The outrageous Alexey Panin in an interview with Andrei Malakhov. Alexey Panin told Andrey Malakhov about his scandalous behavior Interview with Alexey Panin

The actor told OK! about why he wouldn’t star in “Blind Man’s Bluff” now, how to spend the night with a girl after breaking up with her, and why he forbids his daughter to watch TV

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

Do you continue to act in TV series despite the fact that you hate them?

As for The Pack, I like this series. We are playing there with Alexey Serebryakov. Under the circumstances, this is somewhat reminiscent of “Ten Little Indians.” Interesting, creative work.

Who is the director?

People often ask me: “Who are you filming with?” I say: “What difference does it make to you? You don’t know anyone anyway!” Stas Mareev is filming from St. Petersburg. In my opinion, he is a promising young director. For example, he filmed Viking. Have you looked? No. Well, you see... And then, for some reason, journalists reproduce something completely different from what I say. Are their ears in the wrong place? I never said that TV series are shit, that I hate them. I spoke, firstly, about specific works, and secondly, that there should be no difference between cinema and TV series. And we have series that have nothing in common with cinema - they are hack work, a conveyor belt set up by rogue producers. They don't care what they show to people who will watch it - they want to steal the money. But there is also the series “Brigada” - this is a professionally made movie, shot on 16 mm film, with a budget. People wanted to create a quality product and make money on it - and they did it.

Do you have clear criteria for a good movie?

From the inside, a good movie is when professionals work on set. Many young artists think that they are the main ones. Nothing like that! The film set is a team. Director, cameraman, actors, artists, lighting technicians - a lot depends on each of them. I made this conclusion after filming the series “Guardian Angel” for two hundred and fifty episodes, after half of which I just got up and left. It's impossible to work when people don't understand anything about filmmaking at all. Sometimes it feels like they are recruited from the construction market and stupidly assigned to positions. So, films should be made by professionals - this is the first and main condition. Whether it will work out in the end or not is a completely different question.

What does this depend on then?

It is impossible to understand this during filming. “Boomer” was filmed for three kopecks, sometimes there wasn’t even tea on set, production was stopped several times - but the film turned out well! And sometimes helicopters come for you, two hundred people in film crew, a million-dollar budget - and the movie fails. Of course, there are certain projects that can be calculated one hundred percent. "Blind Man's Bluff", for example. From the very beginning it was clear that the whole country would watch it. Moreover, even the masters of Soviet cinema liked the movie. Vladimir Abramovich Etush, at eighty-four years old, laughed madly. I thought he wouldn’t understand this at all, but he said: “Wow, what a good movie!”

What’s good, didn’t you explain?

And it's funny. And professional.

What's so funny?

What's funny about the movie? Reservoir Dogs"Tarantino?

I think it's a pretty serious film.

This clean water comic parody. In principle, I know people who, after watching “Zhid’s Bluff” for the first time, didn’t understand what it was all about. And after the third they told me: “Damn, Lech, wow, how cool! It’s just finished!” “Zhmurki” is a professional project. Despite all my attitude towards Balabanov, which was not always good...


Balabanov is evil. And I don't like evil people.

How is his anger expressed?

I can't explain. All I have to do is look a person in the eyes and I understand everything about him. I'm never wrong. So, Balabanov is evil. But talented.

And how was it for you to act with an evil director?

For me, the film “Zhmurki” is also a calculation. I didn't have much work at the time. And I didn’t need series or episodes, but a serious project where I would have main role. And I knew one hundred percent that “Zhmurki” would be trampled. I don’t like the word “career” when applied to my profession, but in that case it was absolutely a career move. And the money was good.

How much money do you actually need?

Don't know. It is impossible to name the numbers.

How often does your consent to participate in filming mean payment and money?

At least half the time.

Don't you think that this is only ruining your reputation?

I spoil it. But I have a mother, grandfather, and daughter Nyusya. I always remember them.

So if you didn't star in half of your projects, they would starve?

