Sights of the Great Bolgars: the remains of an ancient civilization on the Volga. Religious buildings of the Volga Bulgaria

Back in 921, from Baghdad, on behalf of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Muqtadir Billah, a religious and political embassy went to the center of Asia, to the Bulgarian lands, to introduce local residents with the religion of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The representation consisted of various figures in the fields of law, politics and history, and was headed by Ahmed ibn Fadlan, who is rightfully considered the first Arab ambassador to Russia. Since then, religious, cultural and historical ties between the peoples of the two states have only grown stronger.

With the advent of Islam on the lands of the ancient Bulgars, new tasks arose, and the local population began to gradually become familiar with the Iranian-Arab Muslim culture, which at that time was recognized as the most advanced culture of the entire East. It was under the influence of the rapidly spreading culture that the Volga Bulgars formed not only their own literature, poetry, enlightenment, but also various sciences; writing based on Arabic script, which replaced the ancient Turkic runic writing, spread. At the same time, the expansion of the primary school system began educational institutions(we are talking about mektebs, madrassas), an increase in the number of people who received education in the famous cities of the Muslim East - Baghdad, Isfahan, Damascus, Bukhara. Among these enlightened men were world-famous scientists, including the philosopher Hamid ibn Idris al Bulgari, the poet Kul-Gali, Mirhaji Ogly.

However, the elite of Volga Bulgaria was not limited to scientists, historians, theologians and philosophers. A special stratum of the population of that period consisted of architects, builders, artists, skilled craftsmen, calligraphers, whose creations were not only striking examples of the color of Bulgarian art, but also demonstrated originality artistic culture medieval Bulgaria until the coming of Genghis Khan. It is characteristic that the development of spiritual culture and art in all its manifestations went in parallel with the spread of Islam on the territory of the state of Volga Bulgaria.

Today we will tell you, our dear readers, about the features of the cult architecture of the state of the Volga Bulgars from the moment of the adoption of Islam until the Mongol invasion (we are talking about the pre-Mongol historical period).

This historical milestone in the history of Volga Bulgaria is the time when the main types of not only defense buildings and residential buildings, but also religious buildings, that is, mosques, took shape. We must not lose sight of the fact that mosques, in addition to directly religious significance, was also given great political significance: after all, it was within these walls that the triumph of power was demonstrated centralized state, the very idea of ​​Islam was embodied. In parallel with such lofty goals, religious buildings provided clear and indisputable evidence of the high engineering and artistic talent of the Bulgarian craftsmen and architects, the achievements of the civilization of the people, an expression of its high culture. According to historical written sources, in all major cities of the medieval Bulgar state - Bulgar, Bilyar, Suvar, Oshel - along with quarter mosques, there were also cathedral mosques.

To today Only the remains of the underground parts of the cathedral mosque of Bilyar have survived (namely the foundation, some fragments of the foundations of the walls), which at one time was majestic, attracting travelers. The remains of an ancient mausoleum were also found near the mosque. The construction of the mosque dates back to the beginning of the 10th century. The religious building in Bilyar was a local version of the classic type of multi-columned Arab mosque.

It is worth noting that at first, after the advent of Islam, the architecture of Volga Bulgaria was characterized by a multi-columned mosque, designed for a fairly large number of worshipers. Only from the 10th century did characteristic architectural types of mosques begin to appear, which can be distinguished by their shape in the countries of the Near and Middle East. Muslim religious buildings had the features of harsh fortress architecture inherent in early medieval monumental buildings. This was a kind of reinsurance in case of an attack on the city (the mosque, like any other building, turned into a defensive fortress in a split second). The defensible nature of the walls and the very structure of the minarets as battle towers were connected with this. The fact that during archaeological excavations at the site of the mosque, facing tiles in blue and green colors were found indicates that the interior of the mosque was decorated.

At first, the Muslim temple in Bilyar was a vast and rather tall structure, which the builders erected from pine logs, with a huge rectangular multi-column hall. An artificial pool, traditional for religious buildings in the East, was placed exactly in the middle of the hall of the Bilyar mosque. A niche was made in one of the short walls of the hall, indicating the direction to the Kaaba. On the opposite wall of the hall was the main entrance to the mosque. Of course, there were other entrances to the mosque, and their system itself was built in accordance with the use of each direction of the prayer hall. On the left side of the main entrance one could see a wooden minaret.

Masters from the countries of the Middle East and Transcaucasia played a special, incomparable role in the creation and further development of the Bulgarian school of architecture and construction, including in the construction of religious buildings. However, it is worth noting that all architectural canons directly obeyed the system of the Bulgarian school of architecture, based on local climatic, natural and architectural and construction features.

Ilmira Gafiyatullina, Kazan

On August 12 and 13, the medieval battle festival “The Great Bolgar” will be held on the territory of the Bolgar Museum-Reserve. As part of the event, competitions in historical medieval combat, master classes of folk crafts and musical performances are held annually. Enter took a look at the festival's extensive program and reveals what to expect from The Great Bolgar.

What kind of festival is this?

