House of Tatar Culture

February 25, 2017 at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory as part of children's festival national cultures“My home is Moscow” the day of Tatar culture “Tatar Moscow” was held.

Before the concert, an exhibition was organized, thanks to which guests could get acquainted with the creativity Tatar people. Traditionally, children's drawings and crafts were presented, as well as folk costumes. For the first time, guests were given the opportunity to purchase some products folk art and kalfaks (women's headdresses).

Guests of the festival shared with us their opinions about the day of Tatar culture. Many people think that the idea of ​​the festival is very good, because peoples should be friends and live in peace and harmony, and Tatars are friendly, hospitable and open people.

One of the guests, a Tatar by nationality, but born and raised in Moscow, told us that Tatars lived in Rus' before Ivan the Terrible and some streets in Moscow bear Tatar names. For example, Arbat Street is named after the word “arba”, which means “cart”; the name of the hotel “Balchug” comes from the Tatar word “balchyk” (clay).

Tatar national amateur groups performed on the second floor of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. A.G. took part in a small concert. Mukhametov, theater-studio "Gagiz Gaile", Tatar song ensemble "Miras", children's dance ensemble "Ildan", children's folklore ensemble“Shatlyk”, Tatar language studio, dance ensemble “Yasmin”, soloists Dinara Alukaeva, Svetlana Pak, Renata Badamshina, Fauriya Sayakhova and Zainab Suleymanova. Each of them, in their performance, tried to convey all the best that exists in Tatar culture: love for their Motherland, its beauty, uniqueness, respect for centuries-old traditions.

Before the main concert, we managed to talk with the deputy editor-in-chief of the federal newspaper “Tatarskiy Mir” Akhat Gazizovich Mukhametov. To our question about what Moscow is for him, the deputy editor-in-chief answered with the poem “I love Moscow, it is always beautiful...”. Akhat Gazizovich also shared with us his life story. Before working for the newspaper, he worked for 30 years as a rocket engineer and was developing rockets for submarines in the Red Banner Northern Fleet.

The big concert opened symphony orchestra Tatar Cultural Center of Moscow under the direction of Olga Taranova, who performed Saidashev’s march and accompanied the first numbers. Next, V.I. delivered welcoming remarks. Suchkov, Head of Department national policy and interregional relations of the city of Moscow, and the Chairman of the Presidium of the regional Tatar national-cultural autonomy F.F. Farisov. Addressing the guests in two languages, Farit Farisovich noted: “The Tatars of Moscow, the Tatars of Russia are an integral part Russian Federation. And today’s concert is dedicated to the fact that all nationalities in the Russian Federation are united, and if we are united, we are invincible!”

The audience was also greeted by other honored guests, among whom were Rasim Suleymanovich Akchurin, retired Colonel General, member of the coordinating council for patriotic education of children and youth of the Moscow Department of Education, director of the Tatar cultural center of Moscow, Anvar Umarovich Khusainov, deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation Akhtareev Azat Chulpanovich and others.

The concert was conducted by a master of sports synchronized swimming, five-time world champion Anisya Olkhova and students of the eloquence studio of the Palace of Pioneers.

Everyone present at the concert congratulated Akchurin Rasim Suleymanovich with thunderous applause on his recently passed anniversary - on his 85th birthday. He was awarded an Honorary Award-Order for the preservation and development of Tatar culture in Moscow.

Many artists who performed at the concert dedicated their performances to Rasim Suleymanovich! Honored Artist of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan Nailya Fatekhova, together with her granddaughter, very touchingly performed the song “Tatar General”, and representatives of the Moscow Art Theater Association of Artists read an excerpt from Anna Akhmatova’s poem “The Tale of the Black Ring”.

