Jim Rogers fortune. Billionaire Jim Rogers: money should be invested in the East! What kind of network is this

Business tycoon, financial commentator, author, traveler, person who got into the Guinness Book of Records three times. All this is 74-year-old American James Rogers. Not only a brilliant investor, but also the creator of the international trademark index RICI.

Brief biography

Jim Rogers was born in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) on October 19, 1942. He grew up in the small town of Demopolis, Alabama.

Already at the age of five, Jim demonstrated business acumen and earned his first money. His father lent him one hundred dollars, with which the enterprising child bought a machine for frying peanuts. Jim worked hard. He hired his friends to help and they sold peanuts at Little League games. At the same time, they collected empty bottles left by fans of baseball games. Five years later, Jim repaid the debt to his father and deposited another hundred dollars into his own bank account.

At age 14, Rogers worked part-time in his uncle's store, which sold sandwiches and tobacco to workers from nearby factories. He worked hard, and his uncle celebrated this with a salary increase. Jim then got a job at a construction company. I never sat idle. If there were no assignments for him, he swept the floors. This made a strong impression on the employer, and he taught the diligent young man roofing and carpentry.

Jim Rogers graduated from Yale University in 1964. He continued his studies at Oxford. He graduated in 1966 and received a second bachelor's degree in philosophy, politics and economics. Here, at Balliol College, Jim set a rowing record included in the Guinness Book.

Jim Rogers's career

In 1970, Rogers joined the investment bank Arnhold and S. Bleichroder. Here he met George Soros, and in 1973 they founded the Quantum Fund. At the time, it was one of the few hedge funds in the country. And over the next few years, their business boomed.

Jim became interested in the investment market and not only earned his first millions, but brought the company to the international level. Within a few years, the value of the company's portfolio increased by 4,200%. In 1980, Jim Rogers left the fund and began investing his own money. The investor's wealth today is estimated at $300 million.

Jim Rogers' knowledge of the investment business did not go unnoticed. He was invited to teach finance at the Graduate School of Business.

In 1998, Jim created the Rogers Index (RICI), which was designed to meet the needs of consistent commodity investing. The index includes 38 futures traded on 13 international exchanges.

Since 2002, Rogers began appearing regularly on Fox News' Cavuto on Business program. He is also invited to speak on other TV channels and radio programs related to economics and finance.

Biker investor

Jim Rogers enjoys riding motorcycles and traveling. According to the famous investor, this is a great opportunity to get to know not only the world around you, but also yourself. And the only way to find out personally where and what is happening.

In 1990, Jim took his first motorcycle trip. He traveled more than 160,000 km and visited six continents. Rogers' name is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In January 1999, Rogers travels again. This time with his wife Paige. In a custom-made yellow Mercedes, they traveled 245,000 km and visited 116 countries. Their journey lasted 3 years and was also included in the Guinness Book.

The trip began in Iceland. Then Europe, the countries of the former USSR, China, Africa and the Middle East. On the American continent we visited countries that do not attract the attention of tourists, such as Colombia. They also visited Angola, Myanmar, Congo, Sudan, Timor and in January 2002 returned home to New York.

Jim Rogers. Books

  • Jim wrote a book about his first trip. It was published in 1994 under the title Investment Biker. The legendary investor talks about his motorcycle odyssey. Provides advice on the current state and future direction of the economies of countries he has visited.
  • He dedicated the book Adventure Capitalist to his second trip. In it, Rogers shares his observations and forecasts, an overview of the world economy and the investment attractiveness of the countries he visited. Expresses an opinion about which country is expected to experience economic growth and which will see economic collapse. Where you can make millions, and where you can lose. The adventure story, filled with meaning, feelings, advice and humor, made the book a bestseller.
  • His book Hot Commodities about profitable investing was published in 2005. The book was published in Russian as “Commodity Exchanges. The hottest markets in the world” in 2008. As a successful investor, Rogers never wrote a book of practical investment advice. This is his first, one might say, guide, where he explains in accessible and simple language where to start investing, how and where to invest money correctly.
  • In 2007, the book A Bull in China was published. The author writes that he has been following the Chinese economy since he first went there in 1984. Jim shares his views on which industries in China offer the latest and greatest opportunities, introduces many of the country's companies, and what steps to take if you want to export to China or buy land there.
  • The book A Gift to My Children was published in 2009. In 2013, the book “Make Your Children Successful” by Jim Rogers was published in Russian. It is written for both parents and children. These tips will be useful to everyone. There are no direct recommendations regarding finances here, but the author shares invaluable life lessons.
  • Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets (2013) is a kind of autobiography of the author. Starting from his university studies, he talks step by step about his career. About the hedge fund he and Soros created. About teaching at the university and television programs where he appears. About his travels, which help him personally understand what events will affect the price of coffee or oil. In 2013, the MIF publishing house published a book in Russian entitled “The Future Through the Eyes of One of the Most Influential Investors in the World.”

