Last name is Beyoncé. Beyoncé is an American pop diva. The beginning of a solo career

Beyoncé, who was touched in the hall, was immediately snapped up for GIFs, and magazines were full of headlines “Grammy 2017: 60 photos of Beyoncé, pregnant with twins” (real headline. – Note ed.). An epic performance at the ceremony, the most popular photo in the entire history of Instagram, under which the singer wrote about her pregnancy, the Lemonade album, which took first place in all kinds of world charts, more and more new clips that make up an entire video version of the album. It would seem that there have been too many news feeds lately. But it's not annoying. On the contrary, she evokes respect and approval even from those who do not listen to her at all. Why is this so? It’s difficult to answer in one word, but one of the main reasons is that the pop icon does not allow himself to make mistakes. At least publicly.

Beyoncé Knowles gracefully entered our sinful lives in 2003 with the release of her debut album Dangerously in Love. But it came out not in deafening silence, as often happens with the first pancakes, but with great resonance. And getting into the hearts of millions of listeners who are tired of the ubiquitous Britney Spears. The album went straight to number one on the Billboard 200 chart and went multi-platinum in the US, UK and Australia. It was for him that Beyoncé received a record five Grammy Awards. Even in Ukraine, thousands of schoolgirls danced in front of the TV to “Crazy in Love”, “Naughty Girl” and “Baby Boy”. The only entertainment for mobile phones was “Snake”, so Beyoncé was actively listened to only on CDs and through music channels. But something else is surprising: now you remember these hits not just with nostalgic irony and condescension towards your own weaknesses from the category of “understand and forgive,” but with notes of pride. Yes, this is not the pinnacle of musical Olympus with three-dimensional allegories and deep meaning, but this is high-quality R&B, which still makes you want to dance.

In less than 14 years from the beginning solo career The 21-year-old charming, modest singer has turned into a real pop icon of our time. Many remember her as a member of Destiny’s Child, and it all began even earlier – with singing in a choir as a child, auditions and castings as a teenager. Despite good ratings Destiny's Child, Beyoncé understood that her potential was too high to simply sing in a girl group. The success of the debut album exceeded all expectations. At this time, Knowles began to be friends with Jay-Z, and this is also an important component of the overall picture.

In her personal life, which in any case is perceived as an important part of the image of any public person, Beyoncé also did not make a single mistake. Before the release of Lemonade with direct references to the infidelities of the singer’s husband, the Beyoncé-Jay Z couple generally seemed ideal to everyone. A dream come true for many American women, impeccably correct and beautiful story as opposed to promiscuous relationships, weddings in Las Vegas and divorces within a month. Rumors that the couple were connected by something more than friendship and the joint track “’03 Bonnie & Clyde” appeared after the release of the first album, but they preferred to keep everything secret until their wedding in 2008. By the way, it was also held as secretly as possible - no information or photographs from the ceremony were leaked to the press, and Beyoncé herself did not even wear a wedding ring in the first six months of her marriage. All this to maintain the privacy of your personal life. A few years later - pregnancy and the birth of a girl in one of the maternity hospitals in New York: incognito and without unnecessary fanfare.

<>at The Forum on August 24, 2014 in Inglewood, California.

No public statements, PR at weddings or scandals and other tricks that stars resort to to attract attention to himself. The singer lifted the veil of her private life exactly as much as necessary, carefully considering every step. First documentary in 2010, shots from everyday life in videos, cute pictures on social networks - but nothing more. At the same time, there is no doubt about the star’s sincerity: any of her public appearances, statements or revelations in a song evoke only tenderness and respect. Positive energy, real emotions, lack of falsehood - a set that most of today's public figures lack.

Beyoncé instilled respect for privacy in her audience, just as children are instilled with a love of art and literature.

Beyoncé also emerged from the situation with her husband’s betrayal with dignity, which can be an example for millions: apparently, she found the strength to forgive her loved one. Again, no public showdowns or mutual insults. The crisis passed and was reflected only in creativity, as it should be. We don’t know what really happened in the star family, but we don’t want to interfere with it at all. Beyoncé instilled respect for privacy in her audience, just as children are instilled with a love of art and literature. Natural and unobtrusive. Everything worked: although in the new album the performer did not skimp on revelations and direct hints, she did it with dignity. One could joke about the halo that the idol of millions of women lacks, but this also seems inappropriate due to the sincerity of the performer. A fresh record is primarily about feminine power, about overcoming problems, forgiveness and love, of course.

