Double lines. Life line: meanings and characteristics

The Life Line begins at the foot of the Mount of Jupiter, at the inner edge of the palm, between the index and thumb, and arches around the Mount of Venus.
It has been called the Line of Life since ancient times, because palmists of all times used it to predict life expectancy. This line is associated with the area of ​​health and the judgment of reserve vitality.
On the left hand it shows the hereditary constitution of a person. On right hand This line marks all upcoming and past events and diseases.
The Life Line is the most important because it is the most constant of all the lines. The lines of the Mind (head) and Heart are sometimes, although rarely, absent, the line of Life is never.
An impeccable line of Life is considered to be a smooth, clear, thin, not too deep fold, running from beginning to end without the slightest interruption and without any extraneous signs on it in the form of dots, stars, crosses, etc.
If the Life line is long and strongly marked, then this is a sign of physical and mental vitality.
A too thin line of Life, even if it is long, perfectly outlined and clean, is a sign of unstable health, nervousness, but still indicates longevity.
The long and thin line of Life indicates a person who is impressionable and soft, but who knows how, if necessary, to decide on extraordinary perseverance and endure unexpectedly much.
A very wide line is more a sign of muscular strength than energy.
A too wide, deep, red line of Life means cruelty and viciousness, a tendency to crime.
If the Life line is long and bifurcates at the end, then this is a sign that a person need not fear for his health; he is exceptionally immune to disease.
A short and strongly defined line indicates mainly a person who is strong and stable, but prone to excessively scattering his strength.
A short and poorly drawn line indicates a very strong nature, one that must balance its strength with its intentions and live in moderation.
If the line is uneven, bends, has unequal depth and intensity, then this is a sign of precarious health, but does not predict an early death, because a person can live to a very old age with all kinds of illnesses.
You should not attach much importance to the length of the Life line. Palmists generally look at the signs that exist on the palm as warning signs, and not as decisive ones. If fate with a short Life line predicts for you short life, be careful, take care of your health and live long. On the contrary, do not rely on the long line of Life: if you waste your strength unreasonably, then shorten your life, regardless of any length of the Life line.
A break in the line indicates disease or a tendency to it, especially if it is visible on both hands. If the line consists of small segments, then this is clearly a sign of poor health, poor digestion and lack of vitality.
A rather formidable sign in this regard is the abrupt interruption of the Life line. This predicts either a very dangerous illness or violent death. Children who have such a line are advised by palmists to be very careful. It happens that two pieces of the Life Line are connected by a figure similar to a quadrangle - a person is threatened with a dangerous illness or misfortune, but everything will go well.
It is necessary to pay attention to the beginning of this line. If at the beginning it is forked, forming forks, then this is a sign of especially strong, indestructible health.
If the Life line bifurcates parallel to the Mind line and the second is less visible, then this indicates that the person is not used to working; he is persistent, demanding a lot for himself, striving for constant superiority.
If the Life line begins high at the base of the Mount of Jupiter, the person has good control over himself. His destiny will be subject to his ambition. If the Life line is lower, then this indicates a lesser degree of control over oneself.
If, peering carefully at the line of Life, you pay attention to a whole series points, i.e. small depressed places, then we can conclude that the person is at risk of frequent illnesses, but not life-threatening.
An island on the Life line is a bad sign. This is a sign of poor health, anemia, malaise, and thinness. Some consider an island on the Life line to be a sign of mysterious illegitimate origin.
The Life line can have branches directed up and down.
The branches going upward, that is, to the lines of the Mind and Heart, foreshadow all sorts of everyday blessings, success in business, and indicate leading a very active life; descending branches - poverty, failure. A branch coming from the Life line into the triangle is considered a particularly reliable sign of wealth.
If a branch extends from the Life line towards the Mount of the Moon, then this indicates death abroad after a long stay there.
Sometimes a cross-shaped figure can be discerned at the beginning or end of the Life line. Such a cross at the beginning of the line (at the top between the thumb and forefinger) is fully consistent with the expression “to bear the cross” and means a life full of failures and disasters. The cross below on the Life line means a happy life or old age.
The double Life line predicts happiness or wealth. Some consider the paired Life line to be a sign of great sensuality, especially in women. If one of the paired lines is broken, this may be a sign of a non-life-threatening illness.

