Emmy vine house life story. Amy Winehouse - biography, information, personal life. Amy Winehouse's drug addiction scandals

“Controlling insanity isn't hard at all,” Amy told herself and the audience. When her lifeless body was found in a house on Camden Square in north London on July 23, 2011, the tabloids were quick to cite drug overdose as the cause of death. What actually happened?

The end of the life of a talented and outrageous singer immediately caused a lot of rumors and incredible guesses. We analyzed the most likely versions of her death. So what happened to Amy Winehouse in fact?

Amy Winehouse's cause of death criminal?

The departure from life of bright figures "in the prime of their years" always generates interest and spurs on myth-making. Amy Winehouse, whose cause of death shortly before her 28th birthday became one of the puzzles for the singer's loved ones, her fans and the police, has always been distinguished by her ability to intrigue around her person.

Queen Camden Square

The ubiquitous paparazzi have repeatedly recorded the owner of five Grammy, who uses hard drugs, and once even filmed an unsightly picture of a fight involving Amy and her husband Blake Fielder-Civil.

When a person loses his life at the age of 27, it is difficult to assume that death has natural causes.

After the nosy "pinkertons" of the London police qualified the death of the singer as "inexplicable", various versions began to appear in the press. “Explain the death of Amy Winehouse” - this was the attitude of almost every publication, while a grief-stricken family mourned “their girl”, who was killed by someone unknown (or by whom?).

What killed the talented singer?

There were even those who managed to find out that the police found in Amy's apartment "traces of the presence of a male person, whose identity has not been established." However, apart from the fact that "an unidentified person" allegedly mixed "the last hellish cocktail of alcohol and drugs", nothing was said. The cause of Amy Winehouse's death might not have been the cocktail at all. The doctors who performed the autopsy and toxicological analysis shrugged their shoulders in confusion.

Amy Winehouse: Is Death Natural?

When a person loses his life at the age of 27, it is difficult to assume that death has natural causes. However, three years before her death, singer Amy Winehouse (Amy Winehouse) ended up in the hospital. And not in another drug treatment clinic, as many might think, but in medical institution where she was diagnosed with a serious illness - emphysema of the lungs.

On July 23, 2011, exhausted and haggard, she told her assistants that she was “not feeling well,” and a few hours later the guard was unable to wake her up. She fell asleep". Forever.

In life, Amy was still a rowdy

A couple of months later, in September of the same year, the singer's father voiced the assumption that the cause of his daughter's death was a heart attack - the result of alcohol detoxification. Given that the Honorable Mitchell Winehouse is the husband of a pharmacist and taxi driver, his account of why Amy Winehouse died should be viewed with caution.

It's better to burn out than to fade away Kurt Cobain Amy Winehouse is gone. On July 23, 2011, she was found dead in her own apartment. The body was discovered not by a loved one, not a relative, not a close friend, but a guard, and at the time of her death there was no one with her who could possibly save her. She died alone, and perhaps this is where the greatest tragedy lies.

Amy Winehouse became a legend during her lifetime. She was the queen of soul, the enfant terrible of the modern scene, a brawler and a drug addict. She was adored and hated, loved and despised, but very few could remain indifferent to her voice.

It sounded like it was from the past, and it was so strange to know that this person was still alive. Incomprehensible and a little wild, out of date and unglamorous, Amy sang as they sang, probably only in the 40s.

However, Winehouse was indeed often compared to the legendary jazz singer of those years - Billy Holiday, although she seems more like Janis Joplin to me.

All three were united by the fact that in every song, no matter how light the melody was, there was always some kind of hidden pain and suffering - as if each of them had a bleeding, non-healing wound in their souls.

Perhaps it was this pain that was the reason that all three abused drugs and alcohol, and seemed to deliberately walk the path of self-destruction: Billie Holiday died at 44 from cirrhosis of the liver (caused by alcoholism), Janice Joplin - at 27 from an overdose, Amy Winehouse - also at 27, for reasons not yet clear, but, according to one of the versions, these were also drugs.

In general, 27 is a very strange number, as if attracting death. It was at the age of 27 that Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and the already mentioned Janice Joplin - truly great musicians who had a huge influence on rock music - died.

