Diana Cherry Festival context. Opening of the IV International Festival of Contemporary Choreography “Context. Diana Vishneva. Surprise from Diana Vishneva

The fourth international festival will be held from November 14 to 19, 2016 in Moscow and St. Petersburg modern choreography CONTEXT. DIANA VISHNEVA.

International festival modern choreography CONTEXT. Diana Vishneva is a synthesis of dance and theater. A creative international platform, a unique platform for young talented choreographers and dancers. The first festival took place in Moscow in 2013. The founder and art director of the festival is Diana Vishneva

The program includes performances by leading groups from Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada and the USA, the final of a competition for young choreographers, creative meetings, workshops, master classes and film screenings.

For the first time, the opening of the festival will take place at the Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The Gogol Center and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater will remain unchanged venues for the festival.

« This year CONTEXT is expanding its geography. It will take place not only in Moscow, but also in my hometown, on the historical stage Mariinsky Theater , - says festival art director Diana Vishneva, - I have long planned to bring the festival to St. Petersburg, so I am very glad that we succeeded, largely thanks to the support of Valery Gergiev. One of the main events of the festival will be the arrival of Mats Ek and Ana Laguna. The distinguished choreographer recently announced his retirement, so we are especially honored that he has agreed to present his latest production, which will be presented by his wife and muse, Ana Laguna.”

Moscow audiences will be able to see three productions of the Maurice Béjart Ballet troupe at once. The company will show the ballet of its founder Maurice Bejart - “Im Chambre S?par?e” and, for the first time in Russia, will present the productions “The Color of Blues” and “As if Fallen from the Moon” by the maestro’s successor, Gilles Roman. The Lucerne Dance Theater will present one of Georg Reischl's latest productions - "UP/Beat", as well as "Solo" from the production "chaMOODim", created especially for the CONTEXT festival. Diana Vishneva. Ana Laguna will perform in a duet with Ivan Auceli in Mats Ek’s production of “The Axe” (AXE).

In honor of the 110th anniversary of Dmitri Shostakovich, American choreographer Alonzo King - artistic director Alonzo King LINES Ballet troupe will present at the festival a ballet inspired by the works of the Russian composer. His troupe will perform productions of “Writing Ground Quintet” and “Concerto for Two Violins.”

One of the key events of the festival will be the final of the competition for young choreographers, which will take place on November 16 and 17 on the stage of the Stanislavsky Electrotheater. Six participants will present their works: Sofya Gaidukova, Pavel Glukhov, Maria Siukaeva, Olga Vasilyeva, Rimma Pipoyan, Alexey Busko . “The main goal of the competition is to support the development of modern dance in Russia. Our task is to give every beginning choreographer the opportunity to realize their ideas, believe in themselves, receive constructive criticism and advice from masters,”- says the competition curator, teacher Bolshoi Theater Russia Anastasia Yatsenko .

The winner of the competition for young choreographers will receive a grant for an internship in one of the leading foreign troupes from the watch brand Jaquet Droz. In addition to the main prize, for the first time within CONTEXT. Diana Vishneva One of the competition participants will be awarded the Audience Award - it will be provided by the Festival partner “Intellectual Club 418”.

The Introdans troupe, which has already taken part in CONTEXT twice, will come to the northern capital for the first time. Diana Vishneva. The Dutch will show two productions: “Cantata” and “In Memoriam”. The young team of the National Ballet School of Canada will present the work “Come in”, originally created by Azur Barton for Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Diana Vishneva herself is preparing a special performance for the audience in Moscow and St. Petersburg. She will perform together with the outstanding French ballerina Aurélie Dupont. The duo will present choreographer Ohad Naharin's production "B/olero".

November 14, 15 20:00 Musical Theater named after.K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

Troupe "Ballet of Maurice Bejart"

Dance Theater Lucerne
Ana Laguna and Ivan Auceli
directed by Mats Ek
Diana Vishneva and Aurélie Dupont

Alonzo King LINES Ballet
Troupe "Ballet of Maurice Bejart"

Final of the competition of young choreographers

Saint Petersburg

National Ballet School of Canada
Alonzo King LINES Ballet
Introdance Troupe
Ana Laguna and Ivan Auceli
directed by Mats Ek
Diana Vishneva and Aurélie Dupont

CONTEXT 2016 festival press service

photos provided by the festival press service

Contemporary choreography “Context. Diana Vishneva.