Traditionally, double lines are an indicator of luck, because... enhance the significance of the main lines, increase their energy, and can serve as protection in case of line breaks. However, you need to make sure whether the line running next to the main line is a sister line. True sister lines run parallel to the main line. On the Mount of Venus they can be confused with lines of influence, but the lines of influence move away from the line of life, passing from top to bottom along the Mount. Lines of influence can also tend from the Mount of the Moon to the line of Fate, but they go at an angle to the line of Fate, often merge with it, are much paler than it, and do not run parallel to it in almost any area.

Double life line

Very good sign. Something, someone always comes to the aid of a person along the entire route. Can provide the luxury of existence. In case of breaks in the life line, it works as a reliable protection. It is also a reliable protective sign in case of breaks in other lines.

Double Heart Line

Rare sign. A very sincere person, capable of true love. The sign gives success in love.

Double line of Mind

There are many different interpretations of this sign among different authors. One of the common ideas among palmists is a person who thinks with both hemispheres at the same time. As a biologist, I consider this interpretation to be at least illiterate. Any person works with both hemispheres, one of them is the leading one (for right-handed people, the left one). I have encountered this sign more than once, but among its owners I have not met ambidextrous people - people who do not have a leading hand and, accordingly, a leading hemisphere, both work on equal terms (this is generally an extremely rare phenomenon)
I also reject another interpretation of this sign - “the soul of the party”; among the owners of this sign there are not so many sociable people; there are also simply introverts who are in no way suitable for this role.
I think that the interpretation of this sign is: a very happy sign, good mental abilities (however, sometimes it’s still a question of how they are used), a chance to receive an inheritance (I’ve seen confirmation of this several times).

Double line of Fate

Here you also need to look at the quality of the lines themselves. If two winding thin lines of fate run parallel, there is a dangerous early decrepitude from an excess of material pleasures.
Usually the second line of fate begins with the Mount of the Moon, bringing the possibility of making dreams come true, increasing the influence on the fate of people of the opposite sex (both positive and negative - choice is very important here). Two lines of fate may not be parallel, but replace one another in time. If they are parallel over a sufficiently long area, there is a favorable influence on fate, high performance, parallel earnings, success at work, the possibility of earning money through labor. There may be options here:
1. Shield of the hand (guardian angel) - two lines of Fate in the valley of Mars are crossed by two parallel short lines forming a square. A strong guardian angel, such people emerge unharmed from the most dangerous situations. But these people often have something to protect from; a sign does not mean that nothing happens to them at all. They usually just get off with a slight fright (usually I still don’t advise taking rash risks, there’s no need to overexert your guardian angel).
2. Jacob's Ladder. A long section of two parallel lines of Fate (one from the Mount of the Moon) is intersected by several parallel short lines, resulting in the appearance of a ladder. Such people grow spiritually and learn (a sign of being self-taught). They push through everything that prevents them from living.

Double Line of Luck

Tall, multifaceted creative possibilities. High chances of success in creativity and in general life success. Lucky sign.

Double Health Line

With a beautiful, well-formed Health line, its sister (Milky Way), starting from the bracelet, is constant happiness in life.

You can find out your destiny in different ways. One of the ancient methods is palmistry. You can tell a lot from the lines on your hand.

The life line is the main life line; the palmist pays attention to it first of all. What does it mean if there is a double life line in the palm of your hand?

What can you read along the life line?

The line or thread of life on the palm, as it was called in ancient times, is a more or less constant line. This means that it undergoes the least amount of changes throughout its life. If there are no breaks in it, if it is even and smooth, then it is considered ideal. However, this rarely happens, even if you look through dozens of photos it is difficult to find one. As a rule, you can find:

  • Deep, clearly defined. This means that a person has great energy potential, willpower and strong character. Such a person can safely set high, ambitious goals for herself; she will have enough energy to achieve such goals.
  • Shallow. This suggests that a person has to feed on other people’s energy throughout his life in order to achieve his own results. But this does not mean at all that a person is an energy vampire. It’s just easier for him to be in a relationship with a stronger partner. Be it personal life or business. In addition, such a person needs to spend more time alone in order to restore energy resources.
  • If the depth in individual areas is different, then this indicates instability of character and goals. Such a person will have to spend time creating for himself, finding an inner core that will help him move through life. It also talks about changing health conditions.

Don't panic! Didn't see auspicious sign in your arms? Look for signs of protection. Palmistry. #1

Palmistry - Bifurcation of the line of Fate,

Palmistry. What does a double life line on the palm mean?

Many people believe that the length of this line can clearly judge a person’s life expectancy. However, this is not entirely true. This thread is used to judge the quality of life rather than its duration.

If the thread of life ends almost in the middle of the palm, then this means that the person has a limited amount of energy and physical strength. You need to take this into account and try to realize your main dreams before mid-life, while you still have the resources to do so. Such a person needs to take care of his health.

If the life line is long, then this indicates high energy and physical potential. This means that a person, even in old age, will be able to radically change his life; he will have enough health and mental strength to do this.

Why don't they judge the duration of fate along this line? The fact is that the thread of fate indicates innate potential. However great value has, how a person manages this potential. Even if a person has a high energy reserve, but the person leads an unhealthy lifestyle and treats his health poorly, he can end his life much earlier. Because he will shamelessly waste all the potential.

And vice versa, if a person with a shallow thread takes care of his health, listens to his physical and psychological state, correctly distributes energy, then it will live longer.

What does a double life line mean?

A double life line is certainly a favorable sign. It’s even better when the second line has clear and deep outlines. The double life line is located near the inner side of the Mount of Venus. This is parallel to the first line.

The double line is present on the left and right hands. The depth of the thread on the left hand may differ from the depth on the right hand.

If the double thread is better drawn on the left hand, then this indicates knowledge in the person’s character. Palmistry interprets this as the fact that from an early age a person had to adapt to the opinions of his parents; for such a person, the praise of those around him is important. This indicates a dual nature. This means that in society a person behaves in one way, but when he is alone with himself, he can be completely different. These characteristics are important if a person has left hand passive, that is, he is right-handed.

The bifurcation of the life line on the right hand has a different interpretation in palmistry if it is located on the active right hand. In this case, the hypothesis is put forward that the person has a persistent character and high energy potential. The bifurcation of the life line, fate on the right hand sets specific tasks for the individual; they consist in deciding on the main life task and not being scattered about trifles. In this case, plans can be made ambitious. To confirm this hypothesis, palmistry turns to the Mount of Venus. Specific symbols in this area will tell you what else this person can do to realize his plans for life.

Double line and duplicity

But we can always talk about double nature if a person has a double thread of life. Moreover, this does not indicate the insincerity of the individual. He just might feel completely different. Sometimes it can be a feeling of complete loneliness, a feeling of misunderstanding by the whole world. And at another moment it is complete inclusion in outside world, contact with every person who is next to him.

The advantage of such a dual nature is that the person has a flexible character. This means that he can be a tough boss at work, and when he comes home he can become an attentive family man. In general, dual nature is also about the ability to switch, which sometimes allows you to combine seemingly incompatible things.

Double life line on a woman's hand

Separately, I would like to say about the double thread of life on a woman’s hand. For a woman, such a sign suggests a rich destiny, where difficulties are encountered.

A double life line on a woman’s palm testifies to the strength of a woman’s character and her ambition. Such qualities are not always welcomed by society. This woman wants everything at once, and she is capable of it. You want happiness both in your personal life and in your career, but there are only 24 hours in a day, so you have to turn to the ability to combine it all. Not every man is able to withstand the presence of such a woman next to him. Therefore, finding a worthy companion can take a long time.

The double life line on a woman’s hand suggests that you need to learn wisdom, balance, and the ability not to reveal all your cards at once, both to the future chosen one and to the employer. And you also need to learn to rest, because this type of personality tends to waste themselves to the end, when they no longer want anything and a long recovery is required. You need to be able to feel tired in time, to rest, so as not to lose interest in life.

Double thread and support from relatives

Sometimes a double thread of life in the palm of your hand can mean a strong rear and family support. This hypothesis is often put forward by eastern schools of palmistry. As a rule, this indicates the support of the paternal family.

Signs on the double life line

More complete information about the fate of a person with a double line is obtained thanks to the signs that are on this thread:

  • If there is a square on the line, then we can talk about the patronage and protection of such a person by higher powers. In this case, the square breaks the thread on the left hand.
  • If the same square is located close to the Mount of Venus, then it has a completely different meaning. It symbolizes potential imprisonment.
  • If two lines form islands, this means that in a person’s life there will be periods of strong decline in energy. This could be severe depression or illness. But you can prevent this if you are in contact with yourself and actively listen to the needs of your personality and your body.
  • If the second thread at some point sharply changes its direction and turns towards the Mount of Venus, then this means that at some point the person will have to leave his home for a long trip.

Decoding signs must be done in the context of the overall picture.

If the double thread of fate appeared over time

A person can be born with a double life line, or he can acquire it over time. We discussed the innate “double fate” above.

And if such a line appeared later, this means that during the course of life the person radically changed his views and aspirations. For example, a person could immerse himself in a new religion. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as the person follows the dictates of his heart. This is how he truly creates destiny.

This indicates deep trust in yourself, in your inner voice. Such a person is a leader by nature. His strength of personality will lead other people to the area where he is realized.

It is believed that palmistry originated in India, but quickly spread to the countries of Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and China. Its name comes from the Greek “heir” - hand and “manteira” - prophecy. This art is closely related to astrology, since ancient palmists believed that the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn greatly influence a person’s destiny. And that each of them has his own “peg” on his hand. The most famous palmist was Avicenna. In modern times, the development of all kinds of fortune telling and palmistry was associated with Plato's Academy. Well, today there is even an International Academy of Astrology and Palmistry. The heyday of this magical art in Europe was the 16th century, and in late XVII- Palmistry began to be taught. Famous palmists included Pythagoras, Caesar, Sulla, and Paracelsus. By the way, Christian palmists borrowed their skill from the pagans, but found its justification in the Bible. In the texts of the book of Job there are the following words: “He (the Lord) puts a seal on the hand of every man, to give understanding to all the people whom He has created.”

On the palms there is huge amount nerve receptors. They react sharply to a person’s condition, preserve the memory of what happened to him, and carry a program for what may happen in the future. A lot can be said just by the structure of the hand. The hand of a practical person - a master of his craft - is proportional, she does not have very long fingers and a moderately wide palm. Anyone can have such fingers - an engineer, a teacher, a driver, but not a scientist or a person of art. On the fingers of people of science there are usually two distinct articular nodes. Artists have thin hands, with long, conical fingers, noticeably tapering towards the nails.

The closer the shape of the brush is to a cone, the faster a person acts in life - even earlier than he has time to think. If a person has flexible fingers and can lift them up, placing his palm on the table surface, then you have a company favorite, a good and cheerful type. In addition, the length of just one thumb can already give you an idea of ​​the intelligence of your interlocutor. If he doesn’t have enough stars from the sky, but doesn’t borrow anything from anyone, his thumb will reach the middle of the first phalanx of his index finger. A short thumb indicates insufficient development of a person. And a very long one about the fact that we are dealing with an intellectual. The color of nails allows us to judge the type of nervous system of a person. White nails indicate his impulsive behavior and nervousness (this does not apply to people who had jaundice - a slight yellowish tint remains on their nails forever). White spots on the nails indicate success in business. The closer such a speck is to the center, the more it means for fate.

God gives a person the drawing on his left hand, but he draws the “graphics” on his right hand himself.

The pattern of lines and signs on the left hand is what the Lord gave us and what we inherited from our ancestors (genetic inheritance). But we “draw” the symbols on the right hand ourselves - this is what we acquired (for a left-handed person it’s the other way around). Not a single line on the left hand changes throughout life. But on the right, sometimes amazing processes occur - lines that were there may disappear, and signs that were not there may appear. And in a day or two. There were no breaks in the life line, but in two or three days a tragedy should occur - they will appear. But it is believed that a person can change his destiny good attitude to relatives, to people in general, to their knowledge and health, with their active spiritual growth, and the gap will close right before our eyes.

The more small strokes a person has on his palm, the more emotional he is. It is easy to make such people laugh and just as easy to bring them to tears. These are sophisticated individuals. A smooth and shiny hand indicates that a person lives without unnecessary worries, is not inclined to empathy and loves himself most of all. Well, if his head line rises to the heart line, he also loves money very much. For people who live by emotions, the opposite is true - the line of the heart descends to the line of the head.

By the way, do you know what the hands of drivers who create emergency situations on the roads look like? Their heart line is initially conjugated with the life and head lines. This bad sign. It indicates that a person has lost his sense of danger. And not only for your life.

You've probably already noticed that not all the lines on people's hands are straight and have no branches. Thus, an island in the center of the head line warns of the threat of brain disease. A person may suffer from spasms, inflammation and even experience temporary insanity. A wavy line of the mind indicates impermanence of thoughts. Such people are unpredictable. Breaks in it indicate the likelihood of a tragic event. The line of a complete idiot's head - all dashes - looks like a broom. And it happens that a very short line of the mind on the right and left hand of an absolutely normal person does not indicate the level of his intelligence, but that he will soon die due to a head injury or disease. The double line indicates intelligence and the ability to influence the destinies of other people. Usually managers have it, but such people have one drawback - greed.

Five fingers - five ways

A person has five main directions of development - five fingers. The thumb is love and family, the index finger is power, the middle finger is religion, the ring finger is art, the little finger is travel or work. Under each of them there is a tubercle. They tell the palmist what you were born for, talk about your inclinations and character. For example, the Mount of Saturn “betrays” a mystic, as well as a boring Samoyed and, at the same time, a patient person prone to a refined occupation. A pronounced hill of Jupiter is pride, the desire to dominate. The hill of the Moon is a hill of fantasy. “Lunatics” have a weak will. In a crisis situation, having an artistic or, as it is also called, “epicurean” hand, they can commit suicide. Those who have a more developed active mound of Mars (under index finger), - are scandalous and pugnacious. And people who have developed a passive “Mars” are courageous, know how to stand up for themselves, but never push forward. However, the mounds can shift and different lines can surround them - this also says a lot. For example, the solid belt of Venus under the hills of Saturn and Apollo indicates that this is a very sensual person who loves novelty in sex.

Double life line

The fate line has an interesting phenomenon. There may be two, occasionally three, or perhaps none at all. Two lines of fate occur in people with two absolute different professions or a person with two paths of development - personal and that which depends on his wife or husband. An island on such a line indicates: it is possible that, due to great curiosity and sexuality, a person will cuckold his partner.

The more kinks and branches there are on the line of fate, the more complex and interesting his life. If the line of fate shifts towards the Mount of Mercury, this indicates financial problems. But what to do when it’s not there at all? This happens to people who are calculating, cold, and materialistic. They can be sexy, but never truly love.

By the way, there can also be two life lines. If a second life line appears on your right hand, this means that with your high spirituality you have significantly improved your destiny, you will live long and achieve material well-being. The double life line is also protection from danger. The further it moves from the tubercle of Venus, the greater the supply of vital energy. All small vertical lines extending from it at the top are indicators of success, all that extend downwards are indicators of failure or poor health.

Look for children under your little finger

The tubercle of Venus expresses a person’s attitude towards love and sex. If it is thick at the bottom, you are interested in earthly love, if at the top it is platonic. Whether a person likes to flirt or not can be determined by the number of “branches” on the heart line. If the heart line runs across the entire palm, ending on the Mount of Jupiter, then you are a very proud person, inclined to create a halo around your loved one and raise him or her to an unattainable height. The danger in such relationships is that the object of your dreams may not live up to such high expectations. A noticeable groove in the middle of the tubercle of Venus, directed towards the line of life or crossing it, speaks of true love experienced.

On the side, under the little finger, there are small horizontal lines - these are marriages. Short and inexpressive ones speak of falling in love or divorce, and long ones speak of strong family relationships. Thin vertical stripes emerge from them - children. Boys are more expressive, girls are thinner.

The practice of palmistry indicates that a person can change his destiny - improve or worsen, but never radically change!

