Essay beauty will save the world Dostoevsky. Essay for the exam. beauty will save the world


Beauty will save the world

...And if this is so, then what is beauty?

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. A. Zabolotsky

("Ugly Girl")

that is, beauty? I think everyone has thought about this at some point. And, for sure, this concept has different meanings. I believe that it can be different: external and internal. External beauty is what we see with our eyes, what attracts us with its appearance. Inner beauty is something that cannot be seen, it can only be felt. Unfortunately, both of these concepts do not always coexist together. For example, a person who is beautiful on the outside may turn out to be very mean and evil inside. And a person who does not have natural beauty can be kind and honest. But inner beauty has an extraordinary property - it creates harmony in a person, that is, it complements him. Inner beauty makes people beautiful not only internally but also externally. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A person who is beautiful on the inside is beautiful on the outside.”

I know a lot of people who are not particularly beautiful, but they are so kind, decent, you can always talk to them about intimate topics, because these people will listen to me and understand me in any situation. In life, unfortunately, very often you meet outwardly attractive people, but when communicating with them you understand how far they are from my idea of ​​spiritual beauty... It is difficult to find people who would combine both external beauty, and kindness.

Every evening I walk my four-legged friend Cleopatra. Our yard is small, nearby there are small children on the playground, and grandmothers on the bench, regularly discussing someone's personal life, and young basketball players trying in vain to throw the ball into the basket. I admire autumn landscape, while my Cleo sniffs the snow-white lap dog, the dream of all well-born dogs. The sweet languor of golden autumn envelops the entire yard and, it seems, the whole world. And then a sharp, disgustingly piercing screech interrupts the general bliss. A pink and white “cloud” with pigtails and huge bows squealed on the asphalt path. Her beautiful face was distorted by a grimace of rage and rage. “Who offended this young creature so much?” - I thought and rushed to help. It turned out to be much more prosaic. Mom didn’t take her daughter’s favorite doll out into the yard for a walk. The girl stamped her feet, screamed, ordered her mother... It was a pity to watch how the crystal silence and harmony in the world of our yard were being destroyed. But then everyone’s favorite Aunt Klava came out. Every evening she brings crumbs and grains to the pigeons, calling them in a pleasant and also cooing voice: “Guli-guli-guli...” Aunt Klava approached the girl, calmly took her hand and said in some ordinary and at the same time magical voice: “Let’s go feed the birds...” And again the world around sparkled, basked in the autumn sunny leaves, and the young Barbie followed her obediently and smiled...

“Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful”... How true it is said! Here is an example of the most unselfish, most sincere love that can exist - the love of a mother. There is nothing more valuable in life. Mom... With this word, people have special, warm memories that cannot be replaced by anything. For every mother, her child is the best, the most beautiful, the very best. When a mother picks up a baby at birth, she thinks that he will grow up decent, smart, kind person. To understand this love, you need to experience it, feel it. I remember when I was in third grade, our class teacher gave us the task of drawing portraits of our mothers. With my childish little hand I drew it as best I could, although I tried very hard: this is my mother’s portrait, it cannot be spoiled! At the parent meeting, Tatyana Borisovna (our class teacher) hung these portraits on the board... It still lies in my daddy, as a memory of my “creativity”. Mom really liked him then, although she admitted to me that she did not immediately recognize herself in him, but this did not upset me at all. And among all the portraits, in my, of course, subjective opinion, my mother was the most beautiful!

Beauty can be reflected not only in love for people, but also for the world around us. Daisies... In someone's opinion, these are the simplest flowers. I love daisies and that's why they are very beautiful to me. Chamomile field! As soon as I imagine that I am running along it, and all around are daisies, the sun, the blue sky... and I. And a peace immediately sets in on the soul, which cannot be described in words. At this moment it seems to me that there is nothing more beautiful than cute daisies! We need beauty, just look around! Our task is to preserve all this for our descendants! I love this world and that is why it is beautiful to me!