Of course not. But there’s another story... I always hope for the best. With every dubious proposal, I think that last time there was bad example that this will not happen again, everything will be different now. This is my bad trait. I subconsciously understand that the project is shit, but I still agree. Then I hate myself all the way, spitting in my face every morning, trying to change something. And after that, some people say that it is impossible to work with me because I am “difficult.” Every time I come across the same rake...

And when will you stop?

I've already stopped. IN lately, if I’m offered a role, I ask questions that are not customary to ask in the acting community. For example: “How many cameras will there be on film set

How much is needed?

I don't understand what two or three cameras are! For fights or chases, you can use at least twenty, but, in general, a movie should be shot with one! And I want to know what the lens will be, what size it will be - a lot depends on this. And when you are filmed with three cameras, one of which takes a wide shot, the other takes a medium shot, and the third takes a close-up shot, I just don’t understand how I should play!

Which film did you feel most comfortable on the set of?

With rare exceptions, I feel comfortable with almost all the masters of Soviet cinema. With Igor Fedorovich Maslennikov, with Alla Ilinichnaya Surikova. With great warmth I remember what happened on the set of Roman Gurgenovich Balayan (the film “The Night is Bright.” - Note OK!). We had picnics there as a group. It was, in a good way, Soviet cinema and the very atmosphere that I love. It’s not a production project - schedule, footage, seconds, and let’s go crazy - but it’s a joint creativity. In general, what I value most about cinema is the process. And you ask those people whom I listed: was it difficult for them to work with me? Everyone will say no. But they usually ask not them, but Merezhko or some other artists who don’t know how to do anything, don’t see anything, and recruit the same sheep onto the set. It’s really difficult for them with me! Because I can't stand unprofessionals. In the series “Soldiers,” the director of photography, who was picked up somewhere on television, did not know what an elementary “eight” was! How can this be?!

What is “elementary eight”?

This is when you and I are sitting at the table, and the camera, for example, is standing behind my right shoulder. They're filming you. But when they film me, the camera must be moved and placed behind your left shoulder. The director of photography of the series “Soldiers” in the same situation pulled the camera to the right. Confused the axis in the elementary "eight"! This simply cannot happen if a person knows how to shoot.

Have you had any mistakes during your career? Has anyone scolded you on set?

By the way, according to stories, Danelia is also an inventor...

Yes, so be it! It doesn't matter whether he told me the truth or not. It is important that he and all the other people came into my life. They instilled such confidence in me that nothing could break me in my profession. And no one has ever had any complaints about my work. To behavior - yes, to character - yes, but to work - no. By the way, this worries me very much now. Because of this, I relaxed, I go out using the stamps that I acquired over ten years of working in cinema. (Depicts himself on the set.) “So, what are we playing? Love?" This is my stamp number three. "Tragedy?" This is number four... I'm not getting anything new. A huge “thank you” for this to those filmmakers who are now filming a crazy amount of material in which there is nothing to act at all.

And what to do about it?

Don't know. I really want to start doing something of my own. One girl, Masha Ozerenko, and I - she completed a directing course with Khotinenko - wrote the script. These are three short stories about love in different styles, not connected in any way. This is absolutely original cinema, non-commercial, which in our country no one needs.

Well, why do it just like that...

So it's true! Who wants to think about anything now? Look at today's girls - for most of them, a Louis Vuitton bag has become the meaning of life! And it doesn’t matter that this bag was bought from a Bedouin on the crossing for five dollars. As they say in Odessa, a good show off is worth more than money.

What area did you grow up in?

In bandit style. In Orekhovo-Borisovo.

And you want to say that in Soviet era Was it better there? Did your company talk about lofty things and watch Tarkovsky?

They might not have watched Tarkovsky, but the ideals and life values were completely different! We didn’t live on bags or stockings. Relationships between people came first. Despite all the horror of that time, there were some frameworks, norms. I don’t understand why now on the NTV channel New Year's Eve show half-naked women with stage performers? What's all this for? I have said a hundred times and will continue to say: there is no need to teach children to swear - they will learn on their own. There is no need to show them naked women from the age of five - then they will go to the store themselves and buy everything that interests them. But this is when they are adults! In the meantime, they are children, they need to instill only goodness and kindness. I have already decided that my daughter will live in an information blockade until a certain age. No TV, only old Soviet cartoons, Soviet cinema. Anything else will be strictly prohibited. Of course, as she grows up, she will interact more and more with her peers, and I will have to give her information about the other world. But very dosed.