This is the golden composition of the famous "Club 27" - this is how the musicians who had a significant influence on rock music and who died at the age of 27 are called. Each of them burned brightly, each of them burned himself to the ground, to the end following the motto Live fast, die young ("Live fast, die young").

And Amy was exactly the same, although only time will tell what mark in history her music will leave (and whether).

Jump into the abyss

Amy Winehouse: on the road to fame

Amy Winehouse

Like all Club 27 members, Amy Winehouse's life and career was short but vibrant. She sang from childhood, but not to participate in competitions, not to become a star, but just for pleasure - this was the custom in her family: her father often sang Sinatra's songs to little Amy, and her mother's brothers were professional jazzmen.

At the age of 10, she gathered her first group, at 14 she began to write her songs and tried drugs for the first time, at 15 she was accepted into a jazz band, and at 20 she had already become a star. Her first album - Frank (2003) - was nominated for two music awards at once - Ivor Novello and Mercury Prize.

And the second album - Back to Black (2006) made her a star of the first magnitude: for it Amy Winehouse received 5 Grammy awards at once and got into the Guinness Book of Records.

It was certified five times platinum in its home country of Great Britain, and Rehab won the Ivor Novello award for Best Contemporary Song in 2007.

The third album was supposed to be released in 2010, but the fans did not wait for it. It was rumored that the singer was working on new recordings, but Winehouse was never able to complete what she had begun.

Causes of death

Amy Winehouse: Leap Into the Abyss

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse began her serious drug problems in 2007, when she was at the height of her fame - this is the most "stellar" year of her career. It would seem that she achieved everything one could dream of, but instead of basking in the rays of glory, for some reason she hit all the hard.

Starting in 2007, news began to appear in the press every now and then that Winehouse had once again been caught using drugs. It was no longer a secret for anyone that alcohol and crack became the singer's constant companions.

Repeatedly she tried to quit, went through rehabilitation programs, but each time she invariably broke down, and everything started anew. A year later, in 2008, health problems were added to drug problems - Winehouse was diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema.

This disease often occurs in opera singers but in Winehouse's case, the reason was not singing, but the abuse of cigarettes and crack.

One of the symptoms of emphysema is shortness of breath, and Amy’s doctors warned that if she didn’t stop smoking, she would have to wear an oxygen mask.

At first, Winehouse strictly followed the recommendations, but for a long time, as usual, it was not enough. True, according to the singer's father, Mitchell Winehouse, about a year before her death, she still managed to quit drugs, but alcohol immediately took their place.

True, even refusal from drugs did not help the singer return to her normal state - she not only could not finish the album, but also practically stopped performing.

However, those rare concerts, which she still managed to give from time to time, more than once turned into a failure - she went on stage drunk, sometimes she could not remember the words, and the level of performance, to put it mildly, left much to be desired.

She seemed to be rolling downhill, and the apotheosis of this sad fall, of course, was concert in Belgrade.

20 thousand spectators, the first concert of the European tour - everyone was waiting with bated breath for her performance: Amy went on stage, but after spending more than an hour on it, she did not start singing. She was frankly drunk, fell, forgot the words, and the audience chased her away.

It is fair, but at the same time scary to think what was going on in Amy Winehouse's soul, since she could not bring herself to sing - to do what she lived for, what was the meaning of her life.

Death of Amy Winehouse: Accident or Suicide?

Amy Winehouse

With such a passion for self-destruction, a tragic end was probably inevitable. And it's not just about drugs, because there are many examples when even the most inveterate drug addicts unexpectedly overcame addiction.

For instance, Iggy Pop who, it seems, knew all the facets of self-destruction: he cut and hacked himself, walked on glass, sat on heroin and did not care at all about his bodily shell, but at the same time he had a thirst for life.

And this is exactly what Winehouse did not have: it was as if something was wrong globally - fragile and bright, but at the same time completely lost, devoid of a rod.

It is still unknown what role the singer's illness played in this whole story - perhaps she really seriously threatened her singing career, because breathing problems would inevitably affect her vocal abilities.

Of course, this is only a guess, but perhaps Amy simply did not see her life without music and decided that she simply had nothing to lose, so why not die at 27, before life became even more unbearable?