Personal life

Rogers was married three times. His first marriage to Lois Biener in 1966 ended after three years. His second marriage to Jennifer Skolnik in 1974 was also short-lived. Jim is now married to Paige Parker. They have two children.

In 2007, he sold his house in America and moved with his family to Singapore. The investor firmly believes that China is poised for great economic growth. But, as Jim Rogers says, this is not the main reason for his move. He could sell goods and shares perfectly well from America. He just wants his children to learn more about this country, about the culture and traditions of China.

Looking to the future

Jim believes that the 19th century is the century of Great Britain, the 20th century of America, and China will become the most important country of the 21st century. China's GDP is rapidly catching up with the US. A huge amount of assets are moving to Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Currently, the largest creditor countries are in Asia.

Rogers says he's optimistic about farmland. There is a huge amount of untouched farmland in Brazil, Ukraine and parts of Eastern Europe. They offer untold wealth.

He is very careful in his investments. He closely follows the news and now keeps his savings mainly in dollars. He will sell them only when a crisis comes, when everyone starts buying them. Overall, his strategy looks convincing and resembles Warren Buffett's. However, Buffett does not recommend investing in Russian assets. Rogers also has Russian OFZs. Jim Rogers bought shares in Aeroflot and Fosargo.

The legendary investor is quite optimistic and advises everyone: “Buy low, sell high. Be curious and learn foreign languages. Don't listen to other people's advice. When making investment decisions, look for markets where others don't see opportunities. Check the facts. Be honest, law-abiding and thrifty. And don't be afraid of change! Fate favors the stubborn.”

Jim Rogers is a successful international investor and traveler, the author of several books. Together with he created the Quantum fund. He is the founder of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, the author of the RICI (Rogers International Commodities Index) and TRSIDXR (Rogers Global Resources Equity Index) indexes. Jim Rogers frequently comments on current markets and the economy and shares his insights. His statements and comments are quoted by leading international publications.

Jim Rogers biography and investment activities

Jim Rogers (full name James Beeland Rogers Jr.) was born on October 19, 1942 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He spent his childhood in Demopolis, Alabama. In 1964, he graduated from Yale University (studying history) and began working at Dominick & Dominick. In 1966, Jim Rogers graduated from Balliol College, Oxford University, where he studied philosophy, politics and economics.

Since 1970, Jim Rogers worked at the investment bank Arnhold and S. Bleichroder, and George Soros worked there at the same time. In 1973, Jim Rogers and George Soros founded the legendary hedge fund Quantum. Over 10 years, the Quantum fund showed an incredible growth of 4200%; for comparison, the growth of the S&P index over the same period was less than 50%.

In 1980, Jim Rogers decided to leave the Quantum fund. His further investment activities are primarily related to managing his own capital. After leaving the foundation, he taught finance at Columbia University Graduate School of Business and co-created The Dreyfus Roundtable and The Profit Motive with Jim Rogers on the business channels.

In 1990, Jim Rogers set out on a journey that was included in the Guinness Book of Records: he traveled more than 160,000 km across 52 countries on a motorcycle. During the adventure, he simultaneously analyzed what was happening around him: a look at many countries from the inside became an additional source of investment ideas. Based on the journey, Jim Rogers wrote his first book, Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers.

In 1998, Jim Rogers created his own commodity index - RICI (Rogers International Commodities Index). Later, an ETF was created based on the index.

In January 1999, Jim Rogers and his wife went on another long journey, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Over the course of 3 years, in a car specially modified for this purpose, they drove 245,000 km across 116 countries. After returning to New York, Jim Rogers wrote a book about this trip, The Ultimate Road Trip: Adventure Capitalist.

In 2004, another book by Jim Rogers was published, “Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Best Market.” The book has been translated into Russian under the title “Commodity Exchanges. The hottest markets in the world. How anyone can invest and make a profit." In this book, the author shares his views on commodity markets, calling them the simplest instrument for investment (we are talking about long-term investments, not short-term transactions).

In 2007, Jim Rogers and his family moved from New York to Singapore. The main motive for the move was the prospects of Asia in terms of economic development in the medium term. In an interview, Jim Rogers said that if you were smart, then in 1807 you should have moved to London, in 1907 you should have moved to New York, and in 2007 you should have moved to Asia. It should be noted that Jim Rogers does not consider the entire Asian region to be promising. For example, he is very skeptical about India. In the same year, he published another book, “A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World’s Greatest Market.”

In 2009, Jim Rogers released a book that he dedicated to his daughters - “A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons For Life And Investing.” In the Russian translation, the book was called “Make your children successful. Parenting advice from one of the world's most influential investors."

In 2012, Rogers launched a new index, the Rogers Global Resources Equity Index. According to Jim Rogers, the index included only the best and most liquid companies from, in his opinion, promising sectors.

In 2013, Jim Rogers released a book that combined his life experiences, shared his latest ideas, and brought together key points from previous works. In the original (in English) the book was called “Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets”, the title in Russian translation is “The Future Through the Eyes of One of the Most Influential Investors in the World. Why Asia will dominate, Russia has a good chance, while Europe and America will continue to decline.”

In interviews, Jim Rogers often emphasizes his skepticism about the financial sector, saying that the era of Wall Street is coming to an end. In his opinion, the most promising sectors are those related to the production of real products, especially agriculture. He likes to say that in the future it will be the farmers who drive Lamborghinis.

(James Beeland Rogers, Jr.) is a successful international investor. Born October 19, 1942 in Demopolis, Alabama. Currently lives in Singapore.

  • Education - Oxford and Yale.
  • Together with George Soros, one of the founders of the Quantum fund (+4200% over 10 years).
  • At the age of 37, he retired from business, managed his own portfolio, and lectured on finance at graduate school at Columbia University.
  • 1989-1990 TV moderator on the Dreyfus Round Table (WCBS) and Profit Incentive with Jim Rogers (FNN).
  • 1990-1992 rode a motorcycle >100,000 miles on 6 continents, getting into the Guinness Book of Records.
  • He traveled around the world, spending 1101 days, and was also included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Rogers entered the market in 1970.
I bought put options with all my money and successfully tripled.
Rogers went bankrupt two months later, once again shorting shares of weak companies. All the companies that Rogers shorted went bankrupt after 5 years, but Rogers went bankrupt even earlier.
Created a commodity fund in August 1998.

Jim Rogers and his signature bow tie
According to Rogers, a bow tie is much more practical than a regular tie. “They are cheaper than long ties, and they are almost impossible to get dirty. For example, you won't be able to spill soup on it."

Jim Rogers Quotes and Investment Philosophy
Rogers loves commodities because demand for them is growing all the time, and supply is limited. If the economy slows down, then central banks print money, and this still leads to higher commodity prices. “No matter what happens in the economy, investments in commodities will always be justified.”

“As a rule, I don’t invest in what others invest in.”
“I usually find something very cheap that makes a positive difference and buy it.”

“I always have better reasons for buying stocks than the innate sense of contradiction that is attributed to me.”

“If the vast majority of investors have shares of a company, there are practically no people left who will buy them. And when negative changes occur in the market, it is time to sell securities. But to whom?

"Efficient market theory is pure nonsense. It takes people a while to understand what's going on... And while they do, there are also changes happening in the market that people don't understand because they don't understand the deeper reality. So I need to figure out a way to account for this lack of understanding." people of what is actually happening."

“When I lecture to students, I tell them that it would be useful for each of us to lose everything once or twice in our lives... The main thing is that this happens to you in your youth. Besides, it will be better if the cost of your mistake is five thousand rather than five million.”

Books by Jim Rogers:

1995: Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers.
2003: Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip.
2004: Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market.
2007: A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World's Greatest Market. - 2009: A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons For Life And Investing.

Bob Sellers, Forbes: from failures to breakthroughs. 30 Lessons from Great Business Leaders.

It's strange to hear from an American that the dollar is becoming unpopular. However, Jim Rogers is a successful American investor, born in the city of Baltimore (state) in all his interviews in 2015, sending out clear messages to the public that the American currency will soon end, the bubble will suddenly burst, and investing in the dollar is not recommended. When asked where to direct free liquidity flows, he states that Russia, Kazakhstan, Asia are the directions and countries that are most attractive for the near future in terms of investment.

Jim Rogers is a man who loves money

These are the forecasts, very flattering for our country, given by this smartest strategist, who has amassed a multimillion-dollar fortune in the financial field. Today this man is 73 years old (born October 19, 1942), he lives in Singapore (he believes that this city is very promising), teaches finance, gives comments to the media on the topic of investments, is the author of five books, a happy husband (his wife is Paige Parker) and the father of two daughters - one born in 2003, and the second in 2008. Jim Rogers is a financier, husband, father, writer, philanthropist - in general, a versatile personality. One of the books he wrote is structured as a list of advice for his youngest daughter and is called A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons For Life And Investing. The book was published in 2009.


Own system of measures

He has everything from material wealth. There is no such thing that he could not buy. And in 1998, he even created his own commodity index - the Rogers International Commodities Index.

Looking East

“Don’t buy the dollar, it will soon begin to weaken!” This is stated by Jim Rogers, whose quotes are perceived by many novice and experienced investors as a guide to action. He confidently says the following: “If a civil war ends somewhere in the world, do not miss the opportunity to invest in that market.” Perhaps he means Russia specifically, prophesying a calm future for it?

He himself considers the ruble, Asian currencies and... Kazakh tenge as promising currencies for long-term investment. And he buys them. According to his forecasts, paper currencies, which are not backed by anything, may well find themselves in a deep crisis, and precious metals are expected to rise in price. According to him, a new economic crisis is possible in Europe and America, while the developing countries of Asia are very promising, but not yet so powerful compared to the West. Today Russia is a very serious partner. The Kremlin has undergone a reassessment of values ​​over the past decades, and the Russian market is now attractive for financial investments - this is how Jim Rogers explained his investments in the securities of Aeroflot, the Moscow Exchange and companies in the agro-industrial complex.

Jim considers Russian agriculture to be the most promising. And he is slowly thinking about whether to invest in Kazakh projects. Since Astana became the capital of Kazakhstan, more than $100 billion has been attracted to the city. Jim believes that neither Europe, nor Brazil, nor even America can come close to Astana. Today, the leadership of the Kazakh capital attracts foreign investors and works with existing financiers, creating even more attractive conditions for them to make repeated investments.

He advises parents all over the world to teach their children Chinese. Most likely, the future of the planet lies with China, maybe not in the coming years, but definitely in this century. Chinese people who study and work abroad bring back both knowledge and innovation to their homeland; they are interested in the development of their country. So investor Jim Rogers turns his gaze to the east, but time will tell whether he is right or wrong.

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Jim Rogers
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Awards and prizes

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James Beeland Rogers Jr.(English) James Beeland "Jim" Rogers, Jr. , genus. October 19, Baltimore, Maryland, USA) - American investor, traveler, and author. Member of the board of directors of Phosagro.

He spent his childhood in Demopolis, Alabama. In 1964, he graduated from Yale University (studying history) with a bachelor's degree and began working for Dominick & Dominick. He received his BA from Balliol College, Oxford University, in 1966, where he studied philosophy, politics and economics.

In 1966-1968 he served in the army.

Since 1970 he worked in an investment bank Arnhold and S. Bleichroder simultaneously with George Soros. In 1973, Soros and Rogers founded the hedge fund Quantum. Soros was the senior partner, Rogers was the junior until he retired in 1980. The fund carried out speculative operations in securities, currencies, and commodities and achieved great success. The division of labor between Soros and Rogers in managing the fund was that Rogers did most of the analytical work, but Soros made decisions about when to take trades. While working together from 1970 to 1980, Soros and Rogers never suffered a loss. According to Soros, they broke up because Rogers was intolerant of criticism of newly hired employees as the fund grew, whom he trained from scratch.

Rogers' investment activities after leaving the fund involve managing his own capital. He taught finance at Columbia University Business School and participated in the creation of television programs on business channels.

In 1990, he went on a trip, during which he analyzed what was happening around him; a look at many countries from the inside became an additional source of investment ideas. He rode a motorcycle more than 91,766 km along the roads of 6 continents; the journey was included in the Guinness Book of Records and provided material for Rogers’ first book “ Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers».

In January 1999, together with his third wife, he set off on a new journey, which was also included in the Guinness Book of Records - in 3 years, in a Mercedes specially modified for this purpose, they drove 245,000 km across 111 countries. After returning, he published a book about this trip - "The Ultimate Road Trip: Adventure Capitalist".

He has been in his third marriage since 2000. Two daughters (born in 2003 and 2008), I dedicated my book to them "A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons For Life And Investing".


  • Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers. 1994 – ISBN 1-55850-529-6
  • Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip. 2003 – ISBN 0-375-50912-7
  • Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market. 2004 – ISBN 1-4000-6337-X (Russian - Commodity exchanges. The hottest markets in the world. Olympus Business, 2008)
  • A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World's Greatest Market. 2007 – ISBN 1-4000-6616-6
  • A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons For Life And Investing. 2009 – ISBN 1-4000-6754-5 (Russian - Make your children successful. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013)
  • Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets. 2013 – ISBN 0-307-98607-1 (Russian - The future through the eyes of one of the most influential investors in the world. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013)

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  • Jack Schwager Stock magicians. M.: Diagram Publishing House, 2004.

Excerpt characterizing Rogers, Jim

I didn’t know what I should do to help all these unfortunate people suffering from their mistakes or cruel fate. I was ready to listen to their requests for hours, forgetting about myself and wanting to open up as much as possible so that everyone who needed it could “knock” on me. And then the real “influx” of my new guests began, which, to be honest, scared me a little at first.
The very first I met was a young woman who I immediately liked for some reason. She was very sad, and I felt that somewhere deep in her soul an unhealed wound was “bleeding”, which did not allow her to leave peacefully. The stranger first appeared when I was sitting comfortably curled up in my father’s chair and enthusiastically “absorbed” a book that was not allowed to be taken out of the house. As usual, enjoying reading with great pleasure, I was so deeply immersed in an unfamiliar and so exciting world that I did not immediately notice my unusual guest.
First there was a disturbing feeling of someone else's presence. The feeling was very strange - as if a light cool breeze suddenly blew in the room, and the air around was filled with a transparent vibrating fog. I raised my head and saw a very beautiful, young blonde woman right in front of me. Her body glowed slightly with a bluish light, but otherwise she looked quite normal. The stranger looked at me without looking away, and seemed to be begging for something. Suddenly I heard:
- Please help me...
And, although she did not open her mouth, I heard the words very clearly, they just sounded a little different, the sound was soft and rustling. And then I realized that she was talking to me in exactly the same way as I had heard before - the voice sounded only in my head (which, as I later learned, was telepathy).
“Help me...” it rustled quietly again.
– How can I help you? – I asked.
“You can hear me, you can talk to her...” the stranger answered.
– Who should I talk to? – I asked.
“With my baby,” was the answer.
Her name was Veronica. And, as it turned out, this sad and such a beautiful woman died of cancer almost a year ago, when she was only thirty years old, and her little six-year-old daughter, who thought that her mother had abandoned her, did not want to forgive her for this and is still very deeply suffered from this. Veronica's son was too young when she died and did not understand that his mother would never come back... and that now he would always be put to bed at night by someone else's hands, and his favorite lullaby would be sung to him by some stranger... But he I was still too young and had no idea how much pain such a cruel loss could bring. But with his six-year-old sister, things were completely different... That's why this sweet woman could not calm down and just leave while her little daughter was suffering so deeply and unchildishly...
- How will I find her? – I asked.
“I’ll take you,” the answer whispered.
Only then did I suddenly notice that when she moved, her body easily seeped through furniture and other solid objects, as if it were woven from dense fog... I asked if it was difficult for her to be here? She said yes, because it was high time for her to leave... I also asked if it was scary to die? She said that it’s not scary to die, it’s more scary to watch those whom you leave behind, because there is so much you still want to tell them, but, unfortunately, nothing can be changed... I felt very sorry for her, so sweet, but helpless, and so unhappy... And I really wanted to help her, but, unfortunately, I didn’t know how?
The next day, I calmly returned home from my friend, with whom we usually practiced playing the piano together (since I didn’t have my own at that time). Suddenly, feeling some strange inner impulse, I, for no apparent reason, turned in the opposite direction and walked along a completely unfamiliar street... I didn’t walk for long until I stopped at a very pleasant house, completely surrounded by a flower garden. There, inside the courtyard, on a small playground, sat a sad, absolutely tiny girl. She looked more like a miniature doll than a living child. Only this “doll” for some reason was infinitely sad... She sat completely motionless and looked indifferent to everything, as if at that moment the world around her simply did not exist for her.