Did your parents forbid you anything?

Certainly. I grew up in a normal Soviet family. Go to bed no later than nine in the evening, get up no later than eight in the morning - all this happened. On Saturday you can watch a movie as early as 21.40, after the “Time” program...

Now you talk so much about values, about education, but children have also seen your “Blind Man’s Bluff”. What is all this reasoning worth then?

I know for sure that some kind of limit has come for me. At a certain point, I began to realize that I was becoming a prostitute, and I was horrified. I wouldn’t star in “Blind Man’s Bluff” now, I’m telling you for sure.

By the way, I noticed that you rarely act twice with the same director. Why aren't you called?

Some people call, some don’t - it happens differently. It happens that my schedules simply don’t coincide with one of the directors, but sometimes... You see, due to my character and life circumstances At one time I lived, let’s say, to the fullest. Sometimes I did such things that even people who treated me well doubted whether they needed Alexey Panin on the set.

For example?

Maslennikov was supposed to film me a second time, but then another actor played me instead. I am sure, only because Igor Fedorovich was told: Panin drinks.

Have you been drinking?

For a while, yes. Now I haven’t drunk for three years. And then I had a big breakdown, I really ruined my reputation. And it took me a lot of strength to get out of all this and return to normal.

It is curious that Mikhail Efremov continues to be filmed.

But if he didn't drink, he would have even more work! Note that many are ready to film Efremov, but only in small roles. In the big ones - no, they are afraid. If I were a director, I wouldn't be afraid. Because Efremov - most talented actor, personality. I would be willing to wait two weeks of downtime for this person.

If possible, let's get back to your family. Do you really need children?

Yes. I really wanted a child. I ordered it for myself New Year. I remember how I stood at twelve o’clock, as the chimes struck, and asked God to give me a daughter. And she turned out the way I wanted. She already understands everything. She looks like a completely grown-up person.

Do you see each other often?

If I'm not on set, then almost every day. Sometimes I allow myself some relaxation and, instead of talking with her, I go sit with someone in a restaurant, but this rarely happens. And when Nyusya is older, I will generally take her with me to filming and we will see each other all the time.

Why did you and her mother break up so quickly? They write that Yulia almost wants to steal your child, she won’t let you meet him...

Do your feelings go away quickly?

No. But the story here is not entirely clear-cut. There are things that I simply don’t want to make public, and there’s no point in talking about it in hints or in a veiled way. I can only say that Nyusia, thank God, still has a mom and dad. She will not be deprived of communication and care from either side.

Have you and Yulia even considered staying together for the sake of your child?

And it’s like we live together. There was no such thing as us dividing up our property and scattering to different corners. We didn’t even have a conversation that, they say, that’s it, with today We're going our separate ways. It’s just that each of us lives our own lives now. At the same time, half of my things are in the apartment where Yulia lives. I can spend the night there. In general, my things are scattered in different places: at my mother’s, at my grandfather’s and at Yulia’s. So I don’t even know where I live.

Do you leave a lot of things in your life to chance?

There is no gravity. Everything depends on the Almighty. Life, it is wiser than us, it will steer where it needs to go.

In terms of?

Everything is known in advance, absolutely! You should never say: “Lord, why do I need this!” We must ask: “Lord, why do I need this?” And look for the answer. We go through some trials for a reason - we gain something important in return. Many events in my life seemed like a tragedy to me, I didn’t know how to survive it. And now I look back and understand that it was necessary, thanks to this I have become wiser. Everything God does is for the best. Because God loves us.

Do you love people?

Yes. I generally kind person. I can lose my temper and send someone away, but then I apologize, even if I was essentially right. Because I feel sorry for the person I offended. He's a human after all! And when I send someone, it’s not from the actor’s point of view, but from my point of view. People perceive this as star fever, but this is simply my character. If I were a mechanic, I would behave exactly the same.

Evgeniy Levkovich

Recently, the name of Alexei Panin has increasingly appeared in the media in connection with the scandalous adventures of the actor. Recently, Internet users were shocked by an erotic video featuring Panin.

Now Alexey gave frank interview Andrei Malakhov, a video of which appeared on the TV presenter’s YouTube channel. Panin said that the scandalous video was filmed a long time ago: “This video was filmed several years ago. At a certain, rather difficult period in my life. It was in Moscow, near my house. As a joke, my girlfriend wanted me to go out in my underwear.”

However, the actor does not understand how a recording from his personal archive could become public knowledge: “Watching it myself is very painful. I was in an inadequate state then, you can see it on my face.”


“I am ready to apologize to people, to those who were shocked by this. I have more questions for the scoundrels who posted this, but I won’t deny anything,” said the actor.

Panin admitted that he is now leading healthy image life, but chose to remain silent about the reasons for the difficult period of his life: “I try not to even raise my voice, to restrain my emotions. I'm proud that I was able to quickly pick myself up and leave bad habits».

Let us recall that earlier last week it became known that Alexey Panin, in connection with the latest unpleasant events, asked Andrei Malakhov for protection.

» Alexey Panin_ autobiographical interview



Birthday: 09/10/1977

Place of birth: Moscow, Russia

Citizenship: Russia

WHEN 26-year-old actor Alexey Panin received the State Prize from the hands of the president, many, remembering that at one time he was expelled from GITIS, just threw up their hands. Journalists also added fuel to the fire by writing that the “bully” Panin was expelled from seven schools. Another unpleasant fact for the actor also surfaced: doctors allegedly diagnosed him with an “absolute speech impediment.” About where is the truth and where is the lie, “AiF. Superstars" asked the actor himself to tell the story.

— TO be completely frank, I have never been a good boy. And I actually studied in seven schools, but they kicked me out of only two. The first time this happened was because of... Lenin. I was asked to wipe the dust off his portrait. And out of the kindness of my heart, without any vandalism or malicious intent, I wiped Lenin with a wet rag. After that, the portrait began to flow. And since I had already had complaints about my behavior, the school asked me to do it. The second time I was kicked out because of physics, in which I constantly received bad marks. The teacher suggested: either transfer to another school or stay for a second year.

As for the rest educational institutions, then I changed them due to moving - from one grandmother and grandfather to another. He was also seriously involved in water polo and studied at a sports school for some time.

— Why did you choose a non-sports career after school?

— After school, I didn’t choose any career at all. I wanted to live for my own pleasure. It was the beginning of the 90s, and all the guys in our yard dreamed of becoming bandits. So I know the events described in the film “Brigada” from my own experience. My mom intelligent person, who worked all her life as an editor in a publishing house, was horrified by my “attempts” to become an “authority.” She couldn’t understand how someone could hang out on the street all day long and don’t know what to do. Thank God I didn’t have time to do anything stupid.

— In this case, it is not clear what brought you to GITIS?

“You won’t believe it, but I don’t know this myself.” I just read an advertisement in the newspaper about recruitment to Spesivtsev’s workshop. In the evening I learned a poem and some passage of prose. In the morning I got on the subway and went to the exam. Got it right the first time. Despite the fact that I had never felt any desire for acting before. Although my mother dreamed of me becoming an artist.

She was friends with the now deceased Anatoly Romashin. And when I was only eight months old, she told him: “Alexey will definitely be a people’s artist.”

— Why were you expelled from GITIS later? Or is this not true?

- Is it true. I was even expelled more than once. First in the first year. I was then offered to star in an episode in the film “The Romanovs - the Crowned Family.” I knew that filming was not encouraged in the first year, so I cheated and took a sick leave. But this did not help, and I was expelled anyway. After some time I recovered, but in my second year history repeated itself - for the sake of an episode in another film, I missed part of the exams. I was expelled again... Basically, I did the stupidest things. Not one normal, sane person could exchange studying at GITIS for filming in an episode. And I did it. As a result, I didn’t graduate from college, but I don’t regret it. I understand that if I had not done this then, it is unknown how everything in my life would have gone on. I don’t have a single classmate who would have achieved more in terms of a film career than me. I have several dozen paintings to my credit.

— Probably, when the president congratulated you, they remembered the teachers who expelled you?

- Of course, I remembered. By the way, an interesting detail. At the award ceremony we sat with Lenkom Theater actor Sergei Frolov. He also studied at GITIS, but did not graduate. It seems that he failed the fencing exam and therefore lost his diploma. We sat, nudged each other and smiled.

In fact, now they are offering me to return to GITIS and get a diploma. But I don't want to.

— And your ill-wishers blame you for the fact that you have never mastered Stanislavsky’s system.

— I’m even glad that my game doesn’t fit into any systems. I approach roles very spontaneously. I’ll tell you a story about the late Pavel Luspekayev, a brilliant artist who played in “White Sun of the Desert.” Luspekayev was sitting at home, gnawing on sunflower seeds, looking at the script with one eye. At that moment, one famous actor came to visit him and asked: “Pash, how are you working on the role? Are you putting yourself in assumed circumstances or are you trying to understand the character’s character?” And he replied: “It’s all a show off. You have to learn the words."

This is how I approach roles. I go out onto the site and see how it goes.

— You received a State Prize for the film “Star”, where you played a scout during the Great Patriotic War.

— I read a lot about the war. Therefore, “Star” for me is not just a picture that brought recognition, but, first of all, a tribute to my country and its veterans. It personally offends me that Americans stand up and sing when their anthem plays. National flags hang on their houses. And in our country, many simply do not know their own history. Some teenagers find it difficult to say in what year the Great Patriotic War began.

— Is it true that filming “Zvezda” almost cost you your life?

“There was an incident on the set, after which I could have remained disabled. The fact is that the weapons at Mosfilm are old, from war years. It needs to be checked properly every time. But sometimes drunk studio gunsmiths have no time for this. That’s why one day the machine gun in my hands fell apart into two parts. Luckily, this happened after I fired the burst from him. If this had happened during shooting, the bolt of the machine gun would have bounced back at me at the speed of the charge. In such cases, people are easily left without hands.

— Do you agree to play in a film just for the money?

- Yes. Unfortunately, 80 percent of what I play is just for the money. And only 20 - for the sake of high art. I would really like to have a certain supply of banknotes at home and act in one film a year, to approach this selectively. But, unfortunately, I can't afford it. I do a lot in life solely for the sake of money, because I love good things, expensive cars, good food. And then, there are so many friends around whom I would like to help, and so many women with whom I would like to have dinner, that, unfortunately, I am not able to curb my appetites.

- So you are an amorous person?

- Yes, but, alas, I am often disappointed. It happens, you see beautiful woman. Get acquainted. She seems to have everything - charm, sexuality, intelligence. You go on dates, then you find yourself in the same bed with her, and after two or three days you realize that this is not your person.

—Are you capable of romantic courtship and extravagant acts?

— One day, my beloved girl went to St. Petersburg on business, and I really wanted to see her. I decided to fly there. Everything was calculated so that I would stay in the city for half an hour, give flowers and return back to Moscow on another flight.

— Did the girl appreciate your action?

— The funny thing is that I flew to St. Petersburg in vain. It turns out that she had already returned. And at that time I was in the Moscow region.

— Is it true that you were married?

— My marriage lasted two years. I think that during this time, emotionally, we experienced as much as others did in thirty years. Why did you break up? Does anyone know the answer to the question: “Where does love go?”

—Are you a gambling person?

— I rarely find myself in a casino, and if I play, it’s for meager sums. I can always find the strength to stop in time. This applies less to women. Here my brakes are failing.

— Is it difficult in everyday life with you? Do you need to be looked after?

- But no. I do a lot of things with my own hands. Changing the gasket on a faucet is nonsense for me. I can cook well. It’s easier for me to cook dinner myself than to ask a woman to do it. So in this sense I am not a spoiled person.

—What do you dream about deep down?

— Like any normal person, I dream of a family and children. And as an “abnormal”, I want to gather friends sometime in May on Tverskaya Street in the area of ​​the Moscow Art Theater. Order two carriages with horses. Put gypsies in one, and friends in the other. Wear a tuxedo, boots on bare feet. Grab a few cases of champagne. And just like that, take a ride along Tverskaya. In fact, I am a romantic at heart, although I may seem like a cynic to some.

Home page » Alexey Panin_ autobiographical interview

Long gone are the days when fans discussed the acting achievements of Alexei Panin: now the public is much more concerned about him defiant behavior. Recently, an erotic video from the star’s personal archive surfaced on the Internet. However, the participant in the scandal himself claims that this material was created as a joke.

IN exclusive interview, which appeared on Youtube channel of Andrey Malakhov, the actor openly said that the video was filmed several years ago. At that time he was still abusing alcohol.

“This video was filmed several years ago. At a certain, rather difficult period in my life. It was in Moscow, near my house. As a joke, my girlfriend wanted me to go outside in my underwear,” Alexey shared with Andrey Malakhov.

Panin does not deny the very fact of the video’s existence, but openly says that it is unpleasant for him, and he also does not know how it got onto the Internet. “Watching it myself is very painful. I was in an inadequate state then, you can see it on my face,” the star emphasizes.

According to the artist, his personal sexual preferences should not concern anyone. Panin calls the people who posted the provocative video nothing less than scoundrels, because these images ruined his reputation.

“I am ready to apologize to people, to those who were shocked by this. I have more questions for the scoundrels who posted this, but I won’t deny anything,” the actor admits in an interview.

Panin chose not to answer the question about the difficulties he encountered several years ago. However, he emphasized that he is not using anything now. As the actor said, his friend Andrei Kovalev helped him overcome alcohol addiction.

This is not the first time Alexey Panin has become the main actor major scandal. For quite a long time, the actor was suing for custody of his daughter with ex-lover. Fashion model Yulia Yudintsova accused her ex-husband of inappropriate behavior, but the court still decided that nine-year-old Anna should live with her father. According to the actor, his daughter has never seen him drunk. On Instagram, stars often appear together with their little girl, and Panin himself never tires of saying how much he loves his heiress.

Let us remind you that earlier in the week a petition appeared on one of the Internet resources, in which people called on doctors to check famous actor at the psychiatrist.

“Alexey Panin played in nine dozen films and is a state prize laureate. His acting talent is beyond doubt. But the artist’s mental health is seriously worrying,” the text of the document said.

Journalists, concerned about the artist’s condition, contacted psychiatrist Igor Lazarev. According to the doctor, the actor has no abnormalities. “All his actions are good acting. Being in the same studio with Panin, you can see how he turns the scandalous personality on and off,” the doctor noted.

Actor Alexey Panin, whose explicit videos appeared on the Internet, openly spoke about sexual adventures in a conversation with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov. The artist is ready to apologize to those who were shocked by the obscene videos.


According to Panin, the scandalous video in which he is depicted in women's underwear was filmed in Moscow several years ago. The artist added that it was a very difficult period in his life. “It happened in Moscow, near my house. As a joke, my girlfriend wanted me to go outside in my underwear,” the actor admitted.

At that time, Panin abused alcohol and performed similar sexual exploits while in an inadequate state. At the same time, the artist refused to talk about the essence of the difficulties that he experienced. “I’m ready to apologize to people, to those who were shocked by this,” the actor added.

According to Panin, now he does not use anything. His friend Andrei Kovalev helped him overcome his addiction. “I try not to even raise my voice, to restrain my emotions. I’m proud that I was quickly able to pull myself together and get away from bad habits,” he clarified.

Let us remind you that after the appearance of the scandalous videos, they want to deprive Panin of his parental rights. The corresponding petition appeared on the Internet in early June. Russians are worried about the mental health of the actor’s daughter.