The festival program includes performances by leading groups from Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada and the USA, the final of a competition for young choreographers, creative meetings, workshops, master classes and film screenings.

For the first time, the opening of the festival will take place at the Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The Gogol Center and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater will remain unchanged venues for the festival.

Moscow audiences will be able to see three productions of the Maurice Béjart Ballet troupe at once. The company will show the ballet of its founder Maurice Béjart - “Im Chambre Séparée” and, for the first time in Russia, will present the productions “The Color of Blues” and “As if Fallen from the Moon” by the maestro’s successor, Gilles Roman. The Lucerne Dance Theater will present one of Georg Reischl's latest productions - "UP/Beat", as well as "Solo" from the production "chaMOODim", created especially for the CONTEXT festival. Diana Vishneva. Ana Laguna will perform in a duet with Ivan Auceli in Mats Ek’s production of “The Axe” (AXE).

In honor of the 110th anniversary of Dmitry Shostakovich, American choreographer Alonzo King, artistic director of the Alonzo King LINES Ballet, will present a ballet at the festival inspired by the works of the Russian composer. His troupe will perform productions of “Writing Ground Quintet” and “Concerto for Two Violins.”

The Introdans troupe, which has already taken part in CONTEXT twice, will come to the northern capital for the first time. Diana Vishneva. The Dutch will show two productions: “Cantata” and “In Memoriam”. The young team of the National Ballet School of Canada will present the work “Come in”, originally created by Azur Barton for Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Diana Vishneva herself is preparing a special performance for Moscow audiences. She will perform together with the outstanding French ballerina Aurélie Dupont. The duo will present choreographer Ohad Naharin's production "B/olero".

One of the key events of the festival will be the final of the competition for young choreographers, which will take place on November 16 and 17 on the stage of the Stanislavsky Electrotheater. Six participants will present their works: Sofya Gaidukova, Pavel Glukhov, Maria Siukaeva, Olga Vasilyeva, Rimma Pipoyan, Alexey Busko. “The main goal of the competition is to support the development of modern dance in Russia. Our task is to give every aspiring choreographer the opportunity to realize their ideas, believe in themselves, receive constructive criticism and advice from masters,” says competition curator, teacher of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia Anastasia Yatsenko.

The winner of the competition for young choreographers will receive a grant for an internship in one of the leading foreign troupes from the watch brand Jaquet Droz. In addition to the main prize, for the first time within CONTEXT. Diana Vishneva One of the competition participants will be awarded the Audience Award - it will be provided by the Festival partner “Intellectual Club 418”.

As part of the international festival, a series of creative meetings ContextSpeaks will be launched in the format of open conversations with outstanding choreographers and dancers about art, career and life. On November 15, the Gogol Center will host ContextSpeaks: “Conversation with the choreographer. Mats Ek and Samuel Würsten." As part of the evening, the Russian premiere of Mats Ek’s film-ballet “Place” will take place, which was filmed in broadcast mode. The ballet was created specifically for Mikhail Baryshnikov and Ana Laguna.

This year educational program designed for both industry professionals and the general public. For the first time, a series of workshops will be held at the festival. Vita Khlopova, a researcher of modern choreography and founder of the No fixed points project, will conduct classes on dance criticism. Theater photographer Mark Olic will share the peculiarities of shooting ballet performances. Professional makeup artist and beauty blogger Elena Krygina will reveal the secrets of stage makeup. Master classes from leading foreign contemporary dance directors will be held for dancers and choreographers.

The film program will include films about the best modern choreographers and great dancers. Participants in the films included such masters as: Alonso King, Sasha Waltz, Benjamin Millepied, Ohad Naharin, Mats Ek, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikova and Ana Laguna. “The focus of this year’s film program is choreographers. Often their names remain in the shadows for the public, but they are the ones who update the context of classical productions and expand the horizons of modern choreography. It is their work that the public applauds, sometimes without even knowing the name of the creators of the new masterpiece. The Context film program at the CDC will allow you to get to know them much better: from what they were born creative method these choreographers, what stands behind them, how they work. Only documentary film allows you to see this process without distortion,” comments Sofya Kapkova, curator of the film program, director of the Documentary Film Center. Film screenings will take place in Moscow (CDC) and St. Petersburg (Angleterre Cinema).

Ax as a philosophy of love

Diana Vishneva holds the International Festival of Contemporary Choreography Context for the fourth time. The famous ballerina is its founder and art director. It is this festival that today is the most significant of the many contemporary dance forums in our country and, starting this year, is being held not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg. Performances by leading ensembles from France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada and the USA... And also a competition of young choreographers, film screenings, creative meetings, master classes, lectures... - all this awaited the audience of Context this year.

Ana Laguna and Ivan Auceli in Mats Eka's ballet Ax. Photo courtesy of the festival press service/

Especially to Vishneva’s merit is the organization of a workshop or competition for young choreographers, as was held last year at the Electrotheater. This is a very useful and necessary part of the festival, although the participants in both last year and the current competition were particularly optimistic about the speedy normalization of affairs in the domestic modern dance not very impressive...

Of the 6 finalist choreographers who passed the qualifying round (a total of 70 (!) applicants announced their participation in the competition), Alexei Busko, the former principal of Radu Poklitaru’s troupe “Kyiv Modern Ballet,” attracted attention. Even a too frank quotation from Angelin Preljocaj’s play “The Park” (and in addition to kisses, even the same music of Mozart is used) interspersed with choreodramatic directorial techniques from the arsenal of his former boss in the number “The Blessed”, the author plays in his own way, revealing obvious talent, non-standard choreographic thinking and the most important thing is at least some directing skills, which are almost completely absent from other contestants. A peculiar work under the telling title “Object T.E.L.O.” Moscow choreographer Pavel Glukhov also presented at this competition. He received the Audience Award, established for the first time at this competition. It is difficult to say why the jury awarded victory to the inexpressive and inarticulate number “The room” by choreographer from St. Petersburg Olga Vasilyeva. We can only state that the victory at last year’s competition clearly benefited Konstantin Semenov, who, outside the competition, showed his new job"Andantino. The Dream of a Butterfly." It is clear that the choreographer’s work is becoming more meaningful, he is developing, gradually acquiring his own style.

Was varied and international program festival On the stage of the Gogol Center, American choreographer Alonzo King, artistic director of the Alonzo King LINES Ballet troupe, presented a ballet inspired by the works of the Russian composer in honor of the 110th anniversary of Dmitry Shostakovich. His troupe, which came to Russia for the first time, also showed an 8-minute production of “The Basis of Writing” based on Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Tibetan sacred music. Sophisticated choreography using very plastic, but completely devoid of any sexuality, practically naked (the main stage costume: swimming trunks on the dancers and leotards on the dancers) female and male bodies did not let you get bored except for the first 10 minutes. Then the dancers' furious combinations were clearly repeated, tiring with their predictability and monotony. At the same time, the choreography of the second ballet was not much different from the ballet “Shostakovich”.

The main attraction of this year's festival was, of course, the legendary troupe of Maurice Bejart from Lausanne, which performed in the second part of the evening. And one can only regret that the world-famous company, which took part in this festival for the first time, did not show Bejart’s actual choreography, limiting itself to only the pas de deux from the ballet “Vienna, Vienna, City of My Dreams” at the gala concert that opened the festival. The Bezharov dancers showed a more complete program in this sense a couple of days later in St. Petersburg at the festival “Diaghilev. P.S." As for the choreography of the current director of the troupe, Gilles Roman, whose ballet “Like Fallen from the Moon” was presented by Béjart’s troupe in Russia, in this production one could only admire the plasticity of Julien Favreau and Elisabeth Ros, two stars of the troupe from Béjart’s times, who have not lost their hypnotism, luxury and charm of his dance.

Another sensation of the festival was the participation of Mats Ek. This choreography could not cause any disappointment, such energy and power came from it. Considering that Mats Ek recently said goodbye to the stage, and is not yet going to compose new ones, or give permission to rent his old works, the screening of his latest dance play Ax (“Axe”) at the opening and closing of the festival can hardly be overestimated...

On the stage of the Musical Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, there are bundles of firewood and a middle-aged man (Ivan Autseli) with a real ax concentrates and chops logs for a long time... The real, clearly audible and drowning out all other noises, the sound of the ax is the only note of the prologue of this piercing story played out on stage by two middle-aged artists . She (Ana Laguna, the wife and muse of the great choreographer), to the unexpected music of Giazotto, known to everyone as “Adagio” by Albinoni, circles around him with funny jumps, rolls and squats, trying in every possible way to attract attention. And their life flies before us... A life made up of collisions, contradictions (as Mats Ek says, explaining the meaning of his essay: “for him, chopping wood is a practical matter, for her, a heavy act of violence”) and reconciliation... A life compressed into moments, but opening a window to Eternity... After all, in this 15-minute number, essentially a story about a man and a woman and their passing life, in this unsightly and uncomplicated choreography at first glance, there is hidden a feeling of belonging to the great sacrament of love that was carried through life to each other friend these people...

MOSCOW, November 14. /Corr. TASS Olga Svistunova/. The international festival of contemporary choreography "Context. Diana Vishneva", which will be the fourth in a row, will be held for the first time in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Review led by famous ballerina, opens today in Moscow and will end in St. Petersburg on November 19, festival curator Samuel Würsten told TASS.

The agency's interlocutor called distinctive feature festival 2016 expansion of its geography from Moscow to St. Petersburg. “This step is very important for us, as it emphasizes that the festival is a significant dance event in Russia, as well as abroad,” noted the curator of the show.

“I also mean the fact that this year the number of festival participants, in particular foreign ones, has increased significantly,” explained Würsten. He informed that the show program included performances by leading groups from Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada and the USA. “This year there were more choreographers and dance companies who expressed a desire to participate in the festival than we could accept,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

In his opinion, the popularity of the show is directly related to the great respect with which Diana Vishneva is treated throughout the world. She is one of the outstanding dancers of our time, says the curator of the festival "Context. Diana Vishneva". He considers the most attractive feature of the show to be the performances of Diana Vishneva herself at the festival created and led by her.

Surprise from Diana Vishneva

Prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Diana Vishneva not only founded the Context festival, gave it her name and became art director, but also regularly participates in the show’s program, Würsten emphasized. “In past seasons of the festival, we presented the result of Diana’s unique collaboration with such famous choreographers as Jiri Kylian, Hans van Manen and Marco Goecke. This year we were able to add Ohad Naharin to this impressive list of outstanding choreographers with whom Diana has worked,” - he said.

As Diana herself said, she had long wanted to work with Ohad Naarin. “We constantly wrote off each other, but it was never possible to meet. Finally, during a tour of the Mariinsky Theater in Edinburgh, we saw each other, as they say, eye to eye, and an alliance was formed,” said the ballerina.

According to her, the number is called "Bolero". “This is my first time dancing in a duet with a woman,” explained Vishneva, whose partner will be the French ballet star, director ballet troupe Paris National Opera Aurélie Dupont. “We will show this composition in both Moscow and St. Petersburg,” Diana clarified.

“I have long planned to bring the festival to my native St. Petersburg,” she said. “Therefore, I am very glad that we succeeded, largely thanks to the support of Valery Gergiev, because the final gala concert will take place on the Historical Stage of the Mariinsky Theater.”

Festival program

The festival "Context. Diana Vishneva" will open at the Moscow Academic musical theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko (MAMT). According to tradition, the Gogol Center and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater will also be the venues for the show.

Moscow audiences will be able to see three productions of the Maurice Béjart Ballet troupe at once. The Lucerne Dance Theater will present one of its new works to the capital's public. The troupe of American choreographer Alonso King will show his production, created to the music of Dmitry Shostakovich and dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Russian composer.

A special event of the festival will be the visit of the outstanding Swedish choreographer Mats Ek and his wife and muse Ana Laguna. The master recently announced his retirement, but agreed to bring his latest production to Moscow, entitled “The Axe,” which will be performed by Ana Laguna and Ivan Autseli.

In addition, the final of the competition for young choreographers organized by the festival "Context. Diana Vishneva" will be held in Moscow. The winner will receive a grant for an internship in one of the leading foreign troupes. Master classes and an extensive film program are also planned, which will include films about Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sasha Waltz and other dance magicians.

The Dutch group Introdans and the young troupe National Ballet School of Canada will come to the northern capital for the first time. The festival will end with a big gala on the Historical Stage of the Mariinsky Theater.