  • Category: Essays on the Russian language

The power of beauty is limitless... It can transform feelings, inspire new achievements and give a number of pleasant impressions. You can admire and admire ordinary things: a sunrise, a dandelion flower, a neighbor’s smile, or even the unusual shape of a pebble on the road. You can get positive impressions from all this and give them to others.

Apparently, on a subconscious level, every person strives for beauty. There are numerous cases where works of art were able to change fate, and beautiful natural landscapes calmed people in moments of despair and inspired them to live.

From childhood, children are instilled with a love of beauty, because this is the key to the development of aesthetic tastes, this is the path to goodness and good deeds. A person who admires the beauty of the world around him cannot be evil; it is aimed at creativity and not at destruction.

People try to surround themselves with beautiful objects in everyday life, choose the most beautiful things to decorate themselves, pay attention to what pleases the eye, and all this is for the sake of beauty. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that beauty comes in different forms. External manifestations of beauty cannot influence the improvement of life in the world; the most valuable thing is inner beauty. The most beautiful and the person who has a beautiful soul. Such people are endowed with the best qualities that attract attention: the ability to empathize, kindness, sincerity, devotion. Such people are able to give others a feeling of enjoyment of beauty, for it is precisely such manifestations of this quality that can save the universe.

We must try to be a beautiful soul, have an attraction to perfection. This desire should be permanent, not temporary, in order to show off your good qualities. If every person tries to add at least a drop of beauty to life, the world will change for the better. Sorrow, war and poverty will disappear. And then, indeed, beauty will become the savior of the world.

What is beauty? I think everyone has thought about this at some point. And, for sure, this concept has different meanings. I believe that it can be different: external and internal. External beauty is what we see with our eyes, what attracts us with its appearance. Internal

Beauty is something that cannot be seen, it can only be felt. Unfortunately, both of these concepts do not always coexist together.

For example, a person who is beautiful on the outside may turn out to be very mean and evil inside. And a person who does not have natural beauty can be kind and honest. But inner beauty has an extraordinary property - it creates harmony in a person, that is, it complements him. Inner beauty makes people beautiful not only internally but also externally. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A person who is beautiful on the inside is beautiful on the outside.”

I know a lot of people who are not particularly beautiful, but they are so kind,

Decent, I can always talk to them about intimate topics, because these people will listen to me and understand me in any situation. In life, unfortunately, very often you meet outwardly attractive people, but when communicating with them you understand how far they are from my idea of ​​spiritual beauty. It is difficult to find people who combine both external beauty and spiritual kindness.

Every evening I walk my four-legged friend Cleopatra. Our yard is small, nearby there are small children on the playground, and grandmothers on the bench, regularly discussing someone's personal life, and young basketball players trying in vain to throw the ball into the basket. I admire the autumn landscape while my Cleo sniffs the snow-white lapdog, the dream of all well-born dogs. The sweet languor of golden autumn envelops the entire yard and, it seems, the whole world. And then sharp. A disgusting, piercing screech interrupts the general bliss. A pink and white “cloud” with pigtails and huge bows squealed on the asphalt path. Her beautiful face was distorted by a grimace of rage and rage. “Who offended this young creature so much?” – I thought and rushed to help.

It turned out to be much more prosaic. Mom didn’t take her daughter’s favorite doll out into the yard for a walk. The girl stamped her feet and screamed. ordered her mother. It was a pity to watch how the crystal silence and harmony in the world of our yard were being destroyed. But then everyone’s favorite, Aunt Klava, came out. Every evening she brings out crumbs and grains to the pigeons, calling them in a pleasant and also cooing voice: “Guli-guli-guli.” Aunt Klava approached the girl, calmly took her hand and said in some ordinary and at the same time magical voice: “Let's go feed the birds.” And again the world around her sparkled, luxuriated in the sunny autumn leaves, and the young Barbie followed her obediently and smiled.

“Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.” How rightly it is said! Here is an example of the most unselfish, most sincere love that can exist - the love of a mother. There is nothing more valuable in life. Mom.. With this word, people have special, warm memories that cannot be replaced by anything. For every mother, her child is the best, the most beautiful, the very best. When a mother picks up a baby at birth, she thinks that he will grow up to be a decent, smart, kind person. To understand this love, you need to experience it, feel it. I remember when I was in third grade, our class teacher gave us the task of drawing portraits of our mothers.

