Eugene Onegin excerpt - duel. Analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin: what significance does it have in the novel? How is the main character revealed in this scene?

In A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" one of the saddest scenes is the duel between Lensky and Onegin. But why did the author decide to bring them together in a duel? What motivated the young people? Could this situation have been avoided? Below we will present an analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin.

Before moving on to the discussion, let's compose the duels of Onegin and Lensky. This is necessary so that the review of the scene proceeds sequentially, and the reader can understand why this episode was introduced into the novel.

Reasons for the fight

Why did Lensky challenge his friend to a duel? Readers remember that Vladimir was a man of a soft, romantic disposition, unlike Evgeniy - a world-weary, always bored, cynical person. The reason for the duel is banal - jealousy. But who was jealous and why?

Lensky brought Onegin to Larina. If Vladimir had his own interest (he was the groom of the birthday girl’s sister, Olga), then Evgeniy was bored. Added to this is the attention of Tatyana, who is in love with him. All this just causes irritation young man, and he chose Lensky as the reason for his bad mood.

Onegin decides to take revenge on his friend for ruining the evening and begins to court his fiancee. Olga was a frivolous girl, so she happily accepted Evgeniy’s advances. Lensky does not understand what is happening, and, deciding to put an end to it, invites her to dance. But Olga ignores his invitation and continues to waltz with Onegin. Humiliated, Lensky leaves the celebration and challenges his only friend to a duel.

Brief description of the duel between Onegin and Lensky

Evgeniy receives a call through Zaretsky, an acquaintance of Lensky. Onegin understands that he was to blame, that such stupidity is not worth shooting over. best friends. He repents and realizes that the meeting could have been avoided, but proud young people do not refuse the fateful meeting...

When analyzing the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin, it is necessary to note Eugene’s attempts to provoke Vladimir’s refusal to duel: he is an hour late, appoints a servant as his second. But Lensky prefers not to notice this and waits for his friend.

Zaretsky counts down the required number of steps, the young people are preparing to shoot. While Lensky takes aim, Onegin shoots first. Vladimir dies instantly, Evgeniy, shocked by this, leaves. Zaretsky, having taken Lensky's body, goes to the Larins.

Could there have been a different outcome of the fight?

Analyzing the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin, it should be noted what role Zaretsky played in this story. If you read the novel carefully, you can find lines that hint that it was he who persuaded Lensky to challenge Onegin to shoot himself.

It was also within Zaretsky’s power to prevent the fight. After all, Evgeniy realized his guilt and no longer wanted to participate in this farce. And according to the rules, Levin’s second should have tried to reconcile the rivals, but this was not done. Zaretsky could cancel the duel simply because Onegin was late for it, and his second was a servant, although according to the rules of the duel, only people of equal social status could be seconds. Zaretsky was the only commander of the duel, but he did nothing to prevent the fatal duel.

Result of the duel

What happened to Onegin after the duel? Nothing, he just left the village. In those days, duels were prohibited, so it is obvious that the cause of Lensky’s death was presented to the police in a completely different way. A simple monument was erected to Vladimir Lensky; his bride Olga soon forgot about him and married someone else.

How is the main character revealed in this scene?

When schoolchildren write an essay analyzing the episode of the duel between Onegin and Lensky, they pay great attention to the side from which Eugene is revealed. It seems that he does not depend on the opinions of society and is tired of the circle of aristocrats with whom he carouses and has fun. But is it because he does not refuse a duel that he is actually afraid of what society will say about him? What if he is considered a coward who did not defend his honor?

Analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin presents a slightly different image before the reader’s eyes: Eugene is a weak-willed person who is guided not by his own judgments, but by the opinion of the world. To please his egoism, he decided to take revenge on Vladimir, without thinking about what would hurt his feelings. Yes, he tried to avoid the fight, but still he did not apologize and did not explain anything to his friend.

At the end of the analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin, one should write about the significance of the scene for the novel. It is in this fight that Eugene’s true character is revealed. Here his spiritual weakness and duality of nature are manifested. Zaretsky can be compared to secular society, whose condemnation the hero is so afraid of.

Lensky's death suggests that people of fine spiritual organization cannot survive in deceit. They are too sublime, sensitive and sincere. It is worth noting that Evgeny Onegin is collective character, which has absorbed the typical features secular society.

But as readers know, the author did not spare Onegin, and in literature he is considered a cynical hero with a hard heart. He rejected Tatyana's love, destroyed his friend, and played with human feelings. And when I repented and realized that I was doing wrong, it was already too late. Onegin never found his happiness, his destiny is loneliness among people who are not interesting to him...

It was brief analysis episode of the duel between Onegin and Lensky, which reveals the essence of this scene in the work.


La sotto i giorni nubilosi with brevi,
Nasce una gente a cui l'morir non dole.

Where the days are cloudy and short,
a tribe will be born for which it is not difficult to die.

Petrarch (Italian)

Noticing that Vladimir had disappeared,
Onegin, we are driving away boredom again,
Close to Olga, deep in thought,
Satisfied with his revenge.
Olenka also yawned after him,
I looked for Lensky with my eyes,
And an endless cotillion
She was tormented like a heavy dream.
But it's over. They're going for dinner.
The beds are being made; for guests
Accommodation for the night is taken away from the entryway
Until the most maiden. Everyone needs
Restful sleep. My Onegin
One went home to sleep.

Everything has calmed down: in the living room
Heavy snoring Pustyakov
With your heavier half.
Gvozdik, Buyanov, Petushkov
And Flyanov, not entirely healthy,
They lay down on chairs in the dining room,
And on the floor is Monsieur Triquet,
In a sweatshirt, in an old cap.
Girls in Tatiana's rooms
And Olga is all asleep.
Alone, sad under the window
Illuminated by Diana's ray,
Poor Tatyana doesn't sleep
And he looks into the dark field.

His unexpected appearance
Instant tenderness of the eyes
And strange behavior with Olga
To the depths of my soul
She is imbued; can't
There is no way to understand him; worries
Her jealous melancholy
Like a cold hand
Her heart squeezes like an abyss
It’s black and noisy underneath...
“I’ll die,” Tanya says, “
But death from him is kind.
I don't complain: why complain?
He can’t give me happiness.”

Forward, forward, my story!
A new face is calling us.
Five miles from Krasnogorye,
Villages of Lensky, lives
And is still alive today
In the philosophical desert
Zaretsky, once a brawler,
Ataman of the gambling gang,
The head is a rake, a tavern tribune,
Now kind and simple
The father of the family is single,
Reliable friend, peaceful landowner
And even an honest person:
This is how our century is corrected!

There used to be a flattering voice of light
He praised the evil courage in him!
He's really an ace out of a pistol
I hit it in five fathoms,
And then to say that in battle
Once in a real rapture
He distinguished himself, boldly into the mud
Falling off a Kalmyk horse,
Like a drunk Zyuzya, and the French
Got captured: a precious pledge!
Newest Regulus, god of honor,
Ready to indulge in bonds again,
So that every morning at Berry's
In debt to drain three bottles.

He used to taunt funny
He knew how to fool a fool
And it’s nice to fool a smart person,
Either obviously, or on the sly,
Although he has other things
Didn't pass without science,
Even though sometimes I get into trouble
He came across like a simpleton.
He knew how to argue cheerfully,
Answer sharply and stupidly,
Sometimes it is prudent to remain silent,
Sometimes it’s prudent to quarrel,
Encourage young friends to quarrel
And put them on the barrier,

Or force them to make peace,
To have breakfast together,
And then secretly dishonor
A funny joke, a lie.
Sed alia tempora! Prowess
(Like a dream of love, another prank)
Passes with youth alive.
As I said, Zaretsky is mine,
Under the canopy of bird cherry and acacia trees
Finally sheltered from the storms,
Lives like a true sage
Plants cabbage like Horace
Breeds ducks and geese
And teaches the alphabet to children.

He wasn't stupid; and my Evgeniy,
Not respecting the heart in him,
Loved the spirit of his judgments,
And a common sense about this and that.
It used to be with pleasure that he
I saw him, and so on
In the morning I was not surprised
When he saw him.
The one after the first greeting,
Interrupting the conversation that was started,
Onegin, grinning his eyes,
He handed me a note from the poet.
Onegin approached the window
And I read it to myself.

