Essay on the topic of folk culture and traditions. Essay on the topic: Cultural folk traditions (essay). Traditional holidays of the Russian people

The Intercession will come and cover the girl’s head.

Russian folk traditions go back centuries. Russia is essentially a peasant country, and our culture originates from rural life. In village life, our people themselves, according to the will of their ancestors, established the so-called “wedding weeks,” which stretched from Epiphany to Maslenitsa and were especially observed in merchant life.
The last weddings of the year were timed to coincide with the Intercession, and those who spent too much time in wenches on these days necessarily went to church to pray that God would send them good grooms. The prayer contained the following words: “Protection, Holy Mother of God, cover my poor head with a pearl kokoshnik, a golden headband.” The girls also turned to the Apostle Andrew, the Great Martyr Catherine, Nila and Paraskeva.
The peasants worked hard throughout the spring and summer. The work was usually completed by Pokrov. Our ancestors treated time thriftily, in a businesslike manner, so guys, for example, most often used these very days to look for an assistant, and a free one at that.
Colorful and poetic maiden round dances began in the spring and continued until the Intercession itself. Autumn gatherings brought boys and girls closer together; at them the girls often did needlework, and the boys seemed to have the opportunity to choose a craftswoman to their liking. The guys who went to work in distant lands hurried to return to Pokrov with money, because they had to celebrate a wedding for something.
As we see, our ancestors timed the most important moments in life to coincide with annual cycles that were more suitable for their implementation.
If you look at it from psychological point point of view, then everything is thought out here too. During Pokrov, even the most ardent opponents of marriage became more accommodating, and the girls dreamed of quickly unbraiding their girls’ braids and covering their heads with a woman’s warrior. They believed that if the Veil did not cover, then Christmas would not cover the earth with snow... And without snow, the earth would freeze and the harvest would not be harvested.
It is also remarkable that even if their hopes were not realized, the girls did not despair, but continued to have fun as if nothing had happened along with their happy girlfriends. They never envied and therefore were beautiful in soul and in the end found their happiness...
But this holiday was distinguished not only by marriage concerns. It was also important in the economic life of our people. It was on this day that the terms for hiring seasonal workers were most often determined. Hired “conscripts” usually worked from Ilyin’s day until the Intercession, that’s why they said: “Wait until the Intercession - I’ll pay off the entire debt.”
At this time, they were in a hurry to complete all trade transactions and payments. The cellars were filled in winter with various pickles and preserves. The last chores for the winter table were apples. On the very eve of Intercession, Antonovka was soaked. There was an amazing apple spirit in the huts these days. I immediately remembered how sweetly Ivan Alekseevich Bunin described this time in his poetic prose. Through the aroma of the collected Antonov apples the writer expressed the whole soul of the Russian people.
The holiday was a holiday, but there was enough work: “The house is not big, but it doesn’t make you bored.” On Intercession they were in a hurry to renovate the house for winter: “to steal the hut”, “to grab heat before Intercession”. Entire proverbs were written on this topic, for example: “if you don’t steal before the Intercession, there will be no such thing” - and you will have to ask: “Father Intercession, heat our hut without firewood.” This is so that the Intercession sends warm days - to look around and have time to prepare everything for the future.
I always admire the harmonious perception of nature by our ancestors. They, as they say now, did not twitch, but believed that “the mistress would cover the earth with her Veil and say to her son: “Lord, winter has come, everyone has worked hard, stocked up... bless them, Lord, to rest, to survive the fierce winter. My cover will be over them.”
Through the signs of this time, our wonderful writers talentedly conveyed the grief and joy of Russian workers. For example, according to one line from N. Nekrasov: “Only one strip is not compressed, it brings a sad thought...” - the reader already sees a picture of a human tragedy. It is clear that the peasant will not leave his grain unharvested in the fall. This means that trouble happened to him... And from Tyutchev we read: “Only a thin hair of a cobweb / Glistens on an idle furrow...” The “idle” furrow tells us that everything is in order in the life of a peasant. In this regard, I can’t help but remember the boy Vanya from “The Summer of the Lord” by I. S. Shmelev. He lived according to the Orthodox annual cycle and matured spiritually.
I want to finish this topic, which I love, with poems by E. Baratynsky, which are very consonant with my current mood and, in general, in my opinion, explain the craving of Russian people for their roots:

I will return to you, fields of my fathers,
Peaceful oak groves, sacred shelter to the heart!
I will return to you, home icons!