And maybe the reason for the bad performances and the delay in the release of the album was the fact that the illness made itself felt, and Amy could no longer sing fully?

Or maybe everything is much simpler, and Amy could not cope with the fame that fell on her?

One of the journalists (Alan Woodhouse from NME), who knew the singer, said that fame ruined Winehouse's life: after she became famous, her behavior changed dramatically, and it was unbearable for her to constantly be in the spotlight.

“She was just the most ordinary girl from North London. Yes, she had an amazing gift, but I think she herself did not understand how far he would take her. Glory swallowed her up, and she could not cope with it ",- he said. Perhaps the drugs have become magic pill helping her to cope with her life. Having abandoned them, she was left alone with her fears and could not resist them.

Of course, her death could have been an accident, but an inevitable accident - everything that happened before was like a prelude to tragedy. Even the singer's mother considered Amy's death just a matter of time, although she did not expect that everything would happen so soon.

Be that as it may, Amy Winehouse is no more. Strange, but even now there are spiteful critics who joyfully declare that she deserved to die.

Of course, her life can by no means be called an example to follow, but it is not for nothing that it is said that the dead are either good or nothing. Rest in peace, Amy.

Sarah Creek

Amy Winehouse - British singer in the genre of jazz, soul and reggae. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first and only British singer to win five Grammy Awards.

Childhood and youth

Amy Jade Winehouse was born in 1983 in London to a family of Russian Jews. His father worked as a taxi driver, and his mother worked as a pharmacist. Amy has a brother, Alex, who is three years older than her sister. Winehouse's parents divorced in 1993.

The whole family lived on music, in particular, jazz. Mom's brothers were professional jazzmen, and Amy's paternal grandmother dated the legendary Ronnie Scott, and was herself a jazz singer. Amy loved her very much and even got her grandmother's name tattooed on her arm (Cynthia).

Amy Winehouse attended Ashmole High, where her classmates were Dan Gillespie Sells ("The Feeling") and Rachel Stevens ("S Club 7"). And already at the age of 10, the girl organized, together with her friend Juliet Ashby, a rap group called "Sweet" n "Sour".

In 1995, the schoolgirl entered theater studio Sylvia Young, but after a couple of years she was expelled for bad behavior. At school, along with other students, Amy managed to get on an episode of "The Fast Show" in 1997.

In the same year, the young artist had already written her first songs, but the success was not cloudless: at the age of 14, Amy tried drugs for the first time. A year later, she started working in a jazz group. At the time, her boyfriend, soul artist Tyler James, helped her sign her first contract with EMI. The singer spent her first check on group The Dap-Kings, who accompanied her in the studio, later went on tour with the artist.

Musical career

Amy Winehouse's first album, Frank, was released in the fall of 2003. The producer was Salaam Remi. Critics greeted the album warmly and even compared Amy to Macy Gray, Sarah Wars and Billie Holiday. The debut received a 3x Platinum Album Certificate from the British Phonogram Producers Association. However, the artist herself was unhappy with the result, saying that only 80% of the album considered hers and the label included songs that the artist did not like.

Amy Winehouse - Stronger Than Me (from Frank's debut album)

Amy continued to develop and on her second album, Back to Black, released in 2006, she added jazz tunes that were inspired by female pop bands from the 50s and 60s. The producers were Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson, who helped promote the tracks on the East Village Radio show. "Back to Black" peaked at number seven on the Billboard chart, and in the singer's homeland the album was certified five times platinum and declared the best-selling album of 2007.

The first single "Rehab" won the Ivor Novello award in the spring of 2007: it was recognized as the best contemporary song.

Amy Winehouse - "Rehab"

However, the success was again accompanied by drugs: in the summer of the same year, Amy canceled concerts in the United States and Britain, citing her deteriorating health. Pictures appeared in the media showing that the singer was taking illegal psychoactive substances. Also, the press often got pictures in which Amy fights with her husband Blake.

Amy's father said that "now it is not far from the tragic outcome", and the singer's representatives said that the paparazzi are to blame for everything, who make Amy's life unbearable. In the fall of 2007, Winehouse's relatives urged fans to abandon the artist's work until she and her husband give up their "doping".

Amy (documentary)

In November there was a DVD titled "I Told You I Was Trouble" with a recording of a concert in London and documentary about the performer.

At the same time, Amy was already working on recording vocals for the song "Valerie" from Mark Ronson's solo album "Version". The singer has recorded a joint composition with Mutya Buena, ex-member of "Sugababes". At the end of 2007, Winehouse was ranked # 2 on the list of "most badly dressed women," behind Victoria Beckham.

Amy Winehouse - "Valerie" (Live)

Island Records has announced that it is ready to terminate the singer's contract if she does not sort out her problems. And in early 2008, Amy Winehouse began to undergo a rehabilitation course - at the Caribbean villa of Brian Adams. During this time, the popularity of the album "Back to Black" was gaining momentum. The record earned Amy 5 Grammys in 2008.

Amy Winehouse - "Back To Black"

In April, the singer announced the start of work on music theme to the James Bond film "Quantum of Solace" with Daniel Craig in starring... But a little later, the producer said that work on the composition was discontinued because Amy had "other plans."

June 12, 2008 Amy Winehouse gave the only concert in Russia - she opened the Center modern culture"Garage". Some time after that, the singer was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema.

Amy Winehouse at the presentation music award Grammy

In June 2011, the artist canceled her European tour after a scandal in Belgrade. Then Amy went on stage to 20 thousand spectators, stayed there for more than an hour, but never sang. The girl greeted the audience, talked to the musicians, stumbled, but starting to sing, she forgot the words, and in the end she went away to the whistle of the audience.

Amy Winehouse's personal life

In 2007, Amy married Blake Fielder-Civil. The relationship between them was not easy: the couple used alcohol and drugs together, and often came to the point of assault, even in public.

In 2008, Blake was sentenced to seven months in prison for assaulting a passerby. At this time, the divorce proceedings began between Amy and Blake, and in 2009 the couple divorced.


On July 23, 2011, Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment. Until the end of 2011, they could not find out the causes of death. Preliminary versions - drug overdose and suicide, but the police did not find illegal drugs in the house. Amy's father stated that the death could have occurred due to a heart attack caused by alcohol detoxification.

It was an accident, which was preceded by alcohol abuse, according to the conclusion of the coroner's court in London's St. Pancras district.

Winehouse in Camden Square on July 23 this year. The cause of her death was not immediately established. The autopsy results showed that illegal drugs in the body of the 27-year-old actress, who had suffered from alcohol and drug addiction for many years. However, according to the results of the toxicological examination, alcohol was contained in her blood.

According to British media, on Wednesday, pathologist Sohail Banthun confirmed to the coroner judge that the singer drank large amounts of alcohol before her death. Its concentration in Winehouse's blood was almost five times higher than the maximum allowable norm for drivers.

Investigating Inspector Leslie Newman confirmed that three empty bottles vodka - two large and one small. He also concluded that the death was due to "unfortunate coincidence of circumstances."

The singer's father claims that in last months before her death, Winehouse completely gave up alcohol and suffered from unexplained seizures. The singer at the Edgewarebury cemetery in the north of the British capital.

Winehouse struggled with her addiction and after a course of treatment did not consume any alcohol for three weeks. That is, in the period from early July to July 22, before drinking these three bottles of vodka, the singer did not touch alcohol.

At the trial, it became known that the body of the artist was found by the security guard Andrew Morris who lived in her house. At 10 o'clock in the morning, he came to check on her, but thought that she was sleeping. After he realized by 3 pm that Winehouse was showing no signs of life, he called an ambulance.

Her parents and closest friends were present at the hearing, where the verdict on the reasons for the death of the singer was handed down on Tuesday. Before the announcement of the court's opinion, there was a small incident when documents with information about the announcement of the verdict were sent to the wrong address. The Winehouse family informed the police that they had not received any notice and it was only last Friday that the documents were returned to Scotland Yard.

Despite her scandalous personal life and legal problems, Winehouse was one of the most successful British pop stars.

She has received five Grammy awards, among them an award for best song of the year, debut and best pop album (Back To Black).

In 2008, Winehouse was ranked tenth on the Sunday Times list of Britain's richest musicians under 30. Her fortune was estimated at £ 10 million (about $ 16.5 million). In 2011, she, along with four other musicians, tied for ninth place on the same list, and her fortune decreased to 6 million pounds (10 million dollars).

At the end of May 2011, the singer independently signed up for a course of treatment for alcohol addiction. However, after that there was a scandal with her concerts in Europe. The first summer concert of the planned 12 performances of the European tour took place in Belgrade, but there Winehouse appeared drunk and could hardly stand on her feet. The tour was canceled.

Before her death, Winehouse managed to release only two albums - Frank (2003) and Back to Black (2006). After the death of the artist, there were talks about publishing her unfinished recordings.

(and before her there were Michael Jackson, Britain Murphy, Heath Ledger, Alexander McQueen, etc.), there are always many versions and guesses. Suicide? Overdose? An accident? .. But let's not go too deep into the forensic examination.

Much more interesting is what is happening from the point of view of psychology. Popular psychologist, writer, Alexander Sviyash explained in his books possible reasons death of a person. According to Sviyash, a person, regardless of whether he is a star or not, dies when his "accumulator of experiences" is not more than 90% full.

Was Amy Winehouse's cup overflowing? Why did Amy Winehouse die and why are so many stars so eager to self-destruct?

Amy Winehouse died because she programmed herself

Sometimes a person drives himself to such an extent with his experiences that his body literally does not withstand the stress. This happens mainly when a person, instead of solving his problems (or at least trying to do it), begins to revel in them, harass himself.

First, dissatisfaction with your life accumulates. Then diseases / addictions begin. When the negative multiplies and reaches 80%, a person can provoke himself into problems with the law, disasters, accidents, etc. Well, even if such serious life signals do not help to change its course, death becomes the way out ... This is very clearly seen in the example of the same Amy Winehouse, who said that self-destruction helps her to create. And at the age of 27, the star died ...

And this despite the fact that Amy Wyhouse had every reason to enjoy life and be happy. But she preferred a depressive image both in creativity and in life.

Surprisingly, there are many creative people, including the stars, suffered (and even died) from the fact that the dark plots of their books / songs / films came to life.

An important factor is the phenomenon of the materialization of thoughts. For example, famous writer Stephen King wrote in one of his novels about a writer who gets into a car accident and breaks both legs. A few years later, Stephen suffered a similar injury when he was run over by the wheels of a car.

Many famous chansonniers who sang songs about prison, death, a bandit's knife, etc., did not die by their own death, like Mikhail Krug, who, by the way, never sat in prison.

In light of all these facts, Amy Winehouse's lyrics and videos are overrated. Who knows if she would have had such problems with alcohol and drugs if her repertoire did not include the lines “They try to make me go to rehab, but I say no, no, no ...” (“They are trying to make me go to rehab, but I say: “No, no, no” ”).

Why do stars die and destroy themselves?

What does a person need to be completely happy? Success? Money? Creative self-realization? Love? Amy Winehouse had it all. And even more! Why did she die? Why did Britney Spears turn out to be so prone to self-destruction with her nervous breakdowns and divorces, Lindsay Lohan with constant drug clinics and courts?

If you dig deeper, then many stars really have reasons for dying, or at least striving for self-destruction.

So, a not very normal grandmother was brought up, and Amy's parents were not particularly interested in the fate of the child. Trying to attract their attention, the future star began to shock those around her, but, obviously, until the end of her days, she did not get what she wanted from her parents. The love of the fans is love for the image that they created for themselves, and Amy needed true love. But how to fight when own mother a couple of years before her death, Winehouse said that the star will not die a natural death?

Marilyn Monroe had a similar story - she never forgave her crazy mother for not being interested in her and for not listening to her when the future star told about the rape of another “stepfather”.

As for Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears, these two stars had mothers who were so eager to make their children famous that they deprived them of their childhood - girls with young years built a career. And at that time, adolescents of their age expressed their protest to the world, which is quite normal and natural for the development of personality, they led the lifestyle of adults. But, from the point of view of psychologists, it is impossible to bypass the stages of personality development, you can only disrupt their course. Therefore, what is happening with Lindsay and Britney today is just an attempt to keep up with the youth that they decided. Only the tremendous resentment that they harbored on the world for what they were once deprived of makes the experience of this stage destructive and even destructive for them. And it will not be surprising at all if another star dies tomorrow, or rather, goes out ...