Essay on the topic of tolerance, pros and cons. Interesting education. Auxiliary clichés in defining a theme

Tolerance - what does it mean? Let's start our discussion with this concept. Tolerance is a synonym for the word tolerance, only this concept is something more than ordinary “tolerance”; tolerance is tolerance towards the world around us: people, situations, etc. Tolerance is the basis of our society, its unity and understanding. But there are people whose concept of the word “tolerance” implies the destruction of the individual. Those. tolerance is nothing more than a way to eradicate a person’s individual qualities. I can't agree with this. Tolerance is not only simple tolerance towards others, but also respect for their personality and individuality, freedom.

The concept of “tolerance” is very diverse, it can be: tolerance towards people of another nationality, religion, towards people of any class and age. Tolerance allows people to unite, creating mutual understanding between them. We must learn different points of view without mutual insults and come to agreement. But unfortunately, this does not always work out, because there are as many opinions and worldviews as there are people; some people perceive such actions as a way of bending them under themselves. You need to know when to stop, because some may mistake someone else's tolerance for ordinary patience and take advantage of it, while the other side will consider that it is not tolerant enough towards the first.

Tolerance can be not only in a sociological and psychological concept, but it also happens in: immunological tolerance, environmental tolerance, pharmacological, immunological and drug addiction, mathematical, etc. Tolerance exists almost everywhere! But the concepts are sometimes radically different, for example: if in sociological terms the term tolerance is patience, then in immunological terms it is an immunological state of the body in which it is not able to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens; ecological - the ability organisms tolerate the adverse effects of one or another factor environment; mathematical - a reflexive, symmetric, but not necessarily transitive (unlike an equivalence relation) binary relation. The variety of tolerance is limitless. It is in the exact sciences and humanities, in society and nature.

The conclusion can be drawn that tolerance exists everywhere. The whole world is the embodiment of tolerance. People, plants, animals, nature - everyone has tolerance, at least at the molecular level, at least in behavior.

Boriskina G. G.,

teacher Russian language And literature

highest qualifying categories

GOU "Center education" For disabled children Zabaikalsky edges

Chita, Zabaikalsky edge

Composition students 11 class

"What such tolerance?"

Tolerance. What This is that?
will ask anyone me,
I will answer: "This All earthly.
on how costs Planet all".

What is tolerance? I myself thought about the answer to this question not so long ago... And now I understand that the word “tolerance” is consonant in meaning with the words humanity, sincerity, understanding, attentiveness, friendliness, tolerance, acceptance. What do these words mean to me...
Humanity for me is a concept that excludes selfishness. If a person has these qualities, then he will always come to the rescue

Sincerity is close to humanity. For example, if a person asks for forgiveness from another, then he should do it sincerely, from the heart.

Thus, sincerity is those actions and words that a person says and does from the heart and soul, not for his own benefit, but in order to improve relationships with another person.

The word “understanding” refers to a person’s ability to understand the reasons for other people’s and their own actions. Understand a person, support him in difficult moment.
Attentiveness means the ability to notice that a person needs your help. If a person is attentive, then he can notice his own misconduct and apologize.
Friendliness is a root word Friendship... A friendly person has no place for evil in his heart; for such a person, friendship is above his own interests. A person who values ​​friendship and a friend is always ready to help him in difficult times.
The word “tolerance,” in my opinion, will make many of us think about whether we are living correctly? Is he living right? modern society? How are people of a different race or nationality treated now? In my opinion, some people in our society have no idea about the concept of the word “acceptance”. People do not know how to accept the customs and habits of others. Some people in our society treat a person of a different race, religion and other customs coldly, sometimes even openly showing their negative attitude. And this is wrong! At the beginning of my essay-reasoning, I wrote an epigraph-line from a wonderful poem:
Tolerance. What is it? –

If anyone asks me,

I will say that this is all earthly.

What the entire planet stands on.

Tolerance is the people of the world

Different nations, faiths and destinies.

Something is being opened somewhere

They rejoice together. No need

Fear that you will be offended

People, skin color, blood not yours.

Fear that you will be humiliated

People on native Earth yours.

After all, our planet is dear

Loves us all: white and colored!

We will live, respecting each other!

Tolerance is a word for the living.

To finally convey the concept of tolerance, I want to analyze a few lines from this poem...

"ToleranceThis People peace

Various nations, faith And fate."

