeat in the same sequence:

FA - WA - FA FA - WA - WA - WA

VA - FA - VA VA - FA - FA - WA

FU - VU - FU VU - FU - VU - FU

VU - FU - VU FU - VU - FU – VU

d) Listen to the words, divide the words into syllables, write down the syllables with the letters V or F.

Torch, vase, factory, apron, goalie, broom, telephone, phlox, tips, scarves, willows.(Mutual verification is being carried out).

2) Physical education minute.

Game “Bubble” (children stand in a circle)

Blow up the bubble, get big, stay that way and don’t burst! (children, at a signal, expand the circle, then move closer to the center, releasing air with noise: f-f-f-f.

Guys, now let’s depict how the mill turns (twirl their hands and make the sound: v-v-v-v).

4) V-F differentiation in words.

a) Game "Who is attentive?"

If you hear the sound [V] in a word, make a movement with your hand as if a bell is ringing, and if you hear the sound [F], then cover your ears with your hands, as if putting on headphones.

Magician, wolf, vase, lantern, spacesuit, cow, pharaoh, sparrow, box, turn.

Who knows what a spacesuit, a pharaoh, a box is?

(Explanation by speech therapist using pictures). Slide 7.

Cosmonaut spacesuit- a sealed suit that provides conditions for the work and life of an astronaut in the atmosphere or in outer space.

Pharaoh- ruler of ancient egypt

Body- an ancient peasant household item intended for picking berries.

b) Look at and name the pictures. Determine the presence of sounds V, F:


1) In the word CROW - the sound V.

2) In the word GIRAFFE there is an F sound.

Match the pictures with the correct diagram. Slide 8.

V) Game "Replace the sound".

Underline the letter B with one line, the letter F with two lines.

5) Isolating words with sounds [V] - [F] from the text.

a) Today our guest is the poet Tsvetik. He loves to write poetry and composed two poems especially for our class. In one poem there are many words with the sound V, and in the other there are many words with the sound F. But bad luck, Tsvetik did not have time to count which words were more in the poems with the sound V or with the sound F. Let's help him. (Children are asked to place one counting stick on the table as soon as they hear a word with a given sound.)

We count words with the sound V.

Tsvetik wrote:
Vanya and Vasily
Bought mittens
Seva bought felt boots,
Thankfully the rug is small.
- How many words with the sound [B] did you hear? (7) What words with the sound [B] did you hear?
- What did Seva buy?
- What did Slava buy?

We count words with the sound F.

Tsvetik wrote:
Faya put on a sundress,
And Thomas put on a caftan,
Mitrofan put on his cap,
And Sashka put on the T-shirt.
- How many words with the sound [F] did you hear? (7) What words with the sound [F] did you hear?
- What did Faya wear?
- What did Sashka wear?

b) Work at the board.

Complete the sentences using the reference words. Highlight the syllables with the letters V and F.

The work is performed only on the board, along the “chain”. One writes down, the rest check. Slides 10,11.

Vera discovered... .

The telephone line went out... .

Fedya lit the way..... .

The car didn't have one... .

Faina cooked compote from... .

Doesn't work in our house... .

Words for reference: wire, headlight, window, telephone, fruit.

8. Summing up the lesson

- Well done! You have completed all the tasks!

What sounds did we work with today? What do you remember about the sound [B]? Think of a few words with the sound [В], [Вь]. What did you remember today about the sound [F]? Think of a few words with the sound [F], [F].

9. Homework. Learn a tongue twister with the sounds V-F. Draw a dandelion.

Wears a dandelion yellow sundress.

Goals: h strengthen the skills of distinguishing and pronouncing the sound [Ш] in syllables, words, phrases; clarify articulation, give characteristics; to train children in the ability to isolate the sound [Ш] against the background of a word and from a word, select pictures, come up with words with a given sound; consolidate the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word; continue to form sound-syllable analysis and synthesis of words; practice making sentences based on supporting words; introduce children to the graphic image of the letter Ш; continue to teach word conversions; read words and sentences; develop phonemic hearing; develop the ability to concentrate.


Guys, let's hold hands and smile at each other to create a good mood. And to make the mood even more wonderful, we will call a sunny bunny.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Sunny Bunny":

My sunny little bunny, small as a baby.

Jump on the nose, on the shoulder. Oh, how hot it got!

Jump on your forehead and start jumping on your shoulder again.

We closed our eyes, and the sun was playing.

The warm rays gently warm your cheeks!

Subject message.

Before starting the lesson, we will check our mailbox (we find a letter from Grandfather Letterer). Read who the letter is from.

Letter from Grandfather Letterer

Guys, Grandfather Letterer tells us bad news. The monster stole a new letter that we were supposed to meet today. We need to find her. To do this we must guess what letter it is. And a poem will help us.

Two puppies cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Yes, the floor brush

There is a stick above your head.

Stick click puppies from the shoulder,

The two puppies left grumbling.

Can you guess what sound is most often found in this poem? That's right, this is the sound [Ш], which is denoted in writing by the letter Ш. This means that today we must find the letter...Ш. And to find this letter, we will first take a closer look at the sound [Ш]. Sit at the tables, take the mirrors and clearly pronounce the sound [Ш].

Sound articulation [Ш](The lips are pushed forward, there is a small gap between the incisors, the tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli, forming a gap with them. The front part of the tongue is more advanced compared to the B. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The middle part of the back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate, the back part of the back, compared to Ш, is more advanced forward. A longitudinal channel is formed along the midline of the tongue, through which a stream of exhaled air passes.)

Sound characteristics [Ш](consonant, always soft, unvoiced).

Sound differentiation [Ш] from other sounds, in syllables, words.

I will pronounce sounds and syllables, and if you hear the sound [Ш], clap your hands.

Speech exercise “Don’t yawn, catch the ball and repeat”(pronouncing syllable rows). Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-search, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-search; cheek-cheek-cheek-cheek; schma-schmo-schmu-schmi, etc.

And I have an answering stick. Whoever gets the stick in their hands will name a word with the sound “Ш” (children come up with words with this sound).

Determining the place of sound in a word, sound analysis of words.

Guys, we got so carried away that we forgot that we needed to find the letter Sh. Grandfather Letter Scientist sent us assistants. And the first assistant rushes to our aid, who is it - that’s right, it’s a fairy-tale Puppy (illustration).

The puppy will tell us the way if we complete his task. There are pictures on the board with the sound [Ш]. Children choose a picture for themselves and determine the place of the sound “Ш” in the names of the pictures. And the Puppy sends us to the next hero.

This hero is the magical Pike (illustration).

Dividing words into syllables.

And Pike prepared a task for us called: “Tap the word” (children divide words into syllables, tapping them with a musical hammer).

Well done, you completed this task!

Drawing up proposals.

Pike wants to play with you a little more, and she offers you another task: come up with funny sentences about our helpers (children come up with sentences).

The Pike really liked your suggestions, so she will tell us where the Beast hid the letter.

The letter is in the chest and we need to find it. (Children find a chest and a hidden Beast).

Speech therapist: There was a chest and the Monster was here.

Why did you steal the letter?

Monster: I wanted to have my own letter Ш, because it’s in my name, but I don’t even know how to write it.

Speech therapist: But the guys also need to know this letter, otherwise they won’t be able to read and write words with the letter Sh. Guys, tell me how you can write the name Beast without the letter Sh (children: “Monster”).

Monster: Oh, how ugly it turned out.

Speech therapist: Don't you like it?! Then ask the guys for forgiveness and return the letter.

Monster: Sorry, guys. Now I’ll give you the letter, it’s in my chest. (The monster takes out the letter and gives it to the children)

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, let the Beast sit in our class and teach the letter Sh with us (the Beast remains).

Introducing the letter Shch.

Guys, who will tell the Beast how a sound differs from a letter (children’s answers)

Look, here is the letter Ш. What does it look like?

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well then!

Pike can grab and swallow -

They don't need any other science!

The letter Ш will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

What elements does it consist of? (Three large vertical sticks and one large horizontal, one small horizontal and one small vertical sticks). Stand up and write this letter in the air, and now with your right hand on your left palm and vice versa, and also on each other’s backs. Typing letters in a notebook.

Working at the box office, converting words.

On the top strip, put the word Shchi, and how to make it so that from the word Shchi you get the word Shield, and from the word Shield - Shchip.

Reading sentences

And the last task from Puppy and Pike is in envelopes. These envelopes contain words. Your task is to make sentences from these words and read them.

Summary of the lesson.

So we got acquainted with the sound and the letter Ш. What can you say about this sound?

Name words with the sound [Ш].

Monster, did you enjoy working with us? Then come to us again, and the guys and I want to give you the letter Ш so that you can have your own letter.

Monster: Thank you!

Guys, you tried your best today, listened carefully, answered well, everyone was great!

Sections: Primary school

I. Motivation.

We are starting a Russian language lesson. We open the notebooks, write down the number, great job.

Listen carefully logic exercise:

Hedgehogs, siskins, and mice live in the forest. Their homes are located in dry leaves, on oak branches, under an old stump. Determine where the animals live if you know that siskins build their nests on oak branches, and mice do not live in dry leaves.

(Answer: We know that hedgehogs, siskins, and mice live in the forest. Their homes are located in dry leaves, on oak branches, under an old stump. We also know that siskins build their nests on oak branches, and mice do not live in dry leaves. This means that mice live under an old stump, and hedgehogs live in dry leaves.)

II. Formulation by students of the topic and goals of the lesson.

Determine which spelling is most often found in the words of this logical exercise and formulate the topic of the lesson.

(Answer: in the words of a logical exercise, the spelling pattern is most often found « Writing words with combinations ZHI, SHI" (live, hedgehogs, siskins, mice, dwellings, animals), means the topic of the lesson “Exercise in writing words with combinations ZHI, SHI.”

The teacher reveals the name of the topic on the board, and the children recite the poem in chorus:

We firmly know ZHI and SHI
We write only with the letter I.
Try it and write:
Babies, siskins, hedgehogs.
You could be wrong.
Everyone needs to remember this
We have to work hard.

Let's set lesson goals.

(using helping words, students independently formulate the goals of the lesson, the teacher corrects them if necessary):

learn... (something new);

repeat... (features of the sounds Ж and Ш);

consolidate... (the ability to write words with the spelling ZHI - SHI);

develop... (spelling vigilance).

III. Updating the subjective experience of students (preparation for the main stage of the lesson).

Well done, the topic and goals are formulated.

Today in the lesson we will go to the country of Spelling in the city of Combinations. We have a map in front of us. We are in the Illiterate Lands. We will find out what kind of transport we will use to cross them by deciphering the word. To do this, swap shapes of the same shape.

(Answer: car).

The teacher hangs up a card with the word CAR and a drawing.

With this car we will cross the Illiterate Lands.

How do you understand the meaning of this word?


1) a mechanical device that performs useful work (sewing, steam, computing, etc.);
2) the same as a car;
3) for athletes: motorcycle, bicycle.

Tell us about this word.

(Answer: this word has three syllables MA-SHI-NA, the stress falls on the second syllable, the unstressed vowel A - you need to remember it, there is a combination SHI.)

Write down the word MACHINE and remember its spelling.

Guess which sound we will describe in the word MACHINE? Remember the topic and objectives of the lesson.

(Answer: we will give a description of the sound “Ш”, since our goal of the lesson is to repeat the characteristics of this sound.) The student completes the task.

Choose words with the same root. (Orally)

(Answer : machine, driver, machine operator, etc.)

Prove that these words have the same root.

(Answer : the same root, have a common meaning with the word machine.)

(Answer : n got acquainted with a new vocabulary word, repeated the features of the sounds Ж and Ш, consolidated the ability to write words with the spelling ЖИ - ШИ.)

IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Well done, we have repeated the sound features.

So you and I crossed the Illiterate Lands and approached the border of the country. Then we will go on foot. Her Majesty Spelling invited us to visit her fairy-tale palace. But there will be obstacles on our way. Are you ready for this? Then let's go. And here is the first obstacle - the lake. When we complete the task, a bridge will appear on the lake that we can cross.

1) Open the textbooks exercise 163. (Buneevs, 2nd grade)

Meet in pairs and say what task you can propose for this exercise.

(Answer: find the combinations ZH – SHI, divide the words into 2 groups in accordance with the spelling, make sentences, etc.)

We will complete the task ... (student's name) and distribute the words into two columns and indicate the spelling.

Option I writes down words with combinations of ZH;

Option II writes down words with SI combinations.

(2 people work on the board.)

Add your own words.

Additional questions for those answering at the board. (Give a description of the sound Ж, Ш. What is an orthogram, how is it designated?)

- Mutual check: If everything is correct, put a sign of success and be happy for your friend.

Summarize this part of the lesson.

(Answer: they consolidated the ability to write words with the spelling ZHI - SHI, developed spelling vigilance.)

The teacher checks the achieved goals.

2) Well done! (A bridge appears on the lake)

Now we can continue our journey. Whether it was long or short, we walked and reached the forest. And how many sounds there are in the forest! At the top of a birch tree a cuckoo crows loudly. In the dense spruce forest, hazel grouse quietly call to each other. But it is very difficult to get through the thicket - you have to complete the task.

Listen and say what animals we are talking about.

(The teacher reads the text from the card. Weak students work on another card.)

They bear little resemblance to forest animals. They have slender legs, a long neck and narrow ears. Instead of paws, they have wide flippers. The head is crowned with small horns. Instead of wool there is thick skin. There is a layer of fat underneath. This is protection from the cold. The fur is short and has dark, oddly shaped spots on it. These beautiful animals are inhabitants of the plains.

They live in cold seas.

________________ are the tallest animals living on Earth.

So, what animals are we talking about? Don't forget about the topic of the lesson.

(Answer: We are talking about walruses and giraffes here.)

The teacher hangs up pictures of a giraffe and a walrus.

Yes. There are two sentences written at the bottom of the card. Let's put words into them.

(Answer: Walruses live in cold seas. Giraffes the tallest animals living on Earth.)

Was it easy for you to guess what animals we read about? Why?

(Answer: not easy, because The two texts are mixed here.)

Working in groups, divide the sentences into two texts. To do this, take colored pencils (2 colors) and highlight the sentences about each animal with your color.

After composing the stories, write one of them in your notebook. Choose the first sentence from the two offered at the bottom of the card.

Option I writes down sentences about giraffes.

Option II writes down sentences about walruses.

Checking texts. Read the text with description walruses. While listening to it, find a word with the combination SHI, which has more sounds than letters. (Wide)

Read the text with description giraffes. Find a word that has more letters than sounds. (Wool)

How do you understand the word CROWNED?

What does BUILDING SHAPE mean?

Cards for weak students.

Write down the words. Select spelling

Cones, skis, dinner, car, thorn, vein, sewing.


Read it. Write down only those words that contain the combination ZHI - SHI. Select the spelling.

Rose hips have beautiful flowers. A new vest was sewn for grandfather. We have a dog named Ryzhik. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air.

Well done. Summarize this part of the lesson. (Reinforced the ability to write words with the spelling ZHI - SHI)

The teacher checks the achieved goals.

Spread the spruce trees to make a path. Phonogram with bird voices.

The path led us to a lawn. You look, and there is grass, flowers, and berries all around. The daisies are turning white, the bells are turning blue, the grasshoppers are chirping incessantly, and the bees are buzzing. Let's take a rest. (PHYSICAL MINUTE)

How are we living?
How are we sailing?
How are we running?
Are we looking into the distance?
Are we waiting for lunch?
Shall we wave after?
Do we sleep at night?
Are we being naughty?

Children say: “Like this” and show the movements.

3) We continue the journey. But the mountains get in our way, and we begin to crawl through the mountains. And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper, and the mountains are going under the very clouds. What should we do? Somewhere here there was a Bookeater cave. And here he is.

The teacher hangs a drawing on the board.

He can lead us along the shortest path, but first we need to solve his riddles.

The cat lives on our roof,
And in the closet they live... (mice).

Won't go without gas
Neither a bus, nor... (a car).

If it leaked from the roof
And the snowdrifts below -
So the sun is hot,
Put away... (skis)

Streams run through the fields,
On the roads... (puddles).

The ants will come out soon
After the winter... (cold).

Spun in the air
A little asterisk
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake)

White peas
On a green leg. (Lilies of the valley)

  • Make up a sentence using as many clue words as possible and write it down.
  • Read what suggestions you got. Whose proposal did you like best?
  • Summarize this part of the lesson. (Reinforced the ability to write words with the spelling ZHI - SHI)

The teacher checks the achieved goals.

V. Control and testing of knowledge.

And now the castle appeared ahead. Just a little time left, and we will meet Her Majesty Spelling. But look, who doesn't want to let us into the palace? Yes, this is a gnome. The teacher hangs a drawing on the board. He takes us to his dungeon. The one who can cope with the task will be able to get out.

Take the cards. Select a level: red is more difficult, green is easier, blue is the easiest.


LEVEL 1 (blue)

Choose a word that makes sense. Label the spelling ZHI - SHI. Compose a word according to the code.

Volatile…. Fragrant…. Prickly…. Agile…. Colored... Thick….

Words for reference:

Check: What word did you get? PISHCHUHA is a bird. We will listen to her voice in the after-school group.

LEVEL 2 (green)

Write the answers to the questions. Select spelling ZHI – SHI.

What flowers bloom in May?

What grows on pines and spruces?

What is the name of the wild rose?

Check: read what sentences you got.

LEVEL 3 (red)

Replace the highlighted word with a word that is similar in meaning. Label the spelling ZHI – SHI.

Fragrant tea, spacious streets, a fat cat, shaggy spruce trees.

Check: Read the words you have inserted. ( Answer: fragrant, wide, fat, fluffy.)

VI. Reflection.

Well done! Her Majesty Spelling welcomes you and invites you to see the kingdom. And her assistants will tell us a lot of new things about other letter combinations in the next lessons.

Let's summarize. What have you learned? What did you learn?

(Answer: we got acquainted with a new vocabulary word, repeated the features of the sounds Zh and Sh; consolidated the ability to write words with the spelling ZHI - SHI; developed spelling vigilance.)

Have all goals been achieved? (Yes)

If you were interested in the lesson, comfortable and understood everything, take the red ray.

If you need to exercise more, use orange.

If you need help - purple.

The teacher attaches the rays to the castle on the board.

We did a good job today. Look how the palace shines. Well done!

VII. Information about homework.

D.z. Choose the homework you want. Tasks of varying difficulty.

In order for oral speech to be correct and expressive, it is important to be able to place stress correctly. For younger schoolchildren, this is a rather difficult task, which is easier to cope with by understanding the meaning of accents. Our article will tell you about the features of Russian accent.


In oral speech, emphasis occurs by raising (strengthening) the voice or emotional (expressive) coloring. In writing, if necessary, a special accent mark is used (́ dash above the stressed syllable), but more often, for convenience, the stressed vowel is indicated by a capital (capital) letter.

There are accents:

  • Verbal- highlighting a syllable in a word;
  • Clock- highlighting a word in a phrase;
  • Boolean- highlighting a particularly significant word in the text;
  • Phrasal- highlighting a phrase in a phrase.

Let's take a closer look at the first one. It is this that causes the most difficulties, because the stress in the Russian language is always free. Any syllable can stand out in different words: from the first to the last (lake, swamp, river). For comparison: in French the stress is fixed (falls only on the last syllable). Even borrowed words retain the place of stress (coat, jalousie).

For each Russian word there are norms of correct or preferred pronunciation (orthoepic), which you just need to remember. For example: in words with “е” the stress will fall on this vowel (excluding compound and borrowed ones). If you have any doubts when placing stress, you should check with special dictionaries (orthoepic, dictionary of difficulties or stress).