Fundera interview. Interview with Oksana Fandera, feminine, singular. Why do children get it from you?

Oksana Fandera does not give the impression of an actress for whom career comes first. And she doesn’t give the impression of a wife and mother, for whom there is nothing but family. She doesn't make an impression at all - it's not her job.

Working with a camera does not bring her much pleasure, and she speaks honestly about it: “Photography is motionless, but my nature is different. I need to be caught, I don’t like to “keep” emotion on my face. A frozen smile is a grimace.” It’s true that nothing freezes on Oksana Fandera’s face; emotions rush in a race, knocking each other off their feet. And not a single one is hidden: you can read from this face - there is no secret writing there, but a completely transparent text. Including, I suspect, there are words and expressions that are unpleasant for you, but, fortunately, I didn’t read anything like that. “In general, I am a person of process, not of result. The result is somehow not very important to me from the very beginning. If we divide all people into commercial and non-commercial, then I am one of the latter.”

This is understandable. Just look at her filmography - if it were commercial, it would be full of titles, the same series would be crowded with a noisy crowd. And Fandera’s work is nothing at all. Of the latter, and perhaps the most significant, is Needle in “State Councilor”. Philip Yankovsky, her husband and director of this film, at first did not see his wife-actress in the role of Needle. But she insisted, convinced and proved that she could play her complete opposite - a man of results, even a fanatic of results, a terrorist with a dry look and bloodless lips. The makeup took six minutes. “A record for the Guinness book,” Oksana is proud. - We timed it by the hour. They simply washed off their face and tied their hair into a bun. And that’s it.”

The needle was performed by her in such a way that a trivial question is why is the list of titles in the filmography of the actress Fandera so offensively short? - arises by itself. But this is a question for those who offer. She is selective: she takes on only what lights her up. Moreover - this is again about commerce - in the contract with her acting agent, she insisted on a clause: in educational films of young directors from VGIK or from the Higher Courses, she is filmed for free. “I wonder what you heard from the agent?” “She looked at me with a hard look and asked: are you crazy? But I held this gaze and repeated: I want it this way.” - “I can understand her. Its percentage depends on your fee.” - “Well, she has a lot of other, sensible actresses, so she’s hardly at a loss... At some point she understood me. Or accepted it. You don’t need to understand - just accept it and say: okay, let there be one like that, strange.” And Oksana laughs.

With her, the one-so-strange one, so much has already happened in her life that it would be enough for others, not so and not strange, for three centuries. The turns were dashing - sharper than moving from her beloved Odessa to her step-native Moscow, with which only her family and friends reconciled her. Borrow prize place in the first competition “Moscow Beauty”, and a few years later find herself as a student of director Anatoly Vasilyev - a schema-monk, a recluse, a laboratory theater scientist. It's not even a turn. This is a turn of such high daring that sparks come from under the wheels. By the way, it was Vasiliev’s lessons - I suggested, and Oksana nodded - that confirmed her in the fact that the result is obviously more insignificant than the process. It is from his closed theater school that they come out with the following convictions: “I’m interested in myself in all this. Where am I moving and how. I research solely on myself.” By the way, what about the opinions of others about her? Is it even important? No, not at all. “I can’t even imagine what they even think and say about me. By God."

This was not always the case, however. This happened after “Moscow Beauty,” which for Oksana turned out not only as a victory, but also as a blow. “I was not ready for such increased attention, and not just attention, but with transparent half-hints. So much gossip about yourself. It turned out that all of Moscow knows me, and intimately. Well, you know what I mean. Everyone told each other who I was with and when. If I were an adult then, I would have listened to all this with a smile, but when you are eighteen... It got to the point that at some point I was ready to run out onto Red Square and shout that I am not like that, that I am completely different life, everything else.” - “What held you back?” - “Caught myself thinking this, I said: stop. Stop. Don’t pay attention, don’t notice - otherwise you will depend on ideas about you all your life. Behold, God sent me this wisdom. I didn’t read smart books then - I just saw, felt, understood. I realized that I don’t want and won’t want to live, constantly thinking about how it’s right and how it should be. In order to behave this way in one company, in another - that way, in negotiations - in some other way... My hooligan nature has rebelled against this since childhood. And when I understood everything about myself, I exhaled: enough is enough. I am different.” “Well, at least you still take into account the minimum standards?” - I carefully inquire for the sake of order. “What do you mean? Am I going to the toilet in the middle of the street?” - and Oksana, who had just been quiet and serious, laughs cheerfully again. One is so strange.