Among other things, another “very personal” detail is revealed here – the singer’s complex relationship with her father. In one of the interviews, Matthew Knowles, with whom his daughter has been in a quarrel for a long time, even had to justify himself for possible hints in the lines, but from the same “Daddy Lessons” it becomes clear: Beyoncé gives her father his due and is grateful to him for the way he raised her. Otherwise, Lemonade has already been taken apart several times: in addition to betrayal and forgiveness of your husband, there is another important component. These are social problems that are especially relevant right now and specifically for the United States with the advent of a new president: these are feminism, and women’s solidarity, and the fight for racial equality, and with references to history - on a deep and multi-layered level.

The symbolism of this event, the highly social Lemonade and especially Formation can politicize the image of a pop diva

Of course, this is not the singer’s first manifestation in social and political field. The dark-skinned diva's pregnancy with twins, the announcement of which coincided with the beginning of Trump's presidency, was taken by many Americans, without exaggeration, as a sign from God. The symbolism of this event, the highly social Lemonade and especially Formation can politicize the image of the pop diva: Billboard has already compared her to Bob Dylan in advance and predicted active participation in the protests. In addition to her famous performance at Obama’s inauguration and her cover of “At Last” by Etta James, to which Barack and Michelle danced, Beyoncé was remembered for her participation in large-scale social events. For example, in 2012, a touching video for the song “I Was Here” was recorded at the UN General Assembly. His release was timed to coincide with World Day humanitarian aid and launched a good deeds campaign: within its framework, everyone could make their minimum contribution to fight poverty and mark it on an online map accessible to everyone. This was one of the first Internet campaigns of this scale.

Beyoncé's commercial success is phenomenal: if you count how many times she was named the most successful performer, how many times she was included in the lists of the most influential and richest musicians in the world according to Forbes and the Times, you can easily get lost. Last year, the Carter couple were once again recognized as the highest paid couple in show business: according to Forbes, their total income for the year was $107.5 million. Behind everything is a competent marketing strategy, thought out to the smallest detail: the phenomenon of continuous success was even studied at Harvard in 2014. But uh it doesn’t seem like something unnatural or dishonest - a whole generation of girls and boys grew up listening to her songs and cried with happiness at concerts.

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, 2011

I focus on songs that will become classics, that will last a long time, so that I can still perform them when I'm 40 or 60 years old.

The debut Dangerously in Love was followed three years later by the more diverse B’Day. Only one track Irreplaceable from it became the best-selling US single of 2007 and reached number 25 on the list Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade. In 2008, I Am... Sasha Fierce was released. For the first time, it contains both deeply meaningful slow compositions and peppy dance hits influenced by a whole bunch of styles. The most successful tracks of the third album were If I Were a Boy and Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It). The latter received three Grammy awards. The next album, with the laconic name 4, was released in 2011: just at the time when new albums began to be gradually leaked online before their official release.

This happened with Beyoncé: the songs hit the Internet three weeks before the release date. Because of this, in the first week after release, 310 thousand copies were sold, as opposed to half a million copies of the previous album. However, the record itself went platinum again, selling 1.5 million copies in the US alone. And traditionally it topped the charts, and this time not only the USA, but also Brazil, France, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Great Britain and South Korea. The singer called the album an evolution. On her website she wrote: “This music is bolder and more confident than before, because I myself have become bolder. The more mature I become, the more life experience I have, the more I want to talk about it in my songs. I focus on songs that will become classics, that will last a long time, so that I can still perform them when I’m 40 or 60.” In terms of semantic content, 4 turned out to be diverse: the feminist notes of Run the World (Girls) are replaced by the fundamental message of I Was Here, the desperately sad I Miss You, on which Frank Ocean worked, contrasts with the happy Love on Top, and 1+1 is from that imperishable, which can be used as a declaration of love in any unclear situation.

Beyoncé's fifth album, released in 2013, was the first to use the idea of ​​visualizing each track - videos were shot for all songs, as in the new Lemonade. The album again took first place on the Billboard 200, and topped iTunes in 108 countries: at that time this was a record for the service. Lemonade managed to break another record: 12 songs from it simultaneously entered the Billboard Hot 100: only Taylor Swift had such success with 11 tracks back in 2011. Of course, this album is the most mature of all. We grew up with her work, so we understand it so well, even if we don’t consider ourselves fans. And this is the main thing: even skeptics will not argue with Beyoncé’s vocal abilities, talent and ability to maintain an unblemished reputation.

Thus, the formula for the success of a pop diva of our day, which has almost been canonized in the United States, is simple and impossible at the same time: she does not allow herself to go astray and make mistakes, is not famous for her antics in the best traditions of socialite party girls, and is not involved in high-profile scandals and gossip and doesn’t even have bad habits. I want to be like her, and not look for skeletons in the closet and find fault with little things. With or without a Grammy, with or without a husband, this will be a constant for at least another ten years. We don't mind.

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The world-famous singer Beyoncé is the idol of many fans. Her life is rich and interesting, she is constantly developing and improving as a creative personality and as a successful woman, which attracts literally armies of fans to her. Many are interested in the details of the singer’s personal and professional life, and therefore we will lift the veil of mystery and secrecy by telling these interesting facts about the famous R’n’B performer.

Biography of Beyoncé

2. The parents named the girl Beyoncé Giselle Carter Knowles.

3. The girl received such an exotic name from her mother, or rather, it is a derivative name from her surname before marriage.

Source: Tumblr

4. Among her ancestors are the peoples of Africa, America and residents of former French colonies. On her mother's side, the singer is a descendant of Joseph Broussard.

5. The star girl’s mother is hairdresser and stylist Tina Beyoncé, father Matthew Knowles is a document manager.

Source: Corner of Beyonce

6. The singer and actress’s favorite show is Jersey Shore (Beach).

7. She loves the movie “A Star is Born,” it’s her favorite movie of all time.

8. Beyoncé considers actress and super model Kate Moss to be her style standard.

9. In her free time, she enjoys spending time at home in front of the TV or with her husband watching the Brooklyn Nets game in the stadium from the front row.

10. She is very sensitive and responsive, has a high level of compassion, and is therefore an active participant in charitable organizations. Among them are those who provide targeted assistance in the fight against infertility, general purpose funds and assistance to women in difficult life situations.

11. In 2012, the singer became an ambassador of peace for the World Day of Help campaign; a video was shot on this occasion, where she calls for compassion and charity. Help those in need whenever possible.

12. Beyoncé created a cosmetology center on a non-profit basis - Beyoncé Cosmetology Center.

13. The singer named the design house Dereon in honor of her grandmother. In addition, she has released several lines of fragrances, the most famous of which are Heat and Pulse.

Source: Facebook/HouseOfDereon
Source: Pepsi

15. People magazine announced her in 2010 beautiful woman in the world.

16. The singer is 167 cm tall.

17. The famous pop diva’s favorite number is 4. Her mother’s birthday is the 4th, she got married on the 4th, and her and her husband’s birthdays also fall on the 4th. Singers - September 4, husband - December 4.

18. From real estate, he has a condominium in Miami and a house in the capital of Great Britain, London.

19. She loves light makeup, which consists only of tinting her eyelashes with mascara. With this method, she takes a break from the abundance of cosmetics and makeup at work.

20. The singer’s assets amount to $300 million. Her husband Jay-Z – $500 million.

21. Little Beyoncé discovered her talent for singing at the age of 8, when during a dance lesson she effectively finished a song with the teacher, powerfully and confidently hitting the highest notes.

22. At the same age, a fateful meeting took place with other members of the future group Destiny’s child. At that time, they and three other girls were united in the group Girls Tyme.

23. At a young age talented singer won a vocal competition performing John Lennon's song “Imagine”.

24. During the period when the Destiny’s child group fell apart, the singer suffered from serious depression for almost two years. But she hid it because the group received a prestigious award and this fact they wouldn't pay attention anyway.

25. The debut album, with which she began her solo career after the breakup of the group, Dangerously in Love, brought the singer 5 Grammy awards.

26. Beyoncé’s mother helps and supports her talented daughter from the very beginning of her creative journey. She designed a wardrobe for young Destiny’s children.

29. In 2003, a stage image was created for the singer, which was supposed to help her suppress her shyness on stage, and in 2010 the singer stated that she did not need an alter ego in order to feel relaxed during performances. Sasha Fiers has become the heroine of a clothing line that emphasizes the individuality of the singer’s image and conveys this spirit to all her fans.

30. Among her many nicknames, the most popular are Bey, B, Queen B and pop princess.

31. The singer’s first tour as a solo performer took place in 2004.

32. In 2006, after the success of the song translated into Spanish Irreplaceable, the singer decided to translate the entire album B’Day, which she worked on with Shakira.

33. Sports Illustrated's magazine featured Beyoncé on the cover of its summer 2007 issue. This fact is noteworthy in that this is the first and only photograph of a non-athlete or professional model to grace the cover of this magazine.

Source: Sports Illustrated

34. In the same year, she became the first artist to be awarded the International Artist Award, which is presented as part of the American Music Awards.

35. In 2010, the singer became a record holder, receiving 6 Grammy awards in one evening.

36. Speaking of Grammy awards, it should be noted that Beyoncé has the largest Grammy collection, 20 of them.

37. The singer’s latest visual album, Lemonade, which is an hour-long film, created a real sensation in the press, a lot of discussions, comments and a lot of criticism. But at the same time it became the best-selling album, a record holder that broke all previous sales records in the first 27 hours of release.


38. The debut of the film actress’s career was the hip-hopper Carmen, where the singer performed main role.

39. In 2002, Beyoncé played a supporting role in the third part of Austin Powers - Gold Member. She played Foxy Cleopatra.

Beyoncé Giselle Carter-Knowles, aka Beyoncé or simply Queen B, is an American singer performing in the r'n'b genre, former lead singer of the once super-popular group Destiny's Child. Having appeared on the big stage at the age of 9, she walked the path to fame as part of an all-girl pop trio, and then, as a solo artist, repeated and multiplied its success many times over. Now together with her husband, rapper Jay-Z, she performs as part of the duo The Carters.

She is the only singer whose solo albums have all received a Grammy Award in the Best R&B Album category, and also debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 national music chart.


Today the world-famous owner of a powerful mezzo-soprano and luxurious forms was born in Houston, the largest city in Texas, in the family of producer and sound engineer Matthew Knowles and fashion designer and stylist Tina Knowles (nee Beyoncé). It was in honor of the surname of the maternal grandparents that the newborn received her name.

Five years later, baby Solange Piaget was born into the family. By that time, young Beyoncé was already showing remarkable vocal abilities. It all started when the dance teacher at her elementary school sang a song, and the girl “sang” it on high notes. The next stage was school competition talent show, where she performed the song “Imagine” by John Lennon and won the first prize, figuratively destroying 15-16 year old competitors. Soon, not a single city music competition was complete without the artistic little girl.

At the same time, the girl, who received incomparable pleasure from going on stage, was very reserved and shy in everyday life. Their family was quite wealthy, their mother owned a beauty salon, and Beyoncé, afraid of provoking ridicule and whispering behind her back from her peers, tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. She walked silently, staring at the floor, which is why by the age of 7 she began to have problems with posture.

Everything changed in 1990: the girl moved to high school with an emphasis on music education, where it was no longer possible to be invisible. She was immediately accepted into the school choir; a little later she began performing in the church choir.

Destiny's Child

In 1990, Beyonce, along with classmate Kelly Rowland, took part in a casting for a teenage pop group. During the audition, they met LaTavia Robertson. They and three other girls were eventually selected and united into a project called Girl's Tyme.

Beyoncé and the first line-up of “Destiny's Child” (“Girl's Tyme”)

The group was produced by Californian Arne Frager. Banking on the young age of the participants, he decided to send his wards to the largest talent show in the country at that time - Star Search. The man was sure that the audience would be touched by black babes rapping, but he was wrong. Girl's Tyme failed, as Beyoncé later admitted, because of a poorly rehearsed song: “We were rapping, but we should have been singing.”

Girl's Tyme on Star Search. Beyoncé's first failure

It was a real blow for little Beyoncé. Seeing his daughter’s dejected state, the father, who was directly involved in the music industry, decided to help them with advice.

At his insistence, the group was cut to four. Beyonce and her friends rehearsed in the back room of her mother's salon, listening to advice and criticism from visitors. IN school period they often performed at city events, and spent their summer holidays in a specialized vocal camp, where they improved their skills.

During the first years of their career, the group changed its name several times. From Girl's Tyme they turned into Something Fresh ("Something Fresh"), then into Cliché ("Cliche") and the Dolls ("Dolls"). In 1995, the record label Electra records became interested in them. To sign a contract, the girls had to turn into Destiny (“Destiny”).

Everything seemed to be going well, but shortly before the recording of the first album began, the label terminated the contract. Then Beyoncé's father decided to produce their group himself. He said goodbye to other projects, which is why the family's income fell by half. The Knowles were even forced to move from their house to an apartment.

Beyonce and Destiny's Child, 1996

Matthew Knowles perfected the band's name. From now on, the girl band was called Destiny’s Child (“Child of Destiny”, a reference to the “Book of the Prophet Isaiah”). He helped the girls sign a contract with Columbia Records. Already in 1997, their song Killing Time was included in the soundtrack of the action comedy film Men in Black with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. This was the beginning of a grand era.

In 1997, the whole world learned about Destiny's Child

In February 1998, the girls presented their debut album “Destiny's Child” to listeners, which reached number 67 on the national Billboard 200 chart and sold 33 million copies, and their single “No No No” took first place in the hip-hop and r' ratings. n'b Billboard Hot compositions.

Destiny's Child – No, no, no (1998)

1999 – new shocks. Two participants accused Matthew Knowles of unfair division of income. Allegedly, he gave most of the fees to Boyonce and her friend Kelly, and infringed on them in every possible way. The second album “Writings On The Wall” was released with the participation of two other girls. The “fired” singers began a long trial with the group’s producer, which did not yield any results. Unless one of the new participants left the project, unable to withstand the bullying.

The real financial frauds of Beyoncé’s father became known much later, in 2011, when the singer fired him from his position as a manager and reported that for a long time he pocketed significant sums of her fees. She also said that at the dawn of Destiny’s Child’s success, he forced her to run 5 kilometers every day and at the same time sing songs from their repertoire. Such training, he believed, would make Beyoncé able to sing and dance in any, even extreme, circumstances.

In 2000, Destiny's Child, already in trio format, warmed up the audience before the concerts of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. And the song they recorded, “Independent Women Part I,” for Charlie’s Angels, stayed at number one on the Billboard 200 for 11 weeks—a record for the group.

Solo career

At the end of 2000, the group members announced their intention to each record a solo album. At the same time, Beyoncé made her film debut, appearing in the parody of spy films Austin Powers with Mike Myers as singer Foxy Cleopatra. In the film, she performed the song Work It Out, her first solo single.

All three girls successfully built solo careers. In 2003, Beyonce’s debut solo album “Dangerously in Love” was released, aimed at lovers of R’n’B and soul and based on sales results, it became four times platinum and also received 5 Grammy statuettes. The single “Crazy In Love,” sung in a duet with rapper Jay-Z and topping the Billboard Hot 100 for 2 months, and “Signs,” featuring Missy Elliott, made a splash.

The girls did not perform together for three years. Rumors spread about the impending breakup of Destiny's Child, which the members aggressively denied. At the end of 2004, they reunited to record the album Destiny Fulfilled, which sold 500 thousand copies in its first week. For the group these were very modest figures (the previous album sold 700 thousand copies during the same period), but still the record became the best-selling album of 2005.

The girls went on tour in support of the new album, and during a concert in Barcelona, ​​in front of an audience of 16 thousand, they announced the breakup of the group. In March 2006, Destiny Child "posthumously" received her own star on the Walk of Fame as the best-selling girl group of all time.


Having set off on a free voyage, Beyoncé turned her attention to cinema. Undoubtedly, her participation played into the hands of the box office of the crime comedy “The Pink Panther” (2006), where, among other things, her new song “Check On It” was performed.

She then appeared in the musical film Dreamgirls starring Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Hudson. The prototype of her heroine was Diana Ross. For this role, Beyoncé was nominated for 2 Golden Globes: for Best Actress and for Best Song (“Listen”).

Having completed filming, Beyoncé began serious work on her second album. The B’Day album was released on September 4, 2006 and coincided with the singer’s 25th birthday. The style became more diverse; live instruments took part in the recording. The album quickly entered the Billboard 200, immediately hitting the first line.

Two years later, the singer presented her third studio album, “I am... Sasha Fierce.” When asked who Sasha Fierce is (which means “fierce” in Russian), Beyonce replied that from now on this is her more sensual and energetic alter ego, which was born while working on the single “Crazy in Love” in 2003. A distinctive feature of Sasha Fierce was the “robotic glove” she wore on her hand - this is the look Beyoncé first wore at the 2008 MTV EMA.

In 2009, film critics praised the acting tandem of Beyoncé and Idris Elba, the key actors in the thriller Whiplash (not to be confused with Whiplash 2013 with J.K. Simmons and Miles Teller). Her heroine had to fight for family happiness with a strong and powerful rival.

In 2010, Beyonce nearly broke Michael Jackson's record for the most Grammys awarded to an artist at one ceremony, winning 6 out of 10 nominations. Soon after this, she took a short creative break, delighting fans with her 4th album (which was called “4”) already in mid-2011.

Beyoncé at the 2010 Grammy Awards (If I Were A Boy LIVE)

In 2012, GQ magazine named Beyoncé the most sexy woman XXI century.

In 2013, the singer presented to the public new album"Beyoncé" in an experimental format. Video clips were recorded for each of the 14 songs. The album appeared on iTunes without any prior advertising, stunning Beyoncé's fans, and took the sales record in 108 countries (only singer Adele had more with first place in iTunes in 115 countries). Beyoncé's daughter Blue Ivy sang along with Beyoncé on the song "Blue."

A year later, Beyoncé and her husband, rapper Jay-Z, went on a big joint tour, On the Run Tour, the first, but not the last. In 2014, the singer repeated the previous year’s record and again took first place in the Forbes ranking of the highest paid singers, doubling her annual income.

The Beyoncé album had been purchased more than 5 million times as of November 2014 (if you count only physical media), and by March 2015 it had been downloaded or listened to online more than a billion times. In 2015, Beyoncé hardly pleased listeners with new material - she was going through a personal drama due to her husband’s infidelity.

On April 23, 2016, the world heard Beyoncé's sixth album, Lemonade. The queen of r'n'b developed the theme of a “visual album”: listeners were treated to 12 songs, each of which had a video clip recorded. However, if in the previous album the clips appeared separately, this time they were combined into a complete, complete story dedicated to the ups and downs of family life singers. It touched on themes such as jealousy, betrayal, and infidelity and became Beyoncé's most personal work. HBO even showed full version"Lemonade" in live on the day the album sales start.

Beyonce – All Night

The couple managed to reconcile and strengthen the family with the arrival of twins. "Lemonade" received 9 Grammy nominations and won 2, including losing in the most important category, "Album of the Year." This award went to singer Adele, who noted that she considered Beyoncé's album more deserving of this award.

Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love" tops the list of best songs beginning of the XXI century, compiled by Rolling Stone magazine.

In 2017, Beyonce recorded a joint composition with Eminem for his new album “Revival”. Her choice for the duet in the song “Walk on Water” was not chosen by chance. Both performers are often deified by fans, and with this work Eminem and Beyoncé conveyed to fans that they shouldn’t do this, they shouldn’t expect miracles from them, since they are the same people with the right to make mistakes.

Beyonce's personal life

When the singer was 19, she experienced a very difficult breakup, which was superimposed on problems in the group. Since then, she has never advertised her personal life.

In 2002, she sang a duet with rapper Jay-Z ( full name– Shawn Corey Carter) the composition “Crazy Love”, after which they began to be credited with a novel. The rumors continued for six long years, until finally, in April 2008, Beyoncé appeared in public with an elegant ring on her ring finger. It turned out that the lovers were secretly married.

Their first child was born in the same secrecy. In January 2012, the singer went to an elite clinic under the false name Ingrid Jackson. The baby that was born was named Blue Ivy Carter, and she became an integral part of their family happiness.

But, apparently, not everything in their life was as smooth as it seemed from the glossy “facade”. In 2014, Beyoncé's younger sister attacked Jay-Z with her fists. The rapper's bodyguard barely pulled the angry girl away, while Beyoncé herself looked on and did not interfere. It was after the Met Gala, so the fight between Beyoncé's husband and sister was caught on video.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z's sisters fight

The recording was made public, and rumors spread in the media: had Jay-Z really cheated on his beloved? After all, what else could make Solange so angry? However, the story was put on hold.

The 2016 album Lemonade, accompanied by an hour-long film of the same name, shed light on the situation. In the songs Pray You Catch Me and Daddy Lessons, the singer directly stated that she knew firsthand her husband’s lies. However, the song All Night contains the following lines: “Every diamond has its flaws,” “My tormentor became my salvation.” And the film ends with cute shots of Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Ivy. Storm in family relationships settled down.

Meanwhile, fans conducted a whole investigation and found out that, most likely, the rapper cheated on his wife with the creative director of the Rocawear brand, Rachel Roy. After this, fans of the star couple harassed the girl online. Unable to bear it, Rachel tweeted that she respects family values, and bullying of any kind is unacceptable.

In February 2017, Beyoncé appeared at the Grammy Awards. Her strongly rounded belly was emphasized by a spectacular gold dress. Beyoncé also played up her pregnancy in her performance, appearing in the image of a fertility goddess.

In June 2017, Beyonce became a mother for the second time: royal twins, a boy and a girl, were born in a private clinic in Los Angeles. A couple of days later, information about health problems with newborns appeared in the American tabloid TMZ. The girl was named Rumi, the boy was named Sir.

The pregnancy was difficult last month the woman hardly got out of bed and gained up to one hundred kilograms. The birth almost ended in disaster; the babies had to be removed by emergency caesarean section. Over the next six months, Beyonce got into shape, losing 40 kilograms.

Beyoncé now

In January 2018, Beyoncé participated in the recording of the song “Family feud” for her husband’s new album. The song addressed the separation within African American culture, and Jay-Z once again publicly repented of his infidelity.

Four months later, Beyoncé performed at music festival Coachella for an audience of 125 thousand. Critics called her nearly two-hour performance, which featured hundreds of dancers and a temporary Destiny's Child reunion, historic. In April 2019, based on this performance and the preparation for it, the streaming service Netflix released the 137-minute film “Homecoming.” The Netflix deal netted Beyoncé $60 million for Homecoming and two upcoming projects.

Beyoncé at Coachella 2018. Full concert

In the summer, the couple began performing under a new name - now it is the family duo The Carters. On June 16, their first album “Everything is Love” was released and they released a spectacular video for the song “Apeshit”, presented during their joint tour.

The voice of Beyoncé was spoken by the lioness Nala, the friend of the brave Simba, in the remake of “The Lion King,” which was released on big screens in the summer of 2019. The director of the project, Jon Favreau, said that he was not going to consider other candidates and would do everything to accommodate the singer’s busy schedule.

Especially for the film, she, along with Donald Glover and Seth Rogen, sang the song “Can you feel the love tonight?” Moreover, the album with the official soundtrack “The Lion King: The Gift” was curated by Beyoncé herself.

Beyonce Knowles was born in Houston in 1981. My creative career started in the group Destinys Child. She became famous not only as a member of one of the most successful R&B groups, but as an actress and solo performer.

Knowles is the winner of 9 Grammys, 6 of which she received for her solo work and 3 as a member of Destinys Child.

Beyonce Giselle Knowles is the eldest of two daughters in the family of Matthew and Tina Beyince Knowles. Maternal grandparents, Lumis Beyince and Agnes Dereon, French-speaking Creoles from Louisiana. Looking ahead, I note that House of Dereon Bee named her own clothing line in honor of her grandmother.

As a child, Beyonce was a very shy and introverted child. The children at school had no idea that her mother had her own beauty salon, since Bee went out of her way to avoid looking attractive: she didn’t want to make her peers jealous. The habit of looking at the floor almost ruined Beyonce's posture, but at the age of seven, Knowles began dancing. It was Beyonce's choreographer Miss Darlett who inspired her to pursue a career as an artist, convincing the little girl that she had a unique gift. She also invited her to participate in a talent competition (Beyonce subsequently took part in more than 30 such competitions in her native Houston alone). For her performance, Beyonce chose the song “Imagine” by Johna Lennona. When Matthew and Tina saw their daughter's performance, they were shocked. No one expected the shy Beyonce to pluck up the courage to perform so wonderfully. Beyonce recalls that already in the car she pretended to be asleep and overheard her parents’ conversation:

"Mom asked Dad, 'Do you think she'll ever reach Tracey Spencer's level?' “And the father replied, “We’ll wait and see.”

At that moment, Beyonce firmly decided that the stage was her future. Singing and dancing became her best way to express herself. Beyonce in life and on stage are 2 completely different people. She even came up with a name for her stage alter ego Sasha.

Beyonce achieved a successful career not only thanks to her natural abilities, but also to her strength of character, and most importantly, her amazing ability to work. Since the creation of the group Girls Tyme, which was later renamed Destinys Child, Beyonce and the rest of the young members of the group: LaTavia, LeToya and Kelly Rowland voluntarily deprived themselves of the carefree joys of childhood and constantly rehearsed. As you know, the hard work paid off in full: Destiny's Child was named the best-selling girl group of all time. (A detailed biography of the group can be read here).

Beyonce began her solo career in the fall of 2002, taking part in the recording of a single by her current boyfriend, rapper Jay-Z, called “03 Bonnie & Clyde.” In the spring of 2003, Knowles and Luther Vandross remade the song "The Closer I Get to You", originally performed by Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway. It is noteworthy that the part of Roberta Flack went to Luther Vandrossy. The composition was included in both Beyonce’s debut album and the late Vandross’s LP “Dance With My Father.” The duet was awarded Grammy Awards for best vocal performance.

In 2003, Knowles released her first album, Dangerously in Love. The single “Crazy in Love” featuring Jay-Z became the main hit of that summer and stayed at the top of the Billboard top singles for 8 weeks. The album reached number one on the UK and Canadian charts, as well as the Billboard 200 pop and R&B charts. Total sales of the disc to date are 4 million copies in the US and 8 million worldwide. The second single “Baby Boy” featuring dancehall star Sean Paul broke the record of “Crazy in Love”, staying at number 1 on Billboard for 1 week longer, that is, 9 weeks. The next 2 singles: “Me, Myself and I” and “Naughtty Girl” were received slightly worse, reaching only third position. It's worth noting that the "Naughty Girl" video stars RnB favorite Usher.

At the 2004 Grammy ceremony, Beyonce won 5 awards, also winning the prestigious category “Best Contemporary R&B Album.” Lauryn Hill, Alicia Keys and Norah Jones received a similar record number of Grammy statuettes before Beyonce. That same year, Beyonce won the Brit Awards for Best Female Performer.

In December 2005, Knowles released new song"Check On It" featuring Houston rapper Slim Thug. The composition was included in the album Destinys Child #1s and the soundtrack to the film “The Pink Panther”.

In 2006, Beyonce received a Grammy for her collaboration with Stevie Wonder, “So Amazing,” recorded in memory of Luther Vandrossa.

Beyonce is currently preparing her second album, scheduled for release on September 12, 2006.

In an interview, Beyonce admitted that she dreams of becoming the first African-American woman to receive a Grammy, Emmy and Oscar. Well, part of the dream has already come true and, apparently, Beyonce is not going to stop there. Bee takes his acting career seriously. In 2001, Knowles made her debut in the MTV television movie Carmen: A Hip Hopera. In 2002, Beyonce played Foxy Cleopatra in the comedy Austin Powers in Goldmember. The soundtrack to this film included her composition “Work It Out”, which became very popular abroad. In 2003, Knowles landed the lead role in the film The Fighting Temptations. The song for this film called “Fighting Temptation”, recorded with the participation of Missy Elliott, MC Lyte and Free, unfortunately, did not appeal to the taste of the mainstream audience, but the film was received with a bang. In February 2006, Beyonce played a pop singer in the film The Pink Panther. However, the biggest hopes are for her role in the film "Dreamgirls", based on the story The group Supremes.

Creativity is not Beyonce’s only source of income: together with fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, she created the True Star and True Star Gold perfumes, was the face of LOreal and Pepsi, and most recently launched her own clothing line, House of Dereon, which, by the way, can be purchased in the boutique original Destinys Child member LeToya Luckett.

For many years now, this couple has been actively discussed in the world of the music industry around the world. Beyoncé and Jay Z are considered two of the most controversial performers. Despite all the disagreements, the husband Beyoncé supports his wife in all her endeavors.

The beginning of a long union

The relationship began with a strong friendship: they often called each other for a year and a half before a strong feeling broke out between them. It is impossible to say that the future husband Beyoncé In some ways he was inferior to his wife in creative success. At the time of their relationship, both appeared at the top of the charts.

Journalists constantly met the couple at basketball games and on vacation, but the couple denied a love relationship. In 2003, they actively collaborated on joint projects, which confirmed fans’ guesses about their romance, and in 2008, not wanting to advertise their relationship, they secretly got married in a modest ceremony.

Brief biography of Beyonce's husband

The famous singer grew up in a wealthy family, she studied singing and dancing. Graduated from a higher educational institution. Her husband grew up in a completely different environment. He could be called a difficult child. His parents provided for the guy as best they could, but it was not enough. He worked for pennies in different places. Then he started selling drugs.

Later the guy realized that such income would not bring anything good and the young ambitious young man took up music. Gradually gaining popularity, he managed to build a strong music business. Music became a real calling in which my husband realized himself Beyoncé . He never really hid the man’s name. The singer's real name is John Carter, but according to the star, the pseudonym sounds much better better .


In one of the interviews Beyoncé admitted that she had been walking towards this moment for a very long time and was ready to become a mother. But after some time the joyful event became sad. The famous singer lost her child. Husband Beyoncé He was there all the time and supported his wife. She admits that if it weren’t for her beloved man and the help of her family, she would not have been able to recover from such a blow of fate. With their second pregnancy, the couple were as careful as possible and did not advertise their interesting situation. Beyonce.

A month before giving birth, the famous singer admitted that waiting girl. In 2012, baby Beau was born Ivy . Fans of the singer are sure that the girl carried the baby, which is why the singer did not appear in public with a belly. But no matter what they say, the parents are simply crazy about their miracle. Husband Beyoncé , Jay Z pampers the girl in every possible way and assures that the baby will grow up to be the most spoiled in the world.

Discord in the family

In 2016, Beyoncé's husband , whose photo is below, got into a scandalous story. Fans suspected that not everything was so smooth in their couple from the songs of the famous singer. The girl dedicated the entire album to betrayal and betrayal. In her songs, the celebrity addressed some Becky , and maybe such a trifle would have gone unnoticed, but a few hours after the release of the composition, a certain girl who had long been credited with an affair with Jay Z reacted to this. Fans literally bombarded the girl with threats and she was forced to close her page on social networks. But none of the participants in the scandal denied the information. Therefore, perhaps the husband Beyoncé cheating on her, or maybe this is just another PR move.

On the verge of divorce

After the scandal, fans could not believe that a strong star couple could divorce. Rumors began to emerge more and more often that the husband Beyoncé very often cheats on his wife with many young assistants and models. The press began to publish facts about the rapper’s illegitimate children, to whom the man allegedly constantly pays child support. The couple went to events together, but never spoke to each other.

At one of the star parties, according to eyewitnesses, the singer, who had too much cocktails, took off her wedding ring with the words: “I’ve had enough. We're getting a divorce." The most interesting thing is that the young people themselves did not comment on their problems in the press. And imagine the surprise of the fans when the girl uploaded a photo of her husband and child on her microblog, writing: Perhaps they still managed to overcome the turning point.

Waiting for a miracle

Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z announced on their microblogs that they were expecting a new addition to the family. The famous singer posted a photo with a rounded belly so that rumors about a fake belly would no longer concern her. This time the couple is expecting twins and shares their happiness with fans. The singer’s microblog entry was called the most popular entry in the entire history of Instagram. Within 24 hours, the post received more than eight million views. The lovers themselves, forgetting all differences, plunged into a world of harmony and love. Husband Beyoncé I have long dreamed of having a big family and the couple proudly declares that they are not going to stop with twins.

Today, the singer’s condition is good, the best doctors are taking care of her, and the celebrity herself carefully monitors her health. And there is always a beloved husband nearby, who, no matter what, remains a reliable support for the celebrity.