O fatherly house! O land always beloved!
Dear heavens!..

Lyubov Ozerova
Essay "My educational philosophy» about traditional folk culture as a means of spiritual and moral education

Essay"My educational philosophy»

“Human memory is short, but there is another memory, it’s called culture which preserves the rules, customs, traditions, transmits information about phenomena that have come from the past, the secret of which has long been lost"

(article by I. Uvarova in the book by A. Milovsky "Firebird's song")

This statement leads to discussions about the problems of humanity, the goal of which is to preserve at any cost cultural heritage of its people. The problem is how to do this if modern man lives by the laws today in the eternal race for prosperity.

For many years I, being teacher in kindergarten , sought to solve this problem, since I myself am a devoted patriot of my Motherland. At the heart of mine pedagogical experience lies in its origins, which left a deep imprint on the soul, originating in childhood.

Since childhood I have known culture of the people from his grandmother: I listened to songs, stories about my ancestors, went to carol with her. My grandmother taught me to love antiquity. The sundress and bast shoes given by my grandmother are still used in my work. The experience accumulated by several generations of my ancestors was asking and eager to spill out. I wanted to show everyone this depth, power and beauty, to fill children’s hearts with a feeling of deep joy and gratitude for the fact that they were born in Russia.

How teacher I understood that any good undertaking requires a scientifically based approach, therefore, starting your pedagogical path, diligently engaged in self-education. I read a large amount of literature about the history of folklore, bit by bit I collected material about traditions, rituals, history folk costumes , acquired literature, attended methodological associations, seminars on ethnoculturology, Catherine's readings and much more. All this allowed me to form my life position, which is the ability to save cultural heritage people in early preschool childhood, as our people: “With mother’s milk, the child must absorb culture of their people».

Needed as soon as possible bring up in children such qualities as spirituality, patriotism, citizenship. Only in this case will there be a deep imprint and lasting interest in the child’s soul. culture, which is impossible to imagine without folk art . IN recent years The preschool education system in Russia is undergoing significant changes. Among These changes have brought both positive and challenging challenges. New programs and innovative methods have appeared, reflecting modern ideas of preschool education, but the eternal question “what and how to teach” still remains relevant. IN modern education, in my opinion, more attention is paid to the development of intelligence and morality remains aside upbringing. A person without morals is a problem in our society today.

We live in interesting and difficult times, when we begin to look at many things differently, we begin to rediscover and re-evaluate many things. And each of us, looking back at our past, tries to find our roots, to compare something in our past and present. But it turns out that the past people and our family we, it turns out, we know very superficially.

Explain and understand many points human life knowledge of the origins of the Russian culture helps culture, customs and traditions of the people. Destruction of the national culture has led to, What spiritual the foundations of the Russian nation deformed the Russian mentality. It hurts to look at the older generation, which most of the youth treat with disrespect. What kind of cynicism and indifference do we often encounter? Is it a problem to live at someone else’s expense without working? A moral behavior, the immorality of part of the population is simply frightening and makes us seriously think about it.

Thus, the task of reviving becomes urgent culture of the Russian people, and as a consequence of this, spiritual, social and economic revival. Meaning cultural revival is also proven by the experience of many countries that, while preserving their ancient foundations, have achieved economic and social prosperity.