Video - Shocking palmistry. Signs of fate

As one of the main ones in the palm of the hand. Most of those interested in hand fortune telling ask the question about the longitude of their century and are frightened if branches or intersecting lines appear on the life line. Do these signs have a fatal meaning? Is it possible to find out the approximate date of death from the lines on the hands? Let's consider the questions: the line of life bifurcates into two branches. We will also find out what a square on the life line and intersection with other lines on the hand means.

The life line determines a person’s life potential, not the length of the century. In addition, the pattern on the palms is constantly changing, which makes its own adjustments to the determination of the fundamental events of a person’s fate. A long life line does not guarantee a long life, and a short one does not predict a premature death. This needs to be cleared up once and for all.

The life line is considered an indicator of a person’s vitality, his love of life and vitality. Of course, energy level determines both the quality and length of life - but this level can be increased through an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. Therefore, you should not fatally perceive the pattern on your palms if everything can be changed with your own hands.

Where is the life line located? It wraps around the thumb, forming between it and the index finger. The further the distance of the line from the thumb, the more life potential a person has. If the line is closely adjacent to the thumb, the person’s supply of vital energy is small. Such people are characterized by rapid fatigue, a passive attitude towards life and frequent illnesses.


What does it mean if the life line bifurcates at the end? Palmists say there will be a waste of energy. These could be serious illnesses or weakening vitality. Let's consider all the bifurcation options in more detail.

If a branch from the main line is barely visible in the palm of your hand, this predicts a weakening of a person’s defenses: he may get sick. The split in the hand of young people is especially dangerous - you urgently need to pay attention to your own health.

If one of the branches is directed towards the Mount of the Moon, this warns of the development of senile dementia. What can be done in this case? Take medications that improve memory quality.

However, if the fork towards the Moon Hill is clearly marked and has a pronounced depth, this indicates a move to another region or even country.

If the split is clearly formed and looks like a fork, this indicates that the person is tired. What should I do? Rest more often, do not overstrain your psyche and do not strain yourself at work.

Two lines

Sometimes on the palms you can see two lines of life at once, running parallel to each other. What does this mean? If the sister line is long, this indicates that the person is lucky - he is lucky in life. This additional trait is sometimes called a guardian angel, because it protects a person in difficult moments of life.

If the sister line is located near the end of the main life line, it means that the person will be active even in old age. He has enough vitality to overcome illnesses and adversities; he is not threatened by senile illness.

Intersecting lines

The life line can intersect with other lines in the palm. These intersections have their own meaning. For example, intersection with is considered negative - the individual interferes with himself with wrong thoughts and actions. He is confused by constant doubts, uncertainty about his own capabilities and various phobias.

Sometimes you can see small lines located perpendicularly near the life line. What does it mean? Palmists call them lines of concern. These lines can also cross the life line. If there are many such lines on a person’s hand, he worries about every trifle and deprives himself of peace. These are people who like to make mountains out of molehills and panic over every sneeze.

If there are few lines, they can be used to determine in what periods of life a person experienced serious events in his destiny. Sometimes worry lines are missing on the palms. This says that a person is little concerned about problems and troubles in life, or they are completely absent in his life.

Crossing lines of concern indicate dramatic events experienced by a person. If these intersections are located at the end of the life line, a turbulent old age awaits the person. Either these will be serious illnesses, or strong experiences.


What marks can be found on the life line or next to it? Attracts attention:

  • square;
  • cross;
  • dot;
  • mole.

The square can be interpreted in two ways. It can carry both positive and negative meaning. Positive influence a square, if present, connects a line. When a person is struck by fate, the square shows the possibility of getting out of the water unscathed in the most unfavorable scenario.

If the square does not connect the broken line of fate, this is an extremely unfavorable sign. A person will face a period of isolation - be it a serious illness or even imprisonment. However, not everything is so sad: sometimes a square can show leaving for a monastery or studying in a closed educational institution.

The cross at the end of the life line speaks of a long century, contrary to the negative interpretation of the symbol. A cross at the very beginning of the line shows a sincere and friendly person who can be completely trusted.

A mole portends a disease. When deciphering the meaning, you should pay attention to the nature of the life line after the mole. If the line has unclear outlines, it means that the illness will take away a lot of vitality. However, if you have a guardian angel line, you will be able to cope with energy losses and quickly restore your health.

Watch a video about the interpretation of the meanings of the life line on the hand.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: