"Eugene Onegin" analysis. Analysis of the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin: the essence, meaning and idea of ​​the work General characteristics of the work Eugene Onegin

The first lines of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" appeared on paper in May 1823 during the Chisinau exile. The work was basically completed in September 1830, but Pushkin did not stop working on the text until his tragic duel. We can say that this was the work of his whole life, which Alexander Sergeevich called a “feat.”

Over the course of seven years, the concept of the work changed several times, and the author himself changed. If there is a strong influence in the first chapters romanticism on the work of Pushkin, then at the end of the novel the poet appears before the readers realist. In general, “Eugene Onegin” is a picture of Russian life, where St. Petersburg, Moscow and the provinces are represented, as well as all classes - from high society to the peasantry.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is in some way an encyclopedia of Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century. By reading it carefully, you can find out the menus of restaurants of that period, the repertoires of theaters, folk customs, social manners, the vagaries of fashion and much more.

The very form of the work (a novel in verse) was innovative. Before this, Russian literature did not know similar examples. Initially, “Eugene Onegin” had nine chapters, but, at the request of censors, Pushkin removed one of them, publishing separate parts of it under the title “Excerpts from Onegin’s Journey.”

For his work, the poet developed a special poetic stanza, which was called “Onegin”. It contains fourteen lines written iambic tetrameter: three quatrains and a final pair. The first quatrain has a cross rhyme and sets the theme, the second with paired rhyme develops this theme. In the third quatrain with a belted rhyme, the climax of the fragment occurs, which receives completion in the final couplet. The entire work is written in Onegin's stanza, except for the girls' song and the letters of Tatyana and Eugene.

Pushkin talks with the reader at ease, combining a narrative about the fate of the heroes with short or rather lengthy lyrical digressions. The author easily manages a conversational tone, in which all shades of speech are present: jokes, reflections, confessions, complaints.

The variety of rhymes in the novel is striking:

  • traditional: love is blood;
  • verbal: kept - walked;
  • compound: and I – me;
  • with foreign words: breathing – entrechat;
  • and even with initials: glass - O. and E.

Pushkin almost does not resort to metaphors and hyperboles, using mainly epithets. And this turns out to be enough to create unique pictures of Russian nature, descriptions of balls, theatrical performances, village life and city life.

There are three main characters in the novel: Onegin, Tatyana and the Author. Moreover, image of the Author should not be associated with Pushkin himself. It reflected many of the poet’s features, but still it literary character. The reader is presented with the image of a wise, cheerful, slightly ironic, kind and charming man. He acts as a witness to the events described, and sometimes as a participant in them.

The poet created a novel about his contemporary, a typical young nobleman. Portrait Onegin easily recognizable. The fashionable drawing rooms of that time were filled with such young people: bored dandies with a sharp mind and a cold heart. Having received upbringing and education, Pushkin hero leads social life filled with endless entertainment and romance novels, but empty and monotonous.

Eugene’s peculiarity is that such a purposeless existence does not suit him. “Tlanguishing with spiritual emptiness” he fences himself off from the light, tries to change something in his life. Reading, pen attempts, economic reforms on the estate show his desire to be useful. But Onegin has not been accustomed to work since childhood: “he was sick of hard work”. Therefore, he remained a bored contemplator.

Rejecting false values secular society, Evgeniy did not find true values ​​for himself - love and friendship. Faced with real feelings, he cannot recognize them, does not stand the test of Lensky’s friendship and Tatyana’s love. Having entered into a fight with public opinion, Onegin remains dependent on it. His unworthy behavior at Tatyana’s name day is cold calculation and vanity, and his consent to the duel is a consequence of selfishness and fear of gossip. Only the murder of Lensky awakens human feelings in Onegin, and love for Tatyana completes the hero’s rebirth.

Romantic enthusiasm and naive faith in friendship, as well as nobility, distinguish Lensky from the rational skeptic Onegin. But these heroes also have something in common. An ardent idealist, Lensky, like Evgeniy, received a European upbringing. He also feels superfluous in provincial society and runs away from it. It was not by chance that these young people got together. Both - extraordinary personalities, so they are interested in each other.

Pushkin's most favorite character is Tatyana Larina. She became the first heroine in Russian literature with a distinctly national character. Tatiana - "Russian soul", brought up on folk traditions and customs, it seems to the author "sweet ideal". She loves nature, ancient fairy tales and legends, and follows folk rituals.

This simple provincial young lady, brought up on novels, is endowed with "with a fiery and tender heart", high morality, sense of duty and strong will. Tatyana, like Onegin, feels like a stranger in the whirlpool of provincial petty intrigues and gossip. She is “strange” and is not at all like her sister, the sweet simpleton Olga.

Pushkin does not show how a pure and open girl became an exquisite society lady. Until the last monologue, the “new” Tatiana remains a mystery. It is a pity that she never manages to understand Onegin, to believe in his love. The falsehood and pettiness of high society could poison even her, infecting her with the disease from which Eugene was painfully recovering.

Pushkin strives to present his heroes real characters. To do this, he uses several techniques: he describes famous places, mentions famous contemporaries - Kaverin, Istomin, Vyazemsky. Discussions on topical topics and direct appeals to the reader create an atmosphere of reality, sharpen perception, and force one to empathize with the characters.

A simple love drama as presented by Pushkin turns into philosophical reflections on the fate of generations, on a person’s place in life, on responsibility for loved ones. Open final and numerous understatements in the course of the story make you think about the way of thinking and actions of the characters, so that “to educate the human being in an excellent way”.

Analysis of the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin - theme, idea, genre, issues, main characters, plot and composition.

"Eugene Onegin" Pushkin analysis

A. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is the first realistic novel not only in Russian, but also in world literature.

Year of writing: 1823-1831

Genre- a socio-psychological novel in verse.

Subject- depiction of Russian life in the first quarter of the 19th century

Main characters: Evgeny Onegin, Vladimir Lensky, Tatyana Larina, Olga Larina

Composition: is constructed “mirror”: Tatiana’s letter - Onegin’s answer - Onegin’s letter - Tatiana’s answer.

The main conflict of the novel: conflict between two life philosophies, conflict between man and society, conflict between man and environment.

Problems of "Eugene Onegin"

A person against the background of an era, time, the meaning of its existence on earth.

— The problem of education and upbringing; — Literary creativity;

— Fidelity in married life; — Human relationships;

- Love; - Family relationships.

"Eugene Onegin" plot

The novel begins with the lamentations of the young nobleman Eugene Onegin about the illness of his uncle, which forced Eugene to leave St. Petersburg and go to the sick bed to say goodbye to him. Having thus outlined the plot, the author devotes the first chapter to a story about the origin, family, and life of his hero before receiving news of a relative’s illness. The narration is told on behalf of the nameless author, who introduced himself as a good friend of Onegin. Evgeniy was born “on the banks of the Neva,” that is, in St. Petersburg, into a not very successful noble family:

Onegin received an appropriate upbringing - first, with a governess Madame (not to be confused with a nanny), then with a French tutor, who did not bother his pupil with an abundance of activities. Pushkin emphasizes that Evgeniy’s education and upbringing were typical for a person from his environment (a nobleman who was taught by foreign teachers from childhood).

Onegin's life in St. Petersburg was full of love affairs and social entertainment, but this constant series of amusements led the hero to the blues. Evgeny goes to his uncle in the village. Upon arrival, it turns out that his uncle died, and Eugene became his heir. Onegin settles in the village, but even here he is overcome by depression.

Onegin’s neighbor turns out to be eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, a romantic poet, who came from Germany. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lensky is in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of a local landowner. Her thoughtful sister Tatyana is not like the always cheerful Olga. Olga is one year younger than her sister, she is beautiful in appearance, but is not interesting to Onegin:

Having met Onegin, Tatyana falls in love with him and writes him a letter. However, Onegin rejects her: he is not looking for a calm family life. Lensky and Onegin are invited to the Larins' for Tatiana's name day. Onegin is not happy about this invitation, but Lensky persuades him to go, promising that none of the neighboring guests will be there. In fact, upon arriving at the celebration, Onegin discovers a “huge feast,” which makes him seriously angry.

At dinner with the Larins, Onegin, in order to make Lensky jealous, unexpectedly begins to court Olga. Lensky challenges him to a duel. The duel ends with Lensky's death, and Onegin leaves the village.

In this article we will do brief analysis"Eugene Onegin", but no longer the main character of Onegin's poem, but directly the poem by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". In addition, we will discuss the main characters of “Eugene Onegin” and all the characters.

Brief analysis of "Eugene Onegin"

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a work that is one of the most important and important in the work of Alexander Pushkin, and even Pushkin himself considered it such and called it a “feat” on a par with the play “Boris Godunov”. We can safely say that "Eugene Onegin" had a powerful influence on all Russian literature. Pushkin worked on the poem “Eugene Onegin” for about eight years, and this is a gigantic period of time, given the writer’s talent and his capabilities - Pushkin could create a masterpiece in one day, but here he worked for eight whole years.

In addition, speaking about the analysis of "Eugene Onegin", it should be noted that these years, namely the end of the 1820s, are considered the years where creative maturity Pushkin. Finally, in 1831, Pushkin finished work on the novel, and in 1833, Eugene Onegin was published.

Storyline The novel "Eugene Onegin" is well known, the central plot is a love affair, and the main idea during the analysis of "Eugene Onegin" clearly becomes visible: the idea that only those who think little, reflect little, know little, and who do not strive for high spiritual ideals. Conversely, those with a subtle spiritual nature will suffer.

The main characters of "Eugene Onegin"

The main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" are Eugene Onegin, Tatyana Larina, Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina. These characters represent two love couples who never become happy.

The main character of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is, of course, the character Onegin himself, but the fact that the novel and main character identically named, shows Pushkin’s idea to emphasize the importance of the main character, the significance of this particular character in the novel. Indeed, when compiling an analysis of Eugene Onegin, it is immediately clear that with the image of the main character of “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin wanted to show the image of the hero of that time. Pushkin believed that the young generation of the 19th century was distinguished by indifference to life and its pleasures, and he even gave this state of youth such a formulation as “premature old age of the soul.”

Another main character of "Eugene Onegin" is Larina Tatyana. Pushkin created her as a “sweet ideal,” and her character reflected Pushkin’s ideas about the Russian woman, about the Russian soul.

Vladimir Lensky also seems to be the main character of Eugene Onegin. He acted as a representative of the Russian nobility, but Lensky is not at all like Onegin and the others - he is a young, dreamy romantic.

All the heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Let's mention others characters novel, in addition to the main characters of "Eugene Onegin":

  • Evgeny Onegin
  • Vladimir Lensky
  • Tatyana Larina
  • Olga Larina
  • Tatiana's nanny
  • Zaretsky (second)
  • Husband of Tatyana Larina (Pushkin does not indicate his name)
  • Author (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself)

In conclusion, we can say that the novel "Eugene Onegin" is an encyclopedia of the life of a Russian person with the subtleties of the characters' characters, with a full disclosure of images and with amazing historical accuracy. If you have not yet read the entire novel "Eugene Onegin", we strongly recommend that you do so.

We have presented a brief analysis of the novel "Eugene Onegin", as well as the main characters. For those who have already read the entire novel and want to remember the main events, we suggest reading

WITH full text The novel in verse "" can be found at the link.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” can rightfully be called a poetic epic novel. The events in the work cover a large time period. The poet accurately depicted various social structures and people whose characters were formed under the influence of these structures. Pushkin began writing the novel in 1823 and continued working for about eight more years. Only in 1833 the work was published and immediately became incredibly popular in Russia.

At the center of the work, Eugene Onegin is a young rich man who spends his days in idleness. Despite his youth, he is quite educated and has an excellent understanding of society. Distinctive traits of his character are weariness from life and boredom. He views life in the village as an attempt at entertainment.

Lensky is Onegin's closest friend. He is a poet, the owner of a pure and sublime soul. Unlike Evgeny, Lensky has not yet lost faith and hope in love and a happy future. He is naive and takes everything that happens too close to his heart.

Tatyana Larina is the main female character. This is a young girl who grew up in the village and is unfamiliar with high society. She is characterized by a strange thoughtfulness and complete immersion in herself. A timid girl harbors strong passions that are just waiting to be awakened.

Olga Larina – younger sister Tatiana. She is beautiful, always cheerful and carefree. She perceives life as a game. She is not overshadowed by serious thoughts and deep experiences.

The central events of the novel are Tatyana’s love for Onegin and his duel with Lensky. Tatyana's love turned her life upside down. Dormant passions awoke in the girl’s soul, she surrendered herself completely to them and, not yet knowing human cunning, opened up to her lover. Onegin is surprised by this. Having started courting the girl out of boredom, he did not expect such a quick victory. Moreover, after that she became completely uninteresting to him.

Onegin's duel with Lensky is the most tragic episode. The best friends were forced to shoot because of Olga's frivolity, as well as because of Evgeniy's indifference. Murder best friend fell on Onegin's soul like a heavy stone and became his eternal punishment.

The final conversation between the matured Onegin and Tatyana reveals the guilt of the social order in the tragedy of their lives. Onegin became an indifferent and insensitive person under the influence of the deceitful way of life that surrounded him since childhood. His coldness destroyed the hopes of the young girl. Having met her again and fallen in love, he can no longer count on reciprocity. Tatyana survived the misfortune, it made her stronger. But at the same time, all sincere feelings and passions died in her. She realized that they would be an eternal source of suffering due to the prevailing opinions of society. She still loves Eugene, but, being married, she cannot violate the sacred marital duty for the sake of love.

The work “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was published in 1833, but it still excites people’s hearts. Every high school student knows excerpts from the novel by heart and all its main characters. In order to understand the secret of the success of the work, in this article we will make a brief analysis of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”.

General characteristics of the novel

  • Direction and genre. "Eugene Onegin" is one of the first Russian realistic novels of a socio-psychological direction. Moreover, this novel is written not in prose, but in verse. The history of its creation covers several periods of the poet’s work.
  • Ideas and thoughts. The novel is named the same as the name of the main character for a reason. With this, Pushkin emphasized the special significance of the character. In the image of Eugene Onegin, he wanted to show the image of a hero of time. According to Pushkin, distinctive feature The youth of the 19th century were indifferent to life, to its pleasures; the poet called this “premature old age of the soul.”
  • Another important idea is to show national character Russian heroine. Tatyana is not only a “Russian soul” heroine, but also an ideal woman.
  • In this novel, the author also showed the nobility that shaped the main characters. On the one hand, this is high society Petersburg and Moscow, permeated with the spirit of “empty” and “cold”, on the other - the nobility of the province. The poet’s attitude towards them was different, which he showed in the novel.
  • Subject. The novel covers extensive life material. Therefore, the problems and themes of the work are so diverse and versatile. It depicts in all details the social, everyday and cultural way of life of the entire Russian society of the early 19th century.
  • Issues. The problematics of the work are based on the main problem of society of that time. This is a contrast between the main part of Russian society, which honors national traditions, and the European enlightened Russian nobility.
  • Main characters. Everything in the novel time goes by opposition: city - village, national - non-national. The heroes of the novel are contrasted in the same way. "Hero of Time" appears before the reader in the image of Eugene Onegin. He acts as a representative of "Russian Byronism". Tatyana Larina is a “sweet ideal”; the poet put into her his ideas about the Russian character. Vladimir Lensky is also a representative of the Russian nobility, but of a different type - he young romantic, a dreamer, unlike the Byronic Onegin.

Brief analysis of chapters

  • Analysis of Chapter 1 of "Eugene Onegin". In the first chapter, in order to explain the appearance of Onegin, so unusual hero, Pushkin describes in detail what happened to him. As a result of the chapter, it becomes clear that there is a contradiction. With all the opportunities that the brilliant metropolitan life gives the hero, he is not carried away by it. And the reader has a question about why he lost interest in life.
  • Analysis of chapter 2 of "Eugene Onegin". In the second chapter there is a description of the main characters, their portrait characteristics, some character traits are drawn. And again the question: why does Onegin avoid his neighbors, but get along with Lensky? After all, they are so different, so unlike each other, like ice and fire.
  • Analysis of chapter 3 of "Eugene Onegin". It is believed that this chapter begins the conflict. But would Pushkin, with his poetic energy, stretch the exposition into two chapters? He began the novel decisively. The plot of the novel lies in the contradictions tormenting the hero, the strangeness of his melancholy despite all the splendor of his living conditions. The second chapter leads to a change of living environment, a change of places. But here, in the estate, Onegin yearns almost as much as in the capital. Chapter 3 is simply the next step in this plot. The hero will have to face not a village, but a feeling reminiscent of the elements - love. The feeling that flared up in Tatyana and her action, the letter of love, are central to this chapter. And again questions. Why did love awaken in Tatyana so unexpectedly? And what prompted her to write a letter to Onegin?
  • Analysis of chapter 4 of "Eugene Onegin". The chapter shows the reader the protagonist's reaction to love. How do the author of the novel and Tatyana evaluate his explanation in the garden? Is it the same? Why did the author need to demonstrate the holiness of Onegin and the happy love of Lensky and Olga in this chapter?
  • Analysis of chapter 5 of "Eugene Onegin". Here a new test awaits the hero, and he is faced with the question: what will win - the desire for one’s own peace, supported by the consciousness of superiority over other people, or sympathy for someone else’s love, condescension in friendship? The chapter answers the questions: how did Tatyana manage to predict the clash between Lensky and Onegin, how is Tatyana’s dream similar to name days?
  • Analysis of chapter 6 of "Eugene Onegin". It reveals the entire imaginary feeling of superiority characteristic of Onegin. This is the denouement of the duel with society, which was outlined in the moping Onegin and ended with the murder of his friend, the young poet. Only the physical shell of the main character remains alive; he is morally broken. The condemnation of the environment that he despises turned out to be stronger than his hidden feelings and sincere desires. Questions that would be worth answering: what happened, how did friends suddenly become enemies and clash in a duel, who is to blame for the duel, for its sad ending?
  • Analysis of chapter 7 of "Eugene Onegin". It is built on 2 events: Tatiana’s visit to the house where the Onegins live, and Tatiana’s arrival in Moscow. The hero is not in Moscow. The reader's hesitation about Onegin's assessment intensifies. There is even greater uncertainty and mystery in his figure. Having suffered a moral fiasco, it would seem that he should be condemned by us. The doubts that overcome Tatiana and plunge her into indifference seem to further contribute to our condemnation of Onegin. But in the eighth chapter, Pushkin leads us out of erroneous misconceptions and does not allow us to judge the hero recklessly. A hero who, at the end of the novel, turns out to be capable of sincere feelings and deep suffering. And here we’ll ask questions: has Tatyana’s attitude towards Onegin changed in connection with all the events that have happened?
  • Analysis of chapter 8 of "Eugene Onegin". In this chapter, Onegin discovers possibilities that he did not have before. The hero ascended, a direct, selfless and lyrical feeling was revealed in him. But, nevertheless, he finds himself in a tragic dead end. According to Pushkin, going into love, expressing cold contempt for society, is not salvation. This is the denouement of the inner meaning of the novel. And we have to answer the question: Onegin loves Tatiana, but why is she rejecting him now?

We have presented you with a short analysis of the novel "Eugene Onegin", we hope that it will help you better understand this work.