K. D. Ushinsky said that “language is the most living, the strongest connection between the past and the present”. It is he who reveals the original origins spiritual life of the Russian people. Folk art transmitted from mouth to mouth is called folklore. M. Gorky spoke: “Collect our folklore, learn from it, process it. The better we know his past, the more deeply and joyfully we will understand the great significance of our present.” The look of the great philosopher helped solve the transmission problem cultural heritage for young children using small folklore genres. Small in volume, but unusually wise in content, they are capable of forming in an accessible form, and sometimes on a subconscious level, a personality distinguished by patriotism and devotion to the Motherland. Children remember proverbs, sayings, and nicknames surprisingly quickly. And unlike adults, whose speech is clogged with foreign words and sometimes swear words, children’s speech is saturated with figurative expressions. It’s nice to watch how the children use proverbs in their speech, how to tell fairy tales, and sing lullabies and ditties in their free time. They are sociable, learn to reason and make generalizations. As a result, children form and expand their vocabulary, which is another important value cultural education.

Introducing children to the origins folk culture helps to solve the problem of moral education. Upbringing a true citizen of one's homeland is impossible without nurturing love for her, To native land, to the house where you live. We must help children understand what their Motherland, native language, and way of life mean to them. people, our Russian nature, family. From childhood, a child should feel an internal national core, which he must carry throughout his entire life.

In the process of introducing children to folk culture, the process of child development is very clearly visible. I believe that folklore classes help raise children according to folk traditions, promote creative activity, stimulate the desire to show your talent and individuality. And here it is important to discern it in time and direct it in the right direction. It is important to note the importance of introducing children to culture of the Russian people in social and personal development. During folklore classes, children actively develop the emotional and moral spheres of their personality, form interpersonal relationships, and as a result, a friendly and creative team of children is formed, educators and parents. Traditional on native culture , How means of raising children, forms open, trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers. And this is now so important for us in our difficult times. In modern families, where parents work a lot, in order to decently dress and feed their children tasty food, they try to take them to sections, clubs, develop mental abilities, placing children in good schools so that children subsequently take a worthy place in society. But unfortunately spiritual and the moral side of the child’s personality development remains in the shadows in most cases. Parents, citing being busy, somehow thoughtlessly and unjustifiably pushed into the background the formation in children of love for the Motherland, for its past, for the older generation. In rare families there are family traditions, the connection between generations is lost. That is why the issue of developing morality and patriotism in the family is now so urgent. And to us, teachers, we need to better understand and study this problem ourselves, and then help the families of our pupils. And here, in my deep conviction, should come to the rescue traditional folk culture. Required via various shapes activities to involve parents in joint work to introduce children to the origins folk culture. Carrying out joint events brings everyone together, makes both children and parents kinder, more emotional, and teaches them to creatively approach solving a particular problem.

We must not forget about our past, we must be proud of our Motherland, we must be an authoritative nation among other peoples. Therefore, dear culture should become part of the child’s soul, the beginning that gives rise to personality. And children's folklore will help with this - a special area folk art, which includes a whole system of genres, unusually rich and diverse.

Thanks to folklore, we begin to relate to our past in a new way. We learn together with children to learn rituals, traditions and ancient holidays.

I really want to believe that as adults many of my little fidgets will bring up their children in accordance with traditions, will treat with care culture, honor your roots, respect family traditions. Moreover, let this generation of children grow up confident in themselves, in their future, harmoniously developed, worthy citizens of Russia. Each of them should be proud and admire the piece of land on which we live. Today, having considerable teaching experience behind you, I can say with confidence that mine pupils who already bring their children to me know culture of the Russian people, his traditions, take care of their home, Russians sing with pleasure with their children folk songs , ditties, dance in circles, know and play folk games , yes, they can just dance "Russian"

The best result of my work will be a child who can proudly say: “I am a citizen of Russia”- and that says it all..."

Essays on free topic(5-11 grades)

Essay on a work on the topic: Cultural folk traditions (essay)

The Intercession will come and cover the girl’s head.