I drew it with my childish little hand as best I could, although I tried very hard: this is my mother’s portrait, it cannot be spoiled! At the parent meeting, Tatyana Borisovna (our class teacher) hung these portraits on the board.. It still lies in my daddy, as a memory of my “creativity”. Mom really liked him then, although she admitted to me that she did not immediately recognize herself in him, but this did not upset me at all. And among all the portraits, in my, of course, subjective opinion, my mother was the most beautiful!

Beauty can be reflected not only in love for people, but also for the world around us. Daisies.. In someone's opinion, the simplest flowers. I love daisies and that's why they are very beautiful to me. Chamomile field! As soon as I imagine that I am running along it, and all around are daisies, the sun, the blue sky... and me. And a peace immediately sets in on the soul, which cannot be described in words. At this moment it seems to me that there is nothing more beautiful than cute daisies! We need beauty, just look around! Our task is to preserve all this for our descendants! I love this world and that is why it is beautiful to me!

Many people say that beauty will save the world. But, each person understands this expression in his own way.

I think that the world can be saved not only beautiful people, such as modern models or movie actresses. They are, of course, very attractive. But they will not be able to make all the people on our planet happy. We watch movies and we become happier and more fun. And, in countries where there is not even electricity, such simple entertainment is not available.

Beauty surrounds modern man everywhere, but he doesn't notice her. Adults are always in a hurry to go to work or other important matters. They have no time to turn around and look at the beautiful blue sky. People pay attention to nature only when it starts to rain or strong wind. But then they don’t consider her beautiful, but quite the opposite.

Young people and children think that real beauty is the new super fashionable mobile phone. They always look only at beautiful images on the screen, and don’t want to see what’s happening at all real world. The guys can admire beautiful photos kittens and dogs on the Internet, but indifferently walk past a hungry homeless animal. If people wanted not only to see, but also to create beauty themselves, the world would become a kinder place.

Why are there wars all over the world now? Because people don’t see the beauty of the world around them and don’t take care of it at all. Unimpressed by the majestic natural scenery, they mercilessly drop bombs on it. Soldiers are not touched by the smile of a small child, do not respect the wrinkles of old people, and shoot at them without the slightest regret.

Evil has settled in the hearts of people, which does not allow beauty to penetrate inside a person. Fewer and fewer adults and children go to museums to enjoy beautiful paintings and other works of art.

At night, little children are read less and less fairy tales about beauty and goodness; they are increasingly shown cartoons with ugly characters who do not teach anything good. What kind of parent would such a child grow up to be? Will he teach him to appreciate the beauty of his child?

But what to do in such a difficult situation?

If every person on the planet stops for a moment and tries to see at least something beautiful around him, he will not be able to harm either another person or living nature.

I am sure that beauty will save the world, but only if people are willing to put in the effort.

Essay argumentation Beauty will save the world
Beauty as a weapon can be used for different purposes. I think that Dostoevsky spoke about the kind of beauty that elevates and makes a person better. He saw, was amazed and repented of all his sins. I immediately began to speak and act better... It can be the beauty of nature that even makes you cry. This could be the beauty of a work of art, the same book, a play or a statue... But also the beauty of a woman, a person in general. Cases are described when a bandit sees a child or girl and stops the massacre. He begins to help them, shows his best qualities. Beauty can elevate, that in itself is beautiful.

But beauty can also destroy. If the beauty of some thing prompted the desire to steal, do something bad. Such beauty can be confusing. He was a normal person, but then he fell in love and began to show himself as “cool.” Or even stole something to hit. And people can consciously use their beauty to confuse others, to use them for their own bad purposes. Or they make beautiful packaging for sweets, but they are immediately terribly harmful. Or the product is simply beautiful, but the dyes are inedible.

In general, beauty will, of course, save the world, but for this it must be like this... Such as to amaze and elevate. It's not just something fashionable. Not just something cute or even base, but something with inner light. If we talk about beautiful people, then they must have a beautiful soul, first of all. If it’s about works of art, then the creator’s idea must be good. And nature is always sublime.

And then, with beautiful content, you also need a harmonious shell. It’s not that he’s so holy, but he’s so dirty and nasty. It’s not that the idea is good, but the picture is painted sloppily... Everything must be in harmony, then beauty will save you.

Dostoevsky said: “Beauty will save the world.” Yes, perhaps there is something true in this, but here we are not talking about beauty itself, but about a person’s ability to perceive the miraculous as the real content of the world.

A person, nature, even the world in which we live can be beautiful. But the true dimensions of beauty that will save the world and lead humanity to a better place are the love, kindness, work and compassion of people for global problems.

We live in a world in which we are surrounded by the forces of good and evil, love and hate. Every day we face cruel and surprising blows of fate. So day by day our lives pass by, but what gives us the strength to move forward and rationalize our existence is love.

Love is the greatest and highest beauty that accompanies a person. It’s a wonderful feeling, giving happiness, giving birth to life. Everyone who has experienced and touched the magic of love, which is so beautiful and unforgettable, felt loved, happy, joyful and thirsty, waiting for something new. Love is pure and holy, it makes us better. Thanks to this, we learn to love and be loved, to give and receive happiness.

Love is not only about giving and receiving, but also something more real and intimate that gives meaning human life- birth of children. Children are the purest and most innocent creatures in this world. They continue the tradition, the offspring. Love and children holding hands are the greatest beauty that will save the world. Love with its inexplicable power can transform a person: from the greatest criminal to the greatest saint. This is where we reveal from true beauty, inherent in ourselves - kindness. It is this beauty that makes us feel important in the world in which we live. What could be more beautiful than being good and doing good in this world of evil and lies. Kindness is a beauty, it gives us strength, it makes us feel happy about the good job we have done. We live, in a sense, to die. But one of the most important things for us is when we go back in our memories to see what we have experienced and it is rich and beautiful. Let's be kind and contribute to the beauty of our efforts to save the world.

Essay 2

“Beauty will save the world!” - this is what Dostoevsky wrote. This is true? I believe she can save the world, but will that answer the future. And it depends on whether beauty overcomes ugliness. But what kind of beauty? It's so simple - the beauty that will save the world is "invisible to the eye" as said Little Prince. And what is invisible to the eye is inside us. There, in the soul, there is good and evil. Good is beautiful, but evil is ugly.

And much still depends on our spirit. The spirit that we carry within us, with which we were born. He's not intelligent. Not knowledge from encyclopedias and books, but knowledge of existence, wisdom, humanism - this is what reflects the development of the spirit. Humanism is love for people, and love is beauty and kindness in human relations. I know that everyone has their own understanding of good and evil. But for the most part, these understandings are similar. Evil causes pain, and good causes joy, happiness, smiles. It is a pity that one person's pain can be another's joy, but pain is almost always evil, although sometimes greater harm must be prevented.

There is a vicious circle that may be necessary for balance in our world. If this balance between good and evil is maintained, the world can exist, that is, be saved from destruction. But if evil, hatred, ugliness still prevail over beauty, goodness and love, it will already be destructive for the earth that is ours outside world. Because we have no other. Madness, evil and fear have accumulated enough weapons on Earth that it can be destroyed not once, but many times. Will beauty still save the world?

Unfortunately, I am quite pessimistic and I do not have great illusions about the victory of good, because I remember the ironic and bitter thought that there is no good that goes unpunished, and this is almost always confirmed in life. Because there is hardly anyone who has not encountered people who live to hate others. They just hate. Hate is their way of thinking and inflicting pain is their need. And they act in any way and by any means to achieve their goal, to please themselves. They use speculation and slander, they strive to spit, slander, beat, kill. No reason. Just like that. Evil. Local and global. I don't know if they realize their misfortune. Perhaps there are such moments, but some of them are convinced that causing evil to one brings good to others, others justify it by saying that if everyone is good, the world will be boring, and this will be a sufficient reason for evil. It's a pity that there is no beauty in evil and pain. He who carries beauty within himself does not hate.