She is married, she has two children, and her husband’s parents still appear in her notebook like parents. My mom and dad are no longer in the world. And when my sister died, there was no one left. “My family ends with me,” she says. - I am the only Fandera. Not anymore.” - “Not at all?” - "At all. Friends who know how to search on the Internet searched, but did not find it. It's sad. Such beautiful surname, no one knows what it means, and she will no longer exist.” Here we could start talking about responsibility to the family and surname, but Oksana does not like these conversations and these thoughts. He believes that they are driving you into a complex, and this is not at all the corner where you feel free. “I never taught my children that they should carry their last name with pride, that they should study well so as not to damage its honor, and so on. Because, on the one hand, this elevates the child above the rest, and on the other, he begins to fear that he will not be able to measure up.” Her children, Vanya and Lisa, of course, have their father’s last name - they are Yankovsky. By patronymic they are Filippovich, and their father, accordingly, is Olegovich. Once Oksana was told that Vanya, then still small, spoke to his friends on the topic “But my grandfather...” She talked to her son one-on-one, calmly and firmly. It didn't happen again.

Oksana is generally a strict mother. “Not just strict, but very strict,” she clarifies. - And at the same time, I’m not much of a teacher, really. There are asocial people, but I am apedagogical. As soon as the children began to understand a little what was what, I told them: I don’t know how to raise you. I can be friends with you.” - “But friendship, as I understand it, does not exclude taking measures if something happens?” - "Certainly. I can imagine how difficult it is for them. A friend who punishes, right? So it is, so it is...” She did not hide from the children that at school she got “C” grades in physics and mathematics. “Why would I lie that this is not so, if everything is clear to me? Vanya would say: Mom, don’t be a fool. Or I would have asked to extract some root - and then he would have caught me.” She probably also told me about her eternal “bad” behavior. “I have never been particularly rude, I did not try to humiliate teachers with buttons on the chair or firecrackers behind my back. But I couldn’t sit still.” - “And it’s also easy to get out of lessons?” - “What are you talking about, this is the minimum. It didn’t cost me anything to convince the whole class to do this. Everyone left.” At that time, in Odessa schools, Ukrainian language lessons at school were not compulsory. If parents wrote a statement that, due to their ignorance of Ukrainian, they were not able to help their child master it, then the child was released from classes. With Oksana everything was different. The teacher approached her herself and, emphasizing every word, said: “I beg you. Let your mother write a statement. Which cannot help you in my subject. So that you don't go to my lessons. I beg you very much. Please". Mom assumed the position of a teacher, fulfilled the request, and Oksana got the opportunity to spend an extra hour driving around the school corridors while her friends pored over Ukrainian language. She received her first film role for her restlessness - in the film “The Adventures of Electronics,” without which we have not had a single childhood for a quarter of a century. If you watch it again, you will notice a mischievous girl who mocks the red-haired Chizhikov: “Well, Ryzhikov, they didn’t accept you into the choir again?” At first, she and her sister were simply selected into Elektronika-Syroezhkin’s class, but then Oksana made it so that director Bromberg simply could not leave her without a role, at least a small one. “I went up to him and said: do you mind if we lift you up on our fingers? He was surprised and confused and said: well, let’s do it. I put together a company of four people, including myself. We sat him down on a chair... Honestly, I still don't know how this method works. But it works. First you need to concentrate. To do this, eight hands make special passes over the object’s head in complete silence. Then two put their fingers under the armpits, two - under the knees. And they raise it. We lifted Bromberg over our heads. He is not a small man, we are children in the light weight category. But we raised it.”

Three bloods are raging in the fighting Oksana: Ukrainian, Gypsy and Jewish. “Dad was a crest and a gypsy, but I’m Jewish because of my mother.” - “Well, yes, according to Jewish laws. And just like my mother, I turn out to be Russian, although she herself is only half.” - “Consider that you are a Jew. It doesn't matter, dad or mom. It's somewhere deep inside. Do you know how you can find out? Now I’ll stop smiling, and so will you. Let's just stop smiling and take a pause. Jews have a special view. There is sadness in this look. Always. Therefore, I have two states, without transition states. I either laugh or fall silent - and then they ask me: did something happen to you? are you feeling bad? No, I say, I just stopped talking.”

0 June 14, 2012, 2:20 pm

Oksana Fandera

Last year, we managed to catch her in our net: while the actress was rocking the show, Gossip Man conducted a quick interview and did a quick photo shoot. Moreover, Oksana, as a creative and active person, was instantly fascinated by the process and herself came up with the concept for the shooting - black and white photographs in motion.

You come to the festival almost every year, can you remember your most striking “Kinotavr”?

I can say what made the strongest impression on me at this Kinotavr. And this is not artistic, but documentary- Lyuba Arkus’s film “Anton is right here!” This is a film about autistic children.

What projects are you involved in now?

Now I have two new films coming out. The first is Boris Khlebnikov's film "Till Night Do Part." The second one, directed by the young director Yegor Baranov, is called “The Nightingale the Robber.” And two more projects are just starting, I don’t want to talk about them yet.

What is your dream role?

I will be filming the one I dreamed of this fall. What's your favorite movie?

Well, it’s simply impossible to say... There are a lot of them. What is your favorite clothing brand?

You see, I love those things... Well, those brands that are not bought by the fashion crowd, so to speak. Whose style do you like?

Kate Moss style.

What don’t you mind spending your last money on?

Perhaps for what you want right now. What's your worst purchase?

Usually the one you spend your last money on (laughs). Do you have a “happy” item that you always look good in and that lifts your spirits?

This is not a thing - it's just my mood! What do you think every fashionista should have in her wardrobe this summer?

Brain! (laughs) Heels or ballet flats?

Hawaii flip flops.

Do you do exercises in the morning?

Five exercises of Tibetan monks.

What time do you usually get up?

If I opened my eyes, it means I woke up. Do you go to rallies?

No. Which cultural events (performances, film premieres, exhibitions) are you planning to attend in the near future and what would you recommend to our readers?

Well, here I can only talk about the past tense. Unfortunately. I was delighted with the “Night of Museums” organized by Pavlov-Andreevich. And I’m also an absolute fan of Butusov after the play “The Seagull”.

I buttoned up my soul

Oksana Fandera gained fame in the 80s when she became a prize-winner of the first Moscow Beauty beauty contest in the USSR. Perhaps thanks to this, she successfully married Philip Yankovsky, actor, director, son of the famous Oleg Yankovsky.

Oksana starred a lot in her husband’s films (“On the Move,” “State Councilor,” “Stone Head”), and recently Russian viewers were able to watch the film “About Love,” where Fandera’s partner was Fyodor Bondarchuk.

I won’t argue with my husband’s mistress

- Oksana, in the new film “About Love” you played a glamorous woman who is unhappy in her marriage to a millionaire deputy. Are you tired of glamor yourself?

I agreed to this role only because I wanted to “pull” a real love drama through a glamorous story, through the outer shell. It seems to me that there is no big difference where this drama develops - in Verona, Los Angeles or Odessa. It doesn't matter how much money you have. If you have a lot of them, you don’t love in any other way, you don’t sort things out in some more noble way...

- The rich and the poor punch each other in the face the same way, is that what you want to say?

If you remove the external attributes and leave only the content, these quarrels are no different. It doesn’t matter where you are from, where you grew up, how old you are, whether you have children or not... If you love a person, and he does not reciprocate, he fools you, offended young ladies always and everywhere react the same way, because they are in great pain . My heroine is offended by her husband, and for her this is more important than any diamonds...

- If, as in the film “About Love,” your husband Philip Yankovsky cheated on you, what would you do?

In my family life- a different relationship, and I, of course, would have acted differently than my heroine Lada. I don't have that kind of courage or wildness. I can't break glasses and would hardly enter into a discussion with my husband's mistress. It would be easier for me - due to my gypsy origin - to turn around and leave without explaining anything at all.

- Do you agree that all men by nature are such that they are ready to cheat on their wives at the first opportunity?

How can I tell you... Many women have encountered the fact that most men are polygamous. There are wise women who say: this is everyone’s personal matter. There are those who categorically do not accept betrayal. A similar thing happened to us, to our friends, who hung on the phone and cried for two hours: “I can’t believe that he really slept with my friend and his secretary!” My opinion is that the purer and more spiritual a person is, the more correct his attitude towards betrayal. This does not mean that a woman should forgive everything, close her eyes, pretend not to notice anything. But if every person, man or woman, tries to find the reason within themselves, well, just at least start with this, then there is a chance to avoid hasty decisions and save the family.

Sometimes I challenge society

- In your family you are raising two children - son Ivan, who studies at GITIS, and 15-year-old daughter Lisa...

Yes, Vanya entered his second year this year and is studying at the directing and acting department. I saw one of his director's films theatrical works and was pleasantly surprised. He's capable, I'm happy with him. Lisa comprehends the world. I teach her to appreciate, love and understand not only herself, but also the people around her. And not only her close circle, but any person... There was a case when Lisa could not accept one of her teachers. A conflict was brewing, but we managed to remove it, since the daughter was able, after our long conversations, to look at the teacher from the other side and somehow justify his actions.

- You are originally from Odessa. How, in your opinion, are residents of Odessa fundamentally different from Muscovites?

When I arrived in Moscow, it seemed to me that I had arrived on another planet. I myself looked strange with my Odessa temperament, openness and desire to communicate. In Moscow I had to button up my soul and tame my southern ardor. We had a free, courtyard-street Odessa childhood... in a good way words. There was a huge company, we climbed through the vineyards, early in the morning we ran away to the sea secretly from our parents. Everyone is friendly and cheerful. Southern people are different from metropolitan people. Maybe because they are closer to the sea, to nature. In general, I really miss the sea in Moscow. I feel very comfortable in Odessa, I try to go there every year, and the sea there seems to me the best.

- Oksana, you still differ from many of our actresses precisely in your sincerity and openness!

Yes, I guess sometimes I “challenge society” with my appearance and behavior. The ease, sociability, and openness that are characteristic of me are not always adequately assessed from the outside. Maybe that's why I was assigned different romance novels. But if I’m interested in a person, the last thing I think about is how to act in public... In general, I’m a risk-taker in life, and many people often use restrictions. For example, they say: “No, I can’t do this!” Try it! And you will definitely succeed. But alas... This really torments me, because I’m interested in people who are developing and not standing still, from whom I can learn something. I don’t make friends just so that I have someone to sit with, chat with, or keep quiet. Often in communication with a person there comes a moment when everything is given and everything is received. Then you can turn around and leave. But in fact, I quickly come to the rescue. And I also get pleasure from the fact that a person feels good next to me. This extends to everyone I interact with. The closest to me in spirit literary character do you know who? Mowgli. And I define people precisely according to the principle - whether he is of my blood or not!

I'll meet with Oksana Fandera THR has been planning this for a long time. But she stubbornly insisted on waiting for the role that was important to her. Finally, everything coincided: Oksana has two serious projects at once - a space drama "Salyut-7" and crime retro series "Elusive". Plus an anniversary! Editor-in-Chief Maria Lemesheva met the actress and learned not only secrets film sets, but also a recipe for raising children, as well as long-lasting love.

Oksana, you are one of those rare actresses who, having gained popularity, decide not to appear everywhere, but, on the contrary, become extremely picky in choosing roles and events. But for an actress, “waiting” is a big risk...

I agree to a project if something seems interesting to me. I only have intuition and the desire to be in a quality process. My master Anatoly Aleksandrovich Vasiliev from the very beginning sharpened us, like pencils, on the process, and not on the result. It should be good, difficult, interesting, that's all.

I really love your Lyuba in “The Lights of the Brothel,” I was impressed by the small but so bright Needle in “State Councilor” - especially from the scene before the explosion, when the tough revolutionary heroine becomes a fragile, vulnerable girl who only dreamed of love. Which character is especially dear to you?

I really love “Board Lights.” And why... The stars just rose that summer: I began to acutely feel the need to thank my mother and the city, which for me is absolutely like a living person. At that time, my mother had been gone for several years. And then Alexander Gordon appeared, who also had a need. Its own. His father Harry Borisovich wrote an amazing story, based on which Alexander decided to make a film, and we coincided in the desire to thank the people close to us and our native places. We didn't rehearse - we talked, we just had fun. Sasha, I remember, called me to the monitor, I walked up and shuddered because I saw my mother there... I love the needle. I wanted a role of resistance - something that is not at all organic for me. We did photo tests, and when they were ready, I suggested: let’s just wash my face, pull my hair into a ponytail, draw on freckles, and nothing else will happen. And I was approved. You gave the right examples: I like these works because they make it possible, when discussing the result, to happily remember the process - complex, but of high quality.

How did you bribe Salyut-7?

I wanted to plunge into something that would never happen in my life. I'm a complete coward when it comes to heights: that is, everything that flight is, from elevators to airplanes, not to mention rockets, is for me... uh... a test. But the thought that people did it, are doing it and even enjoy it, made me decide and treat the proposal as some kind of psychoanalysis sessions - perhaps, being inside a spacesuit and alone with my fears, I can overcome the phobias that are painful for me. In general, I accepted this challenge. (Laughs.)

Oksana Fandera in Salyut-7

The film begins with a scene in which your heroine - partially copied from the hero of astronautics Svetlana Savitskaya - works in outer space. Reveal the secret: did you perform complex stunts yourself?

I didn’t prepare specifically, but I did everything myself. I have to tell you, working in a spacesuit is very difficult: it’s unbearably hot, stuffy, it restricts your movements. In a huge hangar, they built special mechanisms that lowered and raised us on cables. It was necessary to simulate a state of smoothness, as in weightlessness. People in space, in airless space, are in a slightly fetal position, so, for example, they strapped me to a chair so that there was such correct body plasticity.

The series "The Elusive" is coming out soon. There you have the role of a charming thief. Considering your scrupulousness in choosing roles, what was it about Firochka that caught your attention?

Firochka... Esfir Leonidovna Fatinson... French chic and Odessa manners. And boundless devotion to your lover. And a total-fatal love of risk... In general, the key to my nature is the word “Odessa”. As soon as the city in which I was born and raised appears in a conversation, I turn around, begin to look intently into the person’s eyes and say: “Continue...” Volodya Vinogradov began his acquaintance with me precisely from this. The director, who, it should be noted, had never been to Odessa before this project, managed to find such the right words that I believed: he knows this city, this unique human environment, this nature of humor, feels the same way as I do. Plus a brilliant costume department, amazing make-up artists! This is when you understand that this is real creativity!

The series has a 50s aesthetic. The image suits you very well - hats, chiffon dresses, fildepers stockings. What style do you prefer in life?

I don't really follow fashion. Sometimes fashion follows me, because when I act hooliganly or dress something very casually, after some time my friends and acquaintances say: cool, it’s probably fashionable! (Laughs.) It seems to me that clothes, just like speech, are a means of self-expression. And if the body is the clothing of the soul, then, probably, clothing is not so much clothing for the body as for the soul. Therefore, when choosing an outfit, look not only in the mirror, but also deep inside yourself - your feelings will not deceive you.

Oksana Fandera in "The Elusive"

Youbecame known throughout the country as a finalist in the first beauty contest in the USSR in 1988. Since then, the image of a seductive beauty has been firmly entrenched in you. And just after “State Councilor” became It’s clear that you’re ready to experiment with your appearance. Tell me, would you have decided, for example, like Charlize Theron to gain 20 kilograms when she was preparing to work in the film “Monster”?

Well, let’s do this: I’ll answer you everything - yes! (Laughs.) I'm not afraid of anything. I don’t think that if someone once called you beautiful, it’s a dogma. Someone, on the contrary, may look at me and think: “How terrible she is.” I can't answer the question of what I would like to play. I only know how to say “thank you” for what I receive. I am sure there are forces that guide us: call them whatever you want, God, Light. It’s just that someone says: “I myself,” and then the Light says: “Okay, I’ll wait a little aside for now, until you yourself...” And someone says: “I completely trust what is happening to me. I know that I am just a means...” So it seems to me that if something can be said and expressed through me, then I am ready to be a conductor.

And while we're talking about beauty: you're the mother of two grown children. slim, young, sexy. Besides genetics, what else is in your arsenal?

In my DNA there is Karl Marx Street, the corner of Deribasovskaya Street, that’s all. I don't play sports, I'm extremely lazy. I’m that nervous type of woman who, when she’s worried, doesn’t eat at all, she just can’t.

Although most do the opposite.

But then the majority, when everything is fine, can control themselves, but I eat, and, Masha, you don’t need to see how much food I can eat! (Laughs.)

Your husband, Philip Yankovsky, is a talented director and actor. Do you often worktogether. Doesn’t this lead to any unnecessary disputes for the family or, on the contrary, does it bring you closer together?

Philip and I have an unspoken rule: I don’t read the scripts of his films unless he offers it to me. That is, there is no such thing: I’ll read it, and then over a cup of tea I’ll say: “Or maybe it’s me, dear?” I clearly understand: if the director doesn’t offer it, it means he simply doesn’t see me there. And, to be honest, Philip, with great reluctance, so it seemed, took me into his paintings. (Laughs.) It so happened that every time I rescued either him or the actress. But I must say: working with him is a special pleasure. And as with a director - he always knows exactly what result he needs, and as with an actor - he is a wonderful artist and a subtle, very delicate partner.

A couple of years ago, you and Philip celebrated your silver wedding, which nowadays is creative people- already an event. When I interviewed your husband, he great love and spoke of you with gratitude. What is the strength of your love?

You know... it's like a rope, clothes and a clothespin - all for each other. A clothesline without clothes is not needed outside. Laundry will not hang without a rope. But the laundry will not hang on the line if there is no clothespin. And which of them is what for each other... Our relationship is a certain form of a game, a child’s game. We enjoy the way we exist next to each other. We do not have an obligation, we do not have the coordinate system that is usually accepted in the family. And we continue to learn from each other some very important things for the growth of each of us.

Mom's special pride- children. Son Ivan has already become a star, and deservedly so. Recently our magazine awarded him the prize for “Event of the Year” in cinema. Lisa's work is coming up. Are you a strict mom?

Strict, perhaps even excessively. Was. She praised only to the point. When they were little, I was clearly not the kind of mother who supported the child, no matter what and no matter how he did. I admit this with regret. Now I would behave differently, but apparently the fact is that my mother raised me that way, and my grandmother raised her that way. This is probably some kind of Jewish code when they say: “No, you see: Seryozha also has a violin, but he plays better. Look what he achieved!” - and my whole childhood went like this. With my children, I went into this “pedagogical” and extremely indelicate side of education a couple of times, but then I realized that this is a colossal pressure on the child’s psyche. But I was a maximalist and a perfectionist, and I had the same high bar, of course, in relation to children. It was difficult for me to endure the lack of movement, and the children always knew: if you stop, stop growing, developing, then this will entail a serious and not very pleasant conversation with Philip and me. They went to a regular school - I insisted on this, and Philip supported it - there were no expensive cars with drivers and other VIP attributes. This also helped lead to these two people getting their priorities straight. They know: it is important not how, but what, not the form, but the content, not the result, but the process.

Oksana Fandera Photo: Vlad Loktev. Jewelry: KOJEWELRY

Did you help in any way when you learned that children choose acting as a profession?

No. I said that you need to “marry” in this profession exclusively on your own, so that later there will be no painful “divorce”. Ivan first enrolled with one master, studied for six months at the acting department, and then independently decided to change the workshop and transfer to Sergei Zhenovach for directing and acting. I really like what he does in the theater and in cinema - he is one of those who “want to get to the very essence of everything.” He is categorically not satisfied with proposals where you just have to be, and, yes, I have to admit, he even managed to amaze me with some episodes in the film “Queen of Spades”, when I stopped recognizing him altogether...

And then Lisa decided to go the same way...

...And you, I think, can imagine our shock with Philip! After studying for two years with a very strong teacher, she decided that acting education was not enough for her; she also wanted to be involved in directing. She entered the directing and acting course at GITIS and is absolutely happy. Lisa is an amazing, unique in some sense combination of the incongruous, external and internal. She falls outside the scope of all roles - despite the appearance of an absolutely lyrical heroine, she has a completely rebellious, characteristic, so to speak, content. Thank God, now the time has come when this has become worth its weight in gold. (Laughs.) I go to her for acting exams, and how wonderful it is! This generation is completely different - they are complex, very deep, fast-paced, unusual. And watching how Lisa swims in this “river”, how she dives and emerges, grabs air with her lungs and dives again is a pleasure. I don't think so main reason such development of children - Philip and I. They just probably chose us because they needed to take something from us and move on. We matched. We needed them to understand something, and they needed us.

Oksana Fandera Photo: Vlad Loktev. Jewelry: KOJEWELRY

Fans of your Instagram, and there are many of them, also know about Fandera’s talent as a photographer.Where does this passion come from?

My son opened Instagram for me, he said: “Mom, well, you modern man..." I hung one single photograph there (it was Odessa). And I forgot about the page. And then there was an argument with one of my friends, I successfully lost it and received an assignment: to post at least one photo every day for a year. Thanks to this bet, I learned to take photographs and completely fell in love with this world through the eyes of a phone. Sometimes when I start looking at photos I've clicked huge amount in a couple of minutes, I am amazed to discover some details that I did not see during the shooting. And it becomes a kind of drug - to catch and discern the signs that are sent to you. In general, I am a kind of pearl fisherman who now knows for sure that pearls are scattered everywhere, you just need to see them, collect them and... give them away. Because he is for everyone.

...I have a humorous attitude towards this. Anyone who knows me very closely would tell me that I am not lying at all when I fall into a stupor when asked about my age: at that moment a comical intense work begins inside me. The fact is that I have an extremely difficult relationship with numbers and memory in this regard, and this has always been the case. This is a kind of mathematical dyslexia: every time, in order to answer how old I am, I am forced to subtract from the present year, which is now, the year of my birth, and thus I remember and understand how old I am now. (Laughs.)

Yes, I didn’t want to ask about age! I'm just talking about the celebration - are you planning something grandiose?

Oksana Fandera gained fame in the 80s when she became a prize-winner of the first Moscow Beauty beauty contest in the USSR. Perhaps thanks to this, she successfully married Philip Yankovsky, actor, director, son of the famous Oleg Yankovsky. Oksana starred a lot in her husband’s films (“On the Move,” “State Councilor,” “Stone Head”), and recently Russian viewers were able to watch the film “About Love,” where Fandera’s partner was Fyodor Bondarchuk.

I won’t argue with my husband’s mistress

– Oksana, in the new film “About Love” you played a glamorous woman who is unhappy in her marriage to a millionaire deputy. Are you tired of glamor yourself?

– I agreed to this role only because I wanted to “pull” a real love drama through a glamorous story, through the outer shell. It seems to me that there is no big difference where this drama develops - in Verona, Los Angeles or Odessa. It doesn't matter how much money you have. If you have a lot of them, you don’t love in any other way, you don’t sort things out in some more noble way...

- The rich and the poor punch each other in the face the same way, is that what you want to say?

– If you remove the external attributes and leave only the content, these quarrels are no different. It doesn’t matter where you are from, where you grew up, how old you are, whether you have children or not... If you love a person, and he does not reciprocate, he fools you, offended young ladies always and everywhere react the same way, because they are in great pain . My heroine is offended by her husband, and for her this is more important than any diamonds...

– If, as in the film “About Love,” your husband Philip Yankovsky cheated on you, what would you do?

– In my family life there are different relationships, and I, of course, would have acted differently than my heroine Lada. I don't have that kind of courage or wildness. I can't break glasses and would hardly enter into a discussion with my husband's mistress. It would be easier for me - due to my gypsy origin - to turn around and leave without explaining anything at all.

– Do you agree that all men by nature are such that they are ready to cheat on their wives at the first opportunity?

– How can I tell you... Many women have encountered the fact that most men are polygamous. There are wise women who say: this is everyone’s personal matter. There are those who categorically do not accept betrayal. A similar thing happened to us, to our friends, who hung on the phone and cried for two hours: “I can’t believe that he really slept with my friend and his secretary!” My opinion is that the purer and more spiritual a person is, the more correct his attitude towards betrayal. This does not mean that a woman should forgive everything, close her eyes, pretend not to notice anything. But if every person, man or woman, tries to find the reason within themselves, well, just at least start with this, then there is a chance to avoid hasty decisions and save the family.

Sometimes I challenge society

– In your family you are raising two children – son Ivan, who studies at GITIS, and 15-year-old daughter Lisa...

– Yes, Vanya entered his second year this year and is studying at the directing and acting department. I saw one of his directorial theatrical works and was pleasantly surprised. He's capable, I'm happy with him. Lisa comprehends the world. I teach her to appreciate, love and understand not only herself, but also the people around her. And not only her close circle, but any person... There was a case when Lisa could not accept one of her teachers. A conflict was brewing, but we managed to remove it, since the daughter was able, after our long conversations, to look at the teacher from the other side and somehow justify his actions.

– You are originally from Odessa. How, in your opinion, are residents of Odessa fundamentally different from Muscovites?

– When I arrived in Moscow, it seemed to me that I was on another planet. I myself looked strange with my Odessa temperament, openness and desire to communicate. In Moscow I had to button up my soul and tame my southern ardor. We had a free, courtyard-street Odessa childhood... In the good sense of the word. There was a huge company, we climbed through the vineyards, early in the morning we ran away to the sea secretly from our parents. Everyone is friendly and cheerful. Southern people are different from metropolitan people. Maybe because they are closer to the sea, to nature. In general, I really miss the sea in Moscow. I feel very comfortable in Odessa, I try to go there every year, and the sea there seems to me the best.

– Oksana, you still differ from many of our actresses precisely in your sincerity and openness!

– Yes, I guess sometimes I “challenge society” with my appearance and behavior. The ease, sociability, and openness that are characteristic of me are not always adequately assessed from the outside. Maybe that’s why various love stories were attributed to me. But if I’m interested in a person, the last thing I think about is how to act in public... In general, I’m a risk-taker in life, and many people often use restrictions. For example, they say: “No, I can’t do this!” Try it! And you will definitely succeed. But alas... This really torments me, because I’m interested in people who are developing and not standing still, from whom I can learn something. I don’t make friends just so that I have someone to sit with, chat with, or keep quiet. Often in communication with a person there comes a moment when everything is given and everything is received. Then you can turn around and leave. But in fact, I quickly come to the rescue. And I also get pleasure from the fact that a person feels good next to me. This extends to everyone I interact with. Do you know who the literary character closest to me in spirit is? Mowgli. And I define people precisely according to the principle - whether he is of my blood or not!