He was pleasant, noble,
Short call, il cartel:
Courteously, with cold clarity
Lensky invited his friend to a duel.
Onegin from the first movement,
To the ambassador of such an order
Turning around, without further ado
Said he's always ready.
Zaretsky stood up without explanation;
I didn’t want to stay any longer
Having a lot to do at home,
And immediately he went out; but Evgeniy
Alone with your soul
He was unhappy with himself.

And rightly so: in strict analysis,
Having summoned himself to a secret trial,
He blamed himself for many things:
First of all, he was wrong
What is above timid, tender love?
So the evening joked casually.
And secondly: let the poet
Fooling around; at eighteen
It's forgivable. Evgeniy,
Loving the young man with all my heart,
Had to prove myself
Not a ball of prejudice,
Not an ardent boy, a fighter,
But a husband with honor and intelligence.

He could have discovered his feelings,
And don’t bristle like an animal;
He had to disarm
Young heart. "But now
It's too late; time has flown...
Besides - he thinks - in this matter
The old duelist intervened;
He is angry, he is a gossip, he is loud...
Of course there must be contempt
At the cost of his funny words,
But the whispers, the laughter of fools..."
And here is public opinion!33
Spring of honor, our idol!
And this is what the world revolves on!

Seething with impatient enmity,
The poet is waiting for an answer at home;
And here's a tall neighbor
He solemnly brought the answer.
Now it’s a holiday for the jealous person!
He was still afraid that the prankster
Didn't laugh it off somehow
Having invented a trick and breasts
Turning away from the gun.
Now the doubts are resolved:
They must go to the mill
Arrive before dawn tomorrow.
Pull the trigger on each other
And aim at the thigh or temple.

Having decided to hate a coquette,
Boiling Lensky did not want
To see Olga before the fight,
I looked at the sun and looked at the clock,
Finally waved his hand -
And I found myself with my neighbors.
He thought to confuse Olenka,
To amaze with your arrival;
No such luck: as before,
To meet the poor singer
Olenka jumped from the porch,
Like windy hope
Frisky, carefree, cheerful,
Well, exactly the same as it was.

“Why did you disappear so early tonight?”
There was Olenka’s first question.
All feelings in Lensky were clouded
And silently he hung his nose.
Jealousy and annoyance disappeared
Before this clarity of sight,
Before this tender simplicity.
Before this playful soul!..
He looks in sweet tenderness;
He sees: he is still loved;
He is already tormented by repentance,
I'm ready to ask her for forgiveness,
Trembling, unable to find words,
He is happy, he is almost healthy...


And again thoughtful, sad
Before my dear Olga,
Vladimir has no power
Remind her of yesterday;
He thinks: “I will be her savior,
I will not tolerate the corrupter
Fire and sighs and praises
He tempted the young heart;
So that the despicable, poisonous worm
Sharpened a lily stalk;
To the two-morning flower
Withered still half-open.”
All this meant, friends:
I'm shooting with a friend.

If only he knew what kind of brine
My Tatiana’s heart was burning!
If only Tatyana knew,
When would she have known
What tomorrow Lensky and Evgeniy
They will argue about the grave canopy;
Oh maybe her love
I would unite my friends again!
But this passion and by chance
No one has opened it yet.
Onegin was silent about everything;
Tatyana was pining away in secret;
Only the nanny could know.
Yes, I was slow-witted.

Lensky was distracted all evening,
Sometimes silent, then cheerful again;
But the one who is nurtured by the muse,
Always like this: frowning brow,
He sat down at the clavichord
And he played only chords on them,
Then, turning his gaze to Olga,
Whispered: isn't it? I'm happy.
But it's too late; time to go. Shrunk
He has a heart full of longing;
Saying goodbye to the young maiden,
It seemed to be torn apart.
She looks him in the face.
"What's wrong with you?" - Yes. - And to the porch.

Arriving home, pistols
He examined it, then put it in
Again they are in the box and, undressed,
By candlelight, Schiller opened it;
But one thought surrounds him;
A sad heart does not sleep in him:
With inexplicable beauty
He sees Olga in front of him.
Vladimir closes the book,
Takes a pen; his poems,
Full of love nonsense
They sound and flow. Reads them
He speaks out loud, in lyrical heat,
Like Delvig drunk at a feast.

Poems have been preserved for the occasion;
I have them; here they are:
“Where, where have you gone,
Are the golden days of my spring?
What does the coming day have in store for me?
My gaze catches him in vain,
He lurks in the deep darkness.
No need; rights of fate law.
Will I fall, pierced by an arrow,
Or she will fly by,
All good: vigil and sleep
The certain hour comes;
Blessed is the day of worries,
Blessed is the coming of darkness!

The ray of the morning star will flash in the morning
And the bright day will begin to shine;
And I, perhaps I am the tomb
I'll go down into the mysterious canopy,
And the memory of the young poet
Slow Lethe will be swallowed up,
The world will forget me; but you
Will you come, maiden of beauty,
Shed a tear over the early urn
And think: he loved me,
He dedicated it to me alone
The sad dawn of a stormy life!
Heart friend, desired friend,
Come, come: I am your husband!..”

So he wrote darkly and languidly
(What we call romanticism,
Although there is no romanticism here
I don't see; what's in it for us?)
And finally, before dawn,
Bowing my weary head,
On the buzzword, ideal
Lensky quietly dozed off;
But only with sleepy charm
He forgot, he's already a neighbor
The office enters silently
And he wakes up Lensky with a call:
“It’s time to get up: it’s past seven.
Onegin is probably waiting for us.”

But he was wrong: Evgeniy
Slept in this time dead sleep.
The nights and shadows are already thinning
And Vesper was greeted by a rooster;
Onegin is sleeping deeply.
The sun is already rolling high,
And a migratory snowstorm
Shines and curls; but the bed
Evgeny hasn’t left yet,
A dream is still flying over him.
He finally woke up
And the curtain parted the floors;
He looks and sees that it’s time
It's a long time to leave the yard.

He calls quickly. Runs in
His servant, the Frenchman Guillot, comes to him,
Offers robe and shoes
And hands him the laundry.
Onegin hurries to get dressed,
The servant tells him to get ready
Go with him and with you
Take also a combat box.
The running sled is ready.
He sat down and flies to the mill.
We rushed over. He tells the servant
Lepage fatal trunks
Carry after him, and the horses
Drive into the field to two oak trees.

Leaning on the dam, Lensky
I've been waiting impatiently for a long time;
Meanwhile, the village mechanic,
Zaretsky condemned the millstone.
Onegin comes with an apology.
“But where is it,” he said in amazement
Zaretsky, where is your second?”
In duels, the classic and the pedant,
He loved the method out of feeling,
And stretch the man
He did not allow somehow,
But in the strict rules of art,
According to all ancient legends
(What we should praise about him).

“My second? - said Evgeniy, -
Here he is: my friend, Monsieur Guillot.
I don't foresee any objections
For my presentation:
Even though he is an unknown person,
But of course the guy is honest.”
Zaretsky bit his lip.
Onegin asked Lensky:
“Well, should we start?” - Let's start,
Vladimir said. And let's go
For the mill. While away
Zaretsky is our and honest fellow -
We entered into an important agreement
The enemies stand with their eyes downcast.

Enemies! How long have we been apart?
Has their bloodlust gone?
How long have they been leisure hours,
Meal, thoughts and deeds
Did you share together? Now it's evil
Like hereditary enemies,
As in this terrible, incomprehensible thing,
They are in silence to each other
They are preparing death in cold blood...
Shouldn't they laugh while
Their hand is not stained,
Should we part ways amicably?
But wildly secular enmity
Afraid of false shame.

Now the pistols are flashing,
The hammer rattles on the ramrod.
Bullets go into the faceted barrel,
And the trigger clicked for the first time.
Here is gunpowder in a grayish stream
It spills onto the shelf. jagged,
Securely screwed flint
Still cocked. For the nearby stump
Guillot becomes embarrassed.
Cloaks are thrown by two enemies.
Zaretsky thirty-two steps
Measured with excellent accuracy,
He took his friends to the extreme,
And everyone took their pistol.

“Now get together.”
In cold blood,
Not yet aiming, two enemies
With a firm gait, quietly, evenly
Walked four steps
Four mortal stages.
His pistol then Evgeniy,
Without ceasing to advance,
He was the first to quietly raise it.
Here are five more steps taken,
And Lensky, squinting his left eye,
I also began to aim - but just
Onegin fired... They struck
Time clock: poet
Silently drops the pistol,

Quietly puts his hand on his chest
And falls. Misty Eyes
Depicts death, not agony.
So slowly along the slope of the mountains,
Sparkling in the sun,
A block of snow falls.
Doused with instant cold,
Onegin hurries to the young man,
He looks and calls him... in vain:
He's no longer there. Young singer
Found an untimely end!
The storm has blown, the color is beautiful
Withered in the morning dawn,
The fire on the altar has gone out!..

He lay motionless and strange
There was a languid world on his brow.
He was wounded right through the chest;
Blood flowed smoking from the wound.
One moment ago
Inspiration beat in this heart,
Enmity, hope and love,
Life was playing, blood was boiling, -
Now, as if in an empty house,
Everything in it is quiet and dark;
It fell silent forever.
The shutters are closed, the windows are chalked
Whitewashed. There is no owner.
And where, God knows. There was no trace.

Nicely cheeky epigram
Enrage a mistaken enemy;
It's nice to see how stubborn he is
Bowing my eager horns,
Involuntarily looks in the mirror
And he is ashamed to recognize himself;
It’s more pleasant if he, friends,
Howls foolishly: it’s me!
It's even more pleasant in silence
Prepare an honest coffin for him
And quietly aim at the pale forehead
At a noble distance;
But send him to his fathers
It will hardly be pleasant for you.

Well, if with your gun
Young friend is smitten,
An immodest look, or an answer,
Or some other trifle
The one who insulted you behind a bottle,
Or even himself in ardent annoyance
Proudly challenging you to battle,
Say: with your soul
What feeling will take over
When motionless, on the ground
Before you with death on his brow,
He gradually ossifies,
When he is deaf and silent
To your desperate call?

In the anguish of heart remorse,
Hand clutching the pistol,
Evgeniy looks at Lensky.
“Well, what then? killed,” the neighbor decided.
Killed!.. With this terrible exclamation;
Smitten, Onegin with a shudder
He leaves and calls people.
Zaretsky carefully puts
There is a frozen corpse on the sleigh;
He is carrying a terrible treasure home.
Smelling the dead, they snore
And the horses fight with white foam
The steel bits are wet,
And they flew like an arrow.

My friends, you feel sorry for the poet;
In the color of joyful hopes,
Having not yet completed them for the light,
Almost out of baby clothes,
Withered! Where is the hot excitement?
Where is the noble aspiration
And the feelings and thoughts of young people,
Tall, gentle, daring?
Where are the stormy desires of love,
And the thirst for knowledge and work,
And fear of vice and shame,
And you, cherished dreams,
You, ghost of unearthly life,
You, holy dreams of poetry!

Perhaps he is for the good of the world
Or at least was born for glory;
His silent lyre
Loud, continuous ringing
In centuries I could lift it. Poet,
Perhaps on the steps of light
A high stage awaited.
His suffering shadow
Perhaps she took it with her
Holy secret, and for us
The life-giving voice has died,
And beyond the grave line
The anthem of the times will not reach her,
Blessing of the Tribes.

Or maybe even that: a poet
The ordinary one was waiting for his destiny.
The youthful summers would have passed:
The ardor of his soul would cool.
He would change in many ways
I would part with the muses, get married,
In the village, happy and horny,
I would wear a quilted robe;
I would really know life
I would have gout at the age of forty,
I drank, ate, got bored, got fat, grew sickly,
And finally in my bed
I would die among children,
Whining women and doctors.

But whatever it is, reader,
Alas, young lover,
Poet, thoughtful dreamer,
Killed by a friend's hand!
There is a place: to the left of the village,
Where did the pet of inspiration live?
Two pine trees have grown together by their roots;
The streams twisted beneath them
Streams of the neighboring valley.
The plowman likes to relax there,
And plunge the reapers into the waves
The ringing jugs arrive;
There by the stream in the thick shade
A simple monument was erected.

Underneath it (as it begins to drip
Spring rain on the grain fields)
The shepherd, weaving his colorful bast shoes,
Sings about Volga fishermen;
And a young city woman,
Spending the summer in the village,
When she's riding headlong
Rushing through the fields alone,
The horse stops in front of him,
Pulling the belt reins,
And, turning away the veil from the hat,
Reads with fluent eyes
A simple inscription - and a tear
Fogs tender eyes.

And he rides at a pace in an open field,
Plunging into dreams, she;
The soul has been in it for a long time
Lensky is full of fate;
And he thinks: “Has something happened to Olga?
How long has her heart suffered?
Or is it time for tears soon?
And where is her sister now?
And where is the fugitive of people and light,
Fashionable beauties are a fashionable enemy,
Where is this cloudy eccentric,
The killer of the young poet?
In due course I will report to you
I'll give you all the details,

But not now. Even though I'm heartfelt
I love my hero
At least I'll come back to him, of course,
But now I have no time for him.
Summer is inclined towards harsh prose,
Summer drives the naughty rhyme,
And I - with a sigh I admit -
I drag after her more lazily.
Peru ancient no hunting
To dirty the flying sheets;
Other cold dreams
Other, strict concerns
And in the noise of light and in silence
They disturb the sleep of my soul.

I recognized the voice of other desires,
I learned a new sadness;
For the first I have no hope,
And I feel sorry for the old sadness.
Dreams, dreams! where is your sweetness?
Where, the eternal rhyme to it, is youth?
Is it really true at last?
Has her crown faded, faded?
Is it really true and true?
Without elegiac undertakings
The spring of my days has flown by
(What have I been jokingly repeating until now)?
And is there really no return for her?
Am I really going to be thirty years old soon?

So, my noon has come, and I need
I have to admit it, I see.
But so be it: let’s say goodbye together,
Oh my easy youth!
Thank you for the pleasures
For sadness, for sweet torment,
For the noise, for the storms, for the feasts,
For everything, for all your gifts;
Thank you. by you,
Among anxiety and in silence,
I enjoyed it... and completely;
Enough! With a clear soul
I am now setting out on a new path
Take a break from your past life.

Let me look around. Excuse me, canopy,
Where my days flowed in the wilderness,
Filled with passion and laziness
And dreams of a pensive soul.
And you, young inspiration,
Excite my imagination
Revive the slumber of the heart,
Come to my corner more often,
Don't let the poet's soul cool down,
Become hardened, calloused,
And finally turn to stone

Duel between and steel key point in the fate of the main characters of the work. Once upon a time former friends, having been tested by many life's trials, which Pushkin prepared for them, failed the test of murder. The reason for this was Onegin’s “Russian blues”.

What caused this outcome of events? Why did Lensky decide to challenge Onegin to a duel? It all happened on his birthday, when Onegin neglected Vladimir’s bright feelings for Tatyana’s sister Olga. For fun, he had a nice conversation with the girl all evening, dancing and having fun with her. At one point, when Lensky wanted to invite his beloved to dance, Olga replied that she would dance the next dance with Onegin. This caused unreasonable jealousy towards Vladimir. He considered himself offended and humiliated. And in order to defend his honor, he decides to challenge Evgeniy to a duel.

Most likely, Zaretsky pushed him to take this step. Pushkin said about Zaretsky that he was a master of “putting young friends at odds / And putting them on the fence.”

Having learned about the challenge to a duel, Onegin realizes that he was wrong, that he acted stupidly. Evgeniy attributes this impulse of Lensky to his youth and lack of experience. But despite this, he accepts the challenge. The question arises, why does Onegin, having admitted his mistake, agree to a duel? The answer lies in the character of Onegin. He, being a public person, was very dependent on public opinion; Onegin was afraid to seem like a coward. That's the only reason he decides to take part in this stupidity.

In my opinion, the duel between Onegin and Lensky cannot be called anything other than stupidity. At that time there were many ways to avoid bloodshed. But here Zaretsky played his role. He was the bearer of public opinion, and society demanded blood. Pushkin shows us that Onegin grossly violated the rules of the duel. So, Eugene took Guillo, who was a simple servant, as his second. According to the rules of the duel, the second had to have the same social status, as the duelist. But Zaretsky does not pay attention to this. In addition, Zaretsky was obliged to offer reconciliation to the duelists, but again ignored this rule.

Now it becomes clear who allowed this bloodshed. Unfortunately, Onegin, being dependent on the foundations of secular society, could not make a choice on his own. The outcome was predetermined. Pushkin shows us all the weakness and dependence of Evgeniy’s nature. All his attempts to change his life and become independent were in vain.

Onegin kills Lensky.

Pushkin showed us how Onegin became a hostage of public opinion. He condemns his hero, showing us his deceit. Ultimately, life punished Evgeniy. He will be remembered by the reader as an “extra person” with a heart of stone and a hardened soul.

The role of A.S. Pushkin in Russian literature is paramount. Thanks to the work of the poet, national literature freed itself from imitation and acquired originality. Works of a completely different kind appeared, both in form and content.

The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” is an exceptional work by Pushkin. Exceptional in its novelty, in its depiction of characters and morals, in its description of the era, in the number of tender elegies, in the level of poetic skill.

At the center of the story are two young men - Evgeny Onegin and Vladimir Lensky. Onegin is a young, metropolitan dandy, an aristocrat by birth and upbringing. At the celebration of life, he is one of the first: “a child of fun and luxury,” a genius of “the science of tender passion.”

Onegin is where there is an endless string of balls and holidays, theaters and restaurants, festivities and masquerades.

But, being a man of a sharply critical mind, Onegin quickly loses interest in social life. Onegin is taller than the surrounding crowd. The tinsel of light no longer seduces him.

By the will of fate, he finds himself in a village, where he meets Vladimir Lensky, a man with views opposite to him, Onegin.

Lensky belongs to the type of young people who are enthusiastic and enthusiastic about life. He is a romantic, a freethinker, a poet. Skepticism and boredom are unfamiliar to him.

It would seem that young people are completely different. In his moral and psychological appearance, Onegin is an individualist and an egoist. Lensky is completely different. He has a youthfully ardent belief in love and ideal friendship. He lives obeying not his reason, but the call of his heart. Rationalism is not his element.

But despite significant differences, these two heroes have something in common. They both have no real, masculine business. There are no prospects of bringing benefit to our Fatherland in the future. They are both products of their time and their society.

In the village, in the open spaces, Onegin and Lensky became friends. And, despite the fact that “everything gave rise to disputes between them,” the relationship between the friends developed, and at first there were no signs of trouble.

But, as often happens in novels, life and death go hand in hand.

The duel that arose between Onegin and Lensky is central, turning point in the novel "Eugene Onegin". What events led to the duel?

The reason for the duel was Onegin’s incorrect behavior towards both his friend Lensky and Lensky’s fiancée, Olga. At one of the holidays, Onegin demonstratively flirts with Olga. And she, a narrow-minded young lady, empty and frivolous, lends herself to flirting. Lensky is furious and demands that the situation be resolved in a duel.

Why did Onegin begin to show signs of attention to Olga, whom he never liked? The fact is that he wanted to take revenge on Lensky for bringing him to the Larins’ holiday, at which Tatyana (in love with Onegin) showed herself not to be the best side. Tatyana could not hide her hysterical-nervous mood, which was not appropriate for this situation. But Onegin organically could not stand excited, nervous moods.

"Tragi-nervous phenomena,
Girlish fainting, tears
Evgeniy couldn’t stand it for a long time...”

Onegin was angry with Lensky, who brought him to the Larins, and with Tatyana.

Lensky, seeing Onegin's inappropriate behavior and Olga's reciprocal signs of attention, challenged Onegin to a duel.

The note was given to Onegin by “Zaretsky, once a brawler, ataman of the gambling gang.”


A duel is a denouement, a frequent event in fiction. The duel had no original roots on Russian soil. For Russians, resolving controversial issues through a duel is not typical. This "procedure" was borrowed by the Russians in Western Europe. The word "duel" itself comes from French word duel.

Why did the end come so quickly? Why could a controversial issue be resolved in only one way - a bloody duel? To understand this issue, you need to know some biographical facts from the life of the heroes of the novel.

The formation of the personalities of Onegin and Lensky was influenced by Western ideologies.

During Onegin's upbringing, which took place under the guidance of French teachers and tutors, the emphasis was not on scientific and labor principles, but on the desire to make a secular person with appropriate habits out of his ward. A duel is an inevitable accompaniment of secular strife. And Onegin was always ready for a duel in his soul.

In addition, Onegin is a nobleman, and at that time it was customary to clarify all misunderstandings among the nobles in a duel.

Lensky, in turn, who received his education abroad, in Germany, like Onegin, was torn away from his native soil. He was influenced by the romantic movement that was then fashionable in Europe. Vague ideas of representatives of the German romantic school were instilled in the students. The students lived under the influence of these ideas, that is, in a world of dreams and fantasies.

Ideals eternal love, the victory of good over evil, the thrown gauntlet, pistols - all this “romance” was in Lensky’s blood. Far away was only the true reality, the true state of affairs.

Lensky, in a fit of anger, guided by the rules of honor, decides to kill Onegin. And he dies, as he himself believes, for Olga’s honor. He brings to life the idea of ​​becoming “her savior.” At the same time, he does not consider it necessary to talk openly with Olga. Pride doesn't allow it.

Pride is an essential evil. It blocks a person’s true qualities and leads him into a circle of absurd delusions. Olga had no intention of cheating on Lensky. Onegin had no plans for Olga. And if Lensky had humbled his pride and figured it all out, then the duel would not have happened. And Lensky would not have laid down his head ahead of time.

The terrible truth of life is that the fate of Pushkin, our beloved poet who died so early, turned out to be similar to the fate of Lensky. Pushkin was also killed in a duel.

There are similarities between the duels Lensky - Onegin and Pushkin - Dantes. Both duels took place in winter (in the snow). Onegin's pistol is the same brand (Lepage's work) that Pushkin used on his fateful day. Both duels took place a la barriere (shoot at a barrier).

Was it possible to cancel the duel? Why did Onegin accept the challenge? After all, he understood perfectly well that either he himself or his friend would die. Although he was confident in his abilities. At the same time, he understood that the reason for the duel was insignificant. In fact, he could have explained himself to Lensky. But entering into negotiations with an eighteen-year-old boy is not like that! And what will the world say? And although he despises his neighbors, the landowners, and does not care for them, he cannot neglect public opinion. To be known as a coward in someone's eyes is not his thing. Since this has happened and the gauntlet has been thrown at him, he is obliged to accept the challenge to a duel. This was the code of dueling honor, which, in turn, was associated with the concept of “noble honor.”

Did Onegin have any indirect ways to prevent the duel? Were. And he took advantage of them. Firstly, Onegin was late for the duel. Failure to arrive on time could already lead to the cancellation of the fight. Secondly, he brought a footman, a French servant, Guillot, as his second. By choosing a servant to play the role of a second, Onegin grossly violated the generally accepted, albeit unwritten, dueling code: the competition, as a matter of honor, could only take place between nobles. And the seconds, as witnesses to the fight, are no exception; they also had to belong to a high class. Onegin did not bring a person of noble birth, and besides, the footman was also a foreigner.

Zaretsky, Lensky's second, in this case, had to make a claim and stop the fight. But the retired officer Zaretsky was too bloodthirsty. Disregarding the fact that he was not given the honor due to a nobleman, he simply “bit his lip.” He didn't cancel the duel.

As a result, Lensky was killed. Onegin is “drenched in instant cold” and is driven by repentance. His friend will never get up again. Zaretsky is bringing home a terrible treasure. This is the result of the duel.


Pushkin’s contemporaries did not understand everything about the novel “Eugene Onegin” and did not accept everything. The only thing they agreed on was that the novel left no one indifferent. Centuries have passed. Eras have changed. But we still continue to argue, reread the novel, worry about the characters. Pushkin's novel touched a nerve.

We feel sorry for the enthusiastic young man Lensky. Pushkin put a pistol in Onegin’s hands to eliminate Lensky. Who, like Onegin, critics ranked among the “ unnecessary people"in society, not to fighters, to people who are not capable of leading society to development.