Russian folk traditions go back centuries. Russia is essentially a peasant country, and our culture originates from rural life. In village life, our people themselves, according to the will of their ancestors, established the so-called “wedding weeks,” which stretched from Epiphany to Maslenitsa and were especially observed in merchant life.
The last weddings of the year were timed to coincide with the Intercession, and those who spent too much time in wenches on these days necessarily went to church to pray that God would send them good grooms. The prayer contained the following words: “Protection, Most Holy Theotokos, cover my poor head with a pearl kokoshnik, a golden headband.” The girls also turned to the Apostle Andrew, the Great Martyr Catherine, Nila and Paraskeva.
The peasants worked hard throughout the spring and summer. The work was usually completed by Pokrov. Our ancestors treated time thriftily, in a businesslike manner, so guys, for example, most often used these very days to look for an assistant, and a free one at that.
Colorful and poetic maiden round dances began in the spring and continued until the Intercession itself. Autumn gatherings brought boys and girls closer together; at them the girls often did needlework, and the boys seemed to have the opportunity to choose a craftswoman to their liking. The guys who went to work in distant lands hurried to return to Pokrov with money, because they had to celebrate a wedding for something.
As we see, our ancestors timed the most important moments in life to coincide with annual cycles that were more suitable for their implementation.
If you look at this from a psychological point of view, then everything is thought out here too. During Pokrov, even the most ardent opponents of marriage became more accommodating, and the girls dreamed of quickly unbraiding their girls’ braids and covering their heads with a woman’s warrior. They believed that if the Veil did not cover, then Christmas would not cover the earth with snow. And without snow, the ground will freeze and the crops will not grow.
It is also remarkable that even if their hopes were not realized, the girls did not despair, but continued to have fun as if nothing had happened along with their happy girlfriends. They never envied and therefore were beautiful in soul and eventually found their happiness.
But this holiday was distinguished not only by marriage concerns. It was also important in the economic life of our people. It was on this day that the terms for hiring seasonal workers were most often determined. Hired “conscripts” usually worked from Ilyin’s day until the Intercession, that’s why they said: “Wait until the Intercession - I’ll pay off the entire debt.”
At this time, they were in a hurry to complete all trade transactions and payments. The cellars were filled in winter with various pickles and preserves. The last chores for the winter table were apples. On the very eve of Intercession, Antonovka was soaked. There was an amazing apple spirit in the huts these days. I immediately remembered how sweetly Ivan Alekseevich Bunin described this time in his poetic prose. Through the aroma of collected Antonov apples, the writer expressed the whole soul of the Russian people.
The holiday was a holiday, but there was enough work: “The house is not big, but it doesn’t make you bored.” On Intercession they were in a hurry to renovate the house for winter: “to steal the hut”, “to grab heat before Intercession”. Entire proverbs were written on this topic, for example: “if you don’t steal before the Intercession, there will be no such thing” - and you will have to ask: “Father Intercession, heat our hut without firewood.” This is so that the Intercession sends warm days - to look around and have time to prepare everything for the future.
I always admire the harmonious perception of nature by our ancestors. They, as they say now, did not twitch, but believed that “the mistress would cover the earth with her Veil and say to her son: “Lord, winter has come, everyone has worked hard, stocked up. bless them, Lord, to rest and survive the fierce winter. My cover will be over them.”
Through the signs of this time, our wonderful people talentedly conveyed the grief and joy of Russian workers. For example, according to one line from N. Nekrasov: “Only one strip is not compressed, it brings a sad thought.” - the reader already sees a picture of human tragedy. It is clear that the peasant will not leave his grain unharvested in the fall. So something bad happened to him. And from Tyutchev we read: “Only a thin hair of a cobweb / Glistens on an idle furrow.” The “idle” furrow tells us that everything is in order in the life of a peasant. In this regard, I can’t help but remember the boy Vanya from “The Summer of the Lord” by I. S. Shmelev. He lived according to the Orthodox annual cycle and matured spiritually.
I want to finish this favorite topic for me with the poems of E. Baratynsky, which are very consonant with my current mood and in general, in my opinion, explain the craving of Russian people for their roots.

The Intercession will come and cover the girl’s head.

Russian folk traditions go back centuries. Russia is essentially a peasant country, and our culture originates from rural life. In village life, our people themselves, according to the will of their ancestors, established the so-called “wedding weeks,” which stretched from Epiphany to Maslenitsa and were especially observed in merchant life.
The last weddings of the year were timed to coincide with the Intercession, and those who spent too much time in wenches on these days necessarily went to church to pray that God would send them good grooms. The prayer contained the following words: “Protection, Most Holy Theotokos, cover my poor head with a pearl kokoshnik, a golden headband.” The girls also turned to the Apostle Andrew, the Great Martyr Catherine, Nila and Paraskeva.
The peasants worked hard throughout the spring and summer. The work was usually completed by Pokrov. Our ancestors treated time thriftily, in a businesslike manner, so guys, for example, most often used these very days to look for an assistant, and a free one at that.
Colorful and poetic maiden round dances began in the spring and continued until the Intercession itself. Autumn gatherings brought boys and girls closer together; at them the girls often did needlework, and the boys seemed to have the opportunity to choose a craftswoman to their liking. The guys who went to work in distant lands hurried to return to Pokrov with money, because they had to celebrate a wedding for something.
As we see, our ancestors timed the most important moments in life to coincide with annual cycles that were more suitable for their implementation.
If you look at this from a psychological point of view, then everything is thought out here too. During Pokrov, even the most ardent opponents of marriage became more accommodating, and the girls dreamed of quickly unbraiding their girls’ braids and covering their heads with a woman’s warrior. They believed that if the Veil did not cover, then Christmas would not cover the earth with snow... And without snow, the earth would freeze and the harvest would not be harvested.
It is also remarkable that even if their hopes were not realized, the girls did not despair, but continued to have fun as if nothing had happened along with their happy girlfriends. They never envied and therefore were beautiful in soul and in the end found their happiness...
But this holiday was distinguished not only by marriage concerns. It was also important in the economic life of our people. It was on this day that the terms for hiring seasonal workers were most often determined. Hired “conscripts” usually worked from Ilyin’s day until the Intercession, that’s why they said: “Wait until the Intercession - I’ll pay off the entire debt.”
At this time, they were in a hurry to complete all trade transactions and payments. The cellars were filled in winter with various pickles and preserves. The last chores for the winter table were apples. On the very eve of Intercession, Antonovka was soaked. There was an amazing apple spirit in the huts these days. I immediately remembered how sweetly Ivan Alekseevich Bunin described this time in his poetic prose. Through the aroma of collected Antonov apples, the writer expressed the whole soul of the Russian people.
The holiday was a holiday, but there was enough work: “The house is not big, but it doesn’t make you bored.” On Intercession they were in a hurry to renovate the house for winter: “to steal the hut”, “to grab heat before Intercession”. Entire proverbs were written on this topic, for example: “if you don’t steal before the Intercession, there will be no such thing” - and you will have to ask: “Father Intercession, heat our hut without firewood.” This is so that the Intercession sends warm days - to look around and have time to prepare everything for the future.
I always admire the harmonious perception of nature by our ancestors. They, as they say now, did not twitch, but believed that “the mistress would cover the earth with her Veil and say to her son: “Lord, winter has come, everyone has worked hard, stocked up... bless them, Lord, to rest, to survive the fierce winter. My cover will be over them.”
Through the signs of this time, our wonderful writers talentedly conveyed the grief and joy of Russian workers. For example, according to one line from N. Nekrasov: “Only one strip is not compressed, it brings a sad thought...” - the reader already sees a picture of a human tragedy. It is clear that the peasant will not leave his grain unharvested in the fall. This means that trouble happened to him... And from Tyutchev we read: “Only a thin hair of a cobweb / Glistens on an idle furrow...” The “idle” furrow tells us that everything is in order in the life of a peasant. In this regard, I can’t help but remember the boy Vanya from “The Summer of the Lord” by I. S. Shmelev. He lived according to the Orthodox annual cycle and matured spiritually.
I want to finish this topic, which I love, with poems by E. Baratynsky, which are very consonant with my current mood and, in general, in my opinion, explain the craving of Russian people for their roots:

I will return to you, fields of my fathers,
Peaceful oak groves, sacred shelter to the heart!
I will return to you, home icons!

O fatherly house! O land always beloved!
Dear heavens!..