Next, Syumbel Bilalova performed with the perky song “Saira Bylbyl”, music group“Kazan World” performed the song “Sine Kotham” about a woman who is waiting for her husband. Guests of the festival again heard the famous song “Cuckoo” performed by Varvara Kistyaeva, a participant in the “Voice of Children” show, and got acquainted with the dance “Greeting” from the ensemble folk dance"Ildan." Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Almaz Yusi amazed the audience with the song “I Dream of Russia.” Of course, everyone was delighted by the dance of sun rays from Zulfiya Raupova’s opera “Ak Bure” “White Wolf”. Rinat Zakerov performed on the stage of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers with the song “Azatlyk Chishmese”, and Rosa Khabibullina and Sayyar Khabibullin - with the song “Ezyadem Begerem Sine”. The children's ensemble "Shayan" amused the audience with the comic composition "Dudek-Dudek". After the performance of the folk ensemble “Shatlyk”, Ildar and Aidar Salakhov performed a medley on the theme of Tatar folklore on the button accordion. folk songs.

The concert ended with songs by Zulfiya Khalilova, Said Abdullin, Nailya Dusmetova, Marat Yarullin, Ildar Shiganov, Alfina Akhmetdzhan and DJ Radik Yarullin. All performers gave the audience a love for their language, their people, their culture. Each performance was bright, colorful and memorable.

At the end of the concert, the audience admired the “Moscow” dance of the Ildan folk dance ensemble. The highlight of the concert was the Anthem of the Tatar people “Tugan Tel”, which all participants performed together with the audience!

“Maslenitsa” within the framework of the project of the State Budgetary Institution “MDN” “National Holidays”

Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday that survived after the adoption of Christianity and retained a number of elements in its ritual. Slavic mythology. There is an opinion that it was originally associated with the day of the spring solstice, but with the adoption of Christianity it began to precede Lent and depend on its timing. Pancakes, immutable attribute Maslenitsa had a ritual meaning: round and hot, they symbolized the sun, which was burning brighter, lengthening the days. And people called Maslenitsa “broad” and even “destroyer”, because people during these holidays They did not skimp on the generous treats.

The date of Maslenitsa changes every year depending on the date of Easter. This year Maslenitsa week will last from February 20 to 26. Main traditional attributes national holiday- Maslenitsa scarecrow, fun, sleigh rides, festivities. The celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most long-awaited events of winter.

Every year, many guests gather at the Moscow House of Nationalities for folk festivities. The celebration was attended by representatives of the Turkish and Talysh diasporas, Lithuanian, Kazakh, Armenian, Georgian, Uzbek, Tatar and Bashkir and other national public organizations.

The beginning of the holiday was announced by the director of the MDN Vladimir Borisovich Tarasov. He admitted that it is always pleasant to open such large-scale events, because it is always a new, big step towards further achievements, success, and creative victories. Vladimir Borisovich cordially congratulated the guests on Maslenitsa and wished everyone good health, cheerful mood and as many good impressions as possible.

The Maslenitsa program turned out to be extremely varied and interesting. For this day, exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, crafts and crafts of original national folk art, presented by craftsmen and artists, were prepared:

— Exhibition of the Grand Prix winner of the Moscow plein air competition of paintings “Old Moscow” Dmitry Petrov and the winner of the plein air competition Elmira Petrova;

— Exhibition of products of JSC Gzhel porcelain factory»;

— Exhibition of winning products creative competition XXI Exhibition-Fair of Russian Folk Art Crafts “Ladya. Winter's Tale" held by the Association "Folk Art Crafts of Russia";

— Potter show “Clay and Music”.

The works of graduates of the Abramtsevo workshops embody the best traditions of Russian art. In their works, the masters brilliantly reflect the rich oral folk art, life and culture. The exhibition of Dmitry and Elmira Petrov, like any family exhibition, is one of the brightest and most interesting events in the world of art. Gzhel is not only porcelain with amazingly beautiful bouquets of flowers, but also beautiful landscapes native land, plot compositions and architectural ensembles

Throughout the evening, guests of the House were entertained by mummers and buffoons; together they danced in circles and held Maslenitsa games. And in the bright performance of the participants of the Cossack folk ensemble “Falcon” and the folk show of the group “Terekha”, incendiary songs and dances were presented to everyone.

Maslenitsa was celebrated on a grand scale at the Moscow House of Nationalities

Representatives of over a dozen ethnic groups and nationalities came to the holiday

Maslenitsa - Slavic holiday with a rich history, whose roots go back to pagan times. Despite the adoption of Orthodoxy by Russia, the glorious traditions of Maslenitsa have not yet been forgotten. On February 21, schoolchildren were invited to the Moscow House of Nationalities for a centuries-old holiday - new members of the Moscow ethnic media press club at the State Budgetary Institution "MDN", who dream of further connecting their lives with a difficult but terribly interesting profession - a journalist. The future masters of a sharp pen and word were lucky enough to interview the Chairman of the All-Russian Congress of Ethnojournalists, Jamil Sadykhbekov.

It is worth noting that such events at the Moscow House of Nationalities are not uncommon and have been held for several years. The MDN team has more than enough experience - especially Vladimir Tarasov, director of the capital's multicultural center. It was he who gave a welcoming speech to all those gathered.

Meanwhile, as usual, there are plenty of guests at the celebrations of the Moscow House of Nationalities. The geography is truly amazing. Representatives of the Uzbek, Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar, Georgian, Armenian, Turkish, Talysh and Lithuanian diasporas, as well as other national public organizations, became acquainted with the peculiarities of Maslenitsa.

The press club of ethnic media, which takes place quite often, was opened by Jamil Sadykhbekov. This time he presented the youth branch of the press club, which was formed on the basis of “Press Center 25” at GBOU 1440. A recognized professional in the field of ethnic journalism spoke about all the pitfalls, difficulties, as well as the advantages of the creative profession.

“Guys, I wish you, first of all, to serve your word. Word with capital letters! After all, this is the main purpose of a journalist - to competently, reliably and objectively cover the situation from the scene of events,” he wished the listeners Jamil Rafikovich.

A large number of eminent guests - representatives of international media, who, like Jamil Sadykhbekov, are familiar with all the intricacies of a difficult profession first-hand, addressed the schoolchildren with various wishes and parting words. The communication took place in a round table format. After which all participants were given invitations to Maslenitsa, organized by the Moscow House of Nationalities, where the guests were greeted, as it should be according to all Maslenitsa canons and customs, on a grand scale! The famous Russian artist gave a mini-concert to schoolchildren and adults Cossack choir"Falcon" and folk show group "Terekha". The ensembles were helped to entertain the public by other integral participants in folk festivals in Rus' - mummers and buffoons. All those gathered danced in circles, sang songs and played traditional Maslenitsa folk games.

Towards the end festive event Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Faculty of Law, Yuri Kozhaev acted as an interviewer and talked with several of his guests. Considering the fact how many people different cultures, ethnic groups and views meet within the walls of the Moscow House of Nationalities, we traditionally asked them about their successes, views on the influence of education in adapting foreign citizens to the problems that foreigners face in the Russian capital.

Andro Ivanov, press secretary of the Federal Georgian National-Cultural Autonomy in Russia, lives in Moscow for more than 10 years:

“We managed to consolidate around us not just our compatriots, we placed the main emphasis on Georgian youth. To date, we have contributed to the establishment of Georgian communities in 18 Russian universities! Last year we won one of our main victories - a national community appeared at Moscow State University,” the representative of Georgia spoke about the successes.

According to Andro, higher education does influence the adaptation of foreigners, but only if people made an effort to obtain it, devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their studies, and honestly and conscientiously received the coveted diploma.

“Of course, studying global sciences such as history and geography undoubtedly helps foreigners settle in Russia and understand it. However, only one higher education clearly not enough. Human qualities, friendliness, openness and sociability are the second half of success when moving to live in Moscow or another city in Russia,” says Andro.

The guest of the holiday noted that over the past 5 years in Russia there has been a serious and positive shift in interethnic politics - active work is underway and new departments are emerging under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, dealing with improving the microclimate between different ethnic groups. However, Andro said that there are still some rough edges that need to be smoothed out.

“The main problem still remains the bureaucratic apparatus, which is quite harsh and sometimes even interferes with citizens,” Ivanov said.

Igor Kim, representative of the All-Russian public organization Koreans, in Moscow for about 15 years:

“Our scope of activity includes not only working with representatives of the Korean ethnic group. We also regularly cooperate with the Moscow House of Nationalities on issues of interethnic policy,” the representative of the Korean delegation briefly said.

In the future, the All-Russian Association of Koreans plans to more often use the site of the Moscow House of Nationalities, which provides a good opportunity to get acquainted with cultural features different nations. So to speak, look at others and show yourself! Igor Kim noted that, despite the presence of a large Korean cultural center in Moscow, where all events of the national unification could be held, the format of the House of Nationalities is more suitable for the implementation of targeted programs.

“I am the organizer of an interethnic song competition, the peculiarity of which is that its participants first perform a piece in native language, and then in Russian. I believe that if we translate our songs into Russian with talent and in a modern arrangement, then we will begin to understand each other better - we will be united. Our cultures will fall into one common information field, and we will become united people", - shared creative plans Igor Kim.

In general, as you can see, every year we are witnessing an improvement in ties and contacts between the multinational people of Russia, the near and far abroad. We are no longer each other strangers, whose customs and culture cause each other a feeling of alienation - slowly but surely we are moving towards mutual understanding in matters of culture and education, uniting all ethnic groups of the planet. We become, so to speak, citizens of the world. And one of the leading roles in this is played by the Moscow House of Nationalities, not for the first time and not for the first time. last time gathering under its roof representatives of a dozen different cultures, united by love not only for their historical homeland, but also for Russia...

When implementing the project, funds are used state support, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/2016 No. 68-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the National Charitable Foundation.

A big celebration dedicated to Maslenitsa took place at the Moscow House of Nationalities

On February 21, a big celebration dedicated to Maslenitsa took place in the Moscow House of Nationalities. Since ancient times, people have considered pancake week one of the brightest and happy holidays, when you can breathe easy and say goodbye to winter with relief until next year. Like any holiday, Maslenitsa has acquired its own traditions. Wide celebrations, slides, fist fights, burning scarecrows, golden pancakes like the sun are part of the festive spirit. This magical atmosphere of celebration was conveyed in the Moscow House of Nationalities.

Several exhibitions on different topics were organized at once. So, at the exhibition “Gzhel. Traditions and Modernity”, visitors were presented with original works by artists who showed how modern painting has changed compared to the craftsmanship of the 17th century.

And at the exhibition of folk art crafts “Madame Maslenitsa” they showed the works that won the competition of the exhibition-fair of Russian folk art crafts “Ladya. Winter's Tale" in the nomination "For the preservation of folk art traditions."

An exhibition of the winners of the II Moscow plein-air painting competition “Old Moscow” was held as a separate celebration. The opening ceremony was attended by the youth folk ensemble “Sokol”, artists from the regional house of culture “Sobolevsky”, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, performer of Russian folk songs Denis Burlakov and the choreographic ensemble “Rossiyanochka”. With such a small concert, the artists gave a great start to both the “Enjoy Life” exhibition and Maslenitsa in general.

Much attention was paid to the pottery show “Clay and Music”. The artistic director of the Gzhel Pottery workshop, Alexey Ryzhenok, told entertaining stories about Gzhel and pottery. Together with Vasilisa Yudina, who at that time was showing her skills and talent in making clay dishes, they asked those present several questions and awarded those who answered correctly.

At the end of the exhibitions, visitors were invited to try Maslenitsa pancakes and pancakes with jam, sour cream and condensed milk. Guests were also treated to hot tea, after which music characteristic of Maslenitsa began to play on the street. The lively buffoons started a big round dance and held fun games. IN entertainment program The youth folklore Cossack ensemble “Falcon” and the folk show of the group “Terekha” also took part.

The event ended quite late, but did not leave anyone without positive emotions.

Elizaveta Minaeva
Youth branch of the Moscow Ethnic Media Press Club at the State Budgetary Institution "MDN"

On February 17, the Day of Tatar Culture “Moscow is Tatar. City of good neighbors."

The founders of the Festival are the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow, it is held on the initiative of national public associations. The festival sets itself important and noble goals: to show the richness and beauty of folk art, to introduce children and youth to cultural heritage, help develop intercultural dialogue. Organizers: Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, Moscow House of Pioneers, Tatar Cultural Center of the Regional Public Organization - Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of Moscow. As part of the Festival, there will be a presentation of the project “Multinational Moscow - a city of good neighbors” - the winner of the Presidential Grants competition implemented by ROO-TNKA of Moscow in 2018.
Talented children of different ages will take part in the concert. These are participants in the “Voice” project (soloist of the group “Pavlovsk Patterns” from Domodedovo), gymnasts Maryam Salakhova and Diana Mamedova, vocalists and instrumentalists. Honored artists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan with their grandchildren and children will perform on the stage of the festival: Nailya Fatekhova with her granddaughter Kamilla, Zulfiya Khabibullaeva with her son Vilen and daughter Maina, the Yarullin family group, famous world-famous groups: the ensemble of sacred music “Medina” (director Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and RT Nailya Fatekhova) and Laureate of International Competitions Academic Chamber Choir “Vita Voce” of the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky ( artistic director and conductor Lyubov Zvyagintseva), who will jointly perform spiritual chants. Kamil Zaripov will be delighted with his creativity by the group “Shumbay”, “Shurale”, DJ Radik, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Irfan Izmailov and Ilmira Izmailova, Honored Artists of the Republic of Tatarstan Almaz Yusi and Alfina Akhmetzhan, groups and soloists of the Tatar Cultural Center of Moscow: children's folk ensemble “Shatlyk” "(directed by Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Zamzemia Sakhabutdinova), folk dance ensemble "Ildan" (directed by Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Radif Yavaev, Nailya Dusmetova, Alfiya Sharipova, Rinat Zakerov, Nail Khusyainov, Daniya Vakhitova, Munira Devlet-Kildeeva, Albina Safina , Jamilya Sagirova, Tatar Song Theater "Talyan" (director: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Ildar Shigapov), vocal and choral ensemble "Idel" (director: Saniya Shakirova), vocal and choral ensemble "Miras" (director: Indira Sagdeeva), children's choreographic ensemble "Shayan" and Vocal ensemble“Balkysh” (director Ilfat Minnegaliev, school No. 1186 named after Musa Jalil), director of school No. 1186 named after. Musa Jalil, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Rosa Khabibullina, the folk group of the Russian song choir “Pavlovsk Patterns” (directed by Alsou Khairullova) and the exemplary group of the choreographic studio “Dance”, the ensemble “Balaganchik”, (directed by Tatyana and Diana Kornyushenkov).

The festive concert will be hosted by Honored Master of Sports in synchronized swimming, five-time world champion Anisya Olkhova and Farit Farisov, Zukhra Abdyukhanova and Ilyas Khusainov. Directed by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan Nailya Fatekhova.
In the lobby, creative groups of the Tatar Cultural Center will delight guests with lively performances (literary lounge, exhibition of traditional crafts of Tatarstan), an exhibition of drawings (directed by Nailya Zhiganshina), and an exhibition of ancient objects of Tatar life (directed by Zamzemia Sakhabutdinova).

The event will take place on February 17, 2018 in the Bolshoi concert hall Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills at the address: Moscow, st. Kosygina, 17, building 2.

Recently, in the center of Moscow, an unprecedented seizure of the building of the cultural center of the Regional Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy (RTCA), also known as “Asadullaev’s house,” took place. Unlike “ordinary” raider takeovers, the initiators of the action did not even have a standard set of documents on hand - court orders, etc. - that would give their actions the appearance of legality. They motivated their actions only by the fact that they were “true representatives” of the RNTKA leadership, elected at an extraordinary conference of the organization. Meanwhile, its legitimacy is not recognized by most of the Tatar community in Moscow. "MK" tried to understand the situation.

“Asadullaev’s House” in Maly Tatarsky Lane is well known not only to the capital’s Tatars, but also to all experts in the history of Moscow. It was built in 1913-1914 for the Tatar community of the city at the expense of merchant-philanthropist Shamsi Asadullayev and voluntary donations from community members. Until 1941, it housed a Tatar printing house, a school, kindergarten. During the war it was transferred to a hospital, and in 1945 it was given to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Ministry structures (in particular, the college of stenographers and typists) were located here until 2003, when, with the support and personal participation of Vladimir Putin, the house was returned to the Tatar community under a contract of free use - first for a period of 5, and then for 49 years.

Free clubs, concerts, performances - the cultural center was quite active. It was always full of people. This was the case until July 9, 2012, when about twenty pumped-up young men appeared before the 70-year-old watchman, walked through the premises of the center, kicked the employees out of them and settled in the building. At the same time, they acted as representatives of RNTKA.

How did this happen? The regional Tatar autonomy of Moscow consists of local Tatar autonomies established by districts. Not all of them are included in RTNKA. It was the representatives of “independent” local organizations who muddied the previously quite clear waters. On May 25, they held an extraordinary elective conference of the RTNCA in their own name and, despising everything statutory documents, removed its permanent chairman, Colonel General Rasim Akchurin. But the most important thing is that they were able to register the results of the conference with the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Justice for Moscow. And it was with these papers that the operation to seize the center was carried out. They had neither bailiffs behind them, nor any court decisions in their hands.

Such an unjustified seizure caused shock even among seasoned employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Most of the capital's Tatar community is outraged and shocked. “The RTNCA Council did not make a decision to hold an extraordinary elective conference; moreover, this issue was not put on the agenda at all,” say representatives of the autonomy. — Thus, a certain conference on May 25, 2012 was held illegally by a group of people who had nothing to do with the Regional Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of Moscow. The Moscow RTNKA Council did not convene it, the members of the Moscow RTNKA were not properly notified about its holding.”

The leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan, the executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars, and the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Tatars expressed their sharply negative attitude to what was happening. “Starting from its creation in 1998, RTNCA of Moscow, headed by Colonel General Akchurin, and the Council of Muftis of Russia, chaired by Ravil Gainutdin, have always been in close cooperation and interacted,” say representatives of the Council of Muftis of Russia. Those who settled in “Asadullayev’s house” do not seem to be bothered by all this. Now the entrance to it is controlled by private security company employees. The work of circles was paralyzed, the activities of the federal newspaper “Tatar World”, the magazine “Eastern Light”, RTNKA of the Moscow Region, and many other Tatar public organizations were stopped.

Representatives of the Tatar regional cultural autonomy have no doubt that the truth will prevail, and the new “masters” will be expelled from the “house of Asadullaev.”

Continuing the series of publications by the ethnologist, teacher at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, journalist, Dmitry Oparin about the iconic houses of Zamoskvorechye, the editors of the Big City considered it possible to expand his story about the Asadullaev House (the first publication of this article was “ Big City", 02.05.11, ) a short information about those who own the house today, about the Tatar diaspora in Moscow and the rather striking events taking place in it, which are directly related to the Asadullaev House.

HomeAsadullaeva(Maly Tatarsky Lane, 8) turned 100 years old

The building of the Tatar Cultural Center was built by architect Vladimir Krause in 1913–1914. with money from Baku oil industrialist Shamsi Asadullayev. The merchant of the First Guild Asadullaev himself died in 1913, but under the leadership of the Trustee of the Trade Affairs Company Shamsi Asadullaev Yu. B. Vezirov, the construction of the Tatar Cultural Center was completed.

Built near the Mosque, the building was originally intended for a Muslim school, and later became the cultural center of Moscow Muslims. The name of the founder was immortalized in the memorial inscription “Markhum Shamsi Maktebe” (“School of the late Shamsi”), which is located on the facade of the building.

Sh. Asadullayev (born in 1840) in 1874 founded an oil production office in Baku, and in 1893 he created an oil production company on its basis. In 1903, after a divorce, he moved from Baku to Moscow, where he remarried; lived at the address: Vozdvizhenka, 9. By 1913, his personal fortune was estimated at 10 million rubles. On the official letterhead of the company, above the name of the owner Asadullaev, the coat of arms of Persia is depicted, with the inscription in the motto ribbon: “Honored by the court of His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia.” Under the coat of arms are the names of the cities in which branches of the trading company operated: Astrakhan, Baku, Bialystok, Warsaw, Kazan, Kineshma, Kuntsevo, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Yaroslavl; the main office was located in Moscow.Rising from simple peasants, who in his youth was an arbakesh (freight driver), Aga Shamsi Asadullayev became a famous millionaire oil industrialist, patron of science and Tatar and Muslim culture and its philanthropist.

Before the Revolution, the Asadullaev House was called the School. It was private and supported by wealthy merchants. Purely secular sciences were taught in the madrasah, but Sharia laws were observed, for example, boys and girls studied separately and on different floors of the building. Evenings for Muslim youth were also held in this building. Students were provided with free lunches. In the building of the Asadulaev House there was also a printing house, in which, under the editorship of Gayaz Iskhaki (one of the leaders of the Tatar national movement of the early 20th century), newspapers in the Tatar language were published - “Slovo” (“Suz”) and “Strana” (“Il”).

In May 1917, the All-Russian Muslim Congress was held in the building of the Asadullaev House, which was, in fact, the first meeting of Muslims in conditions of almost complete political freedom. It was important that already at this congress a resolution was adopted that Muslims advocate a federal republic with territorial national autonomies in its composition and the All-Russian Muslim Council (Milli Shuro) was created “to manage the spiritual and cultural affairs of the Muslim peoples of Russia and ensure their unity actions."

On May 24, 1917, the son of A.Sh. Asadullayev Asadullayev Mirza Shamsi ogly Asadullayev's House was transferred for temporary use to the Moscow Muslim Educational Society for charitable and educational activities.

Later, the School, located in the Asalullayev House, switched to state maintenance.
Until 1941, the Asadullaev House was the cultural center of Moscow Muslims. The Tatar secondary school No. 27 named after Narimanov (seven-year school) was also located there; boarding shelter; kindergarten; amateur theater (TRAM - theater of working youth); Library of Turkic Peoples (the fund of which consisted of several thousand books); printing house; Central Tatar Club named after Khusain Yamashev (then Moscow Public Cultural Center named after Kh. Yamashev).
In the press of that time, the Asadullaev House was called the Tatar Club named after Yamashev or the Tatar Dompros (House of Education).
Musa Jalil (an outstanding Tatar poet, pictured) worked for several years at the editorial office of the Tatar-language newspaper Metrostroy, which was also located in the Asadullaev House. He taught Tatar language courses and led a literary club.

Then the Central Tatar Workers' Theater moved to the Asadullaev House. The performances of this theater were a success among the residents of the capital.
In 1941, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the building of the Asadullayev House was given to the authorities. During the war, a rear hospital was located there. After the war, the building was transferred to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, which organized a dormitory in the Asadullayev House, then courses for typists and stenographers, then the College of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since the mid-twentieth century, the Moscow Tatar community has actively fought for the return of the House of Asadullaev. Including in the period from 1970 to 1980, when there was a second “surge” of the Tatar national movement. Only in 2003, the Asadullaev House was transferred to the Regional Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy (RTNKA) of Moscow. The terms of the transfer are free use for 49 years.

