Frederick Lowe. Musical “My Fair Lady. "my fair lady" my fair lady operetta buy tickets

The musical “My Fair Lady” is filled with lively humor and amazing transformations - from a convinced bachelor to a passionate lover and from a simple merchant to a princess. You will witness how a Man comes to life... in a Man! Wonderful music, dancing and beautiful decorations create the atmosphere of a real holiday.

Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion" was made worldwide in the last century famous film"My Fair Lady" by George Cukor with the charming Audrey Hepburn in leading role. Her Eliza Dolittle, at first rude and primitive, later turned into a subtle and mysterious beauty, who cannot be called anything other than a beautiful lady. Now the play takes place on the theater stage, and the original libretto by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Lowe are complemented by choreography by Russian choreographer Sergei Zarubin. The first production appeared back in 1964. To see it now, just buy tickets for the musical “My Fair Lady” at the Moscow Operetta Theater on the ponominalu portal. ru. The duration of the performance is 3 hours, with one intermission. The age limit for spectators is 6 years and older.

Henry Higgins, professor of phonetics, developed a special technique. It allows him to quickly teach people from the lower classes who became rich during the Industrial Revolution the pronunciation that distinguished the English nobility. It was this that was an indicator of good origin and provided a path to high society.

By chance, he meets the flower girl Eliza Doolittle, a dark, uneducated girl, whom Higgins must turn into a model of good manners in six months. This is exactly the bet he made with his friend, an amateur linguist. Throughout the action, viewers watch in amazement as a dirty woman, living according to the laws of the slums, turns into a beauty, understands what respect is, and begins to see herself as a person.

Higgins wins the bet, Eliza passes a severe test, portraying a duchess in high society. But after these six months, she cannot tolerate his attitude towards her - like a soulless doll. Independence, determination, and self-respect awoke in the flower girl. True, the professor, who himself brought up all this in her, is not ready for such changes - he wants to see the same docile, dutiful fool. The Creator and his creation part ways.

The greatest interest in the musical “My Fair Lady” in Moscow is the process of creating the delicate creature itself. The heroine’s dirty language, her stubbornness, and lack of understanding of the imposed norms amuse and touch the audience at first. All the more interesting are the changes that occur to the flower girl towards the end of the production.

Social differences, love, pride - eternal themes, still relevant today. And in this production there is also humor, wonderful music and dance numbers performed by professional artists. Summary - watch for everyone!

“This is the first time I’ve seen an honest producer!” - exclaimed Bernard Shaw when Gabriel Pascal, in response to the question of how much money he had, took some change from his pockets. Pascal asked the famous playwright for permission to stage a musical based on his play. If Shaw had not been captivated by Pascal's honesty, the world probably would not have seen the magnificent musical My Fair Lady.

This story perfectly corresponds to the spirit of the play that Pascal drew attention to - “Pygmalion”: is everything in the world really decided by money, what will happen if you support a person who has no money? These eternal questions the playwright puts into shape a plot that echoes the ancient myth set out in Ovid Naso’s “Metamorphoses”: the sculptor Pygmalion fell in love with the statue he created beautiful woman, and the goddess of love Aphrodite, condescending to his prayer, breathed life into her... In Shaw’s play, everything looks far from so sublime - after all, the action takes place not in ancient times, but in Victorian England. Poor girl Eliza Doolittle - ugly, dressed in a blackened straw hat and a “red-colored coat”, with “mouse-colored” hair - sells flowers on the street, but the income brought by this occupation does not allow her to get out of poverty. She could improve her situation by getting a job in a flower shop, but she is not hired because of her incorrect pronunciation. To correct this deficiency, she turns to Professor Higgins, a famous phonetician. He is not inclined to accept a beggar girl as a student, but his colleague Pickering, feeling sympathy for Eliza, offers Higgins a bet: let the professor prove that he is truly a highly qualified specialist, and if six months later he can pass the girl off as a duchess at a social reception, let him consider himself a winner. ! The “experiment” turns out to be difficult for both the teacher and the student, suffering from Higgins’s arrogance and despotism, but their efforts are crowned with success: the young aristocrat Freddie Ainsfort Hill falls in love with Eliza, and at the ball where the professor brings her, representatives high society without hesitation they accept her as their own. But the girl not only improved her self-care, learned good manners and correct pronunciation - she gained a sense of self-esteem, she suffers from the dismissive attitude of Higgins, who cannot understand the tragedy of the situation: she no longer wants to return to her old life and has no money, to start a new one. Offended by the professor's lack of understanding, she leaves his house. But Eliza’s training transformed not only the girl herself, but also Higgins: the old bachelor discovers that he has “gotten used” to Eliza, that he misses her. Listening to a recording of her voice on a phonograph, he suddenly hears the real voice of Eliza, who has returned.

This is the story that producer Gabriel Pascal decided to translate into a musical. To create music, he turned to two famous Broadway authors - composer Richard Rodgers and librettist Oscar Hammerstein, but was refused by both (after all, as already mentioned, he had little money), but young authors agreed - composer Frederick Lowe and librettist Alan Jay. Lerner. When reworking the libretto, the plot of Shaw's play underwent some changes. The afterword, which reported on future fate Eliza (marriage to Freddie, discovery own store) - this was in the spirit of Shaw, who was skeptical about romantic love, but the Broadway audience would not have accepted such an ending. In addition, the life of the opposite “poles” of society - the inhabitants of the poor quarter and the aristocrats - was shown in more detail than in Shaw. In structure, the work entitled “My Fair Lady” is close musical comedy. Lowe's music is full of dance rhythms - there is a polka, a waltz, a foxtrot, and even a habanera and jota.

Even before the completion of the work, the famous artist Mary Martin, who performed on Broadway, became interested in the work of Lowe and Lerner. After listening to the finished material, she exclaimed: “How could it happen that these sweet boys lost their talent?” These words plunged Lerner into despair - however, not for long, and they were not going to invite Martin to the role of Eliza anyway.

The premiere of My Fair Lady, which took place in March 1956, was a true triumph. The popularity of the musical was fantastic, and Lowe was so shocked by the success that he treated coffee to people who had been lining up for tickets since the night. In 1964, the musical was filmed and won an Oscar in eight categories, including music, but the award went to... the person who arranged the music for the film adaptation, and Frederick Loewe was not even nominated.

In 1965, the musical was staged for the first time in the USSR, at the Moscow Operetta Theater. The role of Eliza was played by Tatyana Ivanovna Shmyga.

Stage director, Honored Artist of Karelia - Vladimir Shestakov

Conductor - Honored Artist of Georgia Lev Shabanov

Choreographer - Honorary Artist of the Stavropol Territory Tatyana Shabanova

Set designer, costume designer Inna Avgustinovich

Work: musical in 2 acts

Age restrictions: 12+

English spectators of the early 20th century waited with curiosity new play famous writer Bernard Shaw. Artistic techniques he talentedly and vividly condemned the order that gave rise to many of the vices of that time. He considered poverty to be misfortune and evil, destructive for the spiritual powers of man. In the popular play "Pygmalion" (1913), he told about the fate of the street flower seller Eliza Dolittle. It was enough for her to get from a poverty-stricken London suburb into a cultural environment, and she immediately showed remarkable abilities for intellectual development.

Half a century later, in 1956, the American composer of Austrian origin Frederick Lowe wrote the musical My Fair Lady based on the comedy "Pygmalion", which gained no less popularity and has not left the stage for more than half a century musical theaters peace. The musical shows the life of various London strata - the everyday life of the poor quarter where Eliza grew up and her father lives, the entertainment of aristocrats at the races and high society ball. The music of the play is bright, melodic, charming - sometimes it takes on the features of irony. Eliza’s dreams “What I need is a house”, “That would be great” gives way to joyful ones:

"I want to dance
I can dance
Until the morning.
It's like two wings
Nature gave me
My time has come."

Eliza sings these words under the influence of a great feeling that has gripped her entire being. She did not miss the chance given to her by fate, proving that every person can and should be happy.


Eliza Dolittle -

Henry Higgins -

Hugh Pickering -

Alfred Dolittle -

Mrs Pierce -

Mrs Higgins -

Mrs Aynsford-Hill -

Freddie Aynsford-Hill-

Jimmy -

Harry -

Daughter -

The conductor is Honored Artist of Georgia Lev Shabanov

On March 25, an online broadcast of the “100 Hours of Happiness” concert took place, dedicated to Cultural Worker’s Day and International Theater Day!

Dear viewers!

Due to the cancellation of all public events until April 10, 2020, the team of the Operetta Theater decided to hold for you March 25 at 19:00 online broadcast Festive concert"100 hours of happiness" dedicated to the Day cultural worker and International Day Theater!

Not being able to meet youin our theater hall, we work for youin the Internet space.

No commissions - ticket prices are the same as at the theater box office!

About the musical

The musical “My Fair Lady” at the Moscow Operetta Theater

The story of Eliza Dolittle's transformation from a rude and uncouth flower girl into a lady of high society, written by Bernard Shaw, tells not only about human capabilities and the power of knowledge, but also pride, love, and self-respect. On the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater the play will be told in the language of music - the most emotional and understandable in the world.

About the production:

Shaw's composition "Pygmalion" became a hit after the release of the film "My Fair Lady" starring Audrey Hepburn. It was in it that the music of Frederick Lowe and the texts of Alan Jay Lerner from the musical of the same name were used. After the release of the film, in 1965, the musical performance was staged in the Soviet Union - at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Eliza Doolittle is a penny flower seller who accidentally catches the eye of professor, linguist Henry Higgins. In order for the wealthy London businessmen, who came from the bottom and got used to speaking Cockney, to be able to enter high society, Higgins had to create a whole system of teaching pronunciation and accent.

To prove the success of his school to his friend, an amateur linguist, the professor makes a bet with him that in a short time he can teach Eliza manners and correct speech, so that the London aristocrats will accept her as an equal. And he succeeds - the girl passes the exam with honor in an important way. Only with knowledge did she gain self-respect and independence, so she no longer wants to remain an obedient doll of the professor.

Viewers will watch the process of transformation from an ill-mannered girl into a beautiful, dignified lady, and in this process there will be homerically funny and touching moments. Not only a simpleton will turn into beautiful girl And strong personality, but the professor also transforms from a confirmed bachelor into a man in love.

Want to see eternal history about love, pride, social differences and overcoming them - come to this production. It will be told with humor and wonderful vocal numbers that have become classics, so we promise you a bright and cheerful evening.

Full description


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Theater address: Lubyanka metro station, Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka st., 6

  • Lubyanka
  • Okhotny Ryad
  • Revolution Square
  • Tverskaya
  • Teatralnaya
  • Kuznetsky Bridge

Operetta Theater

History and repertoire of the theater
The building that now houses the Moscow Operetta Theater was built in the second half of the 19th century. One of the first owners was famous merchant Gavrila Solodovnikov, who inherited the house from the Shcherbatov princes. During its existence, the theater changed a number of owners and tenants, but one thing remained unchanged - the musical component. At the turn of the century, through common efforts, one of the the best halls Moscow. After the revolution, it was decided not to change the function of the building, but to update the repertoire and “improve” the composition of the theater troupe. This was the beginning of a new bright era in its history.

IN Soviet era The operetta theater has always enjoyed significant success among the capital's audience. Not only the works of recognized operetta classics - I. Kalman, J. Strauss, J. Offenbach, but also young Soviet composers, for example, I. Dunaevsky, T. Khrennikov, D. Kabalevsky, D. Shostakovich and many others were staged on the same stage. Their musical productions, created specifically for this stage, became business card theater After all, these operettas have received recognition outside the country. The Operetta Theater never ceases to amaze thanks to its updated repertoire, in which you can find Russian and foreign musicals that are beloved by audiences.

How to get to the Operetta Theater
The theater building is located near Theater Square. First you need to get to Sokolnicheskaya line to Okhotny Ryad station. Walk along Mokhovaya Street towards Teatralnaya Square. Before reaching the square, turn onto Bolshaya Dmitrovskaya Street. From Bolshaya Dmitrovskaya, turn right into the first lane. The first house in the row will be the theater building.

Photography is the official VKontakte community.

"My Fair Lady" is the story of the flower girl Eliza Doolittle, who led a lonely, unnoticed life until she met Professor Higgins, who set himself the goal of making her a real lady. The day will come when Eliza will be presented to the Queen of England herself...

The musical “My Fair Lady” at the operetta theater

Musical in 2 acts based on the play “Pygmalion” by B. Shaw

For the Moscow Operetta, this performance was truly epoch-making. It was first staged in 1964, and it was from that moment that the history of the musical began in Russia. The role of Eliza Doolittle, made famous by Audrey Hepburn, was played by the brilliant Tatyana Shmyga.

In the current production, the audience can also expect a wonderful cast, wonderful music, which has already become a classic of the genre, original choreography, bright lighting effects. The famous professor Henry Higgins makes a bet with his friend that he can teach the illiterate, dirty flower girl correct speech and social manners, and then pass her off as a real lady. Sparkling humor, funny situations, a dirty little girl turns into a princess before the eyes of the audience, and a convinced bachelor turns into a lover.