With these lines, the author wanted to say that it doesn’t matter what a person’s faith and nation is, what customs and habits, the main thing is something else: we are all human! Our existence is given from above. Every person on earth performs his own function, what he is needed for.
"Toleranceword For alive."

The phrase speaks for itself. As long as we, the people of the entire planet, show each other respect, understanding and patience, we will live in peace and harmony without wars, terrorist attacks, or murders. There will be no human suffering and tears! When will we learn to accept people of another nation? ! I'll give you an example from my life. IN elementary school There was an Armenian boy in my class, a good, sunny boy, always smiling, he was drawn to knowledge, wanted to establish contact with other guys. But I realized that humanity and friendliness were alien to many of the guys in my class; they didn’t talk to Fedya, didn’t understand him, made fun of him, and I was very upset for him. This is not the way to treat people of other nationalities.

Not long ago I read K. Balmont’s poem “The Scent of the Sun”:

The smell of the sun? What nonsense!

No, not nonsense.

Sounds and dreams in the sun,

Fragrances and flowers

Everyone merged into a consonant chorus,

Everything is woven into one pattern.

The sun smells like herbs,

Fresh baths,

Awakening spring,

And resinous pine.

Delicately light woven,

Drunk with lilies of the valley,

What bloomed victoriously

In the pungent smell of earth.

The sun is shining with bells,

Green leaves

Breathes the spring song of birds,

Breathe with the laughter of young faces.

So say to all the blind:

It will be for you!

You will not see the gates of heaven,

The sun has a scent

Sweetly intelligible only to us,

Visible to birds and flowers!

And then suddenly it dawned on me... After all, this poem fits perfectly to complete my essay.
The author in this poem focuses on Dreams, Flowers and Spring. For everything beautiful that can only be in the world. With this poem, the author makes us think about whether there are too many dark thoughts and evil around us, isn’t it time for us to switch to something more positive? How to learn to notice the beautiful nature around you and not only in spring?! After all, the Beautiful in this poem is connected with nature and man.
But I want to say that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a Man and it doesn’t matter what race he is, what his habits are and what kind of life he lives. Life is the most important and beautiful thing in this world. And as long as we are tolerant of others, we Live and will Live! Tolerance is a word for the Living. Remember!

Our country is multinational and heterogeneous in its ethnic composition. Not judging the opinions of other people, giving them the right to make mistakes, and also accepting them as they are - this is my understanding of tolerance. We are told about this phenomenon from the Internet and media mass media. Tolerance is considered a high moral quality and a person should possess it.

Unfortunately, everyone understands this word in their own way. For some, being tolerant means supporting non-traditional and ethnic minorities, while for others it means simply accepting and accepting opposing opinions. Russian classical literature will help you delve deeper into the concept of “tolerance.”

– the image of tolerance in the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". This girl is an example of a faithful wife and friend. She is tolerant of society and follows all its moral principles, although she does not support them. She is ready to suffer mentally, but to submit to the demands of society. This is precisely why this girl is considered a model of tolerance.

In the work “Fathers and Sons,” the tolerant person is not Bazarov the nihilist, who denies everyone and everything, but his friend Arkady. This person does not support Eugene’s views, but despite this, he is considered his friend. It seems to me that it is quite difficult not to share the views and interests of a friend; this requires great patience.

Also Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, for whom Bazarov had high feelings, is also an example of tolerance. She, like Arkady, is hostile to the principles and views of the protagonist, but tries to restrain herself. Anna Sergeevna tries with all her might to show this same tolerance, because, first of all, she was brought up that way, and not because of sympathy for young man. I admire Odintsova and Arkady, because not everyone today can act in exactly the same way towards their friend.

Tolerance is, to some extent, good education. A person tries to understand a friend, relative or acquaintance before judging him. This quality allows us to make our lives multifaceted and helps us critically evaluate our actions and the actions of other people. At the same time, I believe that tolerance is not inherent in our mentality. People, of course, try to be more lenient towards those who are different from them, but still this is not enough, so you need to learn tolerance and work on yourself every day.

Sapieva Raisa

"Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds,

to swim underwater like fish, we only lack one thing:

learn to live on earth like people"

Bernard Shaw

Today Olga Alexandrovna began the lesson by saying that we are all so different: adults and children, blondes and brunettes, good and evil, plump and thin, bald and with pigtails, smart and not very smart, but everyone must live and understand each other. There is such a thing beautiful word"tolerance". She wrote it on the board and asked if we had heard this word and what it meant. I listened to my classmates’ answers and thought, why lately everyone talks too much about tolerance. I am Kazakh by nationality. Hatred towards small nations began to manifest itself more and more in modern world. So, when Olga Alexandrovna was offered to write an essay on the topic: “Tolerance is for me...”, I immediately wanted to put my thoughts on paper.




"Basic secondary school With. Nameless"


“Tolerance is for me...”


6th grade student

Sapieva Raisa

2013-2014 academic year

"Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds,

to swim underwater like fish, we only lack one thing:

learn to live on earth like people"

Bernard Shaw

Today Olga Alexandrovna began the lesson by saying that we are all so different: adults and children, blondes and brunettes, good and evil, plump and thin, bald and with pigtails, smart and not very smart, but everyone must live and understand each other. There is such a beautiful word “tolerance”. She wrote it on the board and asked if we had heard this word and what it meant. I listened to my classmates’ answers and wondered why everyone has been talking so much about tolerance lately. I am Kazakh by nationality. Hatred towards small nations has become increasingly evident in the modern world. So, when Olga Alexandrovna was offered to write an essay on the topic: “Tolerance is for me...”, I immediately wanted to put my thoughts on paper.

Finally, in the evening I had some free minutes. A hectic day remained outside the window: school worries, helping mom around the house, working in our small store. I sat down at the table and turned on the computer.

Tolerance has proven to be quite difficult to describe, perhaps because different languages it is defined in different ways. On the Internet I found that in English tolerance is “the willingness and ability to accept a person without protest”, in French - “respect for the freedom of another, his way of thinking”, in Arabic - tolerance is “forgiveness, leniency, compassion, patience”, in Persian - it is a readiness for reconciliation.” The Russian dictionary interprets this word as tolerance - the ability to tolerate something or someone. Meanwhile, the concept of “tolerance” is already given in many dictionaries as outdated. Is this really fair? Is it really possible to have a world in which there is no place for respect for other people’s opinions, culture, or language?

It has now become fashionable to demonstrate one’s tolerance, or even better, to talk about it as loudly as possible. The word “tolerance” comes from the verb “to endure,” and patience is not the most pleasant feeling. When we tolerate someone, we experience awkwardness, irritation, and sometimes even hatred. Therefore, I prefer to understand the word “tolerance” as understanding and respect, rather than as patience.

First of all, tolerance is manifested at home, at school. Everyone knows that we need to live together, but sometimes it is difficult to restrain ourselves when we see the shortcomings of others. Sometimes we have the feeling that we are being picked on. At school, as everywhere else, we are all different: there are small, big, thin, overweight, Russians, Kazakhs, Armenians, gypsies. Why do we sometimes laugh at each other? True tolerance manifests itself, first of all, in human behavior. The feeling with which we accept the habits of other people. All people have different attitudes towards those who are different from them, who look or think differently, believe in other gods, belong to a different nationality. Someone is indifferent, someone is trying to understand, accept. And someone, on the contrary, does not accept what is alien to him. They call it different things now: racism, Nazism, extremism….

I read that during the Great Patriotic War When the Nazis captured Russian cities, many Russians were evacuated to the south, where the war had not yet reached. They were warmly received by people of other nationalities: Tajiks, Uzbeks, Georgians, Armenians. The Russians were provided with housing, food, clothing and other necessary things. People didn’t look at the fact that the refugees were not their nationality, with a different eye and skin color! And that’s why our country won in such a difficult and terrible war. People helped each other, did not let the weak die, they all united against a common enemy - the fascists.

Previously, the problem of tolerance was not as acute as it is now. In the conditions of the emergence of freedom of choice for every person - how to dress, how to behave, what to believe - society has turned into a mass of completely similar friends on other people.

I believe that it is wrong to divide people based on nationality or religion. Does it really matter where a person was born and what faith he professes?

On the one hand, how are we different? Two arms, two legs and a head, everything is the same as the others. We are all human, this is our main similarity, this is what we must respect each other for. That means nothing!

And if you meet a person of a different nationality on the street, you don’t need to look at him with contempt or a grin. His nationality and appearance are not a reason to hate him. Once upon a time our grandparents lived in the same country and it was called - Soviet Union. They told me that all the peoples were friendly, respected each other, were friends. We visited each other in sanatoriums and on excursions. The children met at the Artek camp. It was a place where the best students came different nationalities. Why has everything changed now? Well, not all small nations have one president, but each has their own. This is not a reason to end friendship!