Asadullaev's House is a symbol of the Regional Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy (RTKA)

In 2012, articles appeared in the press about the raider seizure of the House: “In Moscow, with the help of the Mankurt Tatars, last week they seized the building of the Tatar Cultural Center (Asadullaev’s house).” According to eyewitnesses, on July 9, 2012, about twenty pumped-up young people walked through the premises of the center, kicked out the employees and settled in the building. At the same time, they acted as representatives of RNTKA.

As grounds for the change of leadership, it was said that the Regional Tatar Autonomy of Moscow consists of local Tatar autonomies established by districts. Not all of them are included in RTNKA. And representatives of individual local organizations held an extraordinary election conference of the RTNCA in their own name and removed its permanent chairman, Colonel General Rasim Akchurin.

However, the attention of the Tatar public to this event: an important fact is that there were free clubs in the House and concerts were held; appeals to the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan, etc. led to the fact that later the leadership Cultural Center returned to his duties.

In January 2014, the House hosted the Elections of the Tatar Autonomy in Moscow. The decisions of the meeting touched upon the issues of further development of the Tatar Diaspora in Moscow, the statutory documents were changed, and a new leader was elected. It was said that many decisions were unexpected. On the sidelines it was also said that “...until Asadullaev’s house was returned to the Tatar public, no one applied for the position of chairman of the RTNCA..”

It is hardly worth judging the internal affairs of the Autonomy, but some facts about it seem interesting.

Elected in January, the new head of the Autonomy, Rinat Mukhamadiev, was known in Tatarstan for his criticism of Mintimer Shaimiev. And already in January, the choice of Mahamadiev was interpreted as a failed attempt by the Kazan Kremlin to introduce its candidate. It was argued that Tatar autonomy in the political sense is still not oriented towards Tatarstan (for example, when trying to translate Tatar writing into Latin, the Moscow diaspora strongly opposed).

Recently, at the end of June, the story of the election of the chairman of the Tatar autonomy of Moscow received an unexpected continuation - “... the former Russian parliamentarian and ex-chairman of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan, Rinat Mukhamadiev, elected in January, found himself overboard from Asadullaev’s house...”. Results winter elections have still not been recognized by the Ministry of Justice. This was taken advantage of by the Tatars who disagreed with Mukhamadiev’s course, including the former leader of the Socialist Revolutionaries of the republic, Farit Farisov, familiar to the residents of Tatarstan.

Anver Umarovich Khusainov was elected to the post of Chairman of the Autonomy, but, based on the new charter, almost all power in the autonomy will be given to the Presidium of the Autonomy, because The position of the Chairman now, rather, carries only representative functions. But the Presidium was headed by Farit Farisov.

In many ways, disputes within the Diaspora are also explained by plans regarding the House of Asadullayev. Someone was dissatisfied with the fact that, in addition to national circles, there were also ordinary, third-party tenants in the House. And of course an important place in disputes - further fate At home, I hope we’ll find out soon whether the Tatar school will be revived there again.

Tatars in Moscow

According to the Moscow Provincial Statistical Committee for 1907, about 14 thousand Muslims belonging to different ethnic groups lived in Moscow. In 1926, according to official data, there were already 18.6 thousand Tatars in Moscow, and by 1989 there were 157.4 thousand people. Another 51 thousand Tatars lived in the Moscow region. It seems likely that this estimate could now be significantly increased.

The main areas of residence of Tatars in Moscow in the pre-revolutionary period were the Tatar Settlement in Zamoskvorechye - a historically established area of ​​compact residence of Muslim Tatars with its own infrastructure and mosque.

Many Tatars deservedly consider themselves old-timers of Moscow, because some of them are third-generation Muscovites. Their grandparents at one time made their way to the capital of the “world’s first socialist state,” often illegally, in order to escape the horrors of total collectivization in the countryside and live a more satisfying life than in the ever-starving “collective farm,” in order to finally get a work card , instead of a “stick” - a workday’s credit after many hours of labor for the state on a collective farm field.

Materials used: Wikipedia, Publishing house, articles by D.Z. Hayretdinova from encyclopedic dictionary“Islam in Moscow”, All-Russian Muslim newspaper “Islam Minbare”,