Does Andrei Gubin have an illegitimate son: the guy who announced himself turned out to be an exact copy of the artist. The seriously ill Andrei Gubin had an alleged illegitimate son. DNA test results and a failed meeting.

IN next issue Lera Kudryavtseva and Oscar Kuchera's program "The Stars Aligned" dealt with the piquant situation in which singer Andrei Gubin found himself. A 21-year-old boy named Maxim appeared in the studio and said that he was allegedly the illegitimate son of the artist.


Maxim said that he was raised by his mother, without a father, and when he became a teenager, she told him that his dad was supposedly Andrei Gubin, whom she met at his concert in Donetsk.

Gubin reacted very categorically to the story of the young man, who, by the way, is very similar to the singer. Andrei stated that he could not have illegitimate children. “I know that I have always had a certain cleanliness in my relationships with women. I watched very carefully because I understood that for a woman an abortion is a serious thing,” Gubin said.

The audience in the studio, among whom were many domestic celebrities, suggested Andrey take a DNA paternity test. “I don’t deny that twenty years ago I was walking and hanging out with girls in different cities, when I was on tour in Russia. Anything could happen. But if this guy is serious, please, we’ll meet him in court,” the singer is ready for radical action.

Among the public there were those who assumed that Maxim showed up for the sake of PR. The guy started musical career. Interestingly, Maxim even indicated in the official group in social network that he is the son of Andrei Gubin. He reacted very sarcastically to this. “Thank you for promoting me,” Gubin said caustically.

Let us note that Gubin’s alleged mistress, Maxim’s mother, a woman named Marina, never appeared in the studio. However, Maxim himself explained this circumstance by the fact that she gave him carte blanche - so that he himself would understand this issue.

Let us remind you that in lately Andrei Gubin, who disappeared from the sight of fans and representatives of the press, is regaining his popularity. It all started when the singer gave an interview, explaining the disappearance by a serious illness that torments him greatly - left-sided prosopalgia. This is a lesion of the nervous system, because of which he suffers from pain in the facial area.

Recently, news appeared in the media about the illness of the 90s star Andrei Gubin, who himself spoke about his condition. According to the singer, he was diagnosed with left-sided prosopalgia, which is a disorder of the nervous system and causes facial pain. In connection with this, the artist had to give up his singing career and begin to lead a secluded life without public speaking and going out.

43-year-old Andrei admitted that nothing serious happened in his personal life. However, recently I found illegitimate son Gubina, Maxim, who became a guest of the NTV channel program “The Stars Aligned”. In the show's studio, the 21-year-old said that he learned about his star father at school, when he was in the eighth grade. It was then that his mother told him that his real father was an artist who became famous in the 90s.

Gubin also became a guest of this program. Those present in the studio noted the incredible similarity between Maxim and Andrey. However, the singer said he was skeptical. He admitted that in his youth, during his tours In the cities of Russia, he met many female fans and had fun with them. Gubin invited the 21-year-old boy to prove his paternity in court. “I don’t deny that twenty years ago I walked and hung out with girls in different cities when I was on tour in Russia. Anything could happen. But if this guy is serious, please meet him in court."- Andrey noted.

Singer Andrei Gubin became a participant in the “Secret to a Million” program with Lera Kudryavtseva. The artist completely denied the fact of having children, but he recently showed up, the site reports.

Hermit from the 90s

Andrey leads a fairly secluded lifestyle. The reason for this decision was a disease that developed on nervous soil. Not long ago, the artist admitted that he suffers from left-sided prosopalgia (a disease that causes facial pain, editor's note). Since he was diagnosed with the disease. My whole life went wrong. Besides the fact that the singer had to leave the stage, his personal life also cannot be called happy. And then the “illegitimate son” showed up.

Gubin's alleged son looks like his copy

A certain 21-year-old Maxim stated that his mother once had a stormy affair with Andrei, after which he was born. Based on this, the young man was absolutely sure that Gubin was his father. However, the artist himself denies this and says that yes, he had affairs with fans, but he definitely does not have children.

Before reaching the court, where the singer was going to deal with the proceedings officially, Gubin turned to the “Million Dollar Secret” program and agreed to take a DNA test. Meanwhile, society, having seen Maxim, noted that the guy really looks like two peas in a pod with his supposed star father.

DNA test results and the failed meeting

As a result, Gubin did take a DNA test, which turned out to be negative. And the meeting between Maxim and Andrey never took place again, since the 90s star had previously warned that he would agree to the meeting only if the test was positive.

Journalist JoeInfoMedia Nastya Art recalls that last week she took part in the “Secret to a Million” program, who almost infuriated the host of the project with her behavior.

A young 21-year-old man from Donetsk, Maxim Kvasnyuk, is the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin, he announced this on the NTV TV show “The Stars Aligned.” Maxim Kvasnyuk pseudonym "Maxi" introduces himself as a musician, singer and songwriter. In May 2017, he released the song “The Route is Built” and often performs with songs by Andrei Gubin. The producer of "Maxi" - Yulia Kholod, by the way, she also writes songs for the musician, believes that the NTV channel did not disclose all the facts on the program about Andrei Gubin and his son. She also said in the video that they were looking for answers from the DNA test, as the organizers of the shooting promised them, they would take data from Gubin for DNA, but they deceived them and did not provide anything.

On the “The Stars Aligned” program, Maxim said that the purpose of his coming on air was for Andrei Gubin to recognize him as his son. He doesn't need money, inheritance, etc. On the contrary, he is even ready to help his biological father if necessary.

How Andrei Gubin became a father

According to young musician: My mother, when I was in the 8th grade, accidentally admitted to me that my father, who raised me, was not my own father. That it is singer Andrei Gubin! This happened 21 years ago when popular singer Andrey Gubin performed in Donetsk. Mom and her friend somehow made it backstage and met the musician there. After the concert there was Sabantuy, where they drank a little, this led to a fleeting relationship, after which the boy Maxim appeared.

Many popular stars Russian show business, the guests of the broadcast did not believe the young guy who appeared spontaneously and stunned everyone with his statement. Viktor Loginov (Gena Bukin) believes that the boy simply came to promote himself, because he is a musician, sings Andrei Gubin’s songs and wants to use the name of his “father” for fame and to get into show business.

Illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin - Maxim Kvasnyuk photo

Andrei Gubin said that he is a very clean person, especially in relationships with a woman. He is absolutely sure that Maxim is not his son, this simply cannot be. Also, the performer of the songs “Tramp Boy” and “Liza” refuses to do DNA.

Video of the TV show "The Stars Aligned" the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin

Shocked fans with a story about his illness. The artist suffers from a disease of the nervous system, in which he feels severe pain in the facial area. Now the public is stunned by new news - the singer’s illegitimate son has turned up.

A 21-year-old young man named Maxim came to a talk show, where he announced that in the eighth grade he learned from his mother that he was the son of famous musician. Maxim shared with Dni.Ru his emotions from meeting his father and his impressions of the program.

“In general, I am satisfied, but there was some deception. We were told that samples for DNA analysis had already been taken from Andrei, but in fact it turned out that they had not. I did not come to the program for fame and PR, as many are inclined to believe “I wanted to see Andrey, see the reaction. I have no resentment. He did what he thought was necessary. It’s a little upsetting that they tried to portray my family in a negative light, but many people still support me.” , - said Maxim.

Some of those present in the hall sharply condemned Andrei for refusing a DNA examination. It would seem that it would be much easier to use a test to prove to yourself and to all those who doubt that you were not involved in the birth of a guy who, by the way, is an aspiring musician. Gubin received his son with hostility and began to deny everything possible options of his paternity.

“As far as I know, Andrei does not plan to do the test. And I think that there is no point in this. I don’t know how this story was edited and presented to the viewer of the program. There is absolutely no logic in it, everything was just made up. The boy is in real life Doesn't look like Andrey at all. He’s just a beginner singer and he needs PR,” she stood up for ex-lover in a conversation with Dni.Ru singer Yulia Beretta.

“And I think that the boy is very similar to Andrey,” commented Masha Tsygal. “Gubin generally behaved quite strangely. Maybe this, of course, is connected with his illness, but it’s much easier to do a test and calm everyone down. Andrey is no longer young, he doesn’t have children. And the guy was quite pleasant and positive. What’s wrong , if it turns out to be his child? It will even brighten up Andrei’s life. I repeat, he behaved so strangely that I was stressed after this program, picking up gum from the floor, continuing to chew it just not to do the test...” Dni.Ru designer.