The “Great Bolgar” festival is a large-scale reconstruction of medieval realities with knightly battles, authentic cuisine and music. This year, the festival received international status for the first time, thanks to its inclusion in the program of the European Club Championship in 5v5 fighting. Last year, the festival gathered about 40 thousand people in Bolgar. This time, equestrian tournaments, medieval battles, children's entertainment and a rich musical program presented by Russian folk groups will be held at several venues. Entry will be free for all guests of the event.

Buhurt and equestrian tournaments at the Central Stadium

Tournaments in historical medieval combat are held using real blunt weapons on specially equipped sites - lists. The festival will host many such competitions in various categories and formats. One of them will be the “Battle of the Courts,” where twenty people clad in armor will fight in a 10 vs. 10 format. Following this, in the central battle area, five vs. five fights will take place. Fighters from France, the Czech Republic, Germany and other countries will take part in the competition at the European Grand Prix former USSR. Another opportunity to observe how real battles took place several centuries ago will be Buhurt or, as usual, wall to wall. There is no pre-agreed scenario here - this is real battle- so it becomes much more interesting to watch the battle. Fans of individual championships will appreciate the battles within the Donjon Cup tournament, where representatives of various clubs will fight one-on-one. In addition to medieval battles, guests will also be treated to an equestrian tournament, during which participants will try to push their opponents off their horses. All these fights will take place both days at the Central Stadium.

Medieval cooking and glass beads

In addition to aggressive battles, guests can also enjoy more peaceful entertainment. For example, craft workshops on weaponry and pottery, medieval cooking and making musical instruments that era. During the festival, a master class on lampwork or forge bead making will be held at the medieval crafts site. It involves making blown glass jewelry. Under the supervision of a master, anyone can make their own jewelry and take it with them after it cools. Also, one of the main attributes of the Middle Ages were musical instruments - pishki, zhaleyki, panflutes, flutes, surnas. The primary task will be to make them, and only then learn to play. Another master class held on the site concerns culinary skills. In an authentic setting, everyone will be taught how to make yeast-free flatbreads and sbiten.

Sword fighting and coining for children

On the children's playground medieval world will have its own intense program. Younger guests can enjoy the minting of Bulgarian coins. In addition to making their own coins, children will learn about how it was done in the Middle Ages and how it began. ancient art. Under the guidance of the master, all doll lovers will be able to make their own protective doll as a souvenir, and the next day - weave a wreath for themselves at a master class on their making. There will also be some “adult” entertainment - sword fights. Only instead of heavy steel weapons, children will fight with special soft sports swords - tambar.

Folk metal in the music program

Throughout the festival main stage and the site of “Medieval Dances and Music” will feature performances by histrions and shpilmans, that is, medieval musicians. One of prominent representatives will be the Moscow group Teufelstanz, which performs at all significant historical festivals Russia. They perform technical medieval music. Also on stage will be the Alkonost group, which is the oldest and one of the most recognizable folk metal bands in Russia. The next team in music list became Mystterra & Cyber ​​Piper, combining “Ramstein” rock with bagpipes, which determines the name of the group. AND last group The set list included the Moscow project Schellen, famous for its sound European Middle Ages. In addition to the musical part, guests will be able to take a dance master class, where everyone will be taught French, Scottish and Russian folk dances.

Hiking and excursions

The festival program also includes two excursions. The “Everything is for Real” walk will take place around the main venues of the event. The guide will tell you about household items, wardrobe, tools and combat operations and show how the festival works from the inside. For those interested in history, a visit to the historical camp will be organized, on the territory of which qualifying battles will also take place. Guides represented by festival participants will introduce you to the camp life of medieval camps, and will also help you personally equip the Horde warrior.

Food and accommodation

During the festival, guests do not have to return home, but live right in Bolgar. A tent camp will be organized especially for this, which looks like two- and three-bed houses in full height with beds and bed linen. The camp also has a bathroom, shower and washbasins. The price of one seat is 350-400 rubles. Another option would be a tourist tent camp, which will be organized near the festival site. You can stay there with your own tent, and there will be a bathroom nearby. The price for the placement period is 300 rubles. In addition, there is a food area on the festival grounds, where tents with different menus will be located: standard cuisine, a conventionally historical kitchen with a modern reinterpretation of medieval dishes, and an evening tent where you can have a snack at the end of the festival day.

How to get there?

There are direct bus flights from Kazan to Bolgar, and special transfers are also organized from Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Ulyanovsk, Almetyevsk and Yelabuga. It is important that you need to buy tickets in advance, because this will not be possible on the spot. Information about the bus schedule and purchasing tickets can be found on the official website of the event. In addition, a ship departs from the Kazan River Port to Bolgar every day at 8:00, and on weekends during which the festival falls, an additional flight is introduced at 9:00. Also on VKontakte there is a special

On August 12 and 13, 2017, the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve invites everyone to plunge into the atmosphere of life and everyday life of our ancestors of the XIV-XV centuries. During the “Great Bolgar” festival you will be able to watch spectacular battles of warriors of the Golden Horde, Rus' and Europe. Over the course of two days of the festival, single knightly battles, archery and equestrian tournaments, as well as mass battles - buhurts - will take place at different venues.

The evening space of the main festival site will appear before the audience in the light of burning torches, and fiery dancers will take you into the world of fire with a beautiful theatrical fire show! By visiting fairs of modern and historical goods, you will not only enjoy the creativity of masters from all over Russia, but you will also be able to master various types crafts at creative master classes. There is also something for the active and cheerful - dance groups They will teach you fiery Irish or sedate historical dances, children and adults will be able to learn how to fight with sports swords - tambars, and then all together perform Russian round dances and streams.

Our best animators will work non-stop on the large children's playground for two days of the festival.

Entry to the festival grounds is free for spectators.

Program international festival medieval battle

"The Great Bolgar"


10:00 10 vs 10 combat tournament “Battle of the Courts”.

11:30 Opening of the festival. Ceremonial presentation of the participating teams.

12:00 Buhurt (mass battle based on a historical medieval battle).

12:30 - 14:00 Technical break.

14:00 Equestrian tournament:

Exercises on apparatus;

17:30 - 19:00 Technical break.

19:00 Tournament in historical medieval battle 1 on 1 “Donjon Cup”.

20:30 Concert of folk rock group TEUFELSTANZ.

21:30 Fiery fairy tale.


10:00 Dances of medieval Europe.

11:00 Russians folk songs, games and round dances.

11:55 Dancing with bladed weapons.

12:00 Theater performance “From History” ancient city Bolgar."

12:30 Medieval theater.

13:30 Performance by a folk group.

14:30 Display of historical costumes.

14:55 Dancing with bladed weapons.

15:00 Master class on medieval dances.

16:00 Master class “Flag poi”.

16:55 Dancing with bladed weapons.

17:00 Performance by a folk group.

17:40 Russian folk songs, games and round dances.

18:20 Medieval theater.

19:10 Performance by a folk group.


10:00 - 19:00 Crafts fair.

10:00 - 19:00 Master classes from leading Russian reenactors:

– medieval women’s handicrafts – weaving (loom, reed, planks, fingerloop, fork);

– riding heel on fabric;

traditional doll;

– clay toys;

– historical cuisine;

– field forge;

– production of musical instruments;

– making sabers, bows and arrows;

– jewelry workshop;

- leather workshop.



10:00 - 19:00 Work of the fair line with handicrafts.

10:00 - 19:00 Master classes from craft fair participants.


– ancient games with animators;

– round dances and streams;

– modern sword fighting;

– archery range;

– creative master classes;

– relay races, competitions, competitions.


10:00 - 19:00 Shooting from analogues of medieval small arms, throwing and siege weapons.


15:00 - 19:00 – excursion program historical camp lasting 45 minutes for groups of 20 people:

– visit to the camp historical reconstruction;

– 1x1, 3x3 tournaments, qualifying matches for the “European Club Championship 2017”.

*entrance to the site is paid and only in groups.

Program of the international festival of medieval battle "Great Bolgar"


11:00 European Grand Prix among 5 on 5 club teams in historical medieval battle under the auspices of HMB Russia.

13:00 Buhurt (mass battle based on a historical medieval battle).

13:30 Awarding the winners of tournament areas. Concert of the group MYSTTERRA & CYBER PIPER.

15:00 Equestrian tournament:

Exercises on apparatus;

Cavalry clashes in armor on spears (josting);

Cavalry mille (mass battles of mounted knights).

18:00 Closing of the festival.


10:00 Russian folk songs, games and round dances.

11:00 Demonstration dances and master class.

11:30 Concert of the folk group TEUFELSTANZ.

12:00 Dancing with bladed weapons.

12:05 Master class on medieval dances.

13:00 Master class “Flag poi”.

13:55 Dancing with bladed weapons.

14:00 Performance by a folk group.

15:00 Medieval theater.

16:00 Performance by a folk group.



10:00 - 18:00 Crafts fair.

10:00 - 18:00 Master classes from leading Russian reenactors:

– medieval women’s needlework – weaving;

– riding heel on fabric;

Upcoming events



On August 12 and 13, 2017, the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve invites everyone to plunge into the atmosphere of life and everyday life of our ancestors of the XIV-XV centuries. During the “Great Bolgar” festival you will be able to watch spectacular battles of warriors of the Golden Horde, Rus' and Europe. Over the course of two days of the festival, single knightly battles, archery and equestrian tournaments, as well as mass battles - buhurts - will take place at different venues. The evening space of the main festival site will appear before the audience in the light of burning torches, and fiery dancers will take you into the world of fire with a beautiful theatrical fire show! By visiting fairs of modern and historical goods, you will not only enjoy the creativity of craftsmen from all over Russia, but you yourself will be able to master various types of crafts at creative master classes. There will also be activities for the active and cheerful - dance groups will teach you fiery Irish or sedate historical dances, children and adults will be able to learn how to fight with sports swords - tambars, and then all together perform Russian round dances and streams. Our best animators will work non-stop on the large children's playground for two days of the festival.

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