We just need to treat everyone as it was before, and then there will be no “strangers” among us? Every nationality has bad people, with whom it is undesirable to meet on the street in the evening. You just need to treat a person like a person, live like a human being, and it doesn’t matter what nationality you are - Russian, Kazakh, Chechen, Azerbaijani or Uzbek. What do we lack to live like human beings? And the fruit of my thoughts was the conclusion that it turns out to be tolerance. We all live in one world, where there are many countries and many different people, where everyone is friends in their own way, so let's live together! It turns out that tolerance for me is friendship and respect. Fight violence together, understand each other in order to build a peaceful future. If we think about it now, there will be no wars or terrorist attacks on Earth. And then there will be peace on our planet, and humanity will survive, and we will all be calm for the future of our children, the future of the Earth, and we will enjoy every new day with a blue sky and a bright sun. I am tolerant of all people and encourage everyone around me to be the same.


Topic: “Tolerance among youth, interethnic and interreligious relations”

In other words, tolerance is a person’s tolerance for other people. For example: to his behavior. It seems to me that if a person has tolerance, then he is noble man. This man has high culture. Everyone has their own tolerance. It shows up when you see flaws in people. It is needed to ensure order in society. Thanks to tolerance there will be peace on earth, and if there is peace on earth, it means there will be no war, people will be happy. Every day we are faced with a choice whether to show tolerance towards another person or not. If at least each of us shows more tolerance, then the world will be better, brighter and kinder. Everything depends on our behavior, and only the person himself can correct it, without the help of others, by changing his principles and values. We see that modern young people, on an unconscious level, are not able to accept a person as he is. However, despite this, he acts aggressively towards those people who differ in nationality, religion, and culture. That's why this problem is very relevant not only among students, teenagers, but also among children.

The problem of interethnic relations and interethnic tolerance in modern Russia is among the current ones. Xenophobia is most acute in youth environment, including among students, as evidenced by the sociology of youth and the sociology of education.

Xenophobia is fear or hatred towards everything new and alien.
For example: There was one case in my life, a relative from another country came to visit my close friend. He didn’t really understand our language, didn’t know our traditions, and for him it was all new. At first, it was difficult for him to get used to everything that was foreign, and he even showed fear and aggressiveness.
Having got to know this man, I realized that not only he has a problem with aggressiveness, but also our modern youth.
The problem modern relations is aggressive behavior in children, students, adults and the elderly. Let’s say that if a youth exhibits aggressive behavior in relationships with people, then his level of self-control decreases and physical and emotional state.

Increased aggressiveness of young people is one of the most pressing problems for society as a whole. The number of young people with aggressive behavior is growing rapidly.

There is a direct connection between manifestations of aggression and upbringing in the family.

Education is the influence on developing person. Its impact goes on the body, soul and spirit. But the soul is a conductor between body and spirit. The soul is the very object that absorbs everything that a person sees, hears, and feels from his very birth. Thanks to this, he develops a concept of the world around him and behavior in this world.

Any education is always aimed at something, regardless of whether it is expressed in the smallest acts or large-scale ones.

After all, our upbringing depends not only on our parents, but also on ourselves. Because our parents want to give us something more, but we don’t understand it. And we want to do everything our own way.

And in the future we will realize that we were wrong and will regret this mistake.

And judging by this, the majority of young people display aggression, which not everyone can control. This is difficult for them.

Not only parents are to blame for this, but also we. We don't accept what adults give us. And this is a big disadvantage in the modern world.
But I would like to say something about those young people who follow the example of their parents, trying to show what they were taught. They strive for something more, achieving their goal.

In conclusion, I would like to note which direction a young man chooses depends only on him: on his life values, level of upbringing, education and culture, as well as the environment in which he lives and develops.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “The more you live a spiritual life, the more independent you are from fate, and vice versa.” I agree with this statement, because a spiritually developed person thinks and reflects for himself, has his own beliefs, can enjoy spiritual values ​​and not suffer from a lack of material wealth. After all, man is the master of his own destiny.


1. Pokatylo, V.V. Glukhova, L.R. Volkova, A.V. “Young scientist” [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

2. “EDUCATION OF SPIRITUALITY IN CURRENT YOUTH” [Electronic resource] - Access mode: