Eljay VKontakte. Eljay and his girlfriend Nastya. Photos together and her Instagram. Eljay gives concerts in different cities in Russia and beyond

Allj ( Eljay) - this is Alexey Uzenyuk, he was born in the city of Novosibirsk on July 9, 1994. Alexey studied at a regular Novosibirsk school. He graduated from 9th grade and entered medical school, but soon quit studying.

At about 13 years old, Eljay first comes to the rap battle site. One of his friends brought him to this battle party. After which Alekha Eljay realized that he could do better. I tried to battle on Novosibirsk battle sites and several times on Internet sites.

LJ began his career as a rap artist, but in 2016 he refocused his style, and his image as a formulaic rapper faded into the background.

Eldzhey's creative path began in 2009. Allj records his first tracks and posts them on VKontakte. Receives the first laudatory comments from social users. networks.

  • In 2013 Allj releases his debut album with rapper MAL, entitled " Gundezh».
  • In 2014 releases second album " The heads are smoking", then the rapper gains first fame.
  • In 2015 releases the album " Gun", which contains eight tracks.
    • These years he begins to give his first concerts in cities.
  • At the end of 2015 the album " Catacombs».
  • In 2016 the album " Library».

At this point, Eljay gives up the image of a rap artist and begins to make dance tracks, moving on to a club sound.

In September 2016, he recorded a joint track (fit) with Kravets and releases the song " Disconnect».

At the end of 2016 he talks about his past work “Sayonara” (goodbye Japanese) and releases a corresponding album, “SayonaraBoy,” which hits the top spot on iTunes.

Allj begins to appear in public wearing white lenses, which make his pupils completely white and thereby create an individual image for the performer. Many fans are starting to ask Eljay questions “what’s wrong with your eyes?” The singer releases a song appropriately titled “What’s wrong with my eyes?”

In 2017, matches with rapper Feduk and releases the hit “Pink Wine.”

Fans of the popular rapper Eljay are tormented by the question - does he have a girlfriend and what is the name of his beloved? There is very little information on the Internet, since the guy carefully protects his personal life from prying eyes. But today we will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you everything about his chosen one! All photos taken from open sources Internet networks.

Allj's biography is also very sparse in information. Little is known about the guy at all. His real name is Alexey Uzenyuk, and his date of birth is July 9, 1994. He is currently 23 years old. Height - 176 centimeters.

By the way, last time we wrote,

The talented young man completed only nine classes, and then entered medical school, but dropped out and focused exclusively on creativity.

In 2013, Allj’s first album, entitled “Gundezh,” was released. Every year the rapper became more and more popular, and to add mystery to his image, he began to wear white contact lenses. This “trick” only added points to his mysterious image, and fans for a long time They couldn’t understand what was wrong with his eyes and why they were white.

In 2017, Eljay pleased fans with three hits at once: “Pink Wine,” “Ecstasy” and “Torn Jeans,” the last of which hit the top of YouTube.

As you can see, creative career Eldzhey is developing rapidly - it is not surprising that he has many fans! But now let's move on to the main thing and talk about his girlfriend.

So, the star’s girl’s name is Nastya, her exact age is not known, some sources claim that she is 24 years old. There is also information circulating online that Eljay lives with her.

And a few more photos of Eljay and his girlfriend:


Since 2018, rapper Eljay began dating a blogger and TV presenter Nastya Ivleeva that they do not hide. According to Ivleeva, they met at Eldzhey’s concert, and they have been dating ever since.

In February 2019, information suddenly appeared on the Internet that the couple had separated. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Only Nobody,” citing its sources. Rumor has it that it was because of the breakup with Eljay that Nastya changed her hairstyle.

Later, Ivleeva posted a photo on her Instagram showing her car and Eldzhey’s car in the parking lot. “Mommy” and “Daddy” - signatures on car license plates. Thus, Ivleeva showed that everything was fine with them and they did not even think about breaking up.

And not so long ago, the star supported her boyfriend on her Instagram by inviting her subscribers to his concert. Let us remind you that the couple officially confirmed their romance in June 2018. Nastya spoke about this in other interviews.

Do you want to know which popular rapper’s girlfriend is the most beautiful? Then watch the video!

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Eldzhey (Allj) is a Russian hip-hop artist, whose popularity was brought by his duet with rapper Feduk “Pink Wine”, songs “Torn Jeans”, “Minimal”, etc.

Childhood and youth

Eldzhey (real name - Alexey Konstantinovich Uzenyuk) was born on July 9, 1994 in Novosibirsk. Alexey has a younger brother, Danil.

The guy became interested in music high school– one of his friends brought the boy to a local rap battle, which inspired the future artist to work in this genre. Several times the rapper showed his reciting abilities at local and online battles, but after that he decided to start creating tracks.

Music career

In 2009, Alexey acquired the necessary musical equipment and began recording tracks in the style of “evil lyrics,” as fans later dubbed it. After the guy posted the third track online, people paid attention to him.

People began to flock to my page, write something to me, contact me.

After graduating from school, Alexey entered medical school, but part-time work and full-time studies did not allow the guy to study music - in the end, the choice was made by the latter.

In 2013, Eljay, together with rapper Mal, released his debut album “Gundezh” with 11 compositions. The very next year, fans were able to appreciate the artist’s second album, entitled “Bosses are Smoking,” in the recording of which rappers Chet, Tetris, Montblunt and Dom1no took part.

In January 2015, Alexey released his third album “Pushka” with 8 tracks. By this time, Eldzhey already had many fans, which allowed the musician to organize concerts in different cities of Russia. At the beginning of February next year the world saw new album artist “Catacombs”, in the recording of which Montblant took part, as well as the duet MiyaGi and Endgame (their joint song “Music” gained particular popularity).

In the summer of 2016, the musician moved to Moscow. According to the artist, in Novosibirsk there was no such studio and people who could work well. Alexey came to the capital with his last money and checked into a hostel to record an album. “There was no money for a return ticket,” the singer recalled.

In the capital, at the backstage of Max Korzh’s concert, Eljay met his future manager. In the fall of 2016, the artist released the track “Disconnect” together with singer Kravets, and then the next album “Sayonara Boy”, which was received with great interest by listeners.

At this time, Eljay changed his image - new style The singer became closer to the style of the South African Zef group “Die Antwoord”. The musician’s distinctive feature is his white eyes – the guy achieves this effect using special lenses, which Alexey sometimes does not take off even in everyday life.

In 2017, the rapper released the album “Sayonara Boyろ” and a video for the track “Torn Jeans,” which became another hit for the musician. In August of the same year, Eldzhey published the undisputed hit “Pink Wine”, recorded together with singer Feduk, which instantly found itself at the top of the Russian music charts. The song received the VK Music Awards, becoming the most listened to on the social network: in a year it was played more than 200 million times.

Eljay & Feduk - Rose wine

In December 2017, on the talk show “ Evening Urgant“a parody of the song “Pink Wine” was presented, in which presenter Ivan Urgant, comedian Alexander Gudkov, journalist Yuri Dud, singer Igor Nikolaev and the rapper Feduk himself took part. Also, blogger Yuri Khovansky created a parody of this track with the participation of Dmitry Malikov.

At the end of the year, Uzenyuk appeared in an episode of Amiran Sardarov’s YouTube show “Khach’s Diary”, in which he spoke about the opening of his own label, which at that time included the group “Black Cinema”. The singer also became the face of the Yves Saint Laurent perfume series “La Nuit De L’homme Intense”.

Eljay's personal life

In 2018, it became known that Alexey was dating a girl named Anastasia Drozdova. Not much is known about the singer’s chosen one, except that she has known Eldzhey for a long time (she also once lived in Novosibirsk and, according to rumors, the romance of the young people began even then) and is his same age.

Estimated reading time: 14 min. No time to read?

On July 28 and 29, 2018, the fourth VK Fest festival took place in the 300th Anniversary Park of St. Petersburg, organized by the social network VKontakte and Radio Record. Due to the participation in the event of such groups as Khleb, Little big and musical artist Eldzhey, whose work contains obscene language and direct calls for violence, suicide and drug use, the Teach Good project in June prepared a video review “Double Standards on VKontakte”, calling for preventing these musicians from performing at an event to which children are allowed.

In addition to the video, two weeks before the festival we sent a similar request to the following authorities:
  • Presidential Administration Russian Federation
  • To the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yu.Ya. Chaika.
  • To the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky
  • To the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights Kuznetsova A.Yu.
  • To the Chairman of the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg Sukhenko K.E.

Today it can be stated that, despite the presence of compelling reasons, no effective measures have been taken to prevent actions that violate the law. Some officials sent “unsubscribes” (all communications with authorities were published), some are still delaying their response. As a result, the event took place as originally planned. As one of the bloggers calculated, in just one hour of Eldzhey’s performance on stage in front of youth and children’s audiences, more than 50 obscene words and calls were heard that violated the law. There was no reaction from the festival organizers or law enforcement agencies.

Additional materials on the topic:

On July 28 and 29, 2018, the fourth VK Fest festival will take place in the 300th Anniversary Park of St. Petersburg, organized by the social network VKontakte and Radio Record.

The festival takes place during the summer months under open air in St. Petersburg and attracts up to 80 thousand people. The main audience of the event is people under 30 years of age, including children and teenagers. In paragraph 3 of the rules for visiting VK Fest, it is stated: “Visiting the Event by children under 12 years of age is possible only if they are accompanied by an adult and present a birth certificate at the entrance” (Rules for visiting VK Fest, 2018 https://spb.showgogo.ru/vkfest -rules/) That is, children aged 12 years and older have the right to independently attend VK Fest.

Within the framework of the festival, dozens of venues are organized various topics: « Computer games", "Cosplay", "Bloggers", "Innovation", "Lectures" and so on. Priority is given to the musical direction.

All events at VK Fest are held in accordance with the principles that are also enshrined in the rules for visiting VK Fest:

"We say yes: healthy image life, politeness, active recreation, self-development, innovation, separate waste collection: we are for a clean planet, the desire to make the world around us a better place. We say no to: alcohol and cigarettes, political propaganda, phonograms.”

The following will perform on four music stages: popular artists: Loboda, Bread, Noize MC, Basta, Diana Arbenina Night Snipers, Elena Temnikova, Feduk, Eldzhey, Little big, Chaif, Nogu cramped, Dzhigan, Husky, Manizha, Jay-Jay Johanson, Aigel, Buckwheat, Monetochka, Hammali I Navai , Jacques Anthony, Zomb, Marie Crimbury, Slava CPSU, Don diable, Arty, etc. List of performers on present moment is not exhaustive and other artists may be added.

Among the listed performers, we would like to draw attention to the groups Khleb, Little big and performer Eldzhey, whose performances at the event, in our opinion, are unacceptable and contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As evidence, we attach excerpts from some songs of these groups:

  • song “Solvent”: “...People are like targets in a shooting range. They are so stupid, I could kill them if they paid me... I spend my money on drugs and rags... I am immoral, I don’t trust any of you. And I’m fine...";
  • song “Secret Chat”: “...You are a lady, I fuck you to RnB. I’m not your boyfriend, but I can buy you a Fendi...”;
  • song “Child Born to Shine”: “...In high school, high school girls loved to touch me. I skipped classes at their house. I loved the yellow Mamba and the black Coca-Cola. The district police officer said that I was a drug addict. Ritter-sport in half, pink Bubble Gum, Aeroflot bursts into the clouds. Akakaka! You have a beautiful ass, my hand is on it”;
  • song “Hello-Hello”: “..Your chick is leaking. Go wipe it... I would like to fly in the clouds... [Oooh] So as not to disturb anyone. I would like to never sleep... [Oooh] To gouge and devour everything...”
  • song “Minimal”: “..There are blue ones at the bar. We dance to minimal music. Yes, yes, yes, you are beautiful, but there are so many people like you... There are only idiots and LEDs around. I drink black water and alcohol. I don’t know who you are, and fuck it, because today you’ll definitely come with me...”
  • song “Hey, Guys”: “...At concerts, bitches are served passed out. I love it when there are a lot of them - I don’t take them individually (oh, oh). Baby wants my kiss, even if she fucks me off. Oo-ooh, oo-ooh. Take a tequila and shut up, a taxi driver is waiting for us at the entrance...”
  • song “Rose Wine”: “I look like a bird! - For the prince? - On a prince or an eagle. Hey! I take a second bottle of rose wine... We are already in an ocean of discos, alcohol and marivan. No stress. We eat like M&M’s dance-dance..."
  • song “Ecstasy”: “Ecstasy, take me away. Ecstasy, take me away. Ecstasy, take me away. Ecstasy, take me away. Arrange to destroy alcohol You and me and the empty dance floor... You're probably someone's daughter, and I'm just a beautiful junkie. Morning - night. Morning - night..."
Group "Bread":
  • song “Today”: “Today I will f*ck. Today I will fuck…” – these words are repeated several times in the song;
  • song “Girl from the Little Big concert”: “Evriday aim drinkin. Aim drinkin euridey! Hey!... Build a career for her sake. Be a dad, be a father. Shit secretly from her...”;
  • song “A bunch of fucking songs ft. Big Russian Boss & Young P&H”: “A bunch of shitty songs, it would be better not to release it. A bunch of fucking songs, this song is also turbo cal... Burn them the f*ck, Kizaru come, put things in order (God of rap). They don't steal beats, they don't fuck edlibs, they kill culture. Ahahaha, what a shame to go to the concert of these idiots (I). In the sense of Sold Out (Yeah), well, it’s temporary, like a vape or a spinner...”;
  • song “Ring”: “...If you want sex with me, marry me. Or this rose did not bloom for you, hare. You see this p*ssy, believe me, he’s cool... It’s Young-Yani boy again, Kukayaka Flocka Flame. If you don’t have a stamp, you won’t be able to see my dick...”;
  • song “Farm”: “Well, where are you, my cockerels? I'm waiting for you and the desire is only growing. I really want to put eggs in my mouth...” - these words are repeated several times in the song;
  • song “Squirrel”: “...I’m a little squirrel, I need a big nut. I would sink my teeth into it and lick it all day. And I would caress him with my lips (caress him with my lips), I would never give him to anyone (no, no, no)...";
  • song “21”: “Night outside the window! Night outside the window! And you want to go home, you miss me! Don't go, what are you doing! Give me another chance! I'll hit you in the ass this night! Baby, don't be afraid! Let's hit the point!...” - these words are repeated several times in the song.
Group "Little big":
  • song: “For Haters ft. Danny Zuckerman": "Bitch bitch Come on you dick is under six inches Your mama sas browns like a witch Hey Hater you bitch You mother father bitch Fuckunig fucking fucking fucking bitch You bitch bitch bitch bitch. Bitch! Bitch ye ye you bitch Ye you fucking bitch ye ye Bitch yoooo.” Translation of the song: “Bitch, bitch. Come on, your dick is less than fifteen centimeters. Your mommy sucks on cigarettes like a witch. Hey, hater, you are a bitch... Your mom and dad are bitches. Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking bitch. You are a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch. Bitch! B*tch, yes, yes, you are a bitch.”;
  • song: “RAVE ON”: “...your head C'mon brah Lose your head Fuckin' bullshit! Lose your head Come on, uncle! F*cked. Clap your hands. Lose your head Come on, come on. Move your body, relax! Thi-sss s-some fuck...";
  • song “Fucking Asshole”: “You’re fucking asshole You’re fucking asshole You’re fucking asshole Asshole, you’re asshole fucking scum...”. Translation of the song: “You're a damn asshole. You're a fucking asshole. You're a fucking asshole. Asshole, you asshole, you damn bastard";
  • song: “Everyday I’m Drinking” (translation: every day I drink): “Hey! Kiss my ass, world! Here motherfucker Russia soul! Our country is in deep shit! Yo! But I love, but I love her! No future, no rich This is Russa, bitch! Everyday I'm drinking, Everyday I'm drinking, Everyday I'm drinking, I'm drinking everyday! Everyday I’m drinking...” Translation of the song: “Hey! Kiss my ass, world! This is a damn Russian soul! Our country is up to its ears in shit! E! But I love, but I love her! No future, no prosperity - This is Russia, bitch! Every day I drink, Every day I drink, Every day I drink, I drink every day!..;"
  • song: “Stoned Monkey”: “Everyday, everyday, ever-everyday I think of. Where to go, how to chill, how to... I’m searching for the gain. Yeah, pass the pot. See me I’m like a robot. I walk along colored street on this Friday. X and DMT prop my step keep me tidy. Near dirty club I see sky of magenta. Let me go, let me in, let me pass through the enter." Translation of the song: “Every day, every day, every-every day I think about Where to go, how to “relax”, how... I'm looking for profit. Yes, smoke a joint. Look at me, I'm like a robot. I'm walking along the colored street this Friday. Ecstasy and DMT keep me going, keep me in order. Next to the dirty club I see a purple sky. Let me go, let me in, let me go through the entrance";
  • song: “Hateful Love” - “Hateful Love”: “Dissect you I’ll shred you More more more I need your Hammer smashed face I need you To rot in the grave. I hope you die, Peace die right now.” Translation of the song: “I will dissect you, I will shred you even more, more, more. I need Your crushed face. I need you to rot in your grave. I hope you die. Calm down, die right now.”

... It should also be noted that the given lyrics may sound ambiguous, however, the visual accompaniment (clips) of these songs contains information confirming the immoral and negative meaning. Songs that sound on English, we also consider unacceptable, since, at present, children everywhere from elementary grades study foreign languages in schools, kindergartens, linguistic clubs, so the content of English-language songs will be understandable to them.

We consider the performance of the groups Khleb, Little Big and the musical artist Eldzhey at the festival unacceptable, and not just their performance of the songs in circulation, since if they perform at the festival, huge amount children will join in their creativity. In addition, the specific songs that will be performed at VK Fest are not announced in advance by the organizers, so these performers will be able to perform new compositions that have not yet had the opportunity to listen to and draw a conclusion about their admissibility at such public events.

Based on the above, we ask you to take measures to prevent participation in the VK Fest public event held by social network“VKontakte” and Radio Record on July 28 and 29, 2018 in the Park of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg, the groups Khleb, Little Big and performer Eldzhey.

Who is Eljay / Allj

Real name— Alexey Uzenyuk

Date of birth — 09.07.1994

Hometown— Novosibirsk

Nickname— Eldzhey / Allj

Activity— Rapper

Height— 176 cm



Eljay / Allj biography

So, Eljay is a young rap artist from Novosibirsk, who this year blew up the charts with his tracks that stick in your head for a long time.

Before he became famous

Alexey (this is the name of the performer) was born in 1994, in Novosibirsk, since childhood he had a craving for music, the guy attended a vocal class and was engaged in creativity. After graduating from school, he enters medical school and begins to work at the same time, but his desire to become a musician takes its toll and Eljay gives up routine classes and devotes himself to music, as you can see, not in vain.

Early creativity

Strangely enough, Eljay’s journey as a rapper began with battles. In his hometown rap battles were held, Alexey had a chance to attend one of them, impressed by this phenomenon, he understands that he can do better than the guys who performed there. At the age of 13-15, he even takes part in both offline and online battles, winning many of them.

In 2013, Allj released his first studio album together with rapper “Mal”.

allj&mal – Gundezh

The sound of it is similar to “entryway lyrics”, underground, that is, completely different from the style in which we are accustomed to hearing Eljay now.

In 2014, Alexey’s second album entitled “ The heads are smoking". The audience received the album with a bang, the sound became better and more interesting music. A main composition album, with the same name, was heard from every car, for the sake of it they even installed a subwoofer in order to impress the fairer sex. This was the performer's first success, but far from the last.

In 2015, LJ released the album “Pushka” and began to tour the country with concerts, thereby further expanding his audience of listeners.

In 2016, he published his solo album “Catacombs”, in which I would like to note the rather hit track “Music”, recorded together with the performers MiyaGi & Endgame, and you can already feel a new sound in it, a departure from the old style.


The turning point in Eldzhey’s work can be noted in September 2016, it was then that the joint track with Kravets “Disconnect” was released, which instantly “shots”, takes first place in all charts and becomes a hit at all parties.

Eljay and Kravets

Then Alexey’s career rapidly took off, he released the album “Sayonara Boy”, which for a long time remained in the first positions in “iTunes” and “PlayMusic”
“Sayonara Boy” is a completely new sound, a new style.

In 2017, Eljay released another solo album, “Sayonara Boy ろ”. With the release of which one’s own style is formed, namely appearance, tattoos, and of course the universally recognizable white eyes, photos on Instagram are gaining popularity.

In our opinion, the peak of popularity is August 2017, that’s when the joint composition with “ Allj (Eldzhey) x – Rose wine”. Which, without any doubt, became the main hit of the summer of 2017.

What's wrong with Eljay's eyes?

Allj is fine with his eyes, there are no problems or diseases. And he wears white lenses like tattoos and provocative clothes, only to attract attention and create a memorable image. Because of frequently asked questions regarding the eyes, he even has a song called “What’s the matter with my eyes.”

Eljay now


March 27 Eljay releases his new album with title LJ - “SAYONARA BOY X”. Eljay, as promised, released his new album entitled “ Sayonara Boy X" Two compositions " Suzuki" And " Minimal” the rapper posted on social networks before the release of the record. All tracks from the album are performed in the same style, so beloved by fans, even the themes of the compositions have not changed.

